Infusion Systems

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 4,165
  • Pages: 9
Some would call integrating disparate automation and information systems without the expense — a miracle. We call it InFusion.

More Asset Performance.

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and all my business systems without the prohibitive investment

Only one company offers the breadth and depth of technology, know-how and world-class solutions to turn Asset Performance Management from business goal to business reality. That company is Invensys. The world leader in Asset Performance Management. Only Invensys offers a totally integrated system platform to deliver on the promise of APM. Introducing the InFusion™ ECS— the world’s first Enterprise Control System.

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“Finally, a system that will actually connect all my control systems

Not any more. For the first time in 25 years, a significant new category of automation and information system is now available—one that forever eliminates islands of automation and the usual impediments to achieving true asset optimization. It’s called the Enterprise Control System, a system that unifies ALL automation and information technologies into one unified business environment—regardless of supplier—without the prohibitive costs associated with the integration of

Different from traditional automation systems made up of DCSs, Safety Systems, PLCs and SCADA, an ECS platform encompasses much more, easily and affordably integrating the entire plant floor with top-level business systems like CRM, ERP and HR. And, unlike other solutions with clumsy, expensive bridges to business systems, an ECS does so in a simple, elegant way—with a high degree of interoperability—faster, easier, cheaper.

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Asset Performance Management essentially allows manufacturers to move from closed-loop process control to closed-loop business control. Until now, this balancing act has been impossible to achieve in a cost-effective manner, due to the disparate e lu nature of multiple systems, a V ic built by multiple vendors over m o on many years—making the Ec integration unwieldy, inefficient and expensive. Ava ila b ilit y

multiple systems. A system that assures full open communication and visibility between the plant and the enterprise with seamless information integration within and across multiple plant sites. A system that encourages a collaborative environment for improved business and plant operational agility.

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More. You always need more. More time. More money. More asset performance. And there are really only two ways to squeeze more business value from the plant. Improve asset availability or improve asset utilization. Period. The trick is to do both—by striking a delicate balance between availability and utilization simultaneously. Balance both in real time and you begin to achieve a high degree of optimization and economic improvement. This methodology for process plants to safely maximize the business value from every plant asset is called Asset Performance Management.



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Enterprise Control System for a long time.”

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The InFusion Enterprise Control System delivers Increased visibility between plant and enterprise Integration that’s both unprecedented and affordable Incomparable productivity An intelligent foundation for business optimization

The Invensys approach to Asset Performance Management is comprised of an enabling Enterprise Control System platform and a suite of performance services.

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Know More. Act Faster. InFusion Enterprise Control System. Introducing the Enterprise Control System, an entirely new class of system built on the principles of Asset Performance Management. The first affordable solution for integrating automation and information systems to drive more performance and business value from your plant assets, while dramatically driving down costs. The InFusion ECS is the world’s first Enterprise Control System—allowing the use of ALL of today’s leading process automation and information systems together, regardless of supplier or generation, as one unified business environment. The InFusion ECS fosters a collaborative environment by making the plant visible to the enterprise and the enterprise visible to the plant, dramatically increasing plant and business operational agility. And, by facilitating the transformation of data to information to knowledge to wisdom to action, the InFusion ECS accelerates decision-making while enhancing the ability to detect and effectively respond to unanticipated problems. What’s more, significant productivity improvements can be realized because the InFusion ECS offers a single environment for all configuration and application development. The flexible ArchestrA® object hierarchy enables applications to be developed rapidly by assembling reusable objects instead of programming. Providing you with the unprecedented ability to develop, deploy and maintain solutions that span the entire spectrum of automation systems—including legacy systems and emerging technology—easily, quickly and cost-effectively. Giving you a practical way to achieve more performance, efficiency and knowledge sustainability. In addition to easily integrating other vendors’ products, the InFusion ECS also brings together the world-class technologies and know-how of the industry’s leading solutions, including Foxboro, Triconex, SimSci-Esscor, Avantis and Wonderware. It unites them in a single business environment that links the plant floor with the executive suite. So you can see more, know more and act faster.

