Http Animoto

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1) NUMBER OF IMAGES TO USE Approximately 15-20 images will produce 30 seconds of video. A more mellow song will produce a longer video with the same number of images. more > The length of an Animoto video is determined by the number of images you include and the music you choose. It can vary since the video is being customized to the music. A video using an upbeat song will use images more quickly than one using a more mellow song. If you are making an Animoto Short, use 15-20 images for your 30 second piece. If you submit more images than can be used in the video, you may find that a number of your images did not make it into the final video. If you're making a full-length video, you can make videos with as many images as you want. The only limit is your music selection. UPLOADING IMAGES To upload multiple images hold down the 'CTRL' or 'SHIFT' keys while you're selecting your files. more > DIRECTIONS for this section The maximum size we allow is 5120kb per image. Currently, we only allow JPG, JPEG, and GIF image files. don't forget that you can hold the CTRL or SHIFT keys to select more than one image at a time want to speed up your upload? find out in our tips section below SPEED UP YOUR UPLOAD

Uploading images will take much less time if you resize your images first, to 1024x768 (about 100kb per image) Images straight off your digital camera can be 100 times the size of what you actually need for an online video. Although you can upload very high-resolution images, smaller downsized images work just as well (and save you significant upload time). You can use simple image-resizing programs to downsize your images to a smaller size. If you have a Mac, we recommend using DroPic! (free). If you have a PC, we recommend using VSO Image Resizer (free). These are easy-to-use tools to help you resize your images to something appropriate for the web. We recommend a size of no less than 640x426 (about 50kb per image), and no more than 1024x768 (about 100kb per image). Animoto will accept images up to 5MB in size. 2 MUSIC VIDEO LENGTH Animoto Shorts are 30-seconds in length and free for everyone. You can produce, remix, and share as many as you'd like. Full-length videos, in contrast, are extended in length. A video's length is determined by the number of images and the music it uses. more > The length of a full-length video is limited only by our upload file size cap, which is 10MB for music files. This is generally 5-10 minutes of music, depending on the encoding. Remixing a full-length video is free as many times as you like--and eventually you'll be able to download higher resolution versions of your full-length videos to save onto your harddrive. HOW MUCH ARE FULL-LENGTH VIDEOS? Producing a full-length video costs $3, and you may buy as many individual full-length video credits as you wish. An All-Access Pass, which allows you to make an unlimited number of full-length videos for one year, costs $30. HOW DO I BUY THEM? Glad you asked. Head to the pricing page. ANIMOTO FOR EDUCATION

Learn More Frequently Asked Questions Children under 13 aren't allowed to register. How then can I have my younger students use this program? How do I go about creating "dummy" e-mails that are under my control for students? Can we work on Animoto simultaneously while doing in-class assignments? What other benefits do we get from having All-Access? Can other people come across my students' videos or contact my students through the site? How do I use my Classroom Code? We will provide a link that contains your Classroom Code. Your students will receive All-Access upon successfully registering through that link. Please make sure that they register through that link (or else they just register w/o actually getting the All-Access Pass). Embed: <script type="text/javascript" src=" 88deb29/f97b9382/cpid/cd3bba1ccd6c96e1/autostart/false/repeat/false/widget.js"> Animoto es una aplicación que os permitirá subir vuestras imágenes para crear un video con ellas. Hasta aquí nada muy especial. La novedad es que os permite poner música en la secuencia, de forma que el ritmo de la música marcará el paso entre una foto y otra. El resultado es un video espectacular, más parecido a un videoclip que a un montaje casero. Animoto usa tecnología de inteligencia artificial usada actualmente en el cine, con sistemas de movimiento hasta ahora nunca vistos en la web. Los videos generados pueden ser bajados, compartidos en algunas redes sociales, guardados en iPod y iPhone, enviados por email a vuestros amigos, quemados en un DVD o mostrados en vuestro blog (como el ejemplo que os pongo abajo)… Los creadores son profesionales del mundo del cine y de la música, como podéis ver en este pedacito de press release: Animoto aplikazioaren bidez bideo bat eratu ahal dugu guk igotako irudiekin. Baina horrez gain musika ipini ahal diogu sekuentziari, musika horrek irudien arteko translazioaren erritmoa markatuko du. Lortutako emaitza bideoklipa bat dirudi. <param name="movie"

value=" 5788deb29/3a75963f/-cpid/70c4480acd6c96e1/autostart/false/repeat/false" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed id="W46928cc51133af1748ffd955f4b9013b" name="" src=" 88deb29/3a75963f/-cpid/70c4480acd6c96e1/autostart/false/repeat/false" width="432" height="260" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" allowNetworking="all" allowScriptAccess="always" />
Animotoren bidez egindako bideoak jaitsi, konpartitu eta e-mailez bidali ahal dira eta gure blogean txertatu embed kodea kopiatzen bada.. (Bi botoi ezberdinak: ezkerrekoa ondo dabil) You Tubera exportatu ahal da handik txertatzeko ere bai. Froga egiteak merezi du! ANIMOTO FOR EDUCATION:

Oso interesgarria da ere Animoto for Education, hor ikasleek egindako bideoak topatuko dituzue eta haien artean: Be a Buddy, not a Bully!, berdinen arteko tratu txarrak prebenitzeko programa baten barruan ikasleek eratutako bideoa.

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