Ipod Shuffle Features Guide Ch

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 3,635
  • Pages: 32
iPod shuffle




iPod shuffle ࡰ҉‫ݡ‬஡ iPod shuffle ‫ܢ‬਍ ඲ᄊ iPod shuffle েሧை ੗आߦٰঙ iPod shuffle ‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬ ታ๡ሙභ؉


3 4 4 5 6 7


9 9 10 12 13 16

ᅽനߦӎ‫ۄ‬ოਣ ‫ޓ‬ᄡ iTunes ࣞოਣෝന‫ ؀‬iTunes ኉੺৑ ᇾ਺ி؇ოਣ ࣞოਣᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ӎ‫ۄ‬ოਣ


19 19

ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪‫׋‬և༵࣓ ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯


21 21 22 22 22

iPod shuffle ఇ࣓ Apple Earphones ‫ࡱڛ‬ iPod shuffle Dock iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ সᄊఇ࣓


23 26

඲ᄊ࢑ನߦႲ஖क‫ו‬ ‫ݙ‬࿯ߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓


27 27 29

П೨ර྽ߦԂ኶࿲ཱ ሹ႓П೨࿲ཱ ሹ႓Ԃ኶࿲ཱ





iPod shuffle ࡰ҉‫ݡ‬஡

iPod shuffle

1 iPod shuffle

႓඲ᄊ iPod shuffleĩிပ႓ྗࣞ݅೙ߦ౥๒ოశ༵࣓‫ۄ׋‬ᅿ‫ت‬ங൪ĩ೸ࠌࣞ๓ମᅽ ന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffled

඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ਁķ Â ᅽന݅೙Ⴝ฽ඪ฽‫؛‬᱁າ Â ෎າ podcastĩႤሷົ޸ Internet ֐ฤ؇সྑᅽ‫ޞ‬ӎබऍ஄ Â ෎າָ iTunes Store ࡩ audible.com ‫ૻݵ‬؇ᄗඔ٢འ Â ‫׋‬ևࡩ༵࣓҃ۜߦ౥๒෶८ĩࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯


iPod shuffle


iPod shuffle ࣇჀ؇েሧை඲ி஡‫ݶ‬ೀภ‫؛‬ӎ‫ ۄ‬iPod shuffle ൪؇݅೙cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcastd


ঙ౵ࡩ‫ޓ‬Ҡ iPod shuffle

ِࠣ‫ت‬ᅙঙ‫ ޓ‬ĥ૕െҸභ iPod shuffle Ⴚ‫ח‬ঙĦd


Сྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d


Сྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d


Сྑ‫ܼغ‬ო੪ (∂ ) ࡩ‫ؐغ‬ო੪ (D)d


ࣞ฽ࡱӎ‫ۄ‬ঙ‫ ޓ‬ĥ¡ ࠣሢ฽ࡱӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ĩ ⁄ ࡩᇢСชဟ ӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙Ħd


СྑྑႤ‫ ݓ‬/ ৛फ (‘)d


Сྑ൪Ⴄ‫ ݓ‬/ ‫)]( ࡏ׼‬d


С੨ྑ൪Ⴄ‫ ݓ‬/ ‫)]( ࡏ׼‬d


৛ะСഺྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d


СበྑႤ‫ ݓ‬/ ৛फ (‘) ࡩ൪Ⴄ‫ ݓ‬/ ‫)]( ࡏ׼‬d

ຶᄊ iPod shuffle Сை ĥ‫״‬჋໵СྑඪĩӤࡘ኶ ഋߧԂ኶Ħ

Сበӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’) ‫ט‬ᅡഺ୒ሴĩሒሢታ๡ሙභ؉Ցᤴ࠽െ ൜ฏഺྑd ሹܑ‫ܠ‬Ԃ኶Ⴝሹ࿯౵ᄊᇥ࿖Сை ĥታ๡ሙභ؉Ց૕െ൜ฏഺྑĦd

ࣞ iPod shuffle ܑ༬ ĥത޶ iPod shuffle ཏྻჭĦ

ࣞ iPod shuffle ָ Dock ೞսd‫ طޓ‬iPod shuffleĩ؋‫ ע‬5 ୒ሴĩ ೸ࠌᅾֳ‫ח‬ঙ๓d

Ԓᇕ iPod shuffle ဟ੻ߞ

ᅿ iPod shuffle ؇ࢥኒྑ୍؇ൻభ൪Ԓণdࡩᇢĩᅿ iTunes ሱ ĥᅿࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت؀‬ங؇ೈ৥ྑĦ ĩೊᅿ qਁᅙr୍ ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffle Ӌ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd


iPod shuffle

iPod shuffle ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙႽᅽന݅೙ࢅ౥๒ოశ༵࣓ĩӋ‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬d‫״‬ி໽Ր ࠌೊٰঙ iPod shuffled

iPod shuffle ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙķ m ࣞ iPod shuffle ‫םܚ‬؇ Dock ੗आ‫ت؀‬ங൪؇ USB ٬৉d೸ࠌࣞ iPod shuffle ‫ۄ‬ന Dock ሱd ቡ€ࢀ Dock ৹ࢨ֢၆۵۞‫ ੵ܃‬USB ؎५ၟ۷‫׌‬ԁԍ‫׌‬dࡽၴൔႬ USB 2.0 ؎५d ҆ဵൔႬࡳ஑ഌ֩ USB ؎५d

‫״‬ிැֳࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت؀‬ஙඪĩqiPod ඃሤቛ਺rࡘќቛிఇሤ iPod shuffle Ӌ඲๓ᄲ iTunes ኉੺৑຿Ӧd ൔ iPod shuffle ე‫଻׌‬ഌ֩ iTunes ራਜॳ๡҈ᆱޮĩᆾဵୡࢀ iPod shuffle ৹ࢨ֢਺၆෿‫଻׌‬ĩऀߺԟཇ၆ᄹྔ༓ĩ࿜ໝୡൢ‫ڒ‬ཛྷဵეྑ‫଻׌‬ഌ֩ iTunes ራਜॳ๡҈dೆ‫ݘ‬ୡཛྷဵАੁ iPod shuffle ഌ֖ఱ֩ၿ৅ୁ಼ĩ౬‫׈‬σ qಀ ཬr dࠋᆄĩ‫׈‬σ qԲൿ‫ܗ‬ઝ֩ۧ౻rၟࢀୁ಼խԩ֢ iPod shuffle ഌĩѭࢀ‫ܗ‬ઝ ֩ۧ౻ॎС֢ྑ‫ ֩଻׌‬iTunes ራਜॳᇓdႹܵ‫ྔأۻ‬༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ qiTunes Ͼᇽrd

iPod shuffle ሀᅿᅽ നოశ༵࣓ࡩࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯ඪĩಯཡٰঙ iPod shuffledிস ႽԒণqiTunesr֕৉‫ن‬Ө؇࿲ཱࡩࣁԒ iPod shuffle ታ๡ሙභ؉Ⴝ೴‫ى‬ව۰সႽٰ ঙ iPod shuffled ೆ‫ݘ‬ୡᄡ iTunes ᇓॅ֢ q҆ဵؒऻrྔ༓ĩࠋᆄ iPod shuffle ഌ֩ᆻ ൙֫ӳᣖ ߟ೨೾නĩᄹୡхྺ༹๻ԟ iPod shuffle ಚޮҐग़ၟؒऻ෵d‫ڒ‬ᄹĩୡग़ ୃߺ෩ߎ iPod shuffle ഌ֩໗ࡵd ത޶ிࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶֪௯ ĥೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬19 ႜĦĩᆗଦֳٝңဘྗ໙ս iPod shuffle ೸ࠌᅾٰঙ๓d


iPod shuffle


႓໙ս iPod shuffleķ m ᅿ iTunes ሱĩ‫ئ‬С qਁᅙr୍ђሱ؇ iPod shuffle ௷Ҫ؇໙սСை (C)d ത޶ி඲ᄊ؇ව MacĩᆗႛসႽົ޸ࣞቿ୍൪؇ iPod shuffle ໏ҵ໢ሢ‫ێ‬ሞ઱ਁ໙ ս iPod shuffled ത޶ி඲ᄊ؇ව Windows PCĩᆗႛসႽ‫ئ‬С྄ໆ໣௯ሱ؇П೨൙քჹ࣓໏ҵӋာ ᆖ iPod shuffleĩႽְ໙ս iPod shuffled ႓ٰঙ iPod shuffleķ m ࣞ iPod shuffle ָ Dock ೞսd

iPod shuffle ‫ם‬ᄗႤ৘டሤ؇সի‫تت‬՟d ༛੶ࡨ؆ክࢦ࿔޶ĩැֳ඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ඪೊ‫تݕ‬՟իଃ‫ت‬d৛ߝल؇‫ت‬՟সᅿ ‫ט‬ᅡ੨࿎ඪࠌի‫ ؀ت‬80Ģĩ‫טڙ‬ᅡป࿎ඪࠌᆗࡘիଃ‫ت‬d ത޶ிᄗႤ‫ٯ‬ඪࢹଢᄗ඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ੶ĩᆗস஡ပ႓‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬d ႓඲ᄊ‫ت‬ங‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬ķ m ඲ᄊ‫םܚ‬؇ iPod shuffle Dock ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت؀‬ங൪؇ܼ‫ݡ‬૓ USB ٬৉d‫ت‬ ஙңဘ‫ח‬ঙಱ༥फനฆ୆୨බӮ஡‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬ĥ୸࿖࿺ߞ؇ Macintosh ᅿฆ୆୨බ ሱসႽ‫ ݕ‬iPod shuffle ի‫ت‬Ħd ‫ت‬՟ሀᅿի‫ت‬ඪĩiPod shuffle ൪؇ታ๡ሙභ؉ࣞՑᤴ࠽െd‫ت‬՟իଃ‫ت‬ඪĩታ๡ሙ භ؉ࣞүՐ૕െd ቡ€ೆ‫ݘ‬ᆢᄡࢀ iPod shuffle ႬቘՌ஑ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 19 ှĦĩࠋᆄ iTunes ᆢᄡᄟೊ ۧ౻ࠋഥ ᇆ֢ iPod shuffle ഌ૯ĩሕฃᆻ൙֫ࢀӳᣖߟ೨೾නĩᆇњ൙ୡхྺ༹๻ ԟ iPod shuffle ಚޮҐୃؒऻ෵d

