Ironcad Guia Base

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 13
 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program

You will model a Guide Base as shown above using only IronCAD’s Drag-and-Drop modeling techniques along with IronCAD’s Handle Technology.

To understand IronCAD’s patented Drag and Drop modeling functionality.

LAB 1-1

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program Go to the Shapes catalog and drag a Block onto your 3D Scene. •

Click on block once to get into Intellishape level. This is indicated by Yellow Highlight with Red handles. IntelliShape = Feature in other applications. To view the dimensions dynamically as shown. Go to “View” menu, click “sizebox dimensions”. You can change size of shape using these dimensions instead of handles if desired. In this Lab, we will keep turned off.

Right Mouse click on any Red handle and click the “Edit Sizebox” option on pop-up menu.

Enter the values below as shown in image. Length =3.500 Width = 2 Height = 3/8

Click OK to finish Notice the Anchor has two “whiskers” on it. The longer one is the HEIGHT by default and the shorter is the LENGTH by default. This provides great visual coordination within IronCAD.

From the Shapes catalog drag another block onto the midpoint of the REAR EDGE of the first block. This is indicated while dragging over the edge with a large Green Dot. (see Image below). When the cursor overlaps an edge. it will highlight in green, signifying alignment.

LAB 1-2

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program •

To resize the second block to the first, grab rear handle while holding down the SHIFT key and drag until it snaps to the back edge (or face) of first block. The edge will highlight Green when you have alignment. Release button. Holding shift key while dragging a handle invokes IronCAD’s SmartSnap  technology. SmartSnap will snap to Edges, Faces, Endpoints, Midpoints, Centerpoints, even lines in 2D geometry. You can also set up an automatic shift key, so !" #$ SmartSnap will operate automatically (Which we affectionately call AutoSmartSnap). Go to “Tools” > “Options” > “Interaction” tab and under Handle Behavior check off box indicating “ Use snap as default handle behavior (without Shift key)”.

Right Click the opposite handle of the previous one you just edited and click “Edit Sizebox” and replace the value with; Width = 1.25

Click OK

Right Click on top handle of second block and click “Edit Sizebox” and replace value with; Height = 1.875

Click OK

Objective: For Equi-Distant sizing about the center of Block for the Length.

LAB 1-3

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program •

Right Click anywhere on the second block while at the intellishape level (do not click on handles) and click on the “Intellishape Properties” option on pop-up menu.

Click on “Sizebox” tab and enter vlaue for Length of 2.375.

Click OK You can also !" #$ achieve Equi-Distant sizing by right clicking on the perpendicular handle axis of the actual axis you want to resize. In this example you could have right clicked on a WIDTH handle and then in “Edit Sizebox” change the LENGTH to 2.375.

Drag a Third Block from the Shapes catalog so it snaps to midpoint of Edge common to both blocks as shown in Inset.

LAB 1-4

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program •

Drag bottom handle of Block 3 while holding shift key (invokes SmartSnap) until Surface SS highlights in Green and release button. % Make sure you release mouse button first and then shift key otherwise you risk that SmartSnap has NOT actually performed accurately.

Right Click on Front handle as shown and activate “Edit Sizebox” and replace value with; Height = 3/16

Click OK

Right Click Top Handle as shown and activate “Edit Sizebox” and replace value with; Width = .75, also Length –1.125. NOTE: We changed both Width and Length while in the same pop-up menu. Since we picked “Width” handle for this operation, when we change value for Length it will resize about center of block. Remember Equi-Distant Shortcut Tip earlier.

Click OK

Objective: Add top rounded shape to the front of the part •

Drag a Cylinder from the Shapes catalog onto the back edge of last block as shown in Inset. If you have been having trouble getting your % shapes to orientate correctly as shown in this lab, chances are your view of the scene is not right. What do I mean? Well, IronCAD is a zoom sensitive program. IronCAD thinks for you in these instances. For example, while dragging a shape from a catalog, onto a surface, edge or point, it will orient the shape perpendicular to the surface that is most closely perpendiclar to your view in the scene (It will also resize the shape accordingly). See some examples below. This is important that you understand this because this is truly a time saving capability unique to IronCAD.

LAB 1-5

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program

SIDEBAR NOTE: IronCAD’s Innovative Dynamic View Sensititivity Technology. Since surfaces A are orientated more relative to my field of view, the cylinder once dragged on the the edge indicated will orientate with its HEIGHT handle perpendicular to my view. See in other example this technique used . Notice how we drag the SAME cylinder to the SAME point each time and according to our field of view the cylinder will orientate accordingly.

IronCAD Dynamic View Sensitivity will also ask if you wish to resize features relative to how zoomed in on a part you are. See below.