Increased visibility between operations and enterprise

Integrates and consistently presents data from all operational systems regardless of supplier or generation Enables a new level of knowledge and collaboration Establishes a collaborative environment for business and operational agility Facilitates transformation of data to information to knowledge to wisdom to action Allows detection and response to unanticipated problems

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Integration that’s both unprecedented and affordable

Seamless information integration within and across multiple sites Consistent tools and methodology facilitate easy, affordable and maintainable integration More than 300 proven system and subsystem interfaces Real-time information access both across the plant floor and outside the plant

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Robust platform for developing, executing and maintaining advanced applications Incomparable productivity

The flexible ArchestrA object hierarchy provides a high level of reuse, ease of maintenance and quick deployment

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Application objects and engineering selfdocumentation enable knowledge sustainability Continuously CurrentSM with I/A Series® systems Intelligent foundation for business optimization

Easy bi-directional integration to businesslevel systems Patented methodology for real-time accounting Standard integration to Microsoft Office and easy generation of web-based reports Extends closed-loop control to the business Solutions limited only by the imagination.

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Collaborative environment accelerates decision-making One environment for all configuration and application development




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More Integration. More Interoperability. The InFusion ECS Architecture. Perhaps the most striking innovation of the InFusion ECS is the ability it gives users to employ all of today’s (and yesterday’s) process automation and information systems together—as one unified business system—regardless of supplier technology. The InFusion ECS seamlessly couples the real-time world of process control to the transactional world of business systems. The system not only controls your plant, but controls your business. The InFusion ECS leverages the ArchestrA architecture which delivers a standardized plant object model, to facilitate ease-ofuse, reusability and an extensible environment to closely couple the two worlds as if they were one.


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Intra-Enterprise Level Internet

• Enterprise Application Integration • Simulation/Modeling • APC and Optimization • Enterprise Historian • Plant Information Portal • Batch Management • Production Tracking

The InFusion ECS includes a series of functional and system components. The functional components leverage the impressive brands that comprise the Invensys portfolio including: Foxboro® distributed control, measurements and instrumentation SimSci-Esscor® simulation and optimization software Avantis® enterprise asset management software Triconex® critical control and safety systems Wonderware® plant intelligence software



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Business Performance Management

The InFusion ECS Collaboration Wall

Some of the key InFusion ECS components include: InFusion Application Environment – plant information and automation software platform that brings together all aspects of the plant in real time InFusion Access – library of communication interfaces that allows users to connect to practically all legacy control systems and other common subsystems that have the ability to communicate digitally InFusion View – based on InTouch® software offering extended capabilities for enterprise-wide visualization, providing an easy method for creating and deploying graphical displays as well as effective alarm management InFusion Collaboration Wall – a perfect complement to InFusion View—offering a new and powerful way to present all information views required to run your business in one place, thus enabling a more collaborative environment InFusion System Manager – intuitive, multi-pane display environment that reports the health and status of the InFusion ECS InFusion Engineering Environment - highly intuitive graphical design and engineering tool for creating reusable libraries and configuring application and control objects—providing a consistent environment and common method for implementing engineering designs InFusion Historian - high-performance plant data historian that combines a relational database structure with a real-time data collection engine, yielding higher performance while maintaining efficiency Infusion Field Device Manager – open toolset to configure, commission, maintain and diagnose FOUNDATION fieldbus devices throughout their entire life cycle—supports both FDT and Enhanced EDDL technologies

Secure Control Information Network

• Visualization • Alarm/Alert Management • Historian • Real-time Performance Management

Asset Set Optimization

• Alarm Analysis & Optimization • Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics • Device Diagnostics

• System Configuration • Control Strategy Development • Display Configuration • Field Device Management • Advanced Control • Batch Execution • MES

Mobile Plant Portal/ Configuration Station

Engineering Environment

Base Asset Management

Fault-Tolerant 1-gb Mesh Control Network I/A Series

Intelligent Field Integration • Fieldbus I/O • Remote I/O • Conventional I/O • Safety Systems • PLCs

DIN– Rail-mounted Distributed Control

Mobile Operation Station Safety System

Installed DCS • Bailey • Fisher • Honeywell • Moore • Spectrum • SPEC200 • Westinghouse

How does this really help ?

More Intelligence. More Reliability.

