Innocentive Solution Submission - Sustainable Packaging

  • May 2020
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Solution Submission Form My Solution:      

Synthetic compounds of biodegradable polysesters are tending to complement one another, like a compound of PLA, thermoplastic starch and other organic materials. Thesematerials are what is referred to by biodegradable starch combinations and has not as of yetworked. "PLA films with thickness of 8-510 microns have been obtained from commercial film casting equipment and can be difficult to process into film due to instability at elevated processing temperatures controlling the polymer composition as well as adding stabilising or catalysing-destablising agents." - taken from the webpage on google book on the market report on biodegradable polymers In what I've read these past few days, all material written on the use and nature of polymer compounds in use for plastics or to play the role of these biodegradable materials, polymer molecular weight plays a role in it's processability polymer morphology is important and so is the attributes related to it. Semi-crystalline PLA is suitable for processing into films with desirable barrier properties. Most common PLA uses in these plastics use less than 15% meso-lactide and the remaining weight l-lactide in lieu of plasticising agents such as dioctyl adipate and nucleating agents such as talc orientation during film casting or blowing or after it has been cast or blown. Types of other methods for creation of films and usable material forms of polymers include heat setting and "orientation during film casting" and these methods have been patented by NatureWorks, however injection molding, which is being tested for use in nanocomposite polymers in plastics used in optical products such as glasses and glass-substitutes is a method that's fairly straight-forward as machining. PHBV would be a better candidate for injection molding and PLA doesn't have a fast enough crystallization rate to justify using injection moulding techniques. Fiber spinning or biaxial orientation on the other hand when creating films used to create products is more suited to the rate of crystallization that PLA and PLA associted or based products presently in use and manufacture. In nanoclay filled PLA compounds and also in other nanoparticle filled compounds, the rate of crystallization was sped so much that I consider these compounds to be definite candidates for use in injection moulding techniques. Nanoclay is typified by

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Solution Submission Form materials, usuallysilica or inorganics and isn't your standard material that you think of as "clays". The pla / layered silicate nanocomposites have been investigated repeatedly because they might be used in as of yet unknown manners or with methods used today which are impossible for compounds such as PLA in their traditional formation. The processability of these materials, specifically the intercalated systems of PLA nanocomposite materials, in their already known use, which are not being used in injection moulding techniques gives a great advantage to any producer that wishes to start using these technologies in a new way that others havent considered due to additives such as celluloses (starches) and inorganic compounds not producing a biodegradable product with the characteristics which are being sought. A composite formed of 5 or more percent of nanocomposite silicate in ‘intercalated systems’, which increase the crystallization rates in these polymer compounds or in ‘exfoliated systems’ of these compounds decrease the crystallization rate in the compounds and also increase attributes such as shear rate and lessen viscosity when compared to pure PLA compounds. Exact statistics are shown in the pictures in the .pdf file that these materials meet therequirements you are seeking and your company will also be able to create more products that are just as effective using slightly different materials using the technologies described in this challenge solution. In any approach, whether different ratios of materials is used, different nanoclays, nanofillers, including combinations of any approach and substituting for experimentation, or entirely different means are approached as in another form of nanoparticles such as nanoglass textiles and other nanosilica used in medecine are tested. All these compounds are relying upon montmorillonite and other nanoclays are being used and MMT is prevalent because of the raw products to create it being readily available thus leading to a reasonable price for MMT additives as used in common polymer nanocomposites and polymer nanocomposite experimentation.