ത޶ிታ๡ ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ĩᆗ iPod shuffle স ஡༥੗आሢܼ‫ݡ‬૓ USB ٬৉dೊԩ෍‫ت‬ ங൪؇౥๒ USB ٬৉d ቡ€۷‫׌‬ԁԍ‫׌‬ൌĩୡग़ၟᄟೊၿ৅d ത޶ி႓ᅿଢᄗ੗आ‫ت؀‬ங؇ೈ৥ྑ‫ ݕ‬iPod shuffle ի‫ت‬ĩிসႽࣞ iPod shuffle ੗ आ‫ ؀‬iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ ĥসָ www.apple.com ‫ݵ‬؆Ħd



iPod shuffle

႓඲ᄊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬ķ 1 ࣮ࣞઢԎ໊සఇ౸੗आሢ‫ت‬ᅙසఇ౸ ĥ๓ମস஡Ⴚ੗आߜĦd 2 ೊࣞ iPod shuffle Dock ؇ USB आ໊੗आ‫ت؀‬ᅙසఇ౸d 3 ࣞ‫ت‬ᅙසఇ౸ԎനႺົ‫ت‬؇‫ت‬ᅙԎኸd 4 ࣞ iPod shuffle ‫ۄ‬ന Dock ሱd

ൔႬఱ౬ ᄋ؄ֿ 28 ှഌܵჃൔႬ iPod USB Power Adapter ൥னచ֩ෲႹ ρಊථ଀d ᅿիଃ‫ت‬ሏಏĩிႛসႽٰঙ iPod shuffle Ӌ඲ᄊ๓d ቡ€ग़ԍ‫׌׌‬ԁ֩ԍ‫׌‬Օ඘ൢႹཏ֩d‫׌‬ԁ൴ଅ‫ވ‬ԍ‫׌‬Օ඘ෟൔႬٞ‫ވى‬ഥᇆ‫ػ‬ ё߈dႹܵྔ༓ĩ౬٤ໝ www.apple.com.cn/batteriesd

‫״‬ிঙ౵ iPod shuffle ࡩᇢࣞ౥ָ‫ت‬ஙࡩ‫ت‬ᅙසఇ౸ٰঙඪĩታ๡ሙභ؉ࡘ݃ላி ‫ت‬՟ ‫ט‬ᅡ ࠰ගྑ‫ ځ‬൴‫ت‬੪dೊӷᅩྑऍሱ؇Ҹ‫ݎ‬dത޶ iPod shuffle Ⴚा ව‫ח‬ঙ ؇ĩிসႽ৛ะ‫ޓ‬Ҡ iPod shuffle ೸ࠌᅾሹ࿯‫ח‬ঙ๓ĩႽְࣁԒ‫ت‬՟ታ๡‫ڙ‬Ӥሱٰ ࡏ‫ۄ‬d

iPod shuffle ᄗ੨‫ݓ‬ሙභ؉ĩႤ‫ݓ‬ᅿ‫ن‬ӨĩႤ‫ݓ‬ᅿ‫ؚ‬Өd‫״‬ிСྑႤ‫ݓ‬Сைඪĩᇥ੨ ‫ݓ‬ሙභ؉஡‫ݶ‬ሙභ‫ت‬՟؇ታ๡cව۰ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶֪௯ĩࡩᇢව۰‫ڡ‬ඕ‫ג‬ཤ ؋ೈ৥d


iPod shuffle


ঙ౵ࡩٰঙ ૕െ

‫ت‬՟‫ت‬੪իኢ (30% – 100%)


‫ت‬՟‫ت‬੪ؐ (10% – 30%)


‫ت‬՟‫ت‬੪‫ۆ‬Ԫؐ (< 10%)

ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ ࣮ປ൜ฏĩ૕െႤྑߦ ᤴ࠽െ੨ྑ ĥ‫ ݔ‬10 ୒ሴĦ

ଢᄗ‫ت‬੪ ս‫ג‬ķңဘࡍܑ iPod shuffle

Ⴚआ൪ ᤴ࠽െ ĥ՝ဥĦ


૕െ ĥ՝ဥĦ


Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ ĥ՝ဥĦ

Ӥ႓ٰঙ ĥiTunes ሀᅿ຿ӦĩࡩႺࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶֪௯Ħ

СྑСை ૕െ

ӎ‫)’( ۄ‬ ૕െ ĥ1 ‫ە‬ሴĦ

ᆂຶ (’)

Сበķ ૕െĩ೸ࠌՑᤴ࠽െ ൜ฏഺྑ


ᤴ࠽െĩ೸ࠌՑ૕െ ൜ฏഺྑ



‫ܼغ‬ო੪ (∂ ) ࡩ‫ؐغ‬ო੪ (D) Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑ


Сበ : ૕െ ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑ ૕െ

Ⴚ‫؀ה‬ᄊࠞඃ‫ى‬؇ო੪ྭሧ ൪Ⴄ‫)]( ؃ާݓ‬

Сበķ ૕െ

‫)]( ࡏ׼‬


ྑႤ‫)‘( ؃ާݓ‬

Сበķ ૕െ ഋߧСை

‫ܼغ‬ო੪ (∂ ) ࡩ‫ؐغ‬ო੪ (D) Ⴚ‫؀ה‬ክܼࡩክؐ؇ო੪ྭሧ

৛फ (‘)


ཏԂ኶ ĥСை҆ຶᄊĦ Ց૕െߦᤴ࠽െ࣮ປ


൜ฏ ĥ‫ ݔ‬2 ୒ሴĦ

‫ ״‬iPod shuffle ሀᅿӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ඪ Ցࠅെ൜ฏ ĥ՝ဥĦ



iPod shuffle





iPod shuffle iPod shuffle ႓඲ᄊ iPod shuffleĩೊྗࣞ݅೙cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ĥ‫ޞ‬ӎබ؇ოశऍ஄Ħෝന ‫ت؀‬ங൪ĩ೸ࠌᅾࣞ๓ମᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffledೊࢡဥᅩ٢Ⴝ੶कְ޸Փሱྯ‫ޓ‬Ӧ቉ ؇‫ځݙ‬࿲ཱĩ౥ሱѩ৵ķ  ָி؇ CD ෎ԁcჹ௯ࡩ iTunes StoreĥiTunes ຖ‫ݤ‬؇Ⴄ྽‫۽‬རĩऩᅿ୸࿖޵ࢧࡩ ‫؛‬೗সᄊĦࡨ؆ოਣሢ‫ت‬ங൪؇ iTunes ჭᄊՓဟሱ  ࣞ݅೙ߦ౥๒ოశᇾ਺‫؀‬ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹሱ  ࣞ݅೙cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle  ฽ඪ฽‫؛‬᱁າოਣࡩ౥๒ოశ


iTunes වႤঢ়പ࣓ĩிসႽ඲ᄊ๓ࣞოਣcᄗඔ٢འc podcast ؋຿Ӧ‫؀‬ iPod shuffled‫״‬ிࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙඪĩ iTunes ࡘናِ‫ח‬ঙd ҉ාԊฌ୞തߧ඲ᄊ iTunes ࣞ݅೙ߦ౥๒ოశෝന‫ت؀‬ஙcࣞክཱྀЛ؇݅೙֙ ࣛՐ‫ݓ‬ഈာࢄĥՍ༛ӎ‫੻ۄ‬ҸĦcࣞ๓ମᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle Ⴝࢅ‫غ‬ᇾ iPod shuffle ඃሤd iTunes ࠰ᄗ౥๒ယ‫ݡځ‬஡dᄗ‫ޓ‬࿲ཱĩೊ‫ח‬ঙ iTunes Ӌာೞ qќቛr > q iTunes ќቛrd


iTunes ႓ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪᱁າოਣĩැྗிပ႓ࣞოਣෝന‫ت؀‬ங൪؇ iTunes ኉੺৑ሱd

ࣞოਣ֐ෝሢ iTunes ኉੺৑؇‫ڧڼ‬ᄗഺሷķ  ‫ૻݵ‬ოਣߦᄗඔ٢འĩࡩָ iTunes Store ᅿྮྑᅽ podcastd  ָოਣ‫ޝ‬௯ෝനოਣd  ຢࢨოਣࢅ౥๒Ⴚ‫׋‬ևᅿ‫ت‬ங൪؇ოశd

iTunes Store


ത޶ ி؇‫ ت‬ஙႺ੗आሢ Internetĩி फ़সႽೀภ‫؛‬඲ᄊ iTunes Store ᅿྮ‫ૻݵ‬Ӌྑ ᅽ݅೙cቧࢂߦᄗඔ٢འdிႛসႽ‫ݵي‬Ӌྑᅽ podcast ĥ‫ޞ‬ӎබ؇ოశऍ஄Ħd ႓඲ᄊ iTunes Store ᅿྮ‫ૻݵ‬ოਣĩிңဘᅿ iTunes ሱ ඃ੍ Apple ᇍࠞĩ೸ࠌԒᇕ Ӌ‫ૻݵ‬๐ပ݅೙dത޶ிႺाᄗ Apple ᇍࠞĩࡩᇢව America Online (AOL) ᇍࠞĥऩ සᄊᄡ୸࿖޵ࢧߦ‫؛‬೗ĦĩᆗসႽ඲ᄊ൪෯ᇍࠞਁ؊ૅ iTunes Store Ӌ‫݅ૻݵ‬೙d ႓؊ૅ iTunes Storeķ m ‫ח‬ঙ iTunesĩ೸ࠌķ  ത޶ிႺाჼᄗ iTunes ᇍࠞĩೊာೞ qStorer > q؊ૅrd  ത޶ி࠰ଢᄗ iTunes ᇍࠞĩೊာೞqStorer >q֙ࣛᇍࠞrĩ೸ࠌСᇘూ஀ሙභ ඃ੍ Apple ᇍࠞĩࡩᇢෝനྥᄗ؇ Apple ᇍࠞࡩ AOL ᇍࠞ࿲ཱd ႓Ԓᇕ݅೙cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcastķ ிস Ⴝ᜴਍ࡩ ศ๎ iTunes Storeĩᇕ‫؀‬႓Ԓᇕ؇ቧࢂc݅೙ࡩҸၨᇢd‫ח‬ঙ iTunes Ӌ‫ئ‬С qਁᅙr୍ђሱ؇ qiTunes Storerd  ႓᜴਍ iTunes Storeĩೊᅿ iTunes Store ቘ֕৉ሱĩָ qChoose Genrerĥာೞਭ ࿺Ħ‫ײ‬սබӴ‫ר‬ሱာೞႤሷოਣਭ࿺ĩ‫ئ‬С๐ྣභ؇‫ڡ‬࿽འࡩ݅೙ሏႤĩࡩᇢ‫ئ‬ С q᜴਍rСைd  ႓᜴਍ podcastĩೊ‫ئ‬С iTunes Store ቘ֕৉ሱ؇ Podcasts ੟आd  ႓ศ๎ iTunes Storeĩೊᅿ qศ๎ iTunes Storerਅሱ࣑നቧࢂc݅೙cҸၨᇢࡩ ኶೙ࢧ؇ୢՍd



