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Issue 5 July 2009

E n e r g y X ch a n g e

Holistic • Inspiration • Spiritual

EnergyXchange June Issue Publisher

Contents Danielle Garcia channels us a message from the angelic realm.....................Pg 4

Leeza Robertson

Fear - letting go and living ahead


by Garry Douglas .............................Pg 6

Renee Pastell

Liberation from fear by Susan Wright..Pg 7

Layout & Design

Invoking the power of the human heart



Kennedy Hassett Braden .................Pg 8 Tarot Talk with Raven.....................Pg 10 Power Animal Messages......Pg 11

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August 1st 2009 For Information Regarding Article submissions

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Nothing to fear but fear itself. by Tony Stubbs ........Pg 12 Fears Importance by Kahealani......Pg 14 Wolfgang’s Corner.......................Pg 15 Fear & your higher self by Jennifer McVey...........................Pg 16

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A Note from our Editor-in-Chief Fear is one of the top common dominators in everyone’s existence here on the physical plain. How we deal with fear however is what divides us into participants or spectators in the game of life. The participants feel the fear but do it anyway, where as the spectators stay frozen at the sidelines like deer caught in the headlights. Fear can propel some of us into tremendous success by providing the adrenaline we need to constantly grow and expand beyond our current selves. Fear can also cripple us and make us scared to move in any direction, let alone forward. Fear wears many masks and always seems the most terrifying in our darkest moments. For some of us here in the 3rd dimension it takes sometime before we find that inner light to guide us through the landmine of our negative emotions. All of our great teachers have said that our emotions are meant to be a guidance system only, not a controlling factor in our life experience. Read through the following pages and see how you too can pick up the tools of fear and use them to move you towards your dreams and not away from them. I would like to send out a special thank you to Leah Piken Kolidas for allowing us to use your beautiful artwork on the cover of this month’s issue. Love and light to you all, Renee.

Cover art Provided by - Leah Piken Kolidas is a mixed-media artist living in Boston with her husband and their four fuzzy cats. Leah sells her artwork at and she also blogs and runs the year-long Creative Every Day Challenge at

page 3

What is Fear? Danielle Garcia

Danielle Garcia is a conscious trance channel, medium, spiritual counselor and metaphysician. She uses her empathic gifts to connect with the higher realms resulting in healing through energy work and the written or spoken word. Danielle has recently completed her first book, Angel Blessings, which is a collection of channelings from the Angelic Realm. For more information about Danielle and the services she provides, please visit her website at .

Dear Ones, The concept of fear is a great one to understand. As we do not have this experience on this side of the veil, let us explain your purpose in creating this on your Earth plane. You came to this existence, this creation of a world of duality to learn lessons from such an environment – good and bad, dark and light, positive and negative. There is such a wide spectrum in this game of duality in which you play. Fear is one thing that is a valuable tool of yours in which you learn by. Yes, this is a concept many will shy away from but nonetheless it is truth. Fear is as powerful an energy as you allow it to be. And what is that energy exactly? Is it in the present moment or does it only exist in the future? If you fear something, most of the time it is fear of the unknown, is it not? What will happen if…..what will you do if this situation aligns with that situation? These are all “what ifs”, Dear Ones, they are not reality. Fears are not manifested until you create such manifestation, and even if a particular situation arises, you still have choices on how to act and react. It is moving through fear that you gain such great strength. It is by staring fear in the face and no longer giving it power that you stand in the glory and truth of who you are. You grow on a spiritual and soul level each time you realize that you truly have nothing to fear. A soul does not make mistakes. A soul learns by each choice they make. The ego interprets the energies of right and wrong, and that ego exists only in this plane of duality. If you were to let go of the veil that hinders your view of the other side, you could see this very clearly. God holds no fear, Dear Ones. He/She does not want you to be afraid of anything. Even in a field of duality where light and darkness are present, fear holds no power for God. You are a spark of God created as a soul in God’s energy and love. This dwells within you. Connect with this light and shine it brightly. Where such light exists and shines there is no possibility for darkness. A great man in your history once said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” This is true on so many levels. And if you could see what your greatest fear is, we believe it would shock you and put many of you in denial. What most of you fear is that you are that spark of God. You fear that you are worthy of all miracles and possibilities. You fear your own truth and your power. To move through these distortions of reality, of universal reality, is to ignite your light within. Know Dear Ones; you are most precious and valuable. Know that you are creators and are able to establish any reality you so wish. Look past these fears and see you as we do – as loving, powerful beings of light experiencing life in human form.

