Ideas Shop Annual Report 2008/9

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,455
  • Pages: 8
Annual Report 2008 -2009


From the Ideas Shop Board


Financial Performance


People Performance


Natural Capital



From the Ideas Shop Board The past year can be characterised as one of enormous change in the business environment in which we work. In the midst of the unprecedented pace of events, Ideas Shop has continued to build on the successes of previous years and, we are proud to say, we remain true to the fundamentals of our vision - “Getting our clients messages heard and understood”. “Making the difference” is reflected in the way we treat each other, our work environment, and our commitment to our clients and the wider community. There is a wonderful sense of achievement in having developed a business model that proves it’s good business to have a practical commitment to environmental and social sustainability.

Achievements During the past year Ideas Shop has grown in scale and scope. This has been achieved despite testing economic conditions that have seen other communications agencies downsize. In September 2008, Graeme Nahkies of Boardworks International was appointed independent chair and a formal governance structure put in place.

+ Exporting our services to Australia; + Finalist in the 2008 Central Regional Sustainability Awards for Small Business, Emerging category; + Finalist in the 2009 International Association of Business Communicators Gold Quill Global Awards. Our clients, staff and wider community are what continue to make Ideas Shop an exciting proposition to be part of. For the 2009/10 year, the Ideas Shop Board is looking to build on the gains of the past six years. We have been able to grow revenues despite the testing economic times and are confident we will be well placed to use our growing reputation to achieve further growth as Australasia comes out of the current downturn. We will ensure that the company continues to be seen as an employer of choice within the communications sector. And, as we grow, we will remain committed to providing innovative, best-practice solutions to clients of all sizes in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Graeme Nahkies (Independent Chair)

Anna Kominik (Director)

Our successes have included: + + + +

Client base has continued to expand in both size and diversity; Achieved 29% growth in revenue over the past year; No reduction in activity despite economic downturn; Strong focus on our culture and people, with the result that we have maintained very low staff turnover – well under the industry average;

Dan Ormond (Director)

Mark Russell (Director)


Financial Performance

The company achieved 29% revenue growth in the 2008/09 financial year. Expenses grew in proportion to revenue largely due to a significant investment in senior staff. Despite the combined effects of the global economic slowdown and change of government there has been no decline in revenue. Net profit grew 33% before tax compared with the previous year, which is an excellent result given the trading conditions. Significant investment in upgrading IT systems was made with a new server installed and the majority of laptops replaced to improve reliability and productivity within the business. The Board has focused on improving the accuracy of monthly reporting, the establishment of a significant trading reserve and the management of creditors.


People Performance

The Ideas Shop Team will always be our strength.

Growing our people underpins our performance management and professional development programmes.

During the past year, the organisation has grown from seven to 10 permanent staff, with the addition of a fulltime Office Manager and two Senior Consultants. Turnover has been maintained at 10% - well under the industry average.

Each staff member has a performance plan, and has at least one discussion every three months about their work and life goals. These are incorporated into the business planning process.

The company continues its commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our staff. That ethos has been maintained and built on during the past year, despite the tougher economic times.

There are also fortnightly coaching sessions, and each staff member has their own professional development budget for professional training and up-skilling.

Most of our staff work either flexi hours, part time or remotely because they study, care for their families, are pursuing their passions or have a commitment to getting healthy.

Staff are also encouraged to realise their potential and seek opportunities to profile themselves and their expertise.

Every staff member gets their birthday as a paid day off and we operate an ‘eight hours a day is OK’ policy for everyone.

In the 2008/09 year, Ideas Shop introduced a Leadership Programme and career path for those with longer-term aspirations in the company.


Natural Capital

The Ideas Shop strategic plan is founded on our commitment to making a tangible difference to our environment and our communities. Our business targets are underpinned by the proportion of pro bono work that we do, while our day-to-day operations are determined by our desire to reduce our environmental footprint.

Client Successes

Our commitment to making a difference is focused on the following groups and entities that have a vested interest in the outcomes of our business practices:

Highlights during the past 12 months include:

Our Clients + Adding value to our relationships and delivering innovative and high quality work that makes a difference. + Providing a comprehensive break-down of all components of their account including hours, activities etc. + Providing opportunities for clients to ‘hear, understand and act’ in a manner that is more sustainable, either through introducing them to issues/causes that Ideas Shop is involved with or through networking opportunities. + Undertaking research to increase our understanding of the issues facing our clients and the wider business community to improve the services we offer. + Being advocates for ethical professional standards (through board involvement of the membership of International Association of Business Communicators).

A measure of the results we help to deliver for our clients is the longevity of our relationships. Often we are brought on for a specific fixed-term project that then develops into a much longer term partnership.

+ Growing the Ideas Shop employee communications/ organisational communications practice to a point where it is a recognised leader in change communication, and monitoring and measuring + Being commissioned to undertake substantial internal/ employee communications surveys in five public and private sector organisations + Successfully providing change communications support for some of New Zealand’s most complicated HR projects, including an offshoring project, and organisational reviews and restructurings + Positioning a multinational accounting firm as a regular tax advisor for TV3 + International launch of New Zealand developed software product in Las Vegas + Unprecedented levels of media coverage for a range of high profile industry awards + Winning Ideas Shop’s first large export contract providing support for a multinational financial institution on a global launch


Recognised Leaders in our Field

The Community

Our reputation is based not only on the successes we achieve for our clients but also on our research and peer recognition of our work. Highlights included: + Publishing a discussion document on internal communications in New Zealand, based on the results of an Ideas Shop-led survey of internal communicators nationwide + Finalist in the International Association of Business Communicators Gold Quill Awards for communications campaign for the Child Poverty Action Group. The Gold Quills are an international competition attracting entries from around the globe each year

+ Pro-bono projects – including Child Poverty Action Group, See Here, Philanthropy NZ, Leave No Trace NZ and Presbyterian Support New Zealand. + Donating to charities – we have a budget to donate to charities including food banks and children’s needs. + Seeking opportunities for business and the community sector to work together and engage e.g. forums, joint projects.

The Environment + A low carbon footprint – we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and are working towards CarboNZero certification. + Recycling – as much as possible we recycle paper and other waste. We have our own composting system and have reduced out waste by 50% + Using public transport – we use buses instead of taxis wherever possible. None of the team has paid car parks, which encourages the use of public transport to and from work.

Our ongoing commitment to social sustainability included: + Co-hosting a Social Sustainability event with the Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce, with Stephen Tindall – brought together business, community and government. + Sponsoring Philanthropy New Zealand’s biannual conference. • Board level participation in the establishment of Leave No Trace New Zealand, an international minimal impact environmental education movement. + Continuing our work in the corporate social responsibility area. + Providing pro-bono and reduced rate support to more than 50 community and voluntary sector organisations around the country throughout the year.


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