Intro To Tech Streams

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  • Words: 5,366
  • Pages: 124
Technology Overview

Session Plan • • • • • •

Client Server Internet Technologies Wireless Web Mainframe Overview J2EE Overview .NET Overview

Client / Server Computing

Elements of C-S Computing




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a client, a server, and network

Server Re

Network su

Client machine


Server machine

What is C / S Computing? • Client / Server is a computational architecture that involves client processes requesting service from server processes. • A server software accepts requests for a data/service from client software and returns the results to the client

Where Operations are Done? • In CS Relationship “most of the application processing is done on a computer (client side), which obtains application services (such as database services) from another computer (server side) in a master slave configuration.

Focus / Application • In client-server computing, the major focus is on software. • Some computer systems may be designed to operate under client server configuration only: – Suitable in environment with multiple users doing similar activities: • Student Labs • Banking system

Application Tasks

User Interface Presentation Logic Application Logic Data Requests & Results Physical Data Management

Client Server Models • Based on the location of deployment of application tasks, C/S system models can be classified into: – Dumb Client Server Model – True Client Server Model – Distributed Client/Server Model


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Dumb Client - Server Model

Presentation Logic Network





Application Logic DBMS





st ro


True Client-Server Model

Application Logic Presentation Logic

Network Pr o Re ces su sed lts


Client Presentation Logic Application Logic

Pr Q oc ue es ri sed es

Distributed Client-Server Model

Network Pr oc Re es su sed lts

Server Application Logic DBMS

Advantages of C / S Computing • • • • • • •

Enhanced Data Sharing Integrated Services Sharing Resources Among Diverse Platforms Data Interchangeability and Interoperability Masked Physical Data Access Location Independence of Data and Processing Centralized Management

Components of C / S Applications • Client Side • Server Side

The Client Services • Request for Services – Remote Procedure Call (RPC) – Fax / Print Services – Window Services – Remote Boot Services – Utility Services – Message Services – Network Services – Application Services – Database Services – Network Management Services

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) • DDE is a feature of Windows and OS/2 which enables users to pass data between applications from different vendors through support for common APIs (Application Program Interface). – Example: A charting package can be linked to a database to provide the latest chart data whenever the chart is referenced.

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) • OLE is Microsoft's framework for a compound document technology • It enables you to create objects with one application and then link or embed them in a second application. • Embedded objects retain their original format and links to the application that created them.

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) • It is OMG's open, vendor-independent architecture and infrastructure that computer applications use to work together over networks. • Using the standard protocol IIOP, a CORBA-based program from any vendor, on almost any computer, operating system, programming language, and network, can interoperate with a CORBA-based program from the same or another vendor, on almost any other computer, operating system, programming language, and network.

Components of C / S Applications • Client Side • Server Side

The Server Services • • • • • •

Request Processing File Services Fax / Print / Image Services Database Services Communication Services Security Services

The Server Operating Systems • • • • • • • •

Netware OS/2 Windows NT MVS OPENVMS UNIX DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) Linux

The Future of C / S Computing • The Single-system image is a reality • Powerful workstation technology will be available to everyone providing information wherever it is needed. • Information will be available for use by owners and authorized users, without the constant need for professional systems developers and their complex programming languages. • The future will bring information captured at its source and available immediately to authorized users. • The future will provide information from data in its original form: image, video, graphics, document, spreadsheet, or structured data , without the need to be aware of specific software for each other.

