Ieee Paper 1

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Voice Quality Prediction Models and Their Application in VoIP Networks Lingfen Sun, Member, IEEE, and Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The primary aim of this paper is to present new models for objective, nonintrusive, prediction of voice quality for IP networks and to illustrate their application to voice quality monitoring and playout buffer control in VoIP networks. The contributions of the paper are threefold. First, we present a new methodology for developing perceptually accurate models for nonintrusive prediction of voice quality which avoids timeconsuming subjective tests. The methodology is generic and as such it has wide applicability in multimedia applications. Second, based on the new methodology, we present efficient regression models for predicting conversational voice quality nonintrusively for four modern codecs (G.729, G.723.1, AMR and iLBC). Third, we illustrate the usefulness of the models in two main applications—voice quality prediction for real Internet VoIP traces and perceived quality-driven playout buffer optimization. For voice quality prediction, the results show that the models have accuracy close to the combined ITU PESQ/E-model method using real Internet traces (correlation coefficient over 0.98). For playout buffer optimization, the proposed buffer algorithm provides an optimum voice quality when compared to five other buffer algorithms for all the traces considered. Index Terms—Conversational speech quality, E-model, jitter buffer optimization, nonintrusive, perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), regression model, voice over IP, voice quality prediction.

I. INTRODUCTION P NETWORKS are on a steep slope of innovation that will make them the long-term carrier of all types of traffic, including voice. However, such networks are not designed to support real-time voice communication because of their variable characteristics (e.g., due to delay, delay variation and packet loss) which lead to a deterioration in voice quality [1], [2]. A major challenge in such networks is how to measure or predict voice quality accurately and efficiently for Quality-of-Service (QoS) monitoring and/or control purposes to meet technical/ commercial requirements (e.g., service level agreements). Voice quality measurement can be carried out using either subjective or objective methods. The Mean Opinion Score ) is the most widely used subjective measure of voice ( value quality and is recommended by the ITU [3]. A is normally obtained as an average opinion of quality based


Manuscript received May 16, 2005; revised October 20, 2005. The work is supported in part by an EU grant under the Sixth Framework Programme (BIOPATTERN Project 508803) and by Acterna. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Anna Hac. The authors are with the School of Computing, Communications and Electronics, University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, U.K. (e-mail: L.Sun@; [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMM.2006.876279

on asking people to grade the quality of speech signals on a five-point scale (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, and Bad) under controlled conditions as set out in the ITU-T standard P.800 [3]. The subjective test can be listening only (i.e., one way) or conversational (i.e., it involves interactivity). In the later case, the voice quality scores are sometimes referred to as conversational (i.e., ). In this paper, we use the term to represent conversational voice quality. In voice communication is the internationally accepted metric as it prosystems, vides a direct link to voice quality as perceived by the end user. measurement is that The inherent problem in subjective it is time consuming, expensive, lack repeatability, and cannot be used for long-term or large scale voice quality monitoring in an operational network infrastructure. This has made objective methods very attractive for meeting the demands for voice quality measurement in communications networks. Objective measurement of voice quality can be intrusive or nonintrusive. Intrusive methods are more accurate, but normally are unsuitable for monitoring live traffic because of the need for a reference data and to utilize the network. The ITU-T P.862 Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) [4]–[6], is the most commonly used intrusive measurement method for voice quality in current VoIP applications. It is designed for listening voice quality measurement and involves a comparison of a degraded speech signal to a reference speech signal to predict the value. Nonintrusive techniques do not need a reference signal and can be used to monitor/predict voice quality directly either from the network and other relevant system parameters (e.g., packet loss, delay, jitter and codec) or from the degraded voice signal itself. The ITU-T E-model [7], [8] is a computational model that can be used to predict voice quality nonintrusively and directly from the network and other system parameters. ITU-T P.563 score from [9], on the other hand, can be used to estimate analysis of the degraded voice signal. In this paper, we focus on nonintrusive prediction of voice quality directly from network and other system parameters. Although the ITU E-model is the most attractive and commonly used nonintrusive method for voice quality prediction for VoIP applications [10]–[12], the current E-model is applicable to a restricted number of codecs and network conditions (because subjective tests are required to derive model parameters [13]) and this hinders its use in new and emerging applications. To address this, experimental methods for deriving the model parameters objectively have been proposed [14], but this is limited to a consideration of only the effects of codecs. Further more, the E-model is based on a complex set of fixed and empirical formulae which is not efficient for real-time

