International Workshop On Plasma Diagnostics & Application 2-3 July 2009

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  • Words: 844
  • Pages: 15

The major effect of plasma treatment adhesion enhancement of fiber-resin matrix 

Surface cleaning: remove organic contamination from fiber surface, which can interfere with bonding between fiber & resin Etching/ablation: This can reduce weak boundary layers and increase the surface area, but the diameter of fibers is not reduced and its tensile strength is not deteriorated. Cross –linking on surface: plasma can induce higher cohesive strength by formation of a thin cross-linking layer, which can mechanically stabilize the surface against the diffusion of low molecular weight species to the interface Functionalization on surface: the formation of chemical functional groups can lead to acid- base interaction and covalent linkages with resin, resulting in enhancement of adhesion between fiber and resin.

 (a) (b) (c) 

Glass woven fabrics were used as substrate for plasma treatment in this study. commercial plain E-glass woven fabrics, about 600 gr m--2 and thickness about 0.24 mm commercial plain E-glass woven fabrics,about 300 gr m-2 and thickness about 0.12 mm commercial twill E-glass woven fabrics, about 300 gr m-2 and thickness about 0.12 mm Epoxy resin

1- Cylindrical steel chamber, 50 cm diameter and 100 cm long 2- Vacuum line, one rotary pomp and one by pass pomp for chamber . 3- Two electrodes are assembled in the chamber and connected to a D.C generator which provides a high voltage by 4000v and current 1-2 A 4- Two micro valves are used for feeding the gases to chamber 5- Vacuum gage indicates the chamber pressure.

Morphological study 

The morphology of the LTP-treated and untreated glass woven fabrics was observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). All of the samples were coated with gold layer before conducting the SEM examination. Micrographs were obtained using Hitachi S-530 at ¥ 2319 magnification.

Mechanical properties  

Composite laminates were prepared by hand lay-up method The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of glass fabric/epoxy composites for various glass fabric surface condition was determined using the three-point-bending test method, analogy with ASTM D2344. Short beams were tested at a speed of 1.3 mm min-1 and at 25° using Zwick/Roll Universal Testing Machine. The interlaminar shear strength (SH) was calculated using the equation : SH= 3P/(4bd) Where P is the breaking load , b is the beam width, and d is the beam depth.


Mean SH(KN/mm2)





0.000000 TREATED


Treatment (Plasma treated, Plasma untreated)

The ultimate interlaminar shear strength of composite, reinforced with glow discharge treated glass fabrics under different plasma condition were significantly improved by 30% as compared to untreated glass fabrics

 O2 time


10 15

Mean SH(KN/mm2)





0.000000 400




The interlaminar shear strength value of the glass fabric composite treated by O2 gas under 1000v and 15 min condition was higher compared to all other groups tested in this study The result show that increasing in exposure time and voltage resulted in increased interlaminar shear strength, but this was not statistically significant (P<0.05).

ArO2 0.025000

Mean SH(KN/mm2)





0.000000 10


time(min) V=1000v

The same as modified glass fabrics under O2 gas, increasing in exposure time resulted in improved ILSS, but this was not statistically significant (P<0.05).

 Ar time


10 15

Mean SH(KN/mm2)





0.000000 600



with increasing in exposure time, Ar plasma did not show same behavior in different voltage (fig6). It means that under 1000v, increasing in exposure time resulted in decreased ILSS, but at 600v, increasing in exposure time resulted in improved ILSS.

Compariton between different condition

600 V


The interlaminar shear strength value of the glass fabric composite treated by O2 gas under 1000v and 15 min condition was higher compared to all other groups tested in this study, however this was not statistically significant.

The data showed that weave pattern had a significant effect on ILSS, and by extending the length of the float in twill weave which reduces the interlocking frequency, the resulting composite’s ILSS was improved.





mechanical tests showed that interlaminar shear strength of glass fabric composite could be improved by DC plasma treatment of glass fabric. The study also showed that different plasma conditions did not have a significant effect on ILSS in a DC plasma process, however the glass woven fabrics treated with different plasma gases exhibited different morphological changes weave pattern had a significant effect on ILSS, and by extending the length of the float in twill weave wich reduces the interlocking frequency, the resulting composite’s ILSS was improved .

In This project, the use of SEM has clarified the effects of DC plasma treatment on the glass fabrics concerning the morphology changes of the surface. To have a better insight on the involved processes, it is necessary to implement the chemical analysis such as FTIR on the same samples. These experiments are foreseen in the near future.

Thank you for your attention

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