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Indus International, Inc. Functional Design Document LLK-IND-0003 Repository Build Prepared by: Revision: Creation Date: Modified by: Status: Document ID:

Dinesh Metkari 08/29/2006 Baseline IINTB-F0352-0307-0

Client ID: Indus International


INDUS and the INDUS logo are registered trademarks of Indus International, Inc. ©2005, Indus International, Inc. All rights reserved

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Date and Sections

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Table of Contents  Overview                                                                                                                                              ..........................................................................................................................................      7  1.1.Introduction                                                                                                                                 ............................................................................................................................      7  1.2.Objective                                                                                                                                     .................................................................................................................................      8  1.3.Assumptions                                                                                                                                ............................................................................................................................      8  1.4.Dependencies                                                                                                                              .........................................................................................................................      8  1.5.Traceability Matrix                                                                                                                     .................................................................................................................      8  1.6.References                                                                                                                                   ...............................................................................................................................      9  1.7.Items In and Out of Scope of this Document                                                                              ..........................................................................      9  2.Functional Description                                                                                                                    ................................................................................................................       10  2.1. Narrative                                                                                                                                   ...............................................................................................................................       10  2.2.Diagram                                                                                                                                    ...............................................................................................................................       10  3.Use Cases                                                                                                                                        ....................................................................................................................................       12  3.1.Use Case Detail                                                                                                                         .....................................................................................................................       12 3.1.1.Build System Data Repository.......................................................................................12 3.1.2.Build Localization Repository (Glossary).....................................................................14 3.1.3.Refresh System Data Repositories.................................................................................15 3.1.4.Refresh Localization Repository (Glossary)..................................................................16  3.2.Mockups                                                                                                                                    ................................................................................................................................       17 3.2.1.Main L10N Page ...........................................................................................................17 3.2.2.Create Repository Main Page........................................................................................17 3.2.3.Build System Repositories Page (Select Applications)..................................................18 3.2.4.Build System Repositories Page (Select System Data).................................................19 3.3.Build Report......................................................................................................................20  4.Detailed Business Needs                                                                                                                 ............................................................................................................       21  4.1.Business Need – LLK­IND­0003 Repository Build                                                                  ..............................................................       21 4.1.1.Detail Requirement Statements......................................................................................21 Number LLK-IND-0003 Repository Build – Description ................21 4.1.2.Build System Data Repositories....................................................................................22 4.1.3.Build Localization Repository (Glossary).....................................................................23 4.1.4.Refresh System Data Repositories.................................................................................24 4.1.5.Refresh Localization Data Repository (Glossary).........................................................29

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4.1.6.Build Report...................................................................................................................29  5.Menu Updates                                                                                                                                 .............................................................................................................................       30  6.Archive / Purge Consideration                                                                                                        ....................................................................................................       30  7.Migration / Conversion and Data load Considerations                                                                   ...............................................................       31  7.1.Localization Repository (Glossary) Structure                                                                           .......................................................................       31  7.2.System Data Repositories                                                                                                         .....................................................................................................       32 7.2.1.Alert Type Repository....................................................................................................32 7.2.2.Account Transaction Default Notes Repository.............................................................32 7.2.3.Account Transaction Defaults Names Repository.........................................................33 7.2.4.Users Account Default Names Repository.....................................................................33 7.2.5.AP Audit Message Repository.......................................................................................34 7.2.6.Quantity Type Repositories............................................................................................34 Type Purpose Repository.............................................................................34 Type Long Repository..................................................................................34 7.2.7.Complex Category Repository.......................................................................................35 7.2.8.Complex Code Repository.............................................................................................35 7.2.9.Complex Code Template Header Repository.................................................................36 7.2.10.Document Global Reference Repository.....................................................................36 7.2.11.Financial Extract Repository........................................................................................36 7.2.12.Help Topic Repository (Inventory RF Only)...............................................................37 7.2.13. Journal Entry Audit Message Repository ...................................................................37 7.2.14.Literal Repository........................................................................................................37 7.2.15.MSDS Repositories......................................................................................................38 Freeform Parm Repository............................................................................38 Section Title Repository................................................................................38 Structured Parm Repository..........................................................................39 7.2.16.Project Status Rules Repository...................................................................................39 7.2.17.Preference Repositories................................................................................................40 Definition Repository..............................................................................40 Notes Repository.....................................................................................40 7.2.18.Functional Grouping Repository..................................................................................41 7.2.19.Main Menu Repository................................................................................................42 7.2.20.Menu Repository..........................................................................................................43 7.2.21.Field Level Help Repository........................................................................................43 7.2.22.Simple Code Repositories............................................................................................44 Description Repository............................................................................................44 Code Display Value Repository....................................................................44 7.2.23.Messages Repository....................................................................................................45 7.2.24.Panel Report Repository..............................................................................................46 7.2.25.Copybook Repository..................................................................................................46

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7.2.26.Page Level Help Repositories......................................................................................47 Level Title Repository......................................................................................47 Level Help Repository.....................................................................................48 7.2.27.IFA Resource Bundle Repositories..............................................................................48 Messages Repository............................................................................49 Resources Repository...........................................................................49 Resources Repository.....................................................................................49 Script Messages Repository..............................................................................49 Messages Repository..........................................................................................49 Resources Repository.........................................................................................49 Messages Repository..................................................................................49 Repository...................................................................................................49 7.2.28.Portal/J Resource Bundles...........................................................................................49 Repository..................................................................................................50 Repository.....................................................................................................50 7.2.29.ICDS Bundle................................................................................................................50 7.2.30.ICFI Bundle..................................................................................................................50  7.3.Supporting Table Structure                                                                                                       ...................................................................................................       51 7.3.1.Abbreviation Table.........................................................................................................51 7.3.2.Reserved Words Table....................................................................................................51 7.3.3.Acronym Table...............................................................................................................51 7.3.4.Terminology List............................................................................................................51 7.3.5.Element List...................................................................................................................52 7.3.6.Application List..............................................................................................................52 7.3.7.System Data List............................................................................................................52 7.3.8.Application/System Data List........................................................................................52 7.3.9.Application/Panel List....................................................................................................53 7.3.10.Application/Element List.............................................................................................53 7.3.11.Application/Message List.............................................................................................53 7.3.12.Panel/Message List......................................................................................................53 7.3.13.Glossary Exception Table............................................................................................54  8.Data Considerations                                                                                                                        ....................................................................................................................       55  8.1.Seed / Test / Training Data Considerations                                                                               ...........................................................................       55  9.Internal Product Interface Considerations                                                                                      ..................................................................................       55  9.1.The Panel Report Repository                                                                                                    ...............................................................................................       55  10.External Product Interface Considerations                                                                                   ...............................................................................       55  11.Training Considerations                                                                                                                ............................................................................................................       55  12.Test Considerations                                                                                                                       ...................................................................................................................       56  13.Acronyms/Glossary                                                                                                                       ...................................................................................................................       57 9084672.doc Last Modified: 10/17/2008

