Introduction To Form Personalization

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  • Pages: 31
Introduction to Form Personalization


Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Objectives After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:  Invoke the Personalizations form  Understand the basic structures : Rules, Context, and Actions  Make simple changes like changing prompts and hiding objects  Select objects by their current on-screen text  Get the current value for properties  Apply changes immediately to test their effect  Disable personalizations 1-2

Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Related Course Material  If you are not familiar with the basic construct of an Oracle Developer form, including terms such as block, record, item, trigger, property and builtin, you should consider a course such as Oracle Developer: Forms Fundamentals, offered by Oracle University.  The viewlet Oracle Applications Form Personalization Demonstration shows many of the concepts included in this module.


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Agenda          

Overview of Form Personalization Rules and Conditions Context Actions Working with Strings Getting it right Putting it all Together Limitations Relationship to CUSTOM library Summary


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All customers wish to:  Remove fields, buttons, tabs, etc. from the screen because they never use them  Re-label fields, buttons, tips to match their terminology  Change the default value of fields  Allow easy access from one form to another, passing context  Do any of the above for only a particular user or responsibility  Do any of the above only if certain conditions are true.  Do all of the above without writing code, and without violating Support agreements

Your wish is granted! 1-5

Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Overview of Form Personalization • Allows you to make declarative changes to a form. • Changes get applied at runtime when the proper trigger event occurs. • Changes can get applied based on who you are and other conditions • You can: • Change object properties • Execute certain Forms builtins • Display messages • Activate menu entries 1-6

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WARNING! Form Personalizations allows you to fundamentally alter the behavior of the product that Oracle ships, and access any and all data. Therefore,  This feature should only be made available to trusted users.  Avoid building Personalizations on a production system. – Form Personalizations should first be entered and thoroughly QA’ed on a test system before they are loaded to a production system 1-7

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Invoking the Personalization screen  Run the form that you want to modify  Select Help > Diagnostics > CustomCode > Personalize from the pulldown menu –

Profiles ‘Utilities: Diagnostics’ and ‘Hide Diagnostics menu entry’ control access to this entry

 The Personalizations screen will now run –


It will automatically query any rules if they exist for that function

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Rules and Conditions


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Rules and Conditions, continued Rules govern when personalizations get evaluated:  Function Name: the name of the function that you ran. Personalizations are made for a function, not a form.  Seq: an ordering from 1 (first) to 100 (last)  Description: allows you to record why you are making the change  Enabled: used to temporarily disable a rule  Trigger Event: the event within the form that causes invocation of the rule  Trigger object: the context for the trigger event, such as a particular block or item  Condition: an optional SQL fragment that, when it evaluates to TRUE, allows the rule to execute. An Advanced class describes Conditions. 1-10

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Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Context , continued Context controls who personalizations apply to:  Level: Site, Responsibility, Industry, or User  Value: The specific value when level is Responsibility, Industry, or User  At runtime, if the user’s context matches any context of a rule, that rule is executed.


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Actions , continued Actions determine what the personalization does:  Seq: an ordering from 1 (first) to 100 (last)  Type: Property, Message, Builtin, or Special – Depending on the Type, the panel will change to show additional fields  Description: allows you to record why you are making the change  Language: a list of installed languages, and ‘ALL’ – An action associated with a specific language will only be executed in the context of that language  Enabled: used to temporarily disable an action 1-13

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Actions: Property

Used to set a property of an item     

Select By Text…: choose an object by it’s onscreen text Object Type and Target Object: internal identifier of the object Property Name: the property to change Value: the new value Get Value: extract the current property value into the Value field 1-14

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Actions: Property Example

This action:

Changes this screen:


To this:

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Actions: Message

Used to display a popup message  Message Type: Error, Warning, Hint, Question, Debug  Message Text: the text of the message


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Actions: Message Example This action:

Causes this dialog to appear:


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Actions: Builtin

Used to perform processing by calling Forms and AOL functions  Builtin Type: – – – – – –


 Arguments vary based on the Type 1-18

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Actions: Builtin Example This action:

Opens the Responsibilities form (if the user has permission):


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Actions: Special

Used to activate up to 45 pre-seeded menu entries    

Menu Entry: SPECIAL1 through SPECIAL45 Menu Label: the text for the menu entry Render Line before menu: will draw a line above the menu entry Enabled In Block(s): the blocks for which the menu entry should be enabled. –

Leave blank for all blocks.