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quality monitoring or for optimization/control purposes. Artificial neural networks-based models have recently been used to predict both voice and video quality from network and other system parameters [15]–[17], but these rely on subjective tests to create the training sets. Unfortunately, subjective tests are costly and time-consuming and as a result the training sets are limited and cannot cover all the possible scenarios in dynamic and evolving networks, such as the Internet. In addition, the neural networks-based models can only predict one-way listening voice quality [15], [18]. There is a need for an efficient, nonintrusive voice quality prediction model for technical and commercial reasons for voice over IP networks. The model should predict conversational voice quality to account for interactivity. There is a large number of applications for nonintrusive voice quality prediction models. The most direct application is to monitor/predict voice quality from network and other system parameters for live VoIP calls [11]. This is essential for network operators to monitor the health of the network and for service providers to make sure that service agreements are met. Other more challenging applications are for end-to-end, perceived quality-driven QoS optimization and control, such as playout buffer control and codec sender-bit-rate control [19] (see later for more details). The idea in these applications is to move away from the use of individual network parameters, such as packet loss or delay, to control performance. Instead, to move towards perceptual-based, voice quality control in order to achieve the best possible end-to-end voice quality. The main contributions of the paper are threefold. 1) A new methodology for developing models for nonintrusive prediction of voice quality is proposed. The resulting models provide an objective and perceptually accurate prediction of both listening and conversational voice quality, nonintrusively. This avoids time-consuming subjective tests. The method is generic and as such has wide applicability in multimedia applications. 2) Development of new and efficient models, based on the new methodology, to predict conversational voice quality nonintrusively for four modern codecs (i.e., G.729, G.723.1, AMR, and iLBC). This illustrates how to readily extend the ITU E-model to new codecs and new network conditions whilst avoiding time-consuming subjective tests and the use of a set of complex equations as in the current E-model. 3) An illustration of the use of the new models in two important applications: voice quality monitoring and prediction using real Internet VoIP traces and perceived quality-driven playout buffer optimization. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section II, the novel methodology for nonintrusive prediction of voice quality is introduced, together with the combined PESQ/E-model structure that is used to predict conversational voice quality. In Section III, the development of the regression models for the AMR codec and other codecs are described. Two applications of the new models in voice quality monitoring/prediction and playout buffer optimization are presented in Section IV. Section V concludes the paper.


Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of the new scheme for nonintrusive prediction of voice quality.

II. NEW METHODOLOGY FOR NONINTRUSIVE VOICE QUALITY PREDICTION A. Introduction to New Methodology Fig. 1 depicts a simplified, conceptual diagram of the proposed novel methodology for developing and using new models for nonintrusive prediction of voice quality in IP networks. The lower part of the figure illustrates how a new model would be used to predict end-to-end, conversational voice quality, nonintrusively, from network and other system parameters (e.g., packet loss, delay and codec type). In practice, IP packets transporting voice data through the network would be captured at a monitoring point which may be at any suitable location (e.g., at a gateway). Network and other relevant system parameters (e.g., delay, packet loss, jitter and codec type) are then extracted from analysis of the headers (e.g., RTP headers). The parameters are then applied to the new model to provide a prediction of voice quality. The top part of the figure (enclosed in dotted lines) shows how to obtain an objective measure of conversational voice quality using a combined ITU PESQ and E-model structure (see later for more detail). This is an important part of the methodology because it allows us to generate appropriate data for deriving new nonintrusive voice quality prediction models. (PESQ) refers to the listening-only mean In the figure, opinion score obtained from PESQ algorithm by comparing the refers to reference and the degraded speech. Measured the measured conversational voice quality obtained by com(PESQ) value and the end-to-end delay (see Secbining is the predicted conversation III for details). Predicted tional voice quality by using the proposed new model. In this paper, we will focus on the development of efficient regression models for conversational voice quality prediction for different codecs. The advantage of regression models is that they are efficient, straightforward and can be easily used in voice quality monitoring/prediction and perceived quality-driven QoS control (e.g., jitter buffer control and adaptive sender bit rate control). The benefits of the new methodology for nonintrusive applications include that — It is generic and based on end-to-end, intrusive measurement of voice quality (in this case, using PESQ). Thus, it can be easily applied to other applications, such as audio



Fig. 2. Measurement of conversational voice quality using a combined PESQ and E-model.