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 14.List of Attachments                                                                                                                       ...................................................................................................................       57  15.Change Request Documents                                                                                                         .....................................................................................................       58  16.Approvals                                                                                                                                      ..................................................................................................................................       58

Overview 1.1. Introduction Localization (L10N) is the process of adapting a product to the requirements of a target locale. This involves the translation of the software, including the User Interface (UI), text messages, icons, buttons, the online help, any documentation and packaging, and the addition of cultural data and language-dependent components. This is typically managed by one or more data repositories in a tool that maintains the original language content and provides the underlying support for a translator. Localization of Indus Asset Suite (IAS), Indus Foundational Architecture (IFA), and PassPort has mainly relied on manual extraction and manipulation of most system data. A new L10N Toolkit will now automate this localization process, decreasing both translation time and user error. The PassPort Localization Workbench (PLW), which has been used to localize SYMs and SYRs since PassPort 9.3, will continue to be used, and is seen as a component of a larger L10N Tool. As a result, syms and syrs will still be run through symscanner, generating the Panel Report Repository. This repository will be copied into the new tool for translation, then exported out for PLW to directly translate the syms and syrs. The scope of this document is the construction of the Localization Repository, the System Data Repositories, and additional supporting tables that will be used by the new localization tool. This is the first step to provide translator support when localizing IAS. The Localization Repository, also referenced in this and other documents as ‘The Glossary’, is the single source for translation within the new L10N Toolkit. It is comprised of multiple System Data Repositories: Panel/Report Repository System Table Repositories HTML/Text files Repositories Resource Bundle Repositories Other tables will support additional functionality essential to localization, including: Terminology List Maintenance Acronym Maintenance Abbreviation Maintenance Exception List Handling Reserved Word Handling Productization

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The Glossary will be the primary localization source for translators, and will be used both to propagate translations through the repositories, as well as guide translators in manual translation of the system data repositories. Given the nature of IAS system data, where one term can have multiple meanings, the mechanism to avoid incorrect translation is critical, but will be detailed in FDD LLK-IND-0007 (Translator Support).

1.2. Objective The objective of this document is to detail the build of the system data repositories and Glossary. Use of the tool to translate these tables will be discussed in future Functional Designs.

1.3. Assumptions A Microsoft Access database will be used as a repository for storing tables & data. However, the L10N Toolkit may eventually need to migrate to an Oracle database, since Oracle supports Triggers and stored procedures and built-in support for multibyte characters, which can be used for the Audit requirement (LLK-IND-0009 Audit/Security).

1.4. Dependencies During the initial version of the L10N Toolkit, PLW and its supporting components cannot be modified. As a result, the Panel Report Repository cannot be modified in such a way as to impede PLW functionality. Additionally, no changes to system data structure can be made, as this would impact existing tools and architecture. The toolkit is also dependent on the versions of the products it supports, such as IFA, IAS, PassPort and Portal/j. When the version changes for a supported product, then subsequent changes may be required within the L10N Toolkit to support the new version. The detailed gap analysis would need to be performed, after which the toolkit might require an upgrade.


Other Document Name and requirement from that document.

Are requirements in this document dependent on the other document?

Are requirements in the other document dependent on requirements in this document?

1. 2.

1.5. Traceability Matrix

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Source Document

L10N Toolkit Requirements

Requirement Number from Source or Use Case Number LLK-IND-0003 Repository Build


Base or Custom

The tool will create and maintain repositories of system data. These repositories will be used for direct translation and export of translated strings. These must be integrated so that an overall picture of the translation effort can be reviewed.

Object to be Modified


1.6. References Name or ID 10.0 System Data 9.5 L10N Users Guide 9.5 System Data LLK-IND-0002 (Repository Export) LLK-IND-0005 (System Data Productization) LLK-IND-0006 (Reports and Statistics) LLK-IND-0007 (Translation Support) LLK-IND-0008 (Panel-Based Translation) LLK-IND-0009 (Security/Auditing) LLK-IND-0010 (Multi-Release/Migration Support)

Revision, Date, etc. IINTB-885-0903-02 IINTB-F031-0704-00 IINTB-885-0903-00

Location/Availability Document Log Document Log Document Log Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction

1.7. Items In and Out of Scope of this Document I n

Out Out

Out Out

Item Description Enhancements to PassPort Localization Workbench (PLW), Analyst Workbench (AWB), SymScanner, the Panel Report Repository, or existing system data tables. Auto-Refresh based on real-time changes to system data. Auto-Delete of obsolete terms due to glossary build or repository refresh.

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Why Out Of Scope L10N is the new tool being developed which may result in changes to the repository tables per new requirements that need to be supported.

Too complex for first cut of tool. Maintain translation memory.

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2. Functional Description 2.1. Narrative 1. 2. 3. 4.

User User User User

Business Process Event / Workflow Builds System Data Repositories Build Localization Repository (Glossary) Refreshes System Data Repositories Refreshes Localization Repository (Glossary)


2.2. Diagram Use Case Diagram

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Build Data Flow (not all repositories and tables shown). Also does not show Translation Flow or Export Flow, which is discussed in another FDD.

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3. Use Cases Based on the analysis of requirements following use cases has been identified 1. 2. 3. 4.

Build System Data Repositories Build Localization Repository (Glossary) Refresh System Data Repositories Refresh Localization Repository (Glossary)

3.1. Use Case Detail 3.1.1.Build System Data Repository


Actors Pre-Conditions


Normal Flow of Events

This use case is used by PSO Analyst to build the system data repositories as the first step in building the Localization Repository (Glossary). The user logs into the L10N Toolkit web site. The user sets the preferences like various System Data Locations to retrieve the system data. The system builds the repository by extracting system data to system data repository. PSO Analyst - User has opened L10N web-based application login page. - User has valid User ID & Password for authentication. - Supporting System Data tables and files are available for extraction into the tool. - User has updated System Administration to point to file/table source locations of System Data. - User has been successfully authenticated. - User has successfully launched the application. - Audit report has been generated for the user operations. - System Data records have been extracted into the System Data Repositories. 1 – The user opens the L10N Toolkit web site. 2 – The user logins into the system based on given User ID and Password. 3 – System displays following links for various operations under each module: CREATE REPOSITORY REPORTS AND STATISTICS REPOSITORY MAINTENANCE TRANSLATE THE REPOSITORY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION 4 – User select ‘CREATE REPOSITORY’ 5 – System displays following links:

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Build System Data Repositories Build Localization Repository (Glossary) Refresh System Data Repositories Refresh Localization Repository (Glossary) 6 – User selects Build System Data Repositories Link. Tool displays a listing of available IAS applications. All applications default as selected; the user is forced to unselect each application they do not wish to localize. Some, such as System Administration, will be required and may not be unselected. 7 – User selects some or all of the applications for building system data repository, then presses NEXT 8 – User is presented with a list of available System Data that can be extracted. a. Some System Data may not be available due to selection of applications from the previous screen. For example, AP Audit Messages (source: TIDAPAMG) System Data is only valid if the Accounts Payable (AP) application is used. If a user does not select AP from the previous Application page, then the AP Audit Messages selection will be grayed out. 9 – User selects some or all of the System Data for localization, then selects CREATE 10 – System creates selected repositories. a. Using the System Administration settings, the system extracts the source data into the L10N Tool’s Database as individual repositories. b. Where applicable, each System Data repository is productized, per Step 7. Alternate Flow of Events (if applicable) Exception Flow of Events (if applicable)

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2.1 – If the authentication fails due to the wrong User ID or Password, System displays an error message stating that the User Id or Password is wrong. Please try again’ 2.2 – System redisplays login page 3.1 – If the user does not have permission to perform particular operation, then system displays following error message: “You do not have permission to perform this operation. Please contact the system administrator” 9.1 – If the System Administration pages have not been updated to reflect the location of the source data, an error message will instruct the user to do this. 9.2 – If one or more source data is missing and cannot be extracted, an error message will display to the user. 9.3 – If one or more repositories already exist, issue error message that the repositories already exist and that Refresh must be used.

