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Shri Tavariaji met his mater Shri Ram when he was only seven years old. Over a period of seven years he learnt the practices of a very secret system of yoga from his master. He said that this system was passed from master to disciple in the guru shisya parampara originating from Maharishi Patnajali who is credited with the compilation of the yoga sutras. Shri Tavariaji condensed the system into few simple exercises together with the three step rhythmic breath, so that the benefits of such a rich system of yoga could easily be available to everyone. His teacher advised him to be a householder, and so he lived a family man throughout and is survived by his wife and two children. He said the real test of yoga is in family life. Shri Tavariaji has two degrees in engineering and two in master of arts. He had tremendous control over his body brain system brought about by yoga practices, even though he ate only three meals a week, he was able to lead a very normal and active life. He has written two valuable book; 1) Yoga sutra explanation and exposition. 2) The purpose of birth and death. More over he has left a tremendous amount of notes. He left his physical body at the age of 76. INTRODUCTION I met Shri Tavariaji in 1988 and very soon my whole life began to revolve around him. Till he left his physical body in 1994 not a day passed without some kind of connection with him. It was as if I was a small child learning how to walk with the help of someone’s hand. Never have I met a more simple and unassuming human being, and his simplicity was a kind of living poetry. The manner in which he performed the normal day to day activities of life that had a beauty purpose and creativity of a painter spraying his canvas with innumerable colors. That he was a teacher of the deepest sciences of yoga was hidden in his simple approach to life. Yet his teaching is so simple, but scientific and complete. It weaves its way into our daily normal lives without upsetting it in the least. As we continue the practices and the rhythmic breath as shown in the book, one day, transformation appears. Shri Tavariaji said that every student has his master or teacher within themselves. If you follow the practices with intensity and regularity as Shri Tavariaji would say “with white hot heat” then one day this inner teacher will reveal and guide the student to the very heart of yoga. It is with this purpose that a few excerpts of Shri Tavariaji teaching are given for interested students. I hope that it will give the student a basic outline and glimpse of Shri Tavariaji’s deeply revealing science of yoga. What makes an ordinary man a Mahayogi (one who has bought about transformation consciously)? The question is a wrong one, for there is no making or becoming. We are what we want to be. Dose a man flower or bloom form within like a rose i.e. gain full transformation, or is something to be added or introduced or added to him from an outside source. Is not grace really the flowering or blooming from within and there by releasing a flood of possibility and power for infinite good, rather than depend on an outside agency working on him. In this case his

autonomous state which is his birthright is denied to him and the thought that God and nature have given him free will is contradicted. If it is an outside agency then, science if not today then in some distant future can stimulate the same condition. It will nullify the idea of God and his creation based on certain cosmic laws. If the answer is no, it is from within, then the question arises how dose it happen? How is he able to bring out the possibility of transformation? Cannot science tomorrow program the proper functioning of man and can such technology bring about the state of a Mahayogi. Is this possible? In the first place is the human being is nothing more than or not beyond a computer organism, only then these thoughts are valid. But thee fact is that he is much beyond, and that side of his being is dormant and cannot be awakened unless he wishes so himself and then sincerely works towards that end. This is free will. He is autonomous and for that matter each cell Is autonomous. The idea of free will is this intrinsic inbuilt autonomy of every living cell in his body brain system. It is noted that anything that is added from an outside source by way of preaching morality or religion will not be Imbibed or digested, though like a tape recorder it can be reproduced faithfully for ulterior reasons for each cell in his system is autonomous, and that is why religion mortality and the efforts for all ages have not succeeded. Man today in spite of being able to walk on the moon and in space is as helpless and near animal in nature as he ever was. So the idea of programming by science would never result in making him a Mahayogi for the simple reason that he cannot be made, for he already is. What is the factor that creates the difference between programming and a naturally achieved state bought about by one owns spontaneous and willing efforts along proper lines? Let us once again clear our minds as to the process of thought formation, because that is the only way we function on this planet. The incoming impulses the sage calls it the effect producing cause, from persons and objects around us enter our body brain system at the rate of 30,000 per pulse beat. Of these 120 per pulse beat creates thought processes. They in turn pull out near identical memory patterns from the unconscious or the memory pools at the rear of the brain and together rush to the fore or conscious brain, where they are worked upon by the four centers, intellect/emotions/sex/movement, (I.E.S.M) and intensified and developed depending on the basic structures of the centers resulting in automatic reflex action. The cortex aids the process and the entire process takes place very fast in 1/120 of a pulse beat. If the 4 centers (I.E.S.M) in the area of the conscious brain were to become dormant, we have a person in deep coma or dead, because it is the working of these centers that make the fore brain conscious. This automatic reaction is in thought word or deed. From all of this arises all the religions philosophies because we have been told time and again that the automatic reflex reactions have to be good. But no one has cared to show and explain how this is done. So man has been paralyzed in into submission by introducing the theory of heaven and hell, karma and Dharma which is rampant in the whole world and holds man in mental slavery. Fearing negative consequence after death which no one has proved or disproved man is held spellbound. Rituals prayers and priest have survived with religious heads holding firmly the reins in their hands, even in our age of nuclear since and the space age. Hence a need for a break through from these numbing fretters on the human mind and brain. Over the ages this has gone on from the beginning of creation, and therefore it is not only difficult but near impossible to erase these memory patterns. Deep rooted fear of punishment of after death dose not allow the

brain to entertain a new thought. Even on attempting to do so one finds this lurking fear at the back of ones mind. We know that normally unlearning is not possible. Yoga for long had tried to work with this indoctrinated human mind and brain, yet keeping in mind the absolute autonomous state of each human being no successes is possible. Hence at first entered the ideas of Japa, Tapa, Bhajan and Satsang. This has not helped and till today many indulge in such escape methods. So what is the remedy for the mass of humanity? The sages who discovered the science of Sarv Nadi realized that breath is a powerful and tremendous force. St first they came out with various breathings aided by various asana. Hence came a bout the creation of the important branch of Hatha yoga, Bhakti yoga, Gnana yoga, etc. But all these remained exercises that one could not indulge in for the whole day, and so the rest of the day the old deep rooted patterns re established their sway over the mind and brain. To avoid this many left their homes for an ashram life and that of a Bramacharya little realizing that this was a big step to escape the realities of life, and that God and nature will force them again and again into the householders life. So the sages finally arrived at a way of breathing, a natural and full 24 hour of rhythmic breathing (the last noted exponent being Sage patanjali) which could have the effect of the various special breathing exercises together with the noted asana and that such a natural and effortless breathing based on sound scientific fact would give the desired result. The human brain is a highly volatile and explosive substance. If one practices any exercise, pranayama or so called meditation and controls it for some time, no sooner dose one stop such practice (for it cannot be done for 24 hrs) than this devil of a conscious brain will with vengeance torment the individual and normal life will again be miserable. So it boils down to the fact that along with certain exercises a certain kind of pranayama must be included that can relentlessly be carried out for 24 hrs. the key to this eternal vigilance is the introduction and the establishment within the body brain system of three step rhythmic breathing 3SRB. For this is the natural rhythmic breath that we are born with. Only then will the conscious brain surrender and when it dose, the individual mind is no longer polluted, the vision becomes pure and the mind turns inward. Over our mind and brain we have no direct control. Breathing is unique in that, it is the only function that we can control and make rhythmic, even for all twenty four hrs. if breathing is controlled and rhythmic then thinking is also controlled and rhythmic. The circulation of blood to will be controlled and rhythmic with the pulse rate dropping form 72 to 60 and below. The breathing is called rhythmic because it follows a certain rhythm in nature. All planets Suns and stars and the entire universe breaths this rhythm although at different speeds. When you practice this breathing you will find that your 12th breath will be more forceful when breathing out When a child is born it breaths at the same rhythm but at a much faster rate for the first nine months at approximately 36 breaths a minute, then for the next nine months at 18 breaths per minute, and for the following month at 12 breaths per minutes. The most important reason why it is known as rhythmic breathing is because the primary body the astral body intakes prana at the rate of 12 per minute. The first result of this breathing is that a rhythm is established between the breathing of these two bodies, and because both are breathing in the same rhythm you remove age old disharmony between these two bodies. This has a

