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Course Code: IPE-336 Experiment No. 01 Course Title: Operation Management & Quality Control Management Date of Submission: 27 November, 2017 Submitted to Professor Dr. Md Abu Hayat Mithu Submitted by Galibur Rahman Reg. No. 2014334039

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering Page | 1

Third Year Second Semester Examination, 2017

Lab Sheet Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, SUST, Sylhet Course No: IPE 336 Course Title: Operations Management and Quality Control & Management Sessional ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 27 November 2017 Credit: 1.50 Session: 2014-2015 Sessional No: 1 Solving the problems related to Sequencing and Scheduling. [Answer all the questions given below. Use graph paper if necessary. Write Reg. no on the top of the graph paper.]


Seven customers submitted their orders at the beginning of the week to one of the best construction firms of Bangladesh. Specific scheduling data are as follows: Sl. No.

Job (In order of arrival) A B C D E F G

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Processing Time (Days) 15 20 10 30 5 20 15


Due Date (Days) 25 30 35 45 10 40 35

All orders require the use of the only stone crushing machine available; the firm must decide on the processing sequence for the seven orders. The evaluation criterion is minimum flow time. Suppose that the firm decides to use the FCFS rule in an attempt to make the firm appear fair to its customers. Prepare a comparison table one the basis of FCFS, SPT, LCFS, EDD, CR, STR rule. Comment on the operations.


Find the best sequence of jobs that minimizes the total elapsed time to complete the following jobs. The processing ties are given in minutes to process each one of the three jobs through all the machines in the order of M1M2M3. Also find the idle time for each machine.


Jobs Jobs Machine A B C D E M1 2i 35 30 45 25 M2 10 5 20 25 15 M3 15 35 2i 30 35 where, i is the last digit of your registration number, for example 2014334015, i = 5.


Determine the optimal sequence of jobs that minimizes the total elapsed time based on the information given below. Also find the idle time for each machine. All the times are in minute. Jobs Machine M1 M2 M3

A 15 20 30

B 40 15 35

C 35 10 25

Jobs assigned D 20 25 55

E 45 5 25

F 40 20 30

G 35 15 60 Page | 2


Course Code: IPE-336 Experiment No. 02 Course Title: Operation Management & Quality Control Management Date of Submission: 04 December, 2017 Submitted to Professor Dr. Md Abu Hayat Mithu Submitted by Md Rakib Bhuiyan Reg. No. 2014334058

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering Page | 3

Third Year Second Semester Examination, 2017

Lab Sheet Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, SUST, Sylhet Course No: IPE 336 Course Title: Operations Management and Quality Control & Management Sessional ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 04 December 2017 Credit: 1.50 Session: 2014-2015 Sessional No: 2 Solving the problems related to Planning with Gantt Chart. [Answer all the questions given below. Use graph paper if necessary. Write Reg. no on the top of the graph paper.]


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A firm decides to submit bids to a large company to install ERP software for all the departments 10 of the company. The company asked for a time frame schedule to the firm to ensure the least possible time required to fully access the ERP software to all the departments. According to the requirement, the firm prepared a schedule on the date basis. You are asked to prepare a Gantt chart in favor of the firm to represent in the company’s board meeting. Work A B C D E F G H I J K


Description Site survey Draft survey results and finalization Approval by the Management System design Buy cable and conduit Install cable and conduits Procure hardware and accessories Install hardware and accessories Deliver console Load Data and check-up points Preparation and Configure Software

Duration 18/02/17 – 25/02/17 26/02/17 – 28/02/17 01/03/17 – 14/03/17 15/03/17 – 25/03/17 01/04/17 – 08/04/17 03/04/17 – 14/04/17 08/04/17 – 15/04/17 16/04/17 – 28/04/17 02/05/17 – 07/05/17 10/05/17 – 15/05/17 26/03/17 – 28/05/17

Depends on A A, B C D E D F, G H I C

Your organization has won a tender to create a new software, and you're in charge of the project. 10 You decide to use a Gantt chart to organize all of the necessary tasks, and to calculate the likely overall timescale for delivery. Tasks can be sequential and parallel at the same time – e.g., two tasks (B and D) may be dependent on another one (A), and may be completed at the same time. Task B is sequential in that it follows on from A, and it is parallel, with respect to D. You have started by listing all of the activities that have to take place, and you estimate how long each task should take to complete. Your list looks as follows: Task



A. High level analysis B. Selection of server hosting C. Configuration of server D. Detailed analysis of core modules E. Detailed analysis of supporting modules F. Development of core modules G. Development of supporting modules H. Quality assurance of core modules I. Quality assurance of supporting modules J. Initial client internal training K. Development and QA of accounting reporting L. Development and QA of mgt reporting M. Development of Management Information System N. Client internal user training