Internet Technologies

E-Com Research Labs

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) HTTP is the protocol that allows Web browsers and servers to communicate HTTP/1.0 was the original version HTTP/1.1 has an advantage of Persistent Connection

Introduction to HTTP • • • • • •

HTTP defines a simple request -response protocol It is on the Application Layer on TCP/IP Suite Stateless Protocol It doesn’t define how network connection is made or managed or data transmitted The Request sent by the client to the server is HTTP Request The Response sent by the server to the client is HTTP Response

Request Response Model Once a client makes a request the following things happen 2. Client makes handshake with the web server to check if the actual request can be sent 3. Web server responds depending on the availability. If busy, sends an 503 status indicating that the server is busy 4. In case server is not busy, the client sends the request 5. Server checks for availability of the page and sends response accordingly 6. Client acknowledges the same signaling the end of request 7. Any requests from the client will go through steps 1 to 5 again, as http is a stateless protocol

Basic Web Architecture Client

Web Server

F i r e W a l l


F i r e W a l l

Proxy Server



n Tier Web Architecture


App Server


F i r e W a l l


F i r e W a l l

Proxy Server




n Tier Architecture continued….


Web Server

File System


File System Web Server

Proxy Server Client

Application Server Primary DataBase

Web Server

Load Balancer Client

Flow of Data Sec DataBase

Sec App Server

Web Server


A Typical Setup of a Web Application

A Typical Model

What is a Web Client? •

A web browser/client is a client program that uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to make requests of web servers on the Internet on behalf of the user. The two most popular browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

What is a Web Server? • •

A software program on a computer equipped to offer World Wide Web access. A web server receives requests from users, retrieves requested files or applications, and issues error messages if any.

Few Popular Web Servers • • • • •

Microsoft’s Personal Web Server Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) Apache Web Server Silverstream Web Server Java Web Server

Microsoft Personal Web Server •

Microsoft’s Personal Web Server    

• •

+ Freeware, + Easy to setup and use, + ASP support - Vulnerability

On Win95/98 allows files on the server to be read by an unauthorized user Best suited for testing and serving small web sites

Microsoft Internet Information Server •

Microsoft’s Internet Information Server    

• •

+ performance and security enhancements. + Well-integrated server administration tools + Easy to configure & Better Clustering. - Only runs on WinNT Server /2000

Best suited for MS Platforms Mid Range Web server

Apache Web Server •

Apache - A PATCHy Server Origin: NCSA     

+ Multi-platform support, protocol support HTTP/1.1 + modularity , security, logging, + overall performance and robustness - Interface lacks wizards and graphical admin tasks, - More extensive technical support requires the purchase support contract

High-end enterprise server for Unix and Win32

of a third-party

What is a Proxy Server? •

A server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server. Proxy servers have two main purposes: – Improve Performance – Filter Requests

What is a Firewall? •

A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server, that protects the resources of a private network from users from other networks.

An enterprise with an intranet that allows its workers access to the wider Internet installs a firewall to prevent outsiders from accessing its own private data resources and for controlling what outside resources its own users have access to.

What is an Application Server? • •

An application server is a server program in a computer in a distributed network that provides the business logic for an application program. The application server is frequently viewed as part of a three-tier application, consisting of – Graphical user interface (GUI) server, – Application (business logic) server, – Database

Web Server Vs. Application Server • • •

Web server understands and supports only HTTP protocol Used to host web pages Few Web Servers provide additional functionality like Caching, however Load balancing and Clustering are not supported Sub-set of Application Server

• • •

• •

Application Server supports HTTP, TCP/IP and many more protocols Used to execute application components (“business logic”) Provides support for Caching, Load balancing, Scalability, Fail-Over and Clustering Application Server can be configured to work as a Web Server Most of the Application Servers available today have a Web Server

Services provided by Application Server • • • • • • • • • • •

Concurrency Transaction Management Persistence Naming Security Scalability State & Session Management Load Balancing Clustering Fault Tolerance Availability

Selection Criteria for an Application Server • • • • • • • •

Transaction Mgmt. Fault Tolerance Load Balancing Multithreaded Architecture Security Support ( SSL, Firewall, X.509 ) Development and Support tools Platform , Protocol, DB support Connectivity to ERP & Legacy systems

List of Popular Application Servers • • • • • • • •

BEA WebLogic Platform IBM WebSphere JBoss Application Server Sun Java System Application Server Oracle Application Server Pramati Server Borland Enterprise Server Iona Orbix

