Install Newgenlib On Windows

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  • Words: 1,526
  • Pages: 74
Installation of NewGenLib on Windows XP Rupesh Kumar A Research Scholar Department of Library & Information Science Bangalore University, Bangalore 560056 INDIA [email protected] [email protected]

NOTE The following slides demonstrate the installation of NewGenLib software on a local machine. This presentation is limited to installation only. For further assistance, please refer to NewGenLib User Manual (UserManualAllModules.pdf) available at

Thanks To  Dr. L J Haravu  Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge

Management, Hyderabad  Verus Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad  Everyone else involved in the development of NewGenLib

and making it open source

What is NewGenLib? 

“NewGenLib is a metadata content management software solution”

An integrated library management software

A web-based application that uses RDBMS technology to manage databases

Compliant with International Standards: MARC, XML, UNICODE & Dublincore

Installable on LAN/Intranet and Standalone computers

Uses many open source components

NewGenLib is now Open Source !!!  

Free download at

Take a 20-minute multimedia tour at

Let’s Install & Use it

Files Required for Installation  J2SE Software Development Kit (SDK)  PostgreSQL for Windows  JBoss Application Server  newgenlib.ear   backupinplain.sql  Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

(for installation on clients)

Sources of Download Download files 1 to 4 from  JBoss Application Server  newgenlib.ear  NewGenLibFiles  backupinplain.sql  J2SE Software Development Kit (SDK)  PostgreSQL for Windows   Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Installation Summary            

Install Java 2 SDK Set environment variable for Java 2 SDK Install PostgreSQL for Windows Create newgenlib database Run backupinplain.sql script to create tables Install JBoss Application Server Copy newgenlib.ear file to JBoss Server Extract to C drive Edit Env_Var file & fill in the System Parameters Create a shortcut for JBoss run.bat file on the Desktop Start the JBoss Application Server Access NewGenLib through the Web Browser

Files Required for Installation

Install Java 2 SDK  Double Click j2sdk file to launch the installer

Accept the license agreement  

Click “I accept the terms in the license agreement” Click Next > button

Choose installation directory 

By default, SDK is installed under C:\j2sdkx.x.x folder (where x.x.x represent the version). But for simplicity, the folder name may be changed. Here, it is changed to jdk Click Next > button

Choose installation directory  

Click Change… button and change the folder name to jdk Click OK button

Choose installation directory 

Click Next > button

Web Browser Configuration  

Java 2 SDK automatically identifies the browsers installed. Select the browsers to be configured with Java. Click Install > button

Installation in Progress

Installation Complete 

Click Finish button

Set Environment Variable for Java 2 SDK 

Right Click My Computer icon on your Desktop and click Properties

Set Environment Variable for Java 2 SDK 

In System Properties screen, select Advanced tab & click Environment Variables button

Set Environment Variable for Java 2 SDK 

In Environment Variables window, Click New button under System Variables

Set Environment Variable for Java 2 SDK 

In New System Variable window, type JAVA_HOME for Variable name & Java 2 SDK installation path (C:\jdk in this example) for Variable value Click OK

Environment Variable for Java 2 SDK set 1.

The Environment Variable for Java 2 SDK can be seen

Install PostgreSQL for Windows  

Double click the postgresql installer package to launch installation wizard Select the language & click Start > button

Welcome Screen 

Click Next > button

Installation Notes 

Click Next > button

Installation Options  

Leave all the options default (including the installation directory) Click Next > button

Service Configuration    

Account name: postgres Account domain: localhost (in case of local installation) Account password: newgenlib (retype the password) Click Next > button


Account Creation & Password Warning  

If Account error window appears, click Yes to create postgres Account If “Password weak” warning appears, click No to retain your password (If you click Yes, the installer replaces your password with a random password)

Initialize Database Cluster    

Type postgres for Superuser name (it may be present already) Type newgenlib for Password and retype the same. Leave the other options unchanged. Click Next > button.


Select Procedural Language  

The procedural language PL/pgsql will be selected by default Click Next > button

Select contrib modules (IMPORTANT!)  

