Hrms 9may

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TO Mr. Hammant (HOD of MCA Department) Advance Institute of Management, Ghaziabad

Submitted By Name: Diwakar Sharma MCA 6th SEM Roll No-0611514009

Acknowledgement I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to all those people who extended their wholehearted co-operation and have helped me in completing this project successfully. First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Goel (Project Manager) for creating


to undertake me in the esteemed organization. Special thanks to Mr. Dharmendra Dutt (Project Leader) for all the help and guidance extended to me by him in every stage during my training. His inspiring suggestions and timely guidance enabled me to perceive the various aspects of the project in a new light I am highly indebted and graceful to Mr. Anubhav (Team Leader) for their strict supervision, constant encouragement, inspiration and guidance, which ensure the worthiness of my work. Working under them was an enrich experience. I express my sincere thanks to my senior of software development department for their encouragement and valuable suggestion I would also thank to my internal project guide Mr. Ankur Jain, who guided me a lot in completing this project. I would also like to thank my parents & project mate for guiding and encouraging me throughout the duration of the project. In all I found a congenial work environment in BIPS SYSTEM and this completion of the project will mark a new beginning for me in the coming days. Name- Diwakar Sharma MCA-6thSem Roll No- 0611514009


• Company Profile


COMPANY PROFILE This is the era of Information Technology. Its significance is vital in our lives because it presents infinite opportunities for growth and development through Internet. A key ingredient for the Internet to be successful is the state-of-art net infrastructure to converge different media and source with integral knowledge and clear concept are very essential. BIPS SYSTEMS LTD. is an ISO 9001:2001 Standard leading IT company in India since 17 years, providing Offshore IT Services & solutions with services such as outsourcing software development India, Web Development India, Product Development, E-strategy Consulting, Offshore software development, Web-Enablement Designing, Offshore Application development, Java Development, Enterprise Solutions, .Net Development India, PHP Development, Software Development, Multimedia and Design Solutions 1.1 OUR VISION-: To be the leader in providing time tested state of-the emerging technology solutions & services by partnering with the clients and enabling them to achieve their business objectives by synergizing process improvements. 1.2 Our Mission, Philosophy and Values-: •

Our Mission: To become leader in strategic IT solutions by improving the customer’s Reliability/Productivity/Performance ROI-Return on investments

Our Philosophy:-One team, one goal, nothing is impossible

Value:-Customer success is our success Warranty based service support Maintain all the professional standards and principals from project starting date to project delivering

Why BIPS Systems Limited:

We are unique resource for top IT expertise

Our in-house team of highly professional engineers are extremely dedicated to


needs of our Clients •

Dedicated Facilities & Security


We offer early negotiation of project deadlines and budget and never exceed

Great place to work Environment

Establish Technology-enabled business models that improve productivity, reduce


and improve profitability. Process Services Capabilities • •

Custom Software Development Application Development

Web Application Development

Enterprise Application Development

Content Management Systems

E-Commerce Solutions

Web Design And Development

Flash Development

Web Marketing/SEO

Software Maintenance

Content Development Services

Web Design Bips system services feature the creation of high traffic Internet homepages with striking visuals, customized content, and great attention to user interface details. We develop uncompromising online solutions that draw from our unique resources and insights to achieve client-driven goals. Our hard work and perseverance has determined our success. Software Development Bips system dedicated software development team has a unique combination of technical expertise, functional knowledge base, result oriented management and extensive experience. We believe in developing long lasting business solution rather Than just developing an application, which satisfies your needs for short period. Software development at BIPS Systems is robust, scalable and secure.


Technologies (web & software development)  .NET [Framework 3.0/ 2.0/ 1.1(C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, AJAX/ ATLAS  JAVA/ J2EE  PHP  Dot Net Nuke (DNN)  Data Migration  Data Warehousing  Maintenance & Support  New Product Design & Development  D2K Technologies (Database Solutions)  Oracle  Microsoft SQL Server  My SQL  Sybase SQL Server  MS Access






