Installation Guide

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nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


Table of Content Copyright Notice ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1

Pre-installation Description........................................................................................................ 3 1.1

Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................. 3


Software Requirements: (**: recommended)................................................................ 3


Installation of JRE 1.2.2............................................................................................................. 5


Installation of SonicMQ 2000.1 Enterprise Edition.................................................................... 6


Installation of SQL Server.......................................................................................................... 7


Installation of Sun JSDK 2.0...................................................................................................... 8


Installation of Apache ................................................................................................................ 9


Installation of Apache Tomcat.................................................................................................. 10


Installation of nTegrate .............................................................................................................11


Customization for SonicMQ 2000.1......................................................................................... 12 9.1

Configuration .............................................................................................................. 12


SonicMQ Database Installation .................................................................................. 13




Shutdown ................................................................................................................... 15

................................................................................................................... 13


Customization for SQL Server................................................................................................. 16


Customization for Apache........................................................................................................ 19


Customization for Apache Tomcat........................................................................................... 20


Configuration File (ntegrate.conf) Settings.............................................................................. 22


Configuration of nTegrate Analyzer ......................................................................................... 25


Configuration of nTegrate Plug-ins .......................................................................................... 26


Other Environment Settings .................................................................................................... 28


nTegrate Server Invocation ..................................................................................................... 30


Upgrade nTegrate.................................................................................................................... 33

Appendix A: Configuration of nTegrate Cluster .................................................................................... 35 Appendix B: Shutdown nTegrate Server Gracefully ............................................................................. 36

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

Copyright Notice Copyright © 2000 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc.™, all rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. nSolution™, nTegrate™, nProcure™ and nSchedule™ are trademarks of NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc.™. Third-Party Trademarks: All other trademarks, trade names, product names or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication, with the exception of the software product user documentation contained on a CD-ROM, may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from without prior written consent of NetEmpower. Licenses may duplicate the software product user documentation contained on a CD-ROM, but only to the extent necessary to support the reproduction of the documentation, regardless of whether the documentation is reproduced in whole or in part, must be accompanied by this copyright statement in its entirety, without modification. No warranty The software, documents, information, and materials in this publication are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The contents of this publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. NetEmpower Software Technologies may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS.

It is acknowledged that the Software and the

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Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide



Pre-installation Description

This installation guide can be used in server or client installation. In server CD package, it contains both server and client. Before you install nTegrate, you must read the hardware and software requirements carefully to reduce installation problems. In addition, it is very important for you to read the license agreement enclosed with CD package. Besides, with nTegrate v1.2, it’s possible for you to construct cluster machines to work as secondary servers. For cluster machine installation, please refer to Appendix A in this Installation Guide.


Hardware Requirements

For nTegrate: (**: recommended) Component




Pentium III-600 or above (**)

Pentium III-600 or above (**)


Minimum 256MB or 512MB (**)

Minimum 128MB or 256MB (**)

Hard Disk

Minimum 700MB

Minimum 50MB


Internet connection

Internet connection


256 color mode or higher

256 color mode or higher

For SonicMQ: (**: recommended) Component



Pentium III-600 or above (**)


Minimum 256MB

Hard Disk

Minimum 500MB


Internet connection


256 color mode or higher


Software Requirements: (**: recommended)



Client One of the followings:


NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 5 or above NT Workstation 4.0, Service

System (OS)

(e.g. SP6a, **)

Pack 5 or above (e.g. SP6a, **) Windows



Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.2.2

Sun Java Runtime Environment


(JRE 1.3 is not applicable)

1.2.2 (JRE 1.3 is not applicable)

Data Base

MS SQL 7.0 Standard Edition


Web Server

Apache Server 1.3.12 Jserv 1.1.2


Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or above

Messaging Ware





MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or above Edition

(Patch Build 1815)


Note: Copies of Apache Web Server, Java Virtual Machine, and JDK 1.2.2 may be downloaded from Apache's and Sun's websites. Besides the standard plug-ins provided by nTegrate, to enable business processes, the required new application development is performed under Java Development Kit (currently JDK 1.2.2) and Java Servlet Development Kit (currently JSDK 2.0) Environment. The clients with the H/W and S/W requirements mentioned above can conduct system administration, process building, and process management. Process performers who conduct just approval processes need only a web-enabled environment (connecting to Internet) to perform the approval processes.

