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  • Pages: 13
TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF ALTAMIRA Decentralized public body of the public federal administration





INDEX (A) Definition:...................................................................................................................................1 (B) Terminology................................................................................................................................1 (C) Theoretical foundation:.............................................................................................................2 Direct Visual Inspection..............................................................................................................2 Indirect visual inspection............................................................................................................2 (D) Test procedure...........................................................................................................................2 Inspection Before welding..........................................................................................................2 Inspection during the welding....................................................................................................3 Inspection after welding..............................................................................................................4 (E) Test applications........................................................................................................................5 Advantage:...................................................................................................................................6 Limitations:...................................................................................................................................6 (F) Regulation governing the test..................................................................................................6 Regulation standard API 1104...................................................................................................6 UNE - NE - 13018 Visual inspection.........................................................................................6 (G) Acception and rejection criteria..............................................................................................6 (H) Requirements, security conditions to perform the test.........................................................7 Conflict of interest........................................................................................................................8 Responsibility on the work site..................................................................................................8 (I) Materials, tools and equipment to be used.............................................................................9 Gauge...........................................................................................................................................9 Bridge Cam gage.........................................................................................................................9 Fillet weld gage............................................................................................................................9 Inspection mirrors........................................................................................................................9 Gauge Welding with gauge........................................................................................................9 Skew-T Welding gauge............................................................................................................9 Steel rule.....................................................................................................................................10

Visual inspection in welding. (A) Definition: It can be defined as the examination of material piece or product to assess its conformity using only sight or with the help of some tools. The visual inspection of welding, non-destructive method by which a welding must be inspected before, during and after the weld. The visual inspection in the wonderful art of welding has a fundamental role I would say that one of the most important factors within the quality control. You could define with the set of activities aimed at ensuring a certain degree of reliability of a soldier set, by verification by adequate means during different phases of the productive process. During the different inspection phases, imperfections can be detected on the requirements arranged in codes or standards established by the manufacturing and inspection bases necessary for the good behavior in service of the welded constructions. The inspection must be evaluated the results in relation to some established requirements as we have previously mentioned defined in codes or standards applicable to the product. Examined. Below I want to reflect some of the most common imperfections that are presented in the welded Union.

(B) Terminology. Discontinuity. Lack of continuity, lack of cohesion or union, interruption in the physical structure of the material or product. Default. Discontinuity whose size, shape, orientation, location or properties are, for some specific norm, unacceptable. Indication. Response or evidence of a discontinuity resulting from the application of an END. Evaluation of indications. Process in which the severity of the state of the part or part is decided, after the indication has been interpreted. It arises from here if the indication is irrelevant or discontinuity, and if it is a defect or not. This evaluation decides if the part or piece should be rejected, repaired or accepted for its use. 1

(C) Theoretical foundation: The visual inspection assay is a method of non-destructive inspection that allows the detection of discontinuities that affect the visually accessible surface of objects. The visual inspection is the non-destructive method for example, being its scope of extremely extensive application: being identified with respect to its specification and chemical composition. Detection of imperfections and defects produced during a productive process during a productive process. Visual inspection is not only important as a test method in itself, but is essential as a prior and preliminary test in the execution of any other. Since always should be done, even when the execution of another type of tests is provided. The knowledge of materials, manufacturing processes and manufacturing processes and the uses of uses of the components tested are essential. According to the instruments that are used as aid to vision, and distance (or access) that has between the inspector and the study object, visual inspection can be divided into two groups inspection can be divided into two groups. Direct Visual Inspection. The inspection is made at a short distance of the object, making the most of the natural visual capacity of the inspector. Increase glasses, microscopes, lamps or lanterns, and measurement instruments are used as calibers, feet of king, micrometers, rules and galges. Replan visual inspection. Indirect visual inspection. Is used in those cases in which you have no direct access to the components to inspect, or in those components in which, it is very difficult to have access to its inquiries. In the visual inspection. It is required The use of instruments such as endoscopes. It is required.