InFusion ECS for Management

InFusion ECS for Operations



Want more assurance that system is yielding promised ROI

Priorities between Maintenance and Operations aren’t always aligned

Have to do more with less to be more competitive Dynamic market requires fast response Need system that will last 20-30 years and can costeffectively take advantage of new technology

right on my desk, in a context I understand so I see exactly

Need better training for operators to be more effective Solution

The InFusion ECS does more than promise ROI, it actually delivers it by driving maximum results from your plant-wide assets and integrating your systems into one, unified business environment.

The InFusion ECS makes it easier, faster and more cost-effective to make sure the plant operates smoothly, seamlessly, without incident and at peak capacity. It enables you to communicate more clearly and effectively with operators—and by revealing information relevant to both Operations and Maintenance, the InFusion ECS makes visible the relationships between asset performance and profitability. You’ll not only see operational improvements, you’ll easily share them with management, using simple-to-execute reports enabled by the InFusion ECS.

With unprecedented plant-wide visibility, the InFusion ECS lets you see what’s happening on the plant floor so you can take appropriate action in real time. Because the InFusion ECS unifies automation and information systems, you get operational intelligence in a consistent, meaningful context, making information easier to mine from data. You react faster to market dynamics. You’ll not only see what you need to know, but what you need to do about it. Supremely interoperable and open, the InFusion ECS allows you to do more with less. Upgrade your existing automation system without having to rip out and replace existing assets. Start as big or as small as you like—the InFusion ECS evolves and grows with you, enabling you to add and exploit new technologies as they emerge. This flexibility lets you remain agile as well, so you can respond quickly to a dynamic market while remaining highly competitive.

which assets are performing, which ones aren’t and what I need to do about it.” Maximize results from assets Improve plant safety More process control. More business control.

Increasing liability concerns


The InFusion ECS lets you control your business as well as your process by providing standardized and predictable plant behavior and enhanced safety.

“With the InFusion ECS, I get the plant floor information I need,

Lack of trust in the information presented

Invensys recognizes that Operations must have complete faith in the integrity of the information presented. And, that it must be presented in a timely fashion. The InFusion ECS does both by utilizing data validation techniques as well as transacting information in real time, eliminating the need for manually entered information done periodically. Because the InFusion ECS aggregates information from all plant systems, it easily presents useful information such as enterprisewide safety integrity, delivering enhanced visibility and one less thing to worry about. As a unifying platform, the InFusion ECS has the capacity to provide operators with a consistent, single view of the entire enterprise. This approach enables operators to predict abnormalities and effectively respond to emergency situations with confidence. And proven Invensys simulation ensures that operational staff are continuously recertified in reacting to abnormal plant conditions.

Do more with less Respond faster to market Reduce risks and costs Improve operator response and efficiency Communicate effectively with maintenance

More Ease of Use. Less Cost. InFusion ECS for Engineering

InFusion ECS for Maintenance



Too little time and resources to learn a lot of different tools

Need short delivery time

Need one engineering environment Want a system without limits Difficult to communicate and share information with plant-wide systems Need a reliable and secure system that maintenance can easily handle Solution The InFusion ECS provides a unified configuration and engineering environment. It is designed with simplified and common software toolsets, common human interfacing and standardized templatebased objects. Objects can be easily deployed and reused across multi-site operations. Based upon a standardized function set, configuration of the ECS now becomes a matter of assembling application objects in a fashion similar to constructing a process flow diagram. By shifting the emphasis away from programming and toward assembling strategies, engineers can now spend more time devising better, safer control strategies. The InFusion ECS not only reduces mundane programming tasks, but makes it easier and far less risky to make application changes—ensuring global consistency and best practices. The cost of project implementation is greatly reduced, making engineers’ lives easier and more productive. The Infusion ECS extends the tradition of the Invensys Continuously Current philosophy, allowing the incorporation of new technologies as they evolve. The extensible nature of application objects also means that functionality can continue to evolve over time without being stuck with the fixed bill of materials typically associated with legacy systems.

