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Introduction to MS-WORD

09/13/09 08:28


Prepared By: • • • •

Name: Sumit Gupta NRO0207683 Roll no.: 38 Batch: 7am-11am

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Introduction Computers were first developed to perform arithmetic operation such as adding and subtracting- in other word, to process numbers. However it soon became apparent that computers could also be very useful in manipulating text to produce document such as memos, notes ,letters, papers and written text Nowadays word processing has become one of the principal applications used on personal computers. MS-WORD is the most popular word processer. It has been developed by the MICROSOFT

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History Before the development of personal computers and word processing software, document were produced on typewriters. Whenever we type something wrong in the type writer then we have to type again to correct it. But word processors has make it possible to edit any error without typing the whole document again. Early word processor consist of two parts an-:Editor and Formatter Editor-: use to create or edit document. Formatter-: use to format or print the document. Today, most word processors combined the editor and formatter in such a way that the document is WYSIWYG i.e. what you see is what you get

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Features  Word Wrap-: This function allow you to type continuously without thinking about where the line will end and the text one begins. But in typewriters which requires to press a “return” bar or key to advance beginning of a new line.  Text Alignment-: You can align text in various ways as you type. You can indent the first line of the paragraph. You can create “hanging indent”, where all line of a paragraph are indented except the first line.  Inserting Text-: You can also insert characters. On a typewriter, if you omitted a word, you have to erase all the letters on that line but on word Processors you can insert the omitted word without erasing all the line.

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 Deleting and Saving Text-: Word processors also allow you to make corrections by deleting characters, words, or larger block of text which you decide to delete. You can also save the document which you have made by F12 command Or as shown in the given image-:

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 Spell Check-: A word processor can even check your spellings in version you have to activate spell checker by initiating specific command. But in word it occurs automatically as you type.  Tables-: With a word processor you can create an attractive table customize to your needs. You can adjust the size, number of rows and column etc. As shown in the given picture-:

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Creating, Saving and Editing a document Creating a document-: • Click the New button on the standard toolbar. The alternative way to open a new file is to select File, New from the menu bar • The default font and point size is set to Times new roman 10 Point.

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Saving a Document-: • Click the Save button on the toolbar. Alternatively, select File, Save from the menu bar as shown in the image. • Crtl+S is a shortcut key for saving a document. • Also word has default option of auto-save every 10 minutes which can be configured as desired.

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Font and Point Size How appealing your document looks and how easy it is to read will depend partly on the typeface, or font you use. Font size is commonly measured in points, with one point equal to 1/72 of an inch. 8 points is about the smallest size that is legible, and you should definitely not use a point size of more than 12 for writing up your project. In word you can change the font of selected text or complete document.

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Formatting documents  Format a document automatically-: On the tool menu, click Autocorrect options, and then click the Auto format as you type option. Select or clear the options you want. You can undo formatting or turn options on or off by clicking An option on the Autocorrect option button. To choose which types of automatic changes Microsoft Word makes, click Options select or clear the option you want and then click ok. To review and accept or reject each change, click AutoFormat now.  Spell-checking-: Select spelling and grammar under menu tools to start spell checker. As an alternative you can click on the spell checker button on the standard toolbar. If you have misspelt any word then it will underline that word in by red colour. There are mainly two languages that are English British Or English(U.S.). 09/13/09 08:28


Selecting text-: There are four ways of selecting the text. These are as follows-: • Dragging the mouse-: You can drag the mouse across all the text that you want to select. To select vertically, hold down ALT and drag down and across the text you want to select. This is useful for editing data in tabular form • Selecting with the mouse-: It’s much quicker to click than drag. Try these shortcuts:  Double click a word to select it.  Triple click to select the paragraph.  To select several paragraph, place the cursor at the beginning of the text to be select, press and hold down the Shift key and click at the point where you want to end the selection.

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•Using the selection bar-: The selection bar is the left hand margin of the document, next to the ruler. When you move the cursor into this area, it changes to a right pointing arrow head.  Click once to select the current line.  Click twice to select the current paragraph.  Click three times to select the whole document.  To deselect the document, click in the right hand margin. • Using the Keyboard-:  To select a single character next to the cursor use Shift and the Right and Left arrow key.  To select a line at a time, press Shift and the Down arrow Key or the Up arrow Key to select upwards.  Ctrl-A to select the whole document.

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Cutting, Copying, Pasting and Undoing The next three buttons are used for cutting, copying and pasting text. The keyboard shortcuts are Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. • To cut a text follow the given procedure-:  Click the CUT tool.  Click an insertion point on a new line at the end of the document.  Press the Paste tool.  Now undo this change by pressing the Undo tool twice (once for the paste and once for cut.)

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Templates and Wizards A TEMPLATE is a preformatted document to which you add text of Your own. The letter head that a company or college uses, or a blank invoice form, are examples of templates. When you create new word document, you are asked on which template you want to base your document. At that point, you are offered the default choice blank document and you probably just click OK.

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Creating a template  Select file, New, select an existing template, edit and save it. To Edit an existing template you must open it as a template. Make the changes you want then save it as a template (with .dot extension).  Select file, new, select the normal template, open a new document and add all the boilerplate text and graphics that you want to appear in the template.  A variation of the second method is to open by existing document, delete anything that you do not want to appear in the template, and save it with a. dot extension.

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•Inserting a date field  Press Enter about four times, and then select Insert, Date and Time. Select a suitable format for the date.  If you check update automatically then every time the document is The document is opened, the date will be automatically updated to today’s date.