What is a Load Balancer? • • • •

Distributing processing and communications activity evenly across a computer network so that no single device is overwhelmed. Load balancing is especially important for networks where it's difficult to predict the number of requests that will be issued to a server. Busy Web sites typically employ two or more Web servers in a load balancing scheme. If one server starts to get swamped, requests are forwarded to another server with more capacity. Load balancing can also refer to the communications channels themselves

Wireless Web

What is Wireless Web? • The wireless web represents the combination of two innovative technologies: – wireless communication which through cell phone has added a mobile dimension to ecommerce and enterprise computing. – the web i.e. Internet which has radically changed how we do business, interact and entertain ourselves. “The wireless web is where wireless and the Internet meet”

Introduction • Wireless technology turns e-business into mbusiness, or mobile business. • Current applications – Conduct online transactions – Make purchases – Trade stocks – Send e-mail • Future applications – A wireless office, where computers, phones and other office equipment are all networked without cables.

The Wireless Advantage • Localization – is the ability to geographically locate wireless devices using GPS (Global Positioning System). • Personalization – Wireless can know who you are and what your preferences are. • Immediacy and Push – Ability to immediately deliver or push information to users when they need it rather than when it’s requested.

Wireless Application Opportunities • Business-to-consumer (B2C) interaction: Companies reach out directly to consumers. • Business-to-Business (B2B) commerce: Opens connections to suppliers and partners.

• Business-to-Employee (B2E) interaction: Introduces efficiencies into an organization by making corporate data available to mobile workers.

Wireless Devices • Wireless development – First-generation wireless technology was the cellular phone – Second generation wireless technology, which includes digital cellular phones, is currently in use worldwide – Third generation, or 3G technology will enable wireless devices to send and receive data as much as seven times faster than a standard 56K modem • Wireless devices – Personal digital assistants (PDAs) – Digital cellular phones – Two-way pagers

Device Types

Wireless Internet Access • Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) – Each transmission is assigned a specific channel, giving the transmission the benefit of the entire bandwidth within that channel and reducing the possibility that a connection will be broken – Able to assign each transmission on the network a unique code to ensure security • Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) – Uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) which takes multiple calls and assigns each call to a different time slot on the same radio frequency

Wireless Internet Access • 3G technologies – EDGE • combines TDMA and GSM technologies to increase high speed wireless internet access, streaming audio and video, etc. – Cdma2000 • CDMA technology with increased bandwidth -- W-CDMA with increased bandwidth and faster transfers

Wireless Web Technology • Three technologies are used to provide Web access to wireless devices – Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) • Communication protocols standardizing wireless internet access across all devices – Wireless Markup Language – Web clipping • Cut out only certain pieces of an Internet page (handheld devices have small screens)

WAP and WML • Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) – Developed by Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, etc. – A set of communication protocols designed to enable different kinds of wireless devices to communicate and access the Internet – Designed to standardize development across different wireless technologies worldwide – Intended primarily for Internet-enabled digital phones, pagers and other handheld devices – Uses Web sites specifically designed for wireless handheld devices that have small screens and lowbandwidth constraints

WAP and WML • Wireless Markup Language (WML) – The scripting language used to create Web content to be delivered to wireless handheld devices, based on XML – Removes “unnecessary” content from Web pages – WML tags are used to “mark up” a Web page to specify how the page should be formatted on a wireless device – WML works with the WAP to deliver the content – Similar to HTML, but it does not require input devices • Micro-browsers – Designed with limited bandwidth and limited memory requirements – Access the Web via the wireless Internet

WAP and WML • How wireless Internet works: – A WAP gateway, which acts as a proxy server, receives the request, translates it and sends it to the appropriate Internet server – Server responds by sending the requested WML document – The WAP gateway parses this document's WML (i.e., it analyzes the WML document, checking it for correctness) and sends the proper text to the digital phone • Deck A WML document • Card – Consists of one user interaction, providing the WML browser with a small, self-contained document for browsing

