Integrating With Quality Center

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,528
  • Pages: 10
Integrating with Mercury Quality Center

COPYRIGHT © 2005 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved. All Borland brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland Software Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Corporate Headquarters: Borland Software Corporation, 100 Enterprise Way, Scotts Valley, California 95066-3249 · 831-431-1000 · · Offices in Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Table of Contents Introduction 1 Setting Up the Integration 2 Configuring the Quality Center/TestDirector Environment 2 Enabling the Integration at the CaliberRM Server Level 3 Enabling the Integration in CaliberRM 3 Server Level Enable 3 Project Level Enable 4 Using the TestDirector Integration 4 Linking Requirements to TestDirector Objects 4 Viewing TestDirector Traces in the Traceability Matrix 5 Using TestDirector Objects in Document Factory 5 Test Wizard 5



Introduction The integration between CaliberRM and Mercury Quality Center/TestDirector is designed to help customers improve overall product quality and time-to-market needs by better aligning software testing and development activities, and by enabling greater collaboration between business analysts, software developers, Quality Assurance (QA) engineers and engineering managers. With this integration, development and testing teams are now able to work within their preferred, best-of-class applications with greater visibility into other phases and roles within the application lifecycle. The integration is designed to provide customers with a seamlessly integrated, best-ofbreed software delivery toolset that spans various phases and roles in the application lifecycle. The integration allows customers to leverage the strengths of two industry leaders, and enables bi-directional information flow between development and operations teams. This flow helps increase overall communication, efficiency and quality in the software delivery process. CaliberRM contributes to making software a more managed business process by enabling teams to capture and manage the requirements, resources, tasks, timelines and assets within the software development cycle. Now, with the integration with Mercury Quality Center/TestDirector, the assets and workflow of CaliberRM are able to integrate seamlessly into the testing and quality assurance phases of the application lifecycle. The alignment of these assets and phases can be a critical factor to the success or failure of software projects. CaliberRM Quality Center Test Wizard: ■

Increases QA productivity by dynamically generating Quality Center test cases to support CaliberRM requirements’ test conditions

Ensures that all requirements are tested by giving up to date status on which requirements have tests associated and which ones do not.

Helps bridge the gap between business analysts and Q/A and tracks requirement traceability completeness

CaliberRM allows you to trace requirements to the following TestDirector objects: ■

Test sets that are groups of tests within TestDirector. CaliberRM shows the results of the last execution of a test set on the Traceability tab.

Tests that are in Folders. You can show traces while Tests are still in design and not ready to be placed in a Test Set.

Tests that can only be executed as a member of a test set. CaliberRM displays the results of the last execution of the test from within any of the test sets for which it is a member.

Test Steps that are defined within a test. When a CaliberRM requirement traces to a test step, the status is that of the last execution of the step.

Benefits of CaliberRM Quality Center Traceability: ■

Accurately predict the impact of proposed changes before they are made

Understand the impact of past changes through impact analysis information

Traceability links can be used to identify all derived relationships between upstream requirements and downstream test cases

Live Link traceability ensures that CaliberRM users always see current, accurate Quality Center information at run-time

Get instant test status on all requirements and the associated tests.

In tr odu ctio n


Setting Up the Integration In Framework Administrator, the integration must be enabled or disabled at the server level and at the project level. There are three steps involved in configuring the integration. Each is described in detail in the following sections. ■

Configuring the Quality Center/TestDirector environment.

Enabling the integration at the CaliberRM server level.

Enabling the integration in CaliberRM at the project level.

Configuring the Quality Center/TestDirector Environment The steps to configuring the Quality Center/TestDirector environment may vary, depending on the version of Quality Center/TestDirector you have. This document details how to set up and configure versions of Quality Center 8.2 and TestDirector 8.0 and 7.6. Please consult your TestDirector documentation or your TestDirector administrator for detailed information on configuring other versions. Before you configure the Quality Center/TestDirector environment, you need to install the Quality Center/TestDirector Connectivity Add-in on the CaliberRM server machine. To install Quality Center Connectivity Add-in: 1 Using a web browser, enter http://[host:port]/qcbin, where host is your

TestDirector server name and port is the port location for the server. The Login screen is displayed. 2 Click Add-Ins Page. The page is displayed. 3 Select Mercury Quality Center Connectivity. 4 Read the information and select Download Add-in. The File Download dialog box

is displayed. 5 The File Download dialog box is displayed. 6 Click Open. The files are installed.