(e.g., using ITU-T Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ) [20]), image (e.g., using a universal image quality index [21]) and video (e.g., using Video Quality Metric (VQM) [22]). For audio, image and video quality prediction, extra parameters will need to be taken into account. For example, for video quality prediction, parameters such as source bit rate, encoded frame type, and frame rate from the source should also be considered [17]. — It avoids expensive and time-consuming subjective tests. — It can be easily applied to new voice codecs [4], new packet loss conditions (e.g., new packet loss burst patterns) or different speakers/languages. B. Measurement of Conversational Voice Quality Fig. 2 illustrates how a measure of conversational voice quality is obtained using a combined PESQ/E-model structure. PESQ is an accurate and reliable method for voice quality measurement, but it is an intrusive method and can only predict one-way listening-only voice quality. It does not consider the impact of end-to-end delay which is important for interactivity in voice communications. The approach in Fig. 2 exploits the accuracy of PESQ and the delay model of the E-model. As shown in the figure, an estimate of the (PESQ) score is obtained directly from the PESQ algorithm by comis paring the reference and the degraded speech. The converted to a rating factor (the R factor) [7] and then to an . The is obtained by equipment impairment value combining the value and the effects of end-to-end delay (the value). The detailed procedure to derive is as follows: (PESQ) to : The 1) Convert Voice Quality From ITU-T G.107 [7] defines the relationship between the factor as in (1). and for for for


This is a general relationship between factor and score. Depending on whether delay is considered, here or concan be referred as listening-only voice quality . versational voice quality The conversion from to value can be conducted by a complicated Candono’s Formula as in [23] or by a simplified 3rd-order polynomial fitting [24] as shown in (2).

(2) (PESQ) which is a listening-only voice quality, For the converted R factor does not consider delay impairment ( value). If we consider only the equipment impairment ( value,

Fig. 3. I versus delay.

which is the impairment from packet loss and codec), converted to as in (3).

can be

(3) The default value for is 93.2 [7]. From One-Way Delay, : The delay impair2) Obtain ment factor, , represents all impairments due to delay of voice signals and includes impairments due to Listener Echo, Talker Echo, and Absolute delay. Assuming a perfect echo cancellacan be calculated by a series of complex equations in tion, vs one way delay is ITU G.107 [7]. The derived curve of shown in Fig. 3 (the curve labelled G.107). can also be calculated using a simplified version of (4) as provided in [11] (the curve labelled AT&T simplified model in Fig. 3).

if if


We note that the simplified model [11] is only accurate (close to the curve from G.107) for delay less than 400 ms (see Fig. 3). When delay is over 400 ms, the curve from the simplified model deviates from the curve for G.107. Considering a more accurate fit to the curve for G.107 when delay is over 400 ms, a 6th order polynomial function is derived as shown in (5) for delay less than 600 ms (majority of end-to-end delay for VoIP links is less than 600 ms). The curve from polynomial fitting is also shown in Fig. 3 (the curve labelled 6th order polynomial).




Fig. 4. Scheme I: System structure for voice quality prediction based on I regression model.

Fig. 5. Scheme II: System structure for voice quality prediction based on M OS regression model.

3) Obtain , the E-model

From and : Having obtained factor can be calculated as


(6) value considers the impairment from packet loss This (codec dependent) and delay. If we convert to using is for conversational voice quality (1), the obtained . Overall, the Measured which can be represented as in Fig. 1 can be obtained from (PESQ) and end-to-end delay. III. NONLINEAR REGRESSION MODELS FOR VOICE QUALITY PREDICTION A. System Structure of Regression-Based Models Two schemes are proposed for developing regression-based models for voice quality prediction in VoIP applications. Scheme I, shown in Fig. 4(a), consists of three parts (as indicated by dotted lines): (I) a VoIP simulation system to simulate a VoIP flow, which includes encoder, packet loss simulator and decoder; (II) a voice quality prediction module based on PESQ/E-model to obtain a measure of the Measured , and (III) a nonlinear regression model to generate the Predicted from packet loss rate and codec type. The Predicted (Measured) is then obtained by combining the Predicted (Measured) with from end-to-end delay as shown in Fig. 4(b).