FEAR Letting go and living ahead.

Garry L. Douglas LMT, NCTMB, is a Reiki Master and Teacher.

Fear is an emotion than can stay with us indefinitely. It is something that can penetrate our very being, affecting our every move and thought. Whether it is fear of flying, the outdoors or spiders, or a specific concern that we are fear will recur in our lives at any given time, fear can lead to physical or emotional debilitation. When an incident happens that instills fear in us, our bodies and minds grasp that fear in a very real and concrete way: our muscles tighten and tense and hold onto that fear in a very physical way. Thereafter, when the occasion is repeated or perhaps even remembered and not actually undertaken, the same outcome can result: physical pain, tension and and/a perceived inability to cope with the situation as was experienced before, as if relived. Various forms of treatment can be sought and tried in order to remedy the situation. The methods of approach vary greatly depending upon the individual and the type of treatment undertaken. Here Reiki can help. For success to occur in any stressful or worrisome situation it is important for the body to relax and be receptive to the treatment prescribed. Reiki will help relax the body and open up the energy lines and maximize the possibility of recovery. With Reiki treatments the body’s energy fields are unblocked and the healthy and invigorated flow of blood and oxygen gives added support to the work being done by the therapist. Fear of the unknown or the future can also be the cause of problems for many of us. This is where Reiki is extremely helpful in reducing stress and allowing the possibilities to unfold as presented to us and lead to positive outcomes. When we are unblocked and open to the beneficial aids that can enhance and influence our decisions great things can be achieved. Overcoming the fear of the unknown allows us to live our lives to the fullest, and further attracts the opportunities and results we truly desire. Garry is a licensed massage therapist & reflexologist, and has a practice in Henderson, Nevada. He was trained at the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy, which is administered by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia. For appointments or Reiki classes call 702-812-6304. page 6

Liberation from fear by Susan Wright

Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to make choices about our lives. Where will we live? How will we spend our time, our money, and our other resources? All of our choices, added together, determine how we will experience this precious thing that we call life. So, are we making our choices based on what we want from life – or what we fear? In an ideal world, we would always come from love and make our decisions based on where we want to go and what we want to experience. But the truth is, for many humans, fear is a strong and compelling motivator. Without the fear of going hungry, how many people do you know who would get up every morning and go to a job that they despise? For much of our planet’s history, fear has been a driving force behind innovation, diplomacy, economic growth, and even religious doctrine. Fears of hunger, deprivation, death, and yes, even eternal damnation compelled our forefathers to create and sustain governments, societies, and economies that have served us well. Even today, fear of the effect of “global warming” is the motivation behind many “green” innovations. So; fear has been, in many ways, a blessing to our species. And yet, more and more of us are consciously moving away from fear as our primary motivator. What’s the worst that could happen? I could lose my body, transition to the other side, and get in line for a new body. Once we become aware that we are more than our bodies; that our spirit is eternal, that our essence is and always will be provided for – then fear loses its power. Further, when we bring our consciousness to this current moment, we see that fear only lives in our thoughts of the future. It’s not even real! Awareness shows us that we have been operating from false pretenses, and it is time to adjust to a more truthful existence. We get to choose how our personal decisions are made. As more of us begin to make our personal choices based on what is showing up for us, or what we desire, or what we imagine could be – then we begin to influence the decision making of our institutions. How might the world operate if fear is no longer the master motivator? Could it be that: our innovations become even more exciting and are celebrated for their ingenuity, our jobs become an outlet for creativity and social connection, our governments coordinate efforts and manage infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc), and our religions assist us in expanding our individual potential? Could we possibly create a world where our master motivators are love, curiosity and exploration? We get to choose, and we start with our choices and our lives. We influence, by example, our children and our social circle. So, eliminating fear can not only enrich our lives, but it could be our foremost contribution to future generations. Susan M Wright is co-proprietor of Beacon Of Life™, a Transformational Assistance company. She is an Ordained Metaphysician, intuitive coach, writer, and unapologetic follower of her own higher guidance. This guidance is the source of her unique transformational experience called “Infusion of Love”. Her passion is assisting the willing and the curious in living fully and freely. For more information about Susan, please visit her website at You can contact Susan at [email protected] or 775-751-8044.