singular effect on the mind and habits and in turn leads to physical mental and emotional health. When we breath in rhythm we note that every minute the blood of the body passes through the lungs which so far were never in harmony with the astral breath and this conflict is reflected on our mental physical and emotional health. Once this rhythm is established the lungs benefit the most and in stead of imposing disharmony and conflict on every cell in the blood, they pass on harmony and rhythm. Time and again blood returns to the lungs and time and again this harmony and rhythm is passed on to each cell which in turn supplies harmony, rhythm and energy to the entire body. This is to be experienced. Do it and enjoy the innumerable benefits of rhythmic breathing. But you have to diligently practice and the application has to be sincere. In the beginning you emotions will disturb your breathing and your average per day will drop, but constant sincere practice and endeavor will soon succeed and rhythm will win over emotions and mood. To establish this original breath will enable the normal human being to find that 1) One can enjoy good mental, physical, psychic and emotional health i.e. total health. 2) One can find peace of mind i.e. the turbulence of the thinking instrument are calmed, the intensities and frequency of wrong thoughts are reduced. 3) Slowly one embraces automatically and without any motives the good and the higher path of life without false religiosity or blind adherence. This is the basic aspect of 3SRB. This is meant for the common man all over. The one promise of this breathing is that the day you reach 24 hrs a real master will take charge of you and will then teach you pranayama the act of control of prana and the higher aspects of yoga. WHY THREE STEP RHYTHMIC BREATHING TECHNIQUE Both chest and abdomen are raised and lowered together equally. This means that the chest requires more filling due to the constriction of the ribs whilst the abdomen must not be blown up abnormally. NOTE You can lie down horizontally with two heavy books one on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Check whether both move together. VOLUME The breath is full from neck to naval i.e. the upper middle and lower are filled to normal capacity. The quantity of air inhaled and exhaled is what is normal to us, neither too much nor to force full, since 3SRB is not an exercise but the correct way of breathing. NOTE: initially to establish the rhythm your breathing will be deeper, once the technique and volume are mastered then the volume of the breath returns to that of normal. RHYTHM one complete breath take 5 seconds or 6 pulse beats. The exact rhythm is to count 1-2-3 whilst inhaling and 5-6 whilst exhaling 4 is not counted. Note that the inhalation is longer than the exhalation. This adds up to 12 cycles of normal 3SRB per minute. There is no pause in between breath in and breath out. Begin by practicing 3SRB to taped music and

get acclimatized to doing it in conventional postures. Increase the duration of practice by 5 minutes each fortnight until in six months one hour of conscious 3SRB is reached. At this stage one can begin the regime of going to sleep while practicing 3SRB to taped music in an effort to transfer the establishment and continuity of 3SRB within the system from the conscious brain to the unconscious brain. This is the only to establish 3SRN for 8-10 waking hours. SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED Q1. There are people who can be classed as ruthless, heartless, Godless and seasoned criminals, can 3SRB change these types of people? A1. Yes provided such people on their own show an inclination to give 3SRB a fair trial and having come to 24 hours continue for 12 months more at the minimum they would unfailingly show tendencies toward spirituality Q2. If 3SRB can be enforced on persons by some scientific manipulations using instrument would it have the same effect? A2. the answer is no it cannot give the same results Q3 In the eye is placed an implant and in the body is inserted a needle and the pacemaker is carried out, or even the pacemaker is implanted in the heart and science has thus obtained very good results, so why not in this case. A3 Since it is a vital point it needs a clearer answer. Each human being has created for himself a structure of acceptance in the conscious forebrain through long periods of thinking and living in a particular manner based on individual autonomy i.e. what to accept and what to reject. This false structure is first to be broken down. This cannot be arbitrarily be broken down by science persons or hypnosis. Such artificial change may appear to work but only for a short time, but will eventually pass a way and the old structure will hold sway again. Criminal and such others have a strong structure that is very resistant to outside change. Q4 Why not if certain scientific methods and instruments continue to operate the diaphragm? A4 Presuming that the instruments are embedded in such persons and they will work with the aid of an electronic battery for all 24 hrs it will still not be possible. As stated earlier such persons must come to the conclusion on their own that the 3SRB program is worth while. The program is to consciously breath for 5 minutes daily, increasing by 5 minutes every fortnight and so come to one hour of conscious 3SRB, over a period of 6 months. Only then such persons are helped to 24 hours of such breathing, but here to their willing acceptance is necessary. When a person subjects himself willingly to the program, each individual nerve cell receiving information then decides whether or not to pass the message along. In the case of bodily disturbances the nerve cell may not hesitate normally, but tot change an established breathing for a new one. If it dose not hesitate the whole chain of nerve cells do not hesitate, means there is a sort of acceptance or inner consent. This is the autonomy of each nerve cell. This point is vital because it is this autonomy that forms the structure of acceptance. The