PROJECT DETAIL INTRODUCTION:In almost every big organization, managing people and resources have been a difficult task. For organizations with more than hundred or thousands of employees, managing each employee’s details, loans and advances, attendance, multiple shifts and overtime etc., is impossible without an efficient system. The Human Resource Management (HRMS) system is built to handle personnel of varying conditions. It also replicates personal information held across the department as required. HR Manager plays a pivotal role in the Organization. He is the leader of (Managing men, materials, money & Machines Generally money will be taken care if proper planning is there. But the Machines, Men, to be managed is very difficult. As men will be having different attitudes, Behaviors, interest. Functionalities • • • • • • • • • •

Recognition of master data including employee personal, educational with technical & official record. Recognition of Cadre. Token allotment of employees. Record keeping of employees. Bonus & ex-gratia payment to employees. Increment & arrear to employees. Leave details (Provision of applicable, Opening leave, Medical leave, Earn leave & financial year wise leave maintenance) At the time of leaving the service balance leave (Only PL) payment. Financial year wise opening leave process Employee history from joining to till date.

Select Reports • • • • • •

Cadre wise staff master. Employees service records. Employees provident fund scheme and employee pension scheme. Employee advance/recovery registers. Employee enquiries and its result. Other on Requirement



The purpose of the project in organizational perspective is to generate a fully centralized and computerized Hr procedure and application system. All the data of the organization is needed to be present on the system so that when ever there is a need to see or extract any information it can be done. Organization wanted a system to simplify all the functioning of organization to become simple and easy to handle. With the help of all the collected information, I analyzed the proposed system and finally designed the system according to the need of organization’s management as they cleared earlier that they don’t want to expense much on the training the employee. So, as the interface should be user friendly, I designed the I/O designed according to it, so that there is very less need of awareness of the S/W. A user only needs to know the basic procedures to operate on this project, as the inputs are automatically provided in the list boxes as and when required. Basic procedures to operate the S/W are provided in the user manual. The objective of the project is to resolve the problems occurring in the physical system and provide a computerized solution. It keeps complete record of various transactions are made as and when required. Different queries are answered time to time and also the detailed reports are generated in desired format for the information to management Today’s organizations are driven by the capabilities of their employees. Management requires significant information about its human resources to make crucial business decisions. And then there are statutory requirements to maintain employee data. With paper-based, spreadsheet based or home-grown systems, HR Professionals spend a lot of their time in maintaining and updating employee data. If calculated in terms of the man-hours required to maintain employee data, these systems prove very expensive and inefficient. Even after tremendous efforts there are lots of data gaps and A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) is a software application that combines many human resources functions, including benefits administration, payroll, recruiting and training, and performance analysis and review into one package Inconsistencies making it difficult to find employee information or generate desired reports. There are many functions that require a tremendous amount of human intervention in the HR department. For instance, New Hires, Terminations, Benefit Enrollment, Salary Reviews, create enormous paper work. With Perfect Alerts, these are all automated so that when a new hire is entered in the system, all of the forms and


 Project Development Environment Sl. No.




Windows 2003 server with .NET framework Oracle 10g

3. Web presentation

HTML 4.0

4. Windows Forms


5. Client Side Scripting

Java Script

6. Code behind language


7. I.D.E.

MS Visual Studio .NET 2.0

8. Case Tool

Erwin 4.0

9. Version Control

VSS (Visual Source Safe)

1. Server Operating System

10. Diagramming Tool

MS Visio 2000

11. Unit Testing tool

N-Unit 2.0

12. C# Refractory tool

C# Refectory 2.0

13. Browser

IE 6.0 & Above

 Project Deployment Environment Sl. No.




Windows 2003 server with .NET framework Oracle 10g

3. Web Server

IIS 5.0 or Above

1. Server Operating System

Technologies to be used: ASP.Net-

Active Server Pages using C#

Java Script - Form Validation Database -

Oracle 10g 11

Minimum hardware requirements for this system are as follows: •

For Deployment – Web Server S.No Hardware requirement 1. Processor 2. RAM 3. HDD Storage

Configuration Intel P-IV 2.0 GHz or above 1 GB 100 GB(minimum)

For Deployment – Client Hardware requirement (Core to due) 1. Processor 2. RAM 3. HDD Storage


Configuration 2.4 GHz or above 1 GB 160 GB

I. Working Methodology The system should adhere to the following Working Methodology: •

Data access from Centralized Database at Client site.

