An introduction to computer programming Introduction: distribution system automation is built on 5 pillars which are computer programming, computer aided design & drafting (CADD), system supervisory & data acquisition systems (SCADA), local networks including LAN & WAN and geographic information systems (GIS) including global positioning system (GPS) software & receivers. Computer programming can be classified broadly into system programming & application programming. System programming is mainly concerned with the programming for the hardware components to get them to function as required i.e. writing drivers and hardware specific programs & software. Application programming involves writing the appropriate procedures to get the different computer elements to function in order, accept user input, to perform the appropriate calculations and to output the results in an easy & understandable fashion to the user. To program a computer, a computer programming language is used. Programming languages can be classified into: machine level (native language), low level (assembly language) and high level languages (eg. Fortran, Pascal, Cobol, Basic, C, C++, Visual Basic & C#). High level languages can be further classified into procedural or object oriented languages. Another way to classify high level languages is whether it requires a compiler or not, those languages that do not require a compiler are called script languages. Examples for script languages are Javascript, Tcl/Tk, perl & VBS. Certain languages (with or without their integrated development environment IDE) are only available commercially, others are available free of charge (just to be downloaded through the Internet). Certain languages (with their compilers) are suitable for cross platform, others have a version for each operating system (platform), example for operating systems are: Windows, Mac, Linux,.. In this guide, specific tasks to be performed and problems to be solved as part of a power system analysis process will be identified. The programs that solve for some of these tasks or problems will be given, written in more than one computer programming language. One example written in gtkmm is part of the electrical power systems distribution management information system (EPDMIS). To compile and run GTKMM under Windows, follow the following steps: 1) Download & install MingW. 2) Download & install DevCpp. 3) Download & unzip GTK library under c:\MingW. 4) Download & install gtkmm library under c:\DevCpp. 5) Download & install msys 6) Copy the source code into /home/user_name/ directory of C:\msys. 7) Compile source code, example for command line compiling statements in msys window: 1. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=c:/DevCpp/gtkmm/pkgconfig 2. g++ 'pkgconfig –cflags gtkmm2.4' o example 'pkgconfig –libs gtkmm2.4' 8) Run executable (.exe) Windows file
The languages used are: QB, C++, VBA,, Pascal, SmallEiffel, GTKMM, Perl, TCL/TK, Python & JS. The basic functions that any programming language must offer are: user interface (interactivity) i.e. must accept user input at run time, must output results to the screen, must offer the facility that allows saving data & information to the hard drive (mass storage devices) i.e. saving inputted data & calculated ones for further referencing or printing, the language should provide means to allow decision making during program execution based on intermediate/calculated results as well as user input/response and finally it should allow for looping through the instructions/statements of a program. Saying Hello in different programming languages: Pascal: program hello; begin writeln('Hello world from Pascal'); end. SmallEiffel: class SIMPLE creation make feature make is do io.put_string("Hello from SmallEiffel.%N"); io.put_new_line end; end Active Perl: print "Hello from ActivePerl!"; Tcl: puts stdout {Hello from TCL/TK}; Tk: #exec wish "$0" $@" button .hello text "Hello from Tk" command { puts stdout "Hello from Tk"; destroy . } pack .hello Python:
print "Hello from the Python" Fundamental calculations in electrical power systems analysis: The fundamental calculations (i.e. tasks that the computer programs have to perform) can be any of the following: the calculation of the equivalent of a few series or parallel elements or branches, the conversion from wye to delta & vice versa, matrix manipulation, simultaneous equations calculations, per unit calculations, bus modeling and short circuit calculations for simple radial system. The other calculations involved in power systems analysis i.e. problems that must be solved are: short circuit calculations for radial (complex and with multiple feeders) and network (grid) systems, load flow calculations including losses evaluation for radial as well as network systems, reliability analysis, stability calculations, transients analysis and economical evaluations for the application and modification of power systems. Pascal: Example, calculating the equivalent of a few resistive or reactive parallel branches, converting wye to delta & vice versa: program test1 (input,output,fdata); var choice,noe,q:char; var el1,el2,el3,el4,el5,result,result0,result1:real; var fdata:text; var fname:packed array [1..12] of char; begin while (choice<>'q') do begin writeln ('enter a for equivalent of parallel elements, b for YtoDelta conversion'); writeln ('enter c for DeltatoY conversion & enter q to exit'); readln(choice); if choice = 'a' then begin writeln('number of elements'); readln(noe); if noe ='2' then begin writeln('first branch'); readln(el1); writeln('second branch'); readln(el2); result:=(el1*el2)/(el1+el2); writeln(result:4:2); writeln('enter filname to save the data to:'); readln(fname); assign(fdata,fname);
rewrite(fdata); write(fdata,'result:'); write(fdata,result); close(fdata); end; if noe='3'then begin writeln('first branch'); readln(el1); writeln('second branch'); readln(el2); writeln('third branch'); readln(el3); result:=1/((1/el1)+(1/el2)+(1/el3)); writeln(result:4:2); writeln('enter filname to save the data to:'); readln(fname); assign(fdata,fname); rewrite(fdata); write(fdata,'result:'); write(fdata,result); close(fdata); end; if noe='4'then begin writeln('first branch'); readln(el1); writeln('second branch'); readln(el2); writeln('third branch'); readln(el3); writeln('fourth branch'); readln(el4); result:=1/((1/el1)+(1/el2)+(1/el3)+(1/el4)); writeln(result:4:2); writeln('enter filname to save the data to:'); readln(fname); assign(fdata,fname); rewrite(fdata); write(fdata,'result:'); write(fdata,result);
close(fdata); end; if noe='5'then begin writeln('first branch'); readln(el1); writeln('second branch'); readln(el2); writeln('third branch'); readln(el3); writeln('fourth branch'); readln(el4); writeln('fifth branch'); readln(el5); result1:=1/((1/el1)+(1/el2)+(1/el3)+(1/el4)+(1/el5)); writeln(result:4:2); writeln('enter filname to save the data to:'); readln(fname); assign(fdata,fname); rewrite(fdata); write(fdata,'result:'); write(fdata,result); close(fdata); end end; if choice = 'b' then begin writeln('1n element'); readln(el1); writeln('2n element'); readln(el3); writeln('3n element'); readln(el2); writeln('12 element'); result:=(el1+el3)+(el1*el3/el2); writeln(result:4:2); writeln('23 element'); result0:=(el2+el3)+(el2*el3/el1); writeln(result0:4:2); writeln('31 element'); result1:=(el1+el2)+(el1*el2/el3);
writeln(result1:4:2); writeln('enter filname to save the data to:'); readln(fname); assign(fdata,fname); rewrite(fdata); writeln(fdata,'element 1n, element 2n & element 3n, respectively:'); write (fdata,result:4:2,','); write (fdata,result0:4:2,','); write (fdata,result1:4:2,'.'); close(fdata); end; if choice = 'c' then begin writeln('12 element'); readln(el2); writeln('23 element'); readln(el1); writeln('31 element'); readln(el3); writeln('1n element'); result:=(el2*el3)/(el1+el3+el2); writeln(result:4:2); writeln('2n element'); result0:=(el1*el2)/(el2+el3+el1); writeln(result0:4:2); writeln('3n element'); result1:=(el1*el3)/(el1+el2+el3); writeln(result1:4:2); writeln('enter filname to save the data to:'); readln(fname); assign(fdata,fname); rewrite(fdata); writeln(fdata,'element 1n, element 2n & element 3n, respectively:'); write (fdata,result:4:2, ','); write (fdata,result0:4:2,','); write (fdata,result1:4:2,'.'); close(fdata); end end end.
SmallEiffel: Example, calculation of the equivalent of a few parallel branches & wye to delta conversion: class FUNDAMEO creation make feature noe:integer; el1,el2,el3:real; first:character; filenam:string filenam0:string io1:STD_FILE_WRITE make is do from until first ='q' loop menu end loop end make menu is do io.put_string("%Nenter a for equivalent of parallel branches, b for wyetodelta conversion,%Nc for delta to wye conv.: %N"); io.read_character; first:=io.last_character; if first = 'a' then do_selectiona end first='a' if first = 'b' then do_selectionb end first='b' if first = 'c' then do_selectionc end first='c' end menu do_selectiona is do io.put_string("enter # of parallel branches: ") io.read_integer
noe:=io.last_integer if noe = 2 then io.put_string("enter value of first element: "); io.read_real; el1:=io.last_real; io.put_string("enter second element: "); io.read_real; el2:=io.last_real; io.put_string("the result: "); io.put_real(el1*el2/(el1+el2)); io.put_string("%N") end if noe=2 if noe = 3 then io.put_string("enter value of first element: ") io.read_real el1:=io.last_real io.put_string("enter second element: ") io.read_real el2:=io.last_real io.put_string("enter third element: ") io.read_real el3:=io.last_real io.put_string("the result: ") io.put_real(1/((1/el1)+(1/el2)+(1/el3))) io.put_string("%N") end if noe=3 end do_selectiona do_selectionb is do io.put_string("enter value of 1n element: "); io.read_real; el1:=io.last_real; io.put_string("enter 2n element: "); io.read_real; el3:=io.last_real; io.put_string("enter 3n element: "); io.read_real; el2:=io.last_real;
io.put_string("the result: "); io.put_real((el1+el3)+(el1*el3/el2)); io.put_string(","); io.put_real((el2+el3)+(el2*el3/el1)); io.put_string(" & "); io.put_real((el1+el2)+(el1*el2/el3)) io.put_string("%N") io.put_string("to save data to a file enter 1; to append existing file enter 2: ") io.read_integer if io.last_integer = 1 then io.put_string("enter file name to save file under: ") io.read_word filenam:=io.last_string io.put_string(filenam) !!io1.connect_to(filenam) io1.put_string("the result = ") io1.put_real((el1+el3)+(el1*el3/el2)); io1.put_string(","); io1.put_real((el2+el3)+(el2*el3/el1)); io1.put_string(" & "); io1.put_real((el1+el2)+(el1*el2/el3)) io1.put_string("%N") io1.disconnect end if file saving if io.last_integer = 2 then io.put_string("%N") io.put_string("enter result file name: ") io.read_word filenam0:=io.last_string !!io1.connect_to(filenam0) io.put_string("enter file name to be appended: ") io.read_word filenam:=io.last_string io1.append_file(filenam) io1.put_string("the result = ") io1.put_real((el1+el3)+(el1*el3/el2)); io1.put_string(","); io1.put_real((el2+el3)+(el2*el3/el1)); io1.put_string(" & "); io1.put_real((el1+el2)+(el1*el2/el3))
io1.put_string("%N") io1.disconnect end append file end do_selectionb do_selectionc is do io1.put_string(" not implemented yet "); end do_selectionc end FUNDAMEO GTKMM: Example: deltatowye conversion: #include
#include #include #include <stdio.h> #include char filename[20]; gchar buf[16]; double x1, x2, x3, z1, z2, z3; class ExampleWindow : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow(); virtual ~ExampleWindow(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_add(); virtual void on_button_close(); //Child widgets:
Gtk::Frame m_Frame_Accelerated; Gtk::HBox m_HBox_Accelerated, m_HBox_Buttons; Gtk::VBox m_VBox_Main, m_VBox, m_VBox_Accelerated, m_VBox_Value; Gtk::Label m_Label_Value1, m_Label_Value, m_Label_ShowValue, m_Label_ShowValue1, m_Label_ShowValue2, m_Label_Value2, m_Label_Value3, m_Label_Value4, m_Label_Value5; Gtk::Adjustment m_adjustment_value, m_adjustment_value1, m_adjustment_value2; Gtk::SpinButton m_SpinButton_Value, m_SpinButton_Value1, m_SpinButton_Value2; Gtk::Button m_Button_Add, m_Button_Close; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv); ExampleWindow window; //Shows the window and returns when it is closed. Gtk::Main::run(window); return 0; } ExampleWindow::ExampleWindow() : m_Frame_Accelerated("Accelerated"), m_VBox_Main(false, 5), m_Label_Value("Value of element 12: "), m_Label_Value1("Value of element 23: "), m_Label_Value2("Value of element 31: "), m_Label_Value3("Value of element 1n: "), m_Label_Value4("Value of element 2n: "),
m_Label_Value5("Value of element 3n: "), m_adjustment_value(0.0, 10000.0, 10000.0, 0.1, 100.0, 0.0), m_SpinButton_Value(m_adjustment_value, 1.0, 2), m_adjustment_value1(0.0, 10000.0, 10000.0, 0.1, 100.0, 0.0), m_SpinButton_Value1(m_adjustment_value1, 1.0, 2), m_adjustment_value2(0.0, 10000.0, 10000.0, 0.1, 100.0, 0.0), m_SpinButton_Value2(m_adjustment_value2, 1.0, 2), m_Button_Add("Calculate transformation delta to wye"), m_Button_Close("Close") { set_title("delta to wye"); m_VBox_Main.set_border_width(10); add(m_VBox_Main); m_VBox.set_border_width(5); //Accelerated: m_VBox_Main.pack_start(m_Frame_Accelerated); m_VBox_Accelerated.set_border_width(5); m_Frame_Accelerated.add(m_VBox_Accelerated); m_VBox_Accelerated.pack_start(m_HBox_Accelerated, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 5); m_HBox_Accelerated.pack_start(m_VBox_Value, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 5);
m_Label_Value.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_Label_Value); m_SpinButton_Value.set_wrap(); m_SpinButton_Value.set_size_request(100, 1); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_SpinButton_Value); m_Label_Value1.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_Label_Value1); m_SpinButton_Value1.set_wrap(); m_SpinButton_Value1.set_size_request(100, 1); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_SpinButton_Value1); m_Label_Value2.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_Label_Value2); m_SpinButton_Value2.set_wrap(); m_SpinButton_Value2.set_size_request(100, 1); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_SpinButton_Value2); //Buttons: m_VBox_Accelerated.pack_start (m_HBox_Buttons, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 5); m_Label_Value3.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_Label_Value3); m_VBox_Accelerated.pack_start(m_Label_ShowValue); m_Label_ShowValue.set_text("0");
m_Label_Value4.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_Label_Value4); m_VBox_Accelerated.pack_start(m_Label_ShowValue1); m_Label_ShowValue1.set_text("0"); m_Label_Value5.set_alignment(Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); m_VBox_Value.pack_start(m_Label_Value5); m_VBox_Accelerated.pack_start(m_Label_ShowValue2); m_Label_ShowValue2.set_text("0"); //Close button: m_Button_Close.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_close) ); m_VBox_Main.pack_start(m_Button_Close, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_Button_Add.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_add) ); m_VBox_Main.pack_start(m_Button_Add, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow::~ExampleWindow() {std::cout << "bye." << std::endl; }
void ExampleWindow::on_button_close() { hide();
void ExampleWindow::on_button_add() { x1 = m_SpinButton_Value.get_value(); x2 = m_SpinButton_Value1.get_value(); x3 = m_SpinButton_Value2.get_value(); z1 =(x3*x1)/(x2+x1+x3) ; z2 =(x2*x1)/(x2+x1+x3); z3 =(x2*x3)/(x2+x1+x3); sprintf (buf, "%0.*f", m_SpinButton_Value.get_digits(), z1); m_Label_ShowValue.set_text(buf); sprintf (buf, "%0.*f", m_SpinButton_Value.get_digits(), z2); m_Label_ShowValue1.set_text(buf); sprintf (buf, "%0.*f", m_SpinButton_Value.get_digits(), z3); m_Label_ShowValue2.set_text(buf); } Example: EPDMIS, Constants of electrical power systems: #include #include #include #include #include <stdio.h> #include #include <string>
#include #include using namespace std; class SimEq : public Gtk::Window { public: SimEq(); virtual ~SimEq(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_clicked(); virtual void on_button_clicked1(); virtual void on_button_clicked2(); virtual void on_button_clicked3(); virtual void on_button_clicked4(); virtual void on_button_clicked5(); virtual void on_button_clicked6(); virtual void on_button_clicked7(); virtual void on_button_clicked8(); virtual void on_button_clicked9(); virtual void on_button_clicked10(); virtual void on_button_clicked11(); virtual void on_button_clicked12(); virtual void on_button_clicked13(); virtual void on_button_clicked14(); Glib::RefPtr m_refUIManager; Glib::RefPtr m_refActionGroup; Glib::RefPtr m_refChoiceOne, m_refChoiceTwo; virtual void on_menu_file_quit(); //Member widgets:
Gtk::Button m_button, m_button0, m_button1, m_button2, m_button3, m_button4, m_button5; Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_ScrolledWindow1, m_ScrolledWindow; Gtk::VBox m_VBox_Main, m_HBox, m_VBox, m_Box; protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_combo_changed(); //Tree model columns: class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public: ModelColumns() { add(m_col_id); add(m_col_name); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_name; }; ModelColumns m_Columns; //Child widgets: Gtk::ComboBox m_Combo; Glib::RefPtr m_refTreeModel; }; class ExampleWindow : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow(); virtual ~ExampleWindow(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_quit(); //Tree model columns: class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
{ public: ModelColumns() { add(m_col_id); add(m_col_name); add(m_col_namef); add(m_col_namei); add(m_col_names);} Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namef; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namei; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_names; }; ModelColumns m_Columns; //Child widgets: Gtk::VBox m_VBox; Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_ScrolledWindow; Gtk::TreeView m_TreeView; Glib::RefPtr m_refTreeModel; Gtk::HButtonBox m_ButtonBox; Gtk::Button m_Button_Quit; }; class ExampleWindow1 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow1(); virtual ~ExampleWindow1(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_quit(); //Tree model columns: class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord {
public: ModelColumns() { add(m_col_id); add(m_col_name); add(m_col_namef); add(m_col_namei); add(m_col_names);} Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namef; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namei; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_names; }; ModelColumns m_Columns; //Child widgets: Gtk::VBox m_VBox; Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_ScrolledWindow; Gtk::TreeView m_TreeView; Glib::RefPtr m_refTreeModel; Gtk::HButtonBox m_ButtonBox; Gtk::Button m_Button_Quit; }; class ExampleWindow2 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow2(); virtual ~ExampleWindow2(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_quit(); //Tree model columns: class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public:
ModelColumns() { add(m_col_id); add(m_col_name); add(m_col_namef); add(m_col_namei); add(m_col_names);} Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namef; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namei; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_names; }; ModelColumns m_Columns; //Child widgets: Gtk::VBox m_VBox; Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_ScrolledWindow; Gtk::TreeView m_TreeView; Glib::RefPtr m_refTreeModel; Gtk::HButtonBox m_ButtonBox; Gtk::Button m_Button_Quit; }; class ExampleWindow3 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow3(); virtual ~ExampleWindow3(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_quit(); //Tree model columns: class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord { public: ModelColumns()
{ add(m_col_id); add(m_col_name); add(m_col_namef); add(m_col_namei); add(m_col_names);} Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_id; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_name; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namef; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_namei; Gtk::TreeModelColumn m_col_names; }; ModelColumns m_Columns; //Child widgets: Gtk::VBox m_VBox; Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_ScrolledWindow; Gtk::TreeView m_TreeView; Glib::RefPtr m_refTreeModel; Gtk::HButtonBox m_ButtonBox; Gtk::Button m_Button_Quit; }; class ExampleWindow4 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow4(); virtual ~ExampleWindow4(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow5 : public Gtk::Window {
public: ExampleWindow5(); virtual ~ExampleWindow5(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow6 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow6(); virtual ~ExampleWindow6(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow7 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow7(); virtual ~ExampleWindow7(); protected: //Signal handlers:
virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow8 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow8(); virtual ~ExampleWindow8(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow9 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow9(); virtual ~ExampleWindow9(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow10 : public Gtk::Window { public:
ExampleWindow10(); virtual ~ExampleWindow10(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow11 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow11(); virtual ~ExampleWindow11(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow12 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow12(); virtual ~ExampleWindow12(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; };
class ExampleWindow13 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow13(); virtual ~ExampleWindow13(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; class ExampleWindow14 : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow14(); virtual ~ExampleWindow14(); protected: //Signal handlers: virtual void on_button_close(); //Member widgets: Gtk::Button m_button; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv); SimEq window; //Shows the window and returns when it is closed. Gtk::Main::run(window); return 0; }
SimEq::SimEq() : m_button("") { set_title("EPDMIS (Electrical Power Distribution Management Information System): Constants of power systems elements"); //Create actions for menus and toolbars: m_refActionGroup = Gtk::ActionGroup::create(); //sub menu: m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Rel", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Reliability data", "Reliability data"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Ind", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical inductance values for induction & synchronous machines", "Typical inductance values for induction & synchronous machines"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked1)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Concu", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Constants of copper conductors", "Constants of copper conductors"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked2)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Conal", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Constants of aluminum conductors", "Constants of aluminum conductors"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked3)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Consp", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Conductors spacing factors", "Conductors spacing factors"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked4)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Reca", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical reactance of 3 phase cable circuits", "Typical reactance of 3 phase cable circuits"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked5)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("XR", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical X/R ratios of electric machines", "Typical X/R ratios of elecytic
machines"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked6)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Captr", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical capacitance values to ground of transformer windings", "Typical capacitance values to ground of transformer windings"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked7)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Capob", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical capacitance values to ground of outdoor bushings", "Typical capacitance values to ground of outdoor bushings"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked8)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Capgen", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical capacitance values to ground of generator armatures", "Typical capacitance values to ground of generator armatures"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked9)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Capins", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical capacitance values to ground of instrument transformers", "Typical capacitance values to ground of instrument transformers"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked10)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Cappb", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical capacitance values to ground of phase bus", "Typical capacitance values to ground of phase bus"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked11)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Impdist", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical impedance values of distribution transformers", "Typical impedance values of distribution transformers"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked12)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Imppo", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical impedance values of power transformers up to 10 MVA", "Typical impedance values of power transformers up to 10 MVA"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked13)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("Imppo10", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "Typical impedance values of power transformers above to 10 MVA",
"Typical impedance values of power transformers above to 10 MVA"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_button_clicked14)); //choices menu: m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("FileMenu", "Choices")); //Submenu. m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("FileNew", Gtk::Stock::NEW)); m_refActionGroup>add(Gtk::Action::create("FileQuit", Gtk::Stock::QUIT), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_menu_file_quit)); m_refUIManager = Gtk::UIManager::create(); m_refUIManager>insert_action_group(m_refActionGroup); add_accel_group(m_refUIManager>get_accel_group()); //Layout the actions in a menubar and toolbar: Glib::ustring ui_info = "" " <menubar name='MenuBar'>" " <menu action='FileMenu'>" " <menu action='FileNew'>" " <menuitem action='Rel'/>" " <menuitem action='Ind'/>" " <menuitem action='Concu'/>" " <menuitem action='Conal'/>" " <menuitem action='Consp'/>" " <menuitem action='Reca'/>" " <menuitem action='XR'/>" " <menuitem action='Captr'/>" " <menuitem action='Capob'/>" " <menuitem action='Capgen'/>" " <menuitem action='Capins'/>" " <menuitem action='Cappb'/>" " <menuitem action='Impdist'/>"
" <menuitem action='Imppo'/>" " <menuitem action='Imppo10'/>" " " " <separator/>" " <menuitem action='FileQuit'/>" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""; #ifdef GLIBMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED try {
m_refUIManager>add_ui_from_string(ui_info); } catch(const Glib::Error& ex) { std::cerr << "building menus failed: " << ex.what(); } #else std::auto_ptr ex; m_refUIManager>add_ui_from_string(ui_info, ex); if(ex.get()) { std::cerr << "building menus failed: " << ex>what(); } #endif //GLIBMM_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED add(m_HBox); set_border_width(10); //Get the menubar and toolbar widgets, and add them to a container widget: Gtk::Widget* pMenubar = m_refUIManager>get_widget("/MenuBar"); if(pMenubar) m_HBox.pack_start(*pMenubar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); Gtk::Widget* pToolbar = m_refUIManager>get_widget("/ToolBar") ; if(pToolbar) m_HBox.pack_start(*pToolbar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS); m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_VBox_Main); m_HBox.pack_start(m_VBox); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ScrolledWindow); //Create the Tree model: //m_refTreeModel = Gtk::TreeStore::create(m_Columns); m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns);
m_Combo.set_model(m_refTreeModel); //Fill the ComboBox's Tree Model: Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 1; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Reliability data"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 2; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical inductance values for induction & synchronous machines"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 3; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Constants of copper conductors"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 4; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Constants of aluminum conductors"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 5; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Conductors spacing factors"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 6; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical reactance of 3 phase cable circuits"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 7; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical X/R ratios of electric machines"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 8; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical capacitance values to ground of transformer windings"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 9; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical capacitance values to ground of outdoor bushings"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append());
row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 10; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical capacitance values to ground of generator armatures"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 11; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical capacitance values to ground of instrument transformers"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 12; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical capacitance values to ground of phase bus"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 13; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical impedance values of distribution transformers"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 14; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical impedance values of power transformers up to 10 MVA"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 15; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Typical impedance values of power transformers above 10 MVA"; //Add the model columns to the Combo (which is a kind of view), //rendering them in the default way: m_Combo.pack_start(m_Columns.m_col_id); m_Combo.pack_start(m_Columns.m_col_name); //Add the ComboBox m_VBox_Main.pack_start(m_Combo, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); //Connect signal handler: m_Combo.signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SimEq::on_combo_changed) ); show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow::ExampleWindow() : m_Button_Quit("Quit") {
set_title("EPDMIS, Reliability data"); set_border_width(5); set_default_size(400, 200); add(m_VBox); //Add the TreeView, inside a ScrolledWindow, with the button underneath: m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_TreeView); //Only show the scrollbars when they are necessary: m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ScrolledWindow); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ButtonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Quit, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.set_border_width(5); m_ButtonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_Button_Quit.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_quit) ); //Create the Tree model: m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel); //Fill the TreeView's model Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 1; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "protective relays"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0002"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "5"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 2; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "0 to 600 V circuit breakers"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0027"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "4";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 3; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "above 600 V circuit breakers"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0036"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "83.1 for repair"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = "2.1 when spares are available for replacement"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 4; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "0 to 600 V cable, per 1000 ft"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".00141"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "10.5"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 5; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1000 V and above cable, per 1000 ft"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".00613"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "26.5 for repair"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = "19 for replacement of faulty section"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 6; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "0 to 600 V cable termination"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0001"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "3.8"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 7; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "above 600 V terminations"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0003"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "25";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 8; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "enclosed disconnect switches"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0061"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "3.6"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 9; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "transformers"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".003"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "324 to repair"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = "130 to replace"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 10; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "bare low voltage switchgear bus (with 7 circuit breakers)"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0024"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "24"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 11; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "bare low voltage switchgear bus (with 5 circuit breakers)"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0017"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "24"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 12; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "insulated medium voltage switchgear bus, with 1 circuit breaker"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0034"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "26.8";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 13; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "insulated medium voltage switchgear bus, with 2 circuit breakers"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0068"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "26.8"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 14; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Data regarding electric power utility reliability factors:"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = " "; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = " "; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 15; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Data: utility: single circuit"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = "1.956"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "1.32"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 16; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "Data: utility: double circuit: loss of both circuits"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".312"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".52"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; //Add the TreeView's view columns: m_TreeView.append_column("ID", m_Columns.m_col_id); m_TreeView.append_column("Equipment", m_Columns.m_col_name); m_TreeView.append_column("Failure per year (rate)", m_Columns.m_col_namef); m_TreeView.append_column("Hours of downtime per failure", m_Columns.m_col_namei);