program of 3SRB when accepted breaks down this wrong structure to in turn build and fabricate a more correct one. Anything supposed to be forced on an individual even with scientific instruments manipulating the diaphragm against the structure of acceptance will soon erode and pass away. E.g. if a criminal were subjected to satsang and automatic movement of the diaphragm through instruments, for some time may be appeared to be a change person, but sooner or later will find his old ways prevailing. If a tiger cub were fostered by humans it would remain a vegetarian till one day it accidentally tastes human blood, or gets a call from another tiger. In all cases human or animal the structure of acceptance will always prevail because it is deep down in the body brain system, and nothing happens for the better till such time this wrong structure is broken down and a better structure is fabricated for better living. Here we bring in science can human beings be cloned? Human beings are far more complicated than plants and animals. One difficulty is that mature human cells seem to lose thee full genetic potential that they possessed in embryonic stage. A cloned individual will have the same genes as the donor but will not grow up to be a copy of the donor because you cannot reproduce the same environment of the donor. That had already become the past. Q5. So far so good but there are many ways this structure of acceptance can be broken down, unless you claim that 3 SRB is the only method to build a more correct structure consciously and break the false structure? A5. there are many artificial ways. Monks and nuns of all religious orders all over try in a way to break this structure of acceptance. Millions do try in the hope of heaven or threat of hell and some are indoctrinated from an early age in some manner. But no one has tried to fathom what goes on under the surface of these minds. It leads to various disorders of the body brain system. Frustrations, guilt complex, closed minds, great irritation. These are all ruined lives and will require many lifetimes to return to normal and start all over again, because nature dose not accept any artificiality. This 3SRB can do in 2 to 3 years if the individual is sincere and willing. On the other hand anyone who practices 3SRB by ones own wish or choice without any hope of reward or fear, then one can experience this for oneself. The results in all cases will be positive. Q6. Accepting what you have said what will one find or see after having reached 24 hrs of 3SRB. A6. the most apparent finding that one will note or experience are improvement in physical mental and emotional health i.e. total health. The turbulence in the thought processes will be immensely reduced. The intensity of wrong/unwanted thoughts and their frequencies will be reduced before thy ultimately cease to disturb the individual. These are noticeable and can be tired and tested and will show results in all cases, besides the changes taking places for the better biologically which we cannot see or experience because our awareness is not sufficiently upgraded. Q7. are higher aspects of 3SRB suggested here? A7. we do not understand what mind is. The word mind seems to fall outside the realm of science i.e. it suggests something elusive, ethereal and difficult

to pin down, and some questions suggesting mind/brain questions are really philosophical rather than scientific. As such they may be unresolved. Science says that the brain in a way is computer, but in many ways it is not because no computer can drastically alter its own program. Besides we know today that substances with small molecules including alcohol, oxygen and many anesthetic can cross the blood brain barrier. “unfortunately there is no way to observe a living brain directly”. To explain the higher purpose of 3SRB we have to mention what may not appear as strictly scientific today e.g. what is the purpose of life and birth. 1) Judgment is the assignment of the disembodied self, of a new body in accordance with its record. 2) If a man can arrive there with full knowledge of what he has been and what he wants to be, choice will be open to him, what is this choice? 3) During this time (i.e. between death and next birth) the self is bodiless and in this state is able to perceive as real, different parts of the cosmos, unattainable to it when attached to the body. 4) If we can interpret 1), 2) &3) we find conscious death i.e. self is conscious at the time of fabrication of new bodies fro the next birth so that one has a choice i.e. one can set aside pain or karma. In the yoga sutra Patanjali states this as pain that is yet to come can be warded of. 5) It means also conscious sleep practices which ultimately leads to conscious death practices, and the dimensions of understanding are then very real, which is not possible when the self is in the body.

THE REFINING EXERCISES AN INTRODUCTION The main purpose of the 3SRB rhythm is to synchronize the prana intake in the astral body to that of the intake of the breath in the physical body. This is done mainly by doing 3SRB for all twenty four hours. Achieving this is a long journey and there are many obstacles on the way. The main obstacles are the emotional Knots that have formed in the astral body. The astral body is a body of fine energies or prana which have the quality of emotions that why negative emotions create blocks. This blocks have formed by the collection of negative emotions and their memory patterns over long periods of time, not only of this life but of many pervious lives. Granthi means a deeply embedded negative pattern which keeps on repeating in our actions. Just as a block in the physical body leads to obstruction in the circulation, on the astral level these granthis are like blocks to the free flow of prana. Further they tinge the prana with an emotional color, so prana flowing the astral remains of a very low quality. These granthis forms at certain specific places connected with energy centers or nerve plexus in the astral, this leads to diseases or illness manifesting in the physical at the same corresponding areas. The granthi creates disease. Taveriaji has said that the astral body is the primary body. But in the present the astral is primary only in the sense that It creates disease in the physical body. He has also said that all diseases have their root in the astral body. It becomes apparent that in our efforts to synchronize the astral with the physical all the granthis have to be removed. Further the quality of the prana in the astral must be upgraded and the nerve plexus/chakras/energy centers must be able to work in a steady rhythm, and the right speed producing the correct amount of psychic energy. Further these plexuses with their upgraded energies should become the

primary factor in the working of the physical body. When this happens the astral in the right sense becomes the primary body. It is with all this that Shri Taveriaji designed the refining exercises. Not only are they scientific yoga practices, but they are designed in a particular order, so that refining proceeds, the granthis dissolve, the higher energies start circulating and finally lead you to the throat center and leave you there. As we shall see this is the area where we create the energy of communication. Thus the refining exercise take the student to an area where he can be guided by communication from another dimension. Each exercise is done with a particular area of the physical body which in turn is connected to granthis plexus/chakra in the astral body. So when the granthi and emotional debris is cleared at that particular area only then the emotional energies relevant to that particular area get up graded. Example jealousy and anger can be upgrade to love and compassion. By dissolving the granthi on the astral level we begin to cure disease that manifest because of the granthi. The first three exercises are to be done in the 3SRB rhythm but faster at 36 cycles per minute. 1) the rapid rhythm dissolves the granthis. 2) the rhythm is able to extract higher energies or prana from the air and makes them circulate in the area of the astral at 36 cycles per minute. These energies which are otherwise not available help to start certain higher function in thee body brain system. The exercise help to 1) Remove the obstacles that prevent he synchronization of the astral and the physical bodies. 2) Help create higher emotional energies by transforming lower ones . 3) Provides the energies for certain plexus/chakras and energy centers for the astral to start functioning. 4) To lead us to an area stage ground where communication for guidance is possible. Now let us understand the astral and the physical and what it means to make the astral the primary body in the inner evolutionary sense. The human system consists of 7 or 8 recognizable systems, supported by a skeletal framework and bound into a solid whole by connective tissues. These systems are united and harmonized by the life maintaining action of the heart, upon which depends the very existence of the organism as the individual. Each system covers the entire body and governing all these systems is the endocrine system, which is made up of certain glands for internal secretion, usually in pairs. Each gland is set in a particular place and over looks a particular system. It individually presides over the system as a regulator and transformer of energy needed for working of the system i.e. this gland transforms the general life produced by the organism from food air and incoming impulses to tension required f or that system to work. Tavariaji said that each endocrine gland is a poor counterpart of something higher in the astral , what we call chakras so each endocrine gland is sensitive or associated with an energy center plexus or chakra. It is these centers which give higher substance required so that the related endocrine gland can secrete in us its chemicals which lead to a higher quality of awareness, emotions and understandings. Only when this happens dose the astral become primary in the real sense of the term. But at present at the area of the nerve plexus/ chakras we have created granthis. These granthis do not allow the energy centers/ plexuses to work properly. On the contrary they lead to repetitive negative emotions and because they are counterparts of the endocrine glands these granthis