INVOKING THE POWER OF THE HUMAN HEART Is it possible that Love and Fear are two aspects of the same experience that can take us to personal and global healing? Is it also possible that the very thing we resist is the key to inner Peace? Today all we need to do is turn on the media, talk to a neighbor or listen perhaps to our inner dialog to hear the Fear factor is alive and well on the streets. In fact we hear each day the reasons for it, the back up for it and even the need for it. It is almost as if we have turned on the alarm clock and have forgotten to turn it off. Fear seems to thrive in one particular place-the belief in separation. The belief that there is right, wrong, good, bad, them and us. A belief that says Love comes from one source and Fear another. That one is to be embraced and the other resisted. Most of us do not rush to open the door to Fear, announcing our joy upon the arrival of such a guest. However if we welcome Fear and follow it to its source, we find that it is one and the same as Love-the same Source, the Divine Source. Both Love and Fear have the capacity and may I say intention to take us HOME. Inside of each and every one of us there is a stargate, a gateway, in the form of a 7 layer liquid crystal, the human heart. It is through this “Stargate” that we connect with ourselves, our family and friends, and our Source. Some call this place of connection the Sacred Chamber. Our Hearts are the place of intuition, higher intelligence, inspiration, deep care, compassion and appreciation. It is also here where we find the strongest magnetic field of the body,one that is 5000 times stronger than the brain. It has the capacity to bring our entire system into alignment ( coherence) through each beat/signal to the body. It is in the power of the heart that our greatest wisdom, strength, and resilience resides. The heart knows no time or space-remember in your life when you fell instantly in love? The universe opens to a field of possibility and the boundaries of time and space dissolve. It is also here in the heart where Fear can dissolve in the face of Love, in the reality of openness and the care of the Universal Heart. page 8

When we are in Fear and anxiety, the power of the heart to clear, balance, transform, and bring us into coherence is profound. Just focusing our attention in the heart by placing our hand there and breathing from there brings about a major shift. Try this right now...and when we feel into gratitude or Love and surround ourselves in this field, everything begins to change. In this way we shift from our insecurities to confidence and heart-based coherence. The Institute of HeartMath in California has researched and documented the power of the human heart to transform our personal and collective Stresswaves into what I call Heartwaves. HeartMath is engaged in an scientific- based project called the Global Coherence Initiative. GCI is about nurturing ourselves and our planet through global coherence and assisting in nothing less than a shift to heart consciousness. We all can be agents for this shift by joining together at . So let us be captured by the strength, wisdom and Love in our hearts.. When we think with our hearts and live from there, I believe we will have entered into our next evolutionary step for humanity.

Kennedy Hassett Braden is a licensed HeartMath Provider and Associate of HeartMath and Stress Psychologist whose deepest passion is for personal and global healing through the transformative power of the heart. You can read more about her and connect by going to and click on Resources. She works with people all over the world through 1 on 1 tele-sessions and group programs. She also travels speaking about the GCI. Her email is [email protected]

with Raven

8 of Swords / Fear

There are quite a few cards in the Tarot which can produce the feeling of fear, depending on the situation. I’ve chosen the 8 of Swords card as a prime example of fear. In the Tarot of the 4 Elements by Isha Lerner, it is represented as a chessboard. There’s no sign of the traditional image of a blindfolded, bound woman with 8 swords surrounding her. A blue sky and pretty clouds surround this chessboard, with 8 sword hilts at top and tips at the opposite end. The tips are very sharp but easily grounded, as they point downward. Swords are based in the creative power of the mind, the strength of thought-forms. The 8 of Swords speak of self-inflicted doubt and worry, the pure ingredients of fear. How easily those wispy fears become freakish monsters in our heads late at night! The newspapers today are filled with fearful stories (and very happy newsrooms who continually feed the beast). It becomes quite easy not to a take a step, pull down the shades and withdraw into ourselves. The traditional picture of the blindfolded woman reminds me of child who believes that if she stands very still, no one could possibly see her! The Tarot of the 4 Elements gives us the option of transforming fear Swords through careful consideration and movement. Remember, a chess player is known for strategy over quickness. Yet there is always wise, decisive movement. The power of the “8” means that transformation is at hand— after being taken in-hand. Piece by piece, we move our pawns around those shifty Knights and Rooks that seem to jump all over the board. Step by step, we pace ourselves as we keep an eye on the nimble Queen while slowly boxing in the King. All of those small-medium- large fears are just pieces on life’s chessboard that need either creative rearrangement, or displacement altogether. Yes, those fears to which we’ve been addicted (What if I lose my health insurance? What if I lose my job? What if the worst possible thing happens? What if?) seem difficult to conquer. They have become part of our story, our “vision” board. Ultimately, the 8 of Swords asks: how does this addiction to worry and fear serve us? Even if we are physically bound, our minds still have the greater power to either cement or release us. Ask for help taking off the blindfold and without force, dismantle the fear. Walk towards the King and Queen, reaching new levels of wisdom and understanding. EIGHT © 2009 ArtfulBlessings