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3.1.2.Build Localization Repository (Glossary)


Actors Pre-Conditions


This use case is used by PSO Analyst to build the Localization Repository (Glossary). This repository stores only the relevant data from the System Data Repositories that is needed for translation PSO Analyst - User has opened L10N web based application login page. - User has valid User ID and Password for authentication. - User has performed use case: Build System Data Repositories.


Normal Flow of Events

Alternate Flow of Events (if applicable) Exception Flow of Events (if applicable)

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User has been successfully authenticated. User has successfully launched the application Audit report has been generated for the user operations. System Data records have been extracted into the System Data Repository. System Data records have been filtered and merged into a single Localization Repository (Glossary).

1 – User successfully performs use case Build System Data Repositories. 2 – User selects Build Localization Repository Link (either from the Main Menu or from the final page of the Build System Data Repository page. 3 – User selects CREATE 4 – The Tool creates a Localization Data Repository (Glossary) that contains relevant data (Base Language Term) and its references (from which system data repository data has been extracted) that are required for translation. 5 – Repository Build Report is generated.

5.1 If System Data Repositories have not been created, an error message is issued. 5.2 If Glossary already exists, issue error message, indicating that refresh should be used instead.

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3.1.3.Refresh System Data Repositories


Actors Pre-Conditions


Normal Flow of Events

Alternate Flow of Events (if applicable)

This use case is used by PSO Analyst to refresh one or more System Data Repositories. This use case checks the System Data Repositories of particular IAS Product for any data that has been modified, updating the affected data to System Data Repository. PSO Analyst - User has opened L10N web based application login page. - User has valid User ID and Password for authentication. - User has performed use case: Build System Data Repositories. - User has been successfully authenticated. - User has successfully launched the application. - Audit report has been generated for the user operations. - Affected System Data records have been updated into the System Data Repository. 1 – User successfully completes use case Build System Data Repositories. 2 – User selects Refresh System Data Repository Link. Tool displays a listing of all available IAS Applications. 3 – User selects some or all of the Applications for refreshing System Data Repositories, then selects NEXT. 4 – User is presented with a list of all system data that can be refreshed. 5 – User selects some or all of the system data for localization, then selects REFRESH. 6– System refreshes the System Data Repositories in which affected rows have been updated. A message indicating the number of changed rows is displayed. See LLK-IND-0006 for Refresh Reports for further detail. 3 – User selects some or all of the Applications for refreshing System Data Repositories, then selects REFRESH. 4 – System refreshes the System Data Repositories in which affected rows have been updated. A message indicating the number of changed rows is displayed. See LLK-IND-0006 for Refresh Reports for further detail.

Exception Flow of Events (if applicable)

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3.1.4.Refresh Localization Repository (Glossary)


This use case is used by PSO Analyst to refresh the Localization Repository. This use case checks with System Data Repositories for any data which has been updated, and updates the affected data in the Localization Repository (Glossary).

Actors Pre-Conditions

PSO Analyst - User has opened L10N web based application login page. - User has valid User ID and Password for authentication. - User has successfully performed use case: Build Localization Repository (Glossary) - User has successfully performed use case: Refresh System Data Repositories.



Normal Flow of Events

User has been successfully authenticated. User has successfully launched the application Audit report has been generated for the user operations. Affected System Data records have been updated into the Localized Repository.

1 – User successfully completes use case Refresh System Data Repositories. 2 – User selects Refresh Localization Repository (Glossary). 3 – System refreshes the Localization Data Repository (Glossary) in which affected rows has been updated. A message is displayed, indicating the number of changed rows. See LLK-IND-0006 for Refresh Reports for further detail.

Alternate Flow of Events (if applicable) Exception Flow of Events (if applicable)

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3.2. Mockups The following mockups are intended to impart a general understanding of the design. Their final appearance in the released product may change from what is displayed below.

3.2.1.Main L10N Page

3.2.2.Create Repository Main Page

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3.2.3.Build System Repositories Page (Select Applications) Navigation from Build System Data Repositories or Refresh System Data Repositories. Note: actual page will default all boxes as checked.

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3.2.4.Build System Repositories Page (Select System Data) Note: Not all system data displayed in mockup. Actual page will default all boxes as checked.

After selecting CREATE, the following will display as the tool builds the repositories:

Once successful, the following will display:

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3.3. Build Report After a successful Glossary Build, the following report will be generated:

Reports will be discussed in detail in LLK-IND-0006.

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4. Detailed Business Needs 4.1. Business Need – LLK-IND-0003 Repository Build 4.1.1.Detail Requirement Statements Repository (MS Access) – These are repositories that are manually created through SQL, covering approximately 30 different types of system data. There is no automated, baseline tool for this, other than a user guide that details each system table. Number LLK-IND-0003 Repository Build – Description The tool will create and maintain repositories of system data. These repositories will be used for direct translation and export of translated strings. These must be integrated so that an overall picture of the translation effort can be reviewed. Design of the supporting Repositories will be dictated by the type of data, but one over-arching Glossary will be the main source for localization by translators. This Glossary will then interact and propagate translations into the system data repositories. The L10N Tool will support extraction of the following system data types Resource Bundles Portal/J – only valid for IAS 5.0 and 6.0 IFA (including Workflows) Indus Connect for Document Services Indus Connect for Financial Integration TIR*LIT Copybooks System Data Oracle Tables Page Level Help HTML files Text files (tidddele.txt, tidmenu.mnu) Panel Report Repository Note: The Panel Report Repository is generated by symscanner for use with PLW. The L10N Toolkit will use a copy of this repository for translation; a translated version of the Repository will be output so that PLW can localize the syms and syrs.