with the negative emotions induce the glands to secrete poisonous and harmful chemicals in the body. This then leads to tension in the physical body and manifest as aliments and disease. EXAMPLE: If there is an emotion of jealousy, the granthis involved will make the related gland to secrete incorrectly (digestive juices secreted when no food is eaten or no juices secreted when food is eaten) which can lead to rheumatism or arthritis. Thus the granthis do not allow the glands to in a balanced and harmonious way leading to over or under secretions of the glands thus creating or releasing poisonous chemicals in the bloodstream. So on one hand we have to dissolve the granthis and the negative emotions for the emotional centers to function properly and on the other hand the centers require a higher prana to work which must be produced in the astral. As we have noted in the past the astral takes only one type of food directly and this is the incoming impulses. Apart form that it also gets the higher energies from the food that we eat and the air that we breath. 3SRB plays a very important role in helping the astral extract the maximum energies from the air, which is why 3SRB alone can be responsible for providing the higher energies for the astral centers to work. On one side we have the astral energy centers and on the other side their physical counterparts the endocrine glands. As long as the prana circulating are of a lower grade, there is not much need of communication between the two. Once the prana has been refined and upgraded a different kind of communication has to be established between the two bodies. The establishment of such will involve the regeneration of the parasympathetic system. The nervous system is divided into three sub systems 1) The CEREBRO SPINAL which serves the conscious functions of the body brain system. 2) The SYMPATHETIC which stimulates the unconscious or instinctive functions. 3) The PARA SYMPATHETIC (VAGUS) which slows down the instinctive functions and compliments it. Tavariaji has said “The first step is coordination i.e. synchronization of the prana intake of the astral with the breath intake of the physical. The second step is communication”. In our talks on pause we saw how communication with the higher or astral center of the brain takes place. Apart form the centers in the brain there are minor brains or chakras which have communication with the glands. The establishment of communications in both the brain centers and the minor brains involves the working of the parasympathetic system. Further like we have physical or psychological nerve pathways through out the body, there exists a more subtle system of energy passages called nadis. These nadis at present are blocked with emotional debris. For the parasympathetic system to to be activated these nadis have to be cleansed and strengthened. Nadi Shuddi holds a very important place in hatha Yoga. As we shall see later exercise no four cleanses and exercise no 5 ignites the parasympathetic system. Once the nadis are cleansed and strengthened they are capable of withstanding the high voltage energy with which the parasympathetic works. Tavariaji has said of the two nervous systems one is subconscious and animal and the other is subconscious but human. The later is expected to fully function is in some evolutionary near future. Can we generate this system and make use of it today

Before we go into to each exercise is best to remember that tavariaji always said that that these exercises are not just exercise but valuable techniques that should be done with the attitude of worship, i.e. keeping their higher purpose in mind. So a right attitude and inner posture is most important while doing these exercises. REFINING EXERCISE NO 1 THIS EXERCISE DEALS WITH THE AREA OF THE HEART AND THE LUNGS. METHOD: take deep and fast breaths at the rate of 36 cycles per minute by placing both hands (palms) on the chest. Be attentive that the chest should go out whilst inhaling and it should drop back whilst exhaling and the other parts of the body should not move. The entire breath is restricted to the area of the chest and lungs. TIME LIMIT: maximum one minute in the beginning, then increase at half a minute per month till one reaches 3 minutes. Please note duration should not be extended beyond three minutes. BENEFITS PHYSICAL 1) Problems connected with the lungs. As we grow older the lungs get stuck in the upper part due to non use, by doing this exercise this part is opened up and breathing and blood flow is free, thus curing asthmatic and respiratory problems such as wet lungs. 2) This is the area of the heart. This exercise therefore remedies all kinds of heart problems, such as a weak heart, blocked arteries valve problems etc. it helps regulate the flow of blood, thus enabling oxygenated blood from the heart the reach every cell of the body. Each cell has organic memory and this memory is at present in conflict So by doing this exercise at the 3SRB rhythm blood from the heart imbibes this rhythm and transports it to each cell of the body. This rhythm is then slowly taken up by the organic memory of each cell and where there is rhythm conflict cannot exist. So in this way the first exercise ensure good overall health for the entire body. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS: This is the area of the magical quality we call love, but before that this is also the area where the Ego (I consciousness) is born. And love would mean transcendence of that ego. This ego starts from birth ever since a name is given to a person, and satisfying this ego becomes the central point of our lives. Everything resolves around it and this in turn leads to self centeredness, manipulations of others and power struggles. Because of this we cannot love, because to love one must have the will to love. We can therefore say that this is the area where the will is born. At present the will is flowing outwards in gratifying the ego. Tavariaji call this neutral will. But to tread and then to walk on the path we need intellectual and then spiritual will. Intellectual will means an initial understanding of the whole situation of the ego and trying to rise above it. The rising involves sacrifice of personal gratification (Ego) to helping others. Gurdjief called this the move from internal considering to external considering. All this proceeds and our internal structure changes. We are then in a position to bring about spiritual will. This means not allowing the ego to interfere with out actions, but to surrender to a higher consciousness and later to the divine fragment within.

According to Tavariaji spiritual will is created in the Anahata. This chakra has to parts positive right and negative left. By doing this exercise initially we dissolve the granthis and the negative energies are made positive. Finally over a period of time the part of the Anahata that is negative is made positive and then becomes steady and rhythmic and this happens because the exercise is done in the rhythm of 3SRB. It is at this point that spiritual will is created. Apart from the above it also the area of balance. Most of us have the feeling that life is swinging form one extreme to the other i.e. there is constant imbalance. This exercise slowly over a period of time keeps us balanced in the ups and downs of life. Finally and most importantly let us talk about the endocrine system. Here we have the gland called the Thymus, which in the astral is connected with the Anahata. The thymus is connected with overall growth. A young child has a large thymus as he approaches adolescence his growth slows and so his thymus shrinks. At the age of three another functions also develops from the thymus that is the growth of the personality. Most importantly what we are concerned with is when the Anahata give the energy for the thymus for growth in an absolute new and different direction. The path of evolution, Tavariaji calls this our point in time. Because the exercises take us closer to the path, this is the first refining exercise. REFINING EXERCISE NO 2 THIS EXERCISE DEALS WITH THE AREA OF THE SOLAR PLEXUS. METHOD: Put both hands (Palms) on the stomach at the upper part of the naval. In this exercise the upper potion of the stomach above the naval should be light. Take swift and deep breaths at the rate of 36 breaths per minute. Be attentive that the stomach should go out when inhaling and should drop back when exhaling. The entire breath is restricted to the stomach/abdomen area. TIME LIMIT: One minute is the maximum at the beginning. Once you are comfortable with one minute increase by half a minute per month till you reach 3 minutes. Please note that the duration should not be extended beyond 3 minutes. PHYSICAL BENEFITS: THIS is the area where the digestive fire is created, so the proper creation of this ensures general health and toning of the abdominal glands. Intestinal peristalsis movement is toned so the passage of food becomes easy and one dose not suffer from constipation. There are many other glands and organs that get massaged by this exercise, the kidneys, liver pancreas, spleen etc. the pancreas are not exactly an endocrine gland but have a group of cells called the islets of langerhan which have endocrine tendencies and produce a secretion called insulin which digests sugar. They also produce valuable digestive juices which play and important role in the calming or neutralizing the production of insulin. On each kidney is a small gland called the adrenal gland which produces adrenalin important for self preservation. All these glands are massaged and tones by this exercise. EMOTIONAL BENIFITS : if the adrenaline glands are not working properly. It leads to passive moody, and depressed introspective types. If the pancreas are not complementing the adrenalin glands properly it leads to impulsive nature, irritability and anger. But proper and balanced working of the two gives vitality to a lethargic person and tranquility to the over anxious. Further the pancreas is like a sponge as far as negative emotions are concerned, absorbing and holding them, which makes them repeat all the time, thus creating a granthi in this area. This is also the area of power, (according to the Chinese the Chi energy is generated here.) but this power has to be positive and this can only happen when we