 Icon Name: the name of a .ico file 1-20

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Actions: Special Example

This action:

Activates the Tools menu and creates the menu entry, for all blocks of the form: 1-21

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Working with Strings Every property that takes a string can work one of two ways  If the string you type does not start with ‘=’, then it be used exactly as you typed it  If the string you type starts with ‘=’, then it will be evaluated at runtime. You can refer to: – – –


bind variables, like :block.field SQL operators, such as ||, TO_CHAR(), DECODE(), and NVL() Server-side functions that do not have OUT parameters

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Working with Strings Example This action:

Causes this dialog to appear (when run on 25-AUG-04):


Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Getting it right Various features and functions are available to assist you:  Trigger and Target Objects are validated  ‘Add ’ buttons: allow you to select objects within the form using lists  ‘Apply Now’: applies the current action immediately so you can see it’s effect  ‘Validate’: for fields that support string evaluation, processes it immediately: – –

‘Condition’ will return True, False, or an Error ‘Value’ will return the resulting string, or an Error

 Add messages of Type ‘Debug’ –


They will only display when ‘Show Debug Messages’ is checked

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Getting it right, continued It is possible that a change you make completely breaks a form, to the point that it will not even run! Here’s how to recover:  On the pulldown menu, choose Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Off –

This will disable all callouts to Forms Personalization

 Run the form of interest –

It should run now, because your changes were skipped

 Invoke the Personalization screen and correct the problem  On the pulldown menu, choose Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Normal to re-enable processing of Personalizations


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Putting it all Together This is a step-by-step example of changing a prompt. In this case, we will modify the 'Users' form, and change the prompt ‘User Name’ to ‘Clerk Name’:  Open the Users form  Select Help > Diagnostics > Custom Code > Personalize from the pulldown menu.  Create a rule with the following values:  

Seq: 1 Description: Change prompt of User Name

Accept the defaults for all other values of the Rule and Context


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Putting it all Together, continued 

Select the Actions Tab and enter the following values: • • • •

3. 4. 5. 6.


Seq: 1 Press the ‘Select By Text’ button and choose the ‘User Name’ row from the LOV Property Name: PROMPT_TEXT Value: Clerk Name

Accept the defaults for all other values of the Actions Save Activate the Users form, then close it. Re-open the Users form. You should see that the prompt is now ‘Clerk Name’. To disable this Rule, set Enabled to unchecked (at either the Rule or Action level), or just delete the Rule, then Save. Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Limitations Although it is faster than a speeding bullet, it is not able to leap over tall buildings:  You can only change what Forms allows at runtime: – – – – –

Cannot create new items Cannot move items between canvases Cannot display an item which is not on a canvas Cannot set certain properties Cannot change frames, graphics, boilerplate

 You can only respond to certain Trigger Events: –

– –



Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Limitations, continued  May interfere with, or be overridden by, base product code  Expected user is an Admin/Developer – –

Knowledge of Oracle Developer is extremely desirable Knowledge of PL/SQL, Coding Standards and/or APIs required in some cases

 Normal rules for customizations apply – Extensive testing in a Test environment is required!


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Relationship to CUSTOM library  CUSTOM is a stub library Oracle ships that receives Trigger Events. Customers are free to add any code they like to it.  CUSTOM and Form Personalizations drive off the same Trigger Events –

Form Personalizations are processed first, then the event is sent to CUSTOM

 CUSTOM can do more because it has complete access to all PL/SQL and SQL  But for most changes, Form Personalizations is adequate and is significantly simpler. 1-30

Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Summary In this module, you should have learned how to: Invoke the Personalizations form Build a Rule and Action Select objects by their current on-screen text Make simple changes like changing prompts and hiding objects Get the current value for properties Apply changes immediately to test their effect Disable personalizations


Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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