Intisari Dan Abstrack.docx

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  • Words: 676
  • Pages: 2
PRA-RANCANGAN BANGUNAN INSTALASI PENGOLAHAN LUMPUR TINJA DI KABUPATEN SLEMAN INTISARI Pengelolaan lumpur tinja oleh penduduk di Kabupaten Sleman khususnya di Wilayah Perkotaan Kecamatan Berbah, Kalasan dan Prambanan, selama ini hanya mengandalkan tangki septikyang terbangun secara permanen maupun non permanen tanpa adanya IPLT yang memadai. Mengingat tingginya kandungan bahan organik dalam lumpur tinja yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan, maka diperlukan fasilitas IPLT di Kabupaten Sleman. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pra-rancangan pada dimensi IPLT, menghitung estimasi keluaran lumpur dari masing-masing unit, mengetahui jumlah anggaran biaya pembangunan, serta biaya pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan IPLT yang dirancang. Penyelesaian pra rancangan IPLT ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Secara kualitatif dilakukan pengamatan, survei dan studi literatur dalam proses pengumpulan data serta analisa, sementara perhitungan debit lumpur, dimensi unit-unit IPLT dan pembiayaan meliputi RAB dan biaya operasional dihitung secara kuantitatif. Hasil akhir pra-rancangan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif kuantitatif dilengkapi dengan gambar perencanaan. Hasil rancangan IPLT terdiri dari rangkaian unit solids separation chamber, oxidation ditch, kolam fakultatif, kolam maturasi dan drying area, dengan debit maksimum sebesar 30,29 m3/hari. Parameter utama yang terkandung dalam lumpur tinja yaitu BOD 2000 mg/l, TSS 15.000 mg/l, dan COD 15.000 mg/l. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan dimensi masingmasing unit pengolahan sesuai kriteria yang ada yaitu solids separation chamber panjang (P) = 12 m, lebar (L) = 6 m, tinggi (H) = 2,1 m, oxidation ditchlebar saluran= 2,2m, panjang saluran (L) = 20,72 m, tinggi (H) = 1 m, diameter kolam sedimentasi 2,2 m,kolam fakultatif panjang (P) = 25 m, lebar (L) = 12,5 m, tinggi (H) = 2 m, kolam maturasi panjang (P) = 13 m, lebar (L) = 6,5 m, tinggi (H) = 1 m, dan Drying Area panjang (P) = 13,5 m, lebar (L) = 7, tinggi (H) = 1,5 m. Rencana anggaran biaya dalam pembangunan IPLT di Kabupaten Sleman adalah sebesar Rp. 1.439.200.000,00 dan biaya operasional sebesar Rp.174.863.667,00 /tahun. Kata Kunci: pra-rancangan, lumpur, tinja, IPLT.

PRE - DESIGN OF SEPTAGE TREATMENT PLANT IN SLEMAN REGENCY ABSTRACT Septage management by residents in Sleman Regency, especially in the Urban Area of District Berbah, Kalasan and Prambanan, so far only rely on septic tanks, either permanent or non permanent constructed, without adequate septage treatment plant (known as IPLT). Considering the high content of organic material in the septage that has potential to pollute the environment, it is necessary to build an IPLT facility in Sleman. This study aims to carry out a pre-designon the IPLT’s dimensions, calculate the estimated sludge output from each unit andconstruction budget, as well as the operation and maintenance cost of the designed septage treatment plant. Completion of the pre-design IPLT using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The observation, survey and literature study while collecting and analysis the data were donequalitatively, while the calculations of sludge discharge, dimensions of the IPLT’s units and financialwere quantitatively counted. The final result of the pre-design presented in the form of quantitative descriptive indue planning picture. The design results of IPLT, consists of unit series of solids separation chamber, oxidation ditch, facultative pond, maturation pond and drying area, with a maximum flow of 30.29 m3/day. The main parameters that contained in the fresh sludge is 2000 mg/l of BOD, 15,000 mg/l of TSS, and 15,000 mg/l COD. Based on the calculation results, the dimensions of each process unit had met the criteria, which issolids separation chamber with length (P) = 12 m, width (L) = 6 m, height (H) = 2.1 m, oxidation ditch reactor with canal width = 2,2 m, canal length = 20,72 m, height (H) = 1 m, sedimentation pond diameter = 2,2 m, facultative pond with length (P) = 25 m, width (L) = 12,5 m, height (H) = 2 m, maturation pond with length (P) = 13 m, width (L) = 6,5 m, height (H) = 1 m, and drying area with length (P) = 13,5 m, width (L ) = 7, height (H) = 1,5 m. Construction budget of the septage treatment plant (IPLT) in Sleman Regency was predicted ad much as Rp. 1.439.200.000,00 and cost operasional ad muchRp.174.863.667 /year. Keywords: pre-design, septage, treatment, plant.

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