over come the granthi of fear. More importantly this is the area of 1) Instinctive fear. 2) Lower animal nature. 1) INSTINCTIVE FEAR. When the organism is in danger we feel fear in this area. This causes the adrenals to secrete adrenaline which has the effect of speeding up the physiological processes, making the mind sharp and alert, increases heart beat and respiration thus preparing the body for a more intense level of activity. The problem actually starts when we start to convert this instinctive fear into psychological fear. We start living in the fear complex of what will happen tomorrow. This creates an imbalance in the adrenal and leads to an imbalanced secretion which in turn acts as a poison. When this becomes morbid we start fantasizing fear and craving for security. This fear complex creates a granthi in the solar plexus. Due to this we degenerate further and start to use negative forms of power to over come this fear. This leads to manipulation of people, unbalanced accumulation of economic power, or gathering of occult powers and in the manipulation of which a lot of people are stuck. Fear dose not allow our life to flow nor gives us the necessary level of receptivity to enjoy every moment of our lives. 1) LOWER ANIMAL NATURE Sanskaras are gathered on the downward arc of involution. These are our lower animal instincts i.e. we still have all these cells in our body and for any inner evolution to take place these must be transformed. In ordinary Hatha yoga the student makes the energy of Kundalini rise through the sushumna nadi, but this energy gets stuck at the manipura chakra. Tavariaji calls this the energy of regeneration which formed by making a circuit at the manipura and swadhisthana (Phase exercise) as the energy rises the lower animal nature at the solar plexus pulls it down again and again, and this energy is not allowed to rise beyond the manipura. Again in orthodox yoga the student dose special pranayama which generate tremendous heat in the body brain system. The heat is responsible in burning this lower animal nature or sanskaras. The problem is that there many dangers on this path which can have many bad side effects on the body brain system. Here again Tavariajis magical rhythm of 3SRB over periods of time cleans and eradicates the animal sanskaras avoid the dangers involved in other practices. This area, the manipura chakra is the center of animal instincts and has to be totally cleansed of all psychic nature. All memory patterns pertaining to this area have to be destroyed and obliterated by the rising energies. This takes some time for it amounts to cleansing of the Aegean stables . when the manipura is cleansed Kundali begins to work and not otherwise. By doing this exercise the granthi of fear is dissolved and transformed to its pure biological form we start feel the awe and excitement of ordinary living. The balanced adrenals with the higher connections to the manipura chakra established enable us to live at higher intensities. Whether listing to a bird song, watching a sunrise, or just walking, we feel within us a new found receptivity which previously was hidden from us. We learn the art of laughter whether at ourselves or otherwise. Manipura literally means city of jewels, once the lower nature is obliterated life truly becomes a city of Jewels. REFINING EXERCISE NO 3 THIS EXERCISE DEALS WITH THE AREA OF THE BACKBONE PELVIC GIRDLE AND THE KNEES.

METHOD: stretch the legs and hold toes with the fingers of both the hands. If you can reach the toes, hold the ankle. The legs should remain straight and should not bend at the knees, the head should remain straight facing forward. Take deep and swift breaths at the rate of 36 cycles per minute. In this exercise we take a complete breath i.e. the breath is not restricted to any one area but is a complete breath. The entire stomach chest and abdomen is used. TIME LIMIT: Maximum one minute in the beginning, slowly increase by half a minute till you reach 3 minutes. Please note that duration should not be increased beyond 3 minutes. PHYSICAL BENEFITS: the main area affected by this exercise is the backbone the pelvis girdle and the knees. A strong and flexible spinal chord makes us sit straight and walk tall. This helps us walk through the ups and downs of life and we cannot sit straight we let tensions and the heaviness of life overwhelm us. Two inches on either side of the spinal chord we accumulate tensions. These tensions are the result of two predominate emotions jealousy and anger. Both these emotions produce acids in the body and these acids accumulate in the joints and the hips, which leads to pain in these areas and when the condition becomes chronic it leads to rheumatism and arthritis. Further the tension that accumulate on either side of the spinal column weaken it leading to aliments such as spondylitis, slip disc, degeneration of the lumbar vertebrae. When this exercise is done at the speed of 36 cycles per minute we start to dissolve the acids that have formed in the various parts of the body. The backbone becomes free of aliments thus curing many diseases. The backbone once again its most important and natural function that of a shock absorber for the body. The exercise helps remove abdominal disorders, stimulates and tones the chakras in the lower part of the body, the most important being the perineum. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS: both the emotions of anger and jealously play an important part in our lives. Over periods of time this exercise transforms these emotions and we find ourselves relatively free from these emotions. Tavariaji said that this exercise is like a vacuum cleaner for the backbone (Sushumna nadi) and by doing it we pump air up and down the backbone, thus cleaning the Sushumna nadi so that the higher energy of regeneration can rise in it. Yoga says that the Apana vayu which we will call the energy of rooted ness lies in the perineum. Gravity is the determining factor of this energy, therefore when we sit on the ground gathers at whatever points that we touch the ground at. So by spreading our legs in front of us we are giving more space to this energy, and by the 3SRB rhythm at 36 cycles we refine this energy. This energy is connected with the points of regeneration namely Muladhara and Swadisthana and it keeps us rooted in the realities of life. As said earlier this exercise stimulates and tones the plexuses indirectly in the lower part of the body. The first master cell created by the meeting of the male sperm and the female ovum split in two. On our astral level these become the Muladhara and the Swadisthana. The Muladhara is the perineum and the first step is the regeneration of the perineum. The spinal fluid is created in the choroids plexus located in the lining of the ventricle of the brain. It is made due to the activity of the transportation of ions specially sodium across the special epithelial membrane of the choroids plexus. So because of the active transportation