Web Clipping •

Web clipping – Allows users to take relevant pieces of a Web site and deliver it to a wireless device, eliminating excess content and graphics – Palm devices use Web clipping Proxy server – Lies between client (such as a Web browser) and Web server – A query is received by a proxy server controlled by the wireless ISP – Proxy server goes to the Web site and “clips” the necessary data • The proxy server transmits the data back to your wireless device • If the proxy server does not have the information, it passes the request to the regular server

Bluetooth • Bluetooth: – A wireless technology that provides short-range, high-speed voice and data communication between digital devices – Conceived by Ericsson in 1994 – Provides up to 1 Mbps (megabits per second) of data transfer capability between devices as much as 30 feet apart – Can also be used to create wireless offices • Bluetooth Special Interest Group – Initially comprising Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Toshiba and Nokia – Developed an open specification for the technology and to encouraged cross-platform capabilities for the different wireless devices

Wireless Local Area Networks • Easier to install and maintain without disrupting an office • Computers can easily be moved without having to install a new network connection in each location • Radio Frequency WLANs (RF WLANs) – Used to network devices at a distance • Infrared and laser WLANs – Do not require FCC approval – Do not have the same interference issues – Can be used only for short distances

Wireless Local Area Networks • Infrared technology – More cost efficient than laser technology – Equipment has a longer lifespan – Technology is less susceptible to weather – Reliable and easy to install – The system is portable • Transceivers – Send the signal between the buildings and are linked to the network using fiber-optic cable (used with infrared technology)

Wireless Communications • Wireless communications can be unreliable and slow, wirelessdevice bandwidth is about one fifth of the capabilities of a standard dial-up connection • General packet radio services (GPRS) – Enables devices to transmit data at speeds of up to 114 kbps • Universal mobile telecommunications standard (UMTS) – Will offer transfer speeds of up to 2 Mbps for wireless devices • Smart phones – Mobile phones that send and receive both voice and data messages – Used to securely send and receive secure mobile transactions

IEEE Standards • • • • • •

IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.11b IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11e HiperLAN/2 Interoperability




Published in June 1997 2.4GHz operating frequency 1 to 2 Mbps throughput Can choose between frequency hopping or direct sequence spread modulation

Also published in late 1999 as a supplement to 802.11 Operates in 5GHz band (less RF interference than 2.4GHz range) Users Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Supports data rates up to 54 Mbps Currently no products available,

Published in late 1999 as supplement to 802.11 Still operates in 2.4GHz band Data rates can be as high as 11 Mbps Only direct sequence modulation is specified widely deployed




Development led by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Operates in the 5 GHz range, uses OFDM technology, and support data rates over 50Mbps like 802.11a

802.11a and 802.11b work on different frequencies, so little chance for interoperability Can coexist in one network HiperLAN/2 is not interoperable with 802.11a or 802.11b

Currently under development Working to improve security issues Extensions to MAC layer, longer keys, and key management systems Adds 128-bit AES encryption

Functionality of Wireless LAN • Basic Configuration • WLAN Communication • WLAN Packet Structure

Basic Configuration

802.11 Communication • CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) instead of Collision Detection • WLAN adapter cannot send and receive traffic at the same time on the same channel • Hidden Node Problem • Four-Way Handshake

Hidden Node Problem

Four-Way Handshake Source

Destination RTS – Req

uest to Sen



o Se t r a e l C TS –




Wireless Application Layers

Application Layers

Basic WLAN Architecture

Secure LAN (SLAN) • Intent to protect link between wireless client and (assumed) more secure wired network • Similar to a VPN and provides server authentication, client authentication, data privacy, and integrity using per session and per user short life keys • Simpler and more cost efficient than a VPN • Cross-platform support and interoperability, not highly scaleable, though • Supports Linux and Windows • Open Source (

SLAN Architecture

VPN (Virtual Private Network ) • Provides a scaleable authentication and encryption solution • Does require end user configuration and a strong knowledge of VPN technology • Users must re-authenticate if roaming between VPN servers

