Introduction Unix 2-6-2551

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 6,253
  • Pages: 70
ก  Introduction to Unix

         Open Source Software Network


   ก    ก   ก !ก"# $% &'()*' !ก"### ก'กก#)#+  ก#  ก  #, $- 6 & ก/  #-#,  ก 0# ,12 +  ก#  ก

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&'-10 2  0/ ## !ก"# 4ก#,#!'$,#  (Server)

/0$ก WinSCP %ก&'()ก ก *+ก PuTTY %ก&'()ก / 0123&'()ก ' 43)56)789ก3'6 BIOS =>?5?7ก@A%ก LiveCD 06)&'()ก  4)789ก3'6 BIOS D9>67Eก3=>5?7ก@A%ก Flash Drive 56HกI ก 9'> 6/65 (Server) 5?7ก@AH) %+D120 J+5A%ก@KA)A=@A0HE กก)6 -# '#0) $ก&ก&# #ก,$$,% /*#/ ก#/ 8% (/&3# /(ก,*8 '

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 !" () ##$% 6 กก vi  - 2%ก vi........................................................................................................... 36 - 7> กก vi........................................................................................... 37 - '103>ก*>'@A*+2%/c+5?62 E'103>........................................... 37 - '103>ก/0?62 E=7 =A/') ................................................................................ 39 - '103>=7 =A/') D32*9>5D/') (Replace)............................................... 40 - ก5ก*7ก'103> (Undo)..................................................................................................... 40 - ก*3)3กW............................ ..................................................................................... 40 - ก*3)D3E............................................................................................................... 40 - ก*/') .................................................................................................................. 41 - ก'3E*ก*+)............................................................................................................ 41 - ก'2'1....................................................................................................................... 41 - ก3D[ก/ ?**HK*A..................................................................................................... 42 ,-ก ก

กก +5_กA=>กJ65K\ / ?*.................................................. 43


กก +5_กA=>ก/ Text Shell............................................... 53


ก%ก(6 LiveCD........................................................................................ 57


ก%ก_กcA01233D[ก/ ?*7E Flash Drive......................................62

 1  ก

 1970   ก กก  !  "#$$$ก $ก %& ก'(&)* (+, $(#(- ./0ก1 + 2'./!3&  1973 ก$+$( #513+. #ก('ก 3ก%& " 2!'&%'2! ก/ก3*6(' ), $ !  "#$$ "2' BSD ), System V @--A $   ก ) กก$ก$ %( Linux FreeBSD NetBSD J,J ),   ก กกK&  "#$$ก'(&)* (+, $ก *6   ก ,Aก'& 0+,% %(  *,Aก ,Aก  , ,Aก.. 

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  ก ก $"#$2 +A(ก %&. & .$ /%ก &,KกL  -/& &!$+M( .$ /3&* '$ก, +,L" .$ /3&! 'ก#(   ก '2!L 3&+,L '(&* '$ก#,#ก 3+$('&.#,ก

' N ) (&ก 3&''ก Foreground ), Background .$ /  )*,U' $+,  'U)# N'*' .


 2 ! " #$%  ก ก

! " #    ก ก ! # %(#&ก,& "0.1993 $ก ''ก) N" &. &),  "' '&ก) FSSTND (File System Standard) ('$$ก *6N" &. &+$() Filesystem Hierarchy Standard : FHS !&$N" &. &",ก $ (Tree) ), $ก -) ,3 % - ).&& ! 2-1 N )ก $ ), '$, '&   ก !`%Aก"'&* )Ua$ ก' # 2 .(# "2' Collection of files !&กK '$,!.$*dก ),  "' structure .3+  -ก ), +'$,)Ua$&+$ &   ก $.(#! 3 "2' Partitions !&)ก Physically + 2' Logically '&  "' N2'+ - ก,( #/&)Ua$ ), N" &.  & ก '

#$/&ก a'&ก)Ua$ -กก /& Multiple users ), File sharing #dก -กK '$,!%ก   ก Aก%"2' -กK '$,)Ua$'$,+ 2' U, (file) U,"2 '.! & !

-A '$ ,, N )ก $+ 2 ''  กK  !` % '&ก

# #$#%A  #ก ก '&/&U,+ 2''$,(& L 5U,'&N )ก $ - $($"#$ก!#'&ก )' .'&N )ก $ L &.   ก $N''  %!*01! ก#( system call #+ N )ก $ ก% *2!'+.$ /-ก &!ก!#ก U,



"2'  "'

ก'&ก   "' ('), U, /bin

"2'N )ก $!กK !` %'&ก - %&

/boot "2' กK )Ua$! ก!#'&ก LILO %ก  /dev "2' )Ua$!%กK U,'A ก p(& L /etc

"2' )Ua$กK '$, 5 Configulation

/home "2' )Ua$!กK No$ "' (& L '&`% /lib

"2' ",&N )ก $-! 3), N$,'&"' ,

/mnt "2' )Ua$!%$ (mount) '& U,), 'Aก p /proc "2' , ''&"' ,), N* .(& L /root "2'  "' No$'&  /sbin "2' )Ua$!%กK "3.!&), (& L /tmp "2'  "' %!#" #! Aก"$.dq'( /usr

"2' N )ก $(& L %( X11 , netscape , pine 


"2')Ua$!%กK '$,!,!),&,'#,

  2-1 N" &. & "' '&   ก ก) $ i File system Hierarchy Standard (FHS) N" &. &U,N" &. & U,'& ก), ,AกN!# !& &" &'-- $$ก+ 2''ก#( - '(ก `), `-ก %( &" 2!'&)$(( (Server) '-- $ ก ) (& home ''ก home1 ), home2 *2!'-ก ก `%)(,  5


('- ก 'd N" &. &'& )Ua$'$, N%"3.!&) .!&&#"3.!& (Command Line) ก .dN" &. & )Ua$'$,'&   ก ,Aก N" 2!'&)$( ( (Server) !- %"2' !&   ก  *,Aก (Burapha Linux Server) !&- $N" &. &$A$$'& "' & ! 2-2

