Into This Wilderness That David Fled With

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 412
  • Pages: 2
David And Saul Read 1 Samuel 23:7-24:22 Pastor Dan Chun

Pam and I once hiked in the wilderness of Engedi. We passed tall mountains, sheer cliffs, green trees and cold freezing water cascading down in waterfalls flowing into icy rivers. I actually sat beneath one of the frigid waterfalls! It was into this wilderness that David fled with his men from Saul and his 3000 soldiers. Saul was his King. He once was close to Saul. He played music for him and protected him and did his bidding. Yet, nothing satisfied Saul. It wasn’t enough! After all that David did, Saul now wanted to kill him. Call it jealously, insecurity, lack of self-esteem or an evil spirit; Saul was out to get David. He even threw a spear at him. Maybe we have had a boss or a parent or a coach for whom we busted our backs to please. But it wasn’t enough! And at times, it seems that people are out to get us. Rarely, as in David’s case, it happens that the one who is chasing us is caught in a vulnerable moment. The tables are suddenly turned. You can dump them in the dust or put them down forever. Strangely, when David had the chance, he didn’t take it. He could have killed Saul when Saul let his guard down. But he didn’t. As Gene Edwards once wrote, when a spear is thrown at you, you can dodge it (the wise choice), you can try to catch it (unwise), but never throw it back. That is not God’s way. It is not the Royal Way of His children. Jesus talks about turning the other cheek. He came from the line of David. David learned it is better to turn the other check and walk away. Saul wanted to curse David with death. David chose to bless him. Can you do the same to those who have hurt you?

P r ay e r Lord, give me Your strength today to be a blessing and not a curse to others. In Christ’s name, Amen.

DAY 34 Questions Who in your present or past was or is after you?

What is one way you can surprise them with a blessing instead of a curse?

MY Reflections Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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