It Syllabus

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IIIrd Semester 301 Advance Mathematics Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet's conditions, Fourier series, Euler's formula, Fourier expansion of periodic functions with period 2PI, Fourier series of even and odd functions, Fourier series of periodic functions with arbitrary periods, Half range Fourier series, Harmonic analysis Ordinary Differential Equations: Linear differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Higher order linear differential equations with variable coefficient ( Cauchy's and Legendre's form) , Simultaneous linear differential equations, Models for the real world problems and their solutions in particular, Modelling of electronic circuits Partial Differential Equations: Formation of partial differential equations, Directly integrable equations, Models of engineering problems leading to first order partial differential equations, Lagrange's equation, Solution of special type of first order partial differential equations Functions of Complex variables: Reorientation, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations ( Cartesian and polar forms), Harmonic functions, conformal mappings Matrices: Caley -Hamilton's theorem, Special matrices like Hermitian, SkewHermitian and unitary, Reduction to diagonal form, Quadratic forms Text Book: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna publications, New Delhi Reference Books: 1. Engineering Mathematics vol II & III, Prof. Wartikar & Wartikar, Pune Vidyarthi Griha, Pune. 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Dr. Chandrika Prasad, Prasad Mudranalay, Allahabad 3. Advanced Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszing 4. Engineering Mathematics, Dr. Saxena, Bali and Iyenger, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi. 302 Data Structures And Algorithms Introduction to Data Structures: Data Management concepts: Data types – primitive and compound, Data Structures – Simple, Linear and non Linear, File Structures, Program development process, program testing, Development and verification of algorithms, time and space analysis, Array as building block, Mapping of elements, Special types of arrays – triangular and sparse, Stack, Queue: Simple and circular, Linked Lists: singly and doubly linked lists, Implementation of stack and queue using static and dynamic structures, Recursion and iteration in algorithms, General and Binary Trees, Table, Hashing, Search Trees: binary and m-way search trees; Btrees, B* - trees, B+ - trees and tries, Graph structure: mapping and traversal, applications of graph.

Sorting and Searching algorithms: Insertion sort, Selection Sort, Shell sort, Quick sort and Merge sort, External Sorting algorithms, polyphase and oscillation sort, Searching techniques File Structures: Concepts of fields, records and files, Sequential, Indexed and Relative/Random File Organisation, Indexing structure for index files, hashing for direct files, Multi-Key file organization and access methods. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Book : 1. Data Structures and Program Design in C, Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung & Clovis L. Tondo, Prentice-Hall India. Reference Books: 1. An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, Jean-Paul Trembly & Paul G. Sorenson, McGraw-Hill, 1984. 2. Data Management and File Processing, Mary E.S. Loomis, Prentice-Hall India 3. Data Structures using C and C++, Aaran M. Tenenbaum, Prentice-Hall India 4. Data Structures with C++, Ford & Topp, Prentice-Hall International. 5. Data Structure via C++, Berman, Oxford University Press, 1997. 6. Sorting and Sort Systems, H. Lorin, Addison-Wesley, 1975. 7. Data structure using C - Lab work book , R. Y. Shukla, BPB Publications. 8. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with C++, Glenn W. Rowe, Prentice Hall of India. 303 Communication Techniques Introduction: Basic concepts, uses of communications, the structure & type of communication systems, communication systems and data communication. Communication Channel Characteristics: The communication channel, electronic waves, frequency and wavelength, the electromangnetic spectrum, bandwidth, bandwidth and channel capacity, bandwidth and distance. Modulation: Modulation and Demodulation, fourier analysis, types of modulation, amplitude modulation , frequency modulation, phase modulation, comparison of analog and digital modulation, synchronous and asynchronous modulation. Analog communication and Multiplexing: Examples, functions within an analog communication system, multiplexing space division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, combined modulation systems, Demerits of analog communication and multiplexing. Digital Communication: Description of digital systems, advantages of digital systems, sampling theory, analog to digital conversion, encoding of digital signals, multiplexing and modulation of digital signals.

Communication Media: The role of the medium, wire and cable , air and vacuum, fiber optics noise, noise measurements, the effects of bandwidth limitation, common mode voltage. Communication System Requirement: Data communication system issues, codes and formats protocol, synchronous and asynchronous systems, data rates, serial and parallel communications, protocol examples, protocol conversion. The RS-232 Interface Standard: Introduction, RS-232 voltage, data bits, RS-232 signals, examples, interconnections, integrated circuit for RS-232,Other Communication Interfaces, Additional interface needs, multidrop communications, other key EIA standards, the current loop. Other Communication Interfaces: Additional interface needs, multidrop communications, other key EIA standards, the current loop. Telephone Systems and Modems: Basic telephone service, dialing telephone lines, private exchanges, the role of modems, some specific modems, specialized modems. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 10 experiments should be carried out. Text Book: 1. Data Communications, William L. Schweber, McGraw-Hill. Reference Book: 1. Electronic Communication, Roody Coolen 2. Data Communications, Prakash G. Gupta, Prentice Hall of India 3. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, Prentice-Hall of India. 304 Business Data Processing Introduction to Business Organization: Data Capture and Validation: Business Files: Master files, Transaction file, File processing: sorting, searching, merging, matching, summarizing, direct access, storage and retrieval, file organization techniques. Input screen Design concepts, Output report: Design concept, Business considerations and business rules for following Business case studies, Information System Application: Concepts for the following systems: COPIES: Customer Order Processing and Invoicing System INMANS Part I: Stock Replenishment INMANS Part II: Inventory Management ACPAYS: The Account Payable System ACRES: The Account Receivable System FAS: Financial Accounting System PAYSY: The Payroll System