The hardware requirement for SonicMQ is mandatory for B2B scenario (i.e., multiple partners involved), but is optional for the case of single company. For the former scenario, SonicMQ must be on the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone), i.e., between firewall and Intranet, so that SonicMQ can be accessed from Internet. Therefore, it is strongly recommended (or mandatory for customer security sake) to have SonicMQ and nTegrate separated, i.e., SonicMQ at DMZ and nTegrate at intranet. For the later scenario, it is fine to have nTegrate and SonicMQ on the same machine. However, because SonicMQ requires at least 256MB memory, it is recommended to have 512 MB memory on that machine. nTegrate server is Web-enabled to use URL for file access. Therefore, a Web server (i.e., Apache Server 1.3.12) should be installed on the same machine as nTegrate server, especially for this release V1.0. It is not required to have the nTegrate repository database (i.e., MS SQL 7.0 Standard Edition) installed on the same machine. To enable business processes, the required application programs provided by System Integration team or in-house IT team are developed under Java Development Kit (currently JDK 1.2.2) and Java Servlet Development Kit (currently JSDK 2.0) Environment. These application programs include Java servlets to kick off process models and/or to perform approval activities from Web servers. These Web servers can be located at intranet or DMZ. The clients with the above-mentioned hardware and software requirements can conduct system administration, process building, and process management. Those process performers, who just conduct approval activities, only need a web-enabled environment (connecting nTegrate server via Internet) to perform the tasks.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide



Installation of JRE 1.2.2

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.2.2 for Windows is freeware. 2.1

Run jre1_2_2_-006-win-i.exe to install JRE 1.2.2. If installed with default value, it will be installed under c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <JREInstalledLocation> will be used later in this Installation Guide to represent where you install your JRE. You may also install JDK 1.2.2 instead of JRE1.2.

Next, you need to relax security checking within its Java2 VM for RMI calls in nTegrate: 2.2

Add two more permission lines into c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\lib\security\java.policy (or <JREInstalledLocation>\lib\security\java.policy ) for JRE1.2; or <jdkInstalledLocation>\jre\lib\security\java.policy for JDK 1.2.2.: (A)

Find the following statement:

grant {




Add two lines and make it become:

grant { permission; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread"; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup"; };

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.



nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

Installation of SonicMQ 2000.1 Enterprise Edition


Run \SonicMQ\setup.bat If installed with default value, it will be installed under c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <SonicMQInstalledLocation> will be used later to represent the really location where you install your SonicMQ.


Run \SonicMQ\Patch\setup.bat (A)

Click Next in the “Welcome” window.


Click “Accept all terms of the license” and click Next in the “Agreement for Software License” window.


Enter the License Key and click Next in the “Control Number” window.


Click Next in the “Product Information” window.


Click Next in the “README Information” window.


Click Next in the “Broker Information” window.


Click Install with the same Installation Path as step 3.1 in the “Installation Directory” window.


Click Yes to All in the “Copy Files” window.


Select Update Existing DB in the “Install database SonicMQDB” window.


Click Finish in the “Installation Complete” window.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


Installation of SQL Server


Run \SQL7.0\setup.bat to install SQL Server. (A)

Select Local Install and click Next in the “Select Install Method” window.


Click Next in the “Welcome” window.


Click Yes in the “Software License Agreement” window.


Enter company and name and click Next in the “User Information” window.


Enter the License Key and click OK in the “Setup” window.


Click OK in another “Setup” window.


Select Typical and click Next in the “Setup Type” window.


Select your choice and click Next in the “Services Accounts” window.


Click Next in the “Start Copying Files” window.


Select the choices in the “Select Privilege Mode” window as follows:



Click “Every Server”.


Click “Add”.


Input the number of connections. It should not be less than five (5). Ten (10) is about the number. Click OK.


Check the agreement box. Click OK.


Click Continue.


Click Continue in the “Select Privilege Mode” window.


Click Finish in the “Setup Complete” window.

If installed with default value, it will be installed under c:\MSSQL7. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <SQLInstalledLocation> will be used later to represent the really location where you install your SQL Server. 4.2

Re-start your computer when SQL Server Setup program prompts you to.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.



nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

Installation of Sun JSDK 2.0

JSDK (Java Servlet Development Kit) 2.0 is freeware. 5.1

Run JSDK20-Win32.exe to install. (A)

Click Next in the “Welcome” window.


