canterbury-chaplin-scotland youth soccer league registration ccs youth soccer is open to boys and girls 4-13, and age 14 if still in the eighth grade. same age siblings will play on the same team. games and/or practices may be in either towns listed above. sites will be determined before the season begins. age groups: u-14 turn 14 after july 31st u-12 turn 12 after july 31st u-10 turn 10 after july 31st u-8 turn 8 after july 31st u-6 turn 6 after july 31st or any child in kindergarten u-5 canterbury crumbs- must be at least 4 years old by sept 1, 2007 some age groups will travel to area towns for games. all players must wear sneakers or soccer cleats (recommended) and shin guards. parents/guardians are responsible for any deliberate damage done by their child to property or equipment involved in the soccer program. the league is staffed by parents/volunteers and your assistance is essential. experience is not required-just a desire to be involved with the children in our community. information, training, and assistance are available. soccer jerseys are included in the registration price and are yours to keep. shorts and socks are available for a extra price, see caa website for sizing chart and more info. fees for u6 and up: $40.00/child two/$95.00 maximum fees for a u-5 only: $25/child $85)
family discount: $70.00 for (crumb + 1= $60,
crumb + 2 or more
our son/daughter has our permission to participate in the soccer program sponsored by the canterbury athletic association. he/she has recently been seen by a doctor and is found to be physically fit to participate in the caa soccer program. shirt size: ys, ym, yl, as child�s name: _____________________________d.o.b.____/____/_____ m/f age: shirt size: ys, ym, yl, as child�s name: _____________________________d.o.b.____/____/_____ m/f age: shirt size: ys, ym, yl, as child�s name: _____________________________d.o.b.____/____/_____ m/f age: address: __________________________________________telephone#__________________ i certify that my child/children enrolled above is in excellent health and may participate in strenuous activities including soccer. i agree to defend and hold the canterbury athletic association, its officers, servants, agents, and/or employees and contractors harmless from any and all claims for injuries sustained by my child/children during his or her participation in the soccer program. i certify that there are no limits to my child/children�s participation except as stated in writing and included with this registration. in case of emergency, i
authorize my son/daughter be treated by a physician, if available. signed: ______________________________________________________date: ___________________ parent/guardian registration: $_____________________ total paid: $___________________
check #____________
i can help: coach, official, field equipt/maint, equipt. coordinator, ref coor. first aide coordinator, registration coordinator, scheduling coordinaor, shirt coordinator,co-president.