Scheme 2, shown in Fig. 5, also consists of three parts (enclosed in dotted lines). Instead of predicting equipment impairas in Scheme I, it predicts conversational voice quality ment from packet loss rate, delay and codec directly using is calcua nonlinear regression model. The Measured lated using a combined structure of PESQ and E-model. The is obtained by using the developed regression Predicted model. For each of Schemes I and II, we derive the regression models for four modern codecs (i.e., G.729 (8 Kb/s), G.723.1 (6.3 Kb/s), AMR (the highest mode, 12.2 Kb/s and the lowest, 4.75 Kb/s) and iLBC (15.2 Kb/s)). The reference speech is taken from the ITU-T data set [25]. Packet loss is generated from 0% to 30%, in an incremental step of 3% and Bernoulli loss model is used for simplicity. PESQ-LQ (Listening Quality) [26], and PESQ-LQO from ITU P.862.1 [27], the two latest variants of PESQ are also included for comparison. B. Procedures for Developing Regression-Based Models As an illustration, we first derive the value for a new codec (AMR at the highest mode of 12.2 Kb/s) for VoIP applications using PESQ. model does not exist for AMR codec at present value directly in the public domain. We further derive from packet loss rate and delay based on Schemes I and II. The procedure is as follows: (PESQ) versus Packet Loss Rate for Step 1: Obtain the AMR Codec: For each speech sample in the ITU-T data set



Fig. 7. I versus packet loss rate  for AMR codec.

Fig. 6. MOS versus packet loss rate  for AMR codec.

for British English, a (PESQ) score is obtained by averaging over 30 different packet loss locations (via using different random seed setting) in order to remove the influence of score for a packet loss packet loss location. Further, the rate is obtained by averaging over all speech samples (a total of 16 samples, consisting of eight males and eight females), so that the influence of gender is removed (we did not consider the gender issue for regression-based models for simplicity). and packet loss The relationships between the average rate for AMR codec are shown in Fig. 6 (curve for PESQ). The curves for PESQ-LQO and PESQ-LQ are converted from the curve for PESQ according to the mapping functions in [27] and [26], respectively. versus Packet Loss Rate to versus Step 2: Convert Packet Loss Rate: The relationship between and packet loss rate in Fig. 6 can now be converted to the Equipment im[measured in Fig. 4(a)] versus packet loss rate pairment versus packet loss via (2) and (3). The derived curves for rate are shown in Fig. 7 (the curves for PESQ/PESQ-LQO/ PESQ-LQ). A logarithm fitting function, similar to that in [11]), can be derived as (7) for PESQ, PESQ-LQO and PESQ-LQ by nonlinear least-squares data fitting. The fitting curves are also shown in Fig. 7 (shown as PESQ/PESQ-LQO/PESQ-LQ fitvalue) are all above 0.996: ting). The goodness of the fit (e.g., for PESQ for PESQ-LQO for PESQ-LQ (7) Considering the wide applicability of PESQ, the PESQ value is used in the following derivation of the relationship of versus packet loss rate and delay. If PESQ-LQO or PESQ-LQ or other variants of PESQ need to be used, similar procedures can be followed. for AMR Codec: Considering Step 3: Calculate the in (5) and in (7), the E-model’s factor can be obtained from (6). can be calculated from using (1) for a given The random packet loss rate and end-to-end delay. The

Fig. 8. MOSc versus packet loss and delay for AMR 12.2 Kb/s.

versus packet loss rate and delay for AMR codec is shown in versus loss Fig. 8. It can be seen that the relationship of rate and delay are nonlinear. in (5) and the model for Overall, by using the model for in (7) (for PESQ), voice quality can be predicted using the E-model as shown in Fig. 4(b) for Scheme I. Step 4: Surface Fitting for Nonlinear Mapping From Packet : For Scheme II, a nonlinear regresLoss and Delay to sion surface fitting can be performed to obtain the nonlinear as in Fig. 8 for a specfunction from packet loss, delay to ified codec. We tested with different polynomial and rational equations for the surface fitting and obtained the following polynomial equation with a reasonable fitting goodness:

(8) fitting is depicted in Fig. 9. The The error surface for scale. The Fit Standard absolute error is within 0.2 of Error is 0.053 and the is 0.9948.