Select DBlink, Fuzzy String Match & Tsearch2 Modules. Admin81 is selected by default. Click Next > button

Ready to Install 

Click Next > button to start installation

Installation in Progress

Installation Complete 

Click Finish > button

Create newgenlib database 

Go to Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > PgAdmin III

Connect to PostgreSQL Database Server 

Right Click on PostgreSQL Database Server & click Connect

Enter Password to connect to server  

Enter the password for user postgres (password is newgenlib) Click OK button

Create New Database 

Right click on Databases & click New Database

Create newgenlib database 

In New Database Window, enter newgenlib for Name, select posgres for Owner, UTF8 for Encoding & pg_default for Tablespace Click OK button

newgenlib database created  

newgenlib database can be seen in Database list Close pgAdmin III

Copy backupinplain.sql file to C drive 

Copy backupinplain.sql file to C drive

Go to Command Prompt 

To go to command prompt, click Start > Run & type cmd

Change directory to PostgreSQL\bin 

At the command prompt, type cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\x.x\bin (where x.x is the version directory. In this example, it is 8.1) Press Enter

Access newgenlib database for user postgres   

type psql -d newgenlib –U postgres Press Enter Type postgres account password (password is newgenlib) (NOTE: While typing the password, no characters appear on screen. The cursor will not move) Press Enter

Run backupinplain.sql script  

On successful access, the prompt changes to database name Type \i c:/backupinplain.sql & Press Enter (Note the use of forward slash after C:)

Table creation in progress

Table creation complete 1. 2.

The table creation is complete Close the command prompt

Install JBoss Application Server 

Extract file to C drive directly

Select location for extraction  

Select C drive as location for extraction Click Extract button

Extraction Complete 1.

When extraction completes, the jboss folder can be seen in C drive

Copy newgenlib.ear file to JBoss Server 

Copy newgenlib.ear file to C:\jboss-xxx\server\default\deploy directory

Extract file to C drive 

Extract file to C drive directly

Extract file to C drive 

Select C drive as the location for extracting file

Extraction Complete 

When extraction completes, the NewGenLibFiles directory can be seen in C drive

Edit Env_Var file to fill System Parameters 

Go to C:\NewGenLibFiles\SystemFiles directory & open Env_Var file using any text editor.

Edit Env_Var file to fill System Parameters 1.


Change JBOSS_HOME from D drive to C drive (as JBoss is installed in C drive in this example). Enter the IPADDRESS of the server machine (localhost or for local installation), Port on which this server should be accessed and DEFAULT_SEARCH option. Save the file & Close.

Create Shortcut for JBoss run.bat file on Desktop 

Go to C:\jboss-xx\bin folder. Right click, hold the right mouse button on run.bat file and drag it on to the Desktop. Select Create Shortcuts Here from the context menu.

Rename the Shortcut to “NewGenLib Server” 

For easy understanding & usage, rename the shortcut to NewGenLib Server.

Start the JBoss Application Server 

Double Click NewGenLib Server on the Desktop to start JBoss Application Server

Server Starting

Server Started

Open Web Browser & type URL to start NewGenLib 

Open Internet Explorer & type http://localhost:8080/newgenlibctxt/LaunchApplication

Unblock in Windows Security Alert 

If Windows Firewall gives Security Alert, click Unblock button

Java Starting…

Starting NewGenLib Application

Verifying Digital Signature 

Click Run button to run the application. You may check Always trust content from this publisher to avoid this screen from repeat.

Enter Server Details  

Enter the IP address of the server & port number Click OK

The Login Screen  

(select the library) Enter the user id and password to login Click Login

NOTE: Default user id: 1

Default Password: abc

The Login Screen  

Default User id is 1 & Default Password is abc Click Login

NOTE: Default user id: 1

Default Password: abc

Welcome Screen with Pending Job List

NewGenLib Menu

The preliminary configuration can be done under Administration > Configure system

General Configuration of Library Details The library details can be configured at Administration > Configure system > General > Library

General Configuration of Library Details Click OK to update. An appropriate dialog is displayed.

OPAC Interface Open Internet Explorer, type http://localhost:8080/newgenlibctxt to access OPAC.

OPAC Interface

Please refer to NewGenLib User Manual for assistance on installation & usage. Manual available at

Thanks Please send in your comments & suggestions to [email protected] [email protected]

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