COBOL: Introduction to COBOL 85, Identification Division: Environment Division: configuration section, source-computer, object-computer, input-output section, file control, I/O control, Data Division: Procedure Division: Corresponding option in move, add, subtract, Rounded clause, On size error option, Add, subtract, multiply, divide, compute, Condition (if), Relational, sign, class, condition-name, compound, Perform statements, Set, search & search all, inspect, Sorting & merging ,release, return, String & unstring, Open & close & stop run, Read, rewrite, delete, write, start, Introduction to master file & transaction files, Sequential organization, Index sequential organization Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 15 experiments should be carried out. Text Books: 1. Business System for Microcomputers Concept, design and Implementation, William D. Haueisen and James L Camp, Prentice Hall of India. 2. COBOL Programming, M K Roy & D G Dastidar, Tata McGraw Hill Reference Books: 1. Advance COBOL, Phillipakis & Kazmier, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Business Data System, Clifton 3. COBOL Programming Lab Work Book, R. Y. Shukla, BPB Publications. 4. Data Management and File Processing, Mary E.S. Loomis, Prentice-Hall India 305 Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Binary Systems: Binary numbers, number base conversions, Octal & hex number systems, complements binary codes, binary storage & registers, binary logic, integrated circuits Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates: Basic definitions, Axiomatic definition of boolean algebra, Basic theorems and properties of boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Canonical & standard forms, Digital logic gates and IC's, Digital logic families Simplification of Boolean functions: The map method, 2,3 & 4 variable maps, Product of sums simplification, NAND & NOR implementation, Don’t care conditions Combinational Logic: Introduction, Design procedure, Adders, Subtractors, Code conversion, Analysis procedure, Multilevel NAND, NOR circuits, NOR circuits, Exclusive OR & equivalence functions Combinational Logic with MSI & LSI: Introduction, Binary parallel adder, Decimal adder, Magnitude comparator, Decoders, Multiplexers, Read Only Memory, PLA. Sequential Logic: Introduction, Flip-Flops, Triggering of flip-flops, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State reduction & assignment, Flip-flop excitation tables, design procedures, Design of counters, Design with state equations Registers, Counters & Memory: Introduction, Registers, Shift registers, Ripple counters, Synchronous counters, Timing sequences, The memory unit, Random access memories

Digital Integrated circuits: Introduction, Bipolar transistor characteristic, RTL, DTL, IIL, TTL,ECL, MOS, CMOS logic families. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Book: 1. Digital Logic & Computer Design, M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books: 1. Digital Components - Bartee 2. Modern Digital Electronics, R. P. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Digital Computer Fundamentals, Bartee, Tata McGraw Hill 4. Digital Computer Electronics: An introduction to Microcomputers, Malvino, Tata McGraw Hill 306 Software Project Lab - I Software project lab consisting of small software projects based on Data Structure and Algorithm and Business Data Processing.

IVth Semester 401 Probability , Statistics And Numerical Analysis Basic Concepts of Probability: Reorientation, Definition of probability and ruler of probability, Permutations and Combinations, Applications of permutations and combination to Probability problems, Conditional probability, Bayes’ Formula, Probability networks, Independent events, Independent trials Markov chain, Poisson Prinomial and normal probability distributions. Random variables: Introduction, distribution and density functions, Special cases, conditional distributions and total probability, The random variable g(x), The distribution of g(x), Mean and variance, Moments, Characteristics Functions, Problems. Moments & conditional statistics: Joint Moments, Joint characteristic functions, Conditional distributions, Conditional expected values, Mean square estimation, problems. Statistical Computation: Measurements, data reduction, Measure of central tendency, Measurement, of dispersion, regression analysis, Least square fit, linear regression, regression coefficients, Algorithm for linear regression, polynomial regression, multiple regression, Filtering exponential and trigonometric functions, Fitting a geometric curve, Statistical quality control methods, Factor analysis, analysis of variable, Test of significance - X test and F test, Applications. Numerical Computation: Motivation errors , truncation error, rounded off error, absolute error, Relation error and percentage error, Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by bisection, False position , secant, Newton-Raphson iteration and extended iteration method, Rate of convergence of the iteration methods, Comparisons of iterative methods. System of Linear algebraic equations: Solution of simultaneous linear equations, Gauss elimination and pivoting, Ill- Conditional equations and refinement of solutions, Gauss seidal iterative method. Finite differences and Interpolation: Finite Difference operators, Newton, Lagrange and Stirling's interpolation formulae, Chebyschev polynomials Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration by Newton, Cote's Formulae. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Books: 1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Richard A. Johnson, Prentice Hall of India. 2. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, V Rajaraman, Prentice Hall of India.

Reference Books: 1. Probability, random variables stochastic processes, Papoulis. 2. Introduction to Probability and Statistical Applications, Mayer p. l., Addison Wesley. 3. Statistical Methods, S.P.Gupta, S. Chand & Sons Pub , Delhi. 4. Fundamentals of Statistics, S. S. Gupta, Himalaya Publications House. 5. Mathematics for Management, M. Raghavchari, Tata McGraw Hill. 6. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publications. 7. Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, Trivedi K. S., Prentice Hall of India. 8. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, S.S.Sastry 9. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations, M.K.Jain, S.R.K.Iyengar, R.K.Jain 10. Computer Methods for Engineering, Yogehs Jaluria, Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 11. Numerical Methods for Scientists & Engineers, H. M. Antia, Tata McGraw Hill. 402 Computer Graphics Graphics Hardware: Graphic I/O devices & processors. Interactive Graphics: Pointing & Positioning devices, techniques, panning, clipping, windowing, scissoring, etc.



Two-dimensional Graphics: Transformations, Display, Clipping, Windowing & view ports, Contour filling. Three-dimensional Graphics: Transformations, Projections, View-volume specification, Clipping, sweeping, hidden line & surface elimination, shading. Introduction to Virtual Reality & Multimedia: Virtual Reality: Navigation & manipulation, immersive & non-immersive. Multimedia: Multimedia tools & applications. Applications of Graphics - Histograms, pie-charts, plotting graphs, Engineering drawings, image processing, animation, solid modeling. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Books: 1. Computer Graphics: A programming approach , Steven Harrington, McGraw Hill 2. Computer Graphics for Scientist and Engineers, R. G. S. Asthana and N. K. Sinha, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 3. Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics, David F. Rogers, McGraw Hill 4. Computer Graphics, Donald Hearn and M.. Pauline Baker , Prentice Hall of India. 5. Theory & Problems of Computer Graphics, Roy A.Plastock,Gordon Kalley, McGraw Hill. 6. Interactive Computer Graphics, Giloi,W.K. Prentice Hall

7. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, William M. Newman, Robert F. Sproull, McGraw Hill 8. Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley. 403 Computer Architecture and Peripherals Computer Architecture Register transfer language: Register transfer, Bus and memory transfer, Arithmetic microoperations, Logic Microoperations, Shift microoperations, Arithmetic logic shift unit. Instruction codes: Computer registers, Computer instructions, Timing and control, Instruction cycle, Memory reference instructions, Input-Output and interrupt, Complete computer description. Programming the basic computer: Introduction, Machine language, Assembly language, The assembler, Program loops, Programming arithmetic and logic operations, Subroutines, Input-Output programming. Introduction: General register organization, Stack organization, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Data transfer and manipulation, Program control, Reduced instruction set computer (RISC). Input Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input output interface, Asynchronous data transfer, Modes of transfer, Priority interrupt ,Direct memory access (DMA), Input output processor (IOP),CPU-IOP communication, Serial communication. Memory Organization: Memory hierarchy, Main memory, Auxiliary memory, Associative memory, Cache memory, Virtual memory, Memory management hardware. Case study on PC architecture & hardware, bias & interrupts, DMA control, different types of bus : ISA, EISA. Computer Peripherals Overview of Peripherals: Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Flatbed input, Screen input. Display and Printing Devices: Disk and Tape storage: Other input & output: OCR, MICR, Bar Codes, Voice input & output, Sound Card & sampling. Communication devices: Transmission media, Modems, Fax, LAN, WAN. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Books: 1. Computer system Architecture, M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Computer Peripherals, Leo F. Doyle, Prentice Hall. Reference Books: 1. Computer Organization and Architecture, Williams Stallings, Prentice Hall of India. 2. Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, Douglas V Hall, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Computer Peripherals, Barry M. Cook & Neil H. White, Edward Arnald 404Operating System I Introduction to the Kernel: Architecture of the Unix operating system, Introduction to the system concepts, Kernel data structures system administration, Summary and preview. Internal Representation of Files: Inodes, Structure of a regular file, Directories, conversion of a path name to an inode, Super block, inode assignment to a new file, Allocation of disk blocks, Other file types, Summary, exercises. System Calls for the File System: Open, read, write, file and record locking, Adjusting the position of file i/o, Lseek, close, file creation, creation of, special files, Change directory and change root, Change owner and change mode, Stat and fstat, pipes, dup, mounting and unmounting file systems, Link, unlink, file system maintainance, Summary. The Structure of Processes: Process states and transitions, Layout of system memory, The context of a process, Saving the context of a process, Manipulation of the process address space, Sleep, and summary. Process Control: Process creation, Signals, process termination, Awaiting process termination, Invoking other programs, the user id of a process, Changing the size of a process, The shell, system boot and the in it process, Summary. Process Scheduling and Time: Process scheduling, System calls for time, Clock, summary. Memory Management Policies: Swapping, Demand paging, A hybrid system with swapping and demand paging, Summary. The I/O Subsystem: Driver interfaces, Disk drivers, Terminal driver, Streams. Using the Shell: Command line structure, Meta characters, Creating new commands, Commands arguments and parameters, Program output as arguments, Shell variables, more on i/o redirection, Looping in shell programs. Filters: The grep family, other filters, The stream editor sed, The awk pattern scanning and processing language, Good files and good filters. Shell Programming: Customizing the cal command, Which command is which?, While and until loop watching for things, Traps catching interrupts, Replacing a file: overwrite, Zap : killing processes by name, The pick command : blank vs. Arguments, Get and put: tracking file changes, A look back.

Exploring the Windows 95 Interface: Moving to windows 95: new views for windows users, The welcome dialog box: windows 95 introduces itself, Basic components of the windows user interface, Understanding windows 95’s desktop modes and document orientation, Windows 95’s command centers task bar, Explorers and control panel, Managing files in windows 95. Understanding Windows 95's Operating System Architecture: Putting it all it one place, Grabbing the brass ring, Handling 16-bit windows applications in a 32-bit system, Queuing windows messages and managing heaps, Thunking your way between 16 and 32 bits, installing multiple file systems. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Books: 1. The Design of the Unix Operating System, Maurice J. Bach, Prentice Hall of India. 2. The Unix programming Environment, Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike 3. Unveiling Windows 95, Roger Jennings and Matthew Harris 4. Operating System, Peterson 5. Modern Operation System, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India 6. Operating Systems, William Stallings, Prentice Hall of India. 7. Operating Systems Concepts and Design, Milan Milenkovic, Tata McGraw Hill 8. Operating systems, Achyut S Godbole, Tata McGraw Hill 405 Database Management Systems An overview of Database Management: What is a database System?, What is a database?, Why database, Data independence, Relational Systems and others. An Architecture for a Database System: The three levels of architecture, mapping, The database administrator, The database management system, The data communications manager, Client/Server architecture, Utilities, Distributed processing. An Introduction to Relational databases: Relational systems, The relational model, optimization, base tables and views, The SQL language. Relational Data Objects: Domains and Relations: Domains, Relations, Kinds of relations, Relations and predicates, Relational databases Relational Data Integrity: Candidate Keys and Related Matters: Candidate Keys, Primary Keys and Alternate Keys, Foreign Keys and rules, Nulls, Candidate keys and nulls, Foreign keys and nulls. Relational Operators I: Relational Algebra: Closure, A syntax for the relational algebra, Traditional set operations, special relational operations, what is algebra for, extend and summarize, Update operations, Relational Comparisons.

Relational Operators II: Relational Calculus: Introduction, Tuple-Oriented relational calculus, Relational calculus vs. relational algebra, Computational capabilities, Domain-Oriented relational calculus. The SQL Language: Introduction: Introduction, Data definition, Data manipulationretrieval operations, Data manipulation-update operations, Table expressions, Conditional expressions, Scalar expression, Embedded SQL. Functional Dependencies: Introduction, Basic definitions, Trivial and nontrivial dependencies, Closure of a set of dependencies, Closure of a set of attributes, Irreducible sets of dependencies. Further Normalization I: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF: Introduction, Nonloss decomposition and functional dependencies, First, second and third forms, Dependency preservation, Boyce / Codd normal form. Further Normalization II: Higher Normal Forms: Introduction, Multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form, Join dependencies and fifth normal form, The normalization procedure summarized, Other normal forms. The Entity / Relationship Model: Introduction, The overall approach, An overview of the E/R model, E/R digrams, Database design with the E/R model. A brief analysis. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Books: 1. An introduction to Database Systems, C J Date, Addition-Wesley. 2. Using Oracle 8, William G. Page Jr. and Nathan Hughes, Prentice Hall of India. Refernce Books: 1. Database System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth & S. Sudarshan, McGraw Hill. 2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elmasri & Shamkant B. Navathe, Addison-Wesley. 3. An Introduction to Database Systems, Bipin C. Desai, Galgotia Publications. 4. Database management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan, McGraw Hill. 5. Introduction to Database Management, Naveen Prakash, Tata McGraw Hill. 6. Database Management Systems, Arun K. Majumdar & Pritimoy Bhattacharyya, Tata McGraw Hill. 7. Database Organisation, James martin, Prentice Hall of India 8. Principles of database Systems, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Galgotia Publications. 9. Expert Database Systems, Beynon and Devies, McGraw Hill 10. File Organisation for Database Design, Gio Wiederhold, McGraw Hill 11. Distributed Databases: Principles and Systems, Stefano Ceri and Guiseppe Pelagatti, McGraw Hill 12. Database Design, Gio Wiederhold, McGraw Hill 13. Object Oriented Databases and their Applications to Software Engineering, Brown, McGraw Hill

14. Object Oriented Databases: Technology, Applications and Products, B. R. Rao, McGraw Hill 15. Database Management and Design, Hansen and Hansen, Prentice Hall of India. 406 Software Project Lab - II Software project lab consisting of small software projects based on subjects of 4th semester.