Click Next in the “Choose Destination Location” window.


Click Finish in the “Setup Complete” window.

If installed with default value at step (B), it will be installed under c:\JSDK2.0. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <JSDKInstalledLocation> will be used later to represent the really location where you install your JSDK.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide



Installation of Apache

Apache Server 1.3.12 is freeware. 6.1

Run Apache_1_3_12_win32.exe to install. (A)

Click Next in the “Welcome” window.


Click Yes in the “Software License Agreement” window.


Click Next in the “Information” window.


Click Next in the “Choose Destination Location” window.


Select Typical and click Next in the “Setup Type” window.


Click Next in the “Select Program Folder” window.


Click Finish in the “Complete” window.

If installed with default value at step (D), it will be installed under c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <ApacheInstalledLocation> will be used later to represent the really location where you install your Apache. You may start Apache web server as an independent program or a service in Windows NT. 

To start Apache later after installation successfully, select Start | Program Files | Apache Web Server and click Start Apache.

To stop Apache, choose STOP Apache.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.



nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

Installation of Apache Tomcat

For using Generic Servlet, it is necessary to install Tomcat Servlet Container. Jakata-tomcat-3.2.1 is freeware. 7.1

Extract to the machine where web server resides. You can find this file in nTegrate third-party freeware CD. For example, you may extract to the C: drive, and then a new folder \jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\ will automatically be created.


If you install Apache as your web server, then follow the direction of the file named tomcat-apache-howto.html. You can find this file under \jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\doc. If you install IIS as your web server, then follow the direction of the file named tomcat-iis-howto.html, which is under the same directory. If you install IIS, then you need an extra file when you're installing tomcat. You need to copy isapi_redirect.dll from CD to your hard drive.


Use the sample registry file in CD and modify the path where isapi_redirect.dll resides. Then double-click the registry file to add it into registry.


To start tomcat, type startup under \jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\bin\. To stop tomcat, type shutdown.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide



Installation of nTegrate

Note: You should have installed all the necessary third-party software packages by now before you start installing nTegrate. The necessary third-party software may be installed on a remote machine. Configure their IPs carefully in the later chapters.


Insert your nTegrate CD into CD-ROM drive. It will automatically invoke SETUP program.


Click Next in the “Welcome” window. Click Yes in the “License Agreement” window.


Enter your name, your company name, and the serial number. Click Yes in the “Customer Information” window. The Serial Number is labeled on nTegrate license agreement. For Evaluation Copy, you may enter whatever you like in the serial number column.


Click Next in the “Pre-Installation Notice” window.


Click Next in the “Hardware Information” window.


Click Next in the “Software Information” window.


Choose “Client” or “Server” and click Next in the “Setup Type” window.


Click Next in the “Choose Destination” window. You may change the destination location by clicking Browse.


Click Next in the “Select Program Folder” window.


Click Next in the “Please check your setup settings” window.


Click Finish in the “InstallShield Wizard Complete” window. It will automatically invoke NOTEPAD to open the README file.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


Customization for SonicMQ 2000.1




Open the file c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ\broker.ini (or <SonicMQInstalledLocation>\broker.ini ). (A)

Enable the security by changing:



Uncomment the following SSL encryptions by removing the semi-colon (;) in front of each line and becoming:

SSL_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN=certs/serverCertChain.chain SSL_PRIVATE_KEY=certs/serverKey.pkcs8 SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD=Pass Phrase


Comment out the setting of DEFAULT_SOCKET_TYPE by insert a semi-colon at the beginning of that line, as



Add the following statements:


Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


PORT_NUMBER_2=2507 ; IP_OR_HOST_3= SOCKET_TYPE_3=http PORT_NUMBER_3=2508 is the IP address. Type ipconfig at MS-DOS prompt to find out your own IP address. Replace all the “” in the above example with your own IP. For nTegrate server, the following three protocols and ports are supported as default: port 2506 for TCP, port 2507 for SSL, and port 2508 for HTTP. It is recommended to use those default settings. If you plan to change the settings, please make sure nTegrate administrators are well informed. (E)


Save and exit the broker.ini file.

SonicMQ Database Installation Under a MS-DOS window, go to c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ\bin> (or <SonicMQInstalledLocation>\bin> ), type the following commands, and press ENTER after each.

c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ> set path bin; c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ\bin> dbtool /d basic c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ\bin> dbtool /cs basic c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ\bin> dbtool /c security




Click Start | Program Files | Progress SonicMQ | Start broker.