Raven Mardirosian of Matarot Intuitive Wellness is an intuitive counselor specializing in Tarot, IChing, Rune Stones, Animal Medicine Cards and Crystal Dowsing. She is also a Level II Reiki practitioner. She offers live/phone/email sessions by appointment only. See her website at Or visit her office in Bellows Falls, VT ~ 802-376-5767.

Animals we fear Like most people I have a fear of snakes. Infact I can not even talk about them without having my feet raised up off the floor, which is more then amusing for my participants when I am teaching classes on power animals. But here is the rub, the animal you fear the most is the one with the most vital life lesson for you. Snake is about fluidity, transformation, shedding out grown ideas or situations, knowing when it is time to let go and busting out of the old. Depending on the particular type of snake its message does change somewhat, but my fear is of all snakes! Hence the generalization here. What I have found fascinating about my relationship with snake is I have seen some very deadly snakes in their natural environment. Having grown up in the Australian bush it was not uncommon for us to have encounters with brown snakes, which are highly poisonous and can grow up to 7-8ft in length. As a teenager I rode push bikes everywhere, it was my form of escape. I could get on my bike and ride for hours in the bush and not come across another person, just the sound of magpies and flocks of local galahs talking non stop in the trees. Once in a blue moon however I would come upon a brown snake curled up in the middle of the road basking in the sun. I would of course say, ‘I am sorry mr snake, I will just stay way over this side of the road and not bother you’, sounds silly I know, but snakes have always ignored me. They act as if I don’t even exist, which is more then fine with me. I had a similar experience while hiking through forests in upstate New York a year ago where I can across this blue snake coiled up on the moss warming itself from the heat of the forest floor. Again I said my little line, and around him I went, and again the snake totally ignored my presence. One thing I have noticed though is when I do come across a snake, be it in the wild or in my animal cards it does mean my life is about to go through some big changes. I truly have outgrown where I am at. It is almost like snake says to me, I know your resisting because you’re so comfortable here but it is time to move on, shake it up and get some new energy flowing. I am yet to figure out if I actually enjoy getting these messages. HA! So look more closely at the animal that terrifies you as it has some important messages for you. See how and when it has appeared in your life and what has happened before and after each encounter. Look for the lessons and blessings from this encounter; it is a true lesson in feeling the fear and walking through it. Good luck! Leeza Robertson is an intuitive writer, artist and motivational speaker. Publisher of EnergyXchange magazine and friend of the earth spirits. For more information or to schedule a private reading go to page 11

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself Best Selling Author Tony Stubbs

As the author of the popular book Death Without Fear, I might be expected to draw on that for this article, but “expected” is boring, so I’ll come at the topic from a different angle. (Of course, if you do have any fear around crossing over or the other side, then certainly read the book or go to It’s often said that fear of public speaking outweighs the fear of death, which means that if you’re asked to deliver the eulogy at a funeral, you’d rather be the one in the casket instead! Another common fear is that of being nude among clothed people. This reminds me of the time I was asked to give a talk at a nudist club in California. I was warned that the gathering was open to “textiles” (non-nudists), but was surprised when the textiles outnumbered nudists in the audience by ten-to-one! So, there I was, standing on the podium stark naked, delivering a talk to a roomful of clothed people … and LOVING it. Only one problem, though. Where do you clip the microphone? So what’s the real skinny (pun intended) on fear? According to the Michael Entity (see for information), the most basic human fear is that of “not being good enough,” however that might express itself. For example, it might be concern about not earning enough income, not being good enough in bed, or not being accepted into heaven when we cross over. Michael tells us that this basic fear stems from a deeply held belief that we’re sent down here on Earth because God kicked us out of heaven for not being good enough. Obviously it’s vital to demolish such arrant nonsense if you subscribe to that belief, and replace it with the knowing that you are the perfect you to be living your life right now. What’s more, you earned massive brownie points for just showing up in on the planet in the flesh. In fact, Earth lives are widely viewed across our galaxy as “as tough as it gets,” akin to the training Special Forces or Navy SEALs undergo. And this is attributed to the fact that the veil hides our true fearless soul selves from us, so our egos are free to conjure up their wild imagings. The true antidote to the veil and the fear it allows is healthy self-esteem, or the knowing that you’re able to deal with whatever challenges life throws at you. One of the best sources of information about evaluating your self-esteem level and how to maximize it is Nathaniel Branden’s book, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. Briefly, the pillars are: 1) Living consciously, 2) Self-acceptance, 3) Self-responsibility, 4) Self-assertiveness, 5) Living purposefully, and 6) Personal integrity.