m_TreeView.append_column("Notes", m_Columns.m_col_names); //Make all the columns reorderable: //This is not necessary, but it's nice to show the feature. //You can use TreeView::set_column_drag_function() to more //finely control column drag and drop. for(guint i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Gtk::TreeView::Column* pColumn = m_TreeView.get_column(i); pColumn>set_reorderable(); pColumn>set_sort_column(i); } show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow1::ExampleWindow1() : m_Button_Quit("Quit") { set_title("EPDMIS, Typical inductance values for induction & synchronous machines"); set_border_width(5); set_default_size(400, 200); add(m_VBox); //Add the TreeView, inside a ScrolledWindow, with the button underneath: m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_TreeView); //Only show the scrollbars when they are necessary: m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ScrolledWindow); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ButtonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Quit, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.set_border_width(5); m_ButtonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_Button_Quit.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&ExampleWindow1::on_button_quit) ); //Create the Tree model: m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel); //Fill the TreeView's model Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 1; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "TURBINE GENERATORS: 2POLES"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".09"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".15"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 2; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "TURBINE GENERATORS: 4POLES"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".15"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".23"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 3; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SALIENT POLE GENERATORS WITH DAMPER WINDINGS: 12POLES OR LESS"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".16"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".33"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 4; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SALIENT POLE GENERATORS WITH DAMPER WINDINGS: 14POLES OR MORE"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".21"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".33";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 5; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: 6POLES"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".15"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".23"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = "KVAbase = HP RATING FOR .8 P.F. MOTORS"; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 6; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: 814 POLES"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".2"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".3"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = "KVAbase = .8 X HP RATING FOR 1 P.F. MOTORS."; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 7; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: 16POLES OR MORE"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".28"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".4"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 8; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".24"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".37"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 9; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTERS: 600 V DIRECT CURRENT"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".2"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = ""; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 10; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTERS: 250 V DIRECT CURRENT"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".33"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ""; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 11; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "INDIVIDUAL INDUCTION MOTORS: ABOVE 600 V"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".17"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ""; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 12; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "GROUPS OF MOTORS EACH LESS THAN 50 HP: 600 V AND BELOW"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".25"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ""; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; //Add the TreeView's view columns: m_TreeView.append_column("ID", m_Columns.m_col_id); m_TreeView.append_column("EQUIPMENT", m_Columns.m_col_name); m_TreeView.append_column("SUBTRANSIENT REACT.IN P.U. OF M/C KVA", m_Columns.m_col_namef); m_TreeView.append_column("TRANSIENT REACT", m_Columns.m_col_namei); m_TreeView.append_column("Notes", m_Columns.m_col_names); //Make all the columns reorderable: //This is not necessary, but it's nice to show the feature. //You can use TreeView::set_column_drag_function() to more
//finely control column drag and drop. for(guint i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Gtk::TreeView::Column* pColumn = m_TreeView.get_column(i); pColumn>set_reorderable(); pColumn>set_sort_column(i); } show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow2::ExampleWindow2() : m_Button_Quit("Quit") { set_title("EPDMIS, Constants of copper conductors"); set_border_width(5); set_default_size(400, 200); add(m_VBox); //Add the TreeView, inside a ScrolledWindow, with the button underneath: m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_TreeView); //Only show the scrollbars when they are necessary: m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ScrolledWindow); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ButtonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Quit, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.set_border_width(5); m_ButtonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_Button_Quit.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow2::on_button_quit) ); //Create the Tree model: m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel);
//Fill the TreeView's model Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 1; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1000"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".013"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0758"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 2; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "900"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0142"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0769"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 3; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "800"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0159"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0782"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 4; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "750"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0168"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".079"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 5; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "700"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0179"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".08";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 6; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "600"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0206"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0818"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 7; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "500"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0246"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0839"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 8; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "450"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0273"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0854"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 9; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "400"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0307"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0867"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = ""; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 10; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "350"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0348"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0883";
row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 11; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "300"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0407"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0902"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 12; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "250"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0487"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0922"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 13; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "4/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0574"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0953"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 14; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = " 3/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0724"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0981"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 15; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "2/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0911";
row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".101"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 16; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".115"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".103"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 17; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".145"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".106"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 18; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "2"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".181"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".108"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 19; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "3"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".227"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".111"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 20; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "R & XA ARE GIVEN IN OHMS/CONDUCTOR/1000 FT.";
row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = "Z =R+j(XA+XB)"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "XA at 1 ft spacing"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; //Add the TreeView's view columns: m_TreeView.append_column("ID", m_Columns.m_col_id); m_TreeView.append_column("SIZE OF COPPER CONDUCTOR (MCM OR AWG)", m_Columns.m_col_name); m_TreeView.append_column("RESISTANCE R", m_Columns.m_col_namef); m_TreeView.append_column("REACTANCE (XA)", m_Columns.m_col_namei); m_TreeView.append_column("Notes", m_Columns.m_col_names); //Make all the columns reorderable: //This is not necessary, but it's nice to show the feature. //You can use TreeView::set_column_drag_function() to more //finely control column drag and drop. for(guint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Gtk::TreeView::Column* pColumn = m_TreeView.get_column(i); pColumn>set_reorderable(); pColumn>set_sort_column(i); } show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow3::ExampleWindow3() : m_Button_Quit("Quit") { set_title("EPDMIS, Constants of aluminum conductors"); set_border_width(5); set_default_size(400, 200); add(m_VBox); //Add the TreeView, inside a ScrolledWindow, with the button underneath:
m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_TreeView); //Only show the scrollbars when they are necessary: m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ScrolledWindow); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ButtonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Quit, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.set_border_width(5); m_ButtonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); m_Button_Quit.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow3::on_button_quit) ); //Create the Tree model: m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel); //Fill the TreeView's model Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 1; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1590"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0129"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0679"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 2; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1431"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0144"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0692"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 3; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1272"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0161";
row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0704"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 4; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1192.5"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0171"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0712"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 5; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1113"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0183"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0719"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 6; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "954"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0213"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0738"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 7; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "795"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0243"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0744"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 8; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "715.5"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0273";
row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0756"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 9; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = " 636"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0307"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0768"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = ""; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 10; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "556.5"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0352"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0786"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 11; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "477"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0371"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0802"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 12; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "397.5"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0445"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0824"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 13; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "336.4";
row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0526"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".0843"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 14; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "266.8"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0662"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".1045"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 15; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "4/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".0835"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".1099"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 16; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "3/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".1052"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".1175"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 17; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "2/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".133"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".1212"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 18;
row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1/0"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".1674"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".1242"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 19; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "1"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = ".212"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = ".1259"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; row = *(m_refTreeModel>append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_id] = 20; row[m_Columns.m_col_name] = "R & XA ARE GIVEN IN OHMS/CONDUCTOR/1000 FT."; row[m_Columns.m_col_namef] = "Z =R+j(XA+XB)"; row[m_Columns.m_col_namei] = "XA at 1 ft spacing"; row[m_Columns.m_col_names] = " "; //Add the TreeView's view columns: m_TreeView.append_column("ID", m_Columns.m_col_id); m_TreeView.append_column("SIZE OF ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR (MCM OR AWG)", m_Columns.m_col_name); m_TreeView.append_column("RESISTANCE R", m_Columns.m_col_namef); m_TreeView.append_column("REACTANCE (XA)", m_Columns.m_col_namei); m_TreeView.append_column("Notes", m_Columns.m_col_names); //Make all the columns reorderable: //This is not necessary, but it's nice to show the feature. //You can use TreeView::set_column_drag_function() to more //finely control column drag and drop. for(guint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Gtk::TreeView::Column* pColumn = m_TreeView.get_column(i);
pColumn>set_reorderable(); pColumn>set_sort_column(i); } show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow4::ExampleWindow4() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow4::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow5::ExampleWindow5() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow5::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button);
// The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow6::ExampleWindow6() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow6::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow7::ExampleWindow7() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow7::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...;
} ExampleWindow8::ExampleWindow8() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow8::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow9::ExampleWindow9() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow9::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow10::ExampleWindow10()
: m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow10::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow11::ExampleWindow11() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow11::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow12::ExampleWindow12() : m_button("Not implemented yet") {
// Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow12::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow13::ExampleWindow13() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10); // When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow13::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow14::ExampleWindow14() : m_button("Not implemented yet") { // Sets the border width of the window. set_border_width(10);
// When the button receives the "clicked" signal, it will call the // on_button_clicked() method defined below. m_button.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow14::on_button_close)); // This packs the button into the Window (a container). add(m_button); // The final step is to display this newly created widget...; } ExampleWindow::~ExampleWindow() {hide(); } ExampleWindow1::~ExampleWindow1() {hide(); } ExampleWindow2::~ExampleWindow2() {hide(); } ExampleWindow3::~ExampleWindow3() {hide(); } ExampleWindow4::~ExampleWindow4() {hide(); } ExampleWindow5::~ExampleWindow5() {hide(); } ExampleWindow6::~ExampleWindow6() {hide(); }
ExampleWindow7::~ExampleWindow7() {hide(); } ExampleWindow8::~ExampleWindow8() {hide(); } ExampleWindow9::~ExampleWindow9() {hide(); } ExampleWindow10::~ExampleWindow10() {hide(); } ExampleWindow11::~ExampleWindow11() {hide(); } ExampleWindow12::~ExampleWindow12() {hide(); } ExampleWindow13::~ExampleWindow13() {hide(); } ExampleWindow14::~ExampleWindow14() {hide(); } void ExampleWindow::on_button_quit() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow1::on_button_quit() {
hide(); } void ExampleWindow2::on_button_quit() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow3::on_button_quit() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow4::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow5::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow6::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow7::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow8::on_button_close() { hide(); }
void ExampleWindow9::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow10::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow11::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow12::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow13::on_button_close() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow14::on_button_close() { hide(); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked() {ExampleWindow lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked1() {ExampleWindow1 lesson1;
Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked2() {ExampleWindow2 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked3() {ExampleWindow3 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked4() {ExampleWindow4 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked5() {ExampleWindow5 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked6() {ExampleWindow6 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked7() {ExampleWindow7 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked8() {ExampleWindow8 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); }
void SimEq::on_button_clicked9() {ExampleWindow9 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked10() {ExampleWindow10 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked11() {ExampleWindow11 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); }
void SimEq::on_button_clicked12() {ExampleWindow12 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked13() {ExampleWindow13 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } void SimEq::on_button_clicked14() {ExampleWindow14 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); }
void SimEq::on_menu_file_quit() { hide(); //Closes the main window to stop the Gtk::Main::run(). } void SimEq::on_combo_changed() { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_Combo.get_active(); if(iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; if(row) { //Get the data for the selected row, using our knowledge of the tree //model: int id = row[m_Columns.m_col_id]; Glib::ustring name = row[m_Columns.m_col_name]; std::cout << " ID=" << id << ", name=" << name << std::endl; if (id == 1){ExampleWindow lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 2){ExampleWindow1 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 3){ExampleWindow2 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 4){ExampleWindow3 lesson1;
Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 5){ExampleWindow4 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 6){ExampleWindow5 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 7){ExampleWindow6 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 8){ExampleWindow7 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 9){ExampleWindow8 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 10){ExampleWindow9 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 11){ExampleWindow10 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 12){ExampleWindow11 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 13){ExampleWindow12 lesson1;
Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 14){ExampleWindow13 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } if (id == 15){ExampleWindow14 lesson1; Gtk::Main::run(lesson1); } } } else std::cout << "invalid iter" << std::endl; } SimEq::~SimEq() { } Active Perl: Example, calculating the equivalent of a few parallel elements: while ($q==0){ print "enter 1 for equivalent of parallel elements,\n2 for wye to delta,\n3 for delta to wye conversion and 4 to quit: \n\n"; $choice=<STDIN>; print("\n"); if($choice == 1) { print ("enter number of elements in parallel: \n"); $noe=<STDIN>; if ($noe==2) {print ("element1 = "); $el1=<STDIN>; print ("element2 = "); $el2=<STDIN>; $req=($el1)*($el2)/($el1+$el2); print ("the equivalent = $req\n"); }
elsif ($noe==3) {print ("element1 = "); $el1=<STDIN>; print ("element2 = "); $el2=<STDIN>; print ("element3 = "); $el3=<STDIN>; $req=1/((1/$el1)+(1/$el2)+(1/$el3)); format printtosc = ******************************************************************************** The Result equivalent of @<<elements =@>>>>. element1=@>>>>,element2=@>>>>,element3=@>>>> $noe,$req,$el1,$el2,$el3 ******************************************************************************** . $~="printtosc"; write(STDOUT); print ("to save result to data file, enter 1: "); $fchoice=<STDIN>; if ($fchoice==1) { print ("to append file enter 1 & to ovewrite/create, enter 2: "); $appover=<STDIN>; if ($appover==1){ format printtofile = ========================================================================= ========= equivalent of @<<< elements =@>>>>. element1:@>>>>, element2:@>>>>, element3:@>>>> $noe,$req,$el1,$el2,$el3 ========================================================================= ========= . print ("enter file name: "); $filenam=<STDIN>; open(myfile,">>$filenam"); select(myfile); $~="printtofile"; write(myfile); close(myfile); select(STDOUT); } elsif ($appover==2){
print ("enter file name: "); $filenam=<STDIN>; open(myfile,">$filenam"); select(myfile); print ("the equivalent = $req\n"); print("the $noe elements are: $el1, $el2 & $ el3"); close(myfile); select(STDOUT); } } } } elsif($choice == 2) {print("wye to delta\n\n");} elsif($choice == 3) {print("delta to wye\n\n");} elsif($choice == 4) {last;} } Tcl: Example, calculating the equivalent of a few parallel, elements wye to delta & vice versa: proc parallel {} { puts "Enter number of elements: " set noe [gets stdin] if {$noe == 2} { puts "Enter value of first element with decimal eg 2.0: " set el1 [gets stdin] puts "Enter value of second element with decimal eg 1.0: " set el2 [gets stdin] set res [expr ($el1*$el2)/($el1+$el2)] puts "the equivalent = $res" puts "to save to data file: to overwrite enter 1; to append enter 2 (press enter key to skip)" set overappe [gets stdin] if {$overappe == 1} { puts "overwrite, enter filename to create/overwrite" set filenam [gets stdin] set fileid [open $filenam w] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2 & $res" close $fileid } if {$overappe == 2} { puts "append, enter filename to append" set filenam [gets stdin]
set fileid [open $filenam a] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2 & $res" close $fileid } } if {$noe == 3} { puts "Enter value of first element with decimal eg 2.0: " set el1 [gets stdin] puts "Enter value of second element with decimal eg 1.0: " set el2 [gets stdin] puts "Enter value of second element with decimal eg 1.0: " set el3 [gets stdin] set res [expr 1/((1/$el1)+(1/$el2)+(1/$el3))] puts "the equivalent = $res" puts "to save to data file: to overwrite enter 1; to append enter 2 (press enter key to skip)" set overappe [gets stdin] if {$overappe == 1} { puts "overwrite, enter filename to create/overwrite" set filenam [gets stdin] set fileid [open $filenam w] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2, el3 & $res" close $fileid } if {$overappe == 2} { puts "append, enter filename to append" set filenam [gets stdin] set fileid [open $filenam a] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2, el3 & $res" close $fileid } } } proc wyedelta {} { puts "Enter 1n element value with decimal eg. 2.0: " set el1 [gets stdin] puts "Enter 2n element value with decimal eg. 3.0: " set el3 [gets stdin] puts "Enter 3n element value with decimal eg. 4.5: " set el2 [gets stdin] set result0 [expr ($el1+$el3)+($el1*$el3/$el2)]
set result1 [expr ($el2+$el3)+($el2*$el3/$el1)] set result2 [expr ($el1+$el2)+($el1*$el2/$el3)] puts "Element 12 = $result0" puts "Element 23 = $result1" puts "Element 13 = $result2" puts "to save to data file: to overwrite enter 1; to append enter 2 (press enter key to skip)" set overappe [gets stdin] if {$overappe == 1} { puts "overwrite, enter filename to create/overwrite" set filenam [gets stdin] set fileid [open $filenam w] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2, el3, $result0, $result1 & $result2" close $fileid } if {$overappe == 2} { puts "append, enter filename to append" set filenam [gets stdin] set fileid [open $filenam a] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2, el3, $result0, $result1 & $result2" close $fileid } } proc deltawye {} { puts "Enter the value of 12 element according to following format nn.nn eg. 3.0: " set el2 [gets stdin] puts "Enter 23 element per above indicated format: " set el1 [gets stdin] puts "Enter 31 element per indicated format: " set el3 [gets stdin] set result0 [expr ($el2*$el3)/($el1+$el3+$el2)] set result1 [expr ($el1*$el2)/($el2+$el3+$el1)] set result2 [expr ($el1*$el3)/($el1+$el2+$el3)] puts "Element 1n = $result0" puts "Element 2n = $result1" puts "Element 3n = $result2" puts "to save to data file: to overwrite enter 1; to append enter 2 (press enter key to skip)" set overappe [gets stdin] if {$overappe == 1} { puts "overwrite, enter filename to create/overwrite" set filenam [gets stdin]
set fileid [open $filenam w] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2, el3, $result0, $result1 & $result2" close $fileid } if {$overappe == 2} { puts "append, enter filename to append" set filenam [gets stdin] set fileid [open $filenam a] puts $fileid "the elements & result are: $el1, $el2, el3, $result0, $result1 & result2" close $fileid } } set choice "" while {$choice != "q"} { puts nonewline "Enter a for equivalent of parallel elements, \nb for wyetodelta conversion, \nc for deltato wye & q to exit: " set choice [gets stdin] if {$choice == "a"} {parallel} if {$choice == "b"} {wyedelta} if {$choice == "c"} {deltawye} if {$choice == "q"} { exit} } TK: Example, calculating the equivalent of a few parallel elements, wye to delta conversion & vice versa and short circuit calculations for a simple circuit: set w .menu catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Fundamental calculations" wm iconname $w "menu" label $w.msg wraplength 4i justify left if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} { $w.msg configure text "This window contains a menubar with cascaded menus. You can invoke entries with an accelerator by typing Command+x, where \"x\" is the character next to the command key symbol. The rightmost menu can be torn off into a palette by dragging outside of its bounds and releasing the mouse."
} else { $w.msg configure text "This window contains the menubar for the electrical power systems Basic calculations:\n 1)The equivalent of a few parallel elements.\n 2)Wyetodelta conversion.\n 3)Deltato wye transformation.\nFor short circuit calculations of a simple system:\n1)Line to ground fault.\n2)Three phase fault.\n3)Double line fault.\n4)Double line to ground fault.\n " } pack $w.msg side top set menustatus " " frame $w.statusBar label $w.statusBar.label textvariable menustatus relief sunken bd 1 font "Helvetica 10" anchor w pack $w.statusBar.label side left padx 2 expand yes fill both pack $w.statusBar side bottom fill x pady 2 menu $ tearoff 0 if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} { set modifier Command } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { set modifier Control } else { set modifier Meta } set m $ $ add cascade label "Basic calculations" menu $m underline 0 menu $m tearoff 0 $m add command label "Equivalent of parallel elements" command {parallel} background yellow accelerator $modifier+H underline 0 bind $w <$modifierh> {parallel} $m add command label "Wyetodelta" command {wyedelta} background red accelerator $modifier+G underline 0 bind $w <$modifierg> {wyedelta} $m add cascade label "Deltatowye" command {deltawye} background green accelerator $modifier+W underline 0 bind $w <$modifierw> {deltawye} set m $ $ add cascade label "Simple S.C. Calc." menu $m underline 0 menu $m tearoff 0 $m add command label "Line to ground" command {ltg} background yellow accelerator $modifier+H underline 0 bind $w <$modifierh> {sptg} $m add command label "Three phase fault" command {thf} background red accelerator
$modifier+G underline 0 bind $w <$modifierg> {thf} $m add cascade label "Linetoline fault" command {ltlf} background green accelerator $modifier+W underline 0 bind $w <$modifierw> {deltawye} $m add cascade label "Linetolinetoground" command {ltltg} background green accelerator $modifier+L underline 17 bind $w <$modifierl> {deltawye} $w configure menu $ frame .t set log [text .t.log width 80 height 10 borderwidth 2 relief sunken setgrid true yscrollcommand {.t.scroll set}] scrollbar .t.scroll command {.t.log yview} pack .t.scroll side right fill y pack .t.log side left fill both expand true pack .t side top fill both expand true bind Menu <<MenuSelect>> { global $menustatus if {[catch {%W entrycget active label} label]} { set label " " } set menustatus $label update idletasks } proc parallel {} { destroy .top0 .top4 .top4a .top5 .top5a destroy .top1 .top2 .top3 .hk global log # Set window title wm title . Parallel # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top borderwidth 10 frame .bottom borderwidth 10 pack .top side top fill x pack .bottom side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top.quit text Quit command exit set but [button text "Run it" command Run]
pack .top.quit side right set but [button text "Save data to file" command saved] pack side right # Create a 8labels + 8 entries for the command label .top.l text element1: padx 0 label .top.2 text element2: padx 0 label .top.3 text element3: padx 0 label .top.4 text element4: padx 0 label .bottom.5 text element5: padx 0 label .bottom.6 text element6: padx 0 label .bottom.7 text element7: padx 0 label .bottom.8 text element8: padx 0 entry .top.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable command entry .top.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command0 entry .top.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command1 entry .top.cmd2 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command2 entry .bottom.cmd3 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command3 entry .bottom.cmd4 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command4 entry .bottom.cmd5 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command5 entry .bottom.cmd6 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command6 pack .top.l side left pack .top.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top.2 side left pack .top.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top.3 side left pack .top.cmd1 side left fill x expand true pack .top.4 side left pack .top.cmd2 side left fill x expand true pack .bottom.5 side left pack .bottom.cmd3 side left fill x expand true pack .bottom.6 side left pack .bottom.cmd4 side left fill x expand true pack .bottom.7 side left pack .bottom.cmd5 side left fill x expand true pack .bottom.8 side left pack .bottom.cmd6 side left fill x expand true proc Run {} { global commandr log command command0 command1 command2 command3 command4 command5 command6
if {$command1 eq ""} {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } elseif {$command2 eq ""} {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0)+(1/$command1))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } elseif {$command3 == ""} {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0)+(1/$command1)+(1/$command2))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } elseif {$command4 == ""} {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0)+(1/$command1)+(1/$command2)+(1/$command3))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } elseif {$command5 == ""} {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0)+(1/$command1)+(1/$command2)+(1/$command3)+(1/$command4 ))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } elseif {$command6 == ""} {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0)+(1/$command1)+(1/$command2)+(1/$command3)+(1/$command4 )+(1/$command5))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } else {set commandr [expr 1/((1/$command)+(1/$command0)+(1/$command1)+(1/$command2)+(1/$command3)+(1/$command4 )+(1/$command5)+(1/$command6))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n"} } proc saved {} { global commandr log command command0 command1 command2 command3 command4 command5 command6 destroy .top destroy .bottom # Set window title wm title . SavingScreen # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .tops borderwidth 10 frame .bottoms borderwidth 10 pack .tops side top fill x pack .bottoms side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .tops.quit text "Quit without saving" command exit
set but [button text "Save" command Save] pack .tops.quit side right # Create a 1 labels + 1 entries for the command label .tops.l text Filename: padx 0 entry .tops.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable filename pack .tops.l side left pack .tops.cmd side left fill x expand true proc Save {} { global filename commandr log command command0 command1 command2 command3 command4 command5 command6 set fileid [open $filename a] puts $fileid "the elements & result are:$command,$command0,$command1,$command2,$command3,$command4,$command5,$comman d6 & $commandr" close $fileid destroy .tops destroy .bottoms } } } proc wyedelta {} { destroy .top .bottom .top4 .top4a .top5 .top5a destroy .top1 .top2 .top3 .hk global log # Set window title wm title . Wyetodetla # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top0 borderwidth 10 pack .top0 side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top0.quit text Quit command exit set but [button text "Run it" command Run] pack .top0.quit side right # Create a 3labels + 3 entries for the command label .top0.l text "1n element: " padx 0 label .top0.2 text "2n element: " padx 0 label .top0.3 text "3n element: " padx 0 entry .top0.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable command entry .top0.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command0
entry .top0.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command1 pack .top0.l side left pack .top0.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top0.2 side left pack .top0.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top0.3 side left pack .top0.cmd1 side left fill x expand true proc Run {} { global commandr commandr0 commandr1 log command command0 command1 $log insert end "element 13:" set commandr [expr (($command+$command1)+($command*$command1/$command0))] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" $log insert end "element 23:" set commandr0 [expr (($command0+$command1)+($command0*$command1/$command))] $log insert end $commandr0 $log insert end "\n" $log insert end "element 12:" set commandr1 [expr ($command+$command0)+($command*$command0/$command1)] $log insert end $commandr1 $log insert end "\n" } } proc deltawye {} { destroy .top .bottom .top4 .top4a .top5 .top5a destroy .top0 .top2 .top3 .hk global log # Set window title wm title . Deltatowye # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top1 borderwidth 10 pack .top1 side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top1.quit text Quit command exit set but [button text "Run it" command Run] pack .top1.quit side right # Create a 3labels + 3 entries for the command label .top1.l text "12 element: " padx 0 label .top1.2 text "23 element: " padx 0
label .top1.3 text "31 element: " padx 0 entry .top1.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable command entry .top1.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command0 entry .top1.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable command1 pack .top1.l side left pack .top1.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top1.2 side left pack .top1.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top1.3 side left pack .top1.cmd1 side left fill x expand true proc Run {} { global commandr commandr0 commandr1 log command command0 command1 $log insert end "element 2n:" set commandr [expr ($command*$command0)/($command+$command1+$command0)] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" $log insert end "element 1n:" set commandr0 [expr ($command*$command1)/($command0+$command1+$command)] $log insert end $commandr0 $log insert end "\n" $log insert end "element 3n:" set commandr1 [expr ($command1*$command0)/($command+$command0+$command1)] $log insert end $commandr1 $log insert end "\n" } } proc ltg {} { destroy .top .bottom .top4 .top4a .top5 .top5a destroy .top0 .top1 .top3 global log # Set window title wm title . "Single line to ground fault" # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top2 borderwidth 10 pack .top2 side top fill x frame .hk borderwidth 10 pack .hk side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top2.quit text Quit command exit