LAB 1-6

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program

Drag Width handle using SmartSnap (holding Shift Key down) and snap to surface indicated by SS crosshairs (hightlighted green) as shown.

Drag Height handle using SmartSnap and snap to surface indicated with SS crosshairs as shown.

Objective: Use a negative volume block to remove the material from the back of the part •

Drag an H-BLOCK from the shapes catalog onto the midpoint of the back edge of large block .

LAB 1-7

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program

Using SmartSnap drag rear handle of H-Block and snap to back edge of block as indicated with SS crosshairs.

Right click on opposite handle you just snapped to back edge and go to its “Edit Sizbox” menu and replace value with ; Width = .75

Click OK

Drag using automatic SmartSnap (if you didn’t read Shortcut Tip earlier in this lab, then go back and read to learn how to turn on Automatic SmartSnap prior to performing this next task), the bottom handle of the HBlock and snap to surface indicated by SS crosshairs. NOTE: Once AutoSmartSnap is turned on, when you drag handle with LEFT mouse button, it will automatically snap to any surfaces, edges, or points you glance over in its extrude direction and will snap to one you release mouse button over.

LAB 1-8

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program IMPORTANT: For this Lab, go back and turn off AutoSmartSnap.

To Resize the interior length, right click on one of the faces of the H-Block, then click “Intellishape Properties”.

Click on “Sizebox” tab.

Replace value with; Length = 1.625

(In the event you intially dragged the block incorrectly, you may need to change the Width field rather than the Length field to 1.625) •

Click OK

Drag a H-Block to the midpoint of front edge on top of rounded shape as shown in Inset.

Change rear handle of H-Block2 value to; Height = 1/16”

Left Click on H-Blocks bottom handle and using SmartSnap, snap to the center point of rounded arc as shown in Inset picture.

Then right click on same handle and got to Width field and start typing AFTER the

LAB 1-9

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program value; +9/16 as shown in image. (This will add 9/16 to the value. IronCAD allows full calculation derived values.) •

Click OK

Objective: Add a hole at the center of the Rounded Boss •

Drag a “Cylinder” from the shapes catalog on the center point of the rounded edge as shown in Inset.

Edit the diameter size by right clicking on either side handle and replace either value with; ength or Width = .5

(Only for “De-Cluttering” of the scene and keeping the part “clean”) drag rear handle of cylinder and using SmartSnap snap to edge as shown in image. This serves no modeling purposes, this doesn’t need to be performed if so desired.

Objective: Add blends (radii) to bottom corners. • •

Click on the “Blend Edges” icon In the Blend Selection toolbar shown below type in a value of .25 in appropriate field.

LAB 1-10

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program

Move cursor over left bottom edge of base until you see a line pop-up next to your mouse pointer. this indicates that it “sees” an edge, then left click. Move over to opposite side of base and repeat process to select its edge as shown in image.

Click the “GO” button. (The Green Dot on the extreme right side of toolbar next to Red X button).

To add more blends, but keep within the previous intellishape, click on the blended face (surface) you just created until it hightlights yellow (this indicates you have picked the intellishape) then right click on that face and select “Edit Shape” option on pop-up menu.

Click on Edge A and in the Blend toolbar change value to .375 . Then click on Edge B. (Notice how whatever edges you pick from this point on will adopt the new value)

Click the “GO” button.

You can assign different blend values to each edge you select within a single blend function. To activate the edge you wish to assign a different value to, simply left click on the Green Dot associated with that edge. It is located in the center of the edge selected. Once you click the green dot, just assign a new value in the Blend toolbar.

LAB 1-11

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program

Objective: Add bosses that have through holes on them at each of the front corners. • •

Drag a Cylinder onto the centerpoint of the front left radius. See Inset. Right click on side handle and edit value to; .25 Diameter and edit Height value to .125

Drag an H-Cylinder onto the center of the cylinder you have just created.

Right click on its side handle and change value to; .187

Objective: Make a copy of the two shapes just created ath the other corner. •

Holding the shift key down, click on face of Cylinder until it highlight’s at the intellishape level (yellow), and click on face of H-cylinder until they both highlight in yellow.

Click ON the TriBall icon. See Inset

LAB 1-12

 Magnacad Design Inc.s PULSAR Program •

Right Click/Drag on the handle appropriate to the direction you wish to copy the shapes while holding down the shift key. (When you get over the other radius’ center point it will highlight the center axis (SS Axis), then release then release mouse key.)

Just like Microsoft applications, it will ask you with a pop-up menu whether you wish to Move, Copy. Link, or Create Linear Pattern here. Select COPY HERE.


LAB 1-13

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