Introduction To Dbms

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  • Words: 6,718
  • Pages: 28

Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)


Database Management is an important aspect of data processing. It involves, several data models evolving into different DBMS software packages. These packages demand certain knowledge in discipline and procedures to effectively use them in data processing applications. We need to understand the relevance and scope of Database in the Data processing area. This we do by first understanding the properties and characteristics of data and the nature of data organization. Further we look at the various objectives of Databases technology and its characteristics by studying different packages available in the market. Data structure can be defined as specification of data. Different data structures like array, stack, queue, tree and graph are used to implement data organization in main memory. Several strategies are used to support the organization of data in secondary memory. In this unit we will look at different strategies available for organizing data in secondary memory. We will also learn about data representation for files in external storage devices, so that required operations (e.g. retrieval, update) may be carried out efficiently.

OBJECTIVES: Following are the objectives of Database management Systems. •







Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


i . ex e

Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

SHAREABILITY An ability to share data resources is a fundamental objective of database management. In its fullest interpretation, this means different people and different processes using the same actual data at virtually the same time. Rather far reaching ramifications stem from the stated objective of shareability: - Serving differently types of users with varying skill levels - Handling different user views of the same stored data. - Combining interrelated data - Setting standards - Controlling concurrent updates so as to maintain data integrity - Coordinating restart and recovery operations across multiple users. This list indicates some of the additional problems which arise in managing shared data. A central implication of sharing is that compromise will often be required between conflicting user needs as, for example, in the establishment of a data structure and corresponding storage structure.

AVAILABILITY Availability means bringing the data of an organization to the users of that data. They system which manages data resources should be easily accessible to the people within n organization – making the data available when and where it is needed, and in the manner and form in which it is needed. Availability refers to both the data and the DBMS which delivers the data. Availability functions make the database available to users: defining and creating a database, and getting data in and out of a database. These are the direct functions performed by a DBMS. A DBMS should accommodate diversity in the data stored. The bulk of organization data, as traditionally handled in accounting systems, lied in the enclosed region of historical, internal, financial data. A database management system must be capable of reaching beyond this region to handle greater diversity in the data stored, including subjective data, fragmentary marketing intelligence data, uncertain forecasts and aggregated data, as well as factual marketing, manufacturing, personnel and accounting data.

EVOLVABILITY Evolvability refers to the ability of the DBMS to change in response to growing user needs and advancing technology. Evolvability is the system characteristic that enhances future availability of the data resources. Evolvability is not the same as expandability or extensibility, which imply extending or adding to the system, which then grows ever larger. Evolvability covers expansion or contraction, both of which may occur as the system changes to fit the ever changing needs and desires of the using environment.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

Adaptability is a more advanced form of evolvability in which built in algorithms enable a system to change itself, rather than having a change made to it. Adaptability involves purposive, self organizing, or self controlling behavior, that is, self regulation toward a single criterion of success: ultimate, long-term survival. A system exhibiting adaptive behavior actively seeks a particular state or goal by changing itself in response to a change in itself or its environment. Evolvability implies the gradual unfolding, development and growth of a system to better meet the needs of the using environment: and it implies change of the system in response to changing needs and technology. With the present state of technology, such change is externally administered. In the future such change may occur automatically within the system, thus exhibiting adaptive behavior.

INTEGRITY The importance and pervasiveness of the need to maintain database integrity is rooted in the reality that man is perfect. Destruction, errors and improper disclosure must be anticipated and explicit mechanisms provided for handling them. The three primary facets of database integrity are: - protecting the existence of the database - Maintaining the quality of the database - Ensuring the privacy of the database. In developing DBMSs, the accountant’s concept of internal control has been practically ignored. Computer specialists need such concepts to improve database integrity and enhance management confidence. Apart of these objectives there are several other objectives which are as follows. These objectives can be listed as follows.



Provide for mass storage of relevant data.


Make access to the data easier to user.


Provide prompt response to the user’s request for data.


Allow for the modification of data in a consistent manner.


Eliminate or reduce the redundant data.


Allow multiple users to be active at a time.