set but [button text "Run it" command Run] pack .top2.quit side right # Create a 6labels + 6 entries for the command label .top2.l text "Fault react. in p.u.: " padx 0 label .top2.2 text "+ve seq. X in pu: " padx 0 label .top2.3 text "Neutral react., pu: " padx 0 label .hk.1 text "ve Seq. react. in p.u.: " padx 0 label .hk.2 text "Zero seq. X in pu: " padx 0 label .hk.3 text "Prefault V in pu: " padx 0 entry .top2.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable f entry .top2.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable d entry .top2.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable e entry .hk.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable c entry .hk.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable b entry .hk.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable a pack .top2.l side left pack .top2.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top2.2 side left pack .top2.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top2.3 side left pack .top2.cmd1 side left fill x expand true pack .hk.1 side left pack .hk.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .hk.2 side left pack .hk.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .hk.3 side left pack .hk.cmd1 side left fill x expand true proc Run {} { global log a b c d e f $log insert end "The short circuit current in pu:" set x [expr 3*$f] set y [expr 3*$e] set commandr [expr 3*$a/($x+$y+$c+$b+$d)] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } } proc thf {} { destroy .top .bottom .top4 .top4a .top5 .top5a
destroy .top0 .top1 .top2 .hk global log # Set window title wm title . "Three phase fault" # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top3 borderwidth 10 pack .top3 side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top3.quit text Quit command exit set but [button text "Run it" command Run] pack .top3.quit side right # Create a 3labels + 3 entries for the command label .top3.l text "Prefault V in pu: " padx 0 label .top3.2 text "+ve seq. X in pu: " padx 0 label .top3.3 text "Fault react., pu: " padx 0 entry .top3.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable h entry .top3.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable j entry .top3.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable k pack .top3.l side left pack .top3.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top3.2 side left pack .top3.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top3.3 side left pack .top3.cmd1 side left fill x expand true proc Run {} { global log h j k $log insert end "The three phase short circuit current in pu:" set commandr [expr ($h/$j+$k)] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } } proc ltlf {} { destroy .top .bottom .top5 .top5a destroy .top0 .top1 .top2 .hk .top3 global log # Set window title wm title . "Double line fault"
# Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top4 borderwidth 10 pack .top4 side top fill x frame .top4a borderwidth 10 pack .top4a side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top4.quit text Quit command exit set but [button text "Run it" command Run] pack .top4.quit side right # Create a 4labels + 4 entries for the command label .top4.l text "Prefault V in pu: " padx 0 label .top4.2 text "+ve seq. X in pu: " padx 0 label .top4.3 text "ve seq. react., pu: " padx 0 label .top4a.1 text "Fault react., pu: " padx 0 entry .top4.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable m entry .top4.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable u entry .top4.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable w entry .top4a.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable uw pack .top4.l side left pack .top4.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top4.2 side left pack .top4.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top4.3 side left pack .top4.cmd1 side left fill x expand true pack .top4a.1 side left pack .top4a.cmd side left fill x expand true proc Run {} { global log m u w uw $log insert end "The double line fault current in pu:" set commandr0 [expr $m/($u+$w+$uw)] set commandr [expr (.866*2*$commandr0)] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } } proc ltltg {} { destroy .top .bottom .top4 .top4a
destroy .top0 .top1 .top2 .hk .top3 global log # Set window title wm title . "Double line fault" # Create a frame for buttons and entry. frame .top5 borderwidth 10 pack .top5 side top fill x frame .top5a borderwidth 10 pack .top5a side top fill x # Create the command buttons. button .top5.quit text Quit command exit set but [button text "Run it" command Run] pack .top5.quit side right # Create a 6 labels + 6 entries for the command label .top5.l text "Prefault V in pu: " padx 0 label .top5.2 text "+ve seq. X in pu: " padx 0 label .top5.3 text "ve seq. react., pu: " padx 0 label .top5a.1 text "Fault react., pu: " padx 0 label .top5a.2 text "zero seq. react., pu: " padx 0 label .top5a.3 text "Neutral react., pu: " padx 0 entry .top5.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable v1 entry .top5.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable p1 entry .top5.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable n1 entry .top5a.cmd width 10 relief sunken textvariable l1 entry .top5a.cmd0 width 10 relief sunken textvariable z1 entry .top5a.cmd1 width 10 relief sunken textvariable g1 pack .top5.l side left pack .top5.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top5.2 side left pack .top5.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top5.3 side left pack .top5.cmd1 side left fill x expand true pack .top5a.1 side left pack .top5a.cmd side left fill x expand true pack .top5a.2 side left pack .top5a.cmd0 side left fill x expand true pack .top5a.3 side left pack .top5a.cmd1 side left fill x expand true
proc Run {} { global log v1 p1 n1 z1 g1 l1 $log insert end "The double line to ground fault current in pu:" set commandr0 [expr (3*$g1 + 3*$l1 + $z1)*$n1/(3*$g1 + 3*$l1 + $z1 + $n1)] set commandr1 [expr $v1/($p1 + $commandr0)] set commandr2 [expr $v1 ($commandr1 * $p1)] set commandr [expr (3*$commandr2/$z1)] $log insert end $commandr $log insert end "\n" } } Python: Example, calculating the equivalent of a few parallel branches: def par2(el1, el2): r1=1/el1 r2=1/el2 t=(r1+r2) print 2,1/t res=`(1/t)` print "overwrite enter o, append enter a" appover = raw_input() if appover == "o": print "enter file name" fnam = raw_input() f=open(fnam, 'w') f.write ('\nthis is to overwrite or create\n') f.write (res) f.close() if appover == "a": print "enter file name" fnam = raw_input() f=open(fnam, 'a') f.write ('\nthis is to append\n') f.write (res) f.close() def par3(el1, el2,el3): r1=1/el1 r2=1/el2 r3=1/el3 t=(r1+r2+r3)
print 3,1/t def par4(el1, el2,el3,el4): r1=1/el1 r2=1/el2 r3=1/el3 r4=1/el4 t=(r1+r2+r3+r4) print 4,1/t def par5(el1, el2,el3,el4,el5): r1=1/el1 r2=1/el2 r3=1/el3 r4=1/el4 r5=1/el5 t=(r1+r2+r3+r4+r5) print 5,1/t JavaScript: An example in JS to perform certain fundamental calculations: <script language="javascript">
this.document.forms[0].text10.value=b; this.document.forms[0].text11.value=c; } function parallel(){ a=this.document.forms[0].tnope.value; if (a==2){ b=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par0.value); c=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par1.value); aa=((1/b)+(1/c)); res=1/aa; this.document.forms[0].pres0.value=a; this.document.forms[0].pres1.value=res} if (a==3){ b=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par0.value); c=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par1.value); d=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par2.value); aa=((1/b)+(1/c)+(1/d)); res=1/aa; this.document.forms[0].pres0.value=a; this.document.forms[0].pres1.value=res} if (a==4){ b=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par0.value); c=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par1.value); d=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par2.value); e=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par3.value); aa=((1/b)+(1/c)+(1/d)+(1/e)); res=1/aa; this.document.forms[0].pres0.value=a; this.document.forms[0].pres1.value=res} if (a==5){ b=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par0.value); c=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par1.value); d=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par2.value); e=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par3.value); f=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par4.value); aa=((1/b)+(1/c)+(1/d)+(1/e)+(1/f)); res=1/aa; this.document.forms[0].pres0.value=a; this.document.forms[0].pres1.value=res} if (a==6){ b=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].par0.value);
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y320 = a32 (a31) * (a12) / a11 ; y330 = a33 (a31) * (a13) / a11 ; y340 = a34 (a31) * (a14) / a11 ; y350 = a35 (a31) * (a15) / a11 ; y420 = a42 (a41) * (a12) / a11 ; y430 = a43 (a41) * (a13) / a11 ; y440 = a44 (a41) * (a14) / a11 ; y450 = a45 (a41) * (a15) / a11 ; y520 = a52 (a51) * (a12) / a11 ; y530 = a53 (a51) * (a13) / a11 ; y540 = a54 (a51) * (a14) / a11 ; y550 = a55 (a51) * (a15) / a11 ; y221 = y220 / y220 ; y231 = y230 / y220 ; y241 = y240 / y220 ; y251 = y250 / y220 ; y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 ; y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 ; y351 = y350 (y320) * (y250) / y220 ; y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 ; y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 ; y451 = y450 (y420) * (y250) / y220 ; y531 = y530 (y520) * (y230) / y220 ; y541 = y540 (y520) * (y240) / y220 ; y551 = y550 (y520) * (y250) / y220 ; y332 = y331 / y331 ; y342 = y341 / y331 ; y352 = y351 / y331 ; y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 ; y452 = y451 (y431) * (y351) / y331 ; y542 = y541 (y531) * (y341) / y331 ; y552 = y551 (y531) * (y351) / y331 ; y443 = y442 / y442 ; y453 = y452 / y442 ; y553 = y552 (y542) * (y452) / y442 ; v1 = m1 / a11 ; v2 = (m2 (v1) * (a21)) / y220 ; v3 = (m3 (v1) * (a31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 ; v4 = (m4 (v1) * (a41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 ; v5 = (m5 (v1) * (a51) (y520) * (v2) (v3) * (y531) (v4) * (y542)) / y553; f5 = v5 ;
f4 = (v4 ((y453) * (f5))) ; f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4)) ((y352) * (f5))) ; f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4)) ((y251) * (f5))) ; f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4)) ((y150) * (f5))); this.document.forms[0].sres0.value=f1; this.document.forms[0].sres1.value=f2; this.document.forms[0].sres2.value=f3; this.document.forms[0].sres3.value=f4; this.document.forms[0].sres4.value=f5; } } function pu1() { z1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit0.value); z2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit1.value); prim1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit2.value); sec1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit3.value); mva1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit4.value); reactl1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit7.value); reactl2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit8.value); reactl3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit9.value); reactl4=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit10.value); react1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit6.value); bv = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit22.value); pf = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit21.value); mw =parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit20.value); lreact1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit11.value); lmva1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit12.value); lkv1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit13.value); lreact2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit14.value); lmva2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit15.value); lkv2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit16.value); lreact3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit17.value); lmva3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit18.value); lkv3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit19.value); ib=z2*1000/(z1*1.7320508); vb1 = z1 * sec1 / (prim1); ib1 = (z2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508); reactpu1 = react1 * (z2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / z1) * (prim1 / z1) ); reactlpu = (reactl1) * (z2) / ((vb1) * (vb1)); reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (z2) / ((vb1) * (vb1)); reaclpu2 = (reactl3) * (z2) / ((vb1) * (vb1));
reaclpu3 = (reactl4) * (z2) / ((vb1) * (vb1)); load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) * (lkv1/vb1)); load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) * (lkv2/vb1)); load3pu = lreact3 * (z2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) * (lkv3/vb1)); puvfll= bv / vb1; pucfll=(mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1; this.document.forms[0].peres0.value=ib; this.document.forms[0].peres1.value=vb1; this.document.forms[0].peres2.value=ib1; this.document.forms[0].peres3.value=reactpu1; this.document.forms[0].peres4.value=reactlpu; this.document.forms[0].peres5.value=reaclpu1; this.document.forms[0].peres6.value=reaclpu2; this.document.forms[0].peres7.value=reaclpu3; this.document.forms[0].peres8.value=load1pu; this.document.forms[0].peres9.value=load2pu; this.document.forms[0].peres10.value=load3pu; this.document.forms[0].peres11.value=puvfll; this.document.forms[0].peres12.value=pucfll; } function pu2() { a1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit23.value); a2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit24.value); prim1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit25.value); sec1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit26.value); mva1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit27.value); react1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit28.value); prim2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit29.value); sec2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit30.value); mva2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit31.value); react2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit32.value); reactl1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit33.value); lreact1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit34.value); lmva1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit35.value); lkv1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit36.value); lreact2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit37.value); lmva2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit38.value); lkv2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit39.value); lreact3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit40.value); lmva3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit41.value);
lkv3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit42.value); mw =parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit43.value); pf = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit44.value); bv = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit45.value); vb1 = a1 * sec1 / (prim1); vb2 = vb1 * sec2 / (prim2); ib1 = (a2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508); ib2 = (a2 * 1000) / (vb2 * 1.7320508); reactlpu = (reactl1) * (a2) / ((vb1) * (vb1)); load1pu = lreact1 * (a2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) * (lkv1 / vb2)); load2pu = lreact2 * (a2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) * (lkv2 / vb2)); load3pu = lreact3 * (a2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb2) * (lkv3 / vb2)); reactpu1 = react1 * (a2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / a1) * (prim1 / a1)); reactpu2 = react2 * (a2 / mva2) * ((prim2 / vb1) * (prim2 / vb1)); puvfll=bv / vb2; pucfll=(mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib2; this.document.forms[0].peres13.value=ib1; this.document.forms[0].peres14.value=vb1; this.document.forms[0].peres15.value=ib2; this.document.forms[0].peres16.value=vb2; this.document.forms[0].peres17.value=reactlpu; this.document.forms[0].peres18.value=reactpu1; this.document.forms[0].peres19.value=reactpu2; this.document.forms[0].peres20.value=load1pu; this.document.forms[0].peres21.value=load2pu; this.document.forms[0].peres22.value=load3pu; this.document.forms[0].peres23.value=puvfll; this.document.forms[0].peres24.value=pucfll; } function pu4(){ b1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit46.value); b2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit47.value); prim1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit48.value); sec1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit49.value); mva1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit50.value); react1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit51.value); prim2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit52.value); sec2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit53.value); mva2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit54.value); react2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit55.value);
prim3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit56.value); sec3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit57.value); mva3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit58.value); react3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit59.value); prim4=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit60.value); sec4=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit61.value); mva4=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit62.value); react4=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit63.value); reactl1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit64.value); reactl2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit65.value); lreact1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit66.value); lmva1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit67.value); lkv1=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit68.value); lreact2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit69.value); lmva2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit70.value); lkv2=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit71.value); lreact3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit72.value); lmva3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit73.value); lkv3=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit74.value); mw =parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit75.value); pf = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit76.value); bv = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit77.value); lreact11=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit78.value); lmva11=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit79.value); lkv11=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit80.value); lreact21=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit81.value); lmva21=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit82.value); lkv21=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit83.value); lreact31=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit84.value); lmva31=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit85.value); lkv31=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit86.value); mw1 =parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit87.value); pf1 = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit88.value); bv1 = parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].perunit89.value); vb1 = b1 * sec1 / (prim1); ib1 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508); vb2 = vb1 * sec2 / (prim2); ib2 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb2 * 1.7320508); vb3 = vb2 * sec3 / (prim3); ib3 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb3 * 1.7320508); vb4 = vb3 * sec4 / (prim4);
ib4 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb4 * 1.7320508); reactlpu = (reactl1) * (b2) / ((vb1) * (vb1)); reaclpu2 = (reactl2) * (b2) / ((vb3) * (vb3)); reacpu11 = react1 * (b2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / b1) *(prim1 / b1)); reacpu21 = react2 * (b2 / mva2) * ((prim2 / vb1) *(prim2 / vb1)); reacpu31 = react3 * (b2 / mva3) * ((prim3 / vb2) *(prim3 / vb2)); reacpu41 = react4 * (b2 / mva4) * ((prim4 / vb3) *(prim4 / vb3)); load1pu = lreact1 * (b2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) *(lkv1 / vb2)); load2pu = lreact2 * (b2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) *(lkv2 / vb2)); load3pu = lreact3 * (b2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb2) *(lkv3 / vb2)); puvfll2= bv / vb2; pucfll2= (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib2; load1pu1 = lreact11 * (b2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) *(lkv11 / vb4)); load2pu1 = lreact21 * (b2 / lmva21) * ((lkv21 / vb4) *(lkv21 / vb4)); load3pu1 = lreact31 * (b2 / lmva31) * ((lkv31 / vb4) *(lkv31 / vb4)); puvfll4= bv1 / vb4; pucfll4=(mw1 * (1000) / (1.732 * bv1 * pf1)) / ib4; this.document.forms[0].peres25.value=ib1; this.document.forms[0].peres26.value=vb1; this.document.forms[0].peres27.value=ib2; this.document.forms[0].peres28.value=vb2; this.document.forms[0].peres29.value=ib3; this.document.forms[0].peres30.value=vb3; this.document.forms[0].peres31.value=ib4; this.document.forms[0].peres32.value=vb4; this.document.forms[0].peres33.value=reactlpu; this.document.forms[0].peres34.value=reaclpu2; this.document.forms[0].peres35.value=reacpu11; this.document.forms[0].peres36.value=reacpu21; this.document.forms[0].peres37.value=reacpu31; this.document.forms[0].peres38.value=reacpu41; this.document.forms[0].peres39.value=load1pu; this.document.forms[0].peres40.value=load2pu; this.document.forms[0].peres41.value=load3pu; this.document.forms[0].peres42.value=puvfll2; this.document.forms[0].peres43.value=pucfll2; this.document.forms[0].peres44.value=load1pu1; this.document.forms[0].peres45.value=load2pu1; this.document.forms[0].peres46.value=load3pu1; this.document.forms[0].peres47.value=puvfll4; this.document.forms[0].peres48.value=pucfll4;
} function zybus0() { x01=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus0.value); x02=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus1.value); x03=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus2.value); xx12=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus3.value); xx23=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus4.value); xx34=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus5.value); xx42=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus6.value); xx41=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].zbus7.value); x11 = x01; x12 = x11; x21 = x12; x22 = x01 + xx12; if (x02>0) { x11p = x11; x12p = x12; x21p = x21; x22p = x22; xp1 = x21; xp2 = x22; xpp = x02 + x22; x1p = x12; x2p = x22; x111 = x11p ((x1p) * (xp1) / (xpp)); x121 = x12p ((x1p) * (xp2) / (xpp)); x211 = x21p ((x2p) * (xp1) / (xpp)); x221 = x22p ((x2p) * (xp2) / (xpp)); x131 = x121; x231 = x221; x311 = x211; x321 = x221; x331 = x221 + xx23; x11b = x111; x12b = x121; x13b = x131; x21b = x211; x22b = x221; x23b = x231; x31b = x311;
x32b = x321; x33b = x331;} if (x02==0) { x31 = x21; x32 = x22; x33 = xx23 + x22; x13 = x12; x23 = x22; x11b = x11; x12b = x12; x13b = x13; x21b = x21; x22b = x22; x23b = x23; x31b = x31; x32b = x32; x33b = x33;} if ((xx42>0) && (x03>0)) { x11p1 = x11b; x12p1 = x12b; x13p1 = x13b; x21p1 = x21b; x22p1 = x22b; x23p1 = x23b; x31p1 = x31b; x32p1 = x32b; x33p1 = x33b; xp12 = x31b; xp22 = x32b; xp32 = x33b; xpp1 = x03 + x33b; x1p2 = x13b; x2p2 = x23b; x3p2 = x33b; x112 = x11p1 ((x1p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)); x122 = x12p1 ((x1p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)); x132 = x13p1 ((x1p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)); x212 = x21p1 ((x2p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)); x222 = x22p1 ((x2p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)); x232 = x23p1 ((x2p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1));
x312 = x31p1 ((x3p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)); x322 = x32p1 ((x3p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)); x332 = x33p1 ((x3p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)); x142 = x132; x242 = x232; x342 = x332; x412 = x312; x422 = x322; x432 = x332; x442 = x332 + xx34; x1p3 = x122 x142; x2p3 = x222 x242; x3p3 = x322 x342; x4p3 = x422 x442; xp13 = x1p3; xp23 = x2p3; xp33 = x3p3; xp43 = x4p3; xpp3 = x222 + x442 2 * (x242) + xx42; x11f = x112 (x1p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x12f = x122 (x1p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x13f = x132 (x1p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x14f = x142 (x1p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3); x21f = x212 (x2p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x22f = x222 (x2p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x23f = x232 (x2p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x24f = x242 (x2p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3); x31f = x312 (x3p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x32f = x322 (x3p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x33f = x332 (x3p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x34f = x342 (x3p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3); x41f = x412 (x4p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x42f = x422 (x4p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x43f = x432 (x4p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x44f = x442 (x4p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3);} if ((xx42>0) && (x03==0)) { x11d = x11; x12d = x12; x13d = x13; x14d = x13;
x21d = x21; x22d = x22; x23d = x23; x24d = x23; x31d = x31; x32d = x32; x33d = x33; x34d = x33; x41d = x31; x42d = x32; x43d = x33; x44d = x33 + xx34; x1p3 = x12d x14d; x2p3 = x22d x24d; x3p3 = x32d x34d; x4p3 = x42d x44d; xp13 = x1p3; xp23 = x2p3; xp33 = x3p3; xp43 = x4p3; xpp3 = x22d + x44d 2 * (x24d) + xx42; x11f = x11d (x1p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x12f = x12d (x1p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x13f = x13d (x1p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x14f = x14d (x1p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3); x21f = x21d (x2p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x22f = x22d (x2p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x23f = x23d (x2p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x24f = x24d (x2p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3); x31f = x31d (x3p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x32f = x32d (x3p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x33f = x33d (x3p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x34f = x34d (x3p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3); x41f = x41d (x4p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3); x42f = x42d (x4p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3); x43f = x43d (x4p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3); x44f = x44d (x4p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3);} if (xx41>0) { x1p4 = x11f x14f; x2p4 = x21f x24f;
x3p4 = x31f x34f; x4p4 = x41f x44f; xp14 = x1p4; xp24 = x2p4; xp34 = x3p4; xp44 = x4p4; xpp4 = x11f + x44f 2 * (x14f) + xx41; x11f1 = x11f (x1p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4); x12f1 = x12f (x1p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4); x13f1 = x13f (x1p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4); x14f1 = x14f (x1p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4); x21f1 = x21f (x2p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4); x22f1 = x22f (x2p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4); x23f1 = x23f (x2p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4); x24f1 = x24f (x2p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4); x31f1 = x31f (x3p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4); x32f1 = x32f (x3p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4); x33f1 = x33f (x3p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4); x34f1 = x34f (x3p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4); x41f1 = x41f (x4p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4); x42f1 = x42f (x4p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4); x43f1 = x43f (x4p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4); x44f1 = x44f (x4p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4); this.document.forms[0].zbus8.value=x11f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus9.value=x12f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus10.value=x13f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus11.value=x14f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus12.value=x21f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus13.value=x22f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus14.value=x23f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus15.value=x24f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus16.value=x31f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus17.value=x32f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus18.value=x33f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus19.value=x34f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus20.value=x41f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus21.value=x42f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus22.value=x43f1; this.document.forms[0].zbus23.value=x44f1;} if (xx41==0) {
this.document.forms[0].zbus8.value=x11f; this.document.forms[0].zbus9.value=x12f; this.document.forms[0].zbus10.value=x13f; this.document.forms[0].zbus11.value=x14f; this.document.forms[0].zbus12.value=x21f; this.document.forms[0].zbus13.value=x22f; this.document.forms[0].zbus14.value=x23f; this.document.forms[0].zbus15.value=x24f; this.document.forms[0].zbus16.value=x31f; this.document.forms[0].zbus17.value=x32f; this.document.forms[0].zbus18.value=x33f; this.document.forms[0].zbus19.value=x34f; this.document.forms[0].zbus20.value=x41f; this.document.forms[0].zbus21.value=x42f; this.document.forms[0].zbus22.value=x43f; this.document.forms[0].zbus23.value=x44f;} } function zybus1() { r12=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].rbus0.value); x12=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].xbus0.value); r13=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].rbus1.value); x13=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].xbus1.value); r24=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].rbus2.value); x24=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].xbus2.value); r34=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].rbus3.value); x34=parseFloat(this.document.forms[0].xbus3.value); z12 = Math.sqrt ((r12 * r12) + (x12 * x12)) z13 = Math.sqrt ((r13 * r13) + (x13 * x13)) z24 = Math.sqrt ((r24 * r24) + (x24 * x24)) z34 = Math.sqrt ((r34 * r34) + (x34 * x34)) an12 = Math.atan(x12 / r12) an13 = Math.atan(x13 / r13) an24 = Math.atan(x24 / r24) an34 = Math.atan(x34 / r34) y12 = 1 / z12 y13 = 1 / z13 y24 = 1 / z24 y34 = 1 / z34 g12 = y12 * Math.cos(an12) g13 = y13 * Math.cos(an13)
g24 = y24 * Math.cos(an24) g34 = y34 * Math.cos(an34) b12 = y12 * Math.sin(an12) b13 = y13 * Math.sin(an13) b24 = y24 * Math.sin(an24) b34 = y34 * Math.sin(an34) gb11 = g12 + g13 gb22 = g24 + g12 gb33 = g34 + g13 gb44 = g34 + g24 gb12 = g12 gb21 = g12 gb13 = g13 gb31 = g13 gb24 = g24 gb42 = g24 gb34 = g34 gb43 = g34 bb11 = b12 + b13 bb22 = b24 + b12 bb33 = b34 + b13 bb44 = b34 + b24 bb12 = b12 bb21 = b12 bb13 = b13 bb31 = b13 bb24 = b24 bb42 = b24 bb34 = b34 bb43 = b34 gb14=bb14=0; gb41=bb41=0; gb23=bb23=0; gb32=bb32=0; this.document.forms[0].gbus0.value=gb11; this.document.forms[0].gbus1.value=gb12; this.document.forms[0].gbus2.value=gb13; this.document.forms[0].gbus3.value=gb14; this.document.forms[0].gbus4.value=gb21; this.document.forms[0].gbus5.value=gb22;
this.document.forms[0].gbus6.value=gb23; this.document.forms[0].gbus7.value=gb24; this.document.forms[0].gbus8.value=gb31; this.document.forms[0].gbus9.value=gb32; this.document.forms[0].gbus10.value=gb33; this.document.forms[0].gbus11.value=gb34; this.document.forms[0].gbus12.value=gb41; this.document.forms[0].gbus13.value=gb42; this.document.forms[0].gbus14.value=gb43; this.document.forms[0].gbus15.value=gb44; this.document.forms[0].bbus0.value=bb11; this.document.forms[0].bbus1.value=bb12; this.document.forms[0].bbus2.value=bb13; this.document.forms[0].bbus3.value=bb14; this.document.forms[0].bbus4.value=bb21; this.document.forms[0].bbus5.value=bb22; this.document.forms[0].bbus6.value=bb23; this.document.forms[0].bbus7.value=bb24; this.document.forms[0].bbus8.value=bb31; this.document.forms[0].bbus9.value=bb32; this.document.forms[0].bbus10.value=bb33; this.document.forms[0].bbus11.value=bb34; this.document.forms[0].bbus12.value=bb41; this.document.forms[0].bbus13.value=bb42; this.document.forms[0].bbus14.value=bb43; this.document.forms[0].bbus15.value=bb44; } //> An example to perform certain fundamental calculations: fund00.vb file: Imports System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox Public Class fund00 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New()
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Button3 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Button4 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents MainMenu1 As System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu Friend WithEvents MenuItem1 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem2 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem3 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem4 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem5 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem6 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem7 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem8 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem9 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem10 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents MenuItem11 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Button3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Button4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
Me.MainMenu1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu Me.MenuItem1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem2 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem3 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem4 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem5 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem6 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem7 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem8 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem9 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem10 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.MenuItem11 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 24) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(312, 23) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Button1.Text = "Equivalent of a few series resistance or reactance elements" ' 'Button2 ' Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 64) Me.Button2.Name = "Button2" Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(320, 23) Me.Button2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Button2.Text = "Equivalent of a few parallel resistance or reactance elements" ' 'Button3 ' Me.Button3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 104) Me.Button3.Name = "Button3" Me.Button3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(320, 23) Me.Button3.TabIndex = 2 Me.Button3.Text = "Wye to delta conversion" ' 'Button4 ' Me.Button4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 144)
Me.Button4.Name = "Button4" Me.Button4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(320, 23) Me.Button4.TabIndex = 3 Me.Button4.Text = "Delta to wye conversion" ' 'MainMenu1 ' Me.MainMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem1}) ' 'MenuItem1 ' Me.MenuItem1.Index = 0 Me.MenuItem1.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem2, Me.MenuItem6, Me.MenuItem10, Me.MenuItem11}) Me.MenuItem1.Text = "Choice" ' 'MenuItem2 ' Me.MenuItem2.Index = 0 Me.MenuItem2.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem3, Me.MenuItem4, Me.MenuItem5}) Me.MenuItem2.Text = "Series elements" ' 'MenuItem3 ' Me.MenuItem3.Index = 0 Me.MenuItem3.Text = "2 elements" ' 'MenuItem4 ' Me.MenuItem4.Index = 1 Me.MenuItem4.Text = "3 elements" ' 'MenuItem5 ' Me.MenuItem5.Index = 2 Me.MenuItem5.Text = "4 elements" ' 'MenuItem6 '
Me.MenuItem6.Index = 1 Me.MenuItem6.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem7, Me.MenuItem8, Me.MenuItem9}) Me.MenuItem6.Text = "Parallel elements" ' 'MenuItem7 ' Me.MenuItem7.Index = 0 Me.MenuItem7.Text = "2 elements" ' 'MenuItem8 ' Me.MenuItem8.Index = 1 Me.MenuItem8.Text = "3 elements" ' 'MenuItem9 ' Me.MenuItem9.Index = 2 Me.MenuItem9.Text = "4 elements" ' 'MenuItem10 ' Me.MenuItem10.Index = 2 Me.MenuItem10.Text = "Wye to delta" ' 'MenuItem11 ' Me.MenuItem11.Index = 3 Me.MenuItem11.Text = "Delta to wye" ' 'fund00 ' Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13) Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(424, 266) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Menu = Me.MainMenu1 Me.Name = "fund00" Me.Text = "Fundamental Calculations"
Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim myform As New fund01 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub MenuItem3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem3.Click Dim myform As New fund01 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub MenuItem4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem4.Click Dim myform As New fund01 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub MenuItem5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem5.Click Dim myform As New fund01 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim myform As New fund02 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub MenuItem7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem7.Click Dim myform As New parallel2 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub MenuItem8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem8.Click Dim myform As New parallel3 myform.Show() End Sub
Private Sub MenuItem9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem9.Click Dim myform As New parallel4 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click MessageBox.Show("Not implemented yet.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) End Sub Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click MessageBox.Show("Not implemented yet.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) End Sub End Class fund01.vb Imports System Imports System.IO Public Class fund01 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing)
