Is The Presidential Election Rigged

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  • Words: 1,663
  • Pages: 4
Is the Presidential Election Rigged? I have been involved in politics for a long time and I know all the tricks (yes, you do not have to be a genius to be in politics). The American public is the most tricked and deceived of any in the world. But of course when you speak of deceiving the American public you also speak of deceiving the world’s public because they follow every news lead and movie like it was the writ from heaven. America’s grotesque Africanized culture is the model copied by every European nation in the world. Now, yet another election fraud is being foisted off on an incredibly naive American public. It is the public that I have always identified with because I pride myself in being a bourgeoisie ever since I first heard Marxist professors in undergraduate and graduate school repeat their hatred of the middle and working classes everyday. Of course the left feels both contempt and fear of the white middle and working classes. They feel contempt because those classes have been intimidated and fooled by the left for so long. At the same time they fear the middle and working class white males. They know that living among them are Caesars, Machiavelli’s and Attila’s that if unleashed and confident could crush them like Alexander the Great crushed the lands of antiquity. That fear explains why the left and its media, politicians and academics never let up on their drum fore of intimidatory pressures against the white male which are asymmetrically promoted even as the false power of Africans or blacks is pimped. Now that colossal fraud is drawing towards the Armageddon of white America and its civilization. A mysterious African from Kenya, who is not a US citizen, will soon illegally ascend to the presidency of the USA. He is a Marxists, a racist and a Muslim and his “election” will mean the end of whatever was hitherto defined as freedom and civilization. It is part of the degradation and humiliation of those of us who are white and have protected this nation to see it defiled by a person who is everything that we are against. Hussein Obama will be president and he is not even an American citizen. Like Joe Stalin , Che Gueverra and Ho Chi Minh, no one knows his real name. His ugly past and real self is hidden behind the leftist media hype. If there were any real Christians left in America they would call him the AntiChrist. But all the so-called Christian churches have been subverted by their female members and Marxist preachers. It is through the white females that blacks are realizing their greatest influence in so-called Christian churches and US

corporations. In both places weekly Soviet style training classes are carried out which promote diversity. It is not the diversity of Whites, Asians, Hispanics and blacks. It is the diversity of black domination, black power and simultaneously, black cultural parasitism. This parasitism includes the in-migration of millions of Africans in the near future. Why? To fix it so that America will never again exist undominated by black power. Those of you who claim that Obama will be so bad that the nation will never elect a black again are wrong. He is here to stay. Note the nature of Obama’s support. Look behind Obama in every one of his appearances. See the lovely young white women sooo-obviously crazy with love for the “new Messiah” as the racist, murderer and black-muslin Farakhan calls him. Do you really think that there are actually white women swooning so relentlessly over Obama’s every nuance like the women you see on television? They never tire, for hours they swoon and croon. It is all staged. It is part of the Vegas type floor shows that the gangster democrats do so well. Of course they trained Obama in body language nuances, gestures, how to amble instead of afro-strut, how to smile at whites and seductively game white women. Look at him. The media says he is fabulously sexy. He is just a plain pot-bellied half-caste, with a sagging face and dull muddy eyes. There is no fire, not even smoke. Obama is an insignificant person with no real aptitude or intellect. He is, however, a living symbol of the Africanization of America. As that symbol, the left is ruled by symbols, the Marxist fanatics of America love him. It is sickening. Who would want to live in a society governed by sick men who eschew the rule of competence for skin color? Hussein Obama is hailed as the greatest orator ever by the news media, yet he just talks like a black preacher. They claim that his effect is hypnotic, but it only hypnotizes the weak minded. All the rich American Marxists-Corporates, the true engine behind MarxistCapitalism, are pouring billions into Obama’s election campaign. To them, this is the climax of their decades-long crescendo of advertising propaganda that the distracted public never noticed. From here on in, the naked communist nature of their “diverse society” will begin to openly rule. They will have what they have always dreamed of, a black Marxist-racist muslim president of the USA. Why do rich whites and white college students love blacks so dearly? That is a psychopathological syndrome that should be studied by psychologists, if they were not all part of the problem. They refuse to acknowledge that the black wigger syndrome even exists.