Click Start | Program Files | Progress SonicMQ | Explorer.


Click the Message Brokers folder in the left pane. In the right pane: (A)

At Broker Host, enter x.x.x.x:2506.

Note: x.x.x.x represents your own IP address. It can be found by typing ipconfig under a DOS prompt.


At Connect ID, type a name for naming the connection (for example, your name).


At User, type "Administrator". At Password, type ”Administrator”. Click Connect.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide Note: The User and Password fields are case-sensitive.


Double-click the “Message Brokers” folder in the left pane to expand. Click Users in the left pane.


In the User Maintenance group on the right, click New, enter “nTegrate” in all the three boxes, and click Update when finished.

Note: User name and password are case-sensitive. Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide



Shutdown (A)

Click Message Brokers in the left pane,


Click the row in the lower right area to highlight the row (as shown in the figure in Step C).


Click Shutdown. Click Yes to confirm.

It takes around 30 seconds to bring down SonicMQ.

Note: Do not abort it by pressing Control-C.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

10 Customization for SQL Server You are recommended to create two databases, “nTegrate” and “nTegrateBackup”. So that your nTegrate Administrator can backup data in “nTegrate” to “nTegrateBackup” periodically. Section 11.1 shows the steps of creating the database “nTegrate”. 10.1

Login to the SQL Server 7.0, and then add a new database “nTegrate”: (A)

Click Start | Program Files | Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 | Enterprise Manager.


In the left pane of following Console Root window, double-click “Microsoft SQL Servers”, double-click “SQL Server Group”, double-click the site name where your SQL Server resides. You might need to wait for a while to get connected.


Right-click Databases and select New Database.


Type “nTegrate” in the Name box and click OK.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


Run scripts to install all nTegrate meta tables in the newly-created database “nTegrate”: (A)

On the Tools menu, select SQL Server Query Analyzer.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.



nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide (B)

Select “nTegrate” in the DB list.


Open c:\nTegrate\dbscript\Mssql\nTegrate_Install.sql. (or \dbscript\Mssql\nTegrate_Install.sql ).


Run it by clicking the green triangle-arrow button.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


11 Customization for Apache 11.1














c:\nTegrate\ntegrate.conf, which need to be set before it can work correctly. These two Aliases point to the real file system directories where the business document DTDs and JavaScripts are stored. They are






Note: The double backslash is needed on Windows NT to escape the special meaning of backslash.


Another set of properties in the nTegrate.conf specifies how nTegrate should use Apache as the file server; in other words, what prefix should nTegrate use to form the URLs for the resources it need. These should be consistent with the Apache configuration file changes as described below. For example,




Note: The words “bdocs” and “javascripts” here are the aliases that need to be defined in Apache’s configuration file, as described below.


Add the following lines into the Alias section of c:\program_files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf (or <ApacheInstalledLocation>\conf\httpd.conf ):

Alias /bdocs/ "c:/ntegrate/bdoctypes/” Alias /javascripts/ “c:/ntegrate/javascripts/”

Note: The alias names “bdocs” and “javascripts” must match exactly, including cases, with the URLBase names described previously. The leading and ending “/”s are also required.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

12 Customization for Apache Tomcat Modify c:\Program Files\tomcat\bin\tomcat.bat (or \bin\tomcat.bat ). 12.1

Insert the following lines at the beginning of the file. set JAVA_HOME=F:\jdk1.2.2 set TOMCAT_HOME=F:\Program Files\tomcat and make it like:

set JAVA_HOME=F:\jdk1.2.2 set TOMCAT_HOME=F:\Program Files\tomcat set _CP=%CP% set _TOMCAT_HOME=%TOMCAT_HOME% set _CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%

F:\jdk1.2.2 is subject to where you install your JDK in Chapter 2. F:\Program Files\tomcat is subject to where you installed your tomcat in Chapter 7. 12.2

Modify Classpath to use Apache’s XML Parser Xerces by inserting the following lines under the



set _LIBJARS=%_LIBJARS%;D:\nTegrate\lib\xerces.jar and make it like:

:dynClasspath set _LIBJARS=%_LIBJARS%;D:\nTegrate\lib\xerces.jar for %%i in (%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\*.jar) do call %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\cpappend.bat %%i


Under \nTegrate, gnumake all to generate nTegrate\tools\ntegrateWebApp.war. Copy it to Tomcat\webapps\.