End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Friend WithEvents Label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label4 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents TextBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox3 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox4 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Label5 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents TextBox5 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Button3 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents TextBox6 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.TextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox3 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox4 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Label5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.TextBox5 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Button3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.TextBox6 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 24)
Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Label1.Text = "First element" ' 'Label2 ' Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 56) Me.Label2.Name = "Label2" Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(104, 24) Me.Label2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Label2.Text = "Second element" ' 'Label3 ' Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 88) Me.Label3.Name = "Label3" Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 24) Me.Label3.TabIndex = 2 Me.Label3.Text = "Third element" ' 'Label4 ' Me.Label4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 120) Me.Label4.Name = "Label4" Me.Label4.TabIndex = 3 Me.Label4.Text = "Fourth elemennt" ' 'TextBox1 ' Me.TextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 24) Me.TextBox1.Name = "TextBox1" Me.TextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 20) Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 4 Me.TextBox1.Text = "0" ' 'TextBox2 ' Me.TextBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 56) Me.TextBox2.Name = "TextBox2" Me.TextBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox2.TabIndex = 5
Me.TextBox2.Text = "0" ' 'TextBox3 ' Me.TextBox3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 88) Me.TextBox3.Name = "TextBox3" Me.TextBox3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox3.TabIndex = 6 Me.TextBox3.Text = "0" ' 'TextBox4 ' Me.TextBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 120) Me.TextBox4.Name = "TextBox4" Me.TextBox4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 20) Me.TextBox4.TabIndex = 7 Me.TextBox4.Text = "0" ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 160) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(120, 24) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 8 Me.Button1.Text = "Click to obtain result" ' 'Label5 ' Me.Label5.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 192) Me.Label5.Name = "Label5" Me.Label5.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(40, 16) Me.Label5.TabIndex = 9 Me.Label5.Text = "Result" ' 'TextBox5 ' Me.TextBox5.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(56, 192) Me.TextBox5.Name = "TextBox5" Me.TextBox5.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(104, 20) Me.TextBox5.TabIndex = 10 Me.TextBox5.Text = "result appears here"
' 'Button2 ' Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 240) Me.Button2.Name = "Button2" Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 32) Me.Button2.TabIndex = 11 Me.Button2.Text = "Click to save to a c\testfile.text" ' 'Button3 ' Me.Button3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(248, 232) Me.Button3.Name = "Button3" Me.Button3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 56) Me.Button3.TabIndex = 12 Me.Button3.Text = "click to save to a text file" ' 'TextBox6 ' Me.TextBox6.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(192, 208) Me.TextBox6.Name = "TextBox6" Me.TextBox6.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 20) Me.TextBox6.TabIndex = 13 Me.TextBox6.Text = "Filename, including drive name" ' 'fund01 ' Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13) Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(352, 302) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox6) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox5) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label5) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label3)
Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.Name = "fund01" Me.Text = "fund01" Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim n1 As Single Dim n2 As Single Dim n3 As Single Dim n4 As Single Dim nr As Single n1 = Single.Parse(TextBox1.Text) n2 = Single.Parse(TextBox2.Text) n3 = Single.Parse(TextBox3.Text) n4 = Single.Parse(TextBox4.Text) nr = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 TextBox5.Text = nr End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click ' Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file. Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("c:\TestFile.txt") ' Add some text to the file. sw.Write("The date is: ") sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now) sw.WriteLine("") sw.Write("first element: ") sw.Write(TextBox1.Text) sw.Write(" ") sw.Write("second element: ") sw.Write(TextBox2.Text) sw.WriteLine(" ") sw.Write("third element: ") sw.Write(TextBox3.Text) sw.Write(" ") sw.Write("fourth element: ")
sw.Write(TextBox4.Text) sw.WriteLine(" ") sw.Write("the result: ") sw.Write(TextBox5.Text) sw.Close() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim myfilename As String myfilename = TextBox6.Text.ToString Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(myfilename) ' Add some text to the file. sw.Write("The date is: ") sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now) sw.WriteLine("") sw.Write("first element: ") sw.Write(TextBox1.Text) sw.Write(" ") sw.Write("second element: ") sw.Write(TextBox2.Text) sw.WriteLine(" ") sw.Write("third element: ") sw.Write(TextBox3.Text) sw.Write(" ") sw.Write("fourth element: ") sw.Write(TextBox4.Text) sw.WriteLine(" ") sw.Write("the result: ") sw.Write(TextBox5.Text) sw.Close() End Sub End Class fund02.vb: Public Class fund02 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Button3 As System.Windows.Forms.Button <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Button3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 24) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(176, 24) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Button1.Text = "Click for 2 elements in parallel" ' 'Button2 ' Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 56) Me.Button2.Name = "Button2" Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(176, 24)
Me.Button2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Button2.Text = "Click for 3 elements in parallelel" ' 'Button3 ' Me.Button3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 88) Me.Button3.Name = "Button3" Me.Button3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(176, 24) Me.Button3.TabIndex = 2 Me.Button3.Text = "Click for 4 elements in parallel" ' 'fund02 ' Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13) Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 126) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Name = "fund02" Me.Text = "fund02" Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim myform As New parallel2 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim myform As New parallel3 myform.Show() End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim myform As New parallel4 myform.Show() End Sub End Class
parallel2.vb: Imports System Imports System.IO Public Class parallel2 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Friend WithEvents Label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents TextBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents Label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents TextBox3 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox4 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents ErrorProvider1 As System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.TextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.TextBox3 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox4 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.ErrorProvider1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 24) Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 16) Me.Label1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Label1.Text = "First element (resistance or reactance)" ' 'Label2 ' Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 56) Me.Label2.Name = "Label2" Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(224, 16) Me.Label2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Label2.Text = "Second element (resistance or reactance)" ' 'TextBox1 ' Me.TextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(232, 24) Me.TextBox1.Name = "TextBox1" Me.TextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 2 Me.TextBox1.Text = "1" ' 'TextBox2 ' Me.TextBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(232, 56) Me.TextBox2.Name = "TextBox2" Me.TextBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox2.TabIndex = 3
Me.TextBox2.Text = "1" ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 88) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(128, 32) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 4 Me.Button1.Text = "Click to calculate the equivalent" ' 'Label3 ' Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 136) Me.Label3.Name = "Label3" Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(48, 16) Me.Label3.TabIndex = 5 Me.Label3.Text = "Result" ' 'TextBox3 ' Me.TextBox3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(80, 136) Me.TextBox3.Name = "TextBox3" Me.TextBox3.ReadOnly = True Me.TextBox3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(56, 20) Me.TextBox3.TabIndex = 6 Me.TextBox3.Text = "result" ' 'TextBox4 ' Me.TextBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(184, 96) Me.TextBox4.Name = "TextBox4" Me.TextBox4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(144, 20) Me.TextBox4.TabIndex = 7 Me.TextBox4.Text = "Filename including full path" ' 'Button2 ' Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(216, 128) Me.Button2.Name = "Button2" Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(104, 32) Me.Button2.TabIndex = 8
Me.Button2.Text = "Click to save data to file" ' 'ErrorProvider1 ' Me.ErrorProvider1.ContainerControl = Me ' 'parallel2 ' Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13) Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(352, 182) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.Name = "parallel2" Me.Text = "parallel2" Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim m1 As Single Dim m2 As Single Dim mr As Single m1 = Single.Parse(TextBox1.Text) m2 = Single.Parse(TextBox2.Text) mr = (1 / m1) + (1 / m2) TextBox3.Text = 1 / mr End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) = False Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox1, "enter a numeric value") Else
ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox1, "") End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Validating If TextBox1.Text = "" Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox1, "enter a numeric value") e.Cancel = True ElseIf ErrorProvider1.GetError(TextBox1) <> "" Then e.Cancel = True Else ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox1, "") End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox2.KeyPress If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) = False Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox2, "enter a numeric value") Else ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox2, "") End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles TextBox2.Validating If TextBox1.Text = "" Then ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox2, "enter a numeric value") e.Cancel = True ElseIf ErrorProvider1.GetError(TextBox2) <> "" Then e.Cancel = True Else ErrorProvider1.SetError(TextBox2, "") End If End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim myfilename1 As String myfilename1 = TextBox4.Text.ToString Dim sw As StreamWriter If File.Exists(myfilename1) = True Then
sw = File.AppendText(myfilename1) sw.Write("The date is: ") sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now) sw.Write("first element: ") sw.WriteLine(TextBox1.Text) sw.Write("second element: ") sw.WriteLine(TextBox2.Text) sw.Write("the result: ") sw.WriteLine(TextBox3.Text) sw.Flush() sw.Close() End If If File.Exists(myfilename1) = False Then ' Create a file to write to. sw = File.CreateText(myfilename1) sw.Write("The date is: ") sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now) sw.Write("first element: ") sw.WriteLine(TextBox1.Text) sw.Write("second element: ") sw.WriteLine(TextBox2.Text) sw.Write("the result: ") sw.WriteLine(TextBox3.Text) sw.Flush() sw.Close() End If End Sub End Class parallel3.vb: Public Class parallel3 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Friend WithEvents Label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents TextBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox3 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents TextBox4 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.TextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox3 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.TextBox4 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 16) Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 24)
Me.Label1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Label1.Text = "First element" ' 'Label2 ' Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 48) Me.Label2.Name = "Label2" Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 24) Me.Label2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Label2.Text = "Second element" ' 'Label3 ' Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 80) Me.Label3.Name = "Label3" Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(96, 24) Me.Label3.TabIndex = 2 Me.Label3.Text = "Third element" ' 'TextBox1 ' Me.TextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 16) Me.TextBox1.Name = "TextBox1" Me.TextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 3 Me.TextBox1.Text = "1" ' 'TextBox2 ' Me.TextBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 48) Me.TextBox2.Name = "TextBox2" Me.TextBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox2.TabIndex = 4 Me.TextBox2.Text = "1" ' 'TextBox3 ' Me.TextBox3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(144, 80) Me.TextBox3.Name = "TextBox3" Me.TextBox3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 20) Me.TextBox3.TabIndex = 5
Me.TextBox3.Text = "1" ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 120) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(184, 24) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 6 Me.Button1.Text = "Click to obtain result" ' 'TextBox4 ' Me.TextBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(72, 152) Me.TextBox4.Name = "TextBox4" Me.TextBox4.ReadOnly = True Me.TextBox4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(128, 20) Me.TextBox4.TabIndex = 7 Me.TextBox4.Text = "result" ' 'parallel3 ' Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13) Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.Name = "parallel3" Me.Text = "parallel3" Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim m1 As Single
Dim m2 As Single Dim m3 As Single Dim mr As Single m1 = Single.Parse(TextBox1.Text) m2 = Single.Parse(TextBox2.Text) m3 = Single.Parse(TextBox3.Text) mr = (1 / m1) + (1 / m2) + 1 / m3 TextBox4.Text = 1 / mr End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged While TextBox1.Text = "" MessageBox.Show("Enter a nubmer", "Fatal error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) TextBox1.Text = "1" End While End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged While TextBox2.Text = "" MessageBox.Show("Enter a nubmer", "Fatal error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) TextBox2.Text = "1" End While End Sub Private Sub TextBox3_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox3.TextChanged While TextBox3.Text = "" MessageBox.Show("Enter a nubmer", "Fatal error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) TextBox3.Text = "1" End While End Sub End Class parallel4.vb: Public Class parallel4 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New()
MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Friend WithEvents Label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Label4 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents TextBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox3 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents TextBox4 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Friend WithEvents TextBox5 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.Label4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me.TextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox3 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.TextBox4 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.TextBox5 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 16) Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(104, 24) Me.Label1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Label1.Text = "first element" ' 'Label2 ' Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 48) Me.Label2.Name = "Label2" Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(104, 24) Me.Label2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Label2.Text = "second element" ' 'Label3 ' Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 80) Me.Label3.Name = "Label3" Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 24) Me.Label3.TabIndex = 2 Me.Label3.Text = "third element" ' 'Label4 ' Me.Label4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 112) Me.Label4.Name = "Label4" Me.Label4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 24) Me.Label4.TabIndex = 3 Me.Label4.Text = "fourth element" ' 'TextBox1 ' Me.TextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(128, 8) Me.TextBox1.Name = "TextBox1" Me.TextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(72, 20)
Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 4 Me.TextBox1.Text = "1" ' 'TextBox2 ' Me.TextBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(128, 40) Me.TextBox2.Name = "TextBox2" Me.TextBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(72, 20) Me.TextBox2.TabIndex = 5 Me.TextBox2.Text = "1" ' 'TextBox3 ' Me.TextBox3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(128, 72) Me.TextBox3.Name = "TextBox3" Me.TextBox3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(72, 20) Me.TextBox3.TabIndex = 6 Me.TextBox3.Text = "1" ' 'TextBox4 ' Me.TextBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(128, 104) Me.TextBox4.Name = "TextBox4" Me.TextBox4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(72, 20) Me.TextBox4.TabIndex = 7 Me.TextBox4.Text = "1" ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 144) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(176, 24) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 8 Me.Button1.Text = "click to obtain result" ' 'TextBox5 ' Me.TextBox5.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(64, 184) Me.TextBox5.Name = "TextBox5" Me.TextBox5.ReadOnly = True Me.TextBox5.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(128, 20)
Me.TextBox5.TabIndex = 9 Me.TextBox5.Text = "RESULT" ' 'parallel4 ' Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13) Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox5) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.Name = "parallel4" Me.Text = "parallel4" Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim m1 As Single Dim m2 As Single Dim m3 As Single Dim m4 As Single Dim mr As Single m1 = Single.Parse(TextBox1.Text) m2 = Single.Parse(TextBox2.Text) m3 = Single.Parse(TextBox3.Text) m4 = Single.Parse(TextBox4.Text) mr = (1 / m1) + (1 / m2) + (1 / m3) + (1 / m4) TextBox5.Text = 1 / mr End Sub End Class
VBA for applications (Excel): An example, fundamental operations and basic calculations: 1) The Workbook program Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() 'When this file is deactivated (closed), this sub is run resetting the active Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset 'menu bar to its previous state. End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'When this workbook is opened , this sub is run adding the customized menu Set myMenubar = Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar 'elements to the active menu bar. When it is activate Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) ' and then reactivated, the newMenu.Caption = "&Choice ????????" ' customized menu elements will not appear. The user has to click any of Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ' the workbook tabs to have such elements ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ' added. If Sub Workbook_Activate is used, instead, then upon deactivation ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" 'and activation of the workbook the customizes elements will appear as part ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption 'of the active menu bar. With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc." ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1)
ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With Worksheets("Fault calc. for simple system").Activate End Sub 2) First Worksheet program (series and parallel operations): Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("O1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton10_Click() Range("w8").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Range("AA1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Range("R1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Range("l3").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() Range("i1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton9_Click() Range("w2").Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc." ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3"
End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Series/parallel" Set ctrl11 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl11.Caption = "Se&ries calc.." ctrl11.TooltipText = "Series calc." ctrl11.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl11 .OnAction = "MySub11" End With Set ctrl12 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl12.Caption = "&Eight element calc."
ctrl12.TooltipText = "Eight elements calc." ctrl12.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl12 .OnAction = "MySub12" End With Set ctrl13 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl13.Caption = "Se&ven element calc." ctrl13.TooltipText = "Seven elements calc." ctrl13.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl13 .OnAction = "MySub13" End With Set ctrl14 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl14.Caption = "S&ix element calc." ctrl14.TooltipText = "Six elements calc." ctrl14.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl14 .OnAction = "MySub14" End With Set ctrl15 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl15.Caption = "&Five element calc." ctrl15.TooltipText = "Five elements calc." ctrl15.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl15 .OnAction = "MySub15" End With Set ctrl16 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl16.Caption = "F&our element calc." ctrl16.TooltipText = "Four elements calc." ctrl16.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl16 .OnAction = "MySub16" End With Set ctrl17 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl17.Caption = "&Three element calc." ctrl17.TooltipText = "Three elements calc." ctrl17.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl17 .OnAction = "MySub17" End With End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Controls("Series/parallel").Delete CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Controls("Choice").Delete End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) End Sub 3) Second Worksheet program (wye to delta conversion and vice versa): Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("m1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Range("m5").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc."
ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) End Sub
4) Third Worksheet program (fault calculation for a simple system): Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("m1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Range("q1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Range("u1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Range("y1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Range("a1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Range("a1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Range("a1").Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() Range("a1").Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2
.OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc." ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) End Sub 5) Fourth Worksheet program (matrices manipulation): Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc." ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5
.OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" Set ctrl41 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl41.Caption = "&Two by two matrix" ctrl41.TooltipText = "2 by 2 matrix" ctrl41.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl41 .OnAction = "MySub41" End With Set ctrl42 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl42.Caption = "T&hree by three matrix" ctrl42.TooltipText = "3 X 3 matrix" ctrl42.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl42 .OnAction = "MySub42" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset End Sub 6) Fifth Worksheet program (simultaneous equations solution): Private Sub Worksheet_activate()
Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc." ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations"
ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Simultaneous equations" Set ctrl51 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl51.Caption = "&Five equations solution" ctrl51.TooltipText = "Solution of 5 equations" ctrl51.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl51 .OnAction = "MySub51" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset End Sub 7) Sixth Worksheet program (per unit calculations): Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Set myMenubar = Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice ????????" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv."
ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc." ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True)
newMenu.Caption = "&Number of transfo./system" Set ctrl61 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl61.Caption = "&One transfo." ctrl61.TooltipText = "One transfo. per system" ctrl61.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl61 .OnAction = "MySub61" End With Set ctrl62 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl62.Caption = "&Two transfo." ctrl62.TooltipText = "Two transfo. per system" ctrl62.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl62 .OnAction = "MySub62" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset End Sub 8) Seventh Worksheet program (system bus modelling): Private Sub Worksheet_activate() Set myMenubar = Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&Choice ????????" Set ctrl1 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl1.Caption = "&Series/parallel" ctrl1.TooltipText = "Series/parallel" ctrl1.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl1 .OnAction = "MySub1" End With Set ctrl2 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl2.Caption = "&Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.TooltipText = "Wye/delta conv." ctrl2.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl2 .OnAction = "MySub2" End With Set ctrl3 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl3.Caption = "Short &circuit calc."
ctrl3.TooltipText = "S.C. Calc." ctrl3.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl3 .OnAction = "MySub3" End With Set ctrl4 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl4.Caption = "&Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.TooltipText = "Matrix manipulation" ctrl4.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl4 .OnAction = "MySub4" End With Set ctrl5 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl5.Caption = "Simultaneous e&quations solution" ctrl5.TooltipText = "Simultaneous Equations" ctrl5.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl5 .OnAction = "MySub5" End With Set ctrl6 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl6.Caption = "Per &unit calc." ctrl6.TooltipText = "Perunit calculations" ctrl6.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl6 .OnAction = "MySub6" End With Set ctrl7 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl7.Caption = "S&ystem bus modelling" ctrl7.TooltipText = "System bus modelling" ctrl7.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl7 .OnAction = "MySub7" End With Set myMenubar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar Set newMenu = myMenubar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True) newMenu.Caption = "&System bus modelling" Set ctrl71 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Id:=1) ctrl71.Caption = "&Ybus calculation" Set ctrl711 = ctrl71.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl711.Caption = "&Fourbus network Y calculation" ctrl711.TooltipText = "Calculation of system admittancebus "
ctrl711.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl711 .OnAction = "MySub711" End With Set ctrl72 = newMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Id:=1) ctrl72.Caption = "&Zbus calculation" Set ctrl721 = ctrl72.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=1) ctrl721.Caption = "F&ourbus network Z calculation" ctrl721.TooltipText = "Calculation of system impedancebus " ctrl721.Style = msoButtonCaption With ctrl721 .OnAction = "MySub721" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Reset End Sub Modules for all programs in the Workbook: Sub MySub1() 'This sub selects (moves the focususer to) the sheet named "series or parallel elements" ' MySub1 Macro ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Sheets("series or parallel elements").Select End Sub Sub MySub2() ' MySub2 Macro ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Sheets("YD & vice versa transformation").Select End Sub Sub MySub3() ' MySub3 Macro ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Sheets("Fault calc. for simple system").Select End Sub Sub MySub4() ' MySub4 Macro ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Sheets("Matrices").Select End Sub
Sub MySub5() Sheets("Simultaneous equations solution").Select End Sub Sub MySub6() Sheets("Perunit calc.").Select End Sub Sub MySub7() Sheets("System bus modelling").Select End Sub 1) Modules for first Worksheet (series/parallel operations) Sub MySub11() ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Range("aa1").Select End Sub Sub MySub12() ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Range("o1").Select End Sub Sub MySub13() ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Range("r1").Select End Sub Sub MySub14() ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Range("l3").Select End Sub Sub MySub15() Range("i1").Select End Sub Sub MySub16() Range("w2").Select End Sub Sub MySub17() Range("w8").Select End Sub 2) Modules for the fourth Worksheet (matrices manipulation): Sub MySub41()
' MySub41 Macro ' Macro recorded 8/31/00 by Hany Kheir Sheets("matrices").Select 'This macro selects the sheet named "matrices". Range("b1").Select 'It moves the selector (cursor) to cell "b1" of the active sheet. x11 = InputBox("Enter element a11") 'The input box prompts the user to enter a value for the subject element. x12 = InputBox("Enter element a12") 'The input box prompts the user to enter a value for the subject element. x21 = InputBox("Enter element a21") 'The input box prompts the user to enter a value for the subject element. x22 = InputBox("Enter element a22") 'The input box prompts the user to enter a value for the subject element. Range("b1").Select Range("b1") = x11 'This statement assigns the variable x11 to cell "b1", it writes the value entered by the user in the 'cell number "b1". Range("d1").Select Range("d1") = x12 Range("b2").Select Range("b2") = x21 Range("d2").Select Range("d2") = x22 Range("f1").Select Range("f1") = x11 Range("f2").Select Range("f2") = x12 Range("g1").Select Range("g1") = x21 Range("g2").Select Range("g2") = x22 det = (x11 * x22) (x12 * x21) 'The determinant of of the matrix is calculated. Range("a4").Select Range("a4") = det 'The value of the determinant is placed in cell a4. Range("b7").Select 'The inverse matrix elements are placed in cells: b7, b8, d7, d8. x22i = x22 / det Range("b7") = x22i Range("d7").Select
x12i = x12 / det Range("d7") = x12i Range("b8").Select x21i = x21 / det Range("b8") = x21i Range("d8").Select x11i = x11 / det Range("d8") = x11i End Sub Sub MySub42() Sheets("matrices").Select Range("b1").Select x11 = InputBox("Enter element a11") x12 = InputBox("Enter element a12") x13 = InputBox("Enter element a13") x21 = InputBox("Enter element a21") x22 = InputBox("Enter element a22") x23 = InputBox("Enter element a23") x31 = InputBox("Enter element a31") x32 = InputBox("Enter element a32") x33 = InputBox("Enter element a33") Range("b11") = x11 Range("f15") = x11 Range("d11") = x12 Range("f16") = x12 Range("f11") = x13 Range("f17") = x13 Range("b12") = x21 Range("g15") = x21 Range("d12") = x22 Range("g16") = x22 Range("f12") = x23 Range("g17") = x23 Range("b13") = x31 Range("h15") = x31 Range("d13") = x32 Range("h16") = x32
Range("f13") = x33 Range("h17") = x33 det = (x11) * ((x22) * (x33) (x32) * (x23)) (x12) * ((x21) * (x33) (x23) * (x31)) + (x13) * ((x21) * (x32) (x22) * (x31)) Range("b15") = det Range("b21") = ((x22 * x33) (x23 * x32)) / det Range("d21") = ((x21 * x33) (x23 * x31)) / det Range("f21") = ((x21 * x32) (x31 * x22)) / det Range("b22") = ((x12 * x33) (x13 * x32)) / det Range("d22") = ((x11 * x33) (x13 * x31)) / det Range("f22") = ((x11 * x32) (x31 * x12)) / det Range("b23") = ((x12 * x23) (x13 * x22)) / det Range("d23") = ((x11 * x23) (x13 * x21)) / det Range("f23") = ((x11 * x22) (x21 * x12)) / det End Sub 3) Modules for the fifth Worksheet (Simultaneous equations solution): Sub MySub51() Sheets("Simultaneous equations solution").Select Range("b1").Select y11 = InputBox("Enter element a11") y12 = InputBox("Enter element a12") y13 = InputBox("Enter element a13") y14 = InputBox("Enter element a14") y15 = InputBox("Enter element a15") y21 = InputBox("Enter element a21") y22 = InputBox("Enter element a22") y23 = InputBox("Enter element a23") y24 = InputBox("Enter element a24") y25 = InputBox("Enter element a25") y31 = InputBox("Enter element a31") y32 = InputBox("Enter element a32") y33 = InputBox("Enter element a33") y34 = InputBox("Enter element a34") y35 = InputBox("Enter element a35") y41 = InputBox("Enter element a41") y42 = InputBox("Enter element a42") y43 = InputBox("Enter element a43")
y44 = InputBox("Enter element a44") y45 = InputBox("Enter element a45") y51 = InputBox("Enter element a51") y52 = InputBox("Enter element a52") y53 = InputBox("Enter element a53") y54 = InputBox("Enter element a54") y55 = InputBox("Enter element a55") i1 = InputBox("Enter right hand side of first equation") i2 = InputBox("Enter right hand side of second equation") i3 = InputBox("Enter right hand side of third equation") i4 = InputBox("Enter right hand side of fourth equation") i5 = InputBox("Enter right hand side of fifth equation") Range("b2") = y11 'The value of element y11 of the left hand side of the equations is placed in cell b2. Range("d2") = y12 Range("f2") = y13 Range("h2") = y14 Range("j2") = y15 Range("b3") = y21 Range("d3") = y22 Range("f3") = y23 Range("h3") = y24 Range("j3") = y25 Range("b4") = y31 Range("d4") = y32 Range("f4") = y33 Range("h4") = y34 Range("j4") = y35 Range("b5") = y41 Range("d5") = y42 Range("f5") = y43 Range("h5") = y44 Range("j5") = y45 Range("b6") = y51 Range("d6") = y52 Range("f6") = y53 Range("h6") = y54 Range("j6") = y55 y110 = y11 / y11 'The steps of the calculations is starting here
y120 = y12 / y11 y130 = y13 / y11 y140 = y14 / y11 y150 = y15 / y11 y220 = y22 (y21) * (y12) / (y11) y230 = y23 (y21) * (y13) / (y11) y240 = y24 (y21) * (y14) / y11 y250 = y25 (y21) * (y15) / y11 y320 = y32 (y31) * (y12) / y11 y330 = y33 (y31) * (y13) / y11 y340 = y34 (y31) * (y14) / y11 y350 = y35 (y31) * (y15) / y11 y420 = y42 (y41) * (y12) / y11 y430 = y43 (y41) * (y13) / y11 y440 = y44 (y41) * (y14) / y11 y450 = y45 (y41) * (y15) / y11 y520 = y52 (y51) * (y12) / y11 y530 = y53 (y51) * (y13) / y11 y540 = y54 (y51) * (y14) / y11 y550 = y55 (y51) * (y15) / y11 y221 = y220 / y220 y231 = y230 / y220 y241 = y240 / y220 y251 = y250 / y220 y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 y351 = y350 (y320) * (y250) / y220 y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 y451 = y450 (y420) * (y250) / y220 y531 = y530 (y520) * (y230) / y220 y541 = y540 (y520) * (y240) / y220 y551 = y550 (y520) * (y250) / y220 y332 = y331 / y331 y342 = y341 / y331 y352 = y351 / y331 y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 y452 = y451 (y431) * (y351) / y331 y542 = y541 (y531) * (y341) / y331 y552 = y551 (y531) * (y351) / y331 y443 = y442 / y442
y453 = y452 / y442 y553 = y552 (y542) * (y452) / y442 'the L matrix of the triangular factorization =" ' y11 ' y21, y220 ' y31, y320, y331 ' y41, y420, y431, y442 ' y51, y520, y531, y542, y553 ' "the U matrix of the triangular factorization =" ' y110, y120, y130, y140, y150 ' y211, y221, y231, y241, y251 ' y312, y322, y332, y342, y352 ' y413, y423, y433, y443, y453 ' 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 v1 = i1 / y11 v2 = (i2 (v1) * (y21)) / y220 v3 = (i3 (v1) * (y31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 v4 = (i4 (v1) * (y41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 v5 = (i5 (v1) * (y51) (y520) * (v2) (v3) * (y531) (v4) * (y542)) / y553 f5 = v5 f4 = (v4 ((y453) * (f5))) 'The final step in the calculation process. f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4)) ((y352) * (f5))) f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4)) ((y251) * (f5))) f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4)) ((y150) * (f5))) Range("c9") = f1 'The solution: the first variable value is placed in cell c9. Range("c10") = f2 'The second variable value is placed in cell c10 Range("c11") = f3 Range("c12") = f4 Range("c13") = f5 projname = InputBox("Enter project name:") 'The projname variable will hold the project name entered by the user. pb = InputBox("Prepared by:") 'The variable pb will hold the data enterd by the user who prepared the analysis. projnum = InputBox("Project #:") da = InputBox("Date:") opap = InputBox("Enter 1 to overwrite file or 2 to append it") 'The opap variable will accept a 1 or a 2, the user 'preference to whether overwrite the file if it exists or append it i.e. add the data to the end of the file.