Protect data from physical hardware failure and unauthorized access.

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)


Database management systems are programs that are written to store, update, and retrieve information from a database. There are many databases available in the market. The most popular are the Oracle and SQL Server. The Oracle database is from the Oracle Corporation and the SQL Server is from the Microsoft Corporation. There are freely available database like MySQL. These are open source databases. Database Management Systems are available for personal computers and for huge systems like mainframes. DB2 is a database from IBM for Mainframe systems. Structured Query Language is used for querying the databases. Variations of this structured query language in the form of T-SQL and PL-SQL are available. The data that is available in the database is represented in various formats. Usually a report writer program is bundled with the database for generating reports. Crystal reports is one such application that is bundled with SQL Server 2000 and later versions of it. These report generating programs makes it easy for generating any kind of report based on the data that is available in the database. Graphics components are also available in the database management systems to generate reports in the form of charts and graphs. Products like Quest can be used in conjunction with your database to get more out of your database. The database quality and performance can be improved by using the productivity tools provided for the DBAs by Quest. This product enables you to develop and test SQL code for optimum quality and performance for an application before it ever reaches the production environment. Business threatening performance issues before they reach the end user level are detected and diagnosed. These issues are resolved as early as possible without interrupting the business. Monitoring, diagnostics, tuning, space management and high availability are the solutions that are provided by Quest like products. Automation and enforcement of business processes are done by using these products. Impact analysis, patch management, version control, audit trial documentation and migration support are available in most of the database management products. Quest like products are available for database platforms like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL and Sybase. With its support for the above platforms it can provide uninterrupted service for these databases. Multiple distributed SQL Server databases can be managed easily and efficiently. Unparalleled performance and availability for vital UDB and OS/390 databases are achieved. Tools and services to manage MySQL environments are available. Monitoring, diagnosing, and optimizing the performance of the Sybase database can be done using the tools in Quest. Unicenter Database Performance is another product from Computer Associates available for DB2 for z/OS and IMS for z/OS and distributed RDBMS. Unicenter Database Administration solutions for the above databases are also available. Unicenter Backup and Recovery solutions DB2 for z/OS and IMS for z/OS and distributed RDBMS are also available. 4

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

Although database management systems for these popular databases are available, there are also small database management systems available for taking backup of your database that is used in websites. Many such tools are available which enable you to manage your databases online through easy to use interfaces. These products are very useful for websites that are hosted using shared IP addresses.


All data items have certain fundamental properties. It is important to know them first in order to create databanks. First and foremost property of the data is its form. Every data element will have a form. Data items are classified as different data types based on their form. The form decides the way it is stored in the computer. DATA TYPES Data can be classified as Numeric, Picture, Voice, Data based on its Form. The last 2 types namely picture and voice is special forms of data and normally they are used less frequently. It is the textual data that is very large and most used. Hence let us focus on that first. Textual data can be numeric or alphanumeric (combination of numeric and alphabetic) Numeric data consists of numbers. Example: Number of students in a class is 50; Marks obtained in a subject are 78; Price of a given item is Rs. 48.56; As you can notice from the examples, pure numeric data items can be classified further into 2 types. One of them is a whole number. (Like, number of students in a class, number of vehicles in the city) These are called integers. On the other hand, we also have numeric data, which includes fractions. (Like price of an item is 48.56, Max. Temperature today was 28.32 etc). These data items are called Real numbers. This difference of data types namely integer and real number is of importance to us because they are represented and manipulated differently in a computer.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

The next data type is alphabetic or alphanumeric. This type of data is made up of alphabetic and numeric characters. (E.g.: The name of a person is HARI, the Reg.No. of vehicle is KA – 09 F-1234) This type of data may contain numbers along with alphabets but the number is not used as a numeric data in any calculation. This data type is called a string of alphanumeric characters. How are these data represented inside computer? DATA REPRESENTATION All data in computer must be represented using only 2 symbols namely 0 and 1. This system of representation is called binary representation. In order to represent all data types in computers using only 0 and 1, some kind of coding is needed. Integers get directly represented as binary numbers. Real numbers are represented using a technique called Floating point representation. Strings are represented through an elaborate coding mechanism called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). This coding uses 8 bits (binary digits) to represent a character.