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4.1.2.Build System Data Repositories User will create system data repositories based on specified Applications and System Data source. Once constructed, these repositories will be the source for the Glossary Build. When the user selects ‘Build System Data Repositories’, they will be presented with a listing of all available IAS Applications. The user may select one, some or all of the applications. 1. The system defaults all applications as selected, requiring the user to un-select modules they do not wish to translate. 2. System Administration cannot be un-selected. If the user presses BACK, the user is navigated to the previous page, without further action. If the user presses NEXT, the system saves the selected applications to a working table. The System Data Source page is then displayed. As with the previous page, the system defaults all entries as chosen, and the user must un-select specific items. Depending on the applications not selected from the previous page, some source options may not be available: Application Inactive Accounts Payable Document Management ICDS ICFI IFA Inventory Inventory RF MSDS Portal/J Project Management

System Data Disabled AP Audit Message (TIDAPAMG) Document Global Reference (TIDDOGRF) ICDS Resource Bundle ICFI Resource Bundle IFA Resource Bundles, Page Level Help Quantity Types (TIDCVQTY) RF Help (TIDHELPT) MSSET Repositories (TIDMSSET) Portal/J Resource Bundle Project Status Rules (TIDPJSTA)

Note: The converse is not necessarily true, as this pertains only to localization, rather than functionality. For example, while a customer may use Inventory, they may not want to have the Quantity Types translated. If the user presses BACK, they are navigated to the previous page without further system data processing.

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If the user presses CREATE, the following processing takes place: 1. If the System Data cannot be Productized, the following processing occurs: a. The system extracts the system data from the identified path/source as defined in System Preferences and loads into the corresponding repository. i. If the path/source has not been defined, an error message is displayed. ii. If the path/source has been defined, but one or more files are missing or unreadable, an error message is displayed. b. Rules for data population are covered in Section 7 for each repository/table. 2. If the system data can be productized, the following processing occurs: a. The data is then filtered by selected applications, and then loaded into the corresponding repositories. Rules for data population are covered in Section 7 for each repository/table. b. The following System Data can be productized. See FDD LLK-IND0005 (System Data Productization) for detail on processing. System Data Copybooks Field Level Help Functional Groups Menus Messages Page Level Help Panel Report Repository Preference Notes Simple Codes

Method Already productized. Element IDs derived by Panels by Application. Filter by Applikation. Filter by System ID. Message Codes by Application. Filter Panels by Application. Filter Panels and Reports by Application. Filter by Applikation. Element IDs derived by Panels by Application.

4.1.3.Build Localization Repository (Glossary) Once the System Data Repositories have been built, they can be merged into the Localization Repository (Glossary). User selects Build Localization Repository (Glossary). 1. If one or more System Data Repositories that have been selected for processing have not been created, issue an error message. 2. The tool merges (eliminating duplicates) all appropriate system data repositories into the Glossary, matching on Base Language Term and Element ID. a. Panel Report Repository (if selected) is always loaded first. b. If a Term/Element ID pairing has more than one occurrence

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i. The first occurrence is recorded in the Glossary, along with that source repository name. ii. All other occurrences are recorded in a supporting table (see Section 7.3). c. Otherwise, the term is loaded directly into the Glossary, recording the repository source. 3. Once completed, a report is generated, detailing the number of terms, system data repositories, and applications that comprise the Glossary.

4.1.4.Refresh System Data Repositories If source data has changed, provide the ability to refresh the data into the repositories. User Selects Refresh from the System Data (Application) Page: 1. If the user has selected only one Application, a. The tool extracts the system data from only the following source tables/files: System Data Copybooks Field Level Help Functional Groups Menus Messages Page Level Help Panel Report Repository Preference Notes Simple Codes b. This extraction is productized by the selected Application. See LLKIND-0005 for System Data Productization. c. The Productized data is compared against the existing system data repository, using the logical keys (see section 7). i. If the new data finds no matches, that row is inserted into the System Data Repository. ii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has changed, the tool updates the Base Language Term in the System Data Repository. iii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has not changed, the new row is not inserted nor updates the System Data Repository. d. If a System Data Row has been inserted or updated by this process, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows:

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Repository Field Updated By Updated Date Last Refreshed

Value Set to ‘REFRESH’ Set to System Date Set to System Date

e. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed. 2. If the user has selected two or more Applications, a. The tool extracts the system data from only the following source tables/files: System Data Copybooks Field Level Help Functional Groups Menus Messages Page Level Help Panel Report Repository Preference Notes Simple Codes b. This extraction is productized by the selected Applications. See LLK-IND-0005 for System Data Productization. c. The Productized data is compared against the existing system data repository, using the logical keys (see section 7). i. If the new data finds no matches, that row is inserted into the System Data Repository. ii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has changed, the tool updates the Base Language Term in the System Data Repository. iii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has not changed, the new row is not inserted nor updates the System Data Repository. d. If a System Data Row has been inserted or updated by this process, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows: Repository Field Value Updated By Set to ‘REFRESH’ Updated Date Set to System Date Last Refreshed Set to System Date e. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed. 3. If the user has selected all Applications originally processed in the System Data and Glossary Build,

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a. The tool extracts all System Data originally selected during the System Data and Glossary Build. b. This extraction is productized by the selected. See LLK-IND-0005 for System Data Productization. c. The Productized data is compared against the existing system data repository, using the logical keys (see section 7). i. If the new data finds no matches, that row is inserted into the System Data Repository. ii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has changed, the tool updates the Base Language Term in the System Data Repository. iii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has not changed, the new row is not inserted nor updates the System Data Repository. Processing continues to the next row. d. If a System Data Row has been inserted or updated by this process, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows: Repository Field Value Updated By Set to ‘REFRESH’ Updated Date Set to System Date Last Refreshed Set to System Date e. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed. 4. If the user has selected one or more Applications that were not previously selected when creating the Glossary, a. The tool extracts the system data from only the following source tables/files. System Data Copybooks Field Level Help Functional Groups Menus Messages Page Level Help Panel Report Repository Preference Notes Simple Codes b. This extraction is productized by the selected Application(s). See LLK-IND-0005 for System Data Productization. c. The Productized data is compared against the existing system data repository, using the logical keys (see section 7). i. If the new data finds no matches, that row is inserted into the System Data Repository.

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ii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has changed, the tool updates the Base Language Term in the System Data Repository. iii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has not changed, the new row is not inserted nor updates the System Data Repository. Processing continues to the next row. d. If a System Data Row has been inserted or updated by this process, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows: Repository Field Value Updated By Set to ‘REFRESH’ Updated Date Set to System Date Last Refreshed Set to System Date e. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed. User Selects Refresh from the System Data (System Data) Page: 1. If the user selects only one System Data Repository a. The tool extracts the system data from the source file/table. i. If the System Data can be Productized, the source data is filtered by the selected applications that were originally used to build the Glossary (See LLK-IND-0005 System Data Productization). ii. If the System Data cannot be Productized, the entire source data is extracted. b. The source data is compared against the System Data Repository, using the logical keys (see section 7). i. If the new data finds no matches, that row is inserted into the System Data Repository. ii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has changed, the tool updates the Base Language Term in the System Data Repository. iii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has not changed, the new row is not inserted nor updates the System Data Repository. Processing continues to the next row. c. If a System Data Row has been inserted or updated by this process, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows: Repository Field Value Updated By Set to ‘REFRESH’ Updated Date Set to System Date Last Refreshed Set to System Date d. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed.