Vth Semester 501 – Advance Database Management System 1. Recovery : Transaction, transaction recovery, system recovery, media recovery, two phase commit, SQL support. 2. Concurrency : Three concurrency problems, locking, deadlock, serializability, levels of isolation, intent locking, SQL support. 3. Security : General consideration, discretionary access control, modification, mandatory access control, data encryption, SQL support.


4. Integrity : General consideration, Integrity rules, domain rules, attribute rules, relation rules, database rules, state Vs transaction rule, candidate and foreign keys, SQL support. 5. Views: What are views for? Data definition, Data manipulation-retrieval operations, Data manipulation-update operation, updating union, intersection and difference views, updating other views, snapshots, SQL support. 6. Optimization: The optimization process-an overview, expression transformation, database statistics, a divide and conquer strategy, implementing the relational operators. 7. Domains, relations and Data types : Domain, relations, type inheritance, relation valued attributes, SQL support. 8. Missing information: An overview of the 3VL approach, some consequences of the forgoing scheme, outer join, SQL support. 9. Distributed Database and client/server systems: Some preliminaries, the twelve objectives, problems of distributed systems, gateways, client/server systems, SQL support. 10. Storage structure and Access Method: Database Access: an overview, page sets and files, indexing, hashing, pointer chains, compression techniques. 11. Case study : DB2: A relational implementation: Storage structure, system components, detailed control flow, compilation and recompilation, utilities and related matters. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 10 experiments should be carried out. Text/References: Database Systems By: C.J.Date Database System Concept By: Abraham silberschatz

502 Engineering Economics And Business Management National income Economic planning and public finance. Organization Concept , Principles line & staff functions organization structure and its importance system concept of organization Management Concept and Functions Concepts function (planning) Organizing, directing Coordinating ,Controlling motivating Principles of management Traditional v/s modern management approaches Decision making, Delegation Productivity & its Techniques Concepts, Gain of productivity Productivity of economic development Role of management in promotion of productivity Selected productivity techniques Work , study (time study & work management) Quality control,Waste reduction,Job evaluation Incentives,Inventory control CPM & PERT Personal Management Personal functions, man power assessment, recruitment, training & development wage, salary administration participative management, performance appraisal improvement grievance handling union management relation ( industrial relation) trade unionism in India. Human Side of Management Understanding of human behaviour group dynamics interpersonal behaviour, motivation communication ,leadership Financial Management Financial management & quantitative techniques management accounting break even analysis preparation & analysis of balance sheets




capital budgeting cost accounting, cost & budgetary control Marketing Management Introduction marketing management concepts and approach product development & diversification industrial marketing. Reference Books: Management Analysis, Concepts & Cases by Haynes & Massie(PHI) Personal Management by R.S. Davar ( Vikas Publishing House Ltd., Delhi) 503 Object Oriented Design 1. Introduction to Object Oriented modeling and Design What is object oriented (OO), Object modeling Concepts, OO methodology, OO themes 2. Introduction to OO Modeling techniques Modeling, modeling techniques, object model, Functional model, relationship among models. 3. OO programming OO Programming fundamentals using C++ 4. Object Modeling Object and Classes : Object modeling concepts in details: links,Association, generalization, inheritance, metadata,etc A sample Object Model 5. Dynamic Modeling Dynamic modeling concepts A sample dynamic model Relation of object and dynamic model with example 6. Functional Modeling Functional Modeling Concepts A sample functional model 7. System analysis using different OO modeling Techniques OMT and software engineering Analysis of a problem (ATM as an example) Various modeling of ATM Adding operations & analysis iteration 8. OOD: present & future Other OO analysis & modeling flavors OOD future

9. OO programming Advance Object oriented programming using C++ Other OO programming Languages : introduction Other OO programming languges : introduction OO modeling case tools Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Books : Object oriented analysis and modeling, James Rumbaug, Michael Blaha, Et. Al prentice-hall India, Eastern Economic Edition Object Orient programming using C++, Robert Lafore. Reference: 1) Programming with c++ By: Vijay Mukhi 504 Computer Networking Introduction Use of Computer networks Network hardware Network software Example networks Network standardization Data link layer Data link layer design issues Elementary data link protocols Sliding window protocols Protocols specifications of verification Medium access sublayers Channel allocation Multiple access protocols ALOHA, CSMA IEEE 802.3 & Ethernet Bridges Network Layer Design Issues Routing Algorithms: Optimality princiiples Shortest path routing Flooding Link state routing Congestion control algorithm Internet working Transport layer Transport Service Elements of transport protocols

A simple transport protocols Performance issues Application layer Network security DNS ( DNS Name Space) Electronic mail Architecture & Services The user agents Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 10 experiments should be carried out. Books : Computer Networks By Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 3rd ed., PHI Publication. 505 Management Information System Introduction to Management Information system. Emergence of MIS, Overview of MIS, Management, Information and Systems, MIS subsystems, Information Resource Management (IRM), Computer Based Information Systems, Key issues of MIS. 2. Components of MIS People Physiological and Psychological factors affecting systems. Organisations, Organizational characteristics products offered, strategies, size structure, staff positions etc. MIS function in Organizations, Organizational Behavior – power, intergroup dynamics, leaderships, and conflicts. System – components of a system, system environment, deterministic and probabilistic systems, open and closed system, subsystems, systems entropy, system stress and change. (DAVIS) System models Types of models Graphical Mathematical Narrative and Physical Models of Organisational systems Strategic planning models. Management – levels, approach, roles, Management functions. Information Characteristics –Definition of information, Information presentation, quality of information, value of information, Age of information. Humans as information processors – models, limitations, human cognition & learning, characteristics of human information processing (DAVIS) Decision – types of decisions; Decisions making process, different models of decision making, evaluation of decisions, documentation of decision rules.

3. Transaction processing & MIS, Decision Support and Office Automation Systems Transaction Processing Systems – nature, functions, use of information technology, cycle of processing, inquiry processing, report generation. TP subsystems – payroll, order entry, Inventory, Invoicing, Shipping. A/C receivable, Purchasing, A/C payable, General ledger etc. Management Reporting Systems - Types of reports, structure of reports Decision Support Systems – Concepts of DSS, data reconfiguration, optimization tools, what – if analysis. DSS tools, Application areas of DSS. Executive information System (EIS) – Roles and characteristics. Knowledge Based Systems and applications. Office Automation System – nature and function of offices, Tools of OAS – word processing, DTP, reprographics; image processing , document archival, facsimile, e-mail, Voicemail, teleconferencing, etc. MIS in functional areas Decision making in functional areas Manufacturing, Human Resource etc.






Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 8 experiments should be carried out. Text/ References: Management Information Systems, 2nd edition, Parker and Case , McGraw-Hill, 1993. Management Information Systems, 2nd edition , Davis and Olson, McGraw-Hill, 1985. Management Information Systems, 4th edition , Laudon and Laudon, Prentice-Hall India, 1998 Management Information Systems, 3rd Edition, Kanter, Prentice –Hall, 1995 Information Systems for Modern Management, 3rd Edition, Murdick, Ross and Clagett, - prentice-Hall India, 1995. Management Information Systems, 2nd Edition , Kroenke, McGraw-Hill, 1992. Business Systems for Microcomputers, Hausein, Prentice-Hall India, 1998.

VIth Semester 601

Modelling, Simulation & Operational Research

Introduction to OR Concepts, genesis, Art of modelling, components of model, Types of OR models, Eeffect of data availability on modelling Computations in OR Phases of OR study Linear Programming (LP) Concepts Formulation of model Graphical solution Maximisation / Minimisation – Simplex Algorithm Use of slack / surplus / artificial variables BigM and Two phase method – Nature & type of solutions Interpretation of optimal solution. Dual problem – relation between primal and dual Dual simplex method – Interpretation of dual variables Introduction to Integer programming Developing software for LP solution methods and exposure to available LP & IP Packages. Transportation & Assignment problems. Concepts formulations of models Solution procedures Optimality checks Balanced/Unbalanced Maximum/Minimum problems Prohibited case – degeneracy Network Analysis Network Definition Minimal spanning tree problem Shortest route problem Maximal flow problem concepts and solution algorithm as applied to problems. Project planning and control by CPM network Probability assessment in PERT network. Introduction to resource smoothing and allocation. Development of software for the techniques and exposure to Project Management Packages. Queuing Models

Concepts relating to Queuing systems types of queuing system ( use of six character code ) Basic elements of Queuing Model Role of Poison & Exponential Distribution Concepts of Birth and Death process Steady state measures of performance M/M/1 model with and without limitation of q-size M/G/1, single channel with poisson arrival rate and general service time. Computer Modelling & Simulation Use of Computer in modelling real life situations Distribution functions Random number generation Selection of input probability distribution Design of simulation models Experimental design, output analysis variance reduction techniquesIntroduction to simulation languages Programming tools for developing simulation models. Replacement & Maintenance Models Replacement of items, subject to deterioration of items subject to random failure Group Vs. Individual replacement policies. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 12 experiments should be carried out. Text Books Quantitative Techniques in management, ND Vora – Tata McGraw Hill 2. Operations Research – An Introduction – Fifth edition by Hamdy A Taha- Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. Wagner, H.M. Principles of Operations Research : With Applications to Management Decisions, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1982. Reference Books Hillier, F.S. and Lieberman, G.J., Operations Research, Holden Day Inc., San Francisco, 1974. Littlechild, S.C. (ed), Operational Research for Managers, Philip Allan, Oxford, 1977. Mitchell, G.H. (ed), Operational Research Techniques and examples, The English Universities Press Ltd., London ,1972. Moder, J.J. and Elmaghraby, S.E. (ed.), Handbook of Operations Research : Models and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1987. Payne, T. A. , Quantitative Techniques for Management : A Practical Approach, Reston Publishing Co. Inc., Virginia, 1982. Wilkes, F.M., Baum, P. and Smith, G.D., Management Science : An introduction, John Wiley and Sons, Santa Barbara, 1979. Objectives:

The objective of this course is to impart some modelling techniques and to offer basic operations research tools & techniques which are used for decision making. The new focus of this course is to provide an understanding of OR models. The emphasis of the course will be on the application and computational aspects of OR and simulation models. 602 Introduction to Internet, Intranet and Web Server The WWW and the Ethener History Web site architectures Java Programming Study of popular Web server softwares Study of popular Web page editors, Web graphics tools, page disigners Database acccess via Web Delivering of sound and video via the Web 3D Animation Technologies: VRML, DirectX Overview of commerce over the Web It is strongly recommended to have much use of World Wide Web Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 8 experiments should be carried out. References: Special references to journals, books, and technical reports will be made during the delivery of the subject. 603 System Analysis and Design Information systems development Overview of systems analysis & Design, role of Systems Analyst, categories of business systems - TPS, MIS, DSS, OAS. Strategic information systems. Systems development strategies - Classical, structured and prototyping. Reasons for systems project initiation, Project selection and review - committee methods, project requests. Preliminary investigation - scopes of project, feasibility study, institutional v/s end user applications. 2. Systems requirement specification and analysis. Requirement determination - process, data used, information produced, schedule, controls, transaction and decision requirements etc. Fact finding techniques interview, questionnaire, document scanning, observation. Tools for specifications decision trees, decision tables. Structured Analysis, physical and logical data flow diagrams, process charts, data dictionaries.

Application prototyping - rationale, suitability , steps uses. Tools for prototyping 4GL, report generators, application generators, screen generators, strategies for prototyping. Automated tools - Front-end, Back end, integrated tools, case tools functionalities and benefits. 3. System design Objectives in system design, components to be designed output files, database, input, controls, procedures, codes, program specifications, management of design process. Output design- needs, types of output, presentation of outputs, printed outputs, input and controls - capture of input data, source documents, coding methods, input validation - batch controls, transaction controls, check digit system, hash totals, data entry forms design User interface design - purpose, characteristics, actions to be incorporated, navigation, message display. Dialogue design. File design storage media selection, Types of files by purpose, file organization and access methods. Backup and recovery design database design entity relationship Data communication design - Choice of communication channels control device and protocols, Design of LAN systems, Client / Server strategies. 4. System Implementation Program development and testing. Tools for document HIPO structured flow charts, warnier / orr diagrams. Quality assurance - testing verification and validation testing strategies, creation /conversion of master files. Loading the database, Preparation of system documentation. User Training, conversion from old system review.

to new system, Post implementation

System development management - Estimation of development time, team management. Managing change relationships. Stress and communication. Elements of change management. Hardware/software selection, selection criteria, benchmarking, purchase/lease/rent options. Evaluation of make or buy software options. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 6 experiments should be carried out. Text / References :

Analysis and design of information systems, James Senn McGraw - Hill 1998 Systems analysis and design methods, Whitten, Bentley and Barlow, Galgotia, 1995 System analysis and design, Elias Awad, Galgotia, 1997 Introduction to systems analysis and design, Hawrysakiewyce, Prentice-Hall , 1994 Analysis and design of information systems, V Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall India, 1991 604 – Operating Systems II Operating system overview Advanced Shell Scripting in UNIX: Making Shell Scripts Executable; Special Variables and Variable substitution; Functions; Option parsing in Shell Scripts; Dealing with Signals; Debugging and logging shell scripts UNIX Windowing Systems: CDE Features; CDE Tools; Customizing the Window Environment Systems Administration in UNIX & Windows NT: Administering user accounts and groups; Startup and shutdown; device management; File Systems; Printing; Backup and recovery; automating tasks TCP/IP Network Administration in UNIX & Windows NT: Configuring TCP/IP; IP Routing Network Services in UNIX & Windows NT: NFS; DNS; Security Distributed Systems: Distributed Processing, Client/Server, and Clusters; Distributed Process Management Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 10 experiments should be carried out. References: “Special Edition Using UNIX Third Edition” by Peter Kuo, Prentice-Hall of India, 1999 “Operating Ssytems Internals and Design Principles Third Edition” by William Stallings, Prentice-Hall International, 1998 “Modern Operating Ssytems” by Andrew S Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall of India, 1999 Systems manuals for UNIX and Windows NT 605 - 1 Advanced Computer Architecture Overview and history of computing. Architectural Classification schemes. High performance computing, overview and performance quantification criteria, limits on performance Design

of high performance architecture, parallel


pipeline architectures.

