Instructions for Use of Cisco VPN CLient for Remote Access: 1. Unzip and install the zipped file "" 2. Click "yes" to disable the windows vpn manager 3. Click Next and agree to the license. 4. If you receive an error "Software has not passed Windows Logo testing....", click on "Continue Anyway" 5. Go to Start, Programs, Cisco Systems VPN Client, VPN Dialer 6. Click "New" button under Connection Entries
7. Make up a name for the connection (ie. TorontoVPNConn) under "Connection Entry:" and "Description:" 8. Enter in the ip of device you are going to connect to ( under "Host:" 9. Under "Authentication" enter in the following information: Name: vpnuser Password: vpnmenow Confirm: vpnmenow
10. Once it connects to the device you shall need to enter in your domain username and password to log on to the internal network. Login: GROUP\firstname.lastname Password: