Intro To Mastercam

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  • Pages: 15
Intro to Mastercam I

PREPARING A FILE A) From your SolidWorks part file: File – New B) Double-click on the drawing icon C) Right click in the drawing area – Properties. Click on the “Sheet Format” dropdown menu and select “None.” D) While still in the “Properties” window, change the scale to 1:1 if necessary. E) Click on Tools – Options. Click on the Document Properties tab. Select “units” from the tree on the left and change the units to inches if necessary. Click OK. F) Click on View – Hide All Types. G) Remove any circle center marks, unnecessary lines, points, etc. H) Click on Window – Tile Horizontally I) Click on Insert - Drawing View – Named View J) Click on the name of the part in the top of the feature tree in the part window. K) Click on the name of the view you want in the left side of the drawing window. L) Click anywhere in the drawing window and your drawing will appear. Note: Your drawing may exceed the page borders on the screen, this is OK. M) Click on File – Save As. Click on the “Save as type” drop-down menu and choose “Dxf(*.dxf)” N) Select the location and file name you want and click “Save”

II OPENING AND PREPARING YOUR FILE IN MASTERCAM. Note: All new operations assume you are in the MAIN MENU. If you cannot find the appropriate command, click on “MAIN MENU” and look again. A) Open Mastercam by clicking on Start – Programs – Mastercam 8 – Mill 8.1.1 Note: Do not use Windows explorer to open a file and Mastercam simultaneously. Open Mastercam first using the icons on the desktop or the Start menu only. B) From the menu, click File – Converters – DXF – Read File. C) Load your file and click “OK” in the next window that pops up. D) Click the “Screen Fit” Icon. E) Rotating your file to the correct orientation (if necessary) 1) Click on Xform –Rotate – All – Entities – Done. 2) Select the point you wish to rotate around 3) Specify the rotation angle and click OK.

F) Positioning your drawing 1) Click on Xform – Translate – All – Entities – Done – Between Points. Select the point on your drawing you want as your 0,0 point. Click on this point and the on “Origin” from the menu. 2) Select “Move” and then click on OK 3) Click on the “Screen Fit” Icon G) Insert rough stock dimensions 1) Click on Toolpaths – Job Setup 2) Enter rough stock dimensions (as close as possible, all rough stock is assumed to be rectangular.) 3) Click on the corner which will be at 0,0 or specify a point 4) Click on “Display Stock” 5) Click on “Fit Screen to Stock.”

III CREATING TOOLPATHS A) Drilling 1) Click on Toolpaths – Drill. Select all holes you wish to have drilled. (You may click on last if you want to select the same holes as your last drilling operation.) Click on Done. 2) Select “Options” 3) Mastercam will drill the holes randomly unless you specify a pattern here. Click on the most efficient pattern and click “OK”. Note: If you do not like the pattern displayed, return to 3.1.2. 4) Click “Done” 5) In the window that pops up: (a) Click on the tool you wish to use OR (b) Right click in the white area, select “Get tool from library,” select the appropriate tool, and click “OK” 6) In the “Comment” area, type a description of the operation 7) Enter the appropriate “Spindle speed” and “Feed rate” from the shop package. 8) Haas only – Select “Flood” or “Off” from the “Coolant” drop-down menu. Note: Generally keep “Coolant” to “Off” and use oil for drilling and tapping operations. 9) Bridgeport only – Click in the box next to the grayed out “Home pos.” button. This will make the “Home pos.” button active.

(a) Click on the “Home pos.” button. Note: The orientation of the X-Y axis is the same for both Mastercam and the CNC mills. (b) Enter the X and Y position appropriate for your job. This is the position the table will move to for tool changes. This should be a position off your rough stock that is easily accessible. Caution: The machine will rapid to this position so ensure there will not be any clamps or other devices that will cause a crash. (c) Click “OK.”