Example: Letter A could be 00110000; Letter B could be 00111000 etc. (You will have the details of data representations in other modules) Even pictorial and voice data gets coded into a large number of 0’s and 1’s. DATA SIZE All data items do have a size. Looking at previous examples we may say Number of Students in a class needs2 digit of space, price for an item may need 4 digit space (2 before decimal and 2 after decimal. – decimal point need not be stored). A name string may need a maximum number of 30 character positions. Further, when it is stored inside a computer, it may need 30x 8 =240 bits. A picture data may need several thousand-bit positions. The property size is of special importance to us because we need to provide adequate space to store these items in the system. Further, DBMS packages should be able to distinguish these data types and provide necessary functions to manipulate them.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

RELATIONSHIP Even though data items are individual entities, they never occur in isolation in the real world. They are always associated with other data item. Ex: Data item price is related to the vehicle in question, Date of transaction and the seller. There are 3 different types of data relationships. Let us understand each one of them. Simplest of all is 1 : 1 relationship. For each value of a data item there is one and only corresponding value in the other item. E.g.: Student ID and the student name. E.g.: Vehicle number and vehicle. Normally all such data items are grouped and kept together as a record. Second type of relationship is one to many (1: M). Here for every value of one data item there are several values of the other data item. However on the reverse, several values of other data items are related to a unique value of this data item. E.g.: 1. A book has several chapters. But several chapters correspond to one and only one book. 2. A person can own several vehicles; all vehicles will have only one owner. One to many relationships can be represented in computers using pointers and arrays. (Details later) Third type of relationships is called Many to Many. (N: M). Most of the relationships in real world are this type. E.g.: - 1. A student has several teachers; A teacher might have several students. 2. A book can have several Authors. An author might have written several books. This type of relationships is difficult to represent and handle in computers. Hence, as far as possible we try to reduce them to two one to many relations (1: M and N: 1) and eliminate one which is irrelevant to the user. The Database must maintain all the data and their relationships and allow the user to access data based on these relations. E.g.: Get me all vehicles owned by a person. Get me the subjects taught by a teacher. 7

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

FIELD Field is the next higher level of data. A field consists of grouping of characters. E.g.: 1. Person’s name field will be grouping of alphabetic characters. 2. Sales amount field will be grouping of numeric characters. 3. Teacher teaching the subject for a class. A field represents an attribute of some entity (object, person, place, or event) E.g.: An employee’s salary is an attribute that is a typical data field associated with the entity employee (in 1: 1 relation) RECORD Related data fields are grouped to form a RECORD. A record thus is a collection of attributes that describe an entity. E.g.: 1. An employee record could consists of attributes like, his ID, name and salary he draws etc. 2. Set of subjects taught for a class during each hour. FILE A group of related records is a data FILE. E.g.: 1. A group of all employee records showing one record for each employee could be an employee file. Files are frequently classified by application for which they are used. 2. Timetable for a class for a week showing subjects taught each hour on each day of the week. Files are frequently classified by the application for which they are primarily used such as payroll file, Inventory file etc. DATABASE A DATBASE is an integral collection of logically related records or objects. It consolidates records stored in various files into common pool of data records that provide data for several users. E.g.: 1. The timetable for an entire school showing the details of classes, subjects, room, teacher's etc.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

A Personnel database consolidates data files like, Payroll files, Personnel action files, employee skill files etc.