To install a standalone TestDirector client: 1 Using a web browser, enter http://[host:port]/tdbin, where host is your

TestDirector server name and port is the port location for the server. The TestDirector General Access screen is displayed. 2 Select TestDirector. The client is automatically installed and the Login page is

displayed. To configure TestDirector to integrate with CaliberRM: 1 On the Login page, select Add-Ins Page. 2 Select TestDirector Connectivity. 3 Read the information and select Download Add-in. The File Download dialog box

is displayed. 4 Click Open. The files are installed.

Note: If you use a database other than Access, you may need to install additional components on the TestDirector server to allow communication with the database (see your TestDirector documentation for more information). Warning!

Migrating your TestDirector database to another server using the TestDirector Export/ Import changes the TD Object IDs and invalidates Requirement-to-Test Object Trace

2 Int eg ra ti n g C al i b er RM w i th Te s tD i re c to r

relationships. Please contact CaliberRM support for information about how to minimize the impact of moving your database.

Enabling the Integration at the CaliberRM Server Level To enable the CaliberRM server: 1 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel from the Windows Start menu. 2 Select CaliberRM Server. The CaliberRM Server Settings dialog box is displayed. 3 Select the Server-Side Integrations tab. 4 In the TestDirector section, select the Enabled check box. 5 Select the version of TestDirector you are using. If you are using Quality Center,

select version 8.0. 6 Click OK. 7 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel from the Windows Start menu. 8 Select Services. (You may have to select Administratvie Tools first, depending on

your operating system.) 9 From the Service list, select SQM Monitor. 10 Click Stop. A message is displayed, verifying that you want to stop SQM Monitor

service. 11 Click Yes to continue. The SQM Monitor Service stops. 12 When complete, click Start. The SQM Monitor Service restarts. 13 Close the window, and then close the Control Panel.

Enabling the Integration in CaliberRM In Framework Administrator, the TestDirector integration must be enabled or disabled at the server level and at the project level.

Server Level Enable The server configuration properties are applied to all CaliberRM projects. To configure the TestDirector integration: 1 Select File > Admin > TestDirector Configuration. The TestDirector

Configuration dialog box is displayed. 2 To specify the TD APIServer Host, enter http://[host]/qcbin for Quality Center or

http://[host]/tdbin for TestDirector, where host is the server name. 3 Click Reconnect to connect to the named TestDirector server. A list of available

TestDirector domains/projects is displayed. 4 Select the TestDirector domains/project(s) you want to integrate. TestDirector

projects enabled here are available to all CaliberRM projects in the database. Note: If you select multiple domains or multiple projects you need to set the username and password for each domain/project individually, unless the project is part of the domain whose username/password is being set. Adding multiple domains/projects simultaneously is an intensive process that may take several minutes. 5 For the selected project, enter the TestDirector user name and password that

provides all CaliberRM users access to the project.

En ab lin g th e I nt egra tion in Ca liberR M


6 Click OK. The configuration is stored in the SQM Database.

Note: When TestDirector is disconnected from CaliberRM, you must re-enter the host name and click the Reconnect button to restore the configuration information.

Project Level Enable To enable or disable the TestDirector integration at the project level: 1 In the Framework Administrator, select View > Projects from the menu. 2 Select the project for which you want to enable TestDirector. 3 Select the External Traceability tab. 4 Select TestDirector Tests from the Disabled Integration(s) list, and click the

Move Left button. 5 To save the information, select File > Save Changes. To cancel the changes,

select Edit > Cancel Changes from the menu.

Using the TestDirector Integration Linking Requirements to TestDirector Objects To create a traceability link to a TestDirector object: 1 Select the requirement for which you want to create a trace. 2 Click the Traceability tab. 3 Click the Modify button. The Traceability Modification window opens. 4 Select the TestDirector Tests tab. The Project drop-down box on the toolbar is

enabled and allows you to select a TestDirector project from the list of available projects as configured by your CaliberRM administrator. The window opens with the last project used set as the current one. 5 Select a TestDirector project. CaliberRM connects to the TestDirector project, and

the TestDirector Tests tab is displayed. 6 Click Sets to see TestDirector test execution information.