 ႓์࿎ศ๎‫༘ڵ‬ĩೊᅿ qศ๎ iTunes Storerਅሱ࣑നศ๎டചĩСྑ࣑௯൪؇ Return ࣑ࡩ Enter ࣑ĩ೸ࠌ‫ئ‬Сศ๎ਅሱ؇྽d੊തĩ႓ࣞ‫์༘ڵ‬࿎༛݅೙ୢՍ ߦቧࢂĩᆗೊ‫ئ‬С qMUSICrd  ႓ศ๎྽؇ከߨĩೊ‫ئ‬С qiTunes Storer֕৉ሱ؇ qPower Searchrd  ႓‫ ࡏڴ‬iTunes Store ቘႜĩೊ‫ئ‬С iTunes Store ቘ֕৉ኲ൪ࣺ؇ቘႜСைd ႓‫݅ૻݵ‬೙cቧࢂࡩᄗඔ٢འķ 1 ᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱ‫ئ‬С qiTunes Storerĩ೸ࠌԒᇕ႓‫ૻݵ‬؇྽d ிসႽ੗СႤැ݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽Ⴝ෍າ๓؇Ө‫ە‬டചĩႽ೴‫ى‬๓වிྺ႓‫ૻݵ‬؇྽d 2 ‫ئ‬С qBuy Songrĥ‫݅ૻݵ‬೙ĦcqBuy Albumrĥ‫ૻݵ‬ቧࢂĦࡩ qBuy Bookrĥ‫ݵ‬ ૻᄗඔ٢འĦd ‫ܠ‬྽ࡘྑᅽሢ‫ت‬ஙĩ‫ېڙ‬ᄊࡘָி؇ Apple ᇍࠞࡩᇢ AOL ᇍࠞሱ੻ս؇࿲ᄊগ൪ ৊քd ႓ྑᅽࡩ‫ ݵي‬podcastķ 1 ᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱ‫ئ‬С qiTunes Storerd 2 ‫ئ‬С iTunes Store ቘႜኲԉ൪؇ Podcasts ੟आd 3 ᜴਍ிྺ႓ྑᅽ؇ podcastd  ႓ྑᅽ‫ ݓר‬podcast ቧທऍ஄ĩೊ‫ئ‬С‫ܠ‬ቧທऍ஄௷Ҫ؇qࡨ؆ቧທऍ஄rСைd  ႓‫ ݵي‬podcastĩೊ‫ئ‬С‫ ܠ‬podcast ໏࿻௷Ҫ؇qSubscriberĥ‫ݵي‬ĦСைdiTunes ࡘྑᅽ ክ ࿯؇ቧທऍ஄d‫״‬࿯؇ቧທऍ஄সᄊඪĩത޶ி؇‫ت‬ஙႺ੗आሢ Internetĩᆗ๓ମࡘናِྑᅽሢ iTunesd

iTunes ೊСᇘႽྑฌ୞ࣞოਣָ CD ෝനሢ iTunesd ႓ࣞოਣָოਣ‫ޝ‬௯ෝനሢ iTunesķ 1 ࣞ CD Ԏന‫ت؀‬ஙሱӋ‫ח‬ঙ iTunesd ത޶ ி؇‫ت‬ங Ⴚ੗आሢ Internetĩ iTunes फ़সႽָ Internet ൪ࡨ ؆ CD ݅೙؇ୢՍ ĥത޶ᄗĦĩӋᅿ‫֕ܠ‬৉ሱ੻սᇥ࿖ୢՍd ത޶ி؇‫ت‬ஙଢᄗ Internet ੗आĩᆗসႽྗෝന CDĩᅿ൯ࠌ੗आ‫ ؀‬Internet ඪĩာ ೞ qܼࢋr > qࡨೞ CD ާ‫؃‬ୢՍrd iTunes फ़ࡘࡨೞ๐ෝന؇ CD ؇ާ‫؃‬ୢՍd ത޶་൪ଢᄗ‫ ܠ‬CD ާ‫؃‬؇ୢՍĩᆗসႽාِෝന݅೙؇ୢՍdೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬12 ႜqෝ ന݅೙؇ୢՍࢅ౥๒྇ऍrd ົ޸ෝന݅೙࿲ཱĩிসႽႩᇘ݅೙ୢՍcҸၨᇢcቧࢂࢅ‫ڼځݙ‬බਁ᜴਍ iTunes ሱ؇݅೙d



2 ത޶ிӤྺෝന CD ൪؇୸࿖݅೙ĩೊ‫ئ‬СႽೢ‫݅ط‬೙௷Ҫ؇ቡ࢜ߞd 3 ‫ئ‬С qෝന CDrСைd iTunes ֕৉‫ن‬Ө؇ྣභ೗ᄹྣභෝനଦැ݅೙႓ࠟ‫ځ‬ԫ ඪࢹd ᅉඃೈ৥ྑĩሜ႓Ⴄෝന݅೙ĩ iTunes फ़ࡘӎ‫ۄ‬๓ମdത޶႓ෝനߵ‫݅ځ‬೙ĩᆗস ஡ပ႓ຶሚӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙Ⴝຖܼခ஡d 4 ႓໙ս CDĩೊ‫ئ‬С໙սСை (C)d 5 ሹܑᇥ࿖Ӧ቉ĩָ౥๒ CD ሱෝനிྺ႓؇݅೙d

ிস Ⴝාِ ༛ iTunes ኉੺৑ ሱ؇݅೙ߦ౥๒྽ ෝന݅೙ୢ Սࢅ౥๒࿲ཱ ĥѩ৵ ቡෆĦd ႓ාِෝന CD ݅೙ୢՍߦ౥๒࿲ཱķ 1 ာᆖ CD ൪؇‫؝‬Ⴄ‫؃ާݓ‬ĩ೸ࠌာೞ q༵࣓r > qྣභࣇजrd 2 ‫ئ‬С qࣇजrd 3 ෝന݅೙࿲ཱd 4 ‫ئ‬С qྑႤ‫ݓ‬rႽෝനྑႤ‫؃ާݓ‬؇࿲ཱd

iTunes ത޶ி؇‫ت‬ங൪Ⴚा‫׋‬ᄗ෶૴ოਣ༵࣓ĥ੊ത MP3ĦĩᆗসႽೀภ‫ࣞ؛‬๓ମຢࢨ‫؀‬ iTunes ኉੺৑d ႓ ࣞ‫ت‬ங൪؇݅೙ຢࢨሢ iTunes ኉੺৑ķ m ࣞѩ߅ოశ༵࣓؇༵࣓ࢥࡩ֪௯໢ሢᅿ iTunes qਁᅙr୍ђሱ௨ᅿክಏ؇኉੺৑ ĥࡩᇢာೞ q༵࣓r > qຢࢨ‫؀‬኉੺৑rĩ೸ࠌာᆖ༵࣓ࢥࡩ֪௯Ħdത޶ iTunes ለ՝݅೙؇༵࣓‫ݎ‬බĩ݅೙फ़ࡘናِຢࢨሢ iTunes ኉੺৑d ிႛসႽࣞ‫ݓ‬һ݅೙༵࣓໢ሢ iTunesd ቡ€ൔႬ Windows ϵ֩ iTunesĩୡग़ၟࢀႲ Windows Media Player Իࡽ֩໇൷А ޽֩඘ખၿ ৅໗ࡵላߔຽ iTunes ࡝಼֩໗ࡵ۰൘ĩ৬ೆ AAC ࠋ MP3dೆ‫ݘ‬ୡ֩ၿ ৅ൢൔႬ WMA ۰൘эખĩᄹၟഌ‫ୃ܃‬٨ӌႹႬdႹܵ‫ྔأۻ‬༓ĩ౬չऻ iTunes ѭ ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q iTunes Ͼᇽrd

඲ᄊ iTunesĩிসႽСഋߧ‫ڼ‬බࣞ݅೙ߦ౥๒྽ᇾ਺‫੻؀‬Ҹሱ ĥՍ༛ӎ‫੻ۄ‬ҸĦd ੊തĩிসႽ֙ࣛ‫ٮ‬੡ඪ෎າ؇݅೙ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹĩࡩᇢ֙ࣛසߨӤ຿࿱ೈ؇݅೙ӎ‫ۄ‬ ੻Ҹd ி ႛস Ⴝ֙ ࣛ‫ ݖ‬८ி ๐ာ ؇‫ޡ‬ᆗና ِ‫ݙ‬࿯؇ረ஡ ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹd‫״‬ிࣞ݅೙ຢࢨ ሢ iTunes ඪĩത޶݅೙‫ߨۺ‬஌࿖‫ޡ‬ᆗĩ๓ମफ़ࡘናِ҆ຢࢨሢ‫ܠ‬ረ஡ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹሱd



ிসႽ඲ᄊ iTunes ኉੺৑ሱഋ჋෶੪؇݅೙ਁ֙ࣛलস஡‫ځ‬؇ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹdࣞ݅೙ຢ ࢨሢӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹࡩ൯ࠌࣞ౥ָӎ‫੻ۄ‬ҸሱႯኞӋӤࡘࣞ๓ָ iTunes ኉੺৑ሱႯኞd ႓ᅿ iTunes ሱ֙ࣛӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹķ 1 ‫ئ‬СຢࢨСை (∂ ) ࡩာೞ q༵࣓r > q࿯ࣛӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹrd 2 ༛ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹ࣑നႤ‫ݓ‬ୢՍd 3 ᅿ q኉੺৑r੻Ҹሱ‫ئ‬С qოਣrĩ೸ࠌࣞ݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽໢ሢӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹሱd ႓ာᆖ‫ځ‬ැ݅೙ĩೊСበ Mac ࣑௯൪؇ Shift ࣑ࡩ Command (x) ࣑ࡩᇢ Windows PC ࣑௯൪؇ Shift ࣑ࡩ Control ࣑ĩᄲְ຿ඪೊ‫ئ‬Сଦැ݅೙d

႓֙ࣛረ஡ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹķ m ာೞ q༵࣓r > q࿯ࣛረ஡ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹrĩ೸ࠌ‫ى‬჎ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹ؇‫ޡ‬ᆗd

iPod shuffle ᅿ iTunes ሱෝനӋᇾ਺ოਣࠌĩிफ़সႽೀภ‫ࣞ؛‬ოਣᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffled

ிসႽඃ ‫ى‬തߧࣞოਣָ iTunes ᅽ ന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffleĩ‫ڧڼ‬වࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫؀‬ ‫ت‬ஙĩᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffleĩӋఇሤ qடചr୍ђ‫ؚ‬Ө൪؇ာ྽d ᅽനოਣࢅ඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ؇‫ࢨܚ‬ာ྽ࣞսྥᅿ qඃሤr୍ђሱd

iPod shuffle ሜပ‫ئ‬СႤྑСைĩiTunes फ़஡‫ݶ‬ናِࣞ๐ာ؇݅೙ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffledிসႽာ ೞָᇾ‫ݓ‬኉ ੺৑ࡩ୸‫ݓ‬ຍ‫ى‬؇ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹࡨೞ݅೙ĩႽࢅඃ‫ ى‬qናِ ຣիr؇౥๒ ာ྽d ႓ࣞოਣናِຣի‫ ؀‬iPod shuffleķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ೊָ qਁᅙr୍ђ؇ඃ҃੻Ҹሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qடചrҵಈd



4 ඲ᄊ‫ײ‬սබӴ‫ਁר‬ာೞிྺ႓ָሱናِຣի݅೙؇ӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹd ႓ָᇾ‫ݓ‬኉੺৑ናِຣիოਣĩೊာೞ qოਣrd 5 ာᆖႽྑிྺ႓؇ာ྽ķ ฽ࡱာೞ྽ķ‫ ״‬iTunes ࣞ݅೙ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ඪĩ๓ࣞ฽ࡱ௨੻ᇥ࿖݅೙dത ޶ଢᄗာሱְာ྽ĩᆗ iTunes ࡘСᇘ݅೙ᅿ኉੺৑ࡩ๐ာӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹሱսྥ؇ชဟ ਁྑᅽd ඵሶာೞుࢰ‫ܼݙ‬؇݅೙ķiTunes ࡘናِຣիிክԪາ؇݅೙d ናِຣիඪປ࠲๐ᄗ྽ķiTunes ࣞо iPod shuffle ൪؇݅೙ປ࠲༛ிႺाာೞ؇࿯ ݅೙dത޶༥ာሱְာ྽ĩᆗႺाᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ؇݅೙ࡘ༝՝Ӥүĩ‫ڙ‬ಱ iTunes ࡘာᆖ‫݅ځݙ‬೙Ⴝຣիসᄊ؇ৄࢹd

6 ‫ئ‬С qናِຣիrd ‫״‬ოਣָ iTunes ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ඪĩqiTunes ታ๡r֕৉ࣞྣභ౥फ٩dናِຣ ի໽Րඪĩ iTunes ሱࡘսྥႤᆗ࿲ཱĩຖභ q iPod ‫ݙ‬࿯Ⴚ໽Րrd iTunes ிসႽඃ ‫ ى‬iTunes ሜናِຣիᅿ iTunes ኉੺৑ሱာሱ؇྽dிႺाೞ࿊ာ ᆖ؇྽ ࣞ҆ࠏ૝d

႓ࣞናِຣի؇‫ྭ༘ڵ‬ሧ༛ာሱ؇྽ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ‫ ״‬iPod shuffle սྥᅿ iTunes ֕৉ሱඪĩೊာᆖ๓d 3 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ာᆖ qሜ‫ݙ‬࿯ာሱ؇݅೙rd 5 ‫ئ‬С qჭᄊrd

Podcast ிসႽාِࣞ݅೙ߦӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffledത޶ிྺ႓ࣞᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffleĩᆗңဘාِᅽന๓ମd ႓ࣞ݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffleķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ሱĩᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖி؇኉੺৑ࡩӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹd 3 ָ qਁᅙr୍ђሱࣞ݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽໢ሢ iPod shuffle ሱd ிႛসႽ໢Ⴏᇾ‫ݓ‬ӎ‫੻ۄ‬ҸႽࣞ๓ମᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffled



iPod shuffle ݅೙҆ᅽന ‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ሏࠌĩிসႽ඲ᄊᄲ֋਺ iTunes ሱഋߧӎ‫੻ۄ‬Ҹྯ຿؇ ‫ਁڧڼ‬௨੻݅೙؇ชဟd ႓௨੻ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅೙؇ชဟķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qடചrҵಈd 4 ‫ئ‬С‫؝‬Ⴄਅ൪؇߳െҵ໊ႽСҫߞਁ௨੻݅೙؇ชဟd 5 ໢Ⴏ݅೙Ⴝ௨੻Րிྺ႓؇ชဟd

iPod shuffle ത޶ி Ⴝܼ༬ะ૓ ‫ݎ‬බ ĥ੊ത AIFFĦࣞ݅೙ෝന‫ ؀‬iTunesĩᆗসႽඃ‫ ى‬iTunes ᅿ ݅೙҆ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ඪናِࣞ๓ମቩ࠲༛ 128 kbps ؇ AAC ༵࣓dᇥӤࡘჷྻ iTunes ሱ؇݅೙؇ოራࡩ‫ט‬࿎d ቡ€ೆ‫ۧݘ‬౻֩۰൘҆Ш iPod shuffle ᆪӿĥ৬ೆ Apple LosslessĦĩᄹୡңဘላߔ ఇ۰ ൘Ґୃࢀ ෵ૐᄟೊ֢ iPod shuffledႹܵ iPod shuffle ᆪӿ֩۰൘֩‫ྔأۻ‬༓ĩ ౬ҙᄋֿ 24 ှ qೆ‫ݘ‬ୡ҆ୃࢀۧ౻ࠋఇ෴ཟᄟೊ֢ iPod shufflerd ႓ࣞ༬ะ૓‫ܼݙ‬؇݅೙ቩ࠲༛ AAC ༵࣓ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ာᆖ qࣞ༬ะ૓‫ܼݙ‬؇݅೙ቩ࠲༛ 128 kbps AACrd 5 ‫ئ‬С qჭᄊrd

iPod shuffle ிসႽഀ iTunes ᅿி඲ᄊ qናِຣիrᅽന྽ඪናِປ࠲ iPod shuffle ൪؇྽dி ႛসႽාِࣞ྽ָ iPod shuffle Ⴏኞd ႓ᅿናِຣիඪናِປ࠲ iPod shuffle ൪؇྽ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ೊာᆖ qடചrҵಈd 4 ೊ೴‫ى‬Ⴚာᆖ qናِຣիඪປ࠲๐ᄗ྽rd ႓Ⴏኞ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled



3 ာᆖ iPod shuffle ൪؇Ⴄැ݅೙ࡩᇢ౥๒྽ĩ೸ࠌСྑ࣑௯൪؇ Delete ࣑ࡩᇢ Backspace ࣑d ාָِ iPod shuffle Ⴏኞ݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽Ӥࡘָ iTunes ኉੺৑൙ք݅೙d

ࣞოਣߦ౥๒ოశᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ሏࠌĩிҮসႽ࿭൨๓੶d ႓࿭൨ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅೙ࢅ౥๒྽ķ 1 ೊࣞ‫ࡱڛ‬Ԏന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle Ӌࣞ‫ڛ‬സ‫ۄ‬ന‫څڛ‬ሱd 2 Сྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d Сྑ‫ܼغ‬ო੪ (∂ ) ࡩ‫ؐغ‬ო੪ (D) Ⴝ‫غ‬ᇾო੪dप‫ڿ‬оო੪‫غ‬؆๠ܼdೊӷᅩ ‫ ؝‬17 ႜ qඃ‫ى‬ო੪ྭሧrd ൔႬఱ౬ᄋ؄ֿ 28 ှ ഌႹܵщ૫๔৳෩ഈ֩ෲႹρಊථ଀d ᄗ‫ ޓ‬iPod shuffle েሧை؇ᆭ႓ĩೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬4 ႜ q඲ᄊ iPod shuffle েሧைrd ቡ€ೆ‫ݘ‬ୡᆢᄡ൰๔Ⴙശ؄༂ĩ౬ࢀqෟࠓѰ٦rऻܵഥ‫׫‬ຽᇛ‫( ڳ‬⁄)ĩ՚‫ୃػ‬ ‫ܘ‬σඬ࿁Ѱ٦۶۵ᅧࢯd

iPod shuffle ிসႽඃ‫ ى‬iPod shuffle ฽ࡱӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ࡩСชဟӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙d ႓ඃ‫ ى‬iPod shuffle ฽ࡱӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ķ m ࣞ q฽ࡱӎ‫ۄ‬rঙ‫ࠣޓ‬ሢ฽ࡱӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ (¡)d ႓ሹ࿯฽ࡱӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ĩೊ৛ะСഺྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d ႓ඃ‫ ى‬iPod shuffle Сชဟӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ķ m ࣞ q฽ࡱӎ‫ۄ‬rঙ‫ࠣޓ‬ሢሹܑӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ (⁄)d ႓‫ࡏڴ‬ሢ‫؝‬Ⴄැ݅೙ĩೊ৛ะСഺྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d ‫ݖ‬८ოశ؇ૅሧࡩҫ૴‫ڼ‬බĩ݅೙ࢅ౥๒ოశ؇ྻ٩স஡ࡘᄗ๐Ӥ຿diTunes ஡‫ݶ‬ ናِ‫ غ‬ᇾ݅೙؇ ო੪ĩָ‫ڙ‬Ⴝ ྯ຿؇ྯ ‫ٵ‬ო੪ӎ‫ۄ‬๓ମdிসႽඃ‫ ى‬iPod shuffle Ӳᄊ iTunes ؇ო੪ඃሤd