If opap = 1 Then Filenam = InputBox("File name to save the output data in") 'Filenam will hold the file name enterd by the user Open Filenam For Output As #1 ' to save the data to. Print #1, "Project Name:"; projname, "Prepared By: "; pb 'The data stored in the variable projname will be written Print #1, "Project Number:"; projnum, "Date: "; da 'adjacent to the label "Project Name:" in the data file. Print #1, "the 5 variables x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 are equal respectively: "; f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 Close #1 'After all the data is entered (if the file exists, it will be overwritten), the file (it has #1) is closed. End If If opap = 2 Then 'If the file exists, it will be appended. Filenam = InputBox("File name to save the output data in") Open Filenam For Append As #1 Print #1, "Project Name:"; projname, "Prepared By: "; pb Print #1, "Project Number:"; projnum, "Date: "; da Print #1, "the 5 variables x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 are equal respectively: "; f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 Close #1 End If End Sub 4) Modules for the sixth Worksheet (per unit calculations): Sub MySub62() Sheets("Perunit calc.").Select '"Perunit calc." Sheet is selected and displayed on the screen. Range("a1").Select 'In the above sheet, cell a1 is seelected. MsgBox Prompt:="base voltage on the primary of the first transformer = base voltage to be entered by user", _ Title:="Note: & ???? ????? ????? ????", _ 'The prompt, the title and the button in the message box are displayed Buttons:=vbExclamation 'on the screen. MsgBox Prompt:="All the loads are assumed to be on the secondary of the second transformer", _ Title:="Note: & ???? ????? ????? ????", _ Buttons:=vbExclamation prim1 = InputBox("primary voltage of first transfo. = ") 'Input boxes are used to get the user data, the input to the sec1 = InputBox("secondary voltage of first transfo. = ") ' study. prim2 = InputBox("primary of second transfo. = ") sec2 = InputBox("secondary of second transfo. = ") vb = InputBox("base voltage in KV = ") vab = InputBox("base apparent power (MVA) in mva = ")
mva1 = InputBox("the mva rating of transformer 1 = ") mva2 = InputBox(" the mva rating of transformer 2 = ") react1 = InputBox("the p.u. reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA or MVA & V or KV ratings") react2 = InputBox("the p.u. reactance of transformer 2 based on its VA and V ratings") reactl1 = InputBox("the reactance of the line in ohms") Load1 = InputBox("total number of motors or generators, max. 3 sets") heat = InputBox("if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1") Range("h4") = prim1 'The data entered by the user are written in the cells of the spread sheet. Range("h5") = sec1 Range("h6") = prim2 Range("h7") = sec2 Range("h8") = vb Range("h9") = vab Range("h10") = mva1 Range("h11") = mva2 Range("h12") = react1 Range("h13") = react2 Range("h14") = reactl1 Range("h15") = Load1 Range("h16") = heat vb1 = vb * sec1 / (prim1) 'The necessary calculations starts here vb2 = vb1 * sec2 / (prim2) ib1 = (vab * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508) ib2 = (vab * 1000) / (vb2 * 1.7320508) reactlpu = (reactl1) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) If Load1 = 1 Then 'The decisions the program takes and branching are based on the user inputted data. lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 2 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2)
load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 3 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") lreact3 = InputBox("react. of load 3 = ") lmva3 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = ") lkv3 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 3 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (vab / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb2) ^ 2) End If Range("e18") = lreact1 'The results i.e. data outputted from the calculations are written to the cells in the spread Range("e19") = lmva1 'sheet. Range("e20") = lkv1 Range("e21") = lreact2 Range("eh22") = lmva2 Range("e23") = lkv2 Range("e24") = lreact3 Range("e25") = lmva3 Range("e26") = lkv3 reactpu1 = react1 * (vab / mva1) * ((prim1 / vb) ^ 2) reactpu2 = react2 * (vab / mva2) * ((prim2 / vb1) ^ 2) Range("h18") = reactpu1 Range("h19") = reactlpu Range("h20") = reactpu2 Range("h21") = load1pu Range("h22") = load2pu Range("h23") = load3pu Range("h24") = ib1 Range("h25") = ib2 If h16 = 1 Then mw = InputBox("load mw = ") pf = InputBox("p.f. = ")
bv = InputBox("bus voltage = ") bvr = bv / vb2 lchr = (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib2 Range("e28") = mw Range("e29") = pf Range("e30") = bv Range("h26") = bvr Range("h27") = lchr End If Range("f17").Select End Sub Sub MySub61() Sheets("Perunit calc.").Select 'Theabove sub is run for a certain number of transformers in tandem, Range("q1").Select 'this sub is run for another number of transformers in tandem. The same procedure Range("s3") = "" 'and steps are used. The first few steps in this sub is to clear any data previously Range("s4") = "" 'stored in the cells. Range("s5") = "" Range("s6") = "" Range("s19") = "" Range("s20") = "" Range("s22") = 0 Range("s23") = 0 Range("s24") = 0 Range("u19") = 0 Range("u18") = 0 Range("s7") = 0 Range("s8") = 0 Range("u3") = 0 Range("u4") = 0 Range("u5") = 0 Range("s9") = 0 Range("s10") = 0 Range("s11") = 0 Range("s12") = 0 Range("s13") = 0 Range("s14") = 0 Range("s15") = 0 Range("s16") = 0 Range("s17") = 0
Range("s18") = 0 Range("u17") = 0 Range("u9") = 0 Range("u10") = 0 Range("u14") = "" Range("u15") = "" Range("u16") = "" Range("u11") = "" Range("u12") = "" Range("u13") = "" MsgBox Prompt:="base voltage on the primary of the first transformer = base voltage to be entered by user", _ Title:="Note: & ???? ????? ????? ????", _ Buttons:=vbExclamation MsgBox Prompt:="All the loads are assumed to be on the secondary of the transformer", _ Title:="Note: & ???? ????? ????? ????", _ Buttons:=vbExclamation prim1 = InputBox("primary voltage of transfo. = ") sec1 = InputBox("secondary voltage of transfo. = ") bn = InputBox("number of buses on the sec. of transformer,including the sec. wdg. bus = ") mva1 = InputBox("the mva rating of transformer = ") vb = InputBox("base voltage in KV = ") vab = InputBox("base apparent power (MVA) in mva = ") vb1 = vb * sec1 / (prim1) ib1 = (vab * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508) Range("s3") = prim1 Range("s4") = sec1 Range("s5") = bn Range("s6") = mva1 Range("s19") = vb Range("s20") = vab If (bn = 2 Or bn = 1) Then react1 = InputBox("the reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings, in p.u.") reactl1 = InputBox("the reactance of the line (between bus 1 and 2) in ohms") Load1 = InputBox("total number of motors ( or generators) at bus 1 ") heat = InputBox("if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1") Range("s21") = heat reactlpu = (reactl1) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) If Load1 = 1 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load1 = ")
lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 2 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 3 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") lreact3 = InputBox("react. of load 3 = ") lmva3 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = ") lkv3 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 3 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (vab / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) End If reactpu1 = react1 * (vab / mva1) * ((prim1 / vb) ^ 2) 'Print " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu 'Print "base current in second = "; ib1, If heat = 1 Then mw = InputBox("load mw = ") pf = InputBox("p.f. = ") bv = InputBox("bus voltage = ") 'Print " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 bvr = bv / vb1 lchr = (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 End If
Range("s22") = mw Range("s23") = pf Range("s24") = bv Range("u19") = bvr Range("u18") = lchr Range("s7") = react1 Range("s8") = reactl1 Range("s9") = Load1 Range("s10") = lreact1 Range("s11") = lmva1 Range("s12") = lkv1 Range("s13") = lreact2 Range("s14") = lmva2 Range("s15") = lkv2 Range("s16") = lreact3 Range("s17") = lmva3 Range("s18") = lkv3 Range("u17") = ib1 Range("u9") = reactpu1 Range("u10") = reactlpu Range("u14") = load1pu Range("u15") = load2pu Range("u16") = load3pu End If If bn = 3 Then react1 = InputBox("the pu reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings") reactl1 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 1 and 2 in ohms") reactl2 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 2 and 3 in ohms") Load1 = InputBox("total number of motors, or generators at bus 1 ") heat = InputBox("if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1") Range("s21") = heat reactlpu = (reactl1) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) If Load1 = 1 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 2 Then
lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 3 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") lreact3 = InputBox("react. of load 3 = ") lmva3 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = ") lkv3 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 3 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (vab / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) End If reactpu1 = react1 * (vab / mva1) * ((prim1 / vb) ^ 2) 'Print " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1 and line 2 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reaclpu1 'Print "base current in second = "; ib1 If heat = 1 Then mw = InputBox("load mw = ") pf = InputBox("p.f. = ") bv = InputBox("bus voltage = ") 'Print " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 bvr = bv / vb1 lchr = (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 End If Range("s22") = mw Range("s23") = pf Range("s24") = bv Range("u19") = bvr Range("u18") = lchr
Range("s7") = react1 Range("s8") = reactl1 Range("u3") = reactl2 Range("s9") = Load1 Range("s10") = lreact1 Range("s11") = lmva1 Range("s12") = lkv1 Range("s13") = lreact2 Range("s14") = lmva2 Range("s15") = lkv2 Range("s16") = lreact3 Range("s17") = lmva3 Range("s18") = lkv3 Range("u17") = ib1 Range("u9") = reactpu1 Range("u10") = reactlpu Range("u14") = load1pu Range("u15") = load2pu Range("u16") = load3pu Range("u11") = reaclpu1 End If If bn = 4 Then react1 = InputBox("the pu reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings") reactl1 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 1 and 2, in ohms") reactl2 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 2 and 3, in ohms") reactl3 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 3 and 4, in ohms") Load1 = InputBox("total number of motors, or generators, at bus 1 ") heat = InputBox("if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1") Range("s21") = heat reactlpu = (reactl1) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu2 = (reactl3) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) If Load1 = 1 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 2 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ")
lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 3 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") lreact3 = InputBox("react. of load 3 = ") lmva3 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = ") lkv3 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 3 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (vab / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) End If reactpu1 = react1 * (vab / mva1) * ((prim1 / vb) ^ 2) 'Print " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1, line 2 and line 3 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reaclpu1, reaclpu2 'Print "base current in second = "; ib1 If heat = 1 Then mw = InputBox("load mw = ") pf = InputBox("p.f. = ") bv = InputBox("bus voltage = ") 'Print " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 bvr = bv / vb1 lchr = (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 End If Range("s22") = mw Range("s23") = pf Range("s24") = bv Range("u19") = bvr Range("u18") = lchr
Range("s7") = react1 Range("s8") = reactl1 Range("u4") = reactl3 Range("s9") = Load1 Range("s10") = lreact1 Range("s11") = lmva1 Range("s12") = lkv1 Range("s13") = lreact2 Range("s14") = lmva2 Range("s15") = lkv2 Range("s16") = lreact3 Range("s17") = lmva3 Range("s18") = lkv3 Range("u17") = ib1 Range("u9") = reactpu1 Range("u10") = reactlpu Range("u14") = load1pu Range("u15") = load2pu Range("u16") = load3pu Range("u11") = reaclpu1 Range("u12") = reaclpu2 End If If bn = 5 Then react1 = InputBox("the pu reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings") reactl1 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 1 and 2, in ohms") reactl2 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 2 and 3, in ohms") reactl3 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 3 and 4, in ohms") reactl4 = InputBox("the reactance of the line, between bus 4 and 5, in ohms") Load1 = InputBox("total number of motors ( or generators) at bus 1 ") heat = InputBox("if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1") Range("s21") = heat reactlpu = (reactl1) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu2 = (reactl3) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu3 = (reactl4) * (vab) / ((vb1) ^ 2) If Load1 = 1 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2)
End If If Load1 = 2 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) End If If Load1 = 3 Then lreact1 = InputBox("reactance of load 1 = ") lmva1 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = ") lkv1 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 1 in KV = ") lreact2 = InputBox("react. of load 2 = ") lmva2 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = ") lkv2 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 2 in KV = ") lreact3 = InputBox("react. of load 3 = ") lmva3 = InputBox("apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = ") lkv3 = InputBox("voltage rating of load 3 in KV = ") load1pu = lreact1 * (vab / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (vab / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (vab / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) End If reactpu1 = react1 * (vab / mva1) * ((prim1 / vb) ^ 2) 'Print " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1, line 2, line 3 and 4 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reaclpu1, reaclpu2, reaclpu3 'Print "base current in second = "; ib1 If heat = 1 Then mw = InputBox("load mw = ") pf = InputBox("p.f. = ") bv = InputBox("bus voltage = ") 'Print " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 bvr = bv / vb1 lchr = (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 End If Range("s22") = mw Range("s23") = pf
Range("s24") = bv Range("u19") = bvr Range("u18") = lchr Range("s7") = react1 Range("s8") = reactl1 Range("u3") = reactl2 Range("u4") = reactl3 Range("u5") = reactl4 Range("s9") = Load1 Range("s10") = lreact1 Range("s11") = lmva1 Range("s12") = lkv1 Range("s13") = lreact2 Range("s14") = lmva2 Range("s15") = lkv2 Range("s16") = lreact3 Range("s17") = lmva3 Range("s18") = lkv3 Range("u17") = ib1 Range("u9") = reactpu1 Range("u10") = reactlpu Range("u14") = load1pu Range("u15") = load2pu Range("u16") = load3pu Range("u11") = reaclpu1 Range("u12") = reaclpu2 Range("u13") = reaclpu3 End If End Sub 5) Modules for the seventh Worksheet (system bus modelling): Sub MySub711() r12 = InputBox("series resistance of line 12 in p.u.= ") 'The user enters the data into the series if the input boxes r13 = InputBox("series resistance of line 13 in p.u.= ") 'will appear on the screen sequentialy. r24 = InputBox("series resistance of line 24 in p.u.= ") r34 = InputBox("series resistance of line 34 in p.u.= ") x12 = InputBox("series reactance of line 12 in p.u.= ") x13 = InputBox("series reactance of line 13 in p.u.= ") x24 = InputBox("series reactance of line 24 in p.u.= ") x34 = InputBox("series reactance of line 34 in p.u.= ")
z12 = ((r12) ^ 2 + (x12) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 'The calculation starts here, calculating the impedance and the angle z13 = ((r13) ^ 2 + (x13) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 'for the different segments (sections) of the system. z24 = ((r24) ^ 2 + (x24) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 z34 = ((r34) ^ 2 + (x34) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 an12 = Atn(x12 / r12) an13 = Atn(x13 / r13) an24 = Atn(x24 / r24) an34 = Atn(x34 / r34) y12 = 1 / z12 'The admittance is calculated from the impedance previously calculated. y13 = 1 / z13 y24 = 1 / z24 y34 = 1 / z34 g12 = y12 * Cos(an12) 'The conductance is calculated. g13 = y13 * Cos(an13) g24 = y24 * Cos(an24) g34 = y34 * Cos(an34) b12 = y12 * Sin(an12) 'The susceptance is calculated. b13 = y13 * Sin(an13) b24 = y24 * Sin(an24) b34 = y34 * Sin(an34) gb11 = g12 + g13 'The node equivalent self admittance. gb22 = g24 + g12 gb33 = g34 + g13 gb44 = g34 + g24 gb12 = g12 'The equivalent branch admittance. gb21 = g12 gb13 = g13 gb31 = g13 gb24 = g24 gb42 = g24 gb34 = g34 gb43 = g34 bb11 = b12 + b13 'The equivalent node self susceptance. bb22 = b24 + b12 bb33 = b34 + b13 bb44 = b34 + b24 bb12 = b12 'The equivalent branch susceptance. bb21 = b12 bb13 = b13 bb31 = b13
bb24 = b24 bb42 = b24 bb34 = b34 bb43 = b34 pb2 = ((gb22) * ((v2) ^ 2)) + ((v2 * v1) * (y12 * Cos(an12 + d1 d2))) + ((v4 * v2) * (y24 * Cos( an24 + d4 d2))) 'These equations are not applicable, here. Their use will become obvious in Chapter 4 "Load flow studies". pb3 = ((gb33) * ((v3) ^ 2)) + ((v3 * v1) * (y13 * Cos(an13 d3 + d1))) + ((v4) * (v3) * (y34 * Cos( an34 d3 + d4))) pb4 = ((gb44) * ((v4) ^ 2)) + ((v4 * v2) * (y24 * Cos(an24 d4 + d2))) + ((v3 * v4) * (y34 * Cos( an34 d4 + d3))) qb2 = ((bb22) * ((v2) ^ 2)) ((v2 * v1) * (y12 * Sin(an12 + d1 d2))) ((v4 * v2) * (y24 * Sin( an24 + d4 d2))) qb3 = ((bb33) * ((v3) ^ 2)) ((v3 * v1) * (y13 * Sin(an13 d3 + d1))) ((v4) * (v3) * (y34 * Sin( an34 d3 + d4))) Range("b3") = bb11 'The (solution) calculated equivalent conductances and susceptances are written to the Range("b8") = gb11 'applicable cells in the spread sheet. Range("d3") = gb12 Range("d8") = bb12 Range("f3") = gb13 Range("f8") = bb13 Range("h3") = gb14 Range("h8") = bb14 Range("b4") = gb21 Range("b9") = bb21 Range("d4") = gb22 Range("d9") = bb22 Range("f4") = gb23 Range("f9") = bb23 Range("h4") = gb24 Range("h9") = bb24 Range("b5") = gb31 Range("b10") = bb31 Range("d5") = gb32 Range("d10") = bb32 Range("f5") = gb33 Range("f10") = bb33 Range("h5") = gb34 Range("h10") = bb34
Range("b6") = gb41 Range("b11") = bb41 Range("d6") = gb42 Range("d11") = bb42 Range("f6") = gb43 Range("f11") = bb43 Range("h6") = gb44 Range("h11") = bb44 End Sub Sub MySub721() 'The calculation of the Zbus. x01 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between reference node and bus 1=")) 'The data inputted by the user, using input x02 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between reference node and bus 2=")) 'box. The variable is converted to double x03 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between reference node and bus 3=")) ' precission number data type. X01 is the x04 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between reference node and bus 4=")) ' reactance between node 0 and node 1. xx12 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between bus 1 and bus 2=")) 'X12 is the reactance between node 1 & 2. xx23 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between bus 2 and bus 3=")) xx34 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between bus 3 and bus 4=")) xx42 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between bus 4 and bus 2=")) xx41 = CDbl(InputBox("reactance between bus 4 and bus 1=")) x11 = x01 'The first step in the calculation. x12 = x11 x21 = x12 x22 = x01 + xx12 If x02 > 0 Then 'The branching and decision making based on the user input. If the user entered x11p = x11 'a vlue higher than 0 for the variable x02, these steps are run. x12p = x12 x21p = x21 x22p = x22 xp1 = x21 xp2 = x22 xpp = x02 + x22 x1p = x12 x2p = x22 x111 = x11p ((x1p) * (xp1) / (xpp)) x121 = x12p ((x1p) * (xp2) / (xpp))
x211 = x21p ((x2p) * (xp1) / (xpp)) x221 = x22p ((x2p) * (xp2) / (xpp)) x131 = x121 x231 = x221 x311 = x211 x321 = x221 x331 = x221 + xx23 Else 'If x02 variable as entered by the user is equal to 0, these steps are followed by the program. x31 = x21 x32 = x22 x33 = xx23 + x22 x13 = x12 x23 = x22 End If If (x111 = 0 And x221 = 0) Then 'If x111= 0 as well as x221 is equal to 0, then these steps are followed. x11b = x11 x12b = x12 x13b = x13 x21b = x21 x22b = x22 x23b = x23 x31b = x31 x32b = x32 x33b = x33 Else 'Otherwise, these steps are followed. x11b = x111 x12b = x121 x13b = x131 x21b = x211 x22b = x221 x23b = x231 x31b = x311 x32b = x321 x33b = x331 End If If x03 > 0 Then x11p1 = x11b x12p1 = x12b x13p1 = x13b
x21p1 = x21b x22p1 = x22b x23p1 = x23b x31p1 = x31b x32p1 = x32b x33p1 = x33b xp12 = x31b xp22 = x32b xp32 = x33b xpp1 = x03 + x33b x1p2 = x13b x2p2 = x23b x3p2 = x33b x112 = x11p1 ((x1p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)) x122 = x12p1 ((x1p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)) x132 = x13p1 ((x1p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)) x212 = x21p1 ((x2p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)) x222 = x22p1 ((x2p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)) x232 = x23p1 ((x2p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)) x312 = x31p1 ((x3p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)) x322 = x32p1 ((x3p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)) x332 = x33p1 ((x3p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)) x142 = x132 x242 = x232 x342 = x332 x412 = x312 x422 = x322 x432 = x332 x442 = x332 + xx34 Else x11d = x11 x12d = x12 x13d = x13 x14d = x13 x21d = x21 x22d = x22 x23d = x23 x24d = x23 x31d = x31 x32d = x32 x33d = x33
x34d = x33 x41d = x31 x42d = x32 x43d = x33 x44d = x33 + xx34 End If If (xx42 > 0 And x03 > 0) Then x1p3 = x122 x142 x2p3 = x222 x242 x3p3 = x322 x342 x4p3 = x422 x442 xp13 = x1p3 xp23 = x2p3 xp33 = x3p3 xp43 = x4p3 xpp3 = x222 + x442 2 * (x242) + xx42 x11f = x112 (x1p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x12f = x122 (x1p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x13f = x132 (x1p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x14f = x142 (x1p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x21f = x212 (x2p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x22f = x222 (x2p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x23f = x232 (x2p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x24f = x242 (x2p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x31f = x312 (x3p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x32f = x322 (x3p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x33f = x332 (x3p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x34f = x342 (x3p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x41f = x412 (x4p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x42f = x422 (x4p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x43f = x432 (x4p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x44f = x442 (x4p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) End If If (xx42 > 0 And x03 = 0) Then x1p3 = x12d x14d x2p3 = x22d x24d x3p3 = x32d x34d x4p3 = x42d x44d xp13 = x1p3 xp23 = x2p3
xp33 = x3p3 xp43 = x4p3 xpp3 = x22d + x44d 2 * (x24d) + xx42 x11f = x11d (x1p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x12f = x12d (x1p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x13f = x13d (x1p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x14f = x14d (x1p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x21f = x21d (x2p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x22f = x22d (x2p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x23f = x23d (x2p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x24f = x24d (x2p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x31f = x31d (x3p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x32f = x32d (x3p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x33f = x33d (x3p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x34f = x34d (x3p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x41f = x41d (x4p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x42f = x42d (x4p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x43f = x43d (x4p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x44f = x44d (x4p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) End If If xx41 > 0 Then x1p4 = x11f x14f x2p4 = x21f x24f x3p4 = x31f x34f x4p4 = x41f x44f xp14 = x1p4 xp24 = x2p4 xp34 = x3p4 xp44 = x4p4 xpp4 = x11f + x44f 2 * (x14f) + xx41 x11f1 = x11f (x1p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x12f1 = x12f (x1p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x13f1 = x13f (x1p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x14f1 = x14f (x1p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) x21f1 = x21f (x2p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x22f1 = x22f (x2p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x23f1 = x23f (x2p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x24f1 = x24f (x2p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) x31f1 = x31f (x3p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x32f1 = x32f (x3p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4)