For the first time, when start Tomcat, a folder Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\ will be generated. Beneath it, there will be the following files or folders existing.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\util.js Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\ Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\WEB-INF Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\WEB-INF\classes Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\WEB-INF\classes\com Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\WEB-INF\lib 12.5

Copy the following files to Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\WEB-INF\lib\ jgo.jar ntegrate.jar ntegrateMesgs.jar xalan.jar xerces.jar


For Windows Platform,

\samples\webapps\approval\> compileapp.bat

-orFor Unix PlatForm, execute . 12.7

Copy \nTegrate\samples\webapps\approval\*.class to Tomcat\webapps\ntegrateWebApp\WEB-INF\classes\


Re-start Tomcat


Re-start Apache Web Server

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

13 Configuration File (ntegrate.conf) Settings Use Notepad to open c:\nTegrate\ntegrate.conf (or \ntegrate.conf if you didn’t install with default location value.) 13.1

The value of “ntegrate.serialNumber” is the serial number of your nTegrate package. It is generated automatically. Don't modify it.


Change the property value of “ntegrate.mqLocalIP” (x.x.x.x) to your SonicMQ IP address.


For MQ ThinLayer configuration, change the following default values











For nTegrate performance tuning, you may change three parameters:







“ntegrate.maxExecPerEngine” is to adjust how many process model instances can be run per engine. If you want very high fault tolerance, set it to 1. “ntegrate.heartBeatInterval” is to tell the process engine manager how often to check for engine failures. The value is in milliseconds. Recommended value is 3 times the value of engineReportTime. “ntegrate.engineReportTime” is to tell the process engine how often to report to the process engine manager that it is alive. The value is in milliseconds. 13.5

Change ntegrate.emulation to OFF unless you want to enable the process emulation. The default value is ON.


Change the property value of “ntegrate.bdocmgr.bdocDtdBase” to c:\\ntegrate\\bdoctypes (or \\bdoctypes ). Don’t forget to use double backslash.

ntegrate.bdocmgr.bdocDtdBase c:\\ntegrate\\bdoctypes

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide 13.7


Change the property value of "ntegrate.jsmgr.JSBase" to c:\\ntegrate\\javascripts (or \\ javascripts ). Don’t forget to use double backslash.

ntegrate.jsmgr.JSBase c:\\ntegrate\\javascripts


If you will choose "Certificate Request Form" when you create company profile later, you need to enable the function now. Put the comment character "#" in front of the "SUNKeyTool" line and remove the "#" at the beginning of the "RSAKeyTool" line.

#ntegrate.securitymgr.keystore.module SUNKeyTool ntegrate.securitymgr.keystore.module 13.9


Change the property value of "dbmgr.ntegrate.maxconns" if you want more connections between nTegrate and the database.


For "dbmgr.ntegrate.url jdbc:JTurbo://", change the IP (x.x.x.x) to your SQL Server IP address.

13.11 Change the property values of “ntegrate.plugin.dominoserver” and "ntegrate.plugin.dominodb". This is a plug-in which enables nTegrate to communicate with Lotus Domino Server. If you have this module, you have to modify it. 13.12

For “ntegrate.plugin.ldap.url ldap://”, change the IP (x.x.x.x) to your LDAP IP address.


For "ntegrate.plugin.smtpServer", change the IP (x.x.x.x) to your Email server's IP address.


Change the property value of "ntegrate.plugin.smtpSender" ([email protected]) to the email address of the person in your company who is responsible for business process design.


For SAP plug-in agent, the default lines are as follow:

netflow.plugin.SAPClient 800 netflow.plugin.SAPUserName wuming netflow.plugin.SAPPassword demo netflow.plugin.SAPSystemNumber 00 netflow.plugin.SAPHost netflow.plugin.SAPLanguage en

The default value of the parameter "ntegrate.plugin.SAPClient", 800, is the internal port number used by SAP itself.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide For "ntegrate.plugin.SAPUserName" and "ntegrate.plugin.SAPPassword", type username and password used to access SAP system. "ntegrate.plugin.SAPSystemNumber" is the number of SAP server for nTegrate to access. Change the value of "ntegrate.plugin.SAPHost" (x.x.x.x) to your of SAP server IP address. "ntegrate.plugin.SAPLanguage" is the language you may use. "en" (English) is the default value.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


14 Configuration of nTegrate Analyzer nTegrate Analyzer is a component of nTegrate. If you would utilize nTegrate Analyzer, a new feature in nTegrate v1.2, to analyze your nTegrate server status directly from web server, you need to configure first. 14.1

Install Apache Tomcat first if you didn’t when go through the Installation in Chapter 8.