  2-2 ).&N" &. & "' '&   ก  *,Aก (Burapha Linux Server) N`%!3ก %&%2!' narongsak ), %&!" 2'! & CVS .M,ก1p!%-  ก#( * '$ (Prompt) .&ก-ก

) ก'& ! 2-2 " 2!'&+$ / ).&3)+(&

!`%ก3,&3ก '( !-  ก3)+(& / #( '& (root) ), Prompt - - #" 2!'&+$',,( $ ('-ก" 2!'&+$ $ "2'"3.!&'&   ก ก (!&- ก,(# , '(') "3.!&!*$*,&.(#'&* '$ "2' ls N"3.!&- %*2!').&'$,#( p 3)+(&  ก' #'$, "' + 2'U,%2!''  & ก %&   ก ก .$ /%& 2 #d "2' #d) ก-ก+-' '&" 2!'&กN & ), %N )ก $ 5 Emulator !- -3,'&+''&" 2!'&)$(( N!') 3ก %&N )ก $ PuTTY ( , 'ก %N )ก $ PuTTY '( 5"`#ก ) !&$'&

  2-3 '"'N)ก $ PuTTY


 3 ("   

ก Login .% Logout ก Login ') ก!- '&3ก('!- %&   ก ก N`! - %&- '&.( username ), password ก('ก %.$'

1 2

3 4

  3-1 ).&ก .(


) ก!).& ! 3-1 ).&ก %&'&`%%2!' narongsak ),

! 2 - ก .( +.`( !&'*& #&"2' +-'- $($ก ).&'"#$L p !*$* & `%"# - '&&-*$* +.`(+/ก'& /*$*`ก 3 " & N )ก $- wN'N$ !& `%กK- '& กN )ก $$+$('ก" &+!& .(#! 3 ), 4 ).&'$, , ''& #$/&-3#N"#!+,2''(.3+  `% '$, 2 .(# '-- $+ 2'$($กK '(ก #(`), " 2'( &"(+$ก

).&`, 'ก+ 2'$(

(" 2ก 3ก #$% (" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  ls Syntax


"3.!&!%.3+  ).&)Ua$'$, $2!' %"3.!& ls N$($&2!' - ก ).& y* %2!''&U,(&L  "' @--A  option !$ก%ก ls "2' -l -a

- ).&`,,*d) K$ ) (Long Format) - ).&)Ua$'$,&+$


2 3


  3-1 +-').&ก %&"3.!& ls za ), ls zl  6

-ก ! 3-2 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls - ).&)Ua$),  "'  "'

@--A &3)+(&! 2 .(#3)+(&! 3 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls -l - ).&'$,ก!#ก )Ua$ ),  "'  "' @--A  N).&+!&

('+!&U,+ 2' "' ) K$ ) (long format) N) (& , '''ก 7 "',$5 &3)+(&! 4 N- 'd & ! 3-3 -3#,&"

%), .dq



# z #,

%2!'U,+ 2' "'

  3-3 ).& , '$2!'%"3.!& ls -l -ก ! 3-3 N)(, "',$5$"#$+$& - %), .dq - (& 'ก 5'&U, L #(% N- ก3+ 'ก 10 # !&'ก #) ก 'ก/&%'&)Ua$+ 2' "' %( d 

) ก).&'&U,%2!' 17-3-50  "' .3+  9 'ก +,& ก ก3+ก '( ก  ), ก %U, !&ก3+N%"3.!& chmod - -3#,&" - 'ก+  /&-3#U,!,&"ก  "' + 2'U, /  "' #(&- $"( A# 2 - -'& - 'ก+  #(" -'&U,+ 2' "'  %( narongsak - %2!'ก,A($ 'ก+  #( +.`%`$./ '(ก,A($ -  'ก+  /&'&U,#($"#$-A(+ ( N).&  (Byte) )(/ "' - $(ก 4096   (Byte) .$' - #-#, - ).&#), #,ก )กU,+ 2' "' ,(.A - %2!'U, ).&%2!'U, + 2' "'


(" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  cp Syntax Example

cp [OPTION] [-T] SOURCE DEST cp [OPTION] SOURCE... DIRECTORY cp [OPTION] -t #  SOURCE. cp test.txt jane.txt

"3.!&!%.3+  ก ",'กU, ) ก %"3.!& cp %2!''&U,& $# %2!''&U, (+$() ,&

1 2 3 4

  3-4 +-').&ก %&"3.!& cp -ก ! 3.4 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls - ).&U,),  "' &+$ "'

@--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก ",'กU, test.txt  U, jane.txt .$ /3N% "3.!& cp &3)+(&! 3 !&$2!'%"3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก U, jane.txt *!$$


(" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  mv Syntax Example

mv [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY mv [OPTION]... -t#  SOURCE... mv test.txt welcome.txt

"3.!& mv (move) %.3+  ก )Ua$'$,),  "'

#$/&ก ,!%2!'# 3&%(#ก "3.!& rename'.

1 2 3 4

  3-5 +-').&ก %&"3.!& mv -ก ! 3-5 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls N- ).&U,),  "' &+$  "' @--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก ,!%2!'U, text.txt  welcome.txt .$ / 3N%"3.!& mv &3)+(&! 3 !&$2!'%"3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก #( U, text.txt $(  ก N- * )(U, welcome.txt


(" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  rm Syntax Example

rm [OPTION] [FILE] rm test.txt

"3.!& rm (romove) $#%.3 +  , U, &) U,#+ 2') ก,A($'&U, N %"3.!&*&" &#

1 2 3 4

  3-6 +-').&ก %&"3.!& rm -ก ! 3-6 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls N- ).&U,),  "' &+$  "' @--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก , U, test.txt  welcome.txt .$ /3 N%"3.!& rm &3)+(&! 3 !&$2!'%"3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก #( U, test.txt /ก,  ),#


(" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  cat (concatenate) Syntax Example

cat [OPTION] [FILE] cat

"3.!& cat (concatenate) $+!).&`,  '5'&U,&-'5*

1 2 3 4

  3-7 +-').&ก %&"3.!& cat -ก ! 3-7 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls N- ).&U,),  "' &+$  "' @--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก  , ''&U, .$ / 3N%"3.!& cat &3)+(&! 3 !& , ''&U,-  ก ''ก&+-'


(" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  cat (concatenate) Syntax Example

file [OPTION] [FILE] file *

"3.!&file - 3ก ).&%'&U,!$  "' !&"3.!& file - 3ก '( Content ), 'ก 5'&)Ua$'$,L

) ก %"3.!& file [option]... file



  3-8 +-').&ก %&"3.!& file -ก ! 3-8 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& file * N - ).&U,&+$  "' @--A * '$& 'ก 5'&U, &3)+(&! !& , ''&U,-  ก ''ก&+-'


(" 2ก 3ก #   (" 2ก 3ก #   : ("  cd Syntax Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

cd cd cd cd

[DIRECTORY] Programs ] # 2#   Programs .. ] ก%#  #  ก^ / ] #  #   root

"3.!& cd (Change Directory) "3.!&!%ก ,! "'


2 3 4 5

  3-9 +-').&ก %&"3.!& cd -ก ! 3-9 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls N- ).&U,),  "' &+$  "' @--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก  "' Programs .$ /3N%"3.!& cd Programs &3)+(&! 3 !&$2!'%"3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก #( U,(&L!'( "'

Programs ), /'&ก ''ก-ก "' .$ /3N%"3.!& cd .. &3)+(&! 4 ), $2!''&ก ''ก& "' root .$ /3N%"3.!& cd \ &3)+(&! 5 !&$2!'% "3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก U,(&!'( "' root  13

(" 2ก 3ก #   : ("  pwd Syntax Example

pwd [OPTION] pwd

"3.!&!%.3+  ).& "' @--A  (3'&#ก ก *$* cd  DOS) $ -ก"3#( print work "'

1 2 3

  3-10 +-').&ก %&"3.!& pwd -ก ! 3-10 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls N- ).&U,),  "' &+$  "' @--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก !- 3)+(&'& "' .$ /3N% "3.!& pwd - ).&!'('& "' @--A 


(" 2ก 3ก #   : ("  mkdir Syntax Example

mkdir [OPTION] [FILE] mkdir unix

"3.!&.3+  %ก . & "' (make "' ) $2!' '&ก  "' +$( +%"3.!& mkdir $#%2!' "' +$( N option .(#+M(!$%ก "2' -m - 3ก ก3+ Permissioin -p - 3ก . & Parent "' +#ก p!&$($ก

A "'

1 2 3 4

  3-11 +-').&ก %&"3.!& mkdir -ก ! 3-11 -ก#'(&ก . & "' +$( %2!' unix 5 "'

narongsakN3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& ls N- ).&U,),  "' &+$ "'

@--A &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก . & "' unix .$ /3N%"3.!& mkdir unix &3)+(&! 3 !&$2!'%"3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก #(  "' unix /ก. &  '),#


(" 2ก 3ก #   : ("  rmdir Syntax Example

rmdir [OPTION] [FILE] rmdir C

"3.!&!%.3+  ก ,  "' (3'&#ก dos) $-ก"3#( remove  "' N option !$ก%ก rmdir "2' -p - 3ก , Child ), Parent "' $,3 .$$#(  '&ก ,  "' %2!' / A / B / C /+ก "' @--A "2' / A / B   - '&3$'('

1 2


  3-12 +-').&ก %&"3.!& rmdir -ก ! 3-11 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& cd B ก  "' B &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก ,  "' c .$ /3N%"3.!& rmdir c &3)+(&! 3 !&$2!'%"3.!& ls 'ก" &-  ก #(  "' c /ก,   '),# !&-ก#'(&


(" 2ก 3ก ก กc2d (" 2ก 3ก ก กc2d : ("  who Syntax Example

who [OPTION] [ FILE | ARG1 ARG2 ] who

"3.!& who %*2!').&#($" &! login '(



  3-13 +-').&ก %&"3.!& who -ก ! 3-13 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& who ก ).&%2!''&`! Login '( &3)+(&! 2 -ก#'(& ).&++K#($ user !%2!' cs484243 ), narongsak ก3,& Login '(


(" 2ก 3ก ก กc2d : ("  whoami Syntax Example

whoami [OPTION] whoami

"3.!& who am i %*2!').&#(`%!& login .(  login #%2!'' 

1 2

  3-14 +-').&ก %&"3.!& who -ก ! 3-14 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& who am i ก ).&%2!''&`% & 3)+(&! 2 -ก#'(& ).&++K#(`% %%2!' narongsak ก Login .(


(" 2ก 3ก ก กc2d : ("  passwd Syntax Example

passwd [OPTIONS] [LOGIN] passwd

"3.!& passwd "3.!&!%ก ,! password $2!' %"3.!& - 3ก /$ password $ก(' ),#-&/$ password +$( ), +2 password 'ก" &

1 2 3

  3-15 +-').&ก %&"3.!& passwd -ก ! 3-15 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& passwd N - /$ +.ก(ก(' & 3)+(&! 2 -ก - +.( +.+$('ก 2 " & &3)+(&! 3 +.+$('&.(+$2'ก &.'&" & -&- .$ /,! +.+$(


(" 2ก 3ก ก ^"] " (" 2ก 3ก ^"] " : ("  mail Syntax Example

mail mail

"3.!& mail - "3.!&!%ก .(& mail + 2' '( mail !'( ก( $2!'%"3.!&),# -  prompt (" 2!'&+$ ?)  .$ /.("3.!&,& %( h ).& mail !$'( +$, %.3+  ,2'ก mail ! '&ก '( d +$, %.3+  , mail q %.3+  ก - ก 3&), ก, .( UNIX prompt