Publishing Data or Information should adopted via Internet (TCP/IP)

II. Operational Requirements The Operational requirements of the system are as follows: •

The system would assist user in the operations

The downtime should be minimal for the system

The system would be developed to cater the sales forecast process of the company and the business support requirements

III. Security Criteria The security Criteria of the system are as follows: •

Access to the system using Login ID and Password

Assignment of privileges would be role based

Standard security practices would be followed, i.e. password policy.

Security should correspond to the following ascending privilege:

General Users

Dept. Users ( Internal User) 12




Every organization must keep record of their employee along with other necessary records. For almost any business large or small, collecting information and making it available to those who need to use it is better done with computers. The function of Human Resources departments is generally administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation. Efficient and effective management of "Human Capital" has progressed to an increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing specialized Human Resource Management System. This system is to assist in maintaining Employees personal information, Leave details, Promotion, Increment, Advance from Department & Recovery Schedules, Medical Reimbursement, Transfer, Disciplinary action, Retirement, Post Retirement benefit, Enquiries and maintaining details of Court cases etc. It also

helps to maintain transactions related to

CPF and Pay Scale and to produce various reports for internal as well as statutory purpose. This project is made for the HR department of any organization. There are that arise during the manual working. They are as follows

some problems

 There may be some problems during the searching records of employees in their personal file record  Searching the records of employee in takes a lot of time.  Time taken in preparations of various reports is considerable Features:1. Improve efficiency on human resource management and payroll processing 2. Provide accurate and timely financial data 3. To facilitate the management of human resources


4. The primary objective of HRMS is to improve the quality of human resources data, and thereby provide better HR services to individuals.

Overall (General) Description will describe major components of the system, interconnection and external interfaces. Specific Requirements will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and constraints. Document Objectives: This document has the information about System requirement Specification for GNIDA Proposed Human Resource System. This document contains required functionality of HR Management System.


Major Module of Human Resource of Management  Employee Profile  Leave Management System  Payroll Management System  Loan History Management  System Employee Profile  Employee Transfer, Promotions & Increments  Training Management  Recruitment Process  Assets Management  Medical, LTA Reimbursement  HRD Procedures  Reports



1. Employee Profile Employee Joining Information. Probation Confirmation details. Employee Profile. Employee Current position and job profile. Family background details. Employee Local address and References details. Employee Emergency address and contact person details. Employee Qualification and experience details. Employee Medical History. Employee Accidents Information. Awards given to Employee and their Children. Documents submitted by employee. Employee Club Membership Profile. Assets given to employee. Employees extra Circular Activities / sports / social etc. Employee Training details. Employee Appraisals History. Facility given to Employee.

2. Leave Management System User Defined Leave types. Leave Balance Details. Leave Application. Leave Approvals. Employee Shift & Shift rotation with respect to shift cycle. Employee time management, Late Coming, Early going, Absence due to travel on Duty etc. Attendance data can be transfer from any Time Recording Machine. Overtime Details. Manual Attendance done By Employee details.


3. Payroll Management System User defined Salary Heads. Salary formula. Professional Tax Slab (State-wise). Create your own Salary Structures. Payslip Generation

4. Loan History Management System User Defined Loan Types and Interest rate. Employee loans & Repayments and History Management. Loan Application. Loan Approvals.

5. Loan History Management System User Defined Loan Types and Interest rate. Employee loans & Repayments and History Management. Loan Application. Loan Approvals.

6. Training Management Training Scheduled. Assign Employee to training. Assign Department to training. Training Feedback. Training History. Instructors Details.


7. Recruitment Process Department Requisition & Consolidation. Candidate Profile Bank. Candidate Profile against Department Requisition. Candidates By Employee References. Candidates By Placement Agencies. Interview Schedules and Selection. Interview Details. Offer Letter. Transfer Selected Candidates Details to Employee Profile.

8. Asset Management Asset details. Vendors Details. Assigning asset to Employees. Asset Location Details. Un-Utilized Asset Details.


9. Medical, LTA Reimbursement LTA Application LTA Approval. Medical Reimbursement Application. Medical Reimbursement Approvals. Reimbursement History.

