Intro Grails Detail Doc

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 880
  • Pages: 8
Build Application With Grails

Installation For Linux 1. Download and unzip from the Grails site: and extract into /opt/grails 2. Set GRAILS_HOME environment variables into above installation directory, by using this console command : $ export GRAILS_HOME=/opt/grails; 3. Add to $GRAILS_HOME/bin to the path, the command is : export PATH= $PATH:/opt/grails 4. run : “grails help”, if installation was success. It will grails help command

Installation For Windows 1. Download and unzip from the Grails site: and extract it to C:\grails 2. Set GRAILS_HOME environment variables into above installation directory, open the Right Click My Computer->System properties ->Environment variables 3. Add to GRAILS_HOME/bin to the path, the way to add in is the same as above. 4. run grails help, if installation was success. It will grails help command

create application “MyCourses”


In project directory , type grails create-app MyCourses


It will generate folder Mycourses


If you want to change the database you can edit datasource.groovy in the folder ../grailsapp/conf

Datasource.groovy dataSource { pooled = true driverClassName = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" username = "sa" password = "" } hibernate { cache.use_second_level_cache=true cache.use_query_cache=true cache.provider_class='com.opensymphony.oscache.hibernate.OSCacheProvider' } // environment specific settings environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update' url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB" }

} test { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDb" } } production { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:postgresql://" driverClassName = "org.postgresql.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect username = "dxndba" password = "dxnoke" } } } In datasource.groovy there's 3 environment setting. Development ,test and production In above source code when you set environment into production the grails application will automatically connect to postgresql server on ip address , the default environment in grails is development. So if you run grails run-app, it will use the development environment. To select the production environment, you must use this command : “grails prod run-app” As like you see on above. The setting variables that you have to fill in is : url="jdbc:postgresql://", this will let the grails application connet to port 5432 and with database name : dongrails. Please note you have to create the database name in the server. But you don't need to create the tables structure, the grails will be automatically create it for you.

driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver", the postgresql jdbc library driver, you must have this postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc4.jar file. You can get this file from dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect, let the grails use the postgresql syntax username = "dxndba" , username of the postgresql server. password = "dxnoke", the password. 4. Create student domain class , grails create-domain-class student. This will create a groovy file named student.groovy in folder domain. Open with text editor : class Student { String Nama String Sex String address_1

String nationality static constraints={ nama(blank:false) sex(inList:["Male","Female"]) address_1(length:10..50) nationality(inList:['Australia','Indonesia','Malaysia','Japan']) } static searchFields = ['nama', 'sex', 'address_1'] } then save. After that run “grails generate-all student”. This executed command will create Controller and view for you automatically. To see the result, run the grails application, using “grails run-app” Create one to many relationship We want to have like this




One courses can be participated by many of students First we have to create domain class course class Course { static hasMany=[students:Student] String courseName Date startDate = new Date() } As you see above, to make Course relate to student in one to many relation. We just add this line : static hasMany=[students:Student] in class domain student we add this line : Course course here is the full source : class Student { String Nama String Sex String address_1 Course course String nationality static constraints={

nama(blank:false) sex(inList:["Male","Female"]) address_1(length:10..50) nationality(inList:['Australia','Indonesia','Malaysia','Japan']) } } After that, you have to re-generate all the course and the student domain

picture of generated student list

picture : create a student record That's all how to create application with basic CRUD (Create, read, update and delete ).

Appendix: A. Command reference create-app


This command creates a Grails application and requires the user to specify the application name. A subdirectory within the directory the command was executed from is then created based on the entered application name. Usage : grails create-app [name] The create-controller command will create a controller and associated integration test for the given base name. Usage : grails create-controller book

create-service The create-service command will create a Grails service class for the given base name. usage: grails create-service book create-domain-class

The create-domain-class command will create a domain and associated integration test for the given base name. Usage: grails create-domain-class book


Displays Grails command line help usage : grails help grails help run-app


Generates a controller for the given domain class usage : grails generate-controller Book


Generates a set if views for the given domain class usage : grails generate-views Book


Generates a controller and views for the given domain class usage : grails generate-all Book


Runs Grails uses an embedded Jetty container on port 8080 usage : grails run-app grails test run-app grails -Dserver.port=8090 -Denable.jndi=true run-app


The war command will create a Web Application Archive (WAR) file which can be deployed on any Java EE compliant application server Usage: grails war grails test war grails -Dgrails.env=foo war

B. More resource : • • Screencast : •

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