Minimize downtime and risk Reduce mundane programming tasks Simplify with one configuration environment Reuse and deploy applications

Reduce costs, labor, parts, equipment Hate unplanned calls So much equipment—need first pass diagnostics to know who to deploy Need all systems talking Want to evolve system, not replace Solution Improving the availability of plant assets has a direct impact on the bottom line. The InFusion ECS allows you to maximize asset availability, while also reducing costs, labor, parts and equipment, providing a reliable, secure system your maintenance people can easily use. The InFusion ECS is equipped to handle your equipment load. With better access to information, you’ll know when something goes wrong and how best to direct your energies to fix the problem. Consistent information means you’ll spend more time where it’s really needed, and less time on unplanned calls. Consolidated information is easy to mine for KPIs and easy to share with managers. Superior interoperability means all your systems can now communicate with each other and you can communicate better with Operations. Better still, the InFusion ECS provides a system that evolves over time, so you won’t have to replace it every ten years.

Reduce costs, labor, parts and equipment Avoid unplanned calls Leverage advanced diagnostic capabilities Evolve, don’t replace, your system

“With the InFusion ECS, I spend less time on the mundane programming tasks that keep the plant running and more time improving system and plant performance.”

More Value. More Knowledge.

LifeTimeSM Services More than the integration of best-in-class technology, the InFusion ECS is the convergence of Invensys’ unmatched breadth and depth of expertise, insight and know-how. We offer an array of value-driven, performance-enhancing LifeTime Services that capitalize on our intellectual property. Designed to support and complement the InFusion ECS, our LifeTime Services encompass every stage of automation, supporting the operating asset lifecycle from: installation to ongoing options to upgrades monitoring to implementing to extending the training to technical support to advanced remote and field engineering services. LifeTime Learning Services

Through a curriculum of over 200 training courses and solutions, our LifeTime Learning Services are designed to establish consistent methods and applications, manage

risk by reducing incorrect methods, applications and designs and improve performance while improving revenues and margins. LifeTime Support Services

Available to you 24/7, our integrated global network of Customer Support Centers is dedicated to delivering reliable and timely support to maximize your investment. LifeTime Automation Services

Invensys offers a proven track record in managing, implementing and completing automation projects on time, on budget and as promised. Our LifeTime Automation Services leverage the field-tested project management and leadership skills of our team to assure smooth project completion and well-documented results.

“Rather than just integrate and run, Invensys stuck around to make sure we realized the full benefits of the InFusion ECS and Asset Performance Management—with outstanding service, support, and solutions.”

Invensys Performance Services Complementing the InFusion ECS platform and LifeTime Services are a suite of Performance Services — this unique and powerful combination has made Invensys the leader in delivering true Asset Performance Management. The InFusion ECS enables new world-class performance services that generate measurable economic value. Invensys Performance Services are comprised of three interrelated disciplines: Base Asset Management Asset Set Optimization Business Performance Management

These three levels of Performance Service offerings are based on the three fundamental levels of assets in industrial plants. The first level provides Performance Services that balance availability and utilization for base industrial assets such as instruments, valves, pumps, motors and automation systems. Invensys refers to this level of Performance Services as Performance Monitors.

The second level provides Asset Performance Services for industrial asset sets such as distillation columns, exothermic reactors and cooking ovens. The asset sets at this level are very specific to the type of industrial operation under consideration. The highest level of Performance Service offered by Invensys looks at the overall industrial business as an asset set and provides Performance Services for the business as a whole. These Performance Services, referred to as Business Performance Management, offer up-front consultation to realize business value from your industrial assets.

More Innovation. By allowing all of today’s technologies to perfectly interoperate, the InFusion ECS unifies the whole plant and enterprise—providing more asset performance at significantly less cost—giving you greater business performance. In addition to uniting other vendors’ automation and informationtechnolgies, the InFusion can also be configured with Invensys’ industry-leading solutions, technologies and knowledge.

Foxboro At the heart of the InFusion ECS is the I/A Series system. Foxboro wrote the book on process control and has a reputation for excellence, both in control systems as well as measurements and instrumentation. For the last century, Foxboro® technology and know-how have led the way with innovative control solutions that allow customers to remain Continuously Current. The InFusion ECS builds on the Foxboro legacy of pioneering innovations that continually reinvents and improves the way manufacturers control their processes—and their business.