of sodium water follows passively by osmosis. The basic medically proven function of this fluid is to act as shock absorbers. REFINING EXERCISE NO 4 THIS EXERCISE DEALS MAINLY WITH BLOOD CIRCULATION, THE LUNGS AND ONE AREA OF THE BRAIN METHOD Staccato breathing; five short, quick inhalations through the nose totaling one breath, followed by one forceful exhalation through the mouth emptying the lungs completely. TIME LIMIT Start with 20 rounds which is one minute slowly increase to 60 which is 3 minutes. PHYSICAL BENEFITS This exercise improves the circulation of the blood by getting rid of blockages in the circulation, which keeps us free from skin problems varicose veins. So the better our circulation the better is our health. Also on the physical level, there is transmission of electricity via circulation of nervous impulses through the nerves. Due to muscular tension in the body (which have many cause some of which exist at a very deep level), these impulses get blocked, the direct result is the accumulation of static electricity in the body. This in turn leads to involuntary working of the muscles or to spasms. (it may even result in paralysis) therefore the smother and better thee blood circulation, the lesser the muscle tension in the body. By breathing in installments and to the full we are improving the elasticity and the capacity of the lungs, this helps heart and asthma patients. It helps in training the lungs for higher pranayama practices on the later stages of yoga. The body has its own electro magnetic field and the health of the body is reflected in this field. The stronger the field the better the health of the body. The exercise also helps us increase our sensitivity to the blood circulation, the more sensitive we are to our own circulation, the more powerful is our body magnetic field and in turn our vitality and health. Many adepts have used this techniques to become deeply sensitive to their blood circulation there by creating very powerful attractive and magnetic personalities. Finally the cells of the brain vibrate with this exercise, which helps enhance and improve memory and general vitality and well being of the brain. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS The astral counterpart of the nerves in yoga are called nadis which means a channel for the flow of emotional energy or prana. The vital forces of prana flow along them (amperage) and they have to be trained to withstand higher pressure (Voltage). This exercise helps increase our level of awareness so that one can start extracting higher quality of prana from the incoming impulses. Without this exercise the nadis will not be able capable of withstanding these higher pressures and the body brain system will break down completely. The incoming impulses are dependent upon 1) Structure vibrational tone and co joined with identical memory patterns. Thus the experiential memory is too flowing through the nadis, and this experiential memory we call prana. Now in all of us this experiential memory is blocked as if it is reinforced by memory patterns, and where it is not reinforced it is only a part of the flow. Since childhood our education and upbringing is conducive to creating blocks. These blocks disturb the flow of prana, which in turn blocks the flow of prana, which in turn blocks the flow of nervous energy (electricity) leading to accumulation of static energy in the muscles. This leads to muscular tension, depressions and a host of other problems

Also it is in this debris of million years of experiential history (memory) flowing in the prana that makes our psychic nature. This tinges all our negative emotions and makes us animals in human from. By doing this exercise during the forceful exhalation you are throwing out age old emotional debris thereby upgrading your psychic nature. So to conclude as the fourth exercise is directly connected with flow, it removes obstacles tot flow al all levels of the blood, impulses prana and memory. REFINING EXERCISE NO 5 THIS EXERCISE OYGNEATES THE BLOOD ADDS A LITTLE CARBON DIOXIDE TO THE BLOOD STREAM, AND ACTIVATES THE PAEASYMATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. METHOD: square breathing, inhale for three seconds, retain the breath for three seconds, exhale the breath for three seconds, and keep the breath out for three seconds. Slowly increase the duration to five seconds. TIME LIMIT start with three repetitions, increase by two or three repetitions every fortnight depending on how comfortable the performance feels until a duration of three minutes is reached. Physical benefits yoga says that when you hold your breath for three minutes the blood is oxygenated, which makes one feel more alive and sensitive and vibrant. When you hold your breath for a further two seconds a little bit of CO2 is added not the CO2 already present within us that is released by the cells as debris in the venal blood, but Co2 taken directly from the air and into the artery. In small amounts this Co2 acts as a natural antibiotic which keeps us healthy and free from minor aliments like coughs and colds. This holding of the breath in this particular fashions slows the respiration and the pulse, and activates the parasympathetic system, which has a calming effect on the body. When we are born the parasympathetic system is function at a small percentage of its full capacity, which is enough to neutralize the excess secretions of the endocrine system. This keeps us free from anger irritation etc. with age the parasympathetic system nearly stops to function with the results that a lot flows and resides in the system due to the excess adrenaline secretion. By doing this exercise we reignite the parasympathetic system and ensure balance in the body brain system. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS At a psychological level, we live in a constant state of action reaction . the direct result of this is a constant state of irritation. Irritation is a fuse that release and wastes very fine psychic energy. After irritation we feel spent and we then create a groove where by the patterns is repeated and we get more irritated. In our agitated state we live in a constant state of reaction and are usually repentant of our actions when in reactions. The idea is to create a gap between action and reaction which in Mr. T’s language is called a pause. Our thinking instrument is not capable of creating this gap for understanding to flow. The present moment being too small and fleeting for understanding to come from thought and reason. To help us not to react inn the present moment but to respond with understanding, we need this understanding to come from some higher dimension, this understanding will then help us respond to the situation as a whole, and to avoid automatic reflex action and reaction. We call this inspiration or the beginning of intuition. As we go deeper intuition grows into perception and then into

spiritual reading. By doing this exercise we are training our body brain system to pause and have a gap. Slowly as the training is absorbed by the body brain system we start experiencing higher and higher levels of understanding. Also in the process of actions and reactions we are constantly agitating the emotional body. The scars on the emotional body lead to more Granthis and negative patterns and at the same time release poisonous chemicals in the body which lead to disease. By creating a pause we are giving the emotional body a chance to repose and collect itself before reacting. Thus that reaction which is just an extension of this agitation now comes from an inner calmness. In ancient India yogis conducted research in areas beyond the consciousness of the brain by temporarily putting the brain to sleep that is temporary suspension of thought formation, by pausing for longer periods and thus inducing greater amounts of CO2 in the body they were able to induce a state of trance in the body and then look beyond. REFINING EXERCISE NO 6 THIS EXERCISE DEALS MAINLY WITH THE AREA OF THE THROAT THE LARYNX, THE THYRIOD AND THE PARATHYROID, THE AREA OF THE FACE AND THE SINUSES AND THE PITUTARY. METHOD Bundh in the throat: take a deep breath through the nose, close the mouth block both the nostrils with the fingers and the thumb, press the chin tightly into the hollow of the neck, and swallow 5 times as if drinking water. Then release and unblock the nostrils. TIME LIMIT start with three repetitions and gradually increase by one or two every fortnight until one is able to reach a duration of 3 minutes. PHYSCAL BENEFITS it activates all the five senses which are in the face making them more sensitive. It clears the sinuses and takes care of the throat and thyroid problems. The thyroid gland controls combustion of air in breathing and regulates heat in the body brain system. The parathyroid embedded in the thyroid have a wide influence on growth and sex balance. The main function of the thyroid is to produce hormones that ensure that calcium is deposited in the bones and added to the blood. The thyroid also secretes hormones that influence general metabolism especially the growth of bones teeth and the brain. This exercise ensures the optimum working of these glands and keeps the body away from diseases of the blood and bone, improper working leads to pathological nervous and over sensitive types. The proper working of the thyroid ensures and enhances our sensitivity in a positive manner and the proper working of the parathyroid leads to warmth passivity and calmness. Just above the roof of the mouth dangling from the base of the brain is the pituitary gland, the size of a cherry stone, it has two parts the posterior and the anterior. The anterior controls involuntary or the inner instinctive part of the organism, the posterior deals with the skeletal system, ability to learn abstract thought and the capacity for self control. Yoga says that the brain is driven by the posterior pituitary. It is tempting to refer to the pituitary as the master gland because apart from releasing hormones that stimulate the thyroid it also regulates the release of hormones for other glands. The proper working of this gland ensures proper physical growth. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS this exercise is connected with the granthi of pain which is formed at the Vishuddhi Chakra. As this granthi gets chronic hence the patterns gets deeply embedded and we feel pain at the slightest instigation. We have lost the capacity to feel pain because of this granthi. This exercise starts to dissolve this granthi of pain and we regain the capacity of absorb pain in life again, later on we gain the capacity to create from pain higher energies for our evolution.

