Interim Novisad G Kammerer

  • November 2019
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interim INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes INTERREG IIIB CADSES

Neighbourhood Programme 4th Call

WORKSHOP Novi Sad The interim IT-Tools, Strategies, Contents and further Steps 07.11.2007 INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Basic Information

Aim of the project: Joint use of IT-based planning and information tools (pilot: intermodal goods transport)

B2B-Tool Used as support for the extension of intermodal networks

A2A-Tool Improved integration such as intermodal transport issues in spatial planning, understanding of industrial and regional needs, and assessment of the effects of network changes

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Basic Information

interim Area Geographical Coverage of the Tools

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Basic Information Forerunner ECO4LOG

Routing Results: 4 Optimisation Criteria - Distance - Duration - Costs - Energy Consumption

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Basic Information Progress of A2A- and B2B-Tool contents Basis/ Forerunner


1st Step

A2A orientated: Analyse of administrative / spatial orientated IT-Tools and projects B2B orientated: Analyse of intermodal ITTools and projects including st 1 internal B2B Expert questionnaire – focal question: What are main interests / necessities of the B2B-User-Group?

2nd Step

Set up planned for January 2008 !!!

A2A and B2B Expert questionnaire: focal point: evaluation of concept / contents and identification of further expert suggestions

Permanent progress of A2A- and B2BTool contents

Final concept delineation – Report Content

Further Steps

Programming / Setup / Testing

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Contents - A2A Tool Planned functions

Routing Tool (w/o offers) Intermodal Transport Scenario -Scenario Tool -Scenario Forum Information Research

Filtered results can be saved in a restricted User-Area

- GIS maps / Layers and added information - A2A Information forum - Glossary

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Contents – B2B-Tool Planned functions

Routing Tool (with offers)

Upload / Posting of information Information Research - GIS maps / Layers and added information - Overview of Skills and Competences of LCO / LSP - B2B Information Forum - Glossary

Filtered results can be saved in a restricted User-Area

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Contents – A2A- and B2B-Tool Routing function

Logistic Nodes / Terminals Name Contact Technical capabilities Capacity Storage capabilities Supported transport modes Connections to routing network

Logistic Service Provider Name Contact Technical capabilities Capacity Kind of services Service specialities

Event Border control / Traffic limitations Bottlenecks Watergates / sluices

Routable Infrastructure •Inland-Waterway •Short-Sea-Shipping •Railway •Roads with feeder function

Visualisation with interactive digital maps

Optional: Via and Non Via-Points Filter criteria: Basic criteria: costs Optional: Distance, time, Energy consumption Optional: Implementated offers Offers of intermodal transport relations can be integrated in the routing

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Contents – A2A- and B2B-Tool GIS maps

National Borders


Points of Interests

- Railways - Inland waterways - Short Sea Shipping Routes - Roads - TEN-T Corridors

- Terminals, maritime/inland waterway, harbors - Cities - Long-term bottlenecks - Border crossings

Further information will be added to the maps

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Contents – A2A-Tool Scenario function

Time view

Calculation / Visualisation of accesible distances in given time (scalable in 12 hours) Æ For all directions – connected with isochrones, involved area will be visualised colored Scenario possibility: Modification of time and distances, modification or adding of a networkelement by the user Æ Change of accessibility will be visualised

Ecological View


Cost View


INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes


Further information / Contact Data

Please keep in mind: The set up of both interim Tools will take place in January! If your interested in an access, please keep in touch and have a look at our homepage – Presenter: Ms. Grit Kämmerer University of Applied Sciences Wildau E-Mail: [email protected] Tel:+49.3375.508 662, Fax:+49.3375.508 983

INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes

interim INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes INTERREG IIIB CADSES

Workshop, Novi Sad The interim IT-Tools, Strategies, Contents and further Steps Thank you for your attention INtegration in the intermodal goods Transport of non EU states: Rail, Inland/coastal waterway Modes

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