10. HRD Procedures Final Settlement Gratuity Superannuation Tax Calculation






System Development Life Cycle

PHASES: 1.2.1

Initiation Phase

The initiation of a system (or project) begins when a business need or opportunity is identified. A Project Manager should be appointed to manage the project. This business need is documented in a Concept Proposal. After the Concept Proposal is approved, the System Concept Development Phase begins. 1.2.2

System Concept Development Phase

Once a business need is approved, the approaches for accomplishing the concept are reviewed for feasibility and appropriateness. The Systems Boundary Document identifies the scope of the system and requires Senior Official approval and funding before beginning the Planning Phase. 1.2.3

Planning Phase

The concept is further developed to describe how the business will operate once the approved system is implemented, and to assess how the system will impact employee and customer privacy. To ensure the products and /or services provide the required capability on-time and within budget, project resources, activities, schedules, tools, and reviews are defined. Additionally, security certification and accreditation activities begin with the identification of system security requirements and the completion of a high level vulnerability assessment. 1.2.4

Requirements Analysis Phase

Functional user requirements are formally defined and delineate the requirements in terms of data, system performance, security, and maintainability requirements for the system



Design Phase

The physical characteristics of the system are designed during this phase. The operating environment is established, major subsystems and their inputs and outputs are defined, and processes are allocated to resources. Everything requiring user input or approval must be documented and reviewed by the user. The physical characteristics of the system are specified and a detailed design is prepared. Subsystems identified during design are used to create a detailed structure of the system. Each subsystem is partitioned into one or more design units or modules. Detailed logic specifications are prepared for each software module. 1.2.6

Development Phase

The detailed specifications produced during the design phase are translated into hardware, communications, and executable software. Software shall be unit tested, integrated, and retested in a systematic manner. Hardware is assembled and tested. 1.2.7

Integration and Test Phase

The various components of the system are integrated and systematically tested. The user tests the system to ensure that the functional requirements, as defined in the functional requirements document, are satisfied by the developed or modified system. Prior to installing and operating the system in a production environment, the system must undergo certification and accreditation activities. 1.2.8

Implementation Phase

The system or system modifications are installed and made operational in a production environment. The phase is initiated after the system has been tested and accepted by the user. This phase continues until the system is operating in production in accordance with the defined user requirements. This SDLC describes an overall structured approach to information management. Primary emphasis is placed on the information and systems.



Operations and Maintenance Phase

The system operation is ongoing. The system is monitored for continued performance in accordance with user requirements, and needed system modifications are incorporated. The operational system is periodically assessed through In-Process Reviews to determine how the system can be made more efficient and effective. Operations continue as long as the system can be effectively adapted to respond to an organization’s needs. When modifications or changes are identified as necessary, the system may reenter the planning phase. 1.2.10

Disposition Phase

The disposition activities ensure the orderly termination of the system and preserve the vital information about the system so that some or all of the information may be reactivated in the future if necessary. Particular emphasis is given to proper preservation of the data processed by the system, so that the data is effectively migrated to another system or archived in accordance with applicable records management regulations and policies, for potential future access. SDLC Objectives This guide was developed to disseminate proven practices to system developers, project managers, program/account analysts and system . The specific objectives expected include the following: •

To reduce the risk of project failure

To consider system and data requirements throughout the entire life of the system

To identify technical and management issues early

To disclose all life cycle costs to guide business decision To foster realistic expectations of what the systems will and will not provide information to better balance programmatic, technical, management, and cost aspects of proposed system development or modification



• • • •





REQUIRMENTS ANALYSYS SYSTEM STUDY AND PROBLEM FORMULATION 1. THE EXISTING SYSTEM The existing system work manually. The existing system has got lot of intricacies within itself and need lot of human effort and paper works. All above the data need to be maintained on ledgers and maintaining this is a tedious and risky process. As the transaction increases, so data too task of maintaining them increases exponentially. To view a data may need lot of paper to be searched. Some of the negative aspects of the existing system are as follows: 1) Course of action is time consuming. Wherever a need for search arises, the process evolves search through paper records. 2) Readability of records is constrained. All the records may not be handled or written by the same person. So the format and style of records differ and hence it is difficult to understand. 3) Paper records are easily damaged in course of time. The life time of paper record is unreliable less that it easily gets spoiled. 4) Expenditure is high. Manual system needs added man power. 5) Prone to corruption by unauthorized users. Securing of manual system is not fully guaranteed. Inaccuracy can be expected. Data can get easily scratched. 6) Techniques used are more complicated. Proper techniques are not exposed, so the functioning is intricate. To overcome these, the proposed system has been suggested.