Fig. 11. I versus packet loss rate .

Fig. 9. Error surface for MOSc fitting for AMR (12.2 Kb/s).


Fig. 10 MOS versus packet loss rate .

C. Nonlinear Regression Models for Different Codecs Following the above procedures, we have extended the nonlinear regression models to other codecs, i.e., AMR(L, 4.75 Kb/s), G.729 (8 Kb/s), G.723.1 (6.3 Kb/s) and iLBC (15.2 Kb/s) based on PESQ. The results for AMR(H, 12.2 Kb/s) is also included for comparison. (PESQ) and packet loss The relationships between the rate for each of the four codecs are shown in Fig. 10. From the figure, it can be seen that iLBC gives the best voice quality when packet loss rate is high (over 4%). AMR (H, 12.2 Kb/s) has the score when packet loss rate is zero. AMR (L, highest 4.75 Kb/s) has the lowest quality regardless of loss rate. versus packet loss rate in The relationship between the Fig. 10 can now be converted to the Equipment Impairment versus packet loss rate via (2) and (3). The derived curves for versus packet loss rate are shown in Fig. 11. From Fig. 11, a nonlinear regression model can be derived for each codec by the least squares method and curve fitting. The derived model has the following form [11]:


where is the packet loss rate in percentage. The parameters ( , and ) for different codecs are shown in Table I. can be obtained Based on the model, the predicted by combining and as shown in Fig. 4(b) (for Scheme I). versus packet loss rate and delay for For Scheme II, the different codecs can be derived using the above procedures and are shown in Fig. 12(a)–(d). From the figures, it is clear that and network different nonlinear relationships between impairments exist for different codecs. The surface fitting for different codecs can be obtained using a general polynomial equation as in (10), where represents packet loss rate ( in percentage) and end-to-end delay ( in ms). The parameters for fitting surfaces for different codecs and are listed in Table II. These equations the Goodness of fit can be directly used for monitoring/predicting voice quality from network parameters (e.g., packet loss and delay) or for QoS optimization and control purposes which will be discussed in detail in Section IV.


IV. APPLICATIONS OF MODELS The voice quality prediction models can be applied in different areas such as voice quality monitoring, optimization and control for VoIP applications. As illustrated in Fig. 13, typical applications include 1) monitoring/prediction of voice quality score directly from the nonintrusive meaby obtaining surement models, 2) control of receive-side playout buffer to achieve optimum end-to-end voice quality, and 3) adaptive control of send-side bit rate for optimum end-to-end voice quality.


Fig. 12.


MOSc versus packet loss and delay for different codecs: (a) for AMR (4.75 Kb/s); (b) for G.729; (c) for G.723.1; (d) for iLBC.


In this paper, we focus on applications of the models on voice quality monitoring and jitter buffer optimization. Application of the model in adaptive sender bit rate control can be found in [19] and will not be detailed in this paper.

A. Perceived Voice Quality Prediction for VoIP The first application of the new models is to monitor/predict voice quality for VoIP in the current Internet. We apply the models to a series of VoIP trace data collected in 2002 between the U.K. and Germany, between the U.K. and the USA, and between the U.K. and China. Five traces from different links were selected for the study. The basic information of delay/jitter/loss for the selected traces with a duration of 30 min is listed in Table III. Delay is the average network delay and jitter is calculated according to the definition in the IETF RFC 1889 [28]. The network packet loss rate and mean burst loss length for the selected traces are also listed in Table III. The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for end-to-end delay for the five traces are shown in Fig. 14. Delay is normalized for comparison (shift to the minimum end-to-end delay). From Table III and Fig. 14, it can be seen that the traces between UoP (University of Plymouth, U.K.) and BUPT (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China) suffered large delay and delay variation with jitter value of over 16 ms. The trace from UoP to NCT (Nanchang Telecomm, China) had



Fig. 13. Three applications of the new models.


