Introduce Re

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 552
  • Pages: 2
on 1:load { window -dopck0 +l @introducere -1 -1 300 200 hmake creditnames 25 hadd creditnames title1 clubdog script hadd creditnames name1 thereddog hadd creditnames name2 versiunea 2.0 hadd creditnames name3 pentru cei ce folosesc script-uri hadd creditnames name4 a celui mai bun mirc romanesc ! hadd creditnames name5 daca vrei mirc personalizat hadd creditnames name6 cu tine, canalul tau sau altceva hadd creditnames name7 trimite mail la: hadd creditnames name8 [email protected] drawrect -rf @introducere $rgb(0,0,0) 1 0 0 300 200 credittitlefade.1 0 0 0 } alias -l credittitlefade.1 { drawtext -r @introducere $rgb($1,$2,$3) "times new roman" 30 $int($calc(145 ($width($hget(creditnames, title1),times new roman,30,0,0) / 2))) $int($calc(85 ($height($hget(creditnames, title1),times new roman,30) / 2))) $hget(creditnames, title1) if ($calc($1 + 5) < 255) { .timercredittitlefade -m 1 50 credittitlefade.1 $calc($1 + 5) $calc($2 + 5) $calc($3 + 5) } else { .timercredittitlefade -m 1 250 credittitlefade.2 255 255 255 } } alias -l credittitlefade.2 { drawtext -r @introducere $rgb($1,$2,$3) "times new roman" 30 $int($calc(145 ($width($hget(creditnames, title1),times new roman,30,0,0) / 2))) $int($calc(85 ($height($hget(creditnames, title1),times new roman,30) / 2))) $hget(creditnames, title1) if ($calc($1 - 5) > 0) { .timercredittitlefade -m 1 50 credittitlefade.2 $calc($1 - 5) $calc($2 - 5) $calc($3 - 5) } else { .timercreditanimate1 -m 1 250 creditanimate1 1 0 0 0 } } alias -l creditanimate1 { if ($1 == 1) { drawrect -rf @introducere $rgb(0,0,0) 1 0 0 300 200 | credittitlefade 0 0 0 realizat de } elseif ($1 == 2) { drawrect -rf @introducere $rgb(0,0,0) 1 0 0 300 200 | credittitlefade 0 0 0 [email protected] } elseif ($1 < 9) { drawtext -r @introducere $rgb(92,153,255) "times new roman" 24 $int($calc(145 - ($width([email protected],times new roman,24,0,0) / 2))) 5 [email protected] } .timercreditfadenamesin -m 1 100 creditfadenamesin $1 0 0 0 } alias -l creditfadenamesin { drawtext -r @introducere $rgb($2,$3,$4) "times new roman" 18 $int($calc(145 ($width($hget(creditnames, name [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ),times new roman,18,0,0) / 2))) $int($calc(84 - ($height($hget(creditnames, name [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ),times new roman,18) / 2))) $hget(creditnames, name [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) if ($calc($2 + 8) > 255) { .timercreditfadenamesout -m 1 100 creditfadenamesout $1 255 255 255 } else { .timercreditfadenamesin -m 1 50 creditfadenamesin $1 $calc($2 + 8) $calc($3 + 8) $calc($4 + 8) } } alias -l creditfadenamesout { drawtext -r @introducere $rgb($2,$3,$4) "times new roman" 18 $int($calc(145 -

($width($hget(creditnames, name [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ),times new roman,18,0,0) / 2))) $int($calc(84 - ($height($hget(creditnames, name [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ),times new roman,18) / 2))) $hget(creditnames, name [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ) if ($calc($2 - 8) < 0) { if ($calc($1 + 1) > 8) { .timercreditanimate1 -m 1 50 creditanimate1 1 } else { .timercreditanimate1 -m 1 50 creditanimate1 $calc($1 + 1) } } else { .timercreditfadenamesout -m 1 50 creditfadenamesout $1 $calc($2 - 8) $calc($3 - 8) $calc($4 - 8) } } alias -l credittitlefade { var %calcredit.ctr $1 var %calcredit.ctg $2 var %calcredit.ctb $3 drawtext -r @introducere $rgb($1,$2,$3) "times new roman" 24 $int($calc(145 ($width($4-,times new roman,24,0,0) / 2))) 5 $4if (%calcredit.ctr <= 92) { inc %calcredit.ctr 6 } if (%calcredit.ctg <= 153) { inc %calcredit.ctg 6 } if (%calcredit.ctb <= 255) { inc %calcredit.ctb 6 } if (%calcredit.ctb <= 255) { .timercredittitlefade -m 1 50 credittitlefade %calcredit.ctr %calcredit.ctg %calcredit.ctb $4- } } }

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