10) Click on the middle tab labeled “Simple drill – no peck,” “Peck drill – full retract,” or “Tapping…” (a) Select the appropriate item from the “Cycle” drop-down menu. (i) “Drill/Counterbore” for center drilling or boring. (ii) “Peck drill” for normal drilling operations (iii)Haas only – “Tap” for power tapping (b) Enter retract height, top of stock, and depth. Note: The depth must be a value lower than the top of stock. (i.e. If the top of stock is 0, the depth must be negative.) (c) Bridgeport only – The depth measurement begins at the retract height. If your retract height is 0.1 and you wish to drill a hole 0.4” deep in the part, enter –0.5 for the depth. (d) Peck drilling – Enter a depth for the machine to drill per peck. This value should generally be no greater than the radius of the drill bit and should be the same value for “1st peck” and “Subsequent peck.” 11) Click “OK”

B) Creating Contours 1) Click on Toolpaths – Contour (a) If the contour is continuous (i.e. a circle, one arc, etc.) click on the contour. (b) If the contour is a chain (i.e. a combination of arcs and lines): (i) Click on “Chain” (ii) Click on the chain at the point you would like to begin your cutting operation. (c) Ensure the arrow on the screen is pointing in the appropriate direction for climb cutting. If not, click “Reverse.” (d) Click “Done.”

2) In the window that pops up: (a) Click on the tool you wish to use OR (b) Right click in the white area, select “Get tool from library,” select the appropriate tool, and click “OK” 3) In the “Comment” field, type a general description of the operation 4) Enter the appropriate “Spindle speed,” “Feed rate,” “Plunge rate,” and “Retract rate” from the shop package 5) Haas only: - Select “Flood” or “Off” from the “Coolant” drop-down menu. Note: Generally keep “Coolant” to “Flood” for milling operations.

6) Bridgeport only – Click in the box next to the “Home pos.” button if this button is grayed out. This will make the “Home pos.” button active. (a) Click on the “Home pos.” button. (b) Enter the X and Y position appropriate for your job. This is the position the table will move to for tool changes. This should be a position off your rough stock that is easily accessible. Caution: The machine will rapid to this position so ensure there will not be any clamps or other devices that will cause a crash. 7) Click “OK.” 8) Click the tab labeled “Contour parameters.”

(a) Select the “Compensation in computer” drop-down menu and select “Left.” (b) Enter appropriate values for “Retract,” “Feed plane,” “Top of stock,” and “Depth.” Note: The depth must be a value lower than the top of stock. (i.e. If the top of stock is 0, the depth must be negative.) (c) If you are using a roughing bit and plan to make a finishing pass with another bit, enter appropriate values in “XY stock to leave,” and “Z stock to leave.” Nominal values for these are approximately 0.015” and 0.010” respectively. (d) If you wish to make roughing and finishing passes with the same tool, proceed to (i) below. Otherwise skip to (e) below. (i) If the “Multi passes” button is grayed out, click in the box next to it. This will put a check mark in this box and activate the “Multi passes” button.

(ii) Click on the “Multi passes” button. (iii)Under the “Finishing passes” section, enter the number of finishing passes you wish to do. (Generally one will work.) (iv)In the text box next to “Spacing” under the “Finishing passes” section, enter the amount of material in the X-Y direction you wish to remove on the finishing pass. (Generally 0.010” – 0.015”.) (v) Choose whether you wish to have the finishing pass performed at a final depth only or whether you wish to have a finish pass after each depth cut by clicking on the appropriate radio button in the “Machine finish passes at” section. Note: For more on depth cuts, see section (f) below.

(vi)Click on “OK.” (vii)Skip to step (f) below. (e) If there is a check next to the “Multi passes” button, remove it by clicking on the check mark. (f) If the depth of your cut is greater than the radius of your mill bit or if you wish to step down your depth for any other reason, proceed to (i) below. Otherwise skip to (g) below. (i) If the “Depth cuts” button is grayed out, click in the box next to it. This will put a check mark in this box and activate the “Depth cuts” button. (ii) Click on the “Depth cuts” button.