For Scheme II:


Fig. 14. Delay cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the five traces.

large delay but small jitter. The traces from UoP to CU (Columbia University, USA) and from UoP to DUT (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany) experienced low delay and delay variation with jitter value of less than 1 ms. Network packet loss rate varied from 0.3% to 14.3%. Further details of the trace data collection and trace data features/performances can be found in [24]. As the collected Internet VoIP trace data is for G.723.1 codec (30 ms packet interval) with packet size of one, the relation, packet loss rate (in percentage) and ship between end-to-end delay can be obtained using Schemes I and II (see Section III). For Scheme I:


We apply (11) and (12) directly to the collected trace data. In score order to verify the model, we also calculate the using the combined PESQ/E-model structure. The detailed procedure is given below. For every 9 s trace data (9 s is chosen because it is within the recommended length for PESQ algorithm [4]), the actual (including late arrival loss) and actual packet loss rate (including buffer delay) are calculated end-to-end delay based on the adaptive playout buffer algorithm [29]. The average actual delay for the 9 s trace data is also calculated and sent to delay model to get delay impairment . According to the actual packet loss patterns, the degraded speech is generated by G.723.1 codec and compared with the reference speech to (PESQ) score (details see [29]). The conversaobtain is then derived from the tional voice quality (PESQ) and delay as described in Section II. This gives the Measured which is used to verify the performance of the regression models from Schemes I and II. For Scheme I, the Predicted is first calculated from (11) according to actual packet loss rate . Then the Predicted can be obtained by combining the Predicted and according can be obto Fig. 4(b). For Scheme II, the Predicted tained from (12) directly based on the actual packet loss rate and the actual delay . Overall the predicted conversational voice quality (pre) can be obtained from packet loss rate, codec dicted type, packet size, and delay using regression models based on Schemes I and II.


Fig. 15. Predicted


MOSc versus measured MOSc for the selected trace data using regression models based on Schemes I and II.

There is a total of 396 samples generated from the selected trace data. The predicted is calculated using nonlinear regression models based on Schemes I and II, and the meais obtained by applying PESQ/E-model directly sured as shown in Section II. The scatter diagrams of the predicted scores for the selected trace data versus the measured for Schemes I and II are illustrated in Fig. 15(a) and (b), respectively. Results show that a correlation coefficient of 0.987 for Scheme I and a correlation coefficient of 0.985 for Scheme II are obtained. This demonstrates that the regression model works well for voice quality prediction for real Internet VoIP trace data. From the figures, it can also be seen that the predicted voice ) span a wide range, from lowest 1 quality (predicted (bad quality) to about 3.5 (good quality). It shows that some Internet links are ready for VoIP applications, but other links are not, as they provide very poor quality for a VoIP application.

of delay and loss. The concept of perceptual optimization has also been extended to other QoS control problems, such as joint values in playout buffer/FEC control [35] to maximize terms of delay, loss and rate. In this section, we apply the newly developed regression models directly for perceived quality-driven playout buffer optimization. A minimum impairment criterion and a perceptual optimization playout buffer algorithm will also be presented. For perceptual buffer optimization, the aim is to achieve an score). Conoptimum voice quality (e.g., in the term of sidering the relationship of voice quality and impairments (e.g., packet loss and delay), the problem of optimum voice quality can be converted to that of minimum impairment. which is a funcWe define an overall impairment function . tion of delay and packet loss , with If we ignore other impairments such as echo, factor can be simplified as

B. Speech Quality Prediction for Buffer Optimization The second application of the new models is for playout buffer optimization at the receiver side. The idea is to apply voice quality prediction model in designing perceived qualitydriven playout buffer algorithms to achieve optimum end-to-end voice quality. Jitter buffer at the receiver side is used to compensate for the delay variation (jitter). It is a tradeoff between increased packet loss (packets that arrive too late will be dropped by buffer) and buffer delay (delay incurred in playout buffer). In the past, the choice/design of buffer algorithms was largely based on buffer delay and loss performance (e.g., a design objective could be to achieve a minimum average end-to-end delay for a specified packet loss rate [30]–[33] or minimum late arrival loss [30]). This approach is inappropriate as it does not provide a direct link to perceived voice quality. From QoS perspective, the choice of the best buffer algorithm for a given situation should be determined by the likely perceived voice quality. The importance of this is now starting to be recognized [12], [29], [34]. For example, in [34], perceived voice quality is used to control the values in terms playout buffer in order to maximise the