(D) Test procedure. Inspection Before welding. The activities to be carried out at this stage are the following: 2

1. Review the drawings, rules and applications' applications 2. Identify manufacturing and quality plans (inspection and testing) 3. Establish verification points in which an examination or test should be performed before the continuum should continue 4. Verify that the specifications of the necessary welding procedure are available and qualified The welding staff are available and qualified. 5. The information of the welding is available and qualified. 6. Review that the base materials meet the applicable specification, are identified, do not show defects and that are stored and managed in a manner that makes it not sure that they do not deteriorate. 7. Ensure that the welding materials (electrodes, melts, contributions, gases, and specified) are available and that there are the forecasts to store them and manage them correctly. 8. Verify that the adjustment and alignment of the members of the joints to weld is required by the design or the welding process. The main aspects to be reviewed are: slot angle, root opening, slot face, boarding line aligning, backrests, consumer inserts, cleaning, dialing (wicks) treads and the surfaces and cutting edges with oxygen from the base metal bases. 9. Verify the availability of the necessary welding equipment and its adaptation to apply the applicable procedures. 10. Ensure the availability of appropriate procedures and welding sequences to minimize contraction and distortion (when this is applicable) (when this is applicable). Inspection during the welding. The activities that must be made during this stage are:


1. In general terms, ensure that welding operations are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable procedures (type and size of the electrodes; voltage, amperage and welding speed; type of current and polarity; type and flow of protective gases). 2. Verify that the temperature of preheating and temperature between steps are those specified by the welding process, and that the means of the control of these are available. In applications in which there is a requirement the control of heat contributed by step, make sure that this control is effective. 4. Ensure that the welders are qualified for the operations, procedures and soldering variables specific in each meeting. 5. Ensure that welding materials are handled and stored in handling are handled and appropriately managed. 6. Check the quality of the root passage. This step is a critical part of the welds - in slot solders sold by the two sides, ensure that before the second side is removed, the root of the board is adequately prepared. Inspection after welding. During this stage the inspector must: 1. Examine the final appearance of the welds 2. Measure the final size of the welds 3. Determine the length of the welds. When carrying out the activities indicated in this subsection and the two previous ones, the discontinuities present in the welded joints must be detected and identified, as well as their evaluation and decision, according to the applicable criteria, their acceptance or rejection. 4. Verify the dimensional accuracy of the complete welded parts, because even if the welded joints are not defective, if the parts are outside the specified


dimensional tolerances, they are not useful for the service for which they were designed and should be rejected 5. Verify repair and inspection activities. 6. Ensure that complete structures (or welded joints, as applicable), are subjected to post-welding heat treatment (relieved of stress most of the time) specified. 7. Verify that the cleaning prior to non-destructive tests and the: final cleaning is adequate 8. Ensure that the specified tests (destructive, non-destructive, hydrostatic, etc.) are carried out, and that their results meet the acceptance criteria 9. Collect, distribute and file the documentation (reports, certificates and records) of manufacturing and inspection required 10. In general terms, verify the compliance of manufactured parts with respect to standards.

(E) Test applications. Visual inspection is used to determine: quantity, size, shape or configuration, surface









discontinuities. In general, visual inspections are used for two purposes: 1. Inspection of exposed or accessible surfaces of opaque objects (including most partial assemblies or finished products). 2. Interior inspection of transparent objects (such as glass, quartz, some plastics, liquids and gases). The petrochemical and infrastructure industry, where there are corrosive environments, temperature or where it is subjected to pressure, require visual checks.


Advantage: The main advantages of visual and optical inspection are: Almost everything can be inspected, to some degree, It can be very low cost, You can resort to relatively simple equipment, It requires a minimum of training. Limitations: The main limitations of visual and optical inspection are: Only superficial conditions can be evaluated. An effective source of illumination is required. Access to the surface that needs to be inspected is necessary.

(F) Regulation governing the test. Regulation standard API 1104. For a qualification test for a visual welding test, the specimen shall be free of cracks, inadequate penetration, burns and shall present an appearance of orderly and uniform work. The depth of scouring adjacent to the end of the assembly shall not be greater than 8mm or 12.5% of the thickness of the wall, which is smaller and there shall not be more than 50mm of scour in a continuation of 300mm length of weld. UNE - NE - 13018 Visual inspection. Lighting devices: Standard EN 970: 1997 "Non - destructive examination of fusion welding, visual examination" establishes that the minimum illumination of the surface for the realization of the visual inspection must be 350 lx, although it recommends that it be at least 500 lx. To fulfill this requirement you can use lighting devices such as flashlights, portable lamps, etc.