x33f1 = x33f (x3p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x34f1 = x34f (x3p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) x41f1 = x41f (x4p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x42f1 = x42f (x4p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x43f1 = x43f (x4p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x44f1 = x44f (x4p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) End If If xx41 = 0 Then Debug.Print x11f, x12f, x13f, x14f Debug.Print x21f, x22f, x23f, x24f Debug.Print x31f, x32f, x33f, x34f Debug.Print x41f, x42f, x43f, x44f Range("b16") = x11f 'The results (outputted data) are written to the appropriate cells in the spread sheet. Range("d16") = x12f Range("f16") = x13f Range("h16") = x14f Range("b17") = x21f Range("d17") = x22f Range("f17") = x23f Range("h17") = x24f Range("b18") = x31f Range("d18") = x32f Range("f18") = x33f Range("h18") = x34f Range("b19") = x41f Range("d19") = x42f Range("f19") = x43f Range("h19") = x44f Else Debug.Print x11f1, x12f1, x13f1, x14f1 Debug.Print x21f1, x22f1, x23f1, x24f1 Debug.Print x31f1, x32f1, x33f1, x34f1 Debug.Print x41f1, x42f1, x43f1, x44f1 Range("b16") = x11f1 Range("d16") = x12f1 Range("f16") = x13f1 Range("h16") = x14f1 Range("b17") = x21f1 Range("d17") = x22f1
Range("f17") = x23f1 Range("h17") = x24f1 Range("b18") = x31f1 Range("d18") = x32f1 Range("f18") = x33f1 Range("h18") = x34f1 Range("b19") = x41f1 Range("d19") = x42f1 Range("f19") = x43f1 Range("h19") = x44f1 End If End Sub QuickBasic: First example, calculation of the equivalent series resistance or reactance: CLS 'a program to calculate the equivalent resistance for a set of series resistances PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "a program to obtain the equivalent of a few series elements, rev.003/22/96" INPUT "total number of series resistances or reactances "; n t! = 0 FOR i = 1 TO n INPUT " each resistance or reactance branch in ohms"; r! t! = t! + r! NEXT i PRINT " the equivalent resistance or reactance ="; t! INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "Reference: ", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "the equivalent resistance or reactance = ", t! CLOSE #1
END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "the equivalent resistance or reactance = ", t! CLOSE #1 END IF END Second example, the calculation of the equivalent resistance or reactance of a few parrallel branches: CLS 'a short program to calculate the equivalent reactance or resistance of a few parallel branches PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "a program to obtain the equivalent of a few parallel branches, rev.003/22/96" INPUT "total number of parallel branches"; n t! = 0 FOR i = 1 TO n INPUT "value of each parallel branch in ohms"; r# t# = t# + 1 / r# NEXT i PRINT " the equivalent resistance or reactance ="; 1 / t# INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "Reference: ", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "the equivalent resistance or reactance = ", 1 / t# CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$
OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "the equivalent resistance or reactance = ", 1 / t# CLOSE #1 END IF END Third example, wye to delta & vice versa conversion: DECLARE SUB w (l!, m!, n!) DECLARE SUB d (x!, y!, z!) CLS PRINT "a program to transform from wye to delta and vice versa, rev.003/22/96" PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for the Power systems analysts" INPUT "The reactance or resistance in the first leg 1n or 23 "; x INPUT "The reactance or resistance in the second leg 3n or 12"; y INPUT "The reactance or resistance in the third leg 2n or 13"; z PRINT x, y, z PRINT " The conversion you want to do i.e. if you want to transfer to delta" INPUT "enter delta if you want to convert to wye enter wye"; con$ IF con$ = "wye" THEN CALL w(x, y, z) IF con$ = "delta" THEN CALL d(x, y, z) END SUB d (x, y, z) PRINT "The Series of Short programs for Power Systems Analysts" c = x + y + (x * y / z) a = y + z + (y * z / x) b = x + z + (x * z / y) PRINT "branch 23 = "; a, "branch 12 = "; b, " branch 13 = "; c INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "reference:", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name: "; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number: "; projnum$, "Date: "; da$
PRINT #1, "Reference: "; refer$ PRINT #1, "branch 23 = ", a PRINT #1, "branch 12 = "; b PRINT #1, "branch 13 = "; c CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: "; refer$ PRINT #1, "branch 23 = ", a PRINT #1, "branch 12 = "; b PRINT #1, "branch 13 = "; c CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB SUB w (l, m, n) e = (l * m) / (l + m + n) f = (l * n) / (l + m + n) g = (m * n) / (l + m + n) PRINT "branch 2n = "; e, "branch 3n = "; f, "branch 1n = "; g INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "reference: "; refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: "; refer$ PRINT #1, "branch 2n = "; e PRINT #1, "branch 3n = "; f PRINT #1, "branch 1n = "; g CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN
INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: "; refer$ PRINT #1, "branch 2n = "; e PRINT #1, "branch 3n = "; f PRINT #1, "branch 1n = "; g CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB Fourth example, matrix manipulation (matrix inversion to solve 2 & 3 simultaneous equations): DECLARE SUB u () DECLARE SUB v () CLS ' a program to transpose and invert matrices. PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "a program to invert 2 and 3 row square matrices" INPUT "the square matrix has number of columns/rows n = ", n IF n = 2 THEN CALL u IF n = 3 THEN CALL v END SUB u LOCATE 3, 1 PRINT STRING$(60, "") LOCATE 25, 1 PRINT STRING$(60, "") VIEW PRINT 4 TO 15 INPUT "a11 = ", a11! INPUT "a12 = ", a12! INPUT "a21 = ", a21! INPUT "a22 = ", a22! PRINT " transpose of matrix yield the following elements respectively a11,a12,a21,a22" PRINT a11!, a21!, a12!, a22! PRINT "inverse of matrix yield the following elements respectively a11,a12,a21,a22" LET d1 = ((a11! * a22!) (a12! * a21!)) PRINT "determinant of matrix", d1 PRINT (a22 / d1), (a12 / d1), (a21 / d1), (a11 / d1) INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$
INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, " transpose of matrix yield the following elements respectively a11,a12,a21,a22" PRINT #1, a11!, a21!, a12!, a22! PRINT #1, "inverse of matrix yield the following elements respectively a11,a12,a21,a22" PRINT #1, "determinant of matrix", d1 PRINT #1, (a22 / d1), (a12 / d1), (a21 / d1), (a11 / d1) CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, " transpose of matrix yield the following elements respectively a11,a12,a21,a22" PRINT #1, a11!, a21!, a12!, a22! PRINT #1, "inverse of matrix yield the following elements respectively a11,a12,a21,a22" PRINT #1, "determinant of matrix", d1 PRINT #1, (a22 / d1), (a12 / d1), (a21 / d1), (a11 / d1) CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB SUB v INPUT "a11 = ", b11 INPUT "a12 = ", b12 INPUT "a13 = ", b13 INPUT "a21 = ", b21 INPUT "a22 = ", b22 INPUT "a23 = ", b23 INPUT "a31 = ", b31 INPUT "a32 = ", b32 INPUT "a33 = ", b33 PRINT "the transpose of matrix yields a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33, respectively" PRINT b11, b21, b31 PRINT b12, b22, b32
PRINT b13, b23, b33 d = (b11 * (b22 * b33 b32 * b23)) (b12 * (b21 * b33 b23 * b31)) + (b13 * (b21 * b32 b22 * b31)) PRINT "determinant = ", d PRINT "inverse of matrix yields the elements a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33, respectively" PRINT (b22 * b33 b23 * b32) / d, (b12 * b33 b13 * b32) / d, (b12 * b23 b13 * b22) / d PRINT (b21 * b33 b31 * b23) / d, (b11 * b33 b13 * b31) / d, (b11 * b23 b13 * b21) / d PRINT (b21 * b32 b31 * b22) / d, (b11 * b32 b12 * b31) / d, (b11 * b22 b21 * b12) / d INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "the transpose of matrix yields a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33, respectively" PRINT #1, b11, b21, b31 PRINT #1, b12, b22, b32 PRINT #1, b13, b23, b33 PRINT #1, "determinant = ", d PRINT #1, "inverse of matrix yields the elements a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33, respectively" PRINT #1, (b22 * b33 b23 * b32) / d, (b12 * b33 b13 * b32) / d, (b12 * b23 b13 * b22) / d PRINT #1, (b21 * b33 b31 * b23) / d, (b11 * b33 b13 * b31) / d, (b11 * b23 b13 * b21) / d PRINT #1, (b21 * b32 b31 * b22) / d, (b11 * b32 b12 * b31) / d, (b11 * b22 b21 * b12) / d CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "the transpose of matrix yields a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33, respectively" PRINT #1, b11, b21, b31 PRINT #1, b12, b22, b32 PRINT #1, b13, b23, b33 PRINT #1, "determinant = ", d PRINT #1, "inverse of matrix yields the elements a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33, respectively" PRINT #1, (b22 * b33 b23 * b32) / d, (b12 * b33 b13 * b32) / d, (b12 * b23 b13 * b22) / d PRINT #1, (b21 * b33 b31 * b23) / d, (b11 * b33 b13 * b31) / d, (b11 * b23 b13 * b21) / d
PRINT #1, (b21 * b32 b31 * b22) / d, (b11 * b32 b12 * b31) / d, (b11 * b22 b21 * b12) / d CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB Fifth example, the solution of 6 simultaneous equations using gaussian elimination & triangular factorization methods: CLS PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "gaussian elimination equation solving for 6x6 matrix with a chain to the 5x5 and 8x8 programs" INPUT "matrix size: if 5x5 enter 1, if 6x6, enter 2; if 8x8, enter 3 = "; mxs1 IF mxs1 = 1 THEN CHAIN "gauss5x5" IF mxs1 = 3 THEN CHAIN "gauss8x8" PRINT "gaussian elimination process for a 6 by 6 matrix, rev.003/22/96" INPUT "Y11 = ", y11 INPUT "Y12 = ", y12 INPUT "Y13 = ", y13 INPUT "Y14 = ", y14 INPUT "Y15 = ", y15 INPUT "Y16 = ", y16 INPUT "Y21 = ", y21 INPUT "Y22 = ", y22 INPUT "Y23 = ", y23 INPUT "Y24 = ", y24 INPUT "Y25 = ", y25 INPUT "Y26 = ", y26 INPUT "Y31 = ", y31 INPUT "Y32 = ", y32 INPUT "Y33 = ", y33 INPUT "Y34 = ", y34 INPUT "Y35 = ", y35 INPUT "Y36 = ", y36 INPUT "Y41 = ", y41 INPUT "Y42 = ", y42 INPUT "Y43 = ", y43 INPUT "Y44 = ", y44 INPUT "Y45 = ", y45 INPUT "Y46 = ", y46 INPUT "Y51 = ", y51 INPUT "Y52 = ", y52
INPUT "Y53 = ", y53 INPUT "Y54 = ", y54 INPUT "Y55 = ", y55 INPUT "Y56 = ", y56 INPUT "Y61 = ", y61 INPUT "Y62 = ", y62 INPUT "Y63 = ", y63 INPUT "Y64 = ", y64 INPUT "Y65 = ", y65 INPUT "Y66 = ", y66 y110 = y11 / y11 y120 = y12 / y11 y130 = y13 / y11 y140 = y14 / y11 y150 = y15 / y11 y160 = y16 / y11 y220 = y22 (y21) * (y12) / (y11) y230 = y23 (y21) * (y13) / (y11) y240 = y24 (y21) * (y14) / y11 y250 = y25 (y21) * (y15) / y11 y260 = y26 (y21) * (y16) / y11 y320 = y32 (y31) * (y12) / y11 y330 = y33 (y31) * (y13) / y11 y340 = y34 (y31) * (y14) / y11 y350 = y35 (y31) * (y15) / y11 y360 = y36 (y31) * (y16) / y11 y420 = y42 (y41) * (y12) / y11 y430 = y43 (y41) * (y13) / y11 y440 = y44 (y41) * (y14) / y11 y450 = y45 (y41) * (y15) / y11 y460 = y46 (y41) * (y16) / y11 y520 = y52 (y51) * (y12) / y11 y530 = y53 (y51) * (y13) / y11 y540 = y54 (y51) * (y14) / y11 y550 = y55 (y51) * (y15) / y11 y560 = y56 (y51) * (y16) / y11 y620 = y62 (y61) * (y12) / y11 y630 = y63 (y61) * (y13) / y11 y640 = y64 (y61) * (y14) / y11 y650 = y65 (y61) * (y15) / y11 y660 = y66 (y61) * (y16) / y11
y221 = y220 / y220 y231 = y230 / y220 y241 = y240 / y220 y251 = y250 / y220 y261 = y260 / y220 y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 y351 = y350 (y320) * (y250) / y220 y361 = y360 (y320) * (y260) / y220 y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 y451 = y450 (y420) * (y250) / y220 y461 = y460 (y420) * (y260) / y220 y531 = y530 (y520) * (y230) / y220 y541 = y540 (y520) * (y240) / y220 y551 = y550 (y520) * (y250) / y220 y561 = y560 (y520) * (y260) / y220 y631 = y630 (y620) * (y230) / y220 y641 = y640 (y620) * (y240) / y220 y651 = y650 (y620) * (y250) / y220 y661 = y660 (y620) * (y260) / y220 y332 = y331 / y331 y342 = y341 / y331 y352 = y351 / y331 y362 = y361 / y331 y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 y452 = y451 (y431) * (y351) / y331 y462 = y461 (y431) * (y361) / y331 y542 = y541 (y531) * (y341) / y331 y552 = y551 (y531) * (y351) / y331 y562 = y561 (y531) * (y361) / y331 y642 = y641 (y631) * (y341) / y331 y652 = y651 (y631) * (y351) / y331 y662 = y661 (y631) * (y361) / y331 y443 = y442 / y442 y453 = y452 / y442 y463 = y462 / y442 y553 = y552 (y542) * (y452) / y442 y563 = y562 (y542) * (y462) / y442 y653 = y652 (y642) * (y452) / y442 y663 = y662 (y642) * (y462) / y442
y554 = y553 / y553 y564 = y563 / y553 y664 = y663 (y653) * (y563) / y553 PRINT "the L matrix of the triangular factorization =" PRINT y11 PRINT y21, y220 PRINT y31, y320, y331 PRINT y41, y420, y431, y442 PRINT y51, y520, y531, y542, y553 PRINT y61, y620, y631, y642, y653, y664 PRINT "the U matrix of the triangular factorization =" PRINT y110, y120, y130, y140, y150, y160 PRINT y211, y221, y231, y241, y251, y261 PRINT y312, y322, y332, y342, y352, y362 PRINT y413, y423, y433, y443, y453, y463 PRINT y514, y524, y534, y544, y554, y564 PRINT 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 INPUT "mismatch1 or right hand side of equation 1"; i1 INPUT "mismatch1 or right hand side of equation 2"; i2 INPUT "mismatch1 or right hand side of equation 3"; i3 INPUT "mismatch1 or right hand side of equation 4"; i4 INPUT "mismatch1 or right hand side of equation 5"; i5 INPUT "mismatch1 or right hand side of equation 6"; i6 v1 = i1 / y11 v2 = (i2 (v1) * (y21)) / y220 v3 = (i3 (v1) * (y31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 v4 = (i4 (v1) * (y41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 v5 = (i5 (v1) * (y51) (y520) * (v2) (v3) * (y531) (v4) * (y542)) / y553 v6 = (i6 (v1) * (y61) (y620) * (v2) (y631) * (v3) (y642) * (v4) (y653) * (v5)) / y664 f6 = v6 f5 = (v5 ((y564) * (f6))) f4 = (v4 ((y453) * (f5)) ((y463) * (f6))) f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4)) ((y352) * (f5)) ((y362) * (f6))) f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4)) ((y251) * (f5)) ((y261) * (f6))) f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4)) ((y150) * (f5)) ((y160) * (f6))) PRINT "f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6 = "; f1; f2; f3; f4; f5; f6 INPUT "project name"; projnam$ INPUT "prepared by"; pb$ INPUT "project number:"; projnum$ INPUT "date:"; da$
INPUT "enter 1 to overwrite or 2 to append file "; opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "the 6 variables f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 are equal respectively: "; f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6 CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "the 6 variables f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 are equal respectively: "; f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6 CLOSE #1 END IF Sixth example, per unit calculation: DECLARE SUB z (z1, z2, z3) DECLARE SUB c (c1, c2, c3) DECLARE SUB b (b1, b2, b3) DECLARE SUB a (a1, a2, a3) CLS PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Ananlysts" PRINT "a program to calculate the base currents and the per unit values of resistance/reactance in a network" INPUT "base voltage in KV = "; vb INPUT "base apparent power (MVA) in mva = "; vab ib = (vab * 1000) / (vb * 1.7320508#) PRINT "base volt, MVA, current respectively = "; vb, vab, ib impb = vb / ib PRINT "number of base voltage in a system = number of transformers + 1" INPUT "number of transformers is "; ntr IF ntr = 2 THEN CALL a(vb, vab, ib) IF ntr = 4 THEN CALL b(vb, vab, ib) IF ntr = 6 THEN CALL c(vb, vab, ib) IF ntr = 1 THEN CALL z(vb, vab, ib) SUB a (a1, a2, a3) PRINT "base voltage on the primary of the first transformer = base voltage entered previously" INPUT " primary voltage of first transfo. = "; prim1
INPUT "secondary voltage of first transfo. = "; sec1 INPUT "primary of second transfo. = "; prim2 INPUT "secondary of second transfo. = "; sec2 vb1 = a1 * sec1 / (prim1) vb2 = vb1 * sec2 / (prim2) ib1 = (a2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508#) ib2 = (a2 * 1000) / (vb2 * 1.7320508#) INPUT "the mva rating of transformer 1 = "; mva1 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 2 = "; mva2 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 2 based on its VA and V ratings"; react2 INPUT "the reactance of the line in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) "; load reactlpu = (reactl1) * (a2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (a2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (a2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (a2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (a2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2)
load2pu = lreact2 * (a2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (a2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF reactpu1 = react1 * (a2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / a1) ^ 2) reactpu2 = react2 * (a2 / mva2) * ((prim2 / vb1) ^ 2) PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, tr.2, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of transfo. 2 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, reactpu2, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu PRINT "base current in second and third segments, respectively = "; ib1, ib2 INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv PRINT " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb2; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib2 END IF END SUB SUB b (b1, b2, b3) PRINT "base voltage on the primary of the first transformer = base voltage entered previously" INPUT " primary voltage of first transfo. = "; prim1 INPUT "secondary voltage of first transfo. = "; sec1 INPUT "primary of second transfo. = "; prim2 INPUT "secondary of second transfo. = "; sec2 INPUT "primary of third transfo. = "; prim3 INPUT "secondary of third transfo. = "; sec3 INPUT "primary of fourth transfo. = "; prim4 INPUT "secondary of fourth transfo. = "; sec4 vb1 = b1 * sec1 / (prim1) vb2 = vb1 * sec2 / (prim2) vb3 = vb2 * sec3 / (prim3) vb4 = vb3 * sec4 / (prim4) ib1 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508#) ib2 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb2 * 1.7320508#) ib3 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb3 * 1.7320508#) ib4 = (b2 * 1000) / (vb4 * 1.7320508#) INPUT "the mva rating of transformer 1 = "; mva1 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 2 = "; mva2 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 3 = "; mva3 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 4 = "; mva4 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1
INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 2 based on its VA and V ratings"; react2 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 3 based on its VA and V ratings"; react3 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 4 based on its VA and V ratings"; react4 INPUT "the reactance of the line in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "the reactance of the line between sec. of tr. 3 and prim. of tr. 4 in ohms"; reactl2 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) on sec. of transfo. 2 = "; load reactlpu = (reactl1) * (b2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu2 = (reactl2) * (b2) / ((vb3) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (b2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (b2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (b2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (b2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (b2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (b2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF reacpu11 = react1 * (b2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / b1) ^ 2) reacpu21 = react2 * (b2 / mva2) * ((prim2 / vb1) ^ 2) reacpu31 = react3 * (b2 / mva3) * ((prim3 / vb2) ^ 2)
reacpu41 = react4 * (b2 / mva4) * ((prim4 / vb3) ^ 2) INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like on sec. of tr. 2, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv END IF INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) on sec. of tr. 4 = "; load1 IF load1 = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact11 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva11 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv11 load1pu1 = lreact11 * (b2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) ^ 2) END IF IF load1 = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact11 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva11 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv11 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact21 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva21 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv21 load1pu1 = lreact11 * (b2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) ^ 2) load2pu1 = lreact21 * (b2 / lmva21) * ((lkv21 / vb4) ^ 2) END IF IF load1 = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact11 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva11 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv11 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact21 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva21 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv21 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact31 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva31 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv31 load1pu1 = lreact11 * (b2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) ^ 2) load2pu1 = lreact21 * (b2 / lmva21) * ((lkv21 / vb4) ^ 2) load3pu1 = lreact31 * (b2 / lmva31) * ((lkv31 / vb4) ^ 2) END IF PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, tr.2, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of transfo. 2, transfo. 3, loads on sec. of transfo. 2, line 2, transfo. 4 and
loads on sec. of transfo. 4 = " PRINT reacpu11, reactlpu, reacpu21, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reacpu31, reaclpu2, reacpu41, load1pu1, load2pu1, lod3pu1 PRINT "base current in second, third, fourth and fifth segments, respectively = "; ib1, ib2, ib3, ib4 INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like on sec. of tr. 6, enter 1"; heat IF heat1 = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw1 INPUT "p.f. = "; pf1 INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv1 PRINT " p.u. volt and current on buses 2 and 4, respectively ="; bv / vb2; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib2; bv1 / vb4; (mw1 * (1000) / (1.732 * bv1 * pf1)) / ib4 END IF END SUB SUB c (c1, c2, c3) PRINT "base voltage on the primary of the first transformer = base voltage entered previously" INPUT " primary voltage of first transfo. = "; prim1 INPUT "secondary voltage of first transfo. = "; sec1 INPUT "primary of second transfo. = "; prim2 INPUT "secondary of second transfo. = "; sec2 INPUT "primary of third transfo. = "; prim3 INPUT "secondary of third transfo. = "; sec3 INPUT "primary of fourth transfo. = "; prim4 INPUT "secondary of fourth transfo. = "; sec4 INPUT "primary of fifth transfo. = "; prim5 INPUT "secondary of fifth transfo. = "; sec5 INPUT "primary of sixth transfo. = "; prim6 INPUT "secondary of sith transfo. = "; sec6 vb1 = c1 * sec1 / (prim1) vb2 = vb1 * sec2 / (prim2) vb3 = vb2 * sec3 / (prim3) vb4 = vb3 * sec4 / (prim4) vb5 = vb4 * sec3 / (prim5) vb6 = vb5 * sec4 / (prim6) ib1 = (c2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508#) ib2 = (c2 * 1000) / (vb2 * 1.7320508#) ib3 = (c2 * 1000) / (vb3 * 1.7320508#) ib4 = (c2 * 1000) / (vb4 * 1.7320508#) ib5 = (c2 * 1000) / (vb3 * 1.7320508#) ib6 = (c2 * 1000) / (vb4 * 1.7320508#) INPUT "the mva rating of transformer 1 = "; mva1
INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 2 = "; mva2 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 3 = "; mva3 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 4 = "; mva4 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 5 = "; mva5 INPUT " the mva rating of transformer 6 = "; mva6 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 2 based on its VA and V ratings"; react2 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 3 based on its VA and V ratings"; react3 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 4 based on its VA and V ratings"; react4 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 5 based on its VA and V ratings"; react5 INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 6 based on its VA and V ratings"; react6 INPUT "the reactance of the line in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "the reactance of the line between sec. of tr. 3 and prim. of tr. 4 in ohms"; reactl2 INPUT "the reactance of the line between sec. of tr. 5 and prim. of tr. 6 in ohms"; reactl3 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) on sec. of transfo. 2 = "; load reactlpu = (reactl1) * (c2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu2 = (reactl2) * (c2) / ((vb3) ^ 2) reaclpu3 = (reactl3) * (c2) / ((vb3) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (c2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (c2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (c2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2
INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (c2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb2) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (c2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb2) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (c2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb2) ^ 2) END IF reacpu11 = react1 * (c2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / c1) ^ 2) reacpu21 = react2 * (c2 / mva2) * ((prim2 / vb1) ^ 2) reacpu31 = react3 * (c2 / mva3) * ((prim3 / vb2) ^ 2) reacpu41 = react4 * (c2 / mva4) * ((prim4 / vb3) ^ 2) reacpu51 = react5 * (c2 / mva5) * ((prim5 / vb4) ^ 2) reacpu61 = react6 * (c2 / mva6) * ((prim6 / vb5) ^ 2) INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like on sec. of tr. 2, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv END IF INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) on sec. of tr. 4 = "; load1 IF load1 = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact11 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva11 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv11 load1pu1 = lreact11 * (c2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) ^ 2) END IF IF load1 = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact11 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva11 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv11 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact21 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva21 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv21 load1pu1 = lreact11 * (c2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) ^ 2) load2pu1 = lreact21 * (c2 / lmva21) * ((lkv21 / vb4) ^ 2) END IF IF load1 = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact11 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva11 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv11 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact21
INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva21 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv21 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact31 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva31 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv31 load1pu1 = lreact11 * (c2 / lmva11) * ((lkv11 / vb4) ^ 2) load2pu1 = lreact21 * (c2 / lmva21) * ((lkv21 / vb4) ^ 2) load3pu1 = lreact31 * (c2 / lmva31) * ((lkv31 / vb4) ^ 2) END IF INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like on sec. of tr. 4, enter 1"; heat1 IF heat1 = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw1 INPUT "p.f. = "; pf1 INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv1 END IF INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) on sec. of tr. 6 = "; load2 IF load2 = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact12 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva12 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv12 load1pu2 = lreact12 * (c2 / lmva12) * ((lkv12 / vb6) ^ 2) END IF IF load2 = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact12 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva12 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv12 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact22 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva22 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv22 load1pu2 = lreact12 * (c2 / lmva12) * ((lkv12 / vb6) ^ 2) load2pu2 = lreact22 * (c2 / lmva22) * ((lkv22 / vb6) ^ 2) END IF IF load2 = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact12 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva12 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv12 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact22 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva22 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv22 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact32 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva32
INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv32 load1pu2 = lreact12 * (c2 / lmva12) * ((lkv12 / vb6) ^ 2) load2pu2 = lreact22 * (c2 / lmva22) * ((lkv22 / vb6) ^ 2) load3pu2 = lreact32 * (c2 / lmva32) * ((lkv32 / vb6) ^ 2) END IF PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, tr.2, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.2, tr.3, loads on sec. of tr.2, line 2, tr.4 and loads on sec. of tr.4, tr.5, line 3, tr.6, and loads on tr.6 = " PRINT reacpu11, reactlpu, reacpu21, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reacpu31, reaclpu2, reacpu41, load1pu1, load2pu1, load3pu1, reacpu51, reaclpu3, reacpu61, load1pu2, load2pu, load3pu2 PRINT "base current in second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh segments, respectively = "; ib1, ib2, ib3, ib4, ib5, ib6 INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like on sec. of tr. 6, enter 1"; heat2 IF heat2 = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw2 INPUT "p.f. = "; pf2 INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv2 PRINT " p.u. volt and current on buses 2, 4 and 6, respectively ="; bv / vb2; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib2; bv1 / vb4; (mw1 * (1000) / (1.732 * bv1 * pf1)) / ib4, bv2 / vb6; (mw2 * (1000) / (1.732 * bv2 * pf2)) / ib6 END IF END SUB SUB z (z1, z2, z43) PRINT "base voltage on the primary of the first transformer = base voltage entered previously" INPUT " primary voltage of first transfo. = "; prim1 INPUT "secondary voltage of first transfo. = "; sec1 INPUT "number of buses on the sec. of transformer (including the sec. wdg. bus):", bn INPUT "the mva rating of transformer 1 = "; mva1 vb1 = z1 * sec1 / (prim1) ib1 = (z2 * 1000) / (vb1 * 1.7320508#) IF bn = 2 OR 1 THEN INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 1 and 2) in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) at bus 1 "; load reactlpu = (reactl1) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF
IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (z2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF reactpu1 = react1 * (z2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / z1) ^ 2) PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu PRINT "base current in second = "; ib1, INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv PRINT " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 END IF END IF IF bn = 3 THEN INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 1 and 2) in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 2 and 3) in ohms"; reactl2 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) at bus 1 "; load
reactlpu = (reactl1) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (z2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF reactpu1 = react1 * (z2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / z1) ^ 2) PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1 and line 2 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reaclpu1 PRINT "base current in second = "; ib1 INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv
PRINT " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 END IF END IF IF bn = 4 THEN INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 1 and 2) in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 2 and 3) in ohms"; reactl2 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 3 and 4) in ohms"; reactl3 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) at bus 1 "; load reactlpu = (reactl1) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu2 = (reactl3) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (z2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2)
END IF reactpu1 = react1 * (z2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / z1) ^ 2) PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1, line 2 and line 3 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reaclpu1, reaclpu2 PRINT "base current in second = "; ib1 INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv PRINT " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 END IF END IF IF bn = 5 THEN INPUT "the % reactance of transformer 1 based on its VA and V ratings"; react1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 1 and 2) in ohms"; reactl1 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 2 and 3) in ohms"; reactl2 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 3 and 4) in ohms"; reactl3 INPUT "the reactance of the line (between bus 4 and 5) in ohms"; reactl4 INPUT "total number of motors ( or generators) at bus 1 "; load reactlpu = (reactl1) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu1 = (reactl2) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu2 = (reactl3) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) reaclpu3 = (reactl4) * (z2) / ((vb1) ^ 2) IF load = 1 THEN INPUT "reactance of load1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF IF load = 2 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF
IF load = 3 THEN INPUT "reactance of load 1 = "; lreact1 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 1 in mva = "; lmva1 INPUT "voltage rating of load 1 in KV = "; lkv1 INPUT "react. of load 2 = "; lreact2 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 2 in mva = "; lmva2 INPUT "voltage rating of load 2 in KV = "; lkv2 INPUT "react. of load 3 = "; lreact3 INPUT "apparent power rating of load 3 in mva = "; lmva3 INPUT "voltage rating of load 3 in KV = "; lkv3 load1pu = lreact1 * (z2 / lmva1) * ((lkv1 / vb1) ^ 2) load2pu = lreact2 * (z2 / lmva2) * ((lkv2 / vb1) ^ 2) load3pu = lreact3 * (z2 / lmva3) * ((lkv3 / vb1) ^ 2) END IF reactpu1 = react1 * (z2 / mva1) * ((prim1 / z1) ^ 2) PRINT " the p.u. values on base mva and base KV for the tr.1, line 1, loads (or generators connected to the secondary of tr.1, line 2, line 3 and 4 = "; reactpu1, reactlpu, load1pu, load2pu, load3pu, reaclpu1, reaclpu2, reaclpu3 PRINT "base current in second = "; ib1 INPUT "if loads include lighting or heaters or the like, enter 1"; heat IF heat = 1 THEN INPUT "load mw = "; mw INPUT "p.f. = "; pf INPUT "bus voltage = "; bv PRINT " p.u. volt and current, espectively ="; bv / vb1; (mw * (1000) / (1.732 * bv * pf)) / ib1 END IF END IF END SUB Seventh example, Zbus modeling: DECLARE SUB d (b1!, b2!, b3!, b4!, b5!, b6!, b7!, b8!, b9!, b10!, b11!, b12!, b13!, b14!, b15!, b16!, b17!) DECLARE SUB c (a1!, a2!, a3!, a4!, a5!, a6!, a7!, a8!, a9!, a10!, a11!, a12!, a13!, a14!, a15!, a16!, a17!) DECLARE SUB b (x11b, x12b, x13b, x21b, x22b, x23b, x31b, x32b, x33b, x03, x34) DECLARE SUB a (x11, x12, x21, x22, x02, xx23) COMMON SHARED x111, x121, x131, x211, x221, x231, x311, x321, x331 COMMON SHARED x112, x122, x132, x142, x212, x222, x232, x242, x312, x322, x332, x342, x412, x422, x432, x442 COMMON SHARED x11f, x12f, x13f, x14f, x21f, x22f, x23f, x24f, x31f, x32f, x33f, x34f, x41f, x42f, x43f, x44f
COMMON SHARED x11f1, x12f1, x13f1, x14f1, x21f1, x22f1, x23f1, x24f1, x31f1, x32f1, x33f1, x34f1, x41f1, x42f1, x43f1, x44f1 CLS PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "a program to calculate the impedance bus matrix for 4 buses, with 3 sources and x31=0" INPUT "reactance between reference node and bus 1=", x01 INPUT "reactance between reference node and bus 2=", x02 INPUT "reactance between reference node and bus 3=", x03 INPUT "reactance between reference node and bus 4=", x04 INPUT "reactance between bus 1 and bus 2=", xx12 INPUT "reactance between bus 2 and bus 3=", xx23 INPUT "reactance between bus 3 and bus 4=", xx34 INPUT "reactance between bus 4 and bus 2=", xx42 INPUT "reactance between bus 4 and bus 1=", xx41 x11 = x01 x12 = x11 x21 = x12 x22 = x01 + xx12 PRINT "reactances after first step", x11, x12, x21, x22 IF x02 > 0 THEN CALL a(x11, x12, x21, x22, x02, xx23) ELSE x31 = x21 x32 = x22 x33 = xx23 + x22 x13 = x12 x23 = x22 END IF IF x111 = 0 AND x221 = 0 THEN x11b = x11 x12b = x12 x13b = x13 x21b = x21 x22b = x22 x23b = x23 x31b = x31 x32b = x32 x33b = x33 ELSE x11b = x111 x12b = x121
x13b = x131 x21b = x211 x22b = x221 x23b = x231 x31b = x311 x32b = x321 x33b = x331 END IF IF x03 > 0 THEN CALL b(x11b, x12b, x13b, x21b, x22b, x23b, x31b, x32b, x33b, x03, xx34) ELSE x11d = x11 x12d = x12 x13d = x13 x14d = x13 x21d = x21 x22d = x22 x23d = x23 x24d = x23 x31d = x31 x32d = x32 x33d = x33 x34d = x33 x41d = x31 x42d = x32 x43d = x33 x44d = x33 + xx34 END IF IF xx42 > 0 AND x03 > 0 THEN CALL c(x112, x122, x132, x142, x212, x222, x232, x242, x312, x322, x332, x342, x412, x422, x432, x442, xx42) IF xx42 > 0 AND x03 = 0 THEN CALL c(x11d, x12d, x13d, x14d, x21d, x22d, x23d, x24d, x31d, x32d, x33d, x34d, x41d, x42d, x43d, x44d, xx42) IF xx41 > 0 THEN CALL d(x11f, x12f, x13f, x14f, x21f, x22f, x23f, x24f, x31f, x32f, x33f, x34f, x41f, x42f, x43f, x44f, xx41) IF xx41 = 0 AND xx31 = 0 THEN PRINT x11f, x12f, x13f, x14f PRINT x21f, x22f, x23f, x24f PRINT x31f, x32f, x33f, x34f PRINT x41f, x42f, x43f, x44f PRINT "for a 3=phase fault on bus 1 with prefault voltage = 1 p.u., the short circuit current =", 1 / x11f PRINT "voltage at bus 1 for a fault on bus 2 =", 1 (x12f / x22f)
PRINT "voltage at bus 3 for a fault on bus 2 =", 1 (x42f / x22f) ELSE PRINT x11f1, x12f1, x13f1, x14f1 PRINT x21f1, x22f1, x23f1, x24f1 PRINT x31f1, x32f1, x33f1, x34f1 PRINT x41f1, x42f1, x43f1, x44f1 PRINT "for a 3=phase fault on bus 4 with prefault voltage = 1 p.u., the short circuit current =j"; 1 / x44f1; "p.u." PRINT "voltage at bus 2 for a fault on bus 4 =", 1 (x24f1 / x44f1); "pu" PRINT "voltage at bus 1 for a fault on bus 4 =", 1 (x14f1 / x44f1); "pu" END IF SUB a (x11, x12, x21, x22, x02, xx23) x11p = x11 x12p = x12 x21p = x21 x22p = x22 xp1 = x21 xp2 = x22 xpp = x02 + x22 x1p = x12 x2p = x22 x111 = x11p ((x1p) * (xp1) / (xpp)) x121 = x12p ((x1p) * (xp2) / (xpp)) x211 = x21p ((x2p) * (xp1) / (xpp)) x221 = x22p ((x2p) * (xp2) / (xpp)) x131 = x121 x231 = x221 x311 = x211 x321 = x221 x331 = x221 + xx23 END SUB SUB b (x11b, x12b, x13b, x21b, x22b, x23b, x31b, x32b, x33b, x03, xx34) x11p1 = x11b x12p1 = x12b x13p1 = x13b x21p1 = x21b x22p1 = x22b x23p1 = x23b x31p1 = x31b x32p1 = x32b
x33p1 = x33b xp12 = x31b xp22 = x32b xp32 = x33b xpp1 = x03 + x33b x1p2 = x13b x2p2 = x23b x3p2 = x33b x112 = x11p1 ((x1p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)) x122 = x12p1 ((x1p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)) x132 = x13p1 ((x1p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)) x212 = x21p1 ((x2p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)) x222 = x22p1 ((x2p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)) x232 = x23p1 ((x2p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)) x312 = x31p1 ((x3p2) * (xp12) / (xpp1)) x322 = x32p1 ((x3p2) * (xp22) / (xpp1)) x332 = x33p1 ((x3p2) * (xp32) / (xpp1)) x142 = x132 x242 = x232 x342 = x332 x412 = x312 x422 = x322 x432 = x332 x442 = x332 + xx34 END SUB SUB c (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17) x1p3 = a2 a4 x2p3 = a6 a8 x3p3 = a10 a12 x4p3 = a14 a16 xp13 = x1p3 xp23 = x2p3 xp33 = x3p3 xp43 = x4p3 xpp3 = a6 + a16 2 * (a8) + a17 x11f = a1 (x1p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x12f = a2 (x1p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x13f = a3 (x1p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x14f = a4 (x1p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x21f = a5 (x2p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3)
x22f = a6 (x2p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x23f = a7 (x2p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x24f = a8 (x2p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x31f = a9 (x3p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x32f = a10 (x3p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x33f = a11 (x3p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x34f = a12 (x3p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) x41f = a13 (x4p3) * (xp13) / (xpp3) x42f = a14 (x4p3) * (xp23) / (xpp3) x43f = a15 (x4p3) * (xp33) / (xpp3) x44f = a16 (x4p3) * (xp43) / (xpp3) END SUB SUB d (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15, b16, b17) x1p4 = b1 b4 x2p4 = b5 b8 x3p4 = b9 b12 x4p4 = b13 b16 xp14 = x1p4 xp24 = x2p4 xp34 = x3p4 xp44 = x4p4 xpp4 = b1 + b16 2 * (b4) + b17 x11f1 = b1 (x1p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x12f1 = b2 (x1p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x13f1 = b3 (x1p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x14f1 = b4 (x1p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) x21f1 = b5 (x2p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x22f1 = b6 (x2p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x23f1 = b7 (x2p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x24f1 = b8 (x2p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) x31f1 = b9 (x3p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x32f1 = b10 (x3p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x33f1 = b11 (x3p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x34f1 = b12 (x3p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) x41f1 = b13 (x4p4) * (xp14) / (xpp4) x42f1 = b14 (x4p4) * (xp24) / (xpp4) x43f1 = b15 (x4p4) * (xp34) / (xpp4) x44f1 = b16 (x4p4) * (xp44) / (xpp4) END SUB Eighth example, Ybus modeling:
CLS PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "calculation of bus voltage for a 4bus network" INPUT "Y11 = ", y11 INPUT "Y12 = ", y12 INPUT "Y13 = ", y13 INPUT "Y14 = ", y14 INPUT "Y21 = ", y21 INPUT "Y22 = ", y22 INPUT "Y23 = ", y23 INPUT "Y24 = ", y24 INPUT "Y31 = ", y31 INPUT "Y32 = ", y32 INPUT "Y33 = ", y33 INPUT "Y34 = ", y34 INPUT "Y41 = ", y41 INPUT "Y42 = ", y42 INPUT "Y43 = ", y43 INPUT "Y44 = ", y44 y110 = y11 / y11 y120 = y12 / y11 y130 = y13 / y11 y140 = y14 / y11 y220 = y22 (y21) * (y12) / (y11) y230 = y23 (y21) * (y13) / (y11) y240 = y24 (y21) * (y14) / y11 y320 = y32 (y31) * (y12) / y11 y330 = y33 (y31) * (y13) / y11 y340 = y34 (y31) * (y14) / y11 y420 = y42 (y41) * (y12) / y11 y430 = y43 (y41) * (y13) / y11 y440 = y44 (y41) * (y14) / y11 y221 = y220 / y220 y231 = y230 / y220 y241 = y240 / y220 y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 y332 = y331 / y331 y342 = y341 / y331
y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 PRINT "the L matrix of the triangular factorization =" PRINT y11 PRINT y21, y220 PRINT y31, y320, y331 PRINT y41, y420, y431, y442 PRINT "the U matrix of the triangular factorization =" PRINT y110, y120, y130, y140 PRINT y211, y221, y231, y241 PRINT y312, y322, y332, y342 PRINT 0, 0, 0, 1 INPUT "current injected in node 1 I1 =", x1 INPUT "the angle O1 in deg. =", z1 INPUT "current injected in node 2 I2 =", x2 INPUT "the angle O2 =", z2 INPUT " current injected in node 3 I3 =", x3 INPUT "the angle O3 =", z3 INPUT "current injected in node 4 I4 =", x4 INPUT "the angle O4 =", z4 PRINT "V1' =", x1 / y11 IF z1 = 0 THEN z12d1 = 0 IF z1 > 0 THEN z12d1 = z1 90 IF z1 < 0 THEN z12d1 = z1 90 z12 = 3.141592654# * z1 / (180) v1r = (x1 / y11) * (COS(z12 1.570796)) v1m = (x1 / y11) * (SIN(z12 1.570796)) z22 = 3.141592654# * z2 / (180) v2r = (v1r) * (y21) / (y220) + ((x2 / y220) * (COS(z22 1.570796))) v2m = (v1m) * (y21) / (y220) + ((x2 / y220) * (SIN(z22 1.570796))) v2 = (v2r ^ 2 + v2m ^ 2) ^ .5 PRINT "V'2 =", v2 IF v2r = 0 THEN av2 = 0 IF v2r > 0 THEN av2 = ATN(v2m / v2r) IF v2r < 0 THEN av2 = ATN(v2m / v2r) av2d = av2 * 180 / (3.14159265#) PRINT "the phase angle =", av2d z31 = 3.141592654# * z3 / (180) v3r = ((v1r * y31) / (y331)) + (x3 * (COS(z31 1.570796)) / (y331)) ((v2r * y320) / (y331)) v3m = ((v1m * y31) / (y331)) + (x3 * (SIN(z31 1.570796)) / (y331)) ((v2m * y320) / (y331)) V3 = (v3r ^ 2 + v3m ^ 2) ^ .5 IF v3r = 0 THEN av3 = 0
IF v3r > 0 THEN av3 = ATN(v3m / v3r) IF v3r < 0 THEN av3 = ATN(v3m / v3r) av3d = av3 * 180 / (3.14159265#) PRINT "V'3 =", V3 PRINT "the phase angle of V'3=", av3d z41 = 3.141592654# * z4 / (180) v4r = ((v1r * y41) / (y442)) + (x4 * (COS(z41 1.570796)) / (y442)) ((v2r * y420) / (y442)) (v3r * y431) / (y442) v4m = ((v1m * y41) / (y442)) + (x4 * (SIN(z41 1.570796)) / (y442)) ((v2m * y420) / (y442)) ((v3m * y431) / (y442)) v4 = (v4r ^ 2 + v4m ^ 2) ^ .5 IF v4r = 0 THEN av4 = 0 IF v4r > 0 THEN av4 = ATN(v4m / v4r) IF v4r < 0 THEN av4 = ATN(v4m / v4r) av4d = av4 * 180 / (3.14159265#) PRINT "V'4 =", v4 PRINT "the phase angle of V'4=", av4d PRINT "V'4 = V4 = bus 4 voltage", v4 PRINT "the angle of V4 =", av4d v31r = v3r (y342) * (v4r) v31m = v3m (y342) * (v4m) v31 = (v31r ^ 2 + v31m ^ 2) ^ .5 IF v31r = 0 THEN av31 = 0 IF v31r > 0 THEN av31 = ATN(v31m / v31r) IF v31r < 0 THEN av31 = ATN(v31m / v31r) av31d = av31 * 180 / (3.14159265#) PRINT "voltage at bus 3, V3 =", v31 PRINT "the angle of V3 = ", av31d v21r = (v2r (y241 * v4r) (y231 * v31r)) v21m = (v2m (y241 * v4m) (y231 * v31m)) v21 = (v21r ^ 2 + v21m ^ 2) ^ .5 IF v21r = 0 THEN av21 = 0 IF v21r > 0 THEN av21 = ATN(v21m / v21r) IF v21r < 0 THEN av21 = ATN(v21m / v21r) av21d = av21 * 180 / (3.14159265#) PRINT "voltage at bus 2, V2 =", v21 PRINT "the angle of V2 = ", av21d v11r = (v1r (y140 * v4r) (y130 * v31r) (v21r * y120)) v11m = (v1m (y140 * v4m) (y130 * v31m) (v21m * y120)) v11 = (v11r ^ 2 + v11m ^ 2) ^ .5 IF v11r = 0 THEN av11 = 0
IF v11r > 0 THEN av11 = ATN(v11m / v11r) IF v11r < 0 THEN av11 = ATN(v11m / v11r) av11d = av11 * 180 / (3.14159265#) PRINT "voltage at bus 1, V1 =", v11 PRINT "the angle of V1 = ", av11d INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 1, V1 =", v11 PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 2, V2 =", v21 PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 3, V3 =", v31 PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 4 voltage =", v4 PRINT #1, "the angle of V1 = ", av11d PRINT #1, "the angle of V2 = ", av21d PRINT #1, "the angle of V3 = ", av31d PRINT #1, "the phase angle of V4 =", av4d CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 1, V1 =", v11 PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 2, V2 =", v21 PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 3, V3 =", v31 PRINT #1, "voltage at bus 4 voltage =", v4 PRINT #1, "the angle of V1 = ", av11d PRINT #1, "the angle of V2 = ", av21d PRINT #1, "the angle of V3 = ", av31d PRINT #1, "the phase angle of V4 =", av4d CLOSE #1 END IF
Ninth example, calculation of short circuit currents for different fault conditions for a simple circuit: DECLARE SUB q (h!, j!, k!) DECLARE SUB r (v1!, z1!, n1!, p1!, g1!, l1!) DECLARE SUB s (m!, u!, w!, wu!) DECLARE SUB o (a!, b!, c!, d!, e!, f!) CLS 'a program to calculate the fault currents in electrical systems PRINT "The Series of Short Programs for Power Systems Analysts" PRINT "a program to calculate the fault currents" INPUT "enter fault reactance in p.u., if any"; l INPUT "enter +ve seq. react. in p.u."; p INPUT "enter neutral reactance in p.u., if any"; g INPUT "enter ve seq. react. in p.u."; n INPUT "enter zero seq. react. in p.u."; z INPUT "enter prefault voltage in p.u."; v INPUT "type of fault, for single ph to ground enter 1, for ph to ph enter 2, for ph. to ph. to ground enter 3 & for 3 phase enter 4"; t IF t = 1 THEN CALL o(v, z, n, p, g, l) IF t = 2 THEN CALL s(v, p, n, l) IF t = 3 THEN CALL r(v, z, n, p, g, l) IF t = 4 THEN CALL q(v, p, l) SUB o (a!, b!, c!, d!, e!, f!) x = 3 * (f) y = 3 * (e) i = a / (x + y + c + b + d) PRINT "+ve seq. current, Ia1="; i PRINT "fault current in p.u."; 3 * i INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "reference:", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "single phase to ground fault current in p.u.= "; 3 * i
CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "single phase to ground fault current in p.u. = "; 3 * i CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB SUB q (h, j, k) PRINT "the 3phase fault="; h / (j + k) INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "reference:", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "3phase fault current in p.u.= "; h / (j + k) CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "3phase fault current in p.u.= "; h / (j + k) CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB SUB r (v1, z1, n1, p1, g1, l1) j1 = (3 * g1 + 3 * l1 + z1) * n1 / (3 * g1 + 3 * l1 + z1 + n1)
j2 = v1 / (p1 + j1) j3 = v1 (j2 * p1) PRINT "the line to line to ground fault current="; (3 * j3) / z1 INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "reference:", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "line to line to ground fault current in p.u.= "; (3 * j3) / z1 CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "line to line to ground fault current in p.u. = "; (3 * j3) / z1 CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB SUB s (m, u, w, uw) i1 = m / (u + w + uw) PRINT "fault current in p.u.="; .866 * 2 * i1 INPUT "Project Name: ", projnam$ INPUT "Project Number: ", projnum$ INPUT "prepared by:", pb$ INPUT "date:", da$ INPUT "reference:", refer$ INPUT "if you want to append file enter 2 or overwrite it enter 1, your choice: ", opap IF opap = 1 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$
PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "line to line fault current in p.u.= "; .866 * 2 * i1 CLOSE #1 END IF IF opap = 2 THEN INPUT "filename to save this file under: ", filename$ OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "Project Name:"; projnam$, "Prepared By: "; pb$ PRINT #1, "Project Number:"; projnum$, "Date: "; da$ PRINT #1, "Reference: ", refer$ PRINT #1, "line to line fault current in p.u.= "; .866 * 2 * i1 CLOSE #1 END IF END SUB C++: First example, that converts from wye to delta & vice versa, that finds the equivalent of a few parallel branches and to calculate the short circuit value for a simple circuit: #include #include void main() { char response,filename[80],mainsel; float x,y,z,b1,b2,b3,fb1,fb2,fb3,fb4,fb5,fb6,eq,eq1,fr,psr,nr,nsr,zsr,pfv,i1,i2; float i3,i; int quit = 0; while (quit==0) { cout<<"enter:a for y to delta conversion, b for delta to Y conversion"<<endl <<"c to find the equivalent of a few parallel branches, d to calculate"<<endl <<"the short circuit current for a simple system & q to quit: "<<endl; cin>>mainsel; cout<<"file name:(enter q if you entered q to previous prompt) "; cin>>filename; ofstream fout(filename); if (mainsel == 'b') { cout<< "branch 23: " ; cin >> x ; cout<< "branch 12: " ; cin >> y; cout<< "branch 13: " ;
cin >> z; b1 = (x*y)/(x+y+z); cout << "branch 2n = "<< b1 << endl; b2 = (x*z)/(x+y+z); cout << "branch 3n = "<< b2 << endl; b3= (z*y)/(x+y+z) ; cout << "branch 1n = "<< b3 << endl; fout<<"branches 1n,2n & 3n,respectively: "<> x ; cout<< "branch 3n: " ; cin >> y; cout<< "branch 2n: " ; cin >> z; b1 = x + y + (x*y/z); cout << "branch 13 = "<< b1 << endl; b2 = y + z + (y*z/x); cout << "branch 23 = "<< b2 << endl; b3= x + z + (x*z/y); cout << "branch 12 = "<< b3 << endl; fout<<"branches 13,23 & 12,respectively: "<>response; switch (response) { case 'a': cout <<"enter value of first branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb1 ; cout <<"enter value of second branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb2 ; eq1 = (1/fb1)+(1/fb2); eq = 1/(eq1); cout <<"the equivalent for the branches ="<<eq<<endl; fout<<"equivalent branch: "<<eq<<endl; fout.close();