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2. If the user selects more than one System Data Repository a. The tool extracts the system data from the source files/tables. i. If the System Data can be Productized, the source data is filtered by the selected applications that were originally used to build the Glossary (See LLK-IND-0005 System Data Productization). ii. If the System Data cannot be Productized, the entire source data is extracted. b. The source data is compared against the System Data Repository. i. If the new data finds no matches, that row is inserted into the System Data Repository, using the logical keys (see section 7). ii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has changed, the tool updates the Base Language Term in the System Data Repository. iii. If the new data finds a match, and the Base Language Term has not changed, the new row is not inserted nor updates the System Data Repository. Processing continues to the next row. c. If a System Data Row has been inserted or updated by this process, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows: Repository Field Value Updated By Set to ‘REFRESH’ Updated Date Set to System Date Last Refreshed Set to System Date d. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed. 3. If the user selects System Data Repositories that were not originally used to Build the Glossary a. The tool extracts the system data from the source file/table. i. If the System Data can be Productized. 1. The source data is filtered by the selected applications that were originally used to build the Glossary (See LLK-IND-0005 System Data Productization). 2. The Tool then builds the repository. ii. If the System Data cannot be Productized. 1. The entire source data is extracted. 2. The Tool then builds the repository. b. After repository creation, set the corresponding Repository fields as follows: Repository Field Value Updated By Set to ‘REFRESH’ Updated Date Set to System Date Last Refreshed Set to System Date c. A message is displayed, indicating that the refresh has completed successfully and a Refresh Report will be displayed. 9084672.doc Last Modified: 10/17/2008

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4.1.5.Refresh Localization Data Repository (Glossary) If the source data has changed, provide the ability to insert new data into the Glossary, based on a refresh of System Data. User Selects Refresh Localization Repository: 1. Tool extracts all System Data Repository rows where Repository Field Last Refreshed

Value Greater than Glossary’s Last Refreshed

2. System matches on Base_Language_Term and Element ID. 3. If the extracted data finds no matches in the Glossary, that row is inserted into the Localization Repository (Glossary). 4. If the new data finds a match, it is rejected. 5. After a successful insert or update, the following fields are also updated: Glossary Field Updated By Updated Date Last Refreshed

Value Set to ‘REFRESH’ Set to System Date Set to System Date

4.1.6.Build Report After the Localization Repository (Glossary) has been built, a build report is generated. 1. Block 1 – Applications Selected. Output all Applications selected from the Select Applications Page. 2. Block 2 – System Data Selected. Output all System Data selected from the Select Applications Page. a. For each System Data Repository, output the count of distinct rows. b. Count total number of rows and output as Total Number of Terms. c. Output the total word count of the Base Language Term fields in all System Data Repositories. 3. Block 3 – Glossary Statistics. a. Output the count of distinct rows in the Glossary.

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b. Output the total word count of the Base Language Term fields in the Glossary.

5. Menu Updates Not applicable.

6. Archive / Purge Consideration Not applicable.

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7. Migration / Conversion and Data load Considerations The L10N Toolkit is comprised of the following Repositories and Support Tables used in the creation of the Glossary. Migration of Translation Memory will be discussed in detail in LLKIND-0010.

7.1. Localization Repository (Glossary) Structure Source: Multiple System Data Repositories. Logical Keys in Bold. Field Description/Source Glossary Key Unique Key to the Glossary. Source Key Numeric Key to System Data Repository. System Data Source System Data Repository Name. Base Language Term Term to be translated (from System Data Base_Language_Term). Translated Term Translation. Set to blank upon creation. Translated Alias 1 Alternate translation of term. Set to blank upon creation. Translated Alias 2 Alternate translation of term. Set to blank upon creation. Translated Alias 3 Alternate translation of term. Set to blank upon creation. Translated Alias 4 Alternate translation of term. Set to blank upon creation. Definition Comments or context from System Data Repository (if exists).

Size of Term Maximum Size Element ID Verified Verified Date Verified By Updated By Updated Date Refreshed Date Version

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Size of the Base Language Term in Characters. Maximum Size allowed (from System Data Maximum_Size). IAS Elem-Nbr for term (if applicable). Translation verified by auditor (Y/N). Set to N upon creation. Date verified. Set to blank upon creation. Who verified the translation. Set to blank upon creation. Last person to update row. Set to BUILD upon creation. Last Update Date. Set to System Date of creation. Date translation was refreshed from repositories. Set to blank upon creation. Version number of source data (used for migration).

Example 00000001 00000001 Panel Report Repository Activity 亜地ヴィ 亜地ヴ 亜地 亜

The Activity Code describes a type of warehouse processing such as receiving, issue, pick, putaway, or cycle count. 8 12 TIG15123 Y 2006-05-05- INDUS1 SYMBIO2. 2006-04-05-


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7.2. System Data Repositories The following repositories mirror various system data tables, text files, resource bundles and text files that can be localized.

7.2.1.Alert Type Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDALTYP Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Route List Type TIDALTYP.Route_List_Type. Alert Reason Code TIDALTYP.Alert_Reason_Code. Base_Language_Term TIDALTYP.Alert_Reason. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 33. Panel_ID Set to TIMX630. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.2.Account Transaction Default Notes Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDACTDC Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name TIDACTDC.Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name. Gen_Arg TIDACTDC.Gen_Arg. Base_Language_Term TIDACTDC.Notes_And_Comments. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 70. Panel_ID Set to TIMX666. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Note on Account Transaction Default Notes Build: These Notes are maintained by Gen-Arg processing, where multiple strings (length 70 characters) are associated by a Gen-Arg number. By sorting Acct_Txn_Dflt_Nameand Gen Arg, the entire Default Note can be understood. The Build for this repository will extract TIDACTDC.Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name, Notes_and_Comments, and Gen_Arg, ordering by Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name and

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Gen_Arg. The Notes_and_Comments for a specific Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name will then be merged into one, large Base_Language_Term to assist with translation. Gen-Arg Insertion/Renumbering: Since Gen_Args can be inserted or re-arranged, additional refresh processing needs to be added to rebuild an entire Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name’s comments if the Gen_Arg for that name was modified. A reverse process (dividing the translated Default Notes into 70 character pieces and assigning new Gen_Args) will be detailed in the Repository Export FDD.