Our voice box or larynx is located in the throat area and it is from here that we speak and communicate with one another. The throat center is thus connected with the energy of communication. Mr. T looked upon yoga as communication with different levels of our being and correspondingly different levels of existence in the universe. By talking too much we lose and misuse the energy needed for inner communication. Mr. T has also said that every one has a characteristic vibrational tone which means that one has a particular vibrational tone that is the essence of what one is. This vibrational tone is reflected in his or her voice. By doing this exercise the voice acquires a tenor and a calmness and positively reflects and affects the vibrational tone of the person. Further the residual aggressiveness lends an edge to our voice due to which is it unable to sound the lower harmonic which have their own role to play in the art of communicating, this also being a brain on our vital energy. With this practice we get to empty the sub harmonic in our voice to effect. EXERCISES FOR THE UPGRADING OF AWARENESS. TIME and again in our search and endeavor on the path we have come across a wall, with the following words “beyond the threshold of your awareness”. If this be so then we cannot consciously proceed, or carry out any process or technique, if the sequence is beyond the threshold of our awareness. There are processes which we have no reason or wish to interfere with, like the processes carried out by the upkeep area of the brain to maintain the body brain system in a state of health. When however it comes to the thinking process we should and must be aware of all the phases connected with learning unlearning and reeducating , and especially the most damaging negative engrams percolating the body brain system and their conscious recall and reeducation. So this amounts to refining and upgrading the awareness, because awareness is an energy and has the three basic qualities of tamas rajas and sattav, inertia , passion and wild emotions and intellectual content. If you observe properly all life is awareness in action. Depending on the code structure and spectrum of our awareness will depend the quality of life, and based on this grade of awareness low/passive or high/active will depend the quality of life also. This inner evolution dose not depend on outer evolution that science has help advance. Without this inner evolution man will become worse than he is today. The majority being animals in human form. Please note than tamas and rajas, non refined sex and emotions from the energy of sensitiveness that explodes time and again and will eventually ruin the individual. So if we are ready with the refinement of awareness then only we are ready for the up grading of awareness. Nature has so designed it that without refining of awareness up grading is not possible, and all efforts will lead to nowhere. The necessary steps for refining are: 1) DRIFT WATCHING i.e. controlling the five mechanisms that lead to the hindrances of sex, anger, ego, avarice, greed, passion and possessiveness i.e. change our false magnetic point 2) CORRETIVE EXERCISES introduce corrective methods. 3) REFINING EXERCISES Daily practice the 6 vital exercises fro the breaking down of the granthis formed in various parts of the body brain system.

4) THREE STEP RHYTHMIC BREATHING practice as much as possible coming to at least 8 hours a day. Please do not proceed further if you are convinced that you have not succeeded in refining. Now for a little explanation before we start the upgrading exercise. An incident takes place (a) in time and space concept and (b) it takes place as an experience. Experience is the result of our awareness and the quality of our experience depends on the quality of our awareness i.e. we miss some vital part of the experience. But out of (a) and (b) all of us are aware of time space registration and as memory repeats what has happened for we cannot stay in that state of experience fro more than a fraction of a second, because we have never consciously tried. When ever we hold an experience for longer than a fraction of a second, we find that we are lost to the immediate world around us for that duration. Even in life’s flash back of some events we tend to get lost for the moment. This dose in a way mean going into the past and recalling emotional debris. But if we can do this as if seeing in the minds eye, after recalling the emotional debris and not being involved but letting it run out of the body brain system harmlessly it would be very helpful in our progress. If one is not involved in both cases (a) when emotional debris is recalled at the registration area and (b) when fresh incoming impulses loaded with near identical memory patterns come to the registration area one is able to throw out whatever has reached this area, but this is not possible normally. To say that it is very difficult is to put it mildly. So we need some technique to upgrade the awareness, but this has to be done only after the awareness has been refined. Nothing can stand in the way of a person who has refined and the upgraded his awareness. The technique shown with a little bit of mastery will eventually lead to X ray eyes, that is one will be able to see thoughts and motive, incoming impulses and memory patterns and thought objects and persons. But to avoid frustration please refine awareness. Note the brain has to accept a humble attitude and no dramatics or trespass into any bodies privacy except with the honest purpose to study and help. If this promise is kept progress is deep and satisfying. So an incident occurs and for that moment a person is lost to immediate surrounding simply because awareness is low. Now we will begin, we take the aid of a prism till certain progress is made, after which we shall need nothing STEP 1 spread a clean white handkerchief on a table that is cleared of all object that will distract the attention. Keep the prism on the handkerchief on its side. Take a comfortable seating position and look from above into the prism for a period of 5 minutes. Do not strain or stare just look. Please remember no thought, motives or expectations, fears doubts hope or excitements of any sorts and do not let the imagination run wild. To facilitate close watching the face may rest on the palms, and the elbows on the table. In three to six months of practice the prism will disappear form sight. Do not be disappointed if nothing happens day after day. Initially as soon as one looks into the prism, one becomes aware of drifts since watching the prism is really watching oneself with the aid of a neutral object. In the beginning there will be some reactions and response to memory, associated impulses but these will gradually disappear leading to attention that is steady and silent. Understand that the prism disappearing is not the purpose of the practice, the purpose being to look into the prism. Whenever you are successful in the first step the prism will disappear form sight and only the handkerchief will remain, but within a moment the prism will