SimSci-Esscor Simulation, modeling and advanced control play integral roles in the InFusion ECS platform. SimSci-Esscor delivers excellence in steady-state and dynamic simulation, on-line and off-line optimization, advanced process control and operator training simulators. Supporting more than 750 client companies in over 70 countries, SimSci-Esscor® solutions enable users to minimize capital requirements, optimize facility performance and maximize return on investment in producing assets.

Architecture by ArchestrA The enabling technology for unifying all of the automation and information technologies is the awardwinning ArchestrA wide-open automation and information software architecture from Invensys. The ArchestrA architecture also employs powerful application object templates to dramatically simplify development, deployment, modification, maintenance and replication of applications, significantly reducing engineering costs.

Wonderware The InFusion ECS leverages Wonderware® expertise in powering intelligent plant decisions in real-time. Renowned for powerful, yet easy-to-use software tools, such as Production and Performance Management application software. Wonderware provides unsurpassed IT and plant-level interoperability, endorsed by global software leaders Microsoft and SAP. Wonderware solutions allow users to visualize, analyze and optimize plant operations in real time, in over 100,000 plants worldwide.

Triconex Triconex injects the InFusion ECS with a highly reliable control engine delivering top-to-bottom fault tolerance to ensure 99.999% availability. Since 1983, Triconex has installed over 5,000 systems in safety critical and turbomachinery applications. Triconex® systems provide process plants with the highest combined levels of safety and reliability, allowing users to maximize plant uptime and profitability.

Avantis The InFusion ECS leverages Avantis® expertise in asset availability and utilization. Avantis delivers enterprise asset management (EAM) solutions to capital-intensive customers. Avantis customers maximize availability and reliability of equipment, control costs and mitigate risk, generating a greater return on their asset investment.

Achieving true Asset Performance Management means getting the most from your assets. And to do it right requires both an enabling system platform and a comprehensive set of solutions complemented by the best industry and application know-how. Only Invensys has the talent and technology to transform the APM business goal into business reality. The InFusion Enterprise Control System platform along with a complete suite of Performance Services and knowledgeable people is what qualifies Invensys as the leader in Asset Performance Management. More than a platform for Asset Performance Management, the InFusion ECS is a platform for innovation, limited only by the imagination. Put the InFusion ECS to work in your plant. Contact Invensys today.

The world’s most comprehensive offering of enterprise asset management solutions and services.

High-performance, supervisory, distributed process control and precision instrumentation.

Powerful interoperable simulation and optimization software and services.

In addition to integrating other vendors’ automation and information systems, the InFusion ECS can also be configured with any of Invensys’ industry-leading products.





World’s foremost supplier of safety, critical control and turbomachinery solutions.













Leading supplier of industrial automation and information software.

Groundbreaking industrial automation and information software architecture.

ABOUT INVENSYS Get More from One. At Invensys, everything we do improves our customers’ return from their production assets. Our focus on Asset Performance Management helps them balance the availability and utilization of their people, equipment, energy and inventories. Regardless of the customer’s industry, our model is always the same— use business knowledge, the latest technology and exceptional service quality to measure, analyze and implement enterprise-wide performance improvement through innovative solutions. Invensys Asset Performance Management solutions enable our customers to monitor, predict and effectively manage both the availability and utilization of their industrial assets to help maximize overall asset value and improve business performance. These applied APM solutions draw upon technology and expertise from across Invensys and its technology partners. The Invensys family of APM solutions is being continually expanded to encompass industryspecific asset sets. Proven Invensys product lines, Avantis, Foxboro, SimSci-Esscor, Triconex and Wonderware represent the most comprehensive portfolio of automation solutions available for the manufacturer. Invensys delivers the power of these automation leaders, joining expertise, resources, and technologies, united for the sole purpose of improving our customers’ operational performance and bottom line.

Get More from One.


Invensys Process Systems 33 Commercial Street Foxboro MA 02035

508.549.2424 866.746.6477 FAX 508.549.4999 [email protected]

©2006 Invensys Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ArchestrA, InFusion, Get More from One., Avantis, Continuously Current, Foxboro, I/A Series, InTouch, Invensys, LifeTime, SimSci-Esscor, Triconex and Wonderware are trademarks of Invensys plc or its subsidiaries and affiliated companies. All other product names may be the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A. Bulletin A-91 04/06

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