႓ࣞ iTunes ඃ‫ى‬༛Ⴝྯ຿ო੪ӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ķ 1 ᅿ iTunes ሱĩာೞ qiTunesr > qᅉሤrĥത޶ி඲ᄊ؇ව MacĦĩࡩာೞ qҫࢂr > qబߜඃሤrĥത޶ி඲ᄊ؇ව Windows PCĦd 2 ‫ئ‬С qࡏ‫ۄ‬rӋာᆖ qო੪ా߻rd ႓ඃ‫ ى‬iPod shuffle Ӳᄊ iTunes ؇ო੪ඃሤķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ာᆖ q౵ᄊო੪ా߻rd 5 ‫ئ‬С qჭᄊrd

ೆ‫ݘ‬ᄡ iTunes ᇓ໇గႬ qၿ਌௠‫ޝ‬r ĩࠫൔᄡ iPod shuffle ഌ࣍ྟഥ ‫׫‬ĩ෵ွ҆ߺఓቘႬd ிসႽᅿ iPod shuffle ൪༛ო੪ඃሤႤ‫ྭݓ‬ሧdிႛসႽᅿ iTunes ඃ‫૴ୃ ى‬Ⴝ‫ڿ‬ሚ ‫ܠ‬ඃሤ҆๒ഈ‫ܡݙ‬d ത޶ிႺ ाᅿ iPod shuffle ൪ඃ‫੶ ى‬ო੪ྭሧĩᆗ‫״‬ி ԩ෍ࣞო੪‫؀ܼغ‬Գս‫ྭܠ‬ ሧඪĩታ๡ሙභ؉ࡘՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑd ႓༛ iPod shuffle ඃ‫ى‬ო੪ྭሧķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ؇ო੪ඃ‫ى‬༛๐ပ؇ክ‫ט‬ო੪d 2 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 3 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 4 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 5 ာᆖ qྭሧክ‫ט‬ო੪rd 6 ࣞࠣ৘໢ሢ๐ပ؇ክ‫ט‬ო੪d ‫״‬ிာሱ qྭሧክ‫ט‬ო੪rቡ࢜‫ݎ‬ඪĩռඵࠣ৘ඃሤࣞྣභ iPod shuffle ҆ඃ‫ى‬؇ ო੪d 7 ႓ඃ‫ְܡݙى‬ඃሤඪ႓೒ຖ‫૴ୃݤ‬ĩೊ‫ئ‬С๏໏ҵӋෝനୃ૴d ത޶ிඃ‫૴ୃ੶ى‬ĩᆗңဘෝന๓Ӯ஡‫ࡩܡݙ‬ೞ࿊ო੪ྭሧd ቡ€ೆ‫ݘ‬ୡൔႬ҆๡֩‫ؽ‬೚ࠋ‫ࠓؽ‬ĩᄹၿ਌ग़ୃߺႹෲ҆๡d



႓ೢ‫ط‬ო੪ྭሧķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ೞ࿊ာᆖ qྭሧክ‫ט‬ო੪rd ത޶႓೒؇ࠧĩೊෝനୃ૴d ቡ€ೆ‫ݘ‬ୡັ࠾ਘ૥ખĩᄹग़ၟ߯‫ ڳ‬iPod shuffled౬ҙᄋֿ 26 ှ q‫ڳ߯ވྑۻ‬ iPod shuffle ೌࡵrၟਘࢷ‫ྔأۻ‬༓d

iPod shuffle ிসႽຶᄊ iPod shuffle ൪؇Сைĩָ‫״ڙ‬჋໵Сྑ๓ମඪӤࡘ኶ഋߧԂ኶d ႓ຶᄊ iPod shuffle Сைķ m Сበӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’) ഺ୒ሴd ታ๡ሙභ؉ࡘՑ૕െ൜ฏĩ೸ࠌՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑĩᇥඪСைफ़ࡘ҆ຶᄊdСை҆ ຶᄊඪĩത޶ிСྑ୸‫ݓ‬Сைĩታ๡ሙභ؉ࡘՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏႤྑd ႓ሹ࿯౵ᄊСைķ m ᅾֳСበӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’) ഺ୒ሴd ታ๡ሙභ؉ࡘՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏĩ೸ࠌՑ૕െ൜ฏഺྑĩᇥඪСைफ़ࡘ҆౵ᄊd




ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪‫׋‬և༵࣓


iPod shuffle ೊᅩ٢҉ऍႽ੶कതߧࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯d

iPod shuffle

ிসႽࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯ĩႽև‫׋‬෶८༵࣓d ቡ€ဵᄟೊୡཛྷဵྏഊ֩ၿ৅ࠧఇ෴ၿ௘֢ iPod shuffleĩୡхྺൔႬ iTunesdୡ ҆ୃ Ѱ٦ൔ Ⴌ Macintosh Finder ࠋ Windows ራ჻ܹড়చॎС֢ iPod shuffle ֩ ၿ௘ ໗ࡵd ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ᅿ qာ྽rӨ‫ە‬ĩာᆖ qᄊ኶֪௯rd ቡ€ୡ҆٢ལ༳‫ײݓ‬ၟҴॅՌ஑ഥᇆd 5 ‫غ‬ᇾࠣ৘Ⴝඃ‫ٵྯى‬ᄡ෶८‫ڙ‬༛݅೙ᅉટ؇ৄࢹd 6 ‫ئ‬С qჭᄊrd ‫״‬ி ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯ඪĩ iPod shuffle ֪௯໏ҵࡘսྥ ᅿ Mac ‫ ت‬ங؇ ቿ୍ ൪ĩࡩᇢᅿ Windows PC ؇ Windows ኉ᅙ‫ ਺ޗ‬౸ሱྣභ ༛ྑႤ‫ݓ‬সᄊ؇೜ِ ౸௯‫ۺ‬d ‫״‬ிࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶֪௯ඪĩிসႽָႤ๝‫ت‬ங༵࣓ࣞ֐ෝ‫؀‬ઘႤ๝‫ت‬ஙd iPod shuffle ҆‫ݎ‬බࠦ༛ FAT-32 ኙॾĩ Mac ߦ PC ٝለ՝ᇥሷ‫ݎ‬බdᇥᅯယி඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ᅿԂ኶྄ໆӤྯ຿؇‫ت‬ஙሏࢹ֐ෝ༵࣓d


႓ᅿ‫ځ‬๝‫ت‬ஙሏࢹ֐ෝ༵࣓ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶֪௯ሏࠌĩೊࣞ๓੗आ‫؀‬ி႓ָሱࡨೞ༵࣓؇‫ت‬ஙd

֖ୡࢀ iPod shuffle ৹ࢨ֢ఇ෴‫଻׌‬ĥࠋ‫଻׌‬ഌ֩҆๡Ⴌ߀ᅯ߀Ħĩࢀ ԟཇ၆ᄹྔ ༓ĩ࿜ໝୡൢ‫ڒ‬ཛྷဵଏ‫ י‬iPod shuffle ѭე‫ ྑ֩଻׌ۂ‬iTunes ራਜॳ๡ ҈dೆ‫ݘ‬ୡ҆ཛྷ೻Ԧ iPod shuffle ഌ֖ఱ֩ၿ৅ୁ಼ĩ౬‫׈‬σ qಀཬrd 2 ඲ᄊ‫ت‬ங؇྄༵࣓ໆ ĥMac ൪؇ Finderc PC ൪؇ Windows ኉ᅙ‫਺ޗ‬౸Ħĩࣞிྺ ႓؇༵࣓໢‫ ؀‬iPod shuffled 3 ٰঙ iPod shuffleĩ೸ࠌࣞ๓੗आ‫؀‬ઘႤ๝‫ت‬ஙd ຿ႄ؇ೈ৥ĩത޶ிӤྺ൙ք iPod shuffle ൪‫״‬ಏ؇ოਣடചĩೊ‫ئ‬С qೞ࿊rd 4 ָ༵࣓ࣞ iPod shuffle ໢‫؀‬࿯‫ت‬ங؇֪௯ሱd

iTunes ிসႽኧሚ iTunes ᅿிࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت؀‬ஙඪናِ‫ח‬ঙd ႓ኧሚ iTunes ናِ‫ח‬ঙķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱĩာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ᅿ qာ྽rӨ‫ە‬ĩೞ࿊ာᆖ q੗आְ iPod ඪ‫ח‬ঙ iTunesrd 5 ‫ئ‬С qჭᄊrd



iPod shuffle


iPod shuffle ఇ࣓

iPod shuffle

4 iPod shuffle Dock

੶क Apple Earphones ‫ࡱڛ‬c iPod shuffle Dock ࢅ iPod shuffle ؇౥๒সᄊఇ࣓d

Apple Earphones

iPod shuffle ‫םܚ‬Ⴄ‫ܼٵ‬ራ੪؇‫ࡱڛ‬d

႓඲ᄊ‫ڛ‬സබ‫ࡱڛ‬ķ m ࣞ‫ࡱڛ‬Ԏന‫ࡱڛ؀‬٬৉d೸ࠌത໏๐භĩࣞ‫ڛ‬സබ‫ۄ‬ന‫څڛ‬ሱd

ൔႬఱ౬ᄋ؄ֿ 28 ှഌႹܵщ૫๔৳෩ഈ֩ෲႹρಊථ଀d


iPod shuffle Dock iPod shuffle ‫םܚ‬Ⴄ‫ ݓ‬iPod shuffle ĥ‫ןڟ؝‬Ħ DockĩிসႽ඲ᄊ๓ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗ आ‫ت؀‬ஙࢅ౥๒ USB ඃ҃dೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬5 ႜ q੗आߦٰঙ iPod shufflerd

iPod USB Power Adapter iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸වসာ‫ݵ‬؇ఇ࣓ĩ๓඲ி஡‫ݶ‬ᅿଢᄗ੗आ‫ت؀‬ங؇ ೈ৥ྑ‫ ݕ‬iPod shuffle ի‫ت‬d

