Ict Lesson Plan Assessment 1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,725
  • Pages: 6


LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Humanities and Social Sciences: History

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy


Cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures

Critical and creative thinking

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Ethical Behaviour

Personal and social Competence

Intercultural Understanding


Notes about device access in the classroom: • Students will use their own iPad for research and infographic. WEEK/ LESSON

West Australian Curriculum LINKS

Week 4 Lesson 2

History Depth Study 1: Investigating medieval Europe (c. 590- c. 1500) Continuity and change in society in one of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce (ACDSEH051)


1. Research and explain the purpose of medieval castles and how they were defended. 2. Create an infographic, with text and pictures, which identifies and describes the purpose of a medieval castle and how the castle was defended.

ASSESSMENT (what & how)

1. Diagnostic assessment: students will complete a Kahoot to check their knowledge of knights from the prior lesson. 2. Formative assessment: Think Pair Share. Teacher will ask questions based on the PowerPoint and student’s own research. Students will discuss the answer with the person sitting next to them.

TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCES (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Introduction: 1. Students will complete a Kahoot to review their knowledge and understanding of the last lesson: ‘The role of knights for defence’. 2. Teacher will introduce the topic of the lesson by showing the PowerPoint on the interactive whiteboard. Body: 3. Students will watch the PowerPoint on the purposes of a medieval castle and how they were defended. - PowerPoint will display only dot points on these two topics, with little information. 4. Students will research, using their iPad, the purposes of a castle and how they were defended. (students are given two websites to use to help with their research through QR codes) 5. Students will explain, in depth, their research in the form of a paragraph. - 2-4 sentences on each purpose of a castle.

RESOURCES = ICT and other

https://kahoot.it/ - Students will be quizzed, through a Kahoot, on their understanding of knights from the prior lesson. PowerPoint QR Codes for websites: https://school-eb-comau.ipacez.nd.edu.au/levels/hi gh/article/castle/273553 https://quest-ebcom.ipacez.nd.edu.au/search /medieval-castles

3. Criteria reference assessment: Criteria for student’s infographic. - Castle infographic: location of castle, purpose of the castle, ways of defending the castle

- 2 sentences on who benefited from these purposes. - 2-3 sentences on where castles were located. - 2-4 sentences on how a castle was defended from attacks. - 3-5 sentences on examples of defence. 6. Teacher will conduct a class discussion through a think, pair, share activity to assess and analyse the students understanding of castles. - Students will discuss the answer with the partner sitting next to them and state their answer when the teacher asks them. - Questions to ask include: • What are the two purposes of a castle? • List three ways of defending a castle? • Name three locations a castle may be built? • What were the origins of castles? 7. Teacher will show a QR code on the interactive whiteboard to direct students to the website which they will make infographics. - Students will use their iPad to scan the code. 8. Students will use the website to create an infographic to place their researched information visually. - students chose an infographic template. - students are to use both visual and written information. Conclusion: 9. To conclude the lesson, students are to print off their finished infographics and hand them in to the teacher to be marked. 10. Teacher will explain the summative assessment due in the fourth lesson. Teacher will then explain how today’s lesson relates to the assessment. (Assessment: Diagram of students own castle, explaining what characteristics they chose for defence.) 11. To be dismissed, the teacher will ask students one thing they found interesting, or what they have learnt from the lesson.

Students use QR codes for to direct them to two websites which will help guide their research.

QR Code for Infographic: https://infograph.venngage.c om/signin - This code will direct students to where they will be making their infographics. Students will sign in with their student school email.



LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Humanities and Social Sciences: History


General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy


Cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures

Critical and creative thinking

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Ethical Behaviour

Personal and social Competence

Intercultural Understanding


Notes about device access in the classroom: • Students will use their own iPad to use Coggle. WEEK/ LESSON

West Australian Curriculum LINKS


ASSESSMENT (what & how)

Week 4 Lesson 3

History Depth Study 1: Investigating medieval Europe (c. 590- c. 1500)

1. Explain the three different types of castles and evaluate, in pairs, how castle designs have changed over time.

1. Formative assessment: Teacher will ask students what they discussed in pairs.


2. Formative assessment: Teacher will walk around to each student and check their mind map, also asking students to explain why they have chosen a certain castle and characteristics for their final assessment.