1 week 1 day 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 week 1 week 1 day 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week

S S S S, P to B, C S, P to F S, P to E S, P to H, J S, P to G S S, P to G S S S S

Dependent on ̶ A B A D D E F G C,H E E L I, J, K, M Page | 4


The department of IPE, SUST, controls its examination activities through bar chart. The 10 examination process will begin on 4th December 2017, Sunday with five days working days in a week. Draw the bar chart for the exam work. How many days are required to declare the result after conducting the exam? Make a convincing report on 31 January 2018. Activity Description A B C D E F G H I J


Preparation of exam committee Send request to examiners for setting manuscript Question moderation Question typesetting and printing Conduct examination Collect answer scripts from examiners Scrutinizing answer scripts Input data into Result Processing System software Check the results, Print the result and Signature Publish result on notice board

Duration (day) 2 5 2 3 16 15 4 3 2 3

Dependenc y ̶ A B C D Parallel, E F G Parallel, H I

Suppose that the project is complete and you want to compare the actual progress of the 10 activities with the predicted schedule computed by software. The data sheet is lost due to crush of the hard-drive of your computer. The hard copy of the Gantt chart is the only evidence. Therefore, you are asked to prepare a problem based on the hardcopy you have already in your hand.

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Third Year Second Semester Examination, 2017

Lab Sheet Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, SUST, Sylhet Course No: IPE 336 Course Title: Operations Management and Quality Control & Management Sessional ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 27 November 2017 Credit: 1.50 Session: 2014-2015 Sessional No: 3 Solving the problems of Forecasting: Exponential Smoothing Technique. [Answer all the questions given below. Use graph paper if necessary. Write Reg. no on the top of the graph paper.]

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forecast is the statement about the future value of a variable of interest. Forecasts are a basic input in the decision processes of operations management because they provide information on future demand. Forecasts are also used to predict profits, revenues, costs, productivity changes, prices and availability of energy and raw materials, interest rates, movements of key economic indicators, and prices of stocks and bonds. In spite of its use of computers and sophisticated mathematical models, forecasting is not an exact science. Instead, successful forecasting often requires a skillful blending of science and intuition. Experience, judgment, and technical expertise all play a role in developing useful forecasts. Some work better than others, but no single technique works all the time. A properly prepared forecast should fulfill certain requirements: The forecast should be: (i) timely; (ii) accurate; (iii) reliable (consistent); (iv) in meaningful units; (v) written using full information; (vi) simple to understand and use; and (vii) costeffective. A time series is a time-ordered sequence of observations taken at regular intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually). Forecasting techniques based on time-series data are made on the assumption that future values of the series can be estimated from past values. Although one or more patterns might appear: (i) trends (a long-term upward or downward movement); (ii) seasonal variations (a shortterm, fairly regular variations); (iii) cycles (wavelike variations of more than one year’s duration); (iv) irregular variations (unusual circumstances such as severe weather conditions); and (v) random variations. been accounted for. Exponential smoothing is a sophisticated weighted averaging method that is based on the previous forecast plus a percentage of the difference between that forecast and the actual value of the series at that point. That is, the equation used for forecast for next period is: Next forecast = Previous forecast + α (Actual _ Previous forecast) » 𝐹𝑡+1 = 𝛼𝐷𝑡 + (1 − 𝛼)𝐹𝑡 Where, Ft +1 = forecast for next period; Dt = actual demand for present period; Ft = previously determined forecast for present period; 𝛼 = weighting factor, smoothing constant. The smoothing constant 𝛼 represents a percentage of the forecast error. Each new forecast is equal to the previous forecast plus a percentage of the previous error. Exponential smoothing is one of the most widely used techniques in forecasting, partly because of its ease of calculation and partly because of the ease with which the weighting scheme can be altered—simply by changing the value of 𝛼 . Forecast error is the difference between the value that occurs and the value that was predicted for a given time period. Hence, Error = Actual ̶ Forecast; » et  At  Ft , where t is the any given time period. 1.

