Ins 1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 874
  • Pages: 2
5 JANUARY 2008




Pattern snake


Draw a snake 1-cell wide,by coloring each occupied cell with one of 3 colors alternatively, following the pattern Red-green-blue-red-green... In the grid,colors are represented by letters R,G,B. Head of the snake must be red(R) and tail must be blue(B).Hints(3 hints per row) outside indicate the number of cells of each color occupied by snake in corresponding row,in the order R,G and B.Snake cannot touch itself,not even diagonally.

Fill the grid with digits from 1 to 9 such that all rows, columns and outlined 3x3 regions have all the digits from 1 to 9.The “<” symbols are placed according to the locations of the basins(basins are drawn in the grid),as illustrated by the example.Digit pointed by the “<” symbol must be less than the digit on the other side of the symbol.In one of the directions(starting from inside the basin outwards),the insertion of symbols is stopped when the way is blocked by another basin, otherwise keep inserting until the edge of the grid.In each of other 2 directions(West and East in the example),exactly one symbol is placed. Note : The “<” symbols are given in the example to let the reader understand the rules. Those symbols will not appear in the test.

Answer key: Write the contents of the BottomleftTopright main diagonal.Use R,G,or B for occupied cell and E for empty cell. the side Fill the grid following the rules evident from the example.When finished,every row ,column and 3x3 region must contain all digits from 1 to 9.


Answer key: Enter the contents of the TL-BR diagonal followed by the BL-TR diagonal..

5 6 2 3

2 1 5

D+1 D-1 U+1 R+1 D+2 L-1 U+2 U-1 D+2


U-1 R-1

R+1 L-1



1 2 6 4 5 3

6 5 1 3 2 4

3 4 2 5 1 6

5 3 4 1 6 2

4 6 5 2 3 1

2 1 3 6 4 5

1 5 6 2 4 3

6 2 4 3 5 1

3 4 1 5 2 6

2 3 5 6 1 4

4 6 2 1 3 5

5 1 3 4 6 2

Answer Key: Write the contents of the 8th row from left to right.

Classic Sudoku Fill the grid with digits from 1 to 9 such that all rows,columns and outlined 3x3 regions have all the 9 digits. Answer Key: Write the contents of the circled cells from top to bottom and left to right.

Japanese Loop Draw a single closed loop connecting the centres of cells .Loop can move horizontally or vertically and cannot visit any cell more than once.Hints outside show the lengths of loop segments in corresponding rows in order of their occurrence. Answer Key: Write the areas of all the contiguous regions of unvisited cells in increasing order.

5 JANUARY 2008





Dock the ships Locate the 10-ship fleet into the grid without touching, not even diagonally.Numbers on the left and top of the grid indicate how many cells in the corresponding row are occupied by ships.Symbol outside indicates that exactly one of the cells touching the edge of the grid in that row/column, is occupied by ship.In other rows/columns(not pointed by symbol),any number of edge cells(0-9) may be occupied.

Place some candles of length 1,2 or 3 into the grid horizontally or vertically.End-points of a candle shall coincide with the centres of cells.Candles of the same length cannot occupy cells which touch by the side,though diagonally adjacent cells may contain candles of same length.Candle cannot occupy grey cells.No white cell may remain empty. Answer key: For each cell on the TL-BR diagonal write the length and orientation of the candle that occupies it.For the example,the answer would be 1V3H2H1H.

Answer key: For each horizontal row from top to bottom,write the number of different ships occupying it.Answer may look like 111111111.


1 2


The Lawnmower man


Trace the route of the lawnmower man,which is a single closed loop, not crossing itself.The loop must visit exactly four cells(3 hexagons in the second puzzle) around each house.Loop cannot visit black cell.

1 1 1

Cutshort Skyscrapers Locate buildings of heights 1 to 5(1 to 6 in the second puzzle and 1 to 7 in the third) into the grid.Buildings in each row and column must be of different heights.Numbers along the grey lines must be consecutive and in increasing/decreasing order.Hints outside indicate how many buidings are visible in that direction. Answer key:Write the contents of the TL-BR diagonal.Answer may look like 1111.


1 1 4 2 3

2 1 3 4

4 3 1 2

Answer key:write the number of white cells inside the loop, followed by the number of white cells outside the loop.

Royal Sudoku Into each row,column and outlined region,place five chess kings(represented by numbers 1 to 5) of different colours,one knight(N) and a rook(R).No two Kings of the same colour can be at conflict.Also,no two knights can be at conflict. Answer key: Enter the contents of both main diagonals,BL-TR first ,then TL-BR .Use “N” for knight,and “R” for rook.Answer may look like 12345NR;232311N.

3 2 4 1

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