(iii)Enter the appropriate value for “Max rough step.” This is the maximum depth you will cut per pass and should generally be less than or equal to the cutter radius. (iv)If you wish to make a finish cut(s) in the Z direction, enter the number of finish cuts and the amount you wish to remove on each finish pass. (This operation is a bit rarer than making finish passes in the X-Y direction.) (v) Click on “OK.” (vi)Skip to step (h) below.

(g) If there is a check next to the “Depth cuts” button, remove it by clicking the check mark. (h) Often times, you want the cutter to enter and exit the rough stock away from the contour. This will prevent under-cutting of material due to chatter from the mill bit as it plunges into the material. If you wish the cutter to enter and exit the raw material away from the contour, proceed to (i) below. Otherwise click “OK” and skip the remainder of this section. (i) If the “Lead in/out” button is grayed out, click in the box next to it. This will put a check mark in this box and activate the “Lead in/out” button. (ii) Click on the “Lead in/out” button. (iii)If you want your lead in/out to be a straight line:

(1) Enter the appropriate length in the text box next to “Length.” This value can be expressed in either percent of cutter diameter or inches. (2) Choose whether your lead in/out will be perpendicular or tangent to the start point you selected for your contour by clicking on the appropriate radio button. (3) Enter 0 in the text box next to “Radius”

(iv)If you want your lead in/out to be an arc: (1) Enter the radius of the arc in the text box next to “radius.” This value can be expressed in either percent of cutter diameter or inches. (2) Enter 0 in the text box next to “Length.” (v) Click on the right pointing arrow between the “Entry” and “Exit” sections. This will make all exit values the same as the entry values. (vi)Click on “OK.” (vii)Click “OK” and skip the remainder of the steps in this section. (i) If there is a check mark next to the “Lead in/out” button, remove it by clicking the check mark. (j) Click on “OK.”

C) Creating Pockets 1) Click on Toolpaths – Pocket (a) If the pocket is a continuous contour (i.e. a circle, one arc, etc.) click on the contour. (b) If the pocket is a chain (i.e. a combination of arcs and lines): (i) Click on “Chain” (ii) Click on the chain at the point you would like to begin your final cutting operation. (c) Click “Done.”

2) In the window that pops up: (a) Click on the tool you wish to use OR (b) Right click in the white area, select “Get tool from library,” select the appropriate tool, and click “OK” 3) In the “Comment” field, type a general description of the operation 4) Enter the appropriate “Spindle speed,” “Feed rate,” “Plunge rate,” and “Retract rate” from the shop package 5) Haas only: - Select “Flood” or “Off” from the “Coolant” drop-down menu. Note: Generally keep “Coolant” to “Flood” for milling operations. 6) Bridgeport only – Click in the box next to the “Home pos.” button if this button is grayed out. This will make the “Home pos.” button active.

(a) Click on the “Home pos.” button. (b) Enter the X and Y position appropriate for your job. This is the position the table will move to for tool changes. This should be a position off your rough stock that is easily accessible. Caution: The machine will rapid to this position so ensure there will not be any clamps or other devices that will cause a crash. (c) Click “OK.” 7) Click on the tab labeled “Pocketing parameters” (a) Click on the radio button next to “Climb” in the “Machining direction” field. (b) Enter appropriate values for “Retract,” “Feed plane,” “Top of stock,” and “Depth.” Note: The depth must be a value lower than the top of stock. (i.e. If the top of stock is 0, the depth must be negative.) (c) If you are using a roughing bit and plan to make a finishing pass with another bit, enter appropriate values in “XY stock to leave,” and “Z stock to leave.” Nominal values for these are approximately 0.015” and 0.010” respectively.

(d) If the depth of your cut is greater than the radius of your mill bit or if you wish to step down your depth for any other reason, proceed to (i) below. Otherwise skip to (e) below.