႓‫ ૻݵ‬iPod shuffle ఇ࣓ĩೊ‫ ༻ۂ‬www.apple.com.cn/stored সᄊఇ࣓ѩ৵ķ  Apple iPod In-Ear Headphones ‫ࡱڛ‬  iPod shuffle ĥ‫ןڟ؝‬Ħ Dock  iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸



iPod shuffle



5 iPod shuffle



ത޶ி඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ඪᄽ‫༻؀‬ທĩೊ࢜በᇥབ‫҉ࡰݓ‬؇ࣛგdೊቑႤԩ෍ᇥ࿖ Ӧ቉ሒ‫༻؀‬ທ؆‫؀‬कইdത޶ྑ੻౥ሱႤ‫ࣛݓ‬გӤኟ࿔ĩೊࢡဥᅩ٢Ⴝျᇕຍ‫ى‬ ༻ທ؇कই‫ڼ‬Хd  ࣞ iPod shuffle ܑ༬ĩ‫ڧڼ‬ව‫طޓ‬๓ĩ؋‫ע‬བ୒ሴĩ೸ࠌሹ࿯ঙ౵๓d  ത޶ிᅿ iTunes ሱণӤ‫ ؀‬iPod shuffleĩೊሹ෍౥๒ USB ٬৉d  ሹ࿯౵ِி؇‫ت‬ஙĩӋ೴‫ى‬ிႺПቯክ࿯؇പ࣓‫ݙ‬࿯d  ඲ᄊ་૰൪؇ክ࿯ѓ҉ਁሹ࿯Пቯ iTunes പ࣓d  ࡍܑ iPod shuffledೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬26 ႜ q‫ݙ‬࿯ߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓rd ത޶ iPod shuffle ‫ח‬Ӥঙࡩཏྻჭ  ത޶ிСྑ୸‫ݓ‬Сைඪታ๡ሙභ؉Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ฏĩᆗฌ୞ iPod shuffle Сை҆ຶ ᄊ੶dСበӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’) ‫ט‬ᅡഺ୒ሴĩሒሢታ๡ሙභ؉Ց૕െ൜ฏd  ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت ؀‬ங൪؇ܼ‫ݡ‬૓ USB ٬৉dி؇ iPod shuffle ‫ت‬՟স஡ပ႓ ሹ࿯ի‫ت‬d  ‫ طޓ‬iPod shuffleĩ؋‫ע‬བ୒ሴĩ೸ࠌᅾֳ‫ח‬ঙ๓d  ிပ႓ࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓dೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬26 ႜ q‫ݙ‬࿯ߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓rd


ത޶ iPod shuffle Ӥ஡ӎ‫ۄ‬ოਣ  ೴‫ڛى‬സࡩ‫ࡱڛ‬Ԏ໊ႺԎ‫ؚ؀‬d  ೴‫ى‬ო੪Ⴚස‫غ״‬ᇾdস஡Ⴚඃ‫੶ى‬ო੪ྭሧdೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬17 ႜqඃ‫ى‬ო੪ྭሧrd  iPod shuffle স஡Ⴚᆂຶӎ‫ۄ‬dԩ෍Сྑӎ‫ ۄ‬/ ᆂຶ (’)d ത޶ iPod shuffle ᅿ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙࠌଢᄗྻჭ  ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت ؀‬ங൪؇ܼ‫ݡ‬૓ USB ٬৉diPod shuffle স஡ပ႓ሹ࿯ի‫ت‬d  ೴‫ى‬ிႺाПቯ੶ָ www.apple.com.cn/ipod/start ྑᅽ؇ክ࿯ iTunes പ࣓d  ԩ෍੗आሢ‫ت‬ங൪؇౥๒ USB ٬৉dೊ೴‫ ى‬iPod shuffle Ⴚਛ‫؛އ‬Ԏᅿ Dock ሱd ೴‫ ى‬USB आ໊؇‫ڼ‬࿁ሀ೴d๓ሜ஡ָႤ‫ڼݓ‬࿁Ԏനd  স஡ပ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ܑ༬d‫ طޓ‬iPod shuffleĩ؋‫ע‬བ୒ሴĩ೸ࠌᅾֳ‫ח‬ঙ๓d  ത޶ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ĥࡩሙභ؉ߵТĦĩӋಱ iPod shuffle ଢᄗսྥᅿ iTunes ࡩ Finder ሱĩᆗ‫ت‬՟؇‫ت‬੪স஡Ⴚߝलd‫ ݕ‬iPod shuffle ؇‫ت‬՟ի‫ەࢍت‬ሴĩႽҮԒণ๓ ව۰ႺाࡍܑሀԪd  ೴‫ى‬ி؇‫ت‬ஙߦപ࣓‫ߨۺ‬႓೒dೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬25 ႜqത޶ிྺ኏྇ࣁԒ྄ໆ႓೒rd  ԩ෍ሹ࿯౵ِ‫ت‬ஙd  ത޶൪෯ࣛგ༥஡कই༻ທĩᆗস஡ပ႓ࡍܑ iPod പ࣓dೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬26 ႜq‫ݙ‬࿯ ߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓rd  ത޶ࡍܑ iPod shuffle ഑ཏ‫ڧ‬कই༻ທĩᆗস஡ပ႓ဋ਺ iPod shuffledிসႽᅿ www.apple.com/support/ipodshuffle/service ؇༝ဋߦለ՝་ᇁ൪П௨ iPod shuffle ؇༝ဋරႴd ത޶݅೙ᅽനะ٩ߵଆ ೊࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ங൪؇ USB 2.0 ٬৉Ⴝࡨ؆‫ݙ‬৛؇ᅽനะ٩d USB 2.0 ᅽ ന݅೙ߦ෶८؇ะ٩ғ USB 1.1 ৛؆‫ځ‬d ത޶ிӤ஡ࣞ݅೙ࡩ౥๒྽ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ݅೙؇ҫ૴‫ݎ‬බস஡ව iPod shuffle Ӥለ՝؇‫ݎ‬බd iPod shuffle ለ՝Ⴝྑოశ༵࣓ ‫ݎ‬බdѩ৵ᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ؇‫ݎ‬බķ  AAC ĥM4Ac M4B ߦ M4PĦĥክܼস‫ ה‬320 KbpsĦ  MP3 ĥክܼস‫ ה‬320 KbpsĦ  MP3 সү༬ะ૓ (VBR)  WAV

 AA ĥ audible.com ᄶო༵ንĩ‫ݎ‬බ 2c 3 ߦ 4Ħ  AIFF



඲ᄊ Apple Lossless ‫ݎ‬බҫ૴؇݅೙॰ ᄗ໽ᇾ CD ራ੪؇ඔოĩ‫׮‬ᄲ඲ᄊ AIFF ࡩ WAV ‫ݎ‬බҫ૴؇݅೙ྯғĩಏᇢ๐ᆿᄊ؇ৄࢹ‫ט‬ᅡሜᄗࠌᇢ؇Ⴄјd຿Ⴄැ݅೙ĩ ത޶Ⴝ AAC ࡩ MP3 ‫ݎ‬බҫ૴ĩᆗᆿᄊ؇ৄࢹࣞ‫ݙ‬൴d඲ᄊ iTunes ָ CD ൪ෝനო ਣඪĩᅉඃೈ৥ྑĩოਣࡘ҆ቩ࠲༛ AAC ‫ݎ‬බd ிসႽඃ‫ ى‬iPod shuffle ᅿ݅೙҆ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shuffle ඪናِࣞႽ‫ܼݙ‬༬ะ૓फ࿽ҫ ૴؇༵࣓ĥ੊ത Apple LosslessĦቩ࠲༛ 128 kbps AAC ༵࣓dೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬15 ႜqࣞ‫ݙ‬ ‫݅ځ‬೙ᅽന‫ ؀‬iPod shufflerd ඲ᄊ Windows ѓ؇ iTunesĩிসႽࣞ༥෕Ѯࠛ؇ WMA ༵࣓ቩ࠲༛ AAC ࡩ MP3 ‫ݎ‬ බdത޶ி؇෎ԁሱ؇ოਣව඲ᄊ WMA ‫ݎ‬බफ࿽ҫ૴؇ĩᆗႽ൪‫ݡ‬஡‫ۆ‬Ԫᄗᄊd iPod shuffle Ӥለ՝ Apple Losslessc WMAc MPEG Layer 1c MPEG Layer 2 ოశ༵࣓c ࡩ audible.com ‫ݎ‬බ 1d ത޶ iTunes ሱᄗႤැ݅೙؇‫ݎ‬බӤ҆ iPod shuffle ለ՝ĩிসႽࣞ౥ቩ࠲༛ iPod shuffle ለ՝؇‫ݎ‬බdᄗ‫ځݙޓ‬࿲ཱĩೊӷᅩ qiTunes ќቛrd ത޶ᄗඔ٢འሱ؇ᇅऍଢᄗСᇘชဟӎ‫ۄ‬  ೊ೴‫ ࣞى‬iPod shuffle ൪؇ q฽ࡱӎ‫ۄ‬rঙ‫ޓ‬ඃ‫ى‬༛ሹܑӎ‫݅ۄ‬೙ (⁄)ĩָ‫ڙ‬஡ ‫ݶ‬Сชဟӎ‫ۄ‬ᄗඔ٢འ؇‫ݓݔ‬ᇅऍd  ത޶ཏဟ‫ࣞ؛‬ᇅऍຢࢨ‫ ؀‬iPod shuffleĩᆗೊࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت؀‬ஙӋ඲ᄊ iTunes ሹ࿯ᇾ਺ާ‫؃‬dೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬15 ႜ q௨੻ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅೙؇ชဟrd