Payroll File

Employee Rec # 1

Inventory File

Employee Rec # 2 Name


Matl Rec # 1


Matl Id


Malt Rec # 2 Qty

Fig.1.1 Database, Files, Records and Fields

DATABASES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT Databases, as we have already seen represent the techniques of storing, accessing and managing of data. DBMS serves as the software providing these techniques and interfaces between Database and the users. It (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that controls definition, construction and maintenance and use of databases – a central repository of all data of an organization and its end users. D








A p p l i c a t i o n P r o g r a m m e s


s e r

A p p l i c a t i o n P r o g r a m m e s


s e r

A p p l i c a t i o n P r o g r a m m e s


s e r


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

Fig 1.2 A schematic of Database Management System

Creation of database involves specifying data types, structures and their relationship constraints for the data stored in database. Construction of a database is the process of storing the database, by populating data in it in the computer storage medium. Maintenance of database includes such functions as updating and accessing the data in the database to reflect changes in the real world. E.g.: Let us consider a college environment, wherein we need to maintain data about class scheduling. Data like a)

Courses and sections


Subjects to be taught for each course


Teachers teaching the subjects


Rooms in which classes are held


Timing for teaching the subject.

The basic entities in this example are subjects, courses, teachers, rooms, student's etc.; there will be associations or relationships linking these entities. E.g.: Subject and Teacher have N: M association. A teacher may teach several subjects. Several teachers may teach a subject.

COMPONENTS OF DBMS DBMS packages on personal computers allow end users to develop databases for their personal need. They are called single user databases. However, large organizations with lot of users usually place control of enterprise database development in the hands of the DATABASE ADMINISTRATORS (DBA’s) and other specialists. This improves the integrity and security of organizational databases. Database developers use DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE (DDL) to specify data structures, relationships and modify these structures if needed. The detailed


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

information about these structures is called METADATA. It is stored in the DATA DICTIONARY component of DBMS, which is maintained by DBA. Users are allowed to insert, modify, delete and retrieve data from the database according to their needs. They use DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE (DML) for this purpose. Further, DBA needs to guard this database from media failures, accidental erases etc., For this purpose, he creates copies of the databases and the changes occurring for later recovery in case of failures. He uses DATABASE UTILITIES to handle these functions of backup and recovery. What makes up a DBMS?

DBMS stores, maintains and provides access to data.

In this overview of DBMS components we look at: •





DBMS Data •

Range of machine sizes from PC to mainframe, isolated or networked.

DBMS runs on entire range of platforms. 11

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

Single and multi-user, shared access, maintaining integrity of data.

Users concerned with overlapping subsets of total data meaning data perceived by different users in different ways.

Look at the total DCU data ... consists of ...

Students have views consisting of ...

Library has views consisting of ...

Finance has views consisting of ...

Inherent feature of DBMS data is that it is shared.

DBMS Hardware *0 Conventional machines vs. specialist database machines. *1 Mostly general purpose machines with DBMS as a conventional software application. *2 Accelerated chips have been proposed but not commercially successful. *3 Database machines do exist ... expensive, limited market.

DBMS Software


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4 •

DBMS is an application program sitting between user and data.

DBMS handles all interactions between the two.

DBMS shields users from each other and from unauthorized access.

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

DBMS Users *0 Application programmers writing COBOL, PASCAL, C, PL/1, C++ programs with embedded DBMS commands, running online or batch and programs are precompiled usually which allows dynamic querying of DBMS at runtime. *1 End users using an interactive query language like SQL, possibly working in a bulletproof, controlled GUI environment (INFORMIX) or using a command line interface (ORACLE) ... same commands as APs. *2 Database Administrator (DBA) ... system manager for database application.

DBMS Examples *0 Relational DBMS products: ORACLE, DB2, SQL/DS, INGRES, INFORMIX, Rdb/VMS, SYBASE *1 Hierarchical: IMS *2 Network: IDMS *3 Object-oriented: ONTOS, GemStone, ObjectStore, O2

Why use a DBMS? •

There are several reasons for using a DBMS that follow on from each other.

Different models of the same data different organizations.

Relational model is popular because it is abstract and computing evolution has always been towards the more abstract.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

Specific Reasons for DBMS •

Logical organization gives a clear picture and helps programmers achieve faster development of application programs.

Handles low-level file maintenance.