1 2

  3-16 +-').&ก %&"3.!& mail


-ก ! 3-16 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& mail N - ).&#($$,ก!y  !/ก.(& $ .(&$$2!'+ ( #,( &3)+(&! 2

(" 2ก #$% .%  กi %j (" 2ก #$% .%  กi %j: ("  which Syntax Example

which [OPTION] [--] PROG_NAME [...] which mail

"3.!& which "3.!&!%).&!'('&U,

1 2

  3-17 +-').&ก %&"3.!& mail -ก ! 3-17 3)+(&! 1 $2!'*$*"3.!& which mail N - ).&!'('&U, #('(! &3)+(&! 2 -ก#'(& - ).&!'('&U, mail +  #('( "'



(" 2ก #$% .%  กi %j: ("  chmod Syntax 1 Syntax 2 Syntax 3 Example

chmod chmod chmod chmod

[OPTION]... MODE[,MODE]... FILE... [OPTION]... OCTAL-MODE FILE... [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE... o+w test.txt

"3.!& chmod "3.!&!%.3+  ก3+.d'&`%ก,A($(&L +.$ //&U, (&L - ) (&ก,A($`%''ก 3 ก,A($#ก 1. -'& (owner) "2'`!. &U,$ )##'ก1 ( u ) 2. ก,A($ (group) "2' ก,A($`% `%!'(ก,A($#ก.$ /%&U,'&*2!' (#$ก,A($ )##'ก1 ( g ) 3. `'2! (other) "2' A"",!$('(ก,A($ + 2' $(%(-'&U, )##'ก1 ( o ) `%.$ /ก3+.d(&L+ก U, N) (&''ก 3 '(&#ก 1. read "2'.dก '(U, )##'ก1 ( r ) 2. write "2' .dก )กU, )##'ก1 ( w ) 3. execute "2' .dก %&U, )##'ก1 ( x )

, ''&U,.$ /#"3.!& ls zl

#'ก1 .$ /) (&& #! 1 'ก#( "' + 2'$( /- $ #'ก1 d /$(- $" 2!'&+$ ( - ) #! 2-4 'ก#(.d'&-'&U, #! 5-7 'ก#(.d'&`%!'(ก,A($#ก #! 8-10 'ก#(.d'&`%'2!L'ก+2'-ก 2 ก,A($) ก

) ก %"3.!& chmod [ u / g / o ] [ + / - ] [ r / w / x] filename


1 2 3 4

  3-18 +-').&ก %&"3.!& chmod -ก ! 3-18 $2!' '&ก !- ,!.dq+ก U,!'&ก N3)+(&! 1 *$* "3.!& ls zl !&).&'$,ก!#ก )Ua$ ),  "'  "' @--A  N).&+!&

 ('+!&U,+ 2' "' ) K$ ) (long format) &3)+(&! 2 &'&ก )กU,! %2!' test.txt /กก3+.d+`%'2!.$ /)กU, N*$*"3.!& chmod &3)+(&! 3 N -ก"3.!& ls zl - +K#(U,!%2!' test.txt /กก3+.d+`%'2!.$ /)กU, !&-ก$3$(&3)+(&! 4


(" p]qr]  s (" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  man Syntax Example

man [COMMAND] man who

"3.!& man "3.!&).&'"#$ !'d ก %&'&"3.!& , '(&L #$/& option !"3.!&.$ /%#

  3-19 +-').&ก %&"3.!& man


-ก#'(&& ).& , ''&"3.!& clear ), $2!''&ก - ''ก +ก q (" 2ก 3ก #$% : ("  exit Syntax Example

exit exit

"3.!& exit "3.!&.3+  ''ก-ก UNIX

  3-20 +-').&ก %&"3.!& exit $2!'%"3.!&),#+-'- #(&,( ),#), $($&!- 3('),#

- %"3.!&กK('$2!'3& . K-  '


 4 "tก uv .$w% (Permission)

"tก uv .$w% (Permission) 2!'&-ก,Aก$ ก 3&) `%+," (Multiuser) &-&$"#$-3! '&$ก ก3+.dก /&)Ua$'$,),  "' (&L N - ) (& 3 ก,A($"2' "!-'&U, (User) "!'(ก,A($#ก -'&U, (Group) "!'(", ก,A($ก -'&U, (Other) $2!'%"3.!& ls -l - `,,*d''ก$&

  4-1 `,,*d-กก %"3 .!& ls -l  26

+.&ก'$,-กก,A($) ก  ก' ##'ก1 "2' r w x d "#$+$'&#'ก1 +,( "2' r ('$-ก read +$/& .$ /'(U, + 2' "'  w ('$-ก write +$/& .$ /'$,,&U, + 2'.$ /!- ก 3ก

(&Lก  "'  x ('$-ก execute +$/&.$ /!-  $#,`,U, + 2'.$ /!-   "'  d .M,ก1p*2!' 'ก+ #( "'

.M,ก1p*2!' 'ก+ #(U, "t read write execute

ก ก#$% ก ก#   2'+ '('$, '$,+ 2' %2!' ,!),& )ก2'+ . &+ 2',  "'  .!& execute ( $#,`,"3.&! ) ,! "+ .3-กU, "' 

  4-1 ).&.d'&U,),  "'

"('&.dU,+!&$"( - rwx r-x r-TYPE -

r 4

USER (u) w 2

x 1

GROUP (g) r x 4 0 1

OTHER (o) r 4 0 0

  4-2 ).&.d'&U,),  "' ) ).& ''& - rwx r-x r--


.d$ &! 4-2 +$/& #) ก z 'ก+ #('$,"2'U, $(%( "'

