Ifb Petroleum Exploration

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1. The Governmentof the Republlcof Zamblathrough the Mlnlstry of Mines and Minerals Development ln accordance. wlth the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act 2008, Invites sealed bids for petroleum exploratlonlicencinground for 23 blocks In the North Western, Western and Eastern Provlncesof Zambla as shownln Figure1. Z, The bldder must be able to demonstratea provenablllty to ralse the necessary funds, assets, machlnery equlpment, tools and technlcal expertlse to explore for, produce, sale and dispose of petroleum in an environmentallysustainablemanner. 3. A completeData Packageln Engllshshouldbe purchased by lnterestedblddersfrom the Dlrector.GeologlcalSurvey Department, Mlnlstry of Mlnes and Mlnerals Development,Corner of Government and Natlonallsts Roads,P.O, Box 31969,Lusakaupon paymentofa.nonfee of US$10,000.00(or Zamblan Kwacha ;,:r,refundable ' 6qulvalent). Some of the data may be purchased electronlcally by e-mail at the Geologlcal Survey Department. 4. Bids In one originaland three copiesenclosedIn sealed plain envelopes accompanied by a non-refundable appllcatlon fee of US$10,000 (or Zamblan Kwacha equlvalent) per block rnust be dellvered by courier or deposlted ln the Tender Box located at the Mlnlstry of Mines and Minerals Development, 14' Floor, New GovernmentComplex,IndependenceAvenue,P. O. Box 31969, Lusaka,Zamblaby Frlday,6" November,2009 at 14:30 hours localtlme. Electronlc, telex and telefax offerc and late blds shall not be accepted lrrcppective of circu m sta n ces.

. For furthcr Informatlonand clarlflcatlonscontact: ThePermanentSecretary MlnlstryofMinesandMlneralsDevelopment P,O.Box31969 LUSAIG.ZAMBIA Attention: Director GeologlcalSurvey Department TelefaxNo.: + 260(211)251557 TelephoneNo.: +250(211)250174 Emau: rd*mln0oopns_rn*l-*n srdOarmqrLrm Website: unrw.zamblageosurvey.gov.zm


5. All bids shallbe openedln publicat the Mlnistryof Mlnes and MineralsDevelopment,ConferenceRoomsltuatedon the 14'nFloor,New GovernmentComplex,Independence Avenue, P.O, Box 31969, Lusaka,Zambia immediately thereafter. Bidders and/or their representatlves who chooseto attendthe tenderopeningarefree to do so.

Figure 1:

Location of lhe 23 Blocks in North Western,Westernand Eastern Provinces of Zambia


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