(13) As increases monotonously with [see (2)], a maxscore. Further imum value corresponds to a maximum when maximum is obtained, it corresponds to a minimum im. pairment function, Using (9) and (4) (a simplified delay model is used to show can be expressed as the concept),

(14) where and are codec related constants. is the playout delay, and buffer delay, . consists of including network delay, and buffer loss, . network packet loss, It is a tradeoff between delay and packet loss for any buffer , then buffer algorithm. When playout delay goes up . When , then . loss goes down An optimum playout delay is obtained when minimum imis reached. pairment



A minimum impairment criterion for buffer optimization is set and defined as shown at the bottom of the page. is more efficient than Obviously seeking for a minimum traditionally seeking for a maximum , as it is not necesto and then to (a 3rd-order polysary to convert nomial) for each buffer adaptation/calculation. The relationship between and can be described by delay Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) which is defined as . For a playout delay , the buffer loss can be calculated as . In [36], we demonstrated that Weibull distribution is the best fit for delay distribution for current VoIP traffic (compared to Exponential and Pareto distributions). In this paper, we use Weibull distribution directly to represent delay distribution and , packet loss derive the relationship between buffer loss (in percentage), and playout delay as follows.

(15) Replacing expressed as

into (14), overall impairment factor,

, can be

(16) For a given trace segment, the Weibull Distribution location parameter equals the minimum network delay , the scale parameter and shape parameter can be estimated using maximum-likelihood-estimator (MLE) method [37]. The optimum can be obtained by searching for a playout playout delay delay which meets the minimum impairment criterion. with playout Equation (16), which relates impairment delay and network packet loss for a given trace, can be used directly for perceived jitter buffer algorithm optimization. For simplicity, we only use the equation for G.723.1 codec to show the concept of perceptual optimization buffer design. Network traces show high possibility of “spike” (which is defined as a number of packets that have significantly higher delays than the rest). Thus, the “spike” state can be regarded as an exceptional state in the trace data (seen as a short-term delay characteristic) and the remaining “nonspike” state can be analyzed based on long-term delay distribution. Several algorithms exist for spike detection. For example, Ramachandran et al. [30] proposed to use to detect the start of a spike ( is the network delay for packet). This accounts for a spike with a sudden increase of delay. However, from analysis of our Internet trace data, we notice that a significant number of spikes are accompanied by a gradual increase which cannot be detected by the above algorithm. Considering spikes with sudden or gradual increase, we use the spike detection based on

Fig. 16. Performance comparison for different buffer algorithms.

as in [31]. The proposed perceptual optimum buffer algorithm (P-optimum) is illustrated in the Appendix. Depending on the current mode, the playout delay for the next talkspurt is estimated differently in each mode. In spike-detection mode, the delay of the first packet of a talkspurt becomes the estimated playout delay for the talkspurt. Otherwise, the perceptually optimized playout delay based on the delay distribution of packets (in NORMAL mode) is used. The larger the the last value, the less responsive the scheme to adapt. The head and tail parameters are used to set the threshold for spike detection. In order to compare with other buffer algorithms, we also implemented “exp-avg,” “fast-exp,” “min-delay,” “spk-delay,” and “adaptive” algorithms (for details, see [29]). The results are shown in Fig. 16 for the five selected traces. The window size is set to 1000. The head is 4 and the tail is 2, as suggested in [31]. During the experiment, we changed the window size from 100 packets (3 s) to 10 000 packets (300 s, as suggested by [31] and [34]), and noticed that the performance (the overall score) does not show a big difference within the range. We choose of 1000 (30 s), as it is an appropriate duration for the or calculation and has higher computation efficiency than the longer window length. From Fig. 16, it can be seen that “P-optimum” obtained the optimum scores among all the five traces. Our previous proposed “adaptive” algorithm achieved suboptimum results. The remaining buffer algorithms achieve good results only in some traces, but not for all. It has to be mentioned that P-optimum has the highest computational complexity, whereas the others including “adaptive” have a similar low complexity. V. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented a new methodology for developing models for nonintrusive prediction of voice quality. Based on the new methodology, we have developed nonlinear regression models to predict perceived voice quality nonintrusively for four modern codecs (i.e., G.729, G.723.1, AMR, and