3 #'ก1 USER (u) "2' .d!-'&3ก  "2' r w x '(   $#,`, 3 #'ก1 GROUP (g) "2' .d!"!'(ก,A($#ก -'&3 "2' r x '(  $#,`, 3 #'ก1 OTHER (o) "2' .d!"!'((&ก,A($ก -'&3 "2' r '( /"#,- "(#,'&.dN+3"(#,$ #$ก-  754 #'(& ) '&.d - rwx --- --700 +$/& U,! -'&'(   $#,`, drw- r-- r-x 645 +$/&  "' !-'&'( ก,A($#ก'( ก,A($'2!'(),  $#,`, - r-- r-- r-444 +$/& U,!Aกก,A($'('(&#


 5 Shell ]q

! " p]qrก ( ก N" &. &*2iก 3&'& ก$'( 4 .(##ก "2' o )#  (Hardware), "' , (Kernel), %,, (Shell) ), )'**,"% (Application) & ! 5-1 Application Shell Kernel Hardware

  5-1 ).&N" &. &*2iก 3&'& ก %,, (Shell) "2' N )ก $+!&  ก!3+!.(#('`% (interface)

+#(&`%ก   ก ก ("' ,) !&%,,$(.(#+!&'&"' , )(% "'   ,ก  $#,`, `  % . $ /.! & &     ก   N `(  &%,,  (    N )ก $%,,&$"Ap.$ '& Shell Programming Language 3+`%.$ /3"3.!&(&L '&%,,$N )ก $กK U,#  ก#( Shell Script


jd%% 2d2 x33y • Bourne shell (/bin/sh) %,,A") กL !$%ก'(&)* (+, $ก ก3+ N" &. &51",L ก 51',ก' (Algo Language) .$ / shell script  ), & %,,$ i!$   ก กAก# ), &.$ / shell script &ก '2!N$('&)ก'  'ก# - $ default prompt  " 2!'&+$ Œ $  • C shell (/bin/csh) %,,!*6$+,&-ก Bourne shell $ ) "3.!&), #ก p+$2'ก 51 (C Language) $U@&ก%ก 3&+,!), '(&. #ก 'ก&&.$ /"# "A$ก +,'&'$,ก#( Bourne shell ), &$"#$.$ / ก  ก%"3.!&!%),# - $ default prompt " 2!'&+$ Œ %  • Korn shell (/bin/ksh)  shell !*6$-) '& Bourne shell ), C shell .$ /3& function '& Bourne shell Aก'(& ก  shell script 3&(),

กA$ .$ /3"3.!&!%),#ก, $ execute +$( /2'#( Korn shell  ก

#$'''& Bourne shell ), C shell $##ก )($($ UNIX Aก# - $ default prompt " 2!'&+$ Œ $  • Bourne again shell (/bin/bash + 2' /usr/local/bin/bash) ก ' Bournr shell 3ก, $ *6+$( .$ /3&) line editing  ), &*!$ .d5*ก 3&'ก +,'(& bash shell $(%( standard UNIX shell )( default shell '& linux  @--A  - $ default prompt " 2!'&+$ Œ $  ก ." jd%%q2  y| `%.$ / #-.'  5'&%,,&+$!   ก $ N%"3.!& $ cat /etc/shells ก ." jd%% ก(%2d^2| q `%.$ / #-.'  5'&%,,!ก3,&%&'(p  N%"3.!& $ echo $SHELL


(#3v Shell Script +A`,!'& Shell Script  ก),#- '(ก `%&)(, " )(N.(#$ก ),#- $+A`,ก & - Shell script .$ /  '$, (Input) -ก`% U, ), ).&`,,*d''ก& +-'+$2'ก ก %"3.!& (Command) N & - $ N%'(&$กก . &"3.!&!.(# A"", - ,#,ก ""3.!& - .$ /3+& &'(&'N$ - .(#+!&'&&!'N$'&`), q2ก  Shell Script 1. %N )ก $ 5 editor ก  Shell Script 2. *!$.d+U, Shell Script !.$ / execute #"3.!& $ chmod +x script $ chmod 755 script 3. execute U, Shell Script &ก,(# #"3.!& $ sh script ก p! Bourne shell $ bash script

ก p! Bourne again shell

$ ./script ^ 1  Shell Script clear echo "Hello $USER" echo "Today is \c ";date Example 1 echo "Number of user login : \c" ; who | wc -l echo "Calendar" cal exit 0



! 1

! 2

! 3

! 4

! 5-6

Hello nattawut Today is Tue Jul 24 15:25:08 ICT 2007 Number of user login : 1 Calendar July 2007 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ก ", +-').&`, ก ).&'"#$ก`%& N#) $USER - #) !%กK %2!'`%# ก ).&#!), #,@--A  ก ).&-3#`%& p #, L ก ).& '&2'@--A  ^ 2  Shell Script


# # Script to read your name from key-board # echo "Your Name please:" read name echo "Hello $name, Lets be friend!"



! 1

! 2

! 3

Your Name please: *$*'$, Hello '$,!*$*%, Lets be friend! ก ).&'"#$*2!'+`%ก 'ก%2!''& ก

 '$,-ก`%`(&" '  ),#กK ##) %2!'#( name ก ).&"(!'(#) name

 ก ก ก3+"(+ก #)  .$ /%%2!'#) ก 3ก , )(.(#'& ก ).&"(-ก#) - '&.(" 2!'&+$ $ 3+#)  L # ^ 3  Shell Script



#!/bin/sh # # Script that demos, command line args # echo "Total number of command line argument are $#" echo "$0 is script name" echo "$1 is first argument" echo "$2 is second argument" `,,*d+,&ก

# ./script A B Total number of command line argument are 2 script is script name A is first argument B is second argument


Shell Script &#'(&ก

 "(* $' `(& command line N * $' !`% A- /กกK '(#) $1, $2 ,• $,3 .(#-3#'&#) ! A $ - /กกK '(#) $#

ก ,!0&'&'$,), `,,*d!-กก

 Shell Script 'ก-กก

 '$,`(&" '  ($#'(&! 2) ), ก ).&`,,*d! ''ก&+-' &$ ) '&ก

 '$,), ).&`,,*d ) '2!'ก# 1. ก  % }. > ก ,!0&ก ).&`,-ก+-',&U, N$ ) '&ก %& & Example ./program > output_file `,,*d!-กก