Open \nTegrate\tools\Analyzer\nTegrateAnalyzer.conf and edit the following parameters. You need to edit this file only when nTegrate server is not on the same machine as web server.





ntegrate.dbmgr.password is the nTegrate server IP address. nTegrate.dbmgr.url specifies where the database is. You have to change to the correct IP address. nTegrate.dbmgr.username and nTegrate.dbmgr.password are the account which nTegrate needs to access to the database. 14.3

Run mkAnalyzer.bat under \nTegrate\. You have to set the correct path, or you may not run this file. This file is located in \nTegrate\tools\. After running this batch file, a new file ntegrate.war will be generated under \nTegrate\tools\.


Copy ntegrate.war to \tomcat\webapps\.


Start Tomcat by issuing startup under the DOS prompt. (To shut down, issue shutdown.)


Start nTegrate Analyzer by connecting http://localhost:8080/ntegrateAnalyzer/ with your browser. The localhost is the IP address of your web server. Please refer to our nTegrate User’s Guide for more information on how to utilize nTegrate Analyzer.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

15 Configuration of nTegrate Plug-ins 

For SOAP Plug-in:


Before you start to use SOAP plug-in, install Apache web server and Apache Tomcat. Then extract and into two different folders on your local drive.


Under the Apache web server folder, find a configuration file httpd.conf and insert the paragraph in the following:

Include "d:\tomcat1\conf\tomcat-apache.conf" alias /soap "d:/tomcat1/webapps/soap" Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None ApJServMount /soap/servlet /soap AllowOverride None deny from all AllowOverride None deny from all AllowOverride None deny from all AllowOverride None deny from all

Notice that d:\tomcat1 should be the folder where you install Apache Tomcat. Modify it to the appropriate folder name. 15.3

Under \tomcat\bin, locate a file tomcat.bat and find a "Set Up The Runtime Classpath" segment around line 68. The original part should be like this:

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


:setClasspath set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\classes Modify the second line. The modified classpath should be like this:

set CP=d:\tomcat1\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classes;d:\ntegrate\lib\nte grate.jar;d:\ntegrate\lib\soap.jar;d:\ntegrate\lib\xerces.jar; %TOMCAT_HOME%\classes 15.4

Under \tomcat\conf, find a file server.xml and add serveral lines starting from line 299:


Create a folder called SOAP under \tomcat\webapps\. Then copy all the files from soap-bin-2.0\soap-2_0\webapps\soap\*.* to \tomcat\webapps\soap\.


Create two folders: tomcat\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classes and tomcat\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\lib. Then copy all the JAR files from \nTegrate\lib\ to tomcat1\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\lib\.


Under \tomcat\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classes\, create a folder structure: com\netempower\ntegrate\soap. Then copy \nepsoap\*.*


\tomcat\webapps\soap\WEB-INF\classes\com\netempower\ntegrate\soap. 15.8

Set an environmental variable:


The "X" is the disk drive where you install Apache Tomcat. 15.9

Finally, run deployall.bat.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

16 Other Environment Settings 16.1

Select Control Pane | System | Environment, and set the Path: (A)

Set the path of JRE (for example, c:\JRE\1.2\bin). This path must be set before C:\WINNT\system32, which might contain the default JVM for NT.


Set the path of nTegrate (for example, c:\nTegrate\bin).


Press SET when you finish editing the path.

Note: Press OK directly without pressing SET first, will not modify the path.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide 16.2


For configuring a computer with OS of Win 98 as your nTegrate client, you need to (A)

Open nmc.bat file under X\bin\, whereby X is the nTegrate inhabiting location.


