Ilt Log07-08

  • October 2019
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ILT Journal 2007-2008 Thursday, August 30, 2007  Sept. 10 Data Expo (ACT, NWEA, CSAP)  F.L.+L.A.+S.S. (CSAP)  Sc. + Ma (NWEA)  Elec. + Tech (ACT)  ILT Meeting Times:  Sd  Proposed rotation: team member observation, conversation  Eval Schedule  Other  Tech Training Dates

Thursday, September 06, 2007 1

Sept 10th prep: Data Expo questions or concerns

Sept. 17th prep: a) (10 minutes) For your first team meeting you’ll set group norms, however we won’t have time to focus on that b) (30 minutes)Standards and Objectives from Training on rubric from Liz Qualman – Module 1: page 131-136 Please bring your TAP Handbook and Professional Practices Training Packet c) (20 minutes) Introduction to Course Plans We’ll bring hard copy samples of what may be sent to the staff in email. 2

REMEMBER TO MENTION (DURING NEXT ILT): all new teachers have been presented with the “modules” by Liz Qualman.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 1. Evaluation forms 2. Plan for Sept 17th meeting A. Set Norms B. Set Purpose for Professional practice focus

Standards and objectives Introduce with activity Read and Respond Discuss with protocol C. Set purpose for Course plans Introduce and hand out binders 3. Plan for meeting on Sept. 24 Questioning

Thursday, September 20, 2007 We’ll start this week’s meeting at 7:30. Observing the first team meeting as well as incorporating some extra training into our plans has caused us to make some changes to the long term schedule. Presenting the “Questions” component of the rubric to our teams has now been postponed. This Monday we’ll meet in Room 215 for some tech training on Power School. This will come in handy for all of our teachers in preparing for P/T conferences on Wed. Oct 3rd and save Dave from many, many, one-on-one tutoring sessions. I’ll present the 10 day out plan at this meeting as well. Since we won’t be planning for next Monday, it seemed a good time to shorten a meeting! 1) Sept 24th prep: Tech training and Faculty meeting 2) Oct 1st (can you believe it?) prep a) Complete overview of course plan and introduce Chapters 1 & 2 b) Incorporating Standards and Objectives/ Essential Questions into Course Plans (Chpt 1 &2) • Intro: How do we move from standards to outcomes/essential questions that become the framework of a course? How are these outcomes/essential questions incorporated into unit and daily plans? • Essential Questions Chart • Guided Reading: Types of Questions

Thursday, September 27, 2007 We’ll start this week’s meeting at 7:30. Our focus will be on the Oct 1st meeting. To prepare for the meeting please bring with you a copy of the model for course plan essential questions that you will present to your department at the Oct 1st meeting (see attached example).

1) Oct 1st prep: How do we move from standards to outcomes/essential questions that become the framework of a course? How are these outcomes/essential questions incorporated into unit and daily plans? * Opening: daily outcomes, essential questions and planning calendar pair/share *Sharing of department based models for course plan and unit essential questions *Reflection Note: We’ll ask team members to bring laptops, text books, lesson plans, and other needed resources to the Monday morning meeting as it will be a working meeting. Oct 8th prep: How can a top notch ELL Strategy be used in a discussion on Questions from the Professional Practice rubric?

Thursday, October 04, 2007 1. Introduction 2. Questioning Strategy Read selection from Handbook ♦ What does “appropriate mix of” mean? ♦ What are the most impactful? ♦ Is Bloom outdated? ♦ Vary according to lesson? ♦ What is signaling? ♦ How to lea to student response? ♦ Strategy for students to generate questions? ♦ How cog needs questions should be structured? ♦ What is adequate time of ques? ♦ Rubric – verbal vs. written? ♦ Do we have to have an answer for all questions? Complete Strategy- share out 3. Look at questioning on the rubric compare /contrast a 3 with a 5 find the essential difference 4. Bringing questioning to the content area 5. ELL overview chart

Thursday, October 11, 2007 1. Introduction (RTI) 2. Oct 22 meeting *Teachers will share lists of failing students from their classes *Teachers will look for trends or patterns Some Questions to ask: Is the student weak in certain kinds of assessments? Homework, labs, projects? Tests? Are certain groups of students struggling? (ELL, boys?, girls?) Are there specific units the students are weaker on compared to others? *Teachers will brainstorm and create lists of classroom strategies that might help support the students (instructional or motivational), not in addition to school time. The focus should be on maximizing teaching time with these students. 3. Data followup- if mentors have teachers requesting more specific data schedule time with Diane for this. 4. Oct 15th workshop meeting *Brief explanation of RTI (anticipate picking a class and 5 students, looking over data, looking over records of student assessments) *time to finish up questions if needed *time to work on course plans

Thursday, October 18, 2007 We’ll start this week’s meeting at 7:30. Our focus will be on next Monday’s Oct 22nd meeting – Interventions for Failing Students – from Professional Learning Communities (the future federal RTI). We’ll also briefly discuss our long range plan. We’ll save the discussion of the 10 day out team meeting for next week. The meeting on October 29th, a professional practices and technology combo, will be led by Dave, and is also a faculty meeting. A. Oct 22 meeting goal: to help student failing students from all classes EQ: What are some classroom strategies to help make failing students more successful? 1. Bring class lists and look for patterns of failure 2. Whip around, names of students and why they are failing Some Questions to ask: Is the student weak in certain kinds of assessments? Homework, labs, projects? Tests? Are certain groups of students struggling? (ELL, boys?, girls?) Are there specific units the students are weaker on compared to others? *Teachers will brainstorm and create lists of classroom strategies that might help support the students (instructional or motivational), not in

addition to school time. The focus should be on maximizing teaching time with these students. 3. Create a T-chart for causes/solutions on big chart paper List commonalities (causes) 4. Brainstorm and list interventions 5. Each teacher should determine 1-3 strategies to try. *We’ll look at these lists at the end of the trimester and see how successful we were, so teachers should save the lists. B. Long range plan (a long look ahead). 4. Oct 15th workshop meeting *Brief explanation of RTI (anticipate picking a class and 5 students, looking over data, looking over records of student assessments) *time to finish up questions if needed *time to work on course plans

Thursday, October 25, 2007 We’ll start this week’s meeting at 7:30. Our focus will be on the ten day out Monday meeting of Nov. 5. During this team meeting we will begin with a brief discussion of next Monday’s team meeting: Dave presenting Learning Activities and Materials with technology, United Streaming, and a faculty meeting. In order to accomplish all of this, this meeting will need to start on time at 7:30. Most of our meeting will focus on Lesson Structure and Pacing from the Professional Practices rubric. We’ll combine reading the text on this indicator with 2 ELL strategies, grouping and a graphic organizer. Intro: Plans for follow-up of Oct 22 meeting on failing students 1. October 29th Team meeting/Faculty Meeting Dave and Learning Activities and Materials/ United Streaming 2. November 5th Team Meeting Lesson Structure and Pacing Objectives: To read research about Lesson Structure and Pacing To deepen our understanding of Lesson Structure and Pacing Set purpose: Title/ what do you know about this? /4 focus questions: Reading of text with sticky notes Graphic Organizer with 3 questions Information swap (grouping) Reflection Questions: How will you incorporate this into your instruction? How will you use this in coaching your team’s teachers?

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