Pipeline processing. Theory of pipeline scheduling and implementation. Hazards in Pipeline processors. Hazard detection and resolution techniques. Static and dynamic schedules. Evolution of RISC ISAs and pipeline hazards. Interconnection Networks. Topics of current research in High performance computing. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus.

Minimum 10 experiments should be carried out. Texts and References K. Hwang and F. A. Briggs, " Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw-Hill, 1984. M. R. Bhujade : Lecture Notes in Parallel computing, CSE, IIT Bombay 1990. M. R. Bhujade, Pipeline and SIMD Processing, Wiley Eastern, 1995. Research Papers from the current literature. 605 - 2 Electronic Commerce E- Commerce fundamentals E- Commerce security issues Web marketing Internet security - Fire-Wall concepts Study of various software products for Net commerce and E - business transactions. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 8 experiments should be carried out. References Special references to journals, books, and technical reports will be made during the delivery of the subject. 605 – 3 Image Processing (Elective I) Elements of Image Processing Digital Image Representation Image Processors Image Digitization & Digital Computers Image Display & Recording Devices Digital Image Fundamentals Elements of Visual Perception Sampling & Quantization Basic Relationships between Pixels Imaging Geometry Photographic Film Image Transforms Fourier Transform Discrete Fourier Transform Properties of two-dimensional Fourier Transform Fast Fourier Transform Other Seperable Image Transforms Image Enhancement

Histogram Modification Techniques Image Smoothing Image Sharpening Pseudo Color Image Processing Image Restoration Degradation Model Algebraic Approach to Restoration Inverse Filtering Least Mean Square (Wiener) Filter Geometric Transformations Image Encoding Fidelity Criteria Encoding Process Error-Free Encoding Image Segmentation Thresholding Gradient Based Methods Region-Oriented Segmentation Use of Motion in Segmentation Measurements and Classification Size Measurements Shape Measurements Feature Selection Classification Three-Dimentional Image Processing Multispectral Analysis Optical Sectioning Computerized Axial Tomography ( CAT) Spectrometric Ranging Stereoscopic Image Display Image Processing for data acquired by Satellites Image Distortions Orbital information based Image corrections Sensor related Image corrections Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 8 experiments should be carried out.

Ref. Books: 1. Digital Image Processing -Refael C Gonzalez & Paul Wintz Addition-Westley publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts 2. Digital Image processing - Kenneth R Castleman Prentice- Hall, INC, Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jersey o7632 3. Rrmotr Sensing Digital Image Analysis -John A Richards Springer – verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York 4. An Introduction to Digital Image Processing - Wayne Niblock 605-4 Wide Area Network (Elective I) Need for Lan and wan, Lan basics, Ethernet/802.3, Token ring/ 802.5, Bridges and Routers, Gateways and hubs. High speed Interconnections: Fiber links & FDDI, Frome & Cell relay. Wan interconnections: The OSI reference model Multiple acess techniques packet switched networks Fast packet switching Asynchronous Transfer Mode. Reference Books: Lan to Wan interconnection, John Enck and Mel Beckman, McGraw-Hill Inc, New Delhi 1995 Packet based communications, Ed: Fraidoon Mazda, Butterworth – Heinemann 1996, Oxford OX2 8DP Further references: Packet switched networks – Theory and practice, Richard Barnett and Sally Maynard – Smith, WILMSLOW U.K,:SIGMA PR., 1988 Packet Switching; Tomorrows communications today, Belmot, Calif,: Liferime learning pub.,1982.

VIITH Semester 701 DISTRIBUTED DATABASE APPLICATIONS AND SYSTEMS Introduction to Database Systems The Rationale of a Data Engineering Viewpoint The Role of Information Systems and Information System Architecture Multiprocessor and Distributed Heterogeneous Information Systems The Role of Communications, Information, and Database Technology Categories of Distributed Systems Distributed Systems Overview Multiprocessor Systems ,Distributed Computer Systems A Perspective on Distributed Environments Campus Versus National Network Considerations Other Distributed Database Issues Concurrency Control Backup and Recovery Security and Access Control The Design Process Client-Server Architectures Protocols for Distributed Systems An Enterprise Viewpoint--The Road to Data Location The Necessity of an Enterprise Viewpoint Suggested Methodology for Design Decisions Distributed Memory, Memory Hierarchies, Directories, and Data Retrieval ,Memory Hierarchies Location of Data ,Directories Designing Distributed Applications Using Active Server Pages, ADO, CORBA, EJB CORBA Distributed Objects and COM/DCOM Technology Learning ADO Basics and Basics of ASP Getting the Most Out of Recordsets. Unusual ADO: Executing DDL with ADOX and Using ADO with Nontraditional Data Sources. Using Remote Data Services in Web Applications. DEVELOPING A DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION WITH ADO. Methodology, Assumptions, and Architecture of a Distributed ADO Application. Developing an Enterprise-Level Application with ADO: Adding, Updating,

and Deleting. And Transaction Processing. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 6 experiments should be carried out.


