“It’s easy to find reasons for division between people. Finding common ground is harder, but a step towards happiness” – Anonymous
Based from the video of Inside Out- Riley’s Dad and Jordan (Riley’s First Date), I learned that as human beings, we have different perspective towards life as individuals. We all have that characteristics which makes us unique that represents the principles that we believe in. From early childhood up until adulthood, the values and traditions that surrounds us helps us to shape these principles inferiorly. But as we have differences, we also share a common ground which aids us to effectively interact with other people and establish social networks from the most unexpected people. At first, Riley’s Dad judges Jordan from its behaviour (where his being wanders with his little creatures inside his head) but as he starts a conversation with Jordan, he notice that they have a similarity and this is being in a band. As you can see, people when they talk about their passions and desires, they become inspired at the moment and this is visible with Riley’s Dad reminiscing the good old times. And with this similarity, the two different people are able to connect with each other.
As a student, I believe in the saying that “no man is an island” obviously this quote means that we cannot survive in being alone. But as I apply this with the video, this quote gives another meaning that despite being different in some aspects as we are made unique by God, we hold onto something similar and generally we share the same thought that we all want to succeed and live a life happy and contented and by this we share the same cloud and no man is being left out alone in an island. So if you are struggling in making connection with other people, #FindtheCommonGround.