Individual Assignment On Opshrm09-2

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Individual assignment on Operations and Production Strategy (OPS) Name – Pranay Kapur

Batch –PGCHRM-7

SMS ID – 103382

Name of the center – South Extension, New Delhi

Name of the Assignment – Operations and Production Strategy (OPS)

Name of the faculty – Prof Rajiv Misra

Producing 3-Connector Electric Plug Schematic Process Flow Diagram (Material Flow, Information Flow, Operators)

Components: 3-connector, one base, one top, 4 big screws, 3 small screws, 1 guider, 1 wire holder Assembling of components:

In this process flow diagram - flow of material (Black arrow) and flow of information (Red arrow) works in the same direction.

Assembling: We have to manufacture 18,000 to 20,000 connector a day. This can not be done in a manual process as the manual process will be slow and errorprone. We will try to automate the process as much as possible and manual inspection and quality checks will be done. Also wherever manual labor has been used we try to de-skill the process as much as possible. The installed capacity has been fixed to around 25,000 in order to account for the efficiency and utilization factors

Rationale for design Capacity required = 20,000 Variety required = 1 It is given that over time both the product variety and volumes are expected to grow. We have not considered time required for quality check because we have assumed that these are done by random checks done by inspectors separate from manufacturing line. Sl# Process 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time Taken per connector Fix the 3 connector on the base 6 sec Put the guider on proper place 1 sec fix guider on the base using small screws 2 sec Fix the top part on the base 1sec Use the 4 big screws to fix the top part above 5 sec the base Packaging 2 sec

Bottleneck = fixing of 3-connector on the base Since, connector is a made-to-stock item – we will be considering mainly cycle time (CT). CT = time taken at the bottleneck = 6 secs Number of connectors manufactured per day for one assembly line = (24*60*60)/6 = 14400 (approx) Ideal scenario – assuming that the factory works 24 hours a day. However, there will be some time loss due to various circumstances like maintenance and setup times. Therefore we consider 20 working hours a day. For that, number of connectors per day = (20*60*60)/6 = 12000 Therefore, we will have two separate assembly lines working in parallel. With this production capacity becomes 2*12000=24000. Out of this 20000 is used now – rest of extra capacity is reserved for future expansion

plans. So effective run time of the plant = (20/24)*20=400/24=16.67 hours on an average.

Alternate process design •

Using manual labor in stead of automated process. Automated Process

Manual Process

1. The process will be faster

1. Process is slow

2. Quality control is easy

2. Quality control is not easy



Human error minimized

4. Work in progress inventory will be less 5.

Machines don’t get bored!


Employee related issues will be very less

7. Check of machines has to be done at regular interval.

Human-error is there

4. Work in progress inventory will be more 5.

Worker fatigue & boredom

6. Employee related issues might be high. Strike will bring whole process to halt. 7.

Check of workers need to be done.


High initial investment required.

8. Can start with less fixed cost investment.


Variable cost less

9. High variable cost due to wages of high number of workers.

Factors to be considered to ensure quality: 1. IS 1293 : 2005 This IS standard covers connectors and Socket-Outlets of Rated Voltage Up to and Including 250 Volts and Rated Current Up to and Including 16 Amperes. We need to follow the above standard to ensure quality product. 2. Our automated process needs to be calibrated properly and fed with proper data such as screws, pressure to be applied, rotating direction etc. 3. The size of all the components must be of standard quality esp. screws, girders, base etc. 4. Quality checks are put in at appropriate locations i.e. • • •

After sourcing After assembling And finally once the product is finished.

After sourcing the raw materials, the components can be inspected if they are of the IS standard of screws etc. that we are using. During assembly we must know that the right screws are going to the right hole. The robotic arm of our automated process will take care of the big and small screws. 5. While fixing the top base, the pressure to be applied must be optimum so that the plastic doesn’t break or crack. 6. Finally various methodologies such as Kaizen, 5S, and improving process to Six sigma standards would ensure very good quality product. Work method for the assembly of the connector (Automated process)

S. No


1 2

Move the connector base at machine holder Fix the 3 connector on the plastic base


Move the connector base to next Assembly station


Put the cable clamp/wire guider in its proper place


Fix the cable clamp/wire guider using the screws


Move the connector to next Assembly station


Place the cover on the connector base


Align the cover to the base


Put the four big screws in the base and cover to fix them together


Package the connector in cellophane and cardboard box


Store the connector

Our process is six-sigma. Our production line would be assembling the 3-connector. Since its an automated process its efficiency depends upon the sophistication of the machine. As work is done by robotic arms are quality in nature, we can expect the quality of around 95%-96%. This is because we are factoring in workers efficiency . Now of 24000 capacities, we are using 20000 and the rest 4000 was put for expansion purpose. Thus after factoring in the efficiency factor we can expect values of 20000*0.95 = 19000. Measures to Monitor and Manage the Production Line •

We can begin the measurement by finding out the opportunities so that the DPMO (Defects per million opportunities) can be calculated. Our process is six-sigma.

Our production line would be assembling the 3-connector. Since its an automated process its efficiency depends upon the sophistication of the machine. As work is done by robotic arms are quality in nature, we can expect the quality of around 95%-96%. This is because we are factoring in workers efficiency .

Now of 24000 capacities, we are using 20000 and the rest 4000 was put for expansion purpose.

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