If Textbox Value Is Null Redirect To Login Page

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,272
  • Pages: 7
User Functionality Document (UFD) Whitecoats (May 2008)

Modules 

User Interface  User Interface  Landing Page  Sign Up  License Authentication page  My page  Manage Profile Page  View Profile  Change password  View Profile  Forgot Password  Pharmacists Page  Nursings Page  Physicians Page  Activation Page  Logout  Admin Interface  Login Page  Welcome Page  User List Display  View User Details  Edit User Details  User Reports

Document # WMC-UFD-1

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760

User Module Landing Page First page of application. From this page user can enter into the system if already registered or register them self for this sytem. Pre Conditions

1. All users can view this page except logged in users. Post Conditions If user submits the login form 1. Check user is logging into the site first time or not. 2. If user logging into the system first time redirect them to Manage profile page. 3. If user login successful redirect them to My Page. 4. Insert login details into userLoginHistory table If user submits the registration process step1 [ Hits the Sign up Button] 1. If user enters all credentials Allow them to the next step sign up page 2. Carry these first step details to next step. Basic Flow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

User will land on this page first System should display login form as well as registration first step1 System will allow the user to login and register. Should display links to forgot password. Login form should contain one text box with label 'User name', password field with label 'Password' and form submit button. 6. Registration process step 1 should contain country,user category drop down box, User Type Drop down box and form submit button Validations / Exceptions

Document # WMC-UFD-1

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760

Login form client side validation 1. User name / email id and password should not be null 2. Refer Client side validation Document for email id and password field validations. Login form server side validation 1. Check user name exist in the database or not 2. Check user name and password or correct or wrong. Registration process Step 1 Client side validations 1. Country should not be null 2. User category should not be null 3. User type Should not be null Exception Flow: 1. Use Business Rules Login Form 1. Allow user to login to the system 2. If user login successful and user logging to the system for first time redirect them to manage profile page else redirect them to my page. 3. Store user login details into database. Registration Step 1: 1. If user enters all details redirect to sign up page along with the user category and type. DFD

Document # WMC-UFD-1

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760

Landing Page

Landing Page

Registrati on Step 1

Login Form



Successful completion of step1

Successful Login Yes yes

Sign up Page


First time logging into the system

My Page


Manage Profile Page

Table References 1. Users 2. UserLoginHistory

3. UserPersonalDetails

users PK




userPersonalDetail _id


salutation firstName middleName lastName photo emailId user_id


userName password FK1 status_id FK2 userType_id FK3 userCategory_id

Document # WMC-UFD-1


userLoginHistory _id


logintime logouttime sesId user_id

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760

View Sign Up Pre condition: 1. User can acces this page through landing page.

2. Page need display if it contains form post value from pervious page 3. Page is not accesible for logged in members.

Post condition: 1. System can registere the user and stores details into database.

2. After successful completion of registration sytem will redirect the user to authentication page along with the user id and country id whch user selecte in landing page.

Basic Flow 1. User will come to this page after completion of registraion process step 1 in landing page. 2. Depending upon the user type registration form should display. 1. If user type is professional, Fellow or Resident in any of the categories system need to display a form with the following details. 1. First Name - textbox 2. Middle name - text box 3. Last Name - textbox 4. Credentials - dropdown dox with ability to select multiple options upto 3 – data pulled from credentials table 5. Speciality - dropdown box with ability to selct multiple options upto 3 – Data pulled from specialities table.

6. Country

- dropdown box – datapulled from countries table. – depending upon the country user selected in previous page that country need to select. 7. State - by default it’s a text box. 1. When user selects the country from countries dropdown it will become a dropdown box with respected states of the selected country and a text box labeled if others. 2. If there is no states available for this country that time it will remain as a text box. 8. City - by default text box


When user selects the state from states dropdown it will become a dropdown box with respected cities of the selected state and a text box labeled if others. 2. If there is no city available for this state that time it will remain as a text box. 9. Current Title – Dropdown box along with atext box with labele if others. – dropdown box filled with titles table data. Document # WMC-UFD-1

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760

10. Current Employer - textbox

11. Email Id – textbox

12. Form submit button. 2. If your type is student in any of the categories system need to display a form with the following details. 1. First Name - textbox 2. Middle name - text box 3. Last Name - textbox 4. Country - dropdown box – datapulled from countries table. 5. State - by default it’s a text box. 1. When user selects the country from countries dropdown it will become a dropdown box with respected states of the selected country and a text box labeled if others. 2. If there is no states available for this country that time it will remain as a text box. 6. City - by default text box


When user selects the state from states dropdown it will become a dropdown box with respected cities of the selected state and a text box labeled if others. 2. If there is no city available for this state that time it will remain as a text box.

7. Undergrad Degree – static Dropdown with text box labeld if others. 8. College – textbox 9. Field / major - text box 10. Submit button

3. After submitting for the form system wil register the user and redirect to authentication page along with user id.

Validations Client side validations: Form validations refere client side validations document. Server side validations : 1. Use ajax to check emaild is available or not. When user enters his email id it need to check the database that email id has been taken by some one elase or not. If some else taken this email id it need to display that this is taken by another user.

Business Rules:

Depending upon the form post values form previous page registration form need to display.

DFD: Table References:

Document # WMC-UFD-1

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760


Document # WMC-UFD-1

Collabor Inc. One Apple Hill Drive, # 316, Natick, MA 01760

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