A fruit processing farm ships boxed fruit anywhere in Bangladesh. Using the following information, a manager wants to forecast shipments for the first four months of next year. Let, 𝛼 = 0.3(𝑖 + 2); where, i is the last digit of your registration number, for example 2014334015, i = 5; 𝛼 = 0.37. Period 1 2 3 4 5 6

Month January February March April May June

Demand (×103)


37 40 41 37 45 50

7 8 9 10 11 12

Month July August September October November December

Demand (×103) 43 47 56 52 55 54 Page | 6



The manager of a large cosmetics retailer has found the sales volume of petroleum jelly of a specific brand. Plot the data on a graph, and draw a suitable trend line corresponding to the values given. Using the information, the manager wants to forecast the seasonal variations for the months from next October to December of next financial year. Use exponential smoothing technique letting 𝛼 = 0.3(𝑖 + 5); where, i is the last digit of your registration number, for example 2014334015, i = 5; 𝛼 = 0.40. Period


Demand (×102)


1 2 3 4 5 6

July August September October November December

26 28 37 47 55 78

7 8 9 10 11 12

Demand (×102)

Month January February March April May June

82 65 56 52 35 24

Also check, is a linear trend line appropriate for this case? Comment on the whole forecasted value.

The manager of a large manufacturer of industrial pumps must choose between two alternative forecasting techniques. Both techniques have been used to prepare forecasts for a six month period. Using MAD as a criterion, which technique has the better performance record? Month


1 2 3 4 5 6

492 470 485 493 498 492

Forecasting Technique Technique 1 Technique 2 488 495 484 482 480 478 490 488 497 492 493 493

Note: Three commonly used measures for summarizing errors are (i) the mean absolute deviation (MAD), is Actualt  Forecastt the average absolute error which is expressed as MAD   ; (ii) the mean squared error n (MSE), is the average of squared errors which is expressed as MSE 

  Actual  Forecast  t

n 1



; and (iii)

the mean absolute percent error (MAPE), is the average absolute percent error which is expressed as Actualt  Forecastt


Actualt n

100% .

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Course Code: IPE-336 Experiment No. 03 Course Title: Operation Management & Quality Control Management Date of Submission: 04 December, 2017 Submitted to Professor Dr. Md Abu Hayat Mithu Submitted by Moon Roy Reg. No. 2014334060

Department of Industrial and Production EngineeringPage | 8

Third Year Second Semester Examination, 2017

Lab Sheet Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, SUST, Sylhet Course No: IPE 336 Course Title: Operations Management and Quality Control & Management Sessional ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 18 December 2017 Session: 2014-2015 Solving the problems of Inventory Management: EOQ, EPQ and Price Discount Model [Answer all the questions given below. Use graph paper if necessary. Write Reg. no on the top of the graph paper.]


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A building materials supplier obtains its bagged cement from a single supplier. Demand is 5 reasonably constant throughout the year, and last year the company sold 2,000 tons of this product. It estimates the costs of placing an order at around $25 each time an order is placed, and calculates that the annual cost of holding inventory is 20 per cent of purchase cost. The company purchases the cement at $60 per ton How much should the company order at a time?


A chemical firm produces sodium bisulfate in 100-pound bags. Demand for this product is 20 tons per day. The capacity for producing the product is 50 tons per day. Setup costs $100, and storage and handling costs are $5 per ton a year. The firm operates 200 days a year. (Note: 1 ton = 2,000 pounds.) a. How many bags per run are optimal? b. What would the average inventory be for this lot size? c. Determine the approximate length of a production run, in days. d. About how many runs per year would there be? e. How much could the company save annually if the setup cost could be reduced to $25 per run?



A mail-order house uses 18,000 boxes a year. Carrying costs are 60 cents per box a year, and ordering costs are $96. The following price schedule applies. Determine a. The optimal order quantity. b. The number of orders per year. Number of Boxes Price per Box 1,000 to 1,999 $1.25 2,000 to 4,999 1.20 . 5,000 to 9,999 1.15 10,000 or more 1.10



A manufacturer of exercise equipment purchases the pulley section of the equipment from a 6 supplier who lists these prices: less than 1,000, $5 each; 1,000 to 3,999, $4.95 each; 4,000 to 5,999, $4.90 each; and 6,000 or more, $4.85 each. Ordering costs are $50, annual carrying costs per unit are 40 percent of purchase cost, and annual usage is 4,900 pulleys. Determine an order quantity that will minimize total cost.


A company will begin stocking remote control devices. Expected monthly demand is 800 units. The controllers can be purchased from either supplier A or supplier B. Their price lists are as follows: SUPPLIER A SUPPLIER B Quantity Unit Price Quantity Unit Price 1–199 $14.00 1–149 $14.10 200–499 13.80 150–349 13.90 500 + 13.60 350 + 13.70 Ordering cost is $40 and annual holding cost is 25 percent of unit price per unit. Which supplier should be used and what order quantity is optimal if the intent is to minimize total annual costs? Page | 9


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