Continuity and change in society in one of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce (ACDSEH051)

2. Devise a mind map, individually, outlining the characteristics of three different castles. 3. Plan, induvially using a mind map, what type of castle and characteristics students want for their final assessment.

TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCES (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

1. Students will watch a YouTube video which outlines medieval castles purposes and types.

2. Student will watch the PowerPoint which displays the three different types of castles. 3. Students will be given pictures of each type of castle and students are to discuss in pairs, how the castles have changed over time and the advantages and disadvantages of each castle type. - Students should look at how the location, size, materials and defence has changed.

RESOURCES = ICT and other

Motivation YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=RXXDThkJ3Ew&t= 45s

3. Criteria reference assessment: Planning is marked as part of the final assessment.

4. Teacher will then ask several students what they had discussed in their pairs, to examine student’s understanding. 5. Students will then use Coggle, to create a mind map which brainstorms the characteristics of each type of castle. - students should write down what they had discussed with their pairs earlier. 6. Students are then required to plan for their final assessment. - On the same mind map used in the last activity, students will write the type of castle and what characteristics they want to design. - This plan must be in terms of location, materials, size for defence of the castle. Conclusion: 7. Students will play an interactive castle siege game. Students must read the information about each defence characteristic of the castle. Students then must use each military weapon to try and destroy the castle. 8. Teacher will explain to students that in the next lesson, they will be completing the final assessment.

Digital Mind Map: https://coggle.it/ Coggle allows students to create a digital mind map.

Interactive castle siege game: https://gridclub.com/activitie s/castle-siege This interactive game outlines each military weapon and defence structure of medieval castles.



LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Humanities and Social Sciences: History


General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy


Cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures

Critical and creative thinking

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Ethical Behaviour

Personal and social Competence

Intercultural Understanding


Notes about device access in the classroom: • Students will use their own iPad for their assessment. Students already have prior knowledge on how to use google sketch. WEEK/ LESSON

West Australian Curriculum LINKS


ASSESSMENT (what & how)

Week 4 Lesson 4

History Depth Study 1: Investigating medieval Europe (c. 590- c. 1500)

1. Design, individually, a model of a castle on SketchUp, which displays the castles defence, location, materials used and size.

1. Diagnostic assessment: students will complete a Socrative quiz at the start of the lesson to check their understanding of the past two lessons.


2. Summative assessment: Final assessment (planning, model of castle and justification) is marked from a rubric.

2. Teacher will discuss the rubric and expectations for the assessment, in order for students to understand what is wanted from them.

Continuity and change in society in one of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce (ACDSEH051)

2. Individually, justify the reason behind the model and write an answer in paragraph form onto a google doc.

TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCES (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

1. Students will be quizzed about their knowledge on understanding of the past two lessons. The quiz will be done through Socrative. Body:

3. Students are to use SketchUp (which is already downloaded on their iPads) to model their castle. - Students castle must demonstrate originality and creativity. - Multiple characteristics can be taken from any castle type already discussed in prior lessons. - Model must show the location, size and defence of the castle

RESOURCES = ICT and other

Quiz: https://www.socrative.com/ Socrative is an online tool which enables teachers to assess their students. The results of student’s tests will be presented on the teacher’s computer. SketchUp: SketchUp is an app on the iPad which allows students to sketch and design castles in detail.

- Students must screenshot their model and mind map and email it to the teacher. 4. Students are to write a paragraph on a google doc (teacher will share the doc with the class) justifying what they have chosen to include in the model and why. Conclusion: 5. Students will work through an interactive learning tool, focusing on the developments of castles and the different types of castles. 6. Students will check all students have submitted their work by email and written the paragraph on the google doc.

Google Docs: Google Docs is a google app which students can share their work with others. Interactive learning on castles: http://resources.hwb.wales.g ov.uk/VTC/20050408/newhi stor/keystage3/castlesde/cast les/learningo/default.htm This website outlines each type of castle and its development, whilst asking students to answer the questions about the information given.

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