(G) Acception and rejection criteria. Comparison of the acceptance criteria of some standards for the most common discontinuities. In order to provide the welding inspector with an overview of the acceptance criteria that some standards establish for the most common discontinuities that can be detected by visual inspection (or in combination with other non-destructive 6

methods), Table 1 includes a "comparative table" of the respective acceptance criteria. This table has a didactic character, whose purpose is to show the differences of the acceptance criteria of some of the most used documents in welding inspection. During the performance of its activities, the inspector must refer to the applicable standards to judge the acceptance of the welds he is examining. Among these aspects we can mention the fact that between one document and another, the acceptance criteria for the same discontinuity are different, or that apparently "harmless" discontinuities are tolerated by some norms and not by others. As an example of the first situation, it can be cited that some documents, such as ANSI / AWS D1.

(H) Requirements, security conditions to perform the test. The Inspector must act to preserve the health and welfare of the public, performing the required inspection tasks in a conscious and impartial manner to fully comply with civic and professional responsibilities. In accordance with the foregoing, the Inspector must:   

Perform only functions for which your competence is certified. Present your card or certificate when required. Do not falsify grades, or change the level of certification by modifying the certification documents or verbal or written falsehood of the permanent

testimony of the certified level or its validity. Be completely objective, clear and concise in their written reports, statements or testimony of work and include all relevant or relevant

testimonies in their communications and writings.. Sign only reports referring to the work you have inspected or the work of

which you have personal knowledge by direct supervision. Not to associate or participate in fraudulent or dishonest acts.

The Inspector must not issue judgments, criticisms or arguments regarding inspection, which are inspired or paid by interested parties.


The Inspector must not express opinions publicly on aspects referring to inspection, unless he has adequate knowledge of the issues he publishes, based on the technical competence related to the subject and with the honest conviction of the truth and authorship of the pronouncement. Conflict of interest. The Inspector must avoid conflict of interests with the client and must abstain from any commercial partnership or circumstance that considers it. The Inspector must not accept financial or other compensation, from more than one party, for their services in the same project, unless there are circumstances that are fully understood and agreed upon by all interested parties. The Inspector must not accept or request direct or indirect rewards from one or all the parties that have to do with the client, the employer or the constructor, in relation to the inspection work. Responsibility on the work site. The Inspector must not pay, request, or offer, directly or indirectly, any bribe or commission for his professional services. The Inspector must not falsify, exaggerate, or collaborate in the misinterpretation of academic and professional qualifications, previous assignments, achievements and associated responsibilities. The misinterpretation of the validity of the certifications is considered a violation of this section. The Inspector must not perform as an independent Inspector in a different field than his qualification, nor can he certify tests that are not of his competence. NOTE: The certification does not authorize it to approve designs of procedures that require the signature of a specialist Engineer with professional registration.


(I) Materials, tools and equipment to be used. Gauge. There are other gauges for special measurements, some of them are deep gauges, to measure strings or threads, conveyors and best conveyors (to measure angles), levels (to measure the horizontal variation), interiors and exterior gauges, to measure diameters and uniformity of holes, radios, screws, thickness (seeds of leaves of several well-thick keepers to verify separations). Bridge Cam gage. The "Bridge Cam" calibrator, for multiple functions, can be used to determine the following features: Fillet weld gage. This calibrator offers a fast means to measure the most used welding, the steak, with thicknesses from 1/8 "up to 1". The leg length can be measured and determining concavity and convexity, they are passing gauges / do not pass.

Inspection mirrors. Portable inspection mirrors are of great value to look in difficult to see places and are ideal for all general observation applications to search in high security areas. Gauge Welding with gauge. Allows measurement of throat thicknesses of welds at an angle and on thicknesses of the butt welds. The sides of the gauge are formed with angles of 60 ° 70 80 and 90 ° to verify by comparison the angle of preparation of connections in V Skew-T Welding gauge. The Welding Calibrator - Skew-T is a combination of all welding calibrators. It is used to measure fillets of welds in inclined elements or welded members in a great variety of angles: It measures the inclinations of all types of angles: 9

Absolutes angles. Acute angles. Straight Angles. Lancer Indicator with Retractable Arm. Steel rule. The rules are essential and so frequent used in a variety of functions that are supplied in different styles. The 6 "and 12" steel rules are frequently used. Scales can be found in the English and metric system, or both in the same rule, and can be found with subdivisions as small as 0.01."


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