I know that PLA isn't a choice but the materials are getting better and hopefully sometime soon you can use them. Instead, I'm stating that the solution you're looking for

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Solution Submission Form is aliphatic polyesters used in nanocomposites, PBS and PPDO nanocomposites technology are choices that meet your needs. PBS nanocomposites are available now for the price you need from Showa Highpolymer of Japan. PPDO nanocomposites will be the next technology that you should consider using when a commercial supplier begins production. PLA, if it ever becomes ready for use in the packaging industry for more than cold food and temporary products that more readily melt before the eyes than function. PLA is available in grades that are much better from Cargill-Teijin Nature Works but nanocomposites aren't carried. Though Koreean company EcoMassKorea carries a PLA nanocompsite, it's not the same type of work and from what I learned is the nanoparticles in that nanocomposite are mainly a filler material meant to cause PLA to break up into smaller pieces of easie acceptance into environments when degrading.Those technologies that are being most considered for application improve these materials in biodegradability but still don't prove to prevent breakdown in normal environments and on minor exposure to water , with time they seriously damaged and become poroous. All the attributes I listed above, regardless of application are true, but with any but the PBS produced by Showa Highpolymer, you won't achieve the results you desire.

Paper on Progress in nanocomposite of Biodegradable Polymer From CDFPM, Sichuan University, College of Chemistry, Chengdu, China [PDF document WITH PICTURES relating to decomposition (important pic, figure 7] [HTML FORMAT OF PDF DOCUMENT VIEWABLE WITHOUT ADOBE READER OR ANOTHER PDF READER IN A WEB BROSWER (WITHOUT PICTURES)] Patent for use of biodegradable film

Solution Submission Form v2 | © Innocentive 2005 | June 3, 2009 4 of 7

Solution Submission Form Google Books: Biodegradable Polymers: Market Report polyester+days&source=bl&ots=NBNYV4Hz61&sig=4oA03btl9SjIcuHLiJkWh3joKbc&hl=en&ei=srCScXyLsTjmQea2MHwCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=10&ct=result#PPT22,M1 Nanoglass textiles in human medicine: Biodegradability of nanocomposite polymer compounds degradability+of+polymer+nanocomposites%22+&um=1&ie=UTF-8&oi=scholarr Cellulose acetate bio-plastic and clays use together to increase biodegradability in nanocomposites Plastic nanocomposites with nanoclay in 2-10% of the mixture yielding up to a tenfold increase in decomposition – Starch based nanocomposites PHB problem solving to increase future use of PHB polyester over PLA polyester in plastics with nanocomposite creation using nanoclays, solving brittleness in PHB (this may be used in many forms, including the creation of injection mouldable PLA) In Business, creating sustainable enterprises and communities “Nanohybrid” Plastic expanding use of biodegradable plastics Emerging novel and new uses of nanoclays in plastics technologies Nano-biocomposites

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Solution Submission Form PCL starch blend polyesters reinforced by nanoclays PLA, nanoclay and core-shell rubber composites Nanoclay seller and information on their products Nanoclay Case History Biodegradable polymers and plastics : Proceedings in the 7th world K&sig=8NIACjvGOS8bIFiEV22hha721Uo&hl=en&ei=UdLDSfXIcGGtges0ODKCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=10&ct=result Reinforcing plastics with nanoclays (ceramic industry innovation) Nanoadditives in nanocomposites : Nanoclay Resources

Invention site proposal for uses of nanoclay Effects of nanoclays on properties of PLLA-modified polymers READE.COM Biodegradable Super Strong Lightweight Plastics

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Solution Submission Form Rapid Report: Starch Based nanocomposites by reactive extrusion information By SB Kalambur Purdue DOW Graduate Seminar information regarding nanocomposites and the use of nanoclay (montmorillonite) Nanoclays in foam and plastics use: "Polymeric Foams: Science and Technology" Lee, Park and Ramesh noclay&source=bl&ots=Dxsn0GGxyb&sig=1RDDPvpCudBzK4d_6NoZAD0FzIQ&hl=en&ei=uNPDSfeT L8Lktge19qzJCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=3&ct=result Polymer microstructure modification effects made upon nanocomposite creation with nanoclay HDPE/Wood composite effects made by nanoclay in wood and hdpe nanocomposites 2.pdf+biodegradable+plastic+nanoclay&cd=35&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Nanoclays speeding biodegradable polymer decomposition Patent application, Biodegradable Plastics and Polymers Page, Information pertaining to biodegradable plastics, pdf format in html thanks to google 2.pdf+biodegradable+plastic+nanoclay&cd=35&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us News article about glass fibers and replacing such technologies with nanocomposites

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