reappear. Do not be disappointed because some sort of disturbance is still there in your thinking instrument. When there is clear and undisturbed linkage of the thinking instrument with the point inside the upkeep area of the brain the prism will disappear fro as long as you have been able to maintain that linkage. During the practice of the first step you will not be aware of your surroundings and do not even try to be aware of them. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE FIRST STEP 1) To train the thinking instrument so that it dose not interfere with the upkeep area of the brain. 2) At the same time though it receives continuously the incoming impulses that pull out identical memory patterns , it dose not pay attention to any of them and lack of attention will stop the ISEM centers from functioning so that incoming impulses flow out of the system without begin registered or developed. Note: attention links the thinking instrument to the self mind automatically and the self mind thus involved operates the ISEM centers and dose not remain a mere catalyst. This means that indirectly the thinking instrument has the ability to bring about or not the functioning of the ISEM centers. If the prism remains invisible for ten seconds which is a measure of success continue practicing until one achieves a duration of one to two minutes, and only then go over to the next step, that is after achieving the 10 second duration. Do not be over anxious and do not practice this steps until the refining exercises have been done. STEP 2 Now spread the handkerchief on the floor and instead of sitting lean leisurely against the wall and look at the prism for five minutes. In six months of practices the prism will disappear from sight, here too you will not be aware of the immediate surroundings If the prism remains invisible for ten seconds a measure of successes is obtained continue practicing until the duration reaches one or two minutes before going to step three. You are lucky if the first step is obtained within six months of daily practice. You are more lucky if the second step is possible within the next six months. Later on in life you should be able to maintain this posture of the thinking instrument whilst walking along the road in spite of all and any disturbances. STEP 3 spread the handkerchief on the table with the prism on it. Stand a foot away from the table, and in that position be aware of all that can be seen other than the prism. The prism must disappear from sight, yet every thing else around it should be visible. Both the standing position and the look are fixed, do not move the eye balls. Ten seconds indicates a measure of successes continue till one achieves a duration of one to two minutes. STEP 4 stand three feet from a window and look out of it. What you see outside the window is one picture, what you see of the room is another picture. Now continue to look (not stare) out of the window till you see nothing the view disappears completely and it will be like seeing the sky. In the initial stages the picture of the room will disappear too, but one must remain aware of it. Do not move your eye balls. It may also happen that either of the picture may disappear and come back into view again. The picture from the window must disappear and the picture of the room must be seen clearly at the same time. Get a measure of successes for a duration of twenty seconds and then increase to one to two minutes STEP 5 whilst walking on the street, look in front of you and walk as if you were walking through a narrow passage 4 feet wide and 8 feet high, which is visible in front of you. The rest is like sky all around you- it must disappear totally

from your vision, yet all life in the passage in front of you for 50 yards is to be clearly seen. Get a measure of success for a duration of 30 seconds and continue practicing till the duration extends to 1 to 2 minutes. When you are through with all five steps and have honestly succeeded in getting a measure of success with each your thinking instrument will be finely tuned and capable of forming and maintaining inner linkages. Your awareness has been refined and upgraded and made penetrative. If you have been able to go so far honestly and sincerely you will be able to hear the nearest whisper at a distance, smell from a distance and taste without putting anything to the tongue. Besides you will be ready fro the practices of higher yoga. Fro your answers to you questions and that of others the normal thinking processes are not needed. GOLD NUGGET THIS EXERCISE DEALS MAINLY WITH THREE AREAS 1) THE PERENEIUM an area between the muladhara and the swadisthana between the anus and the sex organ. 2) DIAPHRAGM A complex set up of muscles without which we would not be able to breath. 3) BINDU this is the silent area located in the brain. It is said that the soul seats hear albeit as a witness to all that we are doing or not doing. This area cannot be directly manipulates/activated but is the resultant happening on the performance of the exercise. We also deal with one more area which is in the neck/throat/upper area of the chest. The purpose of this beautiful exercise is to establish communications between the subtle mental, emotional and physical bodies. How dose this happen. By stoppage of the breath and contraction of certain muscles on the physical level, a very sure but subtle unlocking goes on simultaneously on hitherto non operational or incorrectly operated emotional mental and spiritual levels. When physically certain muscles are contracted nerve impulses are relayed to the brain triggering of nerve circuits and centers which effects our state of consciousness. Throwing out and stoppage of breath for 40 seconds, plus the pulling in of the abdomen and indirectly the perineum and keeping the pressure and the contraction during the exercise activates the parasympathetic system. The result is a complete calming of the body brain system. PHYSICAL BENEFITS the heart rate goes down, the digestive system is toned as the brain In the stomach is squeezed, blood pressure decreases, the entire muscle structure is relaxed. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS due to the activation of the parasympathetic system and the pulling in of the perineum, there are very subtle effects on the brain/pituitary/ and pineal glands and in turn the hypothalamus which are the glands that regulate the endocrine system. This keeps a balance in the secretion of various hormones and lead to emotional balance and stability. MEN TAL BENEFITS science says that there is an extremely intricate interaction of nerves in the perineum area with the various endocrine glands/ chakras right up to the brain. The constant tension and in the due course of time, reactivates this area and helps in clearing the pathways and corrects confused circuits in the brain, this helps in retraining the brain. ON THE SUBTLE LEVEL due to the above stated there is correction in the movement of the chakras which leads to communication between them. The downward movement of the apana is arrested with the holding of breath outside. The pulling of the perineum directs the apana upwards and in due course with perfection

ceaseless practice brings about the union of the prana and the apana in the maipura chakra leading to spiritual bliss. The holding of breath the pulling in of the perineum and the constant pressure through out, brings about a tremendous pressure between the diaphragm and the perineum making an inner circuit and thus connecting them to a area in the brain called the silent area. Then begins the shallow breathing through the two nostril ida and pingala. Initially a lot of negativities pour out but as we continue over a period of long time the silent area is activated. This starts a trickle which eventually results in a tremendous flow of energy. So one can deduce how by physical practice dormant functions on the emotional and mental planes can be reactivated, thus leading to complete and total communication between them. POIN TS TO NOTE – initially one may feel that suppressed physical, mental, and emotional energies are released, bringing with them unconscious desires anxieties and tensions. The shallow breathing (churning) dose keep most of these in check but a detached attitude and heightened awareness at such times may be necessary. Sound health is a prerequisite for daily higher practices of yoga and spiritual fulfillment. The daily and proper practice without any break will ensure sound physical mental emotional and spiritual health. The exercise should be practiced only once a day, preferably on an empty stomach. More than once may damage the perineum and lead to a complete stoppage of communication, and this subtle damage bringing a stop to yoga practices. METHOD keep one hand on the abdomen below the naval and one hand on the upper part of the chest. Empty the lungs completely, keeping the breath out pull in the lower abdomen completely, this is done by using the abdominal muscles. Keeping the abdominal pressure hold the breath out initially for about 5 to 10 seconds and in due course reaching 40 seconds. Remember that the pulling pressure is to be constantly applied during the entire duration. Practice the first part till you are comfortable before going on to the next part that is the rapid shallow breathing. Now begin the shallow breathing between the area of the neck and the upper chest for about 30 seconds. Slowly increase the duration till you reach about 2 minutes.

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