1.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system is a computerized one. This has greater accuracy and efficiency. This takes only limited time for calculation. The proposed system can be used to maintain efficiently the HR Department schedule of any type of company. In larger organizations employees are large. At that time also the proposed system is useful and helpful. HR Management System is not only become a desire of the company but it become the need of the company. The system includes two users. 1. Administrator(HR) 2. General User The user gets into the system using user name and a unique password. Each user has his own accessibility permission to accomplish his task flawlessly. Advantages of the proposed system are 1. Easy access to the data 2. The new system is more users friendly, reliable and flexible. 3. Pop-up menus to carry out transactions for a new user, and for other alert messages. 4. Timely Report generation. 1. Requirement Analysis At the heart of system analysis is a detailed understanding of all important facets of business area under investigation. (For this reason, the process of acquiring this is often termed the detailed investigation) Analyst, working closely with the employees and managers, must study the business process to answer these key questions:  What is being done?  How is it being done?  How frequent does it occur?


 How great is the volume of transaction or decisions?  How well is the task being performed?  Does a problem exist?  If a problem exists, how serious is it?  If a problem exists, what is the underlying cause? Requirement analysis relies on fact-finding techniques. These include:  Interview  Questionnaires  Record inspection  On-site observation IDENTIFICATION OF NEED In the world we are growing for globalization day by day with the development in IT resources and advancement, by using latest technologies every organization wants to beat its competitors and want to grow. Enterprise Resourceful Planning is the need of today’s organization. Survival on manual system is difficult so, that’s why organization of the corporate world wants to computerize their departments. The modules should be complete database driven and interactive that should provide the proper information about the Placement and Training Organization. Success of any system depends up to a large extent on how accurately a problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out to the choice of solution. Analysis is the only phase in which the requirements for the new system are identified. System analysis is a detailed study of the Various operations performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the system. The question is: what must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of Analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related system The feasibility study is carried out by a small


group of people who are familiar with information system techniques, the project, and are skilled in the system analysis and design process.



SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirement specification (SRS) is the starting point of the software development activity. Little importance was given to this phase in the early days of software development. The emphasis was first on coding and then shifted to design. As systems grew more complex, it became evident that the goals of the entire system cannot be easily comprehended. Hence the need for the requirement analysis phase arose. Now, for large software systems, requirements analysis is perhaps the most difficult activity and also the most error prone. Some of the difficulty is due to the scope of this phase. The software project is initiated by the client’s needs. In the beginning these needs are in the minds of various people in the client organization. The requirement analyst has to identify the requirements by talking to these people and understanding their needs. In situations where the software is to automate a currently manual process, most of the needs can be understood by observing the current practice. The SRS is a means of translating the ideas in the minds of the clients (the input), into formal document (the output of the requirements phase). Thus, the output of the phase is a set of formally specified requirements, which hopefully are complete and consistent, while the input has none of these properties.

PLATEFORM (Technologies/Tools)


PLATEFORM (Technology/Tool Selection) .NET: .NET is a framework which provides the application development environment using different languages. .NET was originally called NGWS (Next Generation Windows Service). It is a platform neutral framework which serves as a layer between the operating system and the programming language. It provides a common set of classes, which can be accessed from any .NET based programming language. It is Microsoft’s new internet and web strategy. C# & ASP.NET: C# is a language built specifically to program the Microsoft’s .NET framework. The .Net frameworks consist of a runtime environment called the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and a set of class libraries which provide a rich development platform. C# is a new programming language and is significant in two respects: •

It is specifically designed and targeted for use with Microsoft’s .NET Framework.

It is a language based on modern object oriented design methodology.

ASP stands for active server pages is a Microsoft technology for creating Web pages with dynamic content. ASP.NET is the latest version of ASP. It includes Web Services to link applications, services and devices using HTTP, HTML, XML and SOAP. It provides access to all the controls on a page as objects. It is a part of .Net Framework and is a technology that allows for the dynamic creation of documents on a Web server when they are requested via HTTP. One of the key properties of ASP.NET pages is that they are effectively stateless. ASP.NET is a server-side technology for creating dynamic web pages and interactive web applications. It uses any full-fledged programming languages supported by .NET such as C#, VB.NET and Java. C#.NET is the programming language used for the implementation of this application.