N )ก $ - /ก,&U,!%2!'#( output_file NU, c%%pt &ก,(#$(#(- $'$,$'(+ 2'$(กK$ - /ก #`,,*d-กก

 N )ก $&+$

2. ก  % }. >> ก ,!0&ก ).&`,-ก+-',&U, N$ ) '&ก %& & Example ./program >> output_file `,,*d!-กก

N )ก $ - /ก,&U,!%2!'#( output_file N- ก

c%%pt ('U, ก,(#"2''$,$U, output_file &"&'(), $`,-กก

 N )ก $(''$,

3. ก  % }. < ก ,!0&  '$,-กU,)ก

 #" '  N$ ) '& ก %& & Example ./program < input_file


4. ก (c%%pt! .ก v #  %"( ! .ก  " |  .$ /3'`,,*d!-กก

N )ก $! 1 '$,.3+  N )ก $! 2 N$ ) '&ก %& & Example ./program1 | ./program2 `,,*d!-กก

N )ก $ - /ก,&U,!%2!'#( output_file N- ก

c%%pt ('U, ก,(#"2''$,$U, output_file &"&'(), $`,-กก

 N )ก $(''$,

ก 2dก  % }q 4  .q" u2d ^ก# d^  .$ /3'`,,*d!-กก

N )ก $! 1 '$,.3+  N )ก $! 2 N$ ) '&ก %& & Example ./program < input_file > output_file -ก"3.!&&ก

N )ก $N  '$,-กU, input_file ), ก (t `,-กก

N )ก $,&U, output_file


 6 ก 2d! .ก  vi ]q

3! .ก  vi

  6-1 +-'N )ก $ vi

ก (! .ก  vi N )ก $ vi ) (&ก 3&''ก 3 N+$ "2' 1. N+$"3.!& (Command Mode) 2. N+$*$*'"#$ (Insert Mode) 3. N+$"3.!&

,(&.A (Lastline Mode)


)(, N+$'&N )ก $- $ ) ก 3&), +!y* !)ก(&ก )ก( 1. !("  N+$!%ก .!&+N )ก $3&(& L  ก' # • "3.!&ก ,2!'"'' ), +-' • "3.!&ก .(N+$*$*'"#$ • "3.!&ก , #'ก1

• "3.!&ก ,

 • "3.!&ก )!#'ก1

• "3.!&ก *!$

+$( • "3.!&ก ก,กก ก 3,(.A  2. !pp N+$!%ก *$*+ 2'a''"#$ *2!3&'& N )ก $ 3. !("  %^"y N+$!%ก .!&&N )ก $3&& • "3.!&!ก!#ก ก ก'$,,&U, • "3.!&ก "+'"#$

ก   2d! .ก  vi ก .(N )ก $ vi .$ /%Nก *$*"3.!& vi <%2!')Ua$>

(" 2ก %]  .% 3| ^2!("  p !'(N+$"3.!& `%.$ /,2!'"'' &3)+(&'&'ก  L  +-' ), .$ /,2!'+-'*2!').&'$,!.(#.(#+!&'&+-'N )ก $N %"3.!&ก ,2!'"''  & &! 5-1


,2!'"'' &# 1 #'ก1

,2!'"'' & 1 #'ก1

,2!'"'' &# 1 "3 ,2!'"'' & 1 "3 ,2!'"''   1

 ,2!'"'' ,&,(& 1



 ,2!'"'' &# 1  N" ,2!'"'' & 1  N" ,2!'"'' ('+/ ,2!'"'' ('+ก(' ,2!'"'' &$A$ '&-' ,2!'"'' &

!'(ก!&ก,&-' ,2!'"'' &

,(&.A'&-' ,2!'+-'" !&+-' ,2!'+-',&" !&+-' ,2!'+-'+!&+-' ,2!'+-',&+!&+-' ,2!'

) ก.A ,2!'


l h w b k j 0 (}) $ ) ( } { H M L Ctrl-U (up) Ctrl-D (down) Ctrl-F (forward) Ctrl-B (backward) gg G

  5-1 ).&"3.!&ก ,2!'"''  ก ,2!'"'' &

!'&ก 3Nก *$*+$,

$#"3.!& G + 2' gg %( 25G + 2' 25gg +$/&ก ,2!'"'' &

! 25


(" 2ก "^!pp (" . ก (Insert) ก ) ก!+3)+(&"''  i ก ) ก!

 I $2!'%"3.!& i + 2' I ),# `%.$ /a''"#$!'&ก ) ก $2!'. K-.ก

*$*'"#$!'&ก ) ก),# +ก)a Esc *2!'ก, .(N+$"3.!& (" pp^ (Append) ก *$*'"#$('!+,&3)+(&"''  ก *$*'"#$('!

a A

(" . ก 2^ (Open) Nก$2!''(N+$*$*'"#$$2!'`%*$*'"#$-ก !&K$

),# +ก ` % '&ก  

+$(. $ /3  Nก ก)a  Enter '(  & กK $+ก$ ก * $ * '"#$#),# ), '&ก ) ก

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"''  O ก %"3.!& o ), O N+$"3.!&- 3+ vi ) ก

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(" pp ] % . (Replace) $2!'`%'&ก *$*'"#$+$( '"#$$!$'( ก *$* + 2',!#'ก1

*&##%"3.!& r $2!'*$*#'ก1 !'&ก ,!),# vi - ก, .(N+$"3.!&N 'N$ +ก'&ก ,!)#'ก1 +,# %"3.!& R $2!',!)  '),# `% '&ก)a Esc *2!'ก, .(N+$"3.!& ก %"3.!& R $'"# .&ก"2'+ก'"#$$#ก#( '"#$!,!) '"#$+$(.(#!ก - * $* '"#$$ +ก'"#$+$(. ก#(  '"#$$ `%'&, '"#$$!+,2'#"3.!& x