7.2.3.Account Transaction Defaults Names Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDACTDN Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name TIDACTDN.Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name. Base_Language_Term TIDACTDN.Description_25. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 25. Panel_ID Set to TIMX664. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.4.Users Account Default Names Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDACTDU Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name TIDACTDU.Acct_Txn_Dflt_Name. Applikation TIDACTDU.Applikation. Base_Language_Term TIDACTDU.Description_25. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 25. Panel_ID Set to TIMX665. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

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7.2.5.AP Audit Message Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDAPAMG Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field AP_Audit_Msg_Id TIDAPAMG. AP_Audit_Msg_Id Base_Language_Term TIDAPAMG.AP_Audit_Text Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 55. Panel_ID TIMX682. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.6.Quantity Type Repositories Type Purpose Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCVQTY Logical Keys in BOLD Field Qty_Type Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDCVQTY.Qty_Type. TIDCVQTY.Qty_Type_Purpose. Set to spaces. Set to 40. Set to TIMX410. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Type Long Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCVQTY

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Logical Keys in BOLD Field Qty_Type Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDCVQTY.Qty_Type. TIDCVQTY.Qty_Type_Long. Set to spaces. Set to 8. Set to TIMX410. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.7.Complex Category Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCXCAT Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Applikation TIDCXCAT.Applikation. Code_Category TIDCXCAT.Code_Category. Base_Language_Term TIDCXCAT.Description_Notes. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 60. Panel_ID Set to TIMX110. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.8.Complex Code Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCXCDE Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Applikation TIDCXCDE.Applikation. Code_Category TIDCXCDE.Code_Category. Facility TIDCXCDE.Facility. Code_Subcategory TIDCXCDE.Code_Subcategory. Complex_Code TIDCXCDE.Complex_Code. Gen_Arg TIDCXCDE.Gen_Arg. Base_Language_Term TIDCXCDE.Description_Notes. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 60. Panel_ID Set to TIMX111. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date

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Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.9.Complex Code Template Header Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCXTMH Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Applikation TIDCXTMH.Applikation. Code_Category TIDCXTMH.Code_Category. Facility TIDCXTMH.Facility. Template_Name TIDCXTMH.Template_Name. Base_Language_Term TIDCXTMG.Description_Notes. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 60. Panel_ID Set to TIMX112. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.10.Document Global Reference Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDDOGRF Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Object_ID_Doc-Gref TIDDOGRF.Object_ID_Doc-Gref Base_Language_Term TIDDOGRF.Description-65 Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 65. Panel_ID TIMX504. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.11.Financial Extract Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDFEXPP Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Ftext_Field_Ref TIDFEXPP.Ftext_Field_Ref

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Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

TIDFEXPP.Ftext_Field_Ref Set to spaces. Set to 12. TIMD846. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.12.Help Topic Repository (Inventory RF Only) Source: Oracle Table TIDHELPT Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Help_Topic TIDHELPT.Help_Topic Base_Language_Term TIDHELPT.Help_Text Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 76. Panel_ID Set to spaces. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.13. Journal Entry Audit Message Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDJEAMG Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field JE_Audit_Msg_ID TIDJEAMG.JE_Audit_Msg_ID JE_Audit_Type TIDJEAMG.JE_Audit_Type Base_Language_Term TIDJEAMG.JE_Audit_Text Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 60 Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.14.Literal Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDLITRL Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Elem_Nbr TIDLITRL.Elem_Nbr

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English_Value Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

TIDLITRL.English_Value TIDLITRL.Xlated_Value Set to spaces. Set to 30. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.15.MSDS Repositories Freeform Parm Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDMSSET Logical Keys in BOLD Field MSDS_Section Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDMSSET.MSDS_Section. TIDMSSET.MSDS_Freeform_Parm. Set to spaces. Set to 65. Set to TIMX480. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Section Title Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDMSSET Logical Keys in BOLD Field MSDS_Section Base_Language_Term

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Source TIDMSSET.MSDS_Section. TIDMSSET.MSDS_Section_Title.

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Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Set to spaces. Set to 30. Set to TIMX480. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Structured Parm Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDMSSET Logical Keys in BOLD Field MSDS_Section Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDMSSET.MSDS_Section. TIDMSSET.Structured_Parm. Set to spaces. Set to 38. Set to TIMX480. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.16.Project Status Rules Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDPJSTA Logical Keys in BOLD Field Proj_Status_Nbr Base_Language_Term Translated_Term

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Source TIDPJSTA.Proj_Status_Nbr. TIDPJSTA.Proj_Status_Desc. Set to spaces.

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Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Set to 60. Set to TIMX375. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.17.Preference Repositories Definition Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDPREFD Logical Keys in BOLD Field Preference Name Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDPREFD.Preference_Name. TIDPREF.Pref_Display_Name. Entered by Translator. Set to 18. Set to TIMX260. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Notes Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDPREFN Logical Keys in BOLD Field Preference Name Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID

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Source TIDPREFN.Preference_Name. TIDPREFN.Notes_and_Comments. Entered by Translator. Variable. See Notes. Set to TIMX263.

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Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

Note on Preference Notes Build: Preference Notes are maintained by Gen-Arg processing, where multiple strings (length 59 characters) are associated by a Gen-Arg number. By sorting Preference Name and Gen Arg, the entire Preference Note can be understood. The Build for this repository will extract PREFN.Preference_Name, Notes_and_Comments, and Gen_Arg, ordering by Preference_Name and Gen_Arg. The Notes_and_Comments for a specific Preference_Name will then be merged into one, large Base_Language_Term to assist with translation. Gen-Arg Insertion/Renumbering: Since Gen_Args can be inserted or re-arranged, additional refresh processing needs to be added to rebuild an entire Preference_Name’s comments if the Gen_Arg for that name was modified. A reverse process (dividing the translated Preference Notes into 59 character pieces and assigning new Gen_Args) will be detailed in the Repository Export FDD.

7.2.18.Functional Grouping Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDROADG Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field View Prefix TIDROADG.View_Prefix. Applikation TIDROADG.Applikation. Base_Language_Term TIDROADG.Functional_Group. Previous_Translated_Term Set to spaces. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 35.

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Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Set to TIMX043. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

Note: Functional_Group is a Key to the table, so Previous_Translated_Term is used to track the prior localized term, in the event that a translation needs to be rolled back. Source: Oracle Table TIDROADP Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field View Prefix TIDROADP.View_Prefix. Applikation TIDROADP.Applikation. System_ID TIDROADP.System_ID. Family_ID TIDROADP.Family_ID. Option_ID TIDROADP.Option_ID. Base_Language_Term TIDROADP.Functional_Group. Previous_Translated_Term Set to spaces. Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 35. Panel_ID Set to TIMX043. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Note: Translation of TIDROADG.Functional_Group must match TIDROADP.Functional_Group.

7.2.19.Main Menu Repository Source: TIDPPTTL Logical Keys in BOLD Field Applikation Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date

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Source TIDPPTTL.Applikcation. TIDPPTTL.Menu_Title Set to spaces. Set to 35. Set to TIMX040. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces.

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Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.20.Menu Repository Source: *.mnu files Logical Keys in BOLD Field View_Name System_ID Family_ID Option_ID Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source View_Name. System_ID. Family_ID. Option_ID. Menu_Title Set to spaces. Set to 35. Set to spaces Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.21.Field Level Help Repository Source: tidddele.txt file Logical Keys in BOLD Field Elem_Nbr Element_Name Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date

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Source Elem_Nbr Element_Name Elem_Definition Set to spaces. Set to 400. Set to TIMX090. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces.