Merge the two paragraphs of the first block into one paragraph of the second block.

set CLASSPATH=.;%NTEGRATE_HOME%;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\ntegrate.jar;% NTEGRATE_LIB%\ntegrateMesgs.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\resource.j ar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\jh.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\jgo.jar;%NTEGRATE _LIB%\lamasoft.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\symbeans.jar;%NTEGRATE_ LIB%\sfc.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\xerces.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\xal an.jar java -DNTEGRATE_HOME=%NTEGRATE_HOME% %SECURITY_PLOICY% -cp %CLASSPATH% com.netempower.ntegrate.gui.admin.frame.Netlog

java -DNTEGRATE_HOME=%NTEGRATE_HOME% %SECURITY_PLOICY% -cp .;%NTEGRATE_HOME%;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\ntegrate.jar;%NTEGRA TE_LIB%\ntegrateMesgs.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\resource.jar;%NT EGRATE_LIB%\jh.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\jgo.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\ lamasoft.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\symbeans.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\s fc.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\xerces.jar;%NTEGRATE_LIB%\xalan.jar com.netempower.ntegrate.gui.admin.frame.Netlog

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

17 nTegrate Server Invocation 17.1

Select Start | Programs | Progress SonicMQ | Start Broker to start SonicMQ Broker.


Select Start | Programs | Apache Web Server | Start Apache to start Apache Server.


Select Start | Programs | nTegrate | Plug-In Agent. Wait for the prompt “nTegrate plug-in agent is ready. Please start nTegrate server now.”


Click Start | Program Files | nTegrate | nTegrate to start nTegrate server.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


If there is any error message, recheck the environmental variables in Control Panel. If nTegrate server has been rebooted or SonicMQ Broker has been closed, please restart Broker and run SonicMQ Explorer to set connection again. 17.5

For the first-time running, nTegrate Management Console program will prompt you to enter the IP address of nTegrate server:

Enter the correct IP and click OK to connect to nTegrate server. nTegrate Management Console will automatically generate nTegrateGUI.conf to indicate the IP address of nTegrate server. If your nTegrate server's IP address is changed, you have to modify the nTegrateGUI.conf file to tell the console program the correct IP address, at the following locations: under %USERPROFILE%, C:\WINNT\Profiles\.... for Windows NT 4.0 under C:\Windows for Win98 under C:\Documents And Settings\<username> for Win2000 under $HOME, the login home directory, for UNIX. 17.6

Click Start | Program Files | nTegrate | nTegrate Management Console to invoke nTegrate GUI client, which will connect to nTegrate Server with a welcome window. A pair of default case-sensitive user-name/password are “Administrator”/“Administrator”.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


18 Upgrade nTegrate 18.1

Run Setup program, it will automatically detect the old version of nTegrate and run a full update installation. If there is a need to proceed with installation maintenance, go to Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs, and select nTegrate to enter maintenance mode.


Select Modify when you want to add or remove components installed. 

If you choose "Server" when you install nTegrate, all of the components will be installed.

If you choose "Client" when you install nTegrate, then the components ended with "_client" will be installed on your system. You don't have to specify components ended with "_client" when you install nTegrate server.

-orSelect "Repair" to reinstall the components which are incidentally deleted in your system. Select "Remove" to remove itself from your system. But for safety, your scripts and logs will not be removed.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.



nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

There is minor change in Database structure. You have to run a SQL script called "dbmigrate2V11.sql" under the Dbscript folder in CD. This script is only for database migration.


After upgrading nTegrate, you may have to reset configuration files under \BIN folder, such as nTegrate.conf.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide


Appendix A: Configuration of nTegrate Cluster nTegrate allows users to construct several server machines to form a cluster. (A)

For the cluster machines, setup the machine as a server machine, including drivers for the database (installing Oracle client or SQL depending on your choice of database).


Configure the following two parameters in ntegrate.conf on the cluster machine.





ntegrate.mainIP is the IP of the main ntegrate machine. ntegrate.launcherIP is the IP of the current cluster machine. Please substitute x.x.x.x with your IP. (C)

To start the engine launcher, type under MS-DOS prompt, for example

c:\> ntegratecluster

This will start the engine launcher and it will find the master server and make itself known to the master server that it is ready.

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nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

Appendix B: Shutdown nTegrate Server Gracefully Here’s the way to shutdown your nTegrate Server gracefully. Instead of using Ctrl - C in the MS-DOS window that executes ntegrate, you may open another MS-DOS window and type the following commands:

ntegrate -stop

The server will wait for all process models to finish, then free resources and shut down. or

ntegrate -abort

The server will be shut down immediately; unfinished processes will be recovered when nTegrate restarted. Once the stop or abort command issued, no new model instance can be activated.

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide

nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide generated 2001/7/18

Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved.


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