References : The Architecture of Distributed Computer Systems : A Data Engineering Perspective on Information Systems by Richard L. Shuey, David L. Spooner, Ophir Frieder


Designing Distributed Applications With Xml : Asp Ie5 Ldap and Msmq by Stephen T. Mohr, Stephen F. Mohr


Building Distributed Applications With ADO by William Martiner, James Falino, David Herion

4. Client/Server Programming with JAVA/CORBA By Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey, SHROFF Pub. 5. Active Server Pages 3.0 from scratch By Nicholas Chase,QUE 702 DATA COMPRESSION Introduction To Data Compression The Audience, Why C?, Which C?, Keeping Score, The Structure The Data Compression Lexicon, With A History The Two Kingdoms, Data Compression = Modeling + Coding, The Dawn Age, Coding An Improvement Modeling, Statistical Modeling, Ziv & Lempel LZ77 LZ78, Lossy Compression, Programs to Know The Dawn Age: Minimum Redundancy Coding The Sahnnon-Fano Algorithm, The Huffman Algorithm, Huffman in C, BITIO.C, A Reminder about Prototypes, MAIN-C.C & MAIN-E.C, MAIN-C.C, ERRHAND.C, Into the Huffman Code, Counting the Symbols, Saving the Counts, Building the Tree, Using the Tree A Significant Improvement: Adaptive Huffman Coding Adaptive Coding, Updating the Huffman Tree, What swapping Does,


Algorithm, An Enhancement, The Escape Code, The Overflow Bonus, A Rescaling Bonus, The Code, Initialization of the Array, The Compress Main Program, The Expand Main Program, Encoding the Symbol, Decoding The Symbol Huffman One Better: Arithmetic Coding

Difficulties, Arithmetic Coding: A Step Forward, Practical Matters, A Complication, Decoding, Where’s the Beef Dictionary-Based Compression An Example, Static vs. Adaptive, Adaptive Methods, A Representative Example, Israeli Roots, History, ARC: The Father of MS-DOS Dictionary Compression, Dictionary Compression, Danger Ahead-Patents, Conclusion Sliding Window Compression The Algorithm, Problems with LZ77, An Encoding Problem, LZSS compression, Data structures, A balancing Act Greedy vs. Best Possible. The Expansion Routine, Improvements. Speech Compression Digital Audio Concepts, Fundamentals, Sampling Variables, PC-Based sound, Lossless Compression of Sound, Problems and Results, Loss compression, Silence Compression, Other Techniques. Lossy Graphics Compression Enter Compression, Statistical And Dictionary Compression Methods Lossy Compression Differential Modulation Adaprive Coding, A Standard That Works: JPEG, JPEG Compression, The Discrete Cosine Transform, DCT Specifics, Why Bother ? Implementing The DCT. Matrix Multiplication, Cpmtomied Improvements, Output Of The DCT, Quantization, Selecting A Qualtization Matrix. The Sample Program, Input Format, Initialization, The Forward DCT Routine, Write DCT Data(), File Expansion, Read DCT Data(), The Inverse DCT. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. 703 ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE & EXPERT SYSTEMS Section I Problems And State Space Search: The AI Problems, The Underlying Assumption, What Is An AI Techniques, The Level Of The Model, Criteria For Success, Some General References, One Final Word. Problems, Problem Spaces And Search: Defining the Problems as A State Space Search, Production Systems, Production Characteristics, Production System Characteristics, and Issues in the Design of Search Programs, Additional Problems. Heuristic Search Techniques: Generate-And-Test, Hill Climbing, Best-First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis. Knowledge Representation Issues: Representations and Mappings, Approaches to Knowledge Representation. Using Predicate Logic:

Representation Simple Facts in Logic, Representing Instance and Isa Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates, Resolution. Representing Knowledge Using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning. Symbolic Reasoning Under Uncertainty: Reasoning, Logics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.




Statistical Reasoning: Probability and Bays’ Theorem, Certainty Factors and Rule-Base Systems, Bayesian Networks, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Fuzzy Logic. Weak Slot-And-Filler Structure: Semantic Nets, Frames. ADVANCE TOPICS: Game Playing: Overview, And Example Domain: The Blocks World, Components Of A Planning System, Goal Stack Planning, Nonlinear Planning Using Constraint Posting, Hierarchical Planning, Reactive Systems, Other Planning Techniques. Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing. Connectionist Models: Introduction: Hopfield Networld, Learning In Neural Networld, Application Of Neural Networks, Recurrent Networks, Distributed Representations, Connectionist AI And Symbolic AI. Section II Expert systems An Introduction to Expert system Explanation Facilities Expert system Developments process Knowledge Acquisition. Section III Introduction to LISP Introduction to LISP: Syntax & Numeric function, Basic List manipulation functions in LISP, Functions, Predicates & conditional, Input, Output & local variables, Iteration & Recursion, Property lists & arrays, Miscellaneous Topics, Prolog & other AI programming languages. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 6 experiments should be carried out. References : 1. “Artificial Intelligence” -By Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight (2nd edition) Tata McGraw-Hill

2. “Artificial Intelligence and expert system, development” -By D.W.Rolston McGraw-Hill International edition. 3. “Artificial Intelligence and expert systems ” -By D.W.Patterson 4. “PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence” -By Ivan Bratko( Addison-Wesley) 5.

“Programming with PROLOG” –by Klocksin and Mellish.

6. LISP Programming Manual. 704 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Introduction: Software products, the software process; Boehm’s spiral model; process visibility; professional responsibility; computer based system engineering. Requirements & Specification: Requirements engineering; analysis; system model; software prototyping; formal specification; algebraic specification; model based specification. Design Concept And Methods: Design process; concept effective modular design; architectural design; object oriented design; function oriented design; real-time system design; user interface design. Dependable Systems: Software reliability; programming for reliability; software reuse; safety-critical software. Verification And Validation: verification and validation; defect testing; static verification; technical matrices for software. Case: Computer-aided software engineering; CASE workbenches; integrated CASE environments. Evolution: Client/Server software engineering; management; software re-engineering.




Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 6 experiments should be carried out. Reference 1. Software Engineering -By Roger S. Pressman

McGraw-Hill International 2. Software Engineering -By Ian Sommerville Addison Wesley 3.

Fundamentals of Software Engineering -By Rajib Mall, Prentice Hall of India

4. Object Oriented Software Engineering -By Jacobson, Jonsson, Overgaard, Christerson Addison Westley 705 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS (ELECTIVE -1) Media And Time Digital Audio Representation and Processing Uses of Audio in Computer Applications, Psychoacoust, ics, Digital Representations of sound, Transmission of Digital Sound, Digital Audio Signal Processing, Digital Music-Making, Brief Survey of Speech Recognition and Generation, Digital Audio and the computer. Time-Based Media Representation and Delivery Introduction, Models of Time, Time and Multimedia Requirements, Support for System Timing Enforcement-Delivery. Multimedia Information Systems Operating System Support. Middleware System Services Architecture Goals of Multimedia System Services, Some Views of the Multimedia System Services, Architecture, A Closer Look at the Classes and Objects, Media Stream Protocol. Example: Audio and Video Capture with Synchronized Play Multimedia -Devices, Presentation Services, and the User Interface Introduction, Multimedia Services and the Window System, Client Control of Continuous Media, Device Control, Temporal Coordination and Composition,Toolkits, Hyperapplications. Multimedia File Systems and Information Models The Case for Multimedia Information Systems, File System Support for Continuous Media, Data Models for Multimedia and Hypermedia Information,Content-Based Retrieval of Unstructured Data. Multimedia Presentation and Authoring Overview, Historical Evolution, Current State of the Industry, Design Paradigms and User Interfaces, Example Interfaces, Barriers to Widespread Use, Research Trends. Multimedia Communications Systems