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On the spiritual side, take heart from Abraham-Hicks, who once said, “Ninety-nine percent of what you fear never materializes,” so breath into any fear that arises. Also, call on your guardian angels and spirit guides when in a fearful situation. And do not dwell on a fear, because that just adds fuel to the fire. In fact, negate a fear by visualizing its opposite. For example, if worried about losing your job, lover, so whatever, pour your energy into visualizing getting a promotion, or deepening your relationship. And qualify that vision with gratitude for the opportunity to be in loving service to the One. Remember, The Secret rarely works if done for personal gain rather than in loving service. Finally and most importantly, remember that you-the-soul planned every detail of your current life before you ever incarnated, so even if scary stuff happens, you put it there for the growth it brings, Which is why whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. So just say, “Okay, soul, you got us into this mess, so you’d better get us out of it.” And then expect a miracle. But if you do end up facing your own crossing, remember that you planned that too, so make it a good crossing, without fear. So, anyone up for volunteering to give a talk at your local nudist club? You’ll love the exposure it brings. Tony Stubbs lives locally and has written several books, including An Ascension Handbook, Living with Soul, Death Without Fear, and Every Ending Is a New Beginning. [, and] He is also a professional book editor and designer, and is available to work on spiritual projects []. page 13

Fears Importance

Written by Kahealani, Hawaiian Past Life Medium

Fear is important to spiritual growth. It is of great value to any who travel down the enlightened path of spirituality. Its importance isn’t simple nor should it be taken lightly. To disrespect the meaning of fear only brings disrespect to one’s spiritual growth. Most people wouldn’t look at fear as a feeling to admire, though it should be. Fear brings locked away feelings, desires, obsessions, and bad memories forward, so that we may overcome them. These locked away fearful thoughts are designed to keep us from moving forward while the state of fear provides us with a reason to overcome them. The state of fear resides in the mind, the body, and the spirit. Our minds fear to be ignorant, not loved or loving enough, opinions of others, and so on. The body fears death, harm, and other physical deformities. Spiritual fears are both mental and physical in a combination of both. Wherever, the fear is hiding our spirit will find a way to bring them forward. Understanding the depths of each kind of fear will bring the answers we seek to reach our full potential of becoming aware. No matter what we dread, fear will alert our spirit to bring us toward our life lessons in any way that helps us to achieve it. It will place obstacles before us until we overcome the true fearful thought/feeling that is obstructing our path. This feeling provides us with a foresight to safely progress forward. It helps us to see the things we are afraid to look at, as it objectively provides the very solution to overcome it. The feeling of fear is designed to show the blocks we have, as well as provide the answers to help us move pass them. Looking at fear objectively, we would see that it truly provides us safety as well as a bridge to become wiser in every thought we make. It brings the blocks into view and then it gives us the tool to safely remove it from our state of being. The fact that fear is something that we would rather do without, we as spiritual beings cannot live without it. The best thing about fear is, its unrelentless design to keep us moving safely forward. It is this precious gift that fear gives each spiritual being while in the physical world. It is willing to be destroyed and/or removed from any individual, if it can provide in the smallest detail an answer for the individual to progress forward in their spiritual journey without blocks and fears. page 14

However, it doesn’t mean it will happen right away. In all things we should take baby steps to overcome blocks. The main thing we can always count on is our spirit to be right there always guiding us to move forward and overcome that which holds us from our life lesson. Personal experience: I wanted to see spirits again, I bugged my spirit to hurry and get me ready. After several weeks of nagging my spirit provided me with the sight; I awoke to a little Asian girl crying next to me and standing next to her was my idea of ‘Death’. I tried to ignore her, but she kept asking me for help. When I couldn’t take the fear building in my heart, I realized I brought this upon myself. I calmed myself and thanked my spirit for the lesson. Then, I helped the girl to find her way into the light.