Listen closely any of you whose brain still functions independently. This election is fixed. Consider the evidence:

 A black candidate who, although representing everything the American middle and working class is against, is being financed by rich Marxistcapitalists corporations to an extent that he can buy the election.  Although Hussein Obama and his emotionally disturbed, marxist running mate, Biden, are only two worn out leftist stooges, yet the media has pimped them as God’s gift to America. Although neither of them knows the name of Europe’s largest river, both have been schooled by the best body language specialists money can buy. Special crowd choreographers have surrounded Obama by paid, swooning white “fans,” wherever he goes. Biden is given drugs to control his Marxist rages.  At the same time, no body language specialists have obviously coached John McCain. If anything, his nasal voice and irritating tone is now being exaggerated by him. His every move seems to be a caricature of counterproductivity, for example he is careful to stand like a fearful zombie beside Obama and speak in even vaguer generalities. He emphasizes his too short arms by spastic gestures exacerbated by a new beaver-like overbite. He has forced his staff to abide by politically correct rule which includes: not revealing the many hidden skeletons in Obama’s closet, disallowing anyone to mention Obama’s middle name, “Hussein,” and refusing to allow “Swift Boat” type truth-attacks on Obama. McCain will always acts like a cowardly politically correct buffoon. Do you really think tha his behavior is an accident or just an expression of his real self? If you do, read his speeches and statements of a few years ago. You will learn that another man is now pretending to be McCain, a puppet constructed by the democrats.  The choice of Sarah Palin as Vice President was supposed to prove that “stupid McCain cannot chose anything but a ditzy slut.” However, Palin proved to be an much better speaker than McCain, smarter and everyone loved her. The stunned fixers struck back. They forced Palin to caricature herself during the so-called Vice Presidential debate. As the psychotic Biden controlled his mad antics with drugs, she parroted “You betcha” , winked a lot, and caricatured folksiness, as she was told to do. Of course that act was rigged and was predictably used as a springboard for the leftist counter attack against Palin. They have enlisted every running dog at ABC, CBS and

NBC , as well as Saturday Night Live, and even the leftist scum hole known as “The View” to smear Palin. They were afraid their tactic of nominating Paklin had backfired. They realized that she was smart, beautiful and charismatic. “Therefore she must be liquidated.” Now Palin is on the ropes and being smeared daily. The rest of you stand around open mouthed and angry. “”there is nothing we can do,” you say for the millionth time. You walking dead men. You are the wage slaves of the consuming Marxist-Capitalist dictatorship. This election is rigged because we really do have a one-party system. Bush is part of that set up. Ask yourself: Why did Bush establish a new US Army area command that Hussein Obama has suggested, before Obama won the election? Now there is a new African command Headquarters (like CENTOCM) set up by the army and the weird leftists of the State Department. The purpose of that command is to pour billions of dollars of nation building aid into Africa. It will result in the US being tied up fighting Africa’s tribal wars. Then the US will bring in its favorite tribes as political refugees, by the millions, thus transforming the US intro a third world African nation. I can hear many conditioned responses to this report before many have said them. Because what I say is true, I will be labeled, by some idiots, as a racist, KKK type, etcetera, ad nauseum. Its part of the stink of having so many deranged people who can read. They have been taught to live by stereotypes and labels. Whoever disagrees with them must be murdered either symbolically or actually. They deny freedom of speech with its replacement, political correctness. Their message to any who speak the truth is:” Woe be to you, white man.” They demand a tearful apology as the “perp” sits among the ruins of his life, a life that they have ruined as punishment for “sins against the almighty messiah and the master Afro race.” I say to them…bring it on!

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