ก ก%ก("  (Undo) "3.!& u %ก ก,กก 3&!"3" &.Aก('+!- %"3.!& %( `%*!&%"3.!&,

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 N %"3.!& u !& vi - ก,ก"3.!&), 3

!, ก, "2$ "3.!& u .$ /%ก,ก"3.!& .A!*!&%&*&"3.!&# .(#"3.!& U %ก  ก

$!)ก" & .Aก, "2$$(#(`%- 3ก ,!),&)ก'$,


ก %กi ก , #'ก1 p 3)+(&"''  %"3.!& x "3.!&.$ /% (#$ก #,).& -3##'ก1  %( 7x %, #'ก1 7 # !$!#'ก1 p 3)+(&"'' 

ก %  ก ,



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!$"' ' '(  40

ก % ก , '"#$%"3.!& d "3.!&"3.!&!'&$ก ก3+' !'&ก , # N%"3.!&,2!'"'' #ก3+'  %( d0 , '"#$&)(3)+(&"'' /&

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ก %ก.%  yy p P


!3)+(&"'' '( #&'"#$!",'ก# p

/-ก3)+(&"'' '( #&'"#$!",'ก# p

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ก ",'ก .$ /%#,`.$`.ก "3.!& yy # %( 5yy +$/&ก

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ก ( ก "+"3+ 2''"#$N )ก $ vi .$ /3N'(N+$"3.!&),#ก " 2!'&+$ / *2!'ก %"3.!&N+$

,(&.A %( /string ก "+"3#( Œstring U, $2!'* "3&ก,(#),# +ก'&ก &"3('!'(,(&-ก3)+(&@--A +ก n ), ก N *2!'ก, "+&

&   41

ก vก%%#$% :w :wq :q!

ก ก'$,@--A ,&U, ก ก'$,@--A ,&U,), ''ก-กN )ก $ ก ''ก-กN )ก $N$( ก'$,

+$+A ก %" 2!'&+$ : 3+"3.!&ก %"3.!&N+$

,(&.A ), - 3&กK('$2!''(N+$"3.!&ก(' &ก %&"3.!&&ก,(#-&"# ก Esc ก('Aก" &


jcก ก ก 2d! .ก  yกp] ก u^!.$w% ก 2d! .ก  yก WinSCP 2ก u^!.$w% ก %&N )ก $ Aก WinSCP ก /(N')Ua$'$,-ก" 2!'&!$

  ก ก (UNIX) $&" 2!'&"'$*#' .(# A"", + 2'ก /(N')Ua$'$,-ก " 2!'&"'$*#' .(# A"",&   ก ก $'ก   & 1.   ,",ก ! '"' (icon)

!&'(  Desktop -  ก +-'& 

  ก-1 ).&+-'ก %&N )ก $ WinSCP -ก+ก 'ก'$, ,&%('&(& L & ! ก- 2


  ก-2 ).&+-'ก ก 'ก'$,%('&(& L '&N )ก $ WinSCP -ก+ก 'ก'$, ,&%('&(& L & %('&! 1 Host name ก 'ก%2!'" 2!'&+ ก (Host Name) !'&ก /(N')Ua$'$, &%(#'(&*$* %('&! 2 User name ก 'ก%2!'`% #'(&*$* narongsak %('&! 3 Password ก 'ก%2!' +.`( +,&-กก 'ก'$,(& L   '),# ",ก!Aš$ Login 2. +ก.('$,/ก'& N )ก $- .(+-'ก %&/(N')Ua$'$, +#(& " 2! ' &'&`  % ! & $     ก  #  N# . ), " 2! ' & ! &   " 2! ' &! $

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(t ).&3)+(&@--A + 2' "' @--A !ก3,&%& /'+,&ก, &3)+(&!"%&ก('+3)+(&@--A  +&3)+(&!"%&$+,&3)+(&@--A  ,!3)+(&&3)+(&!+2'ก#(3)+(&@--A +!&  &3)+(& !$ '& )Ua$'$, - .3+  " 2!'&›@œ& Local Host )ก( 3)+(&  U %( C: - .3+  " 2!'&›@œ& Remote Host )ก( 3)+(& Root


(t &3)+(& !$ '&`% - .3+  " 2!'&›@œ& Local Host )ก( 3)+(& My document - .3+  " 2!'&›@œ& Remote Host )ก( 3)+(& Home "' '&`%

U %    A& ก )Ua$'$,+@--A  w'$,!'(5- "' / NU,' ! A + 2' *!$.&  "' & ก .&!%& (' %ก3++$ก ).&+ 2'('NU,' " 2!'& Local Host + 2'  "' " 2!'& Remote Host

  ก-1 ).&)/ " 2!'&$2'ก /(N')Ua$'$, (Remote Host) + 2'&›@œ&!`%ก3,& %&'( (Local Host) 4. ก . & "' ), NU,'  ก . & "' 3Nก %$.",ก #p!'&ก . & "' +$( N",ก!*!#$2'$2!''&ก . & "' +$(" 2!'& Remote Host + 2' ",ก!*2!     $2 ' $2! '  ' &ก .   &NU,'   +$(  " 2! ' & Local Host -ก  ", ก Aš $ & ! ก-4


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",ก$."&#!%2!')Ua$'$,!'&ก '*N+,+-' N!- 3ก ,2'ก)Ua$ %2!'#( unix.doc -ก,ก#&#&›@œ& Remote Host & ! ก-6


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! ก-7 ",กAš$ copy *2!'2 .&ก%2!')Ua$! ,2'ก- '(&›@œ& Remote Host +ก&$( +K%2!')Ua$ ก +",ก!Aš$ *2!'   A&'$,+@--A  & ! ก-8

  ก-7 ).&+(&3)+(&,&!'&ก '*N+,)Ua$'$,!'&ก


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! ก-10 ",ก!Aš$ copy *2!'2 .&ก%2!')Ua$! ,2'ก- '(&›@œ& Remote Host +ก& $(+K%2!')Ua$ ก +",ก!Aš$ *2!'   A&'$,+@--A 