Multimedia Services over the Public Network: Requirements, Architectures, and Protocols Introduction, Applications, Network Services, Network Protocols, The Medical Consultation Example, Multimedia Interchange Overview, QuickTime Movie File (QMF) Format, OMFI, MHEG (Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Encoding Expert Group), Format Function and Representation, Summary, Track Model and Object Model, Real-Time Interchange, Towards a Performance Model. Multimedia Conferencing Teleconferencing Systems, Requirements for Multimedia Communications, Shared Application Architectures and Embedded Distributed Objects, Multimedia Conferencing Architectures, A Call Model for Multimedia Communications. Future Directions Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. References : 1. Multimedia Systems, John F. Koegel Buford, Addison-Wesley. 2. Multimedia in Practice – Technology and Applications, Judith Jeffcoate, PHI 3. Multimedia making it work, Tay Vaughan, Tata McGraw-Hill 705 ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING & DATA WAREHOUSE (Elective II) Introduction to ERP Enterprise – An Overview Integrated Management Information, Business Modeling, Integrated Data Model ERP and Related Technologies Business Processing Reengineering(BPR), Data Warehousing, Data Mining, On-line Analytical Processing(OLAP), Supply Chain Management ERP Modules Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, Materials Management, Benefits of ERP Reduction of Lead-Time, On-time Shipment, Reduction in Cycle Time, Improved Resource Utilization, Better Customer Satisfaction, Improved Supplier Performance, Increased Flexibility, Reduced Quality Costs, Improved Information Accuracy and Design-making Capability ERP Implementation Lifecycle Pre-evaluation Screening, Package Evaluation, Project Planning Phase, Gap Analysis, Reengineering, Configuration, Implementation Team Training, Testing, Going Live, End-user Training, Post-implementation (Maintenance mode) ERP Case studies

Accumulation of data from Legacy database, OLTP systems, extrenal sources, departmetal systems, decision support systems etc; Building Data Warehouse purpose, Data cleaning, determining database package to be used; locating data sources and data loading; Hardware and Software requirements for building data warehouses; Differences of Datawarehouse and Datamart. Building Blocks ; Warehouse Architecture - Foundation, Federated and Triered; server Architecture - single SMP and MPP, and the DBMS- Relational, Super Relational, Multidimensional and Object Relational. Intelligent functionlities of warehouse - Querying and Reporting , Online Analytical Processing, Data mining and Executive Information systems (EIS). Case study of some available OLAP tools. Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 5 experiments should be carried out. References : 1. Enterprise Resource Planning McGraw Hill. 2. Enterprise Resource Planning Jaiswal , Galgotia.

- Alexix Leon , Tata - Ravi Shankar & S.

3. Network Resource planning using SAP R/3 Baan and Peoplesoft : A Practical Guide to Planning ERP Application, Annetta Clewwto and Dane Franklin, McGRaw-Hill, 1997 4. The SAP R/3 Handbook, Jose Antonio, McGraw - Hill 1998 5. Data Warehousing , Data Mining and OLAP : Architecture and Technology, Alex Bersoi & Stephen Smith, McGraw- Hill , 1997 6. Data Warehousing, Mettison, McGraw- Hill , 1997 7. Oracle : Data Warehousing , Michael Corey and Michael Abbey, McGraw-hill, 1998. 8. Building, Using, and Managing The Data Warehouse, Ramon Barquin & Herbert Edelsteiin, Prentice- Hall, 1997 705 ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKING (ELECTIVE- III) Broadband Wide Area Networking; SDH, Frame Relay and ATM

Bandwidth-On-Demand Technologies Limitations of Traditional Fixed Capacity Networks Packet Switching; First and Subsequent Generations In-Band vs. Out-of-Band Control Methods Congestion Control, Flow Control & Throughput Cell Relay and ATM Internetworking ATM Features, Adaptation Layers & Cell Structure Virtual Path, Switching and Traffic Shaping ATM Classes of Service and Traffic Partitioning LANE, MPOA and PNNI Developments Distributed Computing and The NFS The distributed computing environment architecture Intra-cell communication and threads The network file system Remote procedure calls and distributed processes The Next Generation Protocols IP and TCP performance issues Limitations of current generation TCP and IP Ipv4 pressure points that demand solutions Internet protocol version 6 features Addressing options and strategies Ipv6 extension headers, options and features TCP next generation issues and header details Changes to ICMP and DNS Transition to Next Generation Protocols Mobile IP; Technology and Applications Requirements of mobile, portable and ubiquitous computing Radio propagation issues Evolving device features and form factors Quality of Service and Real-Time Application Issues Quality of service; motivation, issues and options Integrated vs. Differentiated services Multi-protocol label switching Real time protocol; features and applications Multicast The Multicast Backbone (MBONE) Relating IP multicast to IEEE 802.1 Multicast tunnels MBONE routing challenges Voice Over IP Technical and economic opportunities Configuration models Packet delay issues Voice encoding methods Signaling and revenue coordination issues TDMA and CDMA; Features Compared and Contrasted

TDMA and CDMA concepts/issues/features/limitations Global system for mobile (GSM) technical features Enhanced data rates for GSM and TDMA/136 evolution (EDGE) Comparing suitability for supporting data applications Mobile IP; Concepts and Issues Disconnecting from fixed infrastructure Mobile computing addressing issues Overview; IP connectivity with a mobile unit Functions of the mobile agent, home agent and foreign agent Tunnel delivery methods Wireless Application Protocol The case for an unwired web architecture The WAP architecture; concepts and features WAP data presentation; cards and decks The wireless application environment Protocols elements of WAP Bearer services that support WAP Partial Mobility with Wireless Local Loops Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) Applications of wireless subscriber loops Broadband wireless; LMDS, MMDS and related technologies Applications, economics and market for WLL Practical and Term work The practical and Term work will be based on the topics covered in the syllabus. Minimum 5 experiments should be carried out. Reference: 1. Internetworking with ISDN, Frame Relay & ATM -By William Stallings 2. ATM - protocols, applications and standards -By Hueber et al 3. Internetworking with TCP/IP : volume 1 & 3 -By Douglas Comer 4. Computer Networks-By A. Tanenbaum 5. Unix Network Programming - 1 & 2 -By Richard Stevens 6.

WAP Specifications

Various RFCs, Technical Journals, Papers & Internet Drafts

VIIITH Semester 801 INDUSTRY PROJECT Information Technology Project from the Industry for design and development during this semester Seminar Seminar to discuss the details of the project carried at, observations, important aspects, working difficulties encountered, remedy during execution, etc. The report to be presented regularly at the institute Term Work Final Project report based on above be submitted for assessment Practical/Oral Will consist of the presentation cum defense based on the above report.

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