Irregular Basic)

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 469
  • Pages: 2
Irregular Verbs Be (is/am/are) Beat Become Begin Bend Bite Blow Break Bring Build Burn Burst Buy Catch Choose Come Cost Cut Do Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go Grow Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Keep Know Learn Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet

Was, Were gksuk]cuuk Beat ihVuk] gjkuk] ?kM+duk Became gksuk] cuuk Began 'kq: djuk@gksuk Bent eqM+uk]eksM+uk]>qduk]>qdkuk Bit nkWarks ls dkVuk Blew (gok dk) pyuk ;k cguk Broke rksM+uk]VwVuk Brought ykuk]ys vkuk Built cukuk]fuekZ.k djuk Burned/Burnt tyuk]tykuk Burst QVuk]QksM+uk Bought [kjhnuk Caught idM+uk Chose pquuk Came vkuk Cost nke gksuk Cut dkVuk]dVuk Did djuk Drew rLohj cukuk Dreamt/Dreamed liuk ns[kuk Drank ihuk Drove (xkM+h)pykuk Ate [kkuk Fell fxjuk Fed f[kykuk Felt eglwl djuk Fought yM+uk Found ikuk Flew mM+uk]mMkuk Forbade euk djuk Forgot Hkwy tkuk Forgave ekQ djuk Froze tekuk]teuk Got izkIr djuk Gave nsuk Went tkuk Grew mxuk]mxkuk Hung yVduk]yVdkuk Had ikl gksuk]j[kuk Heard lquuk Hid fNiuk]fNikuk Hit pksV ekjuk Held idM+uk]vk;kstu djuk Kept j[kuk Knew tkuuk Learnt/Learned lh[kuk];kn djuk Left NksM+uk Lent m/kkj nssuk Let nsuk Lay ysVuk]iM+k gksuk Lit/Lighted tyuk]tykuk]izdkf'kr djuk Lost [kksuk]gkjuk Made cukuk Meant eryc gksuk Met feyuk

Englishplus Ph. 98 99 722 977

1 Been Beaten Become Begun Bent Bitten Blown Broken Brought Built Burned/Burnt Burst Bought Caught Chosen Come Cost Cut Done Drawn Dreamt/dreamed Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got Given Gone Grown Hung Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Kept Known Learnt/Learned Left Lent Let Lain Lit/Lighted Lost Made Meant Met

Irregular Verbs Misunderstand Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Sell Send Sew Shake Shine Shoot Show Shut Shrink Sing Sink Sit Sleep Smell Speak Spend Spit Spread Stand Steal Stick Swim Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Understand Wake Wear Weep Win Write

xyr le>uk pqdkuk]Hkqxrku djuk j[kuk] Mkyuk iuk tkxuk]txkuk iguuk jksuk thruk fy[kuk

Misunderstood Paid Put Read Rode Rang Rose Ran Said Saw Sold Sent Sewed Shook Shone/Shined Shot Showed Shut Shrank Sang Sank Sat Slept Smelt /Smelled Spoke Spent Spat/Spit Spread Stood Stole Stuck Swam Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Understood Woke Wore Wept Won Wrote

Englishplus Ph. 98 99 722 977

2 Misunderstood Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sold Sent Sewn / Sewed Shaken Shone/Shined Shot Shown Shut Shrunk Sung Sunk Sat Slept Smelt/Smelled Spoken Spent Spat/Spit Spread Stood Stolen Stuck Swum Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Understood Woken Worn Wept Won Written

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