Islam: Coming To Your Town

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,131
  • Pages: 3
Friends, The article posted below was sent to me by a friend I could not agree more with its premise, one need only to look at Europe today to see the end result of Islamization, all of the situations mentioned in this tome are happening right now, today in Europe. We have already begun to see these things occurring in America…Islamic foot baths in airports, Muslim taxi drivers who refuse to take fares from people with dogs…even seeing eye dogs or who have liquor in their possession, Islamic prayer rooms on college campuses… forbidden to Christian or Jewish students, special times set aside for the exclusive use of Muslims at University swimming pools IE: Harvard…again Christians and Jews are forbidden, special times set aside for Muslim workers to pray…such as the Swift Meat Packing plant in Greely Colo., supermarkets allowing Muslims to refuse jobs in which they must handle “pork” products, ITS BEGINNING and it is accelerating! The Hussein administration is ‘simpatico’ with all things Muslim; he has a coterie of key advisors who are outright anti-Semitic and anti-Christian. As an example I cite Ingrid Masterson, one of Hussein’s chief Muslim advisors and president of the “Islamic Society of North America” (ISNA). ISNA is openly anti-Semitic, advocates Jihad against American soldiers in Afghanistan and the implementation of Sharia Law. ISNA was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land vs. US trial. The trial revealed ISNA to be a front organization for the Ikhwan “Muslim Brotherhood” whose goal is stated below in a 1987 memo: “The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.” In a strangely surreal way the above statement from the “Ikhwan” reminds me of Ebenezer Scrooge’s…“Ghost of Christmas yet to come”. A haunting dystopia of the Muslim mobile vulgus, flogging American untermensch along the road to perdition! Take note my friends Islam is coming to a town near you. This does not bode well for your survival! Regards KAFIR The Unbeliever LAN ASTASLEM ‫لن استسلم‬ I will not submit: “To Islam!” For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee! Soon, your schools will have to remove all signs of Christian contribution to the history of the US, along with all other Government/Civil establishments, in the event that any such ‘Christian’ influence might inherently be “Offensive” to Muslim sensibilities…School’s will be influenced to remove lessons that even mention the Nazi extermination of Jews. More and more public funding will be sidelined and handed out to local “Community projects” to ensure and promote “….local community cohesion”…

which in reality means more Mosques, Islamic schools, etc! Subtle things will begin to change that you’ll barely notice, but that have enormous cultural implications……e.g. Your TV channels will stop promoting the “Christmas TV Schedule” and instead will begin to start publishing the “Holiday Season” Schedule in the weeks leading up to December 25th each year. As you know, those good ‘ole Muslims don’t want to watch any TV if there’s any chance of being “Offended”. Churches (And other buildings) will be purchased by “Local community cohesion groups” under heavily disguised planning applications, which once approved then suddenly morph into mosques. More and more often you’ll notice Muslims becoming more prominent in your society – Tax officials, local councilors, passport offices, passport control, airport security, port security, health services, housing assistance, employment benefits and welfare officers. If you’re not Muslim…get used to being at the back of the queue. Media will begin to voice more “Manicured” “Muslim community spokesmen” on TV/Radio and in the press….Denouncing anyone that dares speak out against Muslim's Koran as “Racist Islamophobic”, while all the time criticizing all your hard fought freedoms. Prominent Muslims will begin to take local minor political seats, and then campaign for national political positions. They’ll begin to take positions whereby they can begin to influence law-makers. Richer Muslims will begin to bankroll political campaigns and lobbyists that further their own agenda. Once more established, piles of money (Ironically “Oil Money”) will begin to flood in from Saudi Arabia, etc… Solely for the purposes of creating further Muslim influence, this money will be used to build even bigger mosques, bankroll legal cases that further erode US cultural heritage, etc… You’ll begin to wonder why it is your children are coming home from school after a visit from the local Imam with copy of the Koran (Printed with more Saudi oil money), and that they’ve been told Islam will one day rule the world (Try explaining that one away). Traditional cultural festivals/events that have been held for generations will suddenly and overnight become “Politically incorrect” as they will prove to be “Offensive” to Islam. Shops & Stores that have been established for years, but that now find themselves close by one of the brand new shiny mosques will be forced to close because they sell Alcohol or Pork (Again, these dastardly shop owners are being hideously “Offensive” for selling such un-Islamic goods). Your local Pizza Hut/MacDonald’s/Burger King will suddenly display huge signs proudly declaring that they now exclusively use “Halal” meat – so that Muslims can now eat in the safe knowledge that they’re not being discriminated against” Regardless of the fact that years of research led up to the more humane methods of slaughter used by western butcheries for years has now been replaced by the rather medieval & distressing event of the animals throat being sliced open and the

animal being left to bleed dry while having an Islamic blessing wailed…This ‘Halal’ meat will begin to appear everywhere (And I mean everywhere!)…Schools, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Restaurants…etc….. You’ll read your local newspaper and although you can’t quite put your finger on it, you’ll notice that there seems to be a lot more instances of street theft/mugging occurring. Rape figures will begin to increase…most alarmingly attributed to “a man of middle-eastern origin” according to the victims statement! Your daughters will be enticed into drug use and before you know what’s going on, she’ll be gang raped or procured into prostitution. Your laws and constitution will be changed and manipulated and include elements of ‘Sharia law’. Sharia law courts will be established in the leading local mosques, these courts (Overseen usually by one of the more fundamentalist mosque members) will actually make decisions that override civil law. I could go on and on and on……but I think you get my point. What you’ve read above is not fiction or fantasy. It’s reality. I’m from the UK and here this all REAL. Take note my American friends “Islam – coming to a town near you”

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