ത޶ிྺ኏྇ࣁԒ྄ໆ႓೒ ႓඲ᄊ iPod shuffleĩிңဘ॰҃Ⴝྑສ࣓ķ  Ⴝྑ‫ت‬ஙఇሤሏႤķ  ఇ҃ USB ٬৉ ĥࣛგ඲ᄊ USB 2.0Ħ؇ Macintosh  ఇ҃ USB ٬৉ࡩПቯ੶ USB গ ĥࣛგ඲ᄊ USB 2.0Ħ؇ Windows PC  ႽྑԂ኶྄ໆሏႤķMac OS X v10.3.9 ࡩ‫ܼݙ‬ѓ҉c Windows 2000 ĥቯᄗ Service Pack 4 ࡩ‫ܼݙ‬ѓ҉Ħĩࡩᇢ Windows XP Home ࡩ Professional ĥቯᄗ Service Pack 2 ࡩ‫ܼݙ‬ѓ҉Ħ  Internet आന ĥࣛგ඲ᄊড়‫ם‬੗आĦ  iTunes 7.0.2 ࡩ‫ܼݙ‬ѓ҉ ĥiTunes সָ www.apple.com.cn/ipod/start ྑᅽĦ ത޶ி؇ Windows PC ༥ఇܼ҃‫ݡ‬૓؇ USB ٬৉ĩᆗসႽ‫ૻݵ‬ӋПቯ USB 2.0 গd ᄗ‫ޓ‬࿲ཱĩೊ‫ ༻ۂ‬www.apple.com.cn/stored



ത޶ிྺ႓ఇߨ Mac ߦ Windows PC ඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ሜ႓ிࣞ iPod shuffle ᄲ౥๒ iTunes ኉੺৑຿Ӧĩཏ૤඲ᄊණଛ྄ໆĩிٝңဘ୭ ‫ط‬Ⴚ‫׋‬ևᅿ iPod shuffle ൪؇ოਣd‫״‬ிࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫؀‬౥๒‫ت‬ஙࡩᄊࠞᇍ ࠞඪĩࡘսྥႤᆗ࿲ཱĩ်༻ிව۰ྺ႓୭‫ ط‬iPod shuffle Ӌ຿Ӧ‫؀‬࿯؇ iTunes ኉ ੺৑d ‫׮‬වĩᅿ Macintosh ‫ت‬ஙߦ PC ‫ت‬ங൪ĩிٝসႽࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ኶໵Ө֪௯ĩᇥ ඲ி஡‫ָ࣓༵ࣞݶ‬Ⴄ‫ݓ‬Ԃ኶྄ໆ֐ෝ‫؀‬ઘႤ‫ݓ‬Ԃ኶྄ໆdೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬19 ႜ‫ ؝‬3 ᇅ qᅿ iPod shuffle ൪‫׋‬և༵࣓rd

iPod shuffle ிসႽ඲ ᄊ iTunes ਁ‫ݙ‬࿯ࡩࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓dࣛგ ி‫ݙ‬࿯ iPod shuffleĩႽҮ ඲ᄊክ࿯؇പ࣓dிႛসႽࡍܑപ࣓ĩᇥࡘࣞ iPod shuffle ࡍܑ༛ռඵታ๡d  ത޶ிာೞ‫ݙ‬࿯ĩᆗࡘ‫ݙ‬࿯പ࣓ĩ‫׮‬ி؇ඃሤߦ݅೙Ӥ෕ჷྻd  ത޶ிာೞࡍܑĩᆗࡘ୭‫ ط‬iPod shuffle ൪؇๐ᄗ෶८ĩѩ৵݅೙ࢅ౥๒๐ᄗ෶ ८d iPod shuffle ؇๐ᄗඃሤٝࡘࡍܑ༛ռඵታ๡d ႓‫ݙ‬࿯ࡩࡍܑ iPod shuffleķ 1 ೊ೴‫ى‬ி؇‫ت‬ஙႺा੗आሢ Internet Ӌָ www.apple.com.cn/ipod/start Пቯ੶ክ࿯ ѓ҉؇ iTunesd 2 ࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आሢ‫ت‬ஙd 3 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffleĩӋ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd qѓ҉rӨ‫ึ݃ࣞە‬ி iPod shuffle ව۰Пቯ੶ክ࿯ѓ҉؇പ࣓ĩࡩᇢပ႓Пቯ‫ܼݙ‬ ѓ҉؇പ࣓d 4 ሕ࿽ႽྑӦ቉ሏႤķ  ႓Пቯപ࣓؇ክ࿯ѓ҉ĩೊ‫ئ‬С q‫ݙ‬࿯rd  ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ࡍܑ༛ᅒඵඃሤĩೊ‫ئ‬С qࡍܑrdᇥࡘ୭‫ ط‬iPod shuffle ൪؇ ๐ᄗ෶८dೊСᇘూ஀ሙභਁ໽ՐࡍܑफՓd






iPod shuffle


ຽਘщ૫෩ߎ iPod shuffleĩൔႬᆱఱ౬༹ᄋ؄ၟ༳ෲႹρಊྔ༓‫ވ‬Ҥቘ ථ଀d

ೊ໪ൡѮ‫ ޗ‬iPod shuffle ؇‫ݡ‬஡ሙஔႽ‫ਁࣞݤ‬ӷফd

҆ቒ൳ᆇླྀρಊථ଀ग़ୃߺ֡ᇅࠉᄝc‫ࠐ׌‬cఇ෴ഈ‫ࠋݡ‬෩ߎd ඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ೊཡ໷೙c້ሡcࢌ၄cֱ֎cۘ൰ࡩ‫ח‬ঙ iPod shuffled ҧ ୉‫ ۄ‬ᅿ ᄗฅࡩ Ը ඣ؇ ‫ ڼ ؛‬ಯ ཡ ᅿᄱ ሱcྃ ਫ਼ ఋ‫ ܚ‬य ࡩ౥๒ Ըඣ ؇ ‫ڼ ؛‬඲ᄊ iPod shuffledೊቡ჋Ӥ႓ࣞഋߧඬའࡩႣບഴ૭ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪dႤ‫׬‬о iPod shuffle ்ඣ੶ĩೊлྑ๐ᄗྮਏĩӋᅿೄ਺ሏಏ‫ طޓ‬iPod shuffleĩ඲๓Հ‫ؚ‬ү ‫ܦ‬ሏࠌӮ஡ᅾֳ‫ח‬ঙd ༝ဋ iPod shuffle ಯཡԩ෍ና࿽༝ဋ iPod shufflediPod shuffle Ӥ߅ᄊࠞসና࿽ဋ਺ ؇઎࣓dᄗ‫ޓ‬༝ဋ࿲ཱĩೊָ iTunes qќቛrӴ‫ר‬ሱာೞ qiPod ќቛrĩࡩ‫༻ۂ‬ www.apple.com/support/ipod/servicedᄊࠞӤসና࿽‫ ࠲ݙ‬iPod shuffle ؇‫ت‬՟dᄗ‫ޓ‬ ‫ت‬՟؇‫ځݙ‬࿲ཱĩೊ‫ ༻ۂ‬www.apple.com.cn/batteriesd


඲ᄊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ ĥ‫ە‬ঙ࿉ුĦ ത޶ி඲ᄊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ ĥᅿ www.apple.com.cn/store ‫ە‬ঙ࿉ුĦ‫ ݕ‬iPod shuffle ի‫ت‬ĩೊ೴ ‫تى‬ᅙසఇ౸Ⴚ໽೨ቯఇߜᅾԎന‫ت‬ᅙԎኸd೸ࠌࣞ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ ౸ਛ‫؛އ‬Ԏന‫ت‬ᅙසఇ౸dขා்ඣඪೊཡԎл iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸d ೊཡ඲ᄊ Apple iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ሏ໵؇‫ت‬ᅙසఇ౸ਁ‫ݕ‬ி؇ iPod shuffle ի‫ت‬d ሀԪ඲ᄊೈ৥ྑ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸স஡ࡘ‫ڡ‬അdೊ඲ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ሽ༘؇࠮ॄඵሶѮ՝ົ‫ۦ‬ĩӋपඒԂ኶d ࢮതսྥႽྑഋߧೈ৥ሏႤĩೊлྑ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ķ  ‫ت‬ᅙྮࡩԎ໊Ⴚ୪็ࡩ็ࠬd  සఇ౸Ѵિᅿᄱฅሱࡩ޸‫ە‬Ըඣd  සఇ౸໵শႺ็ࠬd  ிআ؆සఇ౸ပ႓फ࿽༝ဋd  ிྺೄ਺සఇ౸d

‫ڿ‬ሚາੑ็൦ ඲ᄊ‫ڛ‬സࡩ‫ࡱڛ‬ඪоო੪‫غ‬؆ߵܼস஡ࡘ‫׿‬ሣᄇ॔ခາੑ็൦dೊ ࣞო੪‫؀غ‬П೨ฅాdາႤ‫ٯ‬ඪࢹოਣࠌĩிࡘཿ‫ܼޚ‬Ⴄ࿖؇ო੪ĩ฻೸স஡າ౱ ਁߵሀԪĩ‫ࠬ็ࡘ׮‬ி؇າੑdത޶ி‫ܭ‬আ‫ڛ؀‬ୠࡩᇢາ‫؀‬؇ඔო୨ࠖӤೄĩೊຶ ሚ࿭൨ოਣӋࣁԒி؇າੑdო੪ᅢ‫ט‬ĩາੑफ़ࡘᅢ৛෕‫؀‬ჷྻdາআቧࢧࣛგி Ӳᄊྑ੻‫ਁڧڼ‬Ѯࠛາੑķ  ྭሧᅿܼო੪ྑ඲ᄊ‫ڛ‬സࡩ໊‫ל‬බ‫ࡱڛ‬؇ඪࢹd  ҧ୉ົ޸‫ܼغ‬ო੪ਁ‫ݑ‬ਸᗝᅸ؇࠮ॄd  ത޶ிཏ‫ڧ‬າ‫௷؀‬ഈ؇ฌࠧඔĩೊࣞო੪‫ؐغ‬d ᄗ‫ޓ‬തߧᅿ iPod shuffle ൪ඃ‫ى‬ო੪ྭሧ؇࿲ཱĩೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬17 ႜqඃ‫ى‬ო੪ྭሧrd П೨඲ᄊ‫ࣛ ࡱ ڛ‬გிӤ႓ᅿࢲԼඪ඲ᄊ‫ࡱڛ‬ĩ‫ڙ‬ಱ ᅿႤ࿖‫؛‬೗ĩᇥවӤߨ‫ڧ‬؇d ೊࢄሱ ቡ჋ੑ࿎࿱ࢲ පdᅿࢲපഋߧ ਭ࿺؇Լ੩ ࡩफ࿽ഋߧပ႓೨ඌ‫ޜ‬ቡ ؇ࡥِ ඪĩത޶‫ྥڡ‬າოਣ‫׿‬ሣቡ჋ੑ‫ە‬ഽĩೊຶሚ඲ᄊ iPod shuffled