  ก-10 ).&+(&3)+(&,&!'&ก #N+,)Ua$'$,!'&ก


7. ก ,!%2!')Ua$'$,/ "'

ก ,!%2!')Ua$/ "' 3Nก ",ก$.!%2!')Ua$'$,/ "' ! '&ก ,!%2!' ), ",ก!Aš$ -ก-  ก )/ .!%2!')Ua$'$,/ "'

 -ก*$*%2!'+$(!'&ก ,& !+3ก ,!%2!')Ua$ BLS.doc  Burapha.doc & ! ก-11

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ก , )Ua$'$, /  "' 3Nก ",ก,2'ก)Ua$'$,!'&ก , ), ก Aš$


9. ก ,! "'

$2!''&ก ,!3)+(& "' & "' !'(  !3ก#( 3 Nก   ,",ก!%2!' "'  $2!''&ก ,!3)+(& "' ก, & "' !'(+2'ก#(!,  3Nก!Aš$ $2!''&ก ,!3)+(&& Home "' 3Nก!Aš$ 10. ก ก %2!'$('ก " 2!'& Remote Host 3Nก ก!Aš$ +ก'&ก %N )ก $!%ก ('ก `%,ก1p ! Text Shell N N )ก $ Text Shell N )ก $*2iก %& .$ /%N )ก $ PuTTY !& ก,(##5"`#ก 


jcก  ก 2d! .ก  yกp] ก 2d Text Shell ก 2d! .ก  yก PuTTY 2ก 2d shell ก %&N )ก $ Aก PuTTY ก % shell `(&N N"',(& L N .$ /,K'ก'`(& SSH  ), !.3"M'U)# N'*' . $'ก    & 10.   ,",ก ! '"' (icon)

!&'(  Desktop -  ก +-'& 

  - 1 ).&+-'ก %&N )ก $ PuTTY -ก+ก 'ก'$, ,&%('&(& L & %('&! 1 Host name ก 'ก%2!'" 2!'&+ ก (Host Name) !'&ก /(N')Ua$'$, #'(&*$* & Port (ก 22 ), Protocol ,2'ก SSH (NN )ก $- ก3++#'(),#) -ก",ก!Aš$ Open & ! -2  53

  -2 ).&+-'ก %N )ก $ PuTTY $2!'",ก!Aš$ Open ),#-  ก +(&'&N )ก $ PuTTY

  -3 ).&+(&'&N )ก $ PuTTY $2!' ก +(&'&N )ก $ PuTTY +ก 'ก +.`% (Username) #'(&%( narongsak & ! -4  54

  -4 ).&+ login '&N )ก $ PuTTY $2!'ก 'ก +.`% (Username)   '),# N )ก $- +ก 'ก +.'&`( !&- $2!' ก 'ก),#- $().&#'ก1 ), .M,ก1p L ("# *$*+/ก'&) & ! -5

  -5 ).&ก ก 'ก +.`('&N )ก $ PuTTY $2!'ก 'ก'$,&+$/ก'& &%2!' Host name (" 2!'&+ ก ) , Username ( +.`() , Password ( +.`() -  ก +(&!).&* K'$* $ .3+  Shell '&" 2!'&+ ก & ! -6  55

  -5 ).&+(&!).&* K'$* $ .3+  Shell '&" 2!'&+ ก


jcก  ก 2d3ก.c^ LiveCD  $)`( LiveCD '&   ก ,Aก !#'(&'&   ก

 *,Aก N('-%   ก ,Aก'&"('2! L $!('&ก *  +,กก %&#ก $2!'w" 2!'&"'$*#'  BIOS -  #-.' 'Aก p*2i!-3(' ก %& +3ก Set "( BIOS (BIOS '&" 2!'&"'$*#' $(+$2'ก !&+,กก 3& N!#- ",ก N#'(& BIOS !+' phoenix) *2!'+ BIOS '('$,-ก CD N" 2!'&- )-&+ก Del (Delete) + 2' F1 -ก)a*$*),#)( A( (') 3#("#

กAš$ + K#) $2!'ก Del (Delete) + 2' F1 -  ก +-'&

  -1 ).&+(&'&ก Set BIOS $2!').&+(&'&ก Set BIOS - .&ก+K#($)/ $ +,2!'! $ Boot N%Aš$,ก0

& ! "-2  57

  -2 ).&$ก Set BIOS .&ก!+(&'&ก Set BIOS - +K#($ก 'd Aš$"3.!&!%ก Set BIOS & ! "-3

  -3 ).&ก 'd Aš$"3.!&!%ก Set Bios -ก  'd & y„

 '"#$%(#+,2' ''ก-กก 3& ,2'ก ก

,2'ก$ ,!3)+(& Nก + - ,2!' + 2' ก - - ,2!',& ก ก,&$2!''$  ก &"( ก &"( ) !" 2!'&ก3++$ ก'$, ), ''ก-กก 3&


! $ Boot -  ก +(& & ! "-4


  -4 ).&+(&'&$ Boot -ก+,2!' $! ก '& CD-ROM Drive *2!''&ก + " 2!'& Boot -ก CD-ROM ), กAš$ Nก" 2!'&+$ + -ก )a*$**2!'+ ก '& CD-ROM Drive ,2!'

  -5 ).&+(&'&$ Boot  59

$2!',2'ก!- +" 2!'& Boot -ก CD-ROM Drive ,3 ) ก),# กAš$ *2!'3ก ก), ''ก-กก Setup BIOS +ก++ ก 2'ก +กAš$ y -ก)a*$* -ก+" 2!'&- 3ก Boot 'ก" &  $.()`( CD

  ก ,Aก !&! $)`(  *$,Aก !&     *,Aก

  -6 ).&+ก Boot -ก)`(  *$,Aก

  -7 ).&+(&'&$ Boot


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