Yields centralization of information. This, in turn is a good thing as:

Redundancy is eliminated

Inconsistency is avoided

Data is shared

Standards are enforced

Security is applied

Integrity is maintained

Requirements are balanced

Yields data independence where data organization is not built into application programs, for example •

Representation of numeric data

Units for numeric data

Data coding

Stored record and stored file structure

DBA can change access structures during the mid-life of the DBMS without affecting DBMS users, except with respect to performance.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

THREE LEVEL ARCHITECTURE Functional organization.

*0 Does not cover many DBMS functions like concurrency, backup, security etc.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

THE EXTERNAL LEVEL *1 Users use a language incorporating a data sublanguage for the database consisting of: *2 Data definition language (DDL) *3 Data manipulation language (DML) *4 Individual user's view is an external view ... multiple occurrences of multiple types of external records *5 Views are defined by an external schema which is defined in DDL

THE CONCEPTUAL LEVEL *6 A representation of the entire information content of the database abstracted from physical store. *7 May be different or similar to external views. *8 Data as it is ... multiple occurrences of multiple types of conceptual records. *9 Conceptual schema is defined by conceptual DDL and includes security and integrity constraints not present in the external levels. *10

No more than a union of individual external schemas + security and integrity.


Defines types of stored records, indices, how fields are represented, in what sequence, etc.


Defined using an internal DDL.


Programs accessing this layer are dangerous because they bypass security and integrity checks of the internal layer.


Mappings exist between the different levels of the 3LA and the DBA is responsible for correct mapping between the levels.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)


Developments in Information Technology have resulted in several major types of Databases. OPERATIONAL DATABASES: These databases store detailed data needed to support an entire organization. They are also called subject area databases, (SADB) Transaction databases and Production databases. These databases carry up-to-date information of business activities. Business supervisors in charge of day-to-day operation most frequently use them. ANALYTICAL DATABASES: These databases contain information extracted from operational databases. They are used by the managers to study the trends and patterns emerging in the business to make strategic decisions and policy making. They are also known as Data warehouses, information Databases and Decision support Databases. They are generally used in query mode rather than update mode. Techniques like online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Data Mining are used in these databases to generate meaningful information for business analysis, market research etc, DISTRIBUTED DATABASES: Many of the contemporary applications have geographical distribution. Advent of networking technology has made it possible to distribute the database across several computers connected in a network. This improves local access of data, and remote update without increasing the load on networks. Hence many organizations distribute copies or parts of databases to computer systems at different sites, linked to each other through networking. Such databases over a network of computers are known as Distributed Databases. Ensuring that all of the data in an organization’s distributed databases are consistently and concurrently updated is a major challenge of Distributed Database Management. PERSONAL END USER DATABASES: These databases consist of a variety of data files created by end users on their PC for personal uses. They are generally single user databases with lesser stress on backup and recovery. The data in these databases may be generated with, word processors, spreadsheets and other PC software packages. 17

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

MULTIMEDIA DATABASES: These databases include non-conventional data like, pictures, voice tracks along with conventional alphanumeric data. These databases tend to be huge in size and access is done through specialized access language constructs. The data accessed further needs to be interpreted and displayed by additional front-end software like Browsers and media players. From database management viewpoint, the set of interconnected multimedia data needs to be handled as specialized structures rather than simple records. SPECIAL PURPOSE DATABASES: These databases are developed and used for certain special purpose applications. Spatial Databases, Temporal databases Biological databases etc. belongs to this category. The data stored in these applications are of a different kind and needs to be interpreted according to the ground rules of those applications. Hence special techniques are used for storage and access of data in these databases.

E-R Definitions *0 Entity An instance of a physical object in the real world. *1 Entity Class A group of objects of the same type. *2 Attributes (Properties) Entities have attributes or properties that describe their characteristics. *3 Composite Attribute An attribute that is composed of several more basic attributes. *4 Simple Attribute An attribute which is not divisible. *5 Single-Valued Attribute An attribute that has a single value for a particular entity. *6 Multi-Valued Attribute An attribute that has a set of values for the same entity. *7 Value Set Each simple attribute is associated with a value set (or domain) which specifies the set of values that may be assigned to that attribute for each individual entity.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

