Interaction Living Thing Cooperation , Competition Cooperation Fair Situasion Everybody

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  • Words: 1,170
  • Pages: 54
Interaction living thing Cooperation , competition Cooperation fair situasion Everybody get present Competition have winner compete food, space and water Territory also shelter Will eliminate for loser Limited food and water Get “sweety” for mate Defend for territory Event shelter ( rhythm : Polly put the kettle on )

Vocabulary 1. Interaction = interaksi 2.Competition = persaingan 3.Limited resource = sumber terhad 4.Territory = wilayah 5.Breeding = pembiakan 6.Mate = pasangan 7.Defend = mempertahankan 8.Space = ruang 9.Shelter = tempat perlindungan

Plant are eaten by herbivore and carnivore The smaller herbivore become a prey or food for carnivore The herbivore and carnivore become food for omnivore The interdependence among living thing is known interaction


Animals cooperate with one another in order to survive. They form partnership with other animals They help each other for food, transport shelter and protection Example : i. Sea anemone and crab ii. Mynas and the buffaloes iii. The baboon and the antelopes iv. The remora(fish) and the shark

Competition 1. On other hand , if the party gets the benefit and the other party “ suffer” such interaction is called competition 2. This is happen when the animals involve in a tussle of getting the same resources 3. The animals compete because they aquire the resources, which are limited

Among animals and plant live in the same habitat.  2 or more living things have the same need that are limited.  Among animals of the same species  Between different species of animals. 


Food Water Mate Shelter territory 

Food and water are basic need of animals.  Can occur when the food and water resources are limited  The more limited the food and water resources are, the more intense the competition will be.  If the food and water resources abundant . Animals do not need to compete for them 

Occur among the same species  Occurs when two male animals fight for a mate  Animals need mate to ensure the survival of species  During mating season , animals trying to mate 

Animals need shelter to live.  Occur when animal looking for shelter or defending their own shelter.  Animals need to be in control of a certain territory that provides them with food, water and shelter  Occur when an animal or a group of animals are looking for a new territory or defending their own territory. 

 The

winner will gain control of the food, water, resources, shelter, and territory and also get mate.  The weaker animal or the loser will eliminated from the habitat or died.

 Compete

for sunlight, water, nutrient and space  If more plant grow in an area, the competition in that area gets more intense

Plant are rooted to the ground .  Since all green plants are producer, they do not compete for food.  They still need sunlight, water , carbon dioxide, nutrient and space to make food  Plant get water and nutrient from soil  The nutrient are absorbed by the root and used for plant growth.  Nutrient are needed by plants for healthy growth and development. 

 When

these resource are limited , plant have to compete among themselves.  Competition involve plant same species called intraspecies  Competition involve plant different species called interspecies

Effect of competition



Died early or growth does not occur

Not enough nutrient

Stunted growth

Not enough nutrient and water

Wrinkle leaves, leaves became thick, curled and brittle, Pale green leaves, red or purple spot on leaves, Yellow edge leaves Leaves distorted and form cup Abnormal growth Poor root growth Thin and small stems The tips of the young shoot die Weak stems Producing less yield

Not enough nutrient

Effect of competition Observation


The plant wilt and loss its turgidity Not enough water The plant grow taller but with thin Not enough sunlight stem The intraspecies competition more Because the resources need by the intense than interspecies plant of similar species are exactly the same. Example : Example : The plant have fewer growth Corn plant need the same amount of nitrates . When corn plant compete among themselves , they use exactly the same resource. Example : Example: The corn plants grow faster and If the corn plant complete with bigger than paddy plants . paddy plants. Because corn plant have longer


HSP 1.3 Understanding the responsibility of human beings in protecting Endangered species

Suggest ways to prevent animals and plants from extinction.

Give examples of extinct animals

Give examples of endangered animals

Give examples of endangered plants

Explain why certain Animals or plants are facing the threat of extinction.




Accessorie s





Accessorie s

The phenomenon when the certain animal species become rare to find and cease to exist is called extinction  Extinction means then permanent disappearance of a living species. 





Before plant species becomes extinct, their numbers will decline. If the numbers continue to decrease, the species become rare, that called endangered. Endangered species means those which are facing the threat of extinction . To prevent extinction, these endangered species must be protected and preserved

 The

phenomenon when the certain plant species become rare to find and cease to exist is called extinction  Extinction means then permanent disappearance of a living species.

Factors of plant and animal facing extinction  Deforestation –

process of cutting down and removing trees for timber, open space for growing crops or animal farming

 Destroyed plant

and animal.

Factors of plant and animal facing extinction  Environment

pollutant- by releasing toxic gases and substance such as lead , carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

Factors of plant and animal facing extinction  Agrochemical in

agriculturalpollute the soil and water  This kill many animal.

Factors of plant and animal facing extinction  Excessive and

illegal logging

Conservation areasagricultural, development activities , collecting plant or plants part hunting, killing of animal are not allowed.

    

Forest reserve National park State park Wildlife sanctuaries Marine park

Keeping and breeding them in captivity because the eggs are collected to be sold and eaten.

Zoo  Bota Kanan River Terrapin conservation 

Enforcement Law to protect wildlife

Protection of wildlife Act( Peninsular Malaysia)  Fauna Conservation Ordinance (Sabah)  Wildlife Protection Ordinance(Sarawak) 

Educating the public and enhancing awareness

    

Poster Wildlife Day Campaigns School curriculum NGO- Malaysia Nature Society

1. Illegal and excessive logging.

2. Excessive Clearing of forests to build roads, highway, industrial parks and housing estates.

3. Improper management of mining activities.

3. Improper management of mining activities.

4. Illegal and excessive hunting.

5. Improper management of waste from factories.

6. Improper management of waste from households.

7. Excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides in agriculture.

8. Heavy usage of motor vehicles.

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