VPN Architecture

VPN Architecture

VLAN Architecture

Major security risks to 802.11b • • • • •

Insertion Attacks Interception and monitoring wireless traffic Mis-configuration Jamming Client to Client Attacks

Wireless Securities • Security Technologies – Cryptography – Privacy – Authentication – Validation and Digital Hashing – Digital Signatures

Summary of Wireless Lan Wireless LAN

Wireless WAN

2 Mbps @ 2.4GHz is here

9.6 kbps circuit & packet 128 kbps - 2Mbps packet



• lower equipment cost

• build it and they will come?

• higher data rate

• build it when they come?

Integrating wireless LAN with wireless wide-area network

Mainframe Technologies

Contents • •

Large System Overview Operating system – –

File systems – –


Batch processing OLTP – –


Databases – –

• •



Tools and Utility

Large Systems Overview •

Advantages of Mainframes – – – – – – – – –

Mixed type of workload Constant availability High data bandwidth Superior data management capabilities High processing power Rigorous backup and recovery Vigilant data integrity and security Large volumes of data Centralized administration, storage and distribution

Large Systems Overview • • •

Large computer system components Hardware Central Electronic Complex – – – – –

• • • •

Central Processing System Controller Central Storage Expanded Storage Channel Subsystem

Input/output Subsystem Channel subsystem Control Units Devices like DASD, Tape, printer etc.

Large Systems Overview •

Communication Subsystem – Communication controllers

– – – – – –

Establishment controllers Cluster controllers Terminals Multiplexors Remote devices (terminals, computers) Modems

Digital Service Units

Software – – – – – – –

MVS/ESA Operating System System applications Job Entry Subsystem Communication Software Batch Application TSO Applications DB/DC Applications

Mainframe OS-MVS •

Mainframe Operating system evolution – – – – – –


Features – – – – –

• •

1961 1966 1972 1972 1983 1988 -

Virtual storage Multiprogramming Time Sharing Multitasking Multiprocessing

TCMP – Tightly Coupled Multiprocessing LCMP – Loosely Coupled Multiprocessing

Mainframe OS-MVS •

Functions – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Starts/stops applications Multiple users Multiple terminals Multiple devices management Network Interfaces management Prioritizes work Job processing and management Evolutionary Scalable Growable Realibility/Availability/Serviceability Security Reconfigurable Measurable/Turnable

Sub Systems • • • • • • •


File systems - On Mainframes VSAM Datasets • Four file types of VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) – – – –

Sequential Indexed Direct Linear


– Entry Sequenced Dataset – Key Sequenced Dataset – Relative Record Dataset – Linear Dataset

VSAM advantages – – – – –

High performance indexed and direct datasets Alternate Index support Similar block management for all file types MVS uses VSAM intensively eg. Catalogs are VSAM datasets Path and upgrade service support

File systems - On Mainframes Non VSAM Datasets •

Sequential data set – – – – –

Record are added only to the end of the data set. Records cannot be deleted. Records cannot be inserted Supports fixed length or variable length records Used for sequential processing

Indexed data set – Used or direct or random processing of data – Application typically wants to access a particular record randomly – A field in the record is identified as the key field. – Index is generated and maintained which is used to access the record using the key

File systems - On Mainframes Non VSAM Datasets •

Direct data set – – – –

Used for Direct or random processing of data Key field is used to access data Key value is converted to the record address by some hashing algorithm No index created or maintained

Partitioned data set – – – –

A collection of sequential data sets called members Has a directory to keep track of members and their locations Used for realizing a library structure Can maintain libraries of source programs, load modules etc.