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Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.22.Simple Code Repositories Description Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCVVAL Logical Keys in BOLD Field Elem_Nbr Code_Value Code_Qual_Val Base_Language_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDCVVAL.Elem_Nbr TIDCVVAL.Code_Value TIDCVVAL.Code_Qual_Val TIDCVVAL.Code_Descr. Variable. See below. Set to TIMX100. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

Note about Simple Code Description Size: This varies based on the corresponding Elem-Nbr’s TIDDDMST.Code_Desc_Lng. This requires a join between TIDCVVAL and TIDDDMST, based on Elem_Nbr, further limited where the element’s TIDCVVAL.Locked_Code_Value = ‘Y’:

If TIDDDMST.Code_Desc_Lng = ‘S’ set to ‘24’, Else if TIDDDMST.Code_Desc_Lng = ‘M’ set to ‘60’, Else if TIDDDMST.Code_Desc_Lng = ‘L’ set to ‘79’ Code Display Value Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDCVVAL Logical Keys in BOLD Field Elem_Nbr Code_Value

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Source TIDCVVAL.Elem_Nbr TIDCVVAL.Code_Value

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Code_Qual_Val Base_Language_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

TIDCVVAL.Code_Qual_Val TIDCVVAL.Display_Value. Set to 12. Set to TIMX100. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.23.Messages Repository Source: Oracle Table TIDMSGS (IAS 5.0 and later) Logical Keys in BOLD Field Msg_Type Msg_Code Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Panel_ID Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source TIDMSGS.Msg_Type TIDMSGS.Msg_Code TIDMSGS.Msg_Text_Display Set to spaces. Set to 79. Set to TIMX106. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

If the System Preferences have set the supported Release to 9.5, then the following mapping is used: Source: Oracle Table TIDCVVAL (PassPort 9.5) Logical Keys in BOLD Source Field Elem_Nbr TIDCVVAL.Elem_Nbr (see below) Code_Value TIDCVVAL.Code_Value Base_Language_Term TIDMSGS.Msg_Text_Display Translated_Term Set to spaces. Maximum_Length Set to 79. Panel_ID Set to TIMX106. Set to System. Updated_By Set to System Date. Updated_Date Set to spaces. Refresh_Date Version Version number of source data (used for

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migration). Set by Version Preference. Note on 9.5 Messages: Select only those records from TIDCVVAL where Elem_Nbr = TIG14657, TIG14249, TIG00093, TIG00092, TIG00094, or TIG16933.

7.2.24.Panel Report Repository Source: Access Database Logical Keys in BOLD Field ID Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Size_on_Panel ID_Literal_Type Element_ID Literal_Element_ID Description Panel_ID File_Version COBOL_Name Occurrence Allow_Label_Translation Delete_Flag Updated_By Updated_Date Base_Language_Key Refresh_Date Version

Source ID Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Size_on_Panel ID_Literal_Type Element_ID Literal_Element_ID Description Panel_ID File_Version COBOL_Name Occurrence Allow_Label_Translation Delete_Flag Updated_By Updated_Date Base_Language_Key Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.25.Copybook Repository Source: TIR*LIT copybooks Logical Keys in BOLD Field Copybook Literal_Key Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Length Comments Panel_ID Locked Updated_By Updated_Date

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Source See below Literal_Key Literal Set to spaces. Variable. Set to comments. Variable. Should term remain untranslated (Y/N)? Set to System. Set to System Date.

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Refresh_Date Version

Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.


Owner IBD Action Tracking Batch Processing /Architecture Document Management PQD Engineering Change FTI Accounts Payable Total Exposure Inventory Project Management Labor Entry Work Management Contract Management Purchasing Procurement Engineering MSDS Tag Out Records Management Design Engineering System Administration Financial Integration Abend processing messages

7.2.26.Page Level Help Repositories Level Title Repository Source: Page Level Help HTML files Logical Keys in BOLD Field Panel_ID Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Size Updated_By Updated_Date

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Source Panel ID Panel Title Set to spaces. Set to 79. Set to System. Set to System Date.

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Refresh_Date Version

Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference. Level Help Repository Source: Page Level Help HTML files Logical Keys in BOLD Field Panel_ID Base_Language_Term Translated_Term Maximum_Size Updated_By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Source Panel ID Help Text Set to spaces. Set to 600. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

Note: A parser will break apart the HTML files into these two repositories.

7.2.27.IFA Resource Bundle Repositories Source: Properties files. A parser will break apart each resource bundle into a repository using a preference-driven delimiter. The structure of each repository will be similar to the following (Logical Keys in BOLD) Field Bundle Name Literal Key Base Language Term Size of Term Updated By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

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Definition Name of properties file. Literal Key. Literal to be translated. Set to number of characters of Literal. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

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Confidential Messages Repository Source: IASArchMessages.properties Resource Bundle Resources Repository Source: IASArchResource.properties Resource Bundle Resources Repository Source: IASMenuResource.properties Resource Bundle Script Messages Repository Source: IFAJavaScriptMessages.properties Resource Bundle Messages Repository Source: IFAMessages.properties Resource Bundle Resources Repository Source: IFAResources.properties Resource Bundle Messages Repository Source: PassPortMessages.properties Resource Bundle Repository Source: ifares.rc Resource Bundle

7.2.28.Portal/J Resource Bundles Source: Properties files. A parser will break apart each resource bundle into a repository using a preference-driven delimiter. The structure of each repository will be similar to the following (Logical Keys in BOLD) Field Bundle Name Literal Key Base Language Term Size of Term Updated By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

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Definition Name of properties file. Literal Key. Literal to be translated. Set to number of characters of Literal. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

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Confidential Repository Source: tigres.rc Resource Bundle Repository Source: PJJava Resource Bundle

7.2.29.ICDS Bundle Source: Properties file. A parser will break apart the resource bundle into a repository using a preference-driven delimiter (Logical Keys in BOLD) Field Bundle Name Literal Key Base Language Term Size of Term Updated By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

Definition Name of properties file. Literal Key. Literal to be translated. Set to number of characters of Literal. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

7.2.30.ICFI Bundle Source: Properties file. A parser will break apart the resource bundle into a repository using a preference-driven delimiter (Logical Keys in BOLD) Field Bundle Name Literal Key Base Language Term Size of Term Updated By Updated_Date Refresh_Date Version

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Definition Name of properties file. Literal Key. Literal to be translated. Set to number of characters of Literal. Set to System. Set to System Date. Set to spaces. Version number of source data (used for migration). Set by Version Preference.

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7.3. Supporting Table Structure Tables to be used during the Repository Build or for Translator Support (see FDD LLK-IND-0007 Translator Support). Most of these tables will be pre-built within the tool (see FDD LLK-IND-0005 for their construction).