iLBC). The method exploits the intrusive algorithm, PESQ, and a combined PESQ/E-model structure to provide a perceptually accurate prediction of voice quality nonintrusively, which avoids time-consuming subjective tests. We further applied the regression models to two main applications: voice quality prediction for real Internet VoIP traces and perceived quality-driven playout buffer optimization. For voice quality prediction, results show that high prediction accuracy was obtained from the regression models (correlation coefficient of 0.987 for Scheme I and 0.985 for Scheme II, respectively) using real Internet VoIP trace data. For playout buffer optimization, the proposed perceptual optimized playout buffer algorithm also achieved optimum voice quality when compared to five other buffer algorithms for all the traces considered. In this paper, we considered two main network impairments (i.e., end-to-end random packet loss and end-to-end delay) for different codecs. This can be extended to include other end-to-end impairments (e.g., burst packet loss). The method presented is generic and can be applied to other media (e.g., audio and video), but extra parameters will need to be considered [17]. It can also be used in automated multimedia system for adaptive codec type/mode and sender-bit-rate control to achieve the best possible end-to-end perceptual voice/video quality. APPENDIX PERCEPTUAL OPTIMUM BUFFER ALGORITHM (P-OPTIMUM) For every packet received, calculate the network delay if

then if

then / the end of a spike /

end if else if

then / the beginning of a spike /

/ save

to detect the end of a spike later /

else / normal model / - update delay records for the past


end if At the beginning of a talkspurt if

then / estimated playout delay


else - obtain

in Weibull distribution

- search playout delay end if


which meets


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Emmanuel C. Ifeachor (M’02) received the B.Sc. (Hons) degree in communication engineering from the University of Plymouth, U.K. (formerly Plymouth Polytechnic), in 1980, the M.Sc. degree and DIC in communication engineering from Imperial College, London, U.K., in 1981, and the Ph.D. degree in medical electronics from the University of Plymouth in 1985. He is a Professor of intelligent electronics systems and Head of Signal Processing & Multimedia Communications at the University of Plymouth. He was Head of School of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering from 1995 to 1999. His Chair was sponsored by the communications company, WWG/Acterna, for four years (1996–2000).He has published extensively in the areas of signal processing and computational intelligence, including co-authoring Digital Signal Processing—A Practical Approach (1st ed., Addison Wesley, 1993; 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2002), and editing/co-editing five books including Artificial Neural Networks for Biomedicine (Springer, 2000). His primary research interests are signal processing and computational intelligence techniques and their applications to important real world problems in biomedicine, multimedia communications and audio. He has led many government and industry funded projects in these areas over the years, including coordinator of a four-year, EU funded (Euro 6.4 million), network of excellence project (BIOPATTERN) in biomedical informatics in support of ehealthcare and genomic-based medicine. Over the past five years, he has established an industry-sponsored research program on perceptual-based, speech, audio, and video quality prediction in communication systems. His current research activities include quality of service prediction and control for multimedia communications over packet, grid-enabled and mobile ad-hoc networks, end-to-end quality of service measurements for real-time multimedia applications (e.g., voice and video over IP and e-health services), audio signal processing, audio quality prediction, biomedical informatics, biosignals analysis, objective evaluation of intelligent medical systems, and eServices. Dr. Ifeachor has received several external awards for his work, including two awards from the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)—the IEE Dr. V. K. Zworykin Premium in 1997 and 1998. He currently serves on the UK Committee for Professors and Heads of Electrical Engineering (PHEE) and on the Executive Team of the IEE Professional Networks (PN) on Healthcare Technologies. In 2004, he served as the chair of the PN Executive Team.

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