continue; case 'b': cout <<"enter value of first branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb1 ; cout <<"enter value of second branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb2 ; cout <<"enter value of third branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb3 ; eq1 = (1/fb1)+(1/fb2)+(1/fb3); eq = 1/(eq1); cout <<"the equivalent for the branches ="<<eq<<endl; fout<<"equivalent branch: "<<eq<<endl; fout.close(); continue; case 'c': cout <<"enter value of first branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb1 ; cout <<"enter value of second branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb2 ; cout <<"enter value of third branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb3 ; cout <<"enter value of fourth branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb4 ; eq1 = (1/fb1)+(1/fb2)+(1/fb3)+(1/fb4); eq = 1/(eq1); cout <<"the equivalent for the branches ="<<eq<<endl; fout<<"equivalent branch: "<<eq<<endl; fout.close(); continue; case 'd': cout <<"enter value of first branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb1 ; cout <<"enter value of second branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb2 ; cout <<"enter value of third branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb3 ; cout <<"enter value of fourth branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb4 ; cout <<"enter value of fifth branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb5 ; eq1 = (1/fb1)+(1/fb2)+(1/fb3)+(1/fb4)+(1/fb5); eq = 1/(eq1); cout <<"the equivalent for the branches ="<<eq<<endl; fout<<"equivalent branch: "<<eq<<endl;
fout.close(); continue; case 'e': cout <<"enter value of first branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb1 ; cout <<"enter value of second branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb2 ; cout <<"enter value of third branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb3 ; cout <<"enter value of fourth branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb4 ; cout <<"enter value of fifth branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb5 ; cout <<"enter value of sixth branch ="<<endl; cin >> fb6 ; eq1 = (1/fb1)+(1/fb2)+(1/fb3)+(1/fb4)+(1/fb5)+(1/fb6); eq = 1/(eq1); cout <<"the equivalent for the branches ="<<eq<<endl; fout<<"equivalent branch: "<<eq<<endl; fout.close(); continue; } } if (mainsel == 'd') { cout <<"enter a for line to ground fault" << endl; cout <<"enter b for line to line fault" << endl; cout <<"enter c for line to line to ground fault" << endl; cout <<"enter d for 3 phase fault and q to quit" << endl; cin >>response; switch (response) { case 'a': cout <<"the prefault voltage in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>pfv ; cout <<"the fault reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>fr ; cout <<"the positive sequence reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>psr ; cout <<"the negative sequence reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>nsr ; cout <<"the zero sequence reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>zsr ; cout <<"the neutral reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>nr ;
i1 = pfv/((3*fr)+psr+(3*nr)+nsr+zsr); i = 3*(i1); cout<<"the +ve sequence current & the fault current in p.u. ="<>pfv ; cout <<"the fault reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>fr ; cout <<"the positive sequence reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>psr ; cout <<"the negative sequence reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>nsr ; i1 = pfv/(fr+psr+nsr); i = (.866*2*i1); cout<<"the fault current in p.u. ="<< i << endl; fout<<"the fault current in p.u. ="<< i << endl; fout.close(); continue; case 'c': cout <<"the prefault voltage in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>pfv ; cout <<"the fault reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>fr ; cout <<"the positive sequence reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>psr ; cout <<"the negative sequence reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>nsr ; cout <<"the zero sequence reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>zsr ; cout <<"the neutral reactance in p.u.=" << endl; cin >>nr ; i1 = ((3*fr)+(3*nr)+zsr)*(nsr)/((3*fr)+(3*nr)+zsr+nsr); i2 = pfv/(i1+psr); i3 = pfv(i2*psr); i = (3*i3)/zsr; cout<<"the fault current in p.u. =" << i << endl; fout<<"the fault current in p.u. ="<< i << endl; fout.close(); continue; case 'd': cout <<"the prefault voltage in p.u.=" << endl;
cin >>pfv ; cout <<"the fault reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>fr ; cout <<"the positive sequence reactance in p.u. =" << endl; cin >>psr ; i = pfv/(psr+fr); cout<<"the fault current in p.u. =" << i << endl; fout<<"the fault current in p.u. ="<< i << endl; fout.close(); continue; } } if (mainsel == 'q') { quit = 1; break; } } } Second example, solving 2 & 3 simultaneous equations using matrix manipulation: #include #include void main() { char response ; int quit = 0; char filename[80]; float a11 ; float a12 ; float a13 ; float a21 ; float a22 ; float a23 ; float a31 ; float a32 ; float a33 ; float det ; float b11 ; float b12 ; float b13 ; float b21 ; float b22 ;
float b23 ; float b31 ; float b32 ; float b33 ; while (quit==0) { cout<<"enter a for 2 by 2 matrix & b for 3X3 (or q to quit): "<>response; cout<<"file name:(enter q if you entered q to previous prompt) "; cin>>filename; ofstream fout(filename); switch (response) { case 'a': cout <<"enter element a11: "<<endl; cin >>a11 ; cout <<"enter element a12: "<<endl; cin >>a12 ; cout <<"enter element a21: "<<endl; cin >>a21 ; cout <<"enter element a22: "<<endl; cin >>a22 ; det = (a11*a22)(a12*a21) ; cout <<"the determinant of the matrix = "<<det <<endl; if (det == 0) break; else b11 = a22/det ; b12 = a12/det ; b21 = a12/det ; b22 = a11/det ; cout <<"the inverted matrix has a11 = "<>a11 ; cout <<"enter element a12: "<<endl; cin >>a12 ; cout <<"enter element a13: "<<endl;
cin >>a13 ; cout <<"enter element a21: "<<endl; cin >>a21 ; cout <<"enter element a22: "<<endl; cin >>a22 ; cout <<"enter element a23: "<<endl; cin >>a23 ; cout <<"enter element a31: "<<endl; cin >>a31 ; cout <<"enter element a32: "<<endl; cin >>a32 ; cout <<"enter element a33: "<<endl; cin >>a33 ; det = (a11*(a22*a33a32*a23))(a12*(a21*a33a23*a31))+(a13*(a21*a32a22*a31)) ; cout <<"the determinant of the matrix = "<<det <<endl; if (det == 0) break; else b11 = (a22*a33a23*a32)/det ; b12 = (a12*a33a13*a32)/det ; b13 = (a12*a23a13*a22)/det ; b21 = (a21*a33a31*a23)/det ; b22 = (a11*a33a13*a31)/det ; b23 = (a11*a23a13*a21)/det ; b31 = (a21*a32a31*a22)/det ; b32 = (a11*a32a12*a31)/det ; b33 = (a11*a22a21*a12)/det ; cout <<"the inverted matrix has a11 = "<
break; case 'q': quit = 1; break ; } } } Third example, solving 4, 5 , & 7 simultaneous equations using gaussian elimination/triangular manipulation method: #include #include void main() { char response, filename[80] ; int quit = 0 ; float a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26,a31,a32,a33,a34,a35,a36; float a41,a42,a43,a44,a45,a46,a51,a52,a53,a54,a55,a56,a61,a62,a63,a64,a65,a66; float y110,y120,y130,y140,y150,y160,y220,y230,y240,y250,y260,y320,y330,y340,y350,y360; float y420,y430,y440,y450,y460,y520,y530,y540,y550,y560,y620,y630,y640,y650,y660; float y221,y231,y241,y251,y261,y331,y341,y351,y361,y431,y441,y451,y461,y531,y541; float y551,y561,y631,y641,y651,y661,y332,y342,y352,y362,y442,y452,y462,y542,y552; float y562,y642,y652,y662,y443,y453,y463,y553,y563,y653,y663,y554,y564,y664 ; float m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 ; float a17,a27,a37,a47,a57,a67,a71,a72,a73,a74,a75,a76,a77,y170,y270,y370,y470; float y570,y670,y720,y730,y740,y750,y760,y770,y271,y371,y471,y571,y671; float y731,y741,y751,y761,y771,y372,y472,y572,y672,y742,y752,y762,y772,y473,y573; float y673,y753,y763,y773,y574,y674,y764,y774,y665,y675,y775; while (quit==0) { cout<<"enter a for 4x4 matrix,b for 5X5,c for 6X6,d for 7x7 (or q to quit): "<>response; cout<<"file name:(enter q if you entered q to previous prompt) "; cin>>filename; ofstream fout(filename); switch (response) { case 'a': cout<<"enter element a11: "<<endl; cin>>a11 ; cout<<"enter element a12: "<<endl; cin>>a12 ; cout<<"enter element a13: "<<endl; cin>>a13 ; cout<<"enter element a14: "<<endl; cin>>a14 ;
cout<<"enter element a21: "<<endl; cin>>a21 ; cout<<"enter element a22: "<<endl; cin>>a22 ; cout<<"enter element a23: "<<endl; cin>>a23 ; cout<<"enter element a24: "<<endl; cin>>a24 ; cout<<"enter element a31: "<<endl; cin>>a31 ; cout<<"enter element a32: "<<endl; cin>>a32 ; cout<<"enter element a33: "<<endl; cin>>a33 ; cout<<"enter element a34: "<<endl; cin>>a34 ; cout<<"enter element a41: "<<endl; cin>>a41 ; cout<<"enter element a42: "<<endl; cin>>a42 ; cout<<"enter element a43: "<<endl; cin>>a43 ; cout<<"enter element a44: "<<endl; cin>>a44 ; y110 = a11 / a11 ; y120 = a12 / a11 ; y130 = a13 / a11 ; y140 = a14 / a11 ; y220 = a22 (a21) * (a12) / (a11) ; y230 = a23 (a21) * (a13) / (a11) ; y240 = a24 (a21) * (a14) / a11 ; y320 = a32 (a31) * (a12) / a11 ; y330 = a33 (a31) * (a13) / a11 ; y340 = a34 (a31) * (a14) / a11 ; y420 = a42 (a41) * (a12) / a11 ; y430 = a43 (a41) * (a13) / a11 ; y440 = a44 (a41) * (a14) / a11 ; y221 = y220 / y220 ; y231 = y230 / y220 ; y241 = y240 / y220 ; y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 ;
y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 ; y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 ; y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 ; y332 = y331 / y331 ; y342 = y341 / y331 ; y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 ; cout<<"enter right hand side of equation or mismatch m1: "<<endl; cin>>m1 ; cout<<"enter element m2: "<<endl; cin>>m2 ; cout<<"enter element m3: "<<endl; cin>>m3 ; cout<<"enter element m4: "<<endl; cin>>m4 ; v1 = m1 / a11 ; v2 = (m2 (v1) * (a21)) / y220 ; v3 = (m3 (v1) * (a31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 ; v4 = (m4 (v1) * (a41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 ; f4 = v4 ; f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4))) ; f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4))) ; f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4))); cout<<"the elements of the lower matrix:a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,"<<endl <<"a33,a34,a41,a42,a43,a44: "<>a11 ;
cout<<"enter element a12: "<<endl; cin>>a12 ; cout<<"enter element a13: "<<endl; cin>>a13 ; cout<<"enter element a14: "<<endl; cin>>a14 ; cout<<"enter element a15: "<<endl; cin>>a15 ; cout<<"enter element a21: "<<endl; cin>>a21 ; cout<<"enter element a22: "<<endl; cin>>a22 ; cout<<"enter element a23: "<<endl; cin>>a23 ; cout<<"enter element a24: "<<endl; cin>>a24 ; cout<<"enter element a25: "<<endl; cin>>a25 ; cout<<"enter element a31: "<<endl; cin>>a31 ; cout<<"enter element a32: "<<endl; cin>>a32 ; cout<<"enter element a33: "<<endl; cin>>a33 ; cout<<"enter element a34: "<<endl; cin>>a34 ; cout<<"enter element a35: "<<endl; cin>>a35 ; cout<<"enter element a41: "<<endl; cin>>a41 ; cout<<"enter element a42: "<<endl; cin>>a42 ; cout<<"enter element a43: "<<endl; cin>>a43 ; cout<<"enter element a44: "<<endl; cin>>a44 ; cout<<"enter element a45: "<<endl; cin>>a45 ; cout<<"enter element a51: "<<endl; cin>>a51 ; cout<<"enter element a52: "<<endl;
cin>>a52 ; cout<<"enter element a53: "<<endl; cin>>a53 ; cout<<"enter element a54: "<<endl; cin>>a54 ; cout<<"enter element a55: "<<endl; cin>>a55 ; y110 = a11 / a11 ; y120 = a12 / a11 ; y130 = a13 / a11 ; y140 = a14 / a11 ; y150 = a15 / a11 ; y220 = a22 (a21) * (a12) / (a11) ; y230 = a23 (a21) * (a13) / (a11) ; y240 = a24 (a21) * (a14) / a11 ; y250 = a25 (a21) * (a15) / a11 ; y320 = a32 (a31) * (a12) / a11 ; y330 = a33 (a31) * (a13) / a11 ; y340 = a34 (a31) * (a14) / a11 ; y350 = a35 (a31) * (a15) / a11 ; y420 = a42 (a41) * (a12) / a11 ; y430 = a43 (a41) * (a13) / a11 ; y440 = a44 (a41) * (a14) / a11 ; y450 = a45 (a41) * (a15) / a11 ; y520 = a52 (a51) * (a12) / a11 ; y530 = a53 (a51) * (a13) / a11 ; y540 = a54 (a51) * (a14) / a11 ; y550 = a55 (a51) * (a15) / a11 ; y221 = y220 / y220 ; y231 = y230 / y220 ; y241 = y240 / y220 ; y251 = y250 / y220 ; y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 ; y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 ; y351 = y350 (y320) * (y250) / y220 ; y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 ; y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 ; y451 = y450 (y420) * (y250) / y220 ; y531 = y530 (y520) * (y230) / y220 ; y541 = y540 (y520) * (y240) / y220 ; y551 = y550 (y520) * (y250) / y220 ;
y332 = y331 / y331 ; y342 = y341 / y331 ; y352 = y351 / y331 ; y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 ; y452 = y451 (y431) * (y351) / y331 ; y542 = y541 (y531) * (y341) / y331 ; y552 = y551 (y531) * (y351) / y331 ; y443 = y442 / y442 ; y453 = y452 / y442 ; y553 = y552 (y542) * (y452) / y442 ; cout<<"enter right hand side of equation or mismatch m1: "<<endl; cin>>m1 ; cout<<"enter element m2: "<<endl; cin>>m2 ; cout<<"enter element m3: "<<endl; cin>>m3 ; cout<<"enter element m4: "<<endl; cin>>m4 ; cout<<"enter element m5: "<<endl; cin>>m5 ; v1 = m1 / a11 ; v2 = (m2 (v1) * (a21)) / y220 ; v3 = (m3 (v1) * (a31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 ; v4 = (m4 (v1) * (a41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 ; v5 = (m5 (v1) * (a51) (y520) * (v2) (v3) * (y531) (v4) * (y542)) / y553; f5 = v5 ; f4 = (v4 ((y453) * (f5))) ; f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4)) ((y352) * (f5))) ; f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4)) ((y251) * (f5))) ; f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4)) ((y150) * (f5))); cout<<"the elements of the lower matrix:a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,"<<endl <<"a31,a32,a33,a34,a35,a41,a42,a43,a44,a45,a51,a52,a53,a54,a55: "<
<<",0,0,"<>a11 ; cout<<"enter element a12: "<<endl; cin>>a12 ; cout<<"enter element a13: "<<endl; cin>>a13 ; cout<<"enter element a14: "<<endl; cin>>a14 ; cout<<"enter element a15: "<<endl; cin>>a15 ; cout<<"enter element a16: "<<endl; cin>>a16 ; cout<<"enter element a21: "<<endl; cin>>a21 ; cout<<"enter element a22: "<<endl; cin>>a22 ; cout<<"enter element a23: "<<endl; cin>>a23 ; cout<<"enter element a24: "<<endl; cin>>a24 ; cout<<"enter element a25: "<<endl;
cin>>a25 ; cout<<"enter element a26: "<<endl; cin>>a26 ; cout<<"enter element a31: "<<endl; cin>>a31 ; cout<<"enter element a32: "<<endl; cin>>a32 ; cout<<"enter element a33: "<<endl; cin>>a33 ; cout<<"enter element a34: "<<endl; cin>>a34 ; cout<<"enter element a35: "<<endl; cin>>a35 ; cout<<"enter element a36: "<<endl; cin>>a36 ; cout<<"enter element a41: "<<endl; cin>>a41 ; cout<<"enter element a42: "<<endl; cin>>a42 ; cout<<"enter element a43: "<<endl; cin>>a43 ; cout<<"enter element a44: "<<endl; cin>>a44 ; cout<<"enter element a45: "<<endl; cin>>a45 ; cout<<"enter element a46: "<<endl; cin>>a46 ; cout<<"enter element a51: "<<endl; cin>>a51 ; cout<<"enter element a52: "<<endl; cin>>a52 ; cout<<"enter element a53: "<<endl; cin>>a53 ; cout<<"enter element a54: "<<endl; cin>>a54 ; cout<<"enter element a55: "<<endl; cin>>a55 ; cout<<"enter element a56: "<<endl; cin>>a56 ; cout<<"enter element a61: "<<endl; cin>>a61 ;
cout<<"enter element a62: "<<endl; cin>>a62 ; cout<<"enter element a63: "<<endl; cin>>a63 ; cout<<"enter element a64: "<<endl; cin>>a64 ; cout<<"enter element a65: "<<endl; cin>>a65 ; cout<<"enter element a66: "<<endl; cin>>a66 ; y110 = a11 / a11 ; y120 = a12 / a11 ; y130 = a13 / a11 ; y140 = a14 / a11 ; y150 = a15 / a11 ; y160 = a16 / a11 ; y220 = a22 (a21) * (a12) / (a11) ; y230 = a23 (a21) * (a13) / (a11) ; y240 = a24 (a21) * (a14) / a11 ; y250 = a25 (a21) * (a15) / a11 ; y260 = a26 (a21) * (a16) / a11 ; y320 = a32 (a31) * (a12) / a11 ; y330 = a33 (a31) * (a13) / a11 ; y340 = a34 (a31) * (a14) / a11 ; y350 = a35 (a31) * (a15) / a11 ; y360 = a36 (a31) * (a16) / a11 ; y420 = a42 (a41) * (a12) / a11 ; y430 = a43 (a41) * (a13) / a11 ; y440 = a44 (a41) * (a14) / a11 ; y450 = a45 (a41) * (a15) / a11 ; y460 = a46 (a41) * (a16) / a11 ; y520 = a52 (a51) * (a12) / a11 ; y530 = a53 (a51) * (a13) / a11 ; y540 = a54 (a51) * (a14) / a11 ; y550 = a55 (a51) * (a15) / a11 ; y560 = a56 (a51) * (a16) / a11 ; y620 = a62 (a61) * (a12) / a11 ; y630 = a63 (a61) * (a13) / a11 ; y640 = a64 (a61) * (a14) / a11 ; y650 = a65 (a61) * (a15) / a11 ; y660 = a66 (a61) * (a16) / a11 ;
y221 = y220 / y220 ; y231 = y230 / y220 ; y241 = y240 / y220 ; y251 = y250 / y220 ; y261 = y260 / y220 ; y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 ; y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 ; y351 = y350 (y320) * (y250) / y220 ; y361 = y360 (y320) * (y260) / y220 ; y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 ; y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 ; y451 = y450 (y420) * (y250) / y220 ; y461 = y460 (y420) * (y260) / y220 ; y531 = y530 (y520) * (y230) / y220 ; y541 = y540 (y520) * (y240) / y220 ; y551 = y550 (y520) * (y250) / y220 ; y561 = y560 (y520) * (y260) / y220 ; y631 = y630 (y620) * (y230) / y220 ; y641 = y640 (y620) * (y240) / y220 ; y651 = y650 (y620) * (y250) / y220 ; y661 = y660 (y620) * (y260) / y220 ; y332 = y331 / y331 ; y342 = y341 / y331 ; y352 = y351 / y331 ; y362 = y361 / y331 ; y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 ; y452 = y451 (y431) * (y351) / y331 ; y462 = y461 (y431) * (y361) / y331 ; y542 = y541 (y531) * (y341) / y331 ; y552 = y551 (y531) * (y351) / y331 ; y562 = y561 (y531) * (y361) / y331 ; y642 = y641 (y631) * (y341) / y331 ; y652 = y651 (y631) * (y351) / y331 ; y662 = y661 (y631) * (y361) / y331 ; y443 = y442 / y442 ; y453 = y452 / y442 ; y463 = y462 / y442 ; y553 = y552 (y542) * (y452) / y442 ; y563 = y562 (y542) * (y462) / y442 ; y653 = y652 (y642) * (y452) / y442 ; y663 = y662 (y642) * (y462) / y442 ;
y554 = y553 / y553 ; y564 = y563 / y553 ; y664 = y663 (y653) * (y563) / y553 ; cout<<"enter right hand side of equation or mismatch m1: "<<endl; cin>>m1 ; cout<<"enter element m2: "<<endl; cin>>m2 ; cout<<"enter element m3: "<<endl; cin>>m3 ; cout<<"enter element m4: "<<endl; cin>>m4 ; cout<<"enter element m5: "<<endl; cin>>m5 ; cout<<"enter element m6: "<<endl; cin>>m6 ; v1 = m1 / a11 ; v2 = (m2 (v1) * (a21)) / y220 ; v3 = (m3 (v1) * (a31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 ; v4 = (m4 (v1) * (a41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 ; v5 = (m5 (v1) * (a51) (y520) * (v2) (v3) * (y531) (v4) * (y542)) / y553 ; v6 = (m6 (v1) * (a61) (y620) * (v2) (y631) * (v3) (y642) * (v4) (y653) * (v5)) / y664 ; f6 = v6 ; f5 = (v5 ((y564) * (f6))) ; f4 = (v4 ((y453) * (f5)) ((y463) * (f6))) ; f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4)) ((y352) * (f5)) ((y362) * (f6))) ; f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4)) ((y251) * (f5)) ((y261) * (f6))) ; f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4)) ((y150) * (f5)) ((y160) * (f6))) ; cout<<"the elements of the lower matrix:a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a21,a22,a23,"<<endl <<"a24,a25,a26,a31,a32,a33,a34,a35,a36,a41,a42,a43,a44,a45,a46,a51,a52,a53,"<<endl <<"a54,a55,a56,a61,a62,a63,a64,a65,a66: "<
<<"0,0,0,0,"<>a11 ; cout<<"enter element a12: "<<endl; cin>>a12 ; cout<<"enter element a13: "<<endl; cin>>a13 ; cout<<"enter element a14: "<<endl; cin>>a14 ; cout<<"enter element a15: "<<endl; cin>>a15 ; cout<<"enter element a16: "<<endl; cin>>a16 ; cout<<"enter element a17: "<<endl; cin>>a17 ; cout<<"enter element a21: "<<endl; cin>>a21 ; cout<<"enter element a22: "<<endl;
cin>>a22 ; cout<<"enter element a23: "<<endl; cin>>a23 ; cout<<"enter element a24: "<<endl; cin>>a24 ; cout<<"enter element a25: "<<endl; cin>>a25 ; cout<<"enter element a26: "<<endl; cin>>a26 ; cout<<"enter element a27: "<<endl; cin>>a27 ; cout<<"enter element a31: "<<endl; cin>>a31 ; cout<<"enter element a32: "<<endl; cin>>a32 ; cout<<"enter element a33: "<<endl; cin>>a33 ; cout<<"enter element a34: "<<endl; cin>>a34 ; cout<<"enter element a35: "<<endl; cin>>a35 ; cout<<"enter element a36: "<<endl; cin>>a36 ; cout<<"enter element a37: "<<endl; cin>>a37 ; cout<<"enter element a41: "<<endl; cin>>a41 ; cout<<"enter element a42: "<<endl; cin>>a42 ; cout<<"enter element a43: "<<endl; cin>>a43 ; cout<<"enter element a44: "<<endl; cin>>a44 ; cout<<"enter element a45: "<<endl; cin>>a45 ; cout<<"enter element a46: "<<endl; cin>>a46 ; cout<<"enter element a47: "<<endl; cin>>a47 ; cout<<"enter element a51: "<<endl; cin>>a51 ;
cout<<"enter element a52: "<<endl; cin>>a52 ; cout<<"enter element a53: "<<endl; cin>>a53 ; cout<<"enter element a54: "<<endl; cin>>a54 ; cout<<"enter element a55: "<<endl; cin>>a55 ; cout<<"enter element a56: "<<endl; cin>>a56 ; cout<<"enter element a57: "<<endl; cin>>a57 ; cout<<"enter element a61: "<<endl; cin>>a61 ; cout<<"enter element a62: "<<endl; cin>>a62 ; cout<<"enter element a63: "<<endl; cin>>a63 ; cout<<"enter element a64: "<<endl; cin>>a64 ; cout<<"enter element a65: "<<endl; cin>>a65 ; cout<<"enter element a66: "<<endl; cin>>a66 ; cout<<"enter element a67: "<<endl; cin>>a67 ; cout<<"enter element a71: "<<endl; cin>>a71 ; cout<<"enter element a72: "<<endl; cin>>a72 ; cout<<"enter element a73: "<<endl; cin>>a73 ; cout<<"enter element a74: "<<endl; cin>>a74 ; cout<<"enter element a75: "<<endl; cin>>a75 ; cout<<"enter element a76: "<<endl; cin>>a76 ; cout<<"enter element a77: "<<endl; cin>>a77 ;
y110 = a11 / a11 ; y120 = a12 / a11 ; y130 = a13 / a11 ; y140 = a14 / a11 ; y150 = a15 / a11 ; y160 = a16 / a11 ; y170 = a17 / a11 ; y220 = a22 (a21) * (a12) / (a11) ; y230 = a23 (a21) * (a13) / (a11) ; y240 = a24 (a21) * (a14) / a11 ; y250 = a25 (a21) * (a15) / a11 ; y260 = a26 (a21) * (a16) / a11 ; y270 = a27 (a21) * (a17) / a11 ; y320 = a32 (a31) * (a12) / a11 ; y330 = a33 (a31) * (a13) / a11 ; y340 = a34 (a31) * (a14) / a11 ; y350 = a35 (a31) * (a15) / a11 ; y360 = a36 (a31) * (a16) / a11 ; y370 = a37 (a31) * (a17) / a11 ; y420 = a42 (a41) * (a12) / a11 ; y430 = a43 (a41) * (a13) / a11 ; y440 = a44 (a41) * (a14) / a11 ; y450 = a45 (a41) * (a15) / a11 ; y460 = a46 (a41) * (a16) / a11 ; y470 = a47 (a41) * (a17) / a11 ; y520 = a52 (a51) * (a12) / a11 ; y530 = a53 (a51) * (a13) / a11 ; y540 = a54 (a51) * (a14) / a11 ; y550 = a55 (a51) * (a15) / a11 ; y560 = a56 (a51) * (a16) / a11 ; y570 = a57 (a51) * (a17) / a11 ; y620 = a62 (a61) * (a12) / a11 ; y630 = a63 (a61) * (a13) / a11 ; y640 = a64 (a61) * (a14) / a11 ; y650 = a65 (a61) * (a15) / a11 ; y660 = a66 (a61) * (a16) / a11 ; y670 = a67 (a61) * (a17) / a11 ; y720 = a72 (a71) * (a12) / a11 ;
y730 = a73 (a71) * (a13) / a11 ; y740 = a74 (a71) * (a14) / a11 ; y750 = a75 (a71) * (a15) / a11 ; y760 = a76 (a71) * (a16) / a11 ; y770 = a77 (a71) * (a17) / a11 ; y221 = y220 / y220 ; y231 = y230 / y220 ; y241 = y240 / y220 ; y251 = y250 / y220 ; y261 = y260 / y220 ; y271 = y270 / y220 ; y331 = y330 (y320) * (y230) / y220 ; y341 = y340 (y320) * (y240) / y220 ; y351 = y350 (y320) * (y250) / y220 ; y361 = y360 (y320) * (y260) / y220 ; y371 = y370 (y320) * (y270) / y220 ; y431 = y430 (y420) * (y230) / y220 ; y441 = y440 (y420) * (y240) / y220 ; y451 = y450 (y420) * (y250) / y220 ; y461 = y460 (y420) * (y260) / y220 ; y471 = y470 (y420) * (y270) / y220 ; y531 = y530 (y520) * (y230) / y220 ; y541 = y540 (y520) * (y240) / y220 ; y551 = y550 (y520) * (y250) / y220 ; y561 = y560 (y520) * (y260) / y220 ; y571 = y570 (y520) * (y270) / y220 ; y631 = y630 (y620) * (y230) / y220 ; y641 = y640 (y620) * (y240) / y220 ; y651 = y650 (y620) * (y250) / y220 ; y661 = y660 (y620) * (y260) / y220 ; y671 = y670 (y620) * (y270) / y220 ; y731 = y730 (y720) * (y230) / y220 ; y741 = y740 (y720) * (y240) / y220 ; y751 = y750 (y720) * (y250) / y220 ; y761 = y760 (y720) * (y260) / y220 ; y771 = y770 (y720) * (y270) / y220 ; y332 = y331 / y331 ; y342 = y341 / y331 ;
y352 = y351 / y331 ; y362 = y361 / y331 ; y372 = y371 / y331 ; y442 = y441 (y431) * (y341) / y331 ; y452 = y451 (y431) * (y351) / y331 ; y462 = y461 (y431) * (y361) / y331 ; y472 = y471 (y431) * (y371) / y331 ; y542 = y541 (y531) * (y341) / y331 ; y552 = y551 (y531) * (y351) / y331 ; y562 = y561 (y531) * (y361) / y331 ; y572 = y571 (y531) * (y371) / y331 ; y642 = y641 (y631) * (y341) / y331 ; y652 = y651 (y631) * (y351) / y331 ; y662 = y661 (y631) * (y361) / y331 ; y672 = y671 (y631) * (y371) / y331 ; y742 = y741 (y731) * (y341) / y331 ; y752 = y751 (y731) * (y351) / y331 ; y762 = y761 (y731) * (y361) / y331 ; y772 = y771 (y731) * (y371) / y331 ; y443 = y442 / y442 ; y453 = y452 / y442 ; y463 = y462 / y442 ; y473 = y472 / y442 ; y553 = y552 (y542) * (y452) / y442 ; y563 = y562 (y542) * (y462) / y442 ; y573 = y572 (y542) * (y472) / y442 ; y653 = y652 (y642) * (y452) / y442 ; y663 = y662 (y642) * (y462) / y442 ; y673 = y672 (y642) * (y472) / y442 ; y753 = y752 (y742) * (y452) / y442 ; y763 = y762 (y742) * (y462) / y442 ; y773 = y772 (y742) * (y472) / y442 ; y554 = y553 / y553 ; y564 = y563 / y553 ; y574 = y573 / y553 ; y664 = y663 (y653) * (y563) / y553 ; y674 = y673 (y653) * (y573) / y553 ;
y764 = y763 (y753) * (y563) / y553 ; y774 = y773 (y753) * (y573) / y553 ; y665 = y664 / y664 ; y675 = y674 / y664 ; y775 = y774 (y764) * (y674) / y664 ; cout<<"enter right hand side of equation or mismatch m1: "<<endl; cin>>m1 ; cout<<"enter element m2: "<<endl; cin>>m2 ; cout<<"enter element m3: "<<endl; cin>>m3 ; cout<<"enter element m4: "<<endl; cin>>m4 ; cout<<"enter element m5: "<<endl; cin>>m5 ; cout<<"enter element m6: "<<endl; cin>>m6 ; cout<<"enter element m7: "<<endl; cin>>m7 ; v1 = m1 / a11 ; v2 = (m2 (v1) * (a21)) / y220 ; v3 = (m3 (v1) * (a31) (y320) * (v2)) / y331 ; v4 = (m4 (v1) * (a41) (y420) * (v2) (v3) * (y431)) / y442 ; v5 = (m5 (v1) * (a51) (y520) * (v2) (v3) * (y531) (v4) * (y542)) / y553 ; v6 = (m6 (v1) * (a61) (y620) * (v2) (y631) * (v3) (y642) * (v4) (y653) * (v5)) / y664 ; v7 = (m7 (v1) * (a71) (y720) * (v2) (y731) * (v3) (y742) * (v4) (y753) * (v5) (y764) * (v6)) / y775 ; f7 = v7 ; f6 = (v6 ((y675) * (f7))) ; f5 = (v5 ((y564) * (f6)) ((y574) * (f7))) ; f4 = (v4 ((y453) * (f5)) ((y463) * (f6)) ((y473) * (f7))) ; f3 = (v3 ((y342) * (f4)) ((y352) * (f5)) ((y362) * (f6)) ((y372) * (f7))) ; f2 = (v2 ((y231) * (f3)) ((y241) * (f4)) ((y251) * (f5)) ((y261) * (f6)) ((y271) * (f7))) ; f1 = (v1 ((y120) * (f2)) ((y130) * (f3)) ((y140) * (f4)) ((y150) * (f5)) ((y160) * (f6)) ((y170) * (f7))) ; cout<<"the elements of the lower matrix:a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a21,a22,"<<endl <<"a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a31,a32,a33,a34,a35,a36,a37,a41,a42,a43,a44,a45,a46,a47,"<<endl <<"a51,a52,a53,a54,a55,a56,a57,a61,a62,a63,a64,a65,a66,a67,a71,a72,a73,a74,a75,"<<endl <<"a51,a52,a53,a76,a77: "<
} } }