7.3.1.Abbreviation Table List of abbreviations that can be used during translation. This is a pre-built and manually generated list. Field Base Language Term Abbreviation Size

7.3.2.Reserved Words Table List of Reserved Words (words that should not be translated). This is a pre-built and manually generated list. Field Base Language Term Definition

7.3.3.Acronym Table List of approved Acronyms. This is a pre-built and manually generated list. Field Base Language Term Acronym Definition

7.3.4.Terminology List

List of basic terms and concepts per application. This is a pre-built and manually generated list. Field Base Language Term Application Definition

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7.3.5.Element List List of Elem-Nbrs per Panel. This is a pre-built table, generated by a parser that strips data fields from all existing SYMs. Table: Element List Panel ID Elem-Nbr

7.3.6.Application List List of IAS applications and their abbreviations/variations in IAS. This is a prebuilt and manually generated list. This list can be used to drive the display of Applications to select from the Repository Build Menu. Table: Application List Application Definition System ID Applikation ID Abbreviation1 Abbreviation2 Abbreviation3

7.3.7.System Data List List of System Data. This is a pre-built and manually generated list. This list can be used to drive the display of System Data from the Repository Build Menu. Also used to drive Productization. Field System Data Key System Data Name Source Type Source Name Productized?

7.3.8.Application/System Data List Matrix of Application and System Data. Can be used for Productization and display of available System Data from the Repository Build Menu. Field Application Key System Data Key

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7.3.9.Application/Panel List Matrix of Panels and Reports by Application. To be used in Productization. This is pre-built, using Release Delivery unxlists. Field Application Panel ID

7.3.10.Application/Element List Matrix of Element IDs by Application. To be used in Productization of Field Level Help and Simple Codes. This is pre-built, joining the data between 7.3.5 and 7.3.7. Field Application Elem-Nbr

7.3.11.Application/Message List Matrix of Message Codes by Application. To be used in Productization of Messages. This is pre-built, using a parser that runs through all ccps and csms for an application, extracting message codes. Field Application Message-Code

7.3.12.Panel/Message List Matrix of Message Codes by Panel. To be used in Panel-Based Translation (LLKIND-0008). This is pre-built, using a parser that extracts the Panel ID from the second through fifth positions of MSG-Codes, where applicable: Msg-Code:


This list will not contain all messages by panel, but it will provide the majority of panel-based messages. Field Panel-ID Message-Code

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7.3.13.Glossary Exception Table Source: Multiple System Data Repositories. Records multiple occurrences of terms encountered during the Glossary Build. After the first match during the Glossary Build, all other hits are sent to this table, incrementing the Occurrence value by one. Logical Keys in Bold. Field Glossary Key Source Key System Data Source Base Language Term Definition

Size of Term Maximum Size Element ID Load Date Occurrence Version

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Description/Source Unique Key to the Glossary. Numeric Key to System Data Repository. System Data Repository Name. Term to be translated (from System Data Base_Language_Term). Comments or context from System Data Repository (if exists).

Size of the Base Language Term in Characters. Maximum Size allowed (from System Data Maximum_Size). IAS Elem-Nbr for term (if applicable). Date Term was loaded. Set to blank upon creation. Number of times term occurs Version number of source data (used for migration).

Example 00000001 00000001 Panel Report Repository Activity The Activity Code describes a type of warehouse processing such as receiving, issue, pick, putaway, or cycle count. 8 12 TIG15123

3 5.0.4

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8. Data Considerations 8.1. Seed / Test / Training Data Considerations Source Data should be gathered from following applications to test: 1) SYMs and SYRs 2) Panel Report Repository 3) TIR*LIT Copy Books 4) System Table Data (either through .DATs or accessible directly in a region through JDBC connection). 5) Page Level Help HTML Files 6) System Text Files 7) Resource Bundle Data

9. Internal Product Interface Considerations 9.1. The Panel Report Repository This component should be compatible with SymScanner & PLW application’s repository. Currently, this repository uses an MS Access database. This repository data needs to be copied to System Data Repository of L10N Toolkit. After completion of translation process, this data should be returned back to regenerate the translated repository.

10.External Product Interface Considerations The tool will use MS Access to manage the repositories.

11.Training Considerations Not Applicable.

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12.Test Considerations Following are the various test conditions. (1) Menu/Links test – Testing to make sure that all the menu/links are working as expected. (2) Form/Screen Test – The forms contains various fields. It should display proper validation messages in case of incorrect filling. (3) Button/Control Test – Ensure that the buttons/controls are performing their operations as expected. (a) Select none, one, some, or all Applications during Build. (b) Select none, one, some or all System Data Repositories during Build. (4) Row Count / Content compare between System Data Repositories and Source Data. These should be the same. (5) Productization Tests (see FDD LLK-IND-0005 for more test cases). (6) Refresh System Data Repositories tests (a) Refresh one, some or all repositories, first with no change to source data (test against duplication). (b) Refresh one, some or all repositories, with changes to one source data table. (c) Refresh one, some or all repositories, with changes to multiple source data tables. (d) Refresh new repositories or applications. (e) After Repositories have been built, drop repository tables, then refresh (should rebuild). (7) Refresh Localization Repository (Glossary) (a) Repeat with test cases in #6. (b) Set Refresh Date to the future for all rows. (c) Set Refresh Date to the past for all rows.

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13.Acronyms/Glossary Acronym/Terminology Glossary I18N IAS IFA L10N L10N Toolkit PLW Productization PSO Repository SYM SYR System Data

Description/Description In the context of this document, the main repository for use in localization. Internationalization – The process of enabling software to support international data (for example, externalizing strings and adding multi-byte support). Indus Asset Suite Indus Foundational Architecture Localization – The process of changing software to a specific locale or language (for example, translating panels into another language). The new tool that will automate extraction, localization, and export of system data. PassPort Localization Workbench – The existing tool that is used to localize SYMs and SYRs. The process of filtering System Data by Application to reduce the volume of data to be localized. Professional Services Organization. Working table to store system data inside the L10N Toolkit. Panel or Page in IAS. Report in IAS. Minimum data that must be delivered with the product in order for it to function.

14.List of Attachments Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4

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Screen Samples Report Samples

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15.Change Request Documents Document ID

Document ID Date Description



Meaning of the fields in the chart above Reference to the change control sheet where the change request is recorded. Date of the authorization for the change. Brief description of the change to be implemented.

16.Approvals The attached Approval form is for use in Customer Funded Development and should be signed by the customer and returned to Indus International indicating final approval of the Functional Design Document. Once the Customer has approved the Functional Design Document it is considered Baseline and any further change will be completed via the Change Control procedure. Once the Approval form is received, Indus will sign, and a copy of the completed Approval form will be returned to the Client.

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INDUS Indus L10N Toolkit Release <1.0.0> Functional Design Project Approval Form FINAL APPROVAL for Functional Design: Reviewed By:



Indus Product Manager: Andrea Jameson


Indus Product Liaison: xxx


(Client) Approved By:

Indus International Indus International This FINAL APPROVAL indicates that all parties are agreed that the description contained within the Functional Design reference above, accurately addresses the stated business requirements contained in the associated Product Enhancement Request(s). This sign off indicates acceptance of the mutual interpretation of the requirement and the proposed product solution described. This FINAL APPROVAL indicates that this is the Functional Design, which the Product Manager will follow in the software development of the product solution. This FINAL APPROVAL acknowledges that all relevant products related issues, which were raised during the Functional Design review meeting, have been satisfactorily addressed. All implementation issues identified during the Functional Design review process are outside the scope of the Functional Designs and will be tracked and resolved by the project implementation team


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