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Shortcuts keys •Repeat your last action

F4 or Ctrl+Y

•Find and replace


•Go to page, section, line, etc


•Delete a word Crtl+Backspace •Change case






•Go to the beginning of document


•Go to end of the document


•Select to the beginning of the document


•Select to the end of the document


•Open the thesaurus


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• • • • • • • •

Insert a hyperlink Select all Copy Paste Undo Save Print Open

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Ctrl+K Ctrl+A Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+Z Ctrl+S Ctrl+P Ctrl+O


Formatting toolbars  Open any saved document file  Make sure all the text is on the same page and in the default normal style. If it is not, select all the text, click the arrow style box to display the drop-down list of styles and select normal. Underline Style box

Font box

Right Centre




Size box Left

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Creating your own styles-: The default normal style is times new roman ,10 point, left justified. There are several ways of creating style the simplest way is to change part of the text to the way you want it to look, and then give it a style name.  Select the first paragraph by double-clicking in the left margin. Use the button on the formatting toolbar to change it to Ariel, 11 point, justified.  It’s a good idea to leave a little space between paragraph. With the paragraph still highlighted, click the right mouse button to bring up the short-cut menu.

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 Select paragraph from the short-cut menu. This brings up another dialog box as shown in the figure-:

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 Click Line and Page break tab in the previous shown image.  Then Select 6 pt in the spacing after box and click ok.  Click on normal in the style box and overtype it with the new name, story text. Press enter.  Select the rest of the story change it to story text style by selecting this style from the style box.

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Drop caps-:  To turn the first character of the story (the B of Before) into a drop cap, select it and then from the menu select drop cap. A dialogbox appears :

 Select dropped, two line rather than and press ok.

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Small caps-: o Select the word “for” at the start of the second paragraph of the story. o Click the right mouse button to bring up the short-cut menu. o Select Font, and check small caps in the next dialogbox. Click Ok.

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 When you save any document for the first time word suggests a file name for you in the “file name” textbox that corresponding to the first heading or sentence in your document (Up to 255 character). if you like that name , simply click the save button to save the file in the default (or last used) folder on the computer or you can change the name by entering you choice name in the “file name” text box.

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Clip art Clip art is a Microsoft built in art gallery that contain hundreds of professionally –created images when the clip art option is selected, a dialog window will appear.

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Tables Tables are used to display data and there are several ways to build them in word. Begin by placing the cursor where you want table to appear in the document and choose one of the following methods.  Insert a table :there are two ways to add a table to the document using the insert feature.  click the insert table button on the standard toolbar. Drag the mouse along the grid, highlighting the number of rows and columns for the table.

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Select table insert table from the menu bar. Select the number and column for the table and click OK.

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 Draw the table A TABLE CAN ALSO be drawn onto the document  Draw the table by selecting table draw table from the menu bar. The cursor is now the image of a pencil and the tables and borders toolbar has appeared.

 Draw the cell of the table with the mouse. If you make make a mistake click the eraser button and drag the mouse over the area to be deleted.  To draw more cells, click on the Draw Table button

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Mail merge Mail merge is the term used for merging the list of names and Addresses with a standard letter to create personalize letter it’s a very useful technique whenever you want to send the same letter to several people. Creating a mail merge form letter The first in generating a mail merge document is to identify the main document. The “main document“ is the document that contain text, graphics merged fields into which the data from the related fields located in the data source will me merged.

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Step-1 Main document-:  Click form letter to merge to a letter  If you are creating a new main document then click on the new main document button in the Ms- word message box. Step-2 Data source-:  Click the get data button and select the create data source option  The create data source dialog box is open commonly used field name are listed. E.g. Remove, add or move the position of any field in the box.  The “save as “ dialog box will be open give the “data source” a “new file name” and click ok. Step-3 Merge-:  Click the mail merge help button on the mail merge toolbar shown.  Click the merge button in step #3 to open the merge dialog box.  In merge dialog box, the “merge to” text box display “new document”  After clicking on “merge”, a new document with the generic name “form letters” for form letter will be created.

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MACROS Macro is a single instruction that performs several different commands in a sequence determined by the user, and is triggered when you run it. You create a macro by recording the series of action or by writing the instruction in the special format. Commands use to record, run, and modify macros are located on the tool menu. Planning a macro-: • This step is about giving macro a proper name and description and deciding how it will execute the commands you want to record. 2) Recording the macro-: To record a macro, you simply type the keystrokes and select the Commands you want the macro to execute. To begin recording, select the record command on the macro submenu on the tools menu, or double click Rec indicator.

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3) Recording a macro-: After you record a macro, you must test it to make sure that the actions you expect to see happen actually occur. Running a Macro-:

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Object Link and Embedding (OLE) You can create a link object or embedded object from any program that supports linked object and embedded objects. Embedded object linked object source file-:  Create a new embedded object.  Click in the document where you want to place the object.  On the insert menu, click object, and then create the new tab.  In the object type box, click the type of object you want to create.  Only programs that are installed on your computer and that supports linked objects and embedded object appear in the object type box.  To display the embedded object as an icon- for ex, if others are going to view the document online- select the display as icon check box.

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Inserting information by creating a linked object or an embedded object You can insert objects in MS-WORD document to include information created in Microsoft office programs or in any program that supports linked objects and embedded objects.  Linked objects: when an object is linked, information is updated only if the source is modified. Linked data is stored in the source file.  Embedded objects: when an object is embedded, information in the destination file doesn't change if you modify the source file.  Edit and update linked objects: after you create a linked object or embedded object in your document, you can make changes to the object. To edit a linked object in your document, use the links command on the edit menu. By default linked objects are set for automatic updating.

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Saving a documents-: It is a good idea to save document frequently particularly before printing it, to safeguard against losing your work. Saving a document for the first time: To save a document, click the Save button on the standard toolbar. The first time you save a document, a dialogbox, a dialogbox will appear as shown in Figure-:

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