Kahealani, is a multicultural medium/priestess, who has been doing past life readings for as long as she can remember. It has been in recent years, that she has decided to share her abilities with those enlightened individuals who are ready to read about their spirit’s and/or human’s past lives. Her readings have detailed information of a life and may reveal disturbing information, as well as showing how these lives are influencing their current life. All past life readings are sent via email and ordered through

wolfgang’s corner

I have always had a roof over my head, food on the table, and some money in my pocket. With all of the changes in our economy, and all the bad news on TV, I can see how people can become fearful about not having enough money. For most of us, that would mean a lifestyle change. So, I took a look at all of the luxuries in my life that I could do without - if it became necessary. With this awareness, my mind was at ease for the moment. Then, I took a closer look at this experience of “fear” and noticed that fear is about some point in the future. Fear is not real. It only exists in our minds. By adjusting my spending as my income changes, and living within my current means, I keep my mind out of fear of the future and live in the flow of my life stream. Life is good. When fear presents for you, stop your mind and ask yourself; “What would put my mind at ease now?” I simply focus on what is here in front of me now, and let the future be the future. Lots of Love, Wolfgang Lettow co-owner, Beacon Of Life™

Fear and your Higher Self You feel fear anytime you are ‘separated’ from your essence-your spirit-your Higher Self. Your fears are part of you as a human being. There’s nothing bad or negative about being afraid of something. Being fearful/having fears is normal. Nature programmed you (your human) with fear- why? Simple- to keep you alive; Fear is a messenger. Fear has a job- to notify you that something is amiss. When you feel fearful, there is a part of you that’s trying to get your attention. Dismissing it, ignoring it or over riding it, is telling that part of you, “I don’t care how you are feeling or what you want.” When you are afraid of something and do it anyway, you are telling yourself that you are not important- that your safety and well being is not valuable. And, honestly, to force yourself into anything is cruel. Your fears are alive. You care for them, feed them, hide them, most of us even fiercely protect and defend our fears. Ask someone about something they are afraid of and they will give you a million reasons why their fears are real and justified. Sometimes they will deny them altogether; denial is another way of protecting our fears and keeping them in place. This is why inner dialog is so very important. Accept that you are afraid and talk to yourself about it. As ‘ridiculous’ as some of your fears may seem- you have them for a reason- they are important. Even if you are thinking of the worst care scenario, it probably could happen, so come up with a plan if it does and sooth yourself about it. Acknowledge that it is a real possibility and how you would handle it and survive the situation. What are you afraid of, really? And what’s the underlying, deeper thought? Take something as simple as you are worried about being late… why? Is it because it’s rude and you don’t want to be that selfish person? Or is there something more about not being good enough, inconveniencing someone or not wanting to stand out? Or are you hiding that you’re just not a good person or not responsible or that you don’t have it all together? Are any of these things true- of course not. But we’re not dealing with the truth, we are dealing with your feelings and ALL of your feelings are valid and true to some part of you because you feel them, believe them, have them.

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Why do you ‘have’ to know the origin of your fears? If you don’t know what that fear really is, how could you talk yourself out of it, understand it or learn from it? How can you be whole if you’re out of alignment with your spirit? Everything that you think, that you feel, that you believe (true or untrue) is important. You are important. It is you who is creating your life. The more you work with yourself, are kind to yourself and learn about yourself the better your life will be. Fear is part of life. It’s not in your life for you to run from, it’s in your life to ‘tell’ you something. It gives you the option to grow, to learn, to embrace yourself as that powerful being that you are. Fear gives you opportunity to raise your human’s consciousness and tune into your Higher Self.

Jennifer McVey offers Hypnotherapy Services Spiritual / Intuitive Services Pet Psychic Sessions & Medium Readings Personalized Coaching Sessions & Programs Reiki Certification & Training You can visit her on Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com She is available by appointment only. 760-416-0450 Jennifer McVey offers appointments by phone and in her office. Special circumstances and sessions are available. Her office is in sunny, Palm Springs, California.

Reflexology Reiki Garry L. Douglas, LMT, NCTMB, Reiki Master Holistic Healing Total Body C.A.R.E {Circulation-Assimilation-Relaxation-Elimination}

Chakra Cleanse & Balanace Cayce/Reilly © Certified Massage Therapist


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‘Guiding You Along Your Spiritual Path’

Danielle has recently completed her first book, Angel Blessings, which is a collection of channelings from the Angelic Realm. 

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For more information about Danielle and the services she provides, please visit her website at

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