E-R Notation Entity Types

Relationship Types


Composite Attributes

Multi-valued Attributes

Key Attributes


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

E-R EXAMPLE University Database "A lecturer, identified by his or her number, name and room number, is responsible for organising a number of course modules. Each module has a unique code and also a name and each module can involve a number of lecturers who deliver part of it. A module is composed of a series of lectures and because of economic constraints and common sense, sometimes lectures on a given topic can be part of more than one module. A lecture has a time, room and date and is delivered by a lecturer and a lecturer may deliver more than one lecture. Students, identified by number and name, can attend lectures and a student must be registered for a number of modules. We also store the date on which the student first registered for that module. Finally, a lecturer acts as a tutor for a number of students and each student has only one tutor."


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

DATABASE SYSTEM APPLICATIONS Databases are widely used. Here are some representative applications: BANKING: For customer information, accounts, and loans, and banking transactions.

AIRLINES: For reservations and schedule information. Airlines were among the first to use databases in a geographically distributed manner terminals situated around the world accessed the central database system through phone lines and other data networks. UNIVERSITIES: For student information, course registrations, and grades.

CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS: For purchases on credit cards and generation of monthly statements.

TELECOMMUNICATION: For keeping records of calls made, generating monthly bills, maintaining balances on prepaid calling cards, and storing information about the communication networks.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

FINANCE: For storing information about holdings, sales, and purchases of financial instruments such as stocks and bonds. SALES: For customer, product, and purchase information.

MANUFACTURING: For management of supply chain and for tracking production of items in factories, inventories of items in warehouses/stores, and orders for items. HUMAN RESOURCES: For information about employees, salaries, payroll taxes and benifits, and for generation of paychecks.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)


A File is a collection of data about a single entity.

Files are typically designed to meet needs of a particular department or user group.

Files are also typically designed to be part of a particular computer application ADVANTAGES:

Are relatively easy to design and implement since they are normally based on a single application or information system. The processing speed is faster than other ways of storing data. DISADVANTAGES: •

Program-data dependence.

Duplication of data.

Limited data sharing.

Lengthy program and system development time.

Excessive program maintenance when the system changed.

Duplication of data items in multiple files. Duplication can affect on input, maintenance,

storage and possibly data integrity problems. •

Inflexibility and non-scalability. Since the conventional files are designed to support single application, the original file structure cannot support the new requirements.

Today, the trend is in favor of replacing file-based systems and applications with database systems and applications.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

DATABASE APPROACH A database is more than a file – it contains information about more than one entity and information about relationships among the entities. Data about a single entity (e.g., Product, Customer, Customer Order, and Department) are each stored to a “table” in the database. Databases are designed to meet the needs of multiple users and to be used in multiple applications. One significant development in the more user-friendly relational DBMS products is that users can sometimes get their own answers from the stored data by learning to use data querying methods.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)



Unit- 4

CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

Advantages Program- data independence. Minimal data redundancy, improved data consistency, enforcement of standards, improved data quality. Improved data sharing, improved data accessibility and responsiveness.

Increased productivity of application development Reduced program maintenance Data can be shared by many applications and systems Data are stored in flexible formats i.e Data independence. If the data are well designed, the user can access different combinations of same data for query and report purposes.

Reduce redundancy.

ADVANTAGES of Using DBMS There are three main features of a database management system that make it attractive to use a DBMS in preference to more conventional software. These features are centralized data management, data independence, and systems integration. In a database system, the data is managed by the DBMS and all access to the data is through the DBMS providing a key to effective data processing. This contrasts with conventional data processing systems where each application program has direct access to the data it reads or manipulates. In a conventional DP system, an organization is likely to have several files of related data that are processed by several different application programs. In the conventional data processing application programs, the programs usually are based on a considerable knowledge of data structure and format. In such environment any change of data structure or format would require appropriate changes to the application programs. These changes could be as small as the following: 1. Coding of some field is changed. For example, a null value that was coded as 1 is now coded as -9999. 2. A new field is added to the records. 3. The length of one of the fields is changed. For example, the maximum number of digits in a telephone number field or a postcode field needs to be changed. 4. The field on which the file is sorted is changed. If some major changes were to be made to the data, the application programs may need to be rewritten. In a database system, the database management system provides 25