҆ቒ՚ᆇླྀҤቘථ଀ग़ୃߺ֡ᇅ෩ߎ iPod shuffle ࠋఇ෴ґ༂d

࿜‫ ם‬iPod shuffle iPod shuffle ѩ߅୛‫ܭ‬ခከ࣓dೊཡ໷೙c້ሡࡩࢌ၄ iPod shuffled ඲ᄊआ໊ߦ٬৉ ೊཡಞሧоआ໊Ԏന٬৉dೊࣁԒ٬৉ව۰٣സdത޶आ໊Ӥ஡ ೀჀ‫؛‬Ԏനሢ٬৉ሱĩᆗฌ୞๓ମস஡Ӥదఇdೊ೴‫ى‬Ԏ໊ᄲ٬৉దఇĩӋಱԎ໊ ߦ٬৉؇‫ڼ‬࿁ྯ‫ٵ‬ჭd ඲ iPod shuffle Ѯ ՝ ᅿস ՗ ෕؇༳٩ ‫ ༘ ڵ‬ட ೊ ᅿ༳٩ ඵሶ जᄡ 0º ߦ 35º C ሏࢹ ĥ32º ‫ ؀‬95º FĦ؇‫ڼ؛‬඲ᄊ iPod shuffledᅿؐ༳ສ࣓ྑĩ iPod ؇ӎ‫ۄ‬ඪࢹস஡ࡘᆂ ඪ์‫٭‬d ೊࣞ iPod shuffle ‫ۄ‬ᄡ ༳٩Ѯ ՝ᅿ -20º ߦ 45º C ሏࢹ ĥ-4º ‫ ؀‬113º FĦ؇‫ڼ ؛‬dӤ႓ ࣞ iPod shuffle ႮટᅿԼடĩმ༛ຶ‫ۄ‬؇Լ੩ட؇༳٩ࡘԳ޸‫ܠ‬༳٩‫༘ڵ‬d ‫״‬ி඲ᄊ iPod shuffle ࡩ‫تݕ‬՟ի‫ت‬ඪĩ iPod shuffle үഅ෭ᄡሀԪೈ৥d iPod shuffle ؇໵ শࣞඃ҃ டӨ؇അ੪ ֐‫׿‬ሢ໵୍ ं਱؇ৄ ౹ሱĩָ‫ڙ‬౱‫ ؀‬ഽഅ؇ ኶ᄊd Ѯ՝ iPod shuffle ໵Ҹ୍ೄओ ႓ೄओ iPod shuffleĩೊࣞ๓ָ Dock ೞսӋ‫طޓ‬ iPod shuffled೸ࠌ඲ᄊഞപcඣരcӤ౱ഛ؇ӥ੺Ӫ඼dҧ୉ঙ৉֋෕Ըdೊཡ඲ ᄊӪ֕౸cࢧᄊೄओ౸cఊཞ࢖cങ࢖cॗ़cОฅࡩၛ୪࢖ਁೄ਺ iPod shuffled ሀ೴‫ ਺֋؛‬iPod shuffle ᄗ‫ޓ‬തߧሀ೴֋਺ iPod shuffle ؇࿲ཱĩѩ ৵౥๒ሹ႓؇ ‫ߨۺޡڧ‬࿲ཱĩೊӷᅩ‫ ؝‬31 ႜ qRegulatory Compliance Informationrd





iPod shuffle

7 Web

ྑҸज൷ָߧ֋সႽࡨ؆ᄲ iPod ྯ‫ޓ‬؇പ࣓ߦ‫۽‬ར࿲ཱd


‫۽‬རᄲለ՝c૤๨cࣿՓ ࢅ Apple പ࣓ྑᅽ


඲ᄊ iTunes

‫ח‬ঙ iTunes Ӌာೞqќቛr >qiTunes ќቛrd႓ࡨೞ iTunes ་ ൪ࣿՓ ĥऩᅿ୸࿖‫؛‬೗ຖ‫ݤ‬Ħĩೊ‫༻ۂ‬ķ www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/itunes

ᄗ‫ ޓ‬iPod shuffle ؇ክ࿯࿲ཱ


ቡԊ iPod shuffle

႓ቡԊ iPod shuffleĩೊᅿ‫ت‬ங൪Пቯ iTunes Ӌ੗आ iPod shuffled

Ԓᇕ iPod shuffle ဟ੻ߞ

ᅿ iPod shuffle ؇ ࢥኒྑ୍ ؇ൻభ൪ Ԓণdࡩ ᇢĩᅿ iTunes ሱ ĥᅿࣞ iPod shuffle ੗आ‫ت؀‬ங؇ೈ৥ྑĦ ĩೊᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђ ሱာᆖ iPod shuffle Ӌ‫ئ‬С qඃሤrҵಈd


ැྗӷᇘ҉ාԊcూ஀ќቛߦ་൪኉ᅙ؇ࣛგĩ೸ࠌ‫༻ۂ‬ķ www.apple.com/support/ipodshuffle/service

Regulatory Compliance Information FCC Compliance Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected.

Radio and Television Interference This computer equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Apple’s instructions—it may cause interference with radio and television reception.

If necessary, consult an Apple-authorized service provider or Apple. See the service and support information that came with your Apple product. Or, consult an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Important: Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Apple Inc. could void the EMC compliance and negate your authority to operate the product. This product was tested for EMC compliance under conditions that included the use of Apple peripheral devices and Apple shielded cables and connectors between system components.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

It is important that you use Apple peripheral devices and shielded cables and connectors between system components to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, television sets, and other electronic devices. You can obtain Apple peripheral devices and the proper shielded cables and connectors through an Apple Authorized Reseller. For non-Apple peripheral devices, contact the manufacturer or dealer for assistance.

You can determine whether your computer system is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral devices.

Responsible party (contact for FCC matters only): Apple Inc. Product Compliance, 1 Infinite Loop M/S 26-A, Cupertino, CA 95014-2084, 408-974-2000.

If your computer system does cause interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: Â Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops. Â Move the computer to one side or the other of the television or radio. Â Move the computer farther away from the television or radio. Â Plug the computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the computer and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.)

This Class B device meets all requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations.

Industry Canada Statement

Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.

VCCI Class B Statement

Korea Class B Statement



European Community Complies with European Directives 2006/95/EEC and 89/336/EEC.


iPod ߅ᄗ‫ت‬՟dೊ‫ݖ‬८‫؛״‬؇࠮Ѯ‫ڧ‬૒ߦ‫ਁޡڧ‬ ֋਺ iPodd ᄗ‫ ޓ‬Apple ࡏ෎࢛ࠥ؇࿲ཱĩೊ‫༻ۂ‬ķ www.apple.com/environment Deutschland: Dieses Gerät enthält Batterien. Bitte nicht in den Hausmüll werfen. Entsorgen Sie dieses Gerätes am Ende seines Lebenszyklus entsprechend der maßgeblichen gesetzlichen Regelungen. China:

Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd bij de chemokar of in een speciale batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca) worden gedeponeerd.

European Union—Disposal Information:

This symbol means that according to local laws and regulations your product should be disposed of separately from household waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated by local authorities. Some collection points accept products for free. The separate collection and recycling of your product at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.

Apple ߦ࠮ॄ

Apple ‫ݦ‬ตႺा჋ද‫؀‬ᄗᆕഋࣞԂ኶ߦԣస‫࠮ٵ‬ ॄᆑՐ؇ჷྻࣨ‫؀‬ክ࿎d ᄗ‫ځݙޓ‬࿲ཱĩೊ‫༻ۂ‬ķ www.apple.com/environment © 2007 Apple Inc. ѮટႤಯ೥ੈd Applec఼޶c Apple ҵሟc FireWirec iPodc iTunesc Macc Macintosh ߦ Mac OS ව Apple Inc. ᅿଧ޵ࢅ౥๒޵ࢧߦ‫؛‬೗ቡԊ؇൧ҵd Finder ߦ Shuffle ව Apple Inc. ؇൧ҵd Apple Store ව Apple Inc. ᅿଧ޵ࢅ౥๒޵ࢧߦ ‫؛‬೗ቡԊ؇‫۽‬རҵ࢜dᇥ਼ຖࢅ؇౥๒‫ݦ‬ตߦԣస؇ୢՍস஡ව ౥ྯჭ‫ݦ‬ต؇൧ҵd ຖࢅ؇‫؝‬ഺ‫ڼ‬ԣసऩ኶ӷফĩӋӤ‫ן‬Ҹ Apple ሏഌসࡩ໙࣋d Apple ‫ٵ‬ᇥ࿖ԣస؇ခ஡ࡩ඲ᄊ‫ܢ‬Ӥ‫ܗ‬ᆕd๐ᄗস஡؇੭कc࿚ გࡩѮဋٝሒआ‫ڡ‬ඕᅿ‫ݤ‬ჭ൧ߦಐᅿᄊࠞሏࢹdགྷମႺलੑ೴Ѯ ҉ාԊ൪؇࿲ཱቻ೴d Apple ‫ٵ‬შ෹ࡩ༵ን‫ג‬ཤ‫ܢ‬Ӥ‫ܗ‬ᆕd CH019-0996/2007-6



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