(i) If the “Depth cuts” button is grayed out, click in the box next to it. This will put a check mark in this box and activate the “Depth cuts” button. (ii) Click on the “Depth cuts” button. (iii)Enter the appropriate value for “Max rough step.” This is the maximum depth you will cut per pass and should generally be less than or equal to the cutter radius. (iv)If you wish to make a finish cut(s) in the Z direction, enter the number of finish cuts and the amount you wish to remove on each finish pass. (v) Click on “OK.”

(vi)Skip to 8) below. (e) If there is a check next to the “Depth cuts” button, remove it by clicking on the check mark. 8) Click on the “Roughing/Finishing parameters” tab. (a) Under “Cutting method,” click on the pattern you wish to use for cutting. (b) If you selected any spiral method, click in the space next to “Spiral inside to out.” Ensure a check mark appears in this box. (c) If you wish to do a finish pass in the X-Y direction: (i) Place a check next to “Finish” by clicking in the text box to its left. (ii) Specify the number of finish passes (generally 1) in the “No. of passes” field

(iii)Specify the amount of material you wish to remove on your finish pass in the “Finish pass spacing” field. (d) If you wish to do a lead in/out, you may do so here. See the contour section II. B.8).h). for lead in/out instructions. 9) Click on “OK”

D) These are the basic operations in Mastercam. Continue these operations until all toolpaths are complete.

IV EDITING A TOOLPATH A) Click on Toolpaths – Operations B) Find the toolpath you wish to edit and click on “Parameters” C) Edit the toolpath using sections 3.1 – 3.3 as appropriate. D) Click on the “Select all” button. E) Click on the “Regen path” button. This will prompt the software to regenerate the toolpaths, incorporating the new changes. F) Click on “OK.” V Saving your Mastercam file A) Click on File – Save. B) Follow normal saving procedures. VI Preparing a file for the CNC mills. A) Preview your file 1) Click on Toolpaths – Operations. 2) Click on the “Select all” button. 3) Click on the “Regen path” button. 4) Using the “Verify” command (a) Click on the “Verify” button. (b) This screen operates like a DVD player. (c) When you are finished, “x” out of the screen. 5) Using the “Backplot” command. (a) Click on the “Backplot” button. (b) Use the commands in the menu area on the left to either run the entire program or step through it. (c) When the preview is complete, and approximate time will appear in the lower-left corner of the window. (d) View your toolpaths in different views using the icons at the top of the screen. (e) When you are done, click on “BACKUP.” B) Preparing a set-up sheet: 1) Click on Toolpaths – Operations. 2) Click on the “Select all” button. 3) Click on the “Regen path” button. 4) Right click anywhere in the white space where the toolpaths are displayed.

5) Select “Options” – “Setup sheet.” 6) A window may appear asking if you wish to overwrite an existing file. This relates to an internal temp file and the answer is always “Yes.” If no window appears, skip to 6.2.7. 7) In the window that appears, you will see a large button with four different tools. It will also have #1, #2, #3, and #4 on it. Click this button. 8) Print this page. 9) Click on the X in the upper right-hand corner. 10) Click “Cancel.” 11) Click on “Backup.” 12) Click on “OK.” C) Sending a file to the post processor. (The CNC mills cannot read the Mastercam file. You must post process the file into “G” code.) 1) Click on Toolpaths – Operations. 2) Click on the “Select all” button. 3) Click on the “Regen path” button. 4) Click on the “Post” button. 5) Click on the “Change post” button. 6) Bridgeport only: (a) Select the “UIPOST1.PST” file. (b) Click on “Open.” (c) Check the box next to “Save NC file” by clicking in the text box to the left. (d) In the text box under “NC file extension” erase “.nc” and type “.txt” 7) Haas only: (a) Select the “HAAS1.PST” file. (b) Click on “Open.” (c) Check the box next to “Save NC file” by clicking in the text box to the left. (d) Ensure the text box under “NC file extension” has “.nc” in it. If anything different is here, change it to “.nc”. 8) Click on “OK.” 9) Save the file with a descriptive name on a floppy disc. The file name can be no greater than seven characters (not counting the .txt file extension.) 10) Click on “Save.” 11) Click on “OK.”

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