Installation Of Drupal On Windows Xp Using Apache, Mysql And Php

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  • Words: 520
  • Pages: 97
Installation of Drupal on Windows XP Rupesh Kumar A [email protected]

Files Required Versions used in this illustration Apache 2.2.2 Php 5.2.8 Mysql 4.1.11 Drupal 6.8

Install Apache

Test Apache installation: Open any web browser and type http://localhost in the address bar and press Enter

Feather icon on System Tray with a green arrow indicates apache service running. Feather with a red dot indicates that apache service is stopped

Open httpd.conf file with any text editor

add index.php here

add at the end the following code: LoadModule php5_module “c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll” AddType application/x-httpd-php .php PHPIniDir “c:/php”

Save the file

Extract Php files to C:\php

Extracted folder ‘php’

Extracted files in C:\php folder

Copy php.ini-recommended file

Paste it in the same folder

Rename it to php.ini

Open php.ini with a text editor

Delete semicolon (;) at the beginning of include_path line

Add “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs” as doc_root

Add “C:\php\ext” as extension_dir

Delete Semicolon (;) at the beginning of line extension=php_gd2.dll

Delete Semicolon (;) at the beginning of line extension=php_mbstring.dll

Delete Semicolon (;) at the beginning of line extension=php_mysql.dll

Delete Semicolon (;) at the beginning of line and add “C:\TEMP” for session.save_path

Save the file and close

Set Environment Variable for Php

Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel

In Control Panel, double click on “System”. In System Properties window, Click on “Advanced” Tab and Click on “Environmental Variables”

In “Environmental Variables” window, Click on Path variable under “System Variable” and click “Edit” button

Add C:\php; at the end of Variable value. Click OK Click OK for Environment Variables And System Properties

Test Php Installation

Open Notepad and type the following code:

Save the file as test.php in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\ Apache2.2\htdocs

Restart Apache: Right Click on feather icon on System Tray and click on “Open Apache Monitor”

Click Restart and then Exit

Open web browser and type http://localhost/test.php in the address bar and press Enter. The php information page appears

Delete the file test.php soon after confirming about php installation. Do not leave it in web server.

Install Mysql

Change destination folder to C:\mysql

Skip Sign-Up

Mysql Server Instance Configuration

Check this

Enter password for the root user

Open Command Prompt Type cmd and click OK

Change directory to c:\mysql\bin

Log in to mysql as root user

Enter root password

The mysql console

Create the new database ‘drupal’

List the databases

Quit mysql console

Exit the command prompt

Extract drupal files to web server

Rename extracted folder to ‘drupal’ for simplicity

Copy default.settings.php in drupal\sites\default and paste in the same directory

Rename it to settings.php

Open Web browser

Enter http://localhost/drupal or http://localhost/drupal/install.php

Drupal Installation Stages

Database configuration

Enter: Database name Database username Database password

Advanced options

Enter: Database host (if other than localhost) Database port (only if non-standard) Table prefix (in case of multiple installation on the same database)

Click Save and continue

Configure site: Site information

Create Administrator account

Server settings

Click Save and continue

Drupal installation complete

Click on your new site

The New Drupal Site

Thanks Apache Team Php Team Mysql Team Drupal Team Please send comments & suggestions to [email protected]

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