Databases •

Database Definition

Database is a organized collection of – – – –

Independent data or interrelated data Minimal/controlled redundancy Used by one/multiple application Shared by many users/applications

DBMS – Database Management System Objectives – – – – – – – – –

Large data volumes Data redundancy reduction Shared/dispersed data Data Independence Interactive and Batch processing Simplified programming End-user programming Integrity Security

Databases •

Three models of data base – – – – –

Hierarchical – IMS Network – IDMS Relational – DB2 Choose relational if you have Dynamic requirements , Frequent change , Unplanned Choose hierarchical if you have static requirements , managed change, carefully planned

– – – –

Hierarchical Advantages Good when resource consumption is more important than flexibility Some real life data has natural hierarchy Good performance for large stable databases

– – – – – –

Relational Advantages Concepts easier to understand Simpler programming Tabular design Concentrate on ‘what not How’ Simplified data base/Program Maintenance

Batch Processing •

Job, program and task – – – –

• • • •

A job can be considered as consisting of one or more job steps. A job step is nothing but execution of a program A program is an executable called a load module. A job step internally becomes an MVS task.

A program written in a high level language or assembly language is called a source module. A source module is translated by a compiler or assembler into an object module. Object modules are linked together by the linkage editor to create a load module which is in a loadable and executable form. Batch jobs are submitted by the users and they are run in batch address spaces

OLTP • •

CICS/ESA Customer Information Control System – – – – – – – –

DB/DC system Transaction Manager Terminal/transaction oriented system Multi-asking Single Address Space architecture Multiple program environment Controlled user access Table-driven

CICS/ESA Application Development – CSP, COBOL, PL/1, RPG, Assembler, C etc.


Information Management System (IMS) – – – – – –

IMS address spaces – – – – – – –

• • •

DB/DC System Contains IMS/DB and IMS/DC components Message oriented Multiple address space architecture Controlled user access Supports hierarchical model of data base design IMS control region Data language I region (DLI) IMS resource lock manager (IRLM) Message Processing program Regions (MPP) Interactive Fast Path regions (IFP) Batch Message Processing regions (BMP) Batch Processing Program regions (BPP)

IMS/ESA application development Application Development Facility II (ADF II) COBOL, C, PL/1, Pascal, Assembler etc.


Tools – Configuration Management tools – Debugging tools – Job Analysis tools

Utilities – – – – – –

File Manipulation utilities File Comparison utilities Search utilities Reconciliation utilities MQ utilities Tape Utilities


Purpose of any CM tool – – – – –

Facilitate concurrent development Standard source promotion process Defining appropriate access Maintaining previous versions Tracking differences in various versions

CM tools – Endevor – CCF Librarian – Panvalet


Purpose of Debugging Tools Features of Xpeditor as a debugging tool – Step by step execution of programs – GO until • Break-Point • Value changes • End of program

• • • •

Xpeditor for Online Programs Xpeditor for Batch Programs ABEND-AID/FX for Online Programs STROBE for Online Programs


Purpose of File manipulation utilities – –

Creation/Editing/Deletion of VSAM files Mapping of flat files to copybooks

Various File manipulation utilities – – –

FILEAID File-AID is an interactive, full-screen system for editing, browsing, defining, copying, reformatting, comparing, and printing VSAM, IAM, ISAM, PDS, BDAM, and sequential files under TSO/ISPF. KEY Features •

Eliminates ISPF editing restrictions

– Provides on-line editing of sequential, BDAM, PDS, ISAM, IAM, and VSAM files using formatted, full-screen displays •

Uses existing COBOL or PL/I record layouts directly

– Superimposing the record layout over raw data brings meaning to that data –


Utilities – Cont… • •

Comparison Utilities Purpose of file comparison utilities: – Comparison of PDS/it’s members for Retrofit – Comparison of sequential files for Parallel test result verification

SuperCE Utility (3;13) – Options in comparison • Compare type :

– File: Simplest & fastest – Line: Default option – Word: a group of words separated by a blank or a line delimiter – Byte: output listing data set consists of a hex printout with character equivalents listed on the right.