Note: Depending upon the size of the TestDirector database, it may take several minutes for CaliberRM to pull up and display the data. 7 Select the TestDirector object you want to trace to. 8 Select Trace > Trace To from the menu. 9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 to create any other traces as needed. 10 Click the Save button to save the traces, or click the Cancel Changes button to

cancel the traces. 11 Close the Traceability Modification window to return to the Traceability tab. The

TestDirector traces are displayed with the TestDirector status. 12 If the Comment dialog box is displayed, enter a comment about the change and

click OK. The following information about a linked TestDirector object is listed on the Traceability tab: ■

The object’s file type icon

Traces To: the object’s name

4 Int eg ra ti n g C al i b er RM w i th Te s tD i re c to r

Tag/ID: the type of TestDirector object

Status: pass/fail status

Project: the TestDirector project name

If TestDirector becomes disabled for your project, or the TestDirector server becomes disconnected, existing TestDirector traces appear disabled. You can double-click a TestDirector object in the Traceability tab or the Modify Trace window to see the Test Details dialog box.

Viewing TestDirector Traces in the Traceability Matrix In addition to the Traceability tab, you can view TestDirector traces in the Traceability Matrix. To see TestDirector traces you must filter the matrix. You can configure the matrix to have requirement information in the rows and TestDirector information in the columns or vice versa. To view TestDirector objects on the Traceability Matrix: 1 In CaliberRM, select Tools > Traceability Matrix. The Traceability Matrix window

opens and displays the last viewed matrix. 2 Select View > Filter from the Traceability Matrix menu. The Traceability Filter

window opens to the CaliberRM Projects tab. 3 Click the TestDirector tab to set up the TestDirector objects. 4 Select the TestDirector project that you want to appear in the rows or columns. 5 Select the TestDirector object types that you want to appear in the rows or columns.

The items you select are listed are listed in the Rows Filter and Columns Filter areas at the bottom of the Traceability Filter dialog box. These are the items that will appear in the matrix. 6 Click OK and the TestDirector filtered view is displayed.

For more information on the Traceability Matrix, see “Chapter 16: Traceability” in the CaliberRM User Guide. You can also view TestDirector objects in the Traceability Diagram. For more information on the Traceability Diagram, see “Chapter 16: Traceability” in the CaliberRM User Guide.

Using TestDirector Objects in Document Factory You can also include TestDirector trace information in a document generated by Document Factory. For more information, see “Chapter 22: Document Factory” in the CaliberRM User Guide.

Test Wizard The Test Wizard allows you to create tests for any requirement. This provides an easy way to create tests from all of your requirements by automating the process of creating tests in TestDirector. Note: Before you can create tests using the Test Wizard in CaliberRM, the integration with TestDirector must be enabled by your CaliberRM administrator. To select the requirements for which you want to create tests: 1 In CaliberRM, select Tools > Test Wizard from the menu. The Select

Requirements to Test screen is displayed.

Te s t W i za r d


2 Select the requirements you want to test.

Note: If you select a parent requirement, all child requirements are automatically selected. Clear the child requirements you do not want to test. 3 Click Next. The Select The Components For The Test Name is displayed. 4 Select the options for your Test Name.

Note: Requirement Name is the default. Prefix: adds your choice of prefix for the requirement to the test name. Requirement Tag: adds the requirement’s unique type tag to the test name. Requirement ID: adds the requirement’s unique ID to the test name. Requirement Name: the default; adds the requirement’s name. 5 Click Next. The Select The Components For The Test Description screen is

displayed. 6 Select the components you want to add to the test description.

Requirement ID: adds the requirement’s unique ID to the test description. Requirement Name: adds the requirement’s name to the test description. Requirement Description: adds the requirement’s description to the test description. Note: The Test Wizard places plain text in tests it creates. Validation: adds the requirements validation text to the test description. 7 Click Next. The Assign The Test To A Folder screen is displayed. 8 Click Select All, or select individual tests to assign to separate folders. 9 Click Assign Folder for each selected test. The Select TestDirector Folder dialog

box is displayed. 10 Select the test folder to place your test in, or create a new folder by clicking the New

button. 11 Click Finish. The Progress Status Window screen is displayed, and shows the

status of each test requirement once the progress is complete. 12 Click Close. The Test Wizard is complete.

6 Int eg ra ti n g C al i b er RM w i th Te s tD i re c to r

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