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

the interface between the application programs and the data. When changes are made to the data representation, the metadata maintained by the DBMS is changed but the DBMS continues to provide data to application programs in the previously used way. The DBMS handles the task of transformation of data wherever necessary. REDUNDANCIES AND INCONSISTENCIES CAN BE REDUCED In conventional data systems, an organization often builds a collection of application programs often created by different programmers and requiring different components of the operational data of the organization. The data in conventional data systems is often not centralized. Some applications may require data to be combined from several systems. These several systems could well have data that is redundant as well as inconsistent (that is, different copies of the same data may have different values). Data inconsistencies are often encountered in everyday life. For example, we have all come across situations when a new address is communicated to an organization that we deal with (e.g. a bank, or Telecom, or a gas company), we find that some of the communications from that organization are received at the new address while others continue to be mailed to the old address. Combining all the data in a database would involve reduction in redundancy as well as inconsistency. It also is likely to reduce the costs for collection, storage and updating of data. BETTER SERVICE TO THE USERS A DBMS is often used to provide better service to the users. In conventional systems, availability of information is often poor since it normally is difficult to obtain information that the existing systems were not designed for. Once several conventional systems are combined to form one centralized data base, the availability of information and its up-to-datedness is likely to improve since the data can now be shared and the DBMS makes it easy to respond to unforeseen information requests.

FLEXIBILITY OF THE SYSTEM IS IMPROVED Changes are often necessary to the contents of data stored in any system. These changes are more easily made in a database than in a conventional system in that these changes do not need to have any impact on application programs


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

COST OF DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING SYSTEMS IS LOWER As noted earlier, it is much easier to respond to unforeseen requests when the data is centralized in a database than when it is stored in conventional file systems. Although the initial cost of setting up of a database can be large, one normally expects the overall cost of setting up a database and developing and maintaining application programs to be lower than for similar service using conventional systems since the productivity of programmers can be substantially higher in using non-procedural languages that have been developed with modern DBMS than using procedural languages.

STANDARDS CAN BE ENFORCED Since all access to the database must be through the DBMS, standards are easier to enforce. Standards may relate to the naming of the data, the format of the data, the structure of the data etc SECURITY CAN BE IMPROVED In conventional systems, applications are developed in an ad hoc manner. Often different system of an organization would access different components of the operational data. In such an environment, enforcing security can be quite difficult. Setting up of a database makes it easier to enforce security restrictions since the data is now centralized. It is easier to control that has access to what parts of the database. However, setting up a database can also make it easier for a determined person to breach Security INTEGRITY CAN BE IMPROVED Since the data of the organization using a database approach is centralized and would be used by a number of users at a time, it is essential to enforce integrity controls. Integrity may be compromised in many ways. For example, someone may make a mistake in data input and the salary of a full-time employee may be input as $4,000 rather than $40,000. A student may be shown to have borrowed books but has no enrolment. Salary of a staff member in one department may be coming out of the budget of another department. If a number of users are allowed to update the same data item at the same time, there is a possibility that the result of the updates is not quite what was intended. For example, in an airline DBMS we could have a situation where the number of bookings made is larger than the capacity of the aircraft that is to be used for the flight. Controls therefore must be introduced to prevent such errors to occur because of concurrent updating activities.


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


Unit- 4


CAM (MBA-1st Sem)

ENTERPRISE REQUIREMENTS CAN BE IDENTIFIED All enterprises have sections and departments and each of these units often consider the work of their unit as the most important and therefore consider their needs as the most important. Once a database has been set up with centralized control, it will be necessary to identify enterprise requirements and to balance the needs of competing units. It may become necessary to ignore some requests for information if they conflict with higher priority needs of the enterprise.

Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH (Lecturer, CSE Deptt.) Al-Falah School of Engineering & Technology , Dhauj , Faridabad-121001


Prep. By MOHAMMAD DANISH ( Lecturer , CSE Deptt.)


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