Search utility • •

Search Utilities Purpose of string search utilities: – Impact analysis – Cross reference generation

“Extended Search-for” Utility (3;15) – Options in comparison • • • • •

• •

Edit Statements: Various Edit statements. Process Options Bypass selection list Execution mode: Foreground, Batch Output Mode: View, Browse


Recent Developments •

Legacy Integration – MQ integration and Workflow – CICS based Integration-CTG

Legacy Modernization – Web sphere

Grid Computing – On Demand Computing

Infosys Sample projects • • • •

AETNA AMEX RBS ….Pl contact them for more info

J2EE Overview

J2EE as End-to-End Architecture

J2EE is End-To-End Solution

N-Tier J2EE Architecture

J2EE Component & Container Architecture

J2EE Containers and Components • • •

Containers and Components are key concepts of J2EE Components run within containers Containers provide host execution environments for the components

J2EE Architecture

Containers and Components

Containers and Components •

Containers do their work invisibly – No complicated APIs – They control by interposition

Containers implement J2EE – Look similar to components – Vendors making the containers have great freedom to innovate

.NET Overview

.NET Technical Architecture


Biztalk Adapters

Biztalk Orchestration

Enterprise Services





.NET Framework


CLR Windows Patterns, Models, Architectures –

.NET Framework Platform and Tools





Common Language Specification Windows Forms

ADO.NET and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime Operating System

Visual Studio .NET

ASP.NET Web Forms Web Services

.NET Application Design Patterns Business Logic & Messaging Fabric


.NET & Windows 8. Execute Biz Method



1. Request


Serialized XML DataSet VO

ASPX/MX Front Controller 4. Dispatch


2. Fill State 3. Validate

Business Delegate Adapter


7a. Execute Biz Method

7b. CRUD Data

Value Object Assembler

Base Form Control <<uses>>

XML DataSet VO

12. CRUD Data


10c. CRUD Data

11a. Get/Set Remove

Data Access Proxy

Resources 14. Query

Data Access Object

Database MSMQ Directory


Model Pattern


View Pattern


Controller Pattern



Disconnected DataSet &/or ObjectSpaces

11b. CRUD Data



Business Service Proxy Data Access Proxy

C# Assembly & Serviced Component

XML DataSet VO


ASCX Code 15. Fill State Behind 6. Execute <<supplies>>

9. Assemble Data

10a. Invoke


13. CRUD Data

Disconnected DataSet &/or ObjectSpaces


17. State?

5. Get Delegate

Business Delegate Factory

Business Service Facade


18. Response

16. Redirect

ADO.NET 10b. Get/Set Remove



XML Action to Form & Forward Mappings

Data Integration & Persistence

Attributed Connection Pooling & Transactions

Other Infrastructure .NET & Windows / EJB Container Event Interceptor Framework

Security Management Framework

Messaging Command Factory

Event Notification Framework




Other Pattern

<<uses>> Filter Interceptors

Service Activation

Message Q & Channel Locator



Content Management



Business Process & Integration

Data Integration

B2B Integration


Rich Store

Metadata Repository

Data Synch


Management & Security


Tracking & Reporting

Deployment & Upgrade




Business Objects & Transactions Messaging Web / Remoting Services


Single Sign On

Identity Management

Role Management

Process Management

Session Management

Scale Out / Fail over

Leading the Industry Web Services Effort

Gartner Group: “Major Vendor Web Services Platform Influence Magic Quadrant”

Ability to Execute



2003 369 CIOs: which platform is preferred in building Web services*



BEA Oracle Fujitsu HP CA

SAP Sun Novell

Siebel Peoplesoft Niche Players


Completeness of Vision

Microsoft .NET 46.5% IBM WebSphere 19% Sun ONE 8.2% 44 System Integrators** Microsoft .NET 58% J2EE 40%

*CIO Magazine Poll Jan 03 **Gartner Aug 2003

Acknowledgements •

Definitions used in these presentations are referred from the following web sites – – – – – – – – – Material from Microsoft

Thank you [email protected]

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