.NET Framework Architecture The .NET framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft .NET platform. The .NET framework is a common environment for building, deploying and running web services and web applications. The .NET framework contains common class libraries like ADO .NET, ASP .NET and windows forms to provide advanced standard services that can be integrated into variety of computer systems. .NET terminology contains: •

CLR: Central to the .NET framework is its runtime execution environment, known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR) or the .NET runtime. Code running under the control of CLR is termed as managed code. The CLR provides infrastructure services to support execution of managed code. These services include automatic memory management, type safety, thread and process management, security and versioning.

Managed Code: Managed Code is the code which is created in .NET environment and supported by CLR. It is a low level language with a simple syntax which can be very quickly translated into native machine code.

Intermediate Language: Intermediate Language (IL) is a language by which we obtain platform independence in .NET. Any source code is compiled to IL before it is executed. However, before managed code is executed by the CLR, any source code that we develop needs to be compiled. Compilation occurs in two steps in .NET :

Compilation of source code to IL.

Compilation of IL to platform specific code by the CLR.

Assembly: An assembly is the logical unit that contains compiled code targeted at the .NET framework. An assembly is completely self describing, and is a logical rather than a physical


Unit which means that it can be stored across more than one file. It contains code that runtime executes. •

Application Domain : Application Domain are an important innovation in .NET and are designed to ease the overhead involved when running application that needs to be isolated from each other, but also need to be able to communicate to each other. Example of this is Web server application, which may be simultaneously responding to a number of browser requests.

.NET Framework Base Class Library: One of the biggest benefits of writing managed code, at least from the developer’s point of view, is that you get to use .NET base class library. The .NET base classes are a massive collection of managed code classes that allow we to do almost any task that were previously available through the Windows API. This mean that we can either instantiate objects of whichever .NET base class is appropriate, or we can derive our own classes from them.

Common Type Systems: The CLR can provide infrastructure services to IL, generated by any programming language. The data type problem is solved in .NET through the use of the Common Type System (CTS). The CTS defines the predefined data types that are available in IL, so that all languages that targets that .NET Framework will produce compiled code that is ultimately based on these types.

Common Language Specification: The Common Language Specification (CLS) works with the CTS to ensure language interoperability. The CLS is a set of minimum standards that all compilers targeting .NET must support. Garbage Collector: Garbage Collector is a tool which helps in memory management. It

frees the memory which is occupied by the dereference objects or instances of the classes. The .Net infrastructure consists of all the technologies that help in creating and running robust scalable and distributed applications. The core of the .Net infrastructure is the .Net framework which is a collection of services and classes. It exists as a layer between .Net applications and underlying operating system.


C # Source Code

VB .NET Source Code


Assembly containin g IL code

Language Interoper ability Through CTS &

Assembly Containing IL Code .NET base classes


CLR Organin JIT Compilati on



Security permissio n granted Garbage Collector COM services

Legacy COM component

ASP .NET SERVER ASP enables to create dynamic content. ASP.NET provides access to all the controls on a page as objects, in a rich environment. On the server side we also have access to other .NET classes,


allowing for the integration of many useful services. Controls used on a page expose a lot of functionality. ASP.NET works with Internet Information Server (IIS) to deliver content in response to HTTP request. ASP.NET pages are found in aspx files. During ASP.NET processing we have access to all .NET classes, custom component created in C# or other language, databases and so on. An ASP.NET file can contain any of the following: •

Processing instructions for the server.

Code in any language that the .NET Framework supports.

Content in whatever form is appropriate for the generated resource, such as

Client-side script server controls.

Embedded ASP.NET server controls.


Why we are using Oracle (RDBMS)? Some of the merits of using Oracle (RDBMS) are as under: •

Centralization of database.

Client Server Technology.


Normalization of Data Base.


Transaction Processor.

It gives some internet related features.

Hence because of these features we are using Oracle as a back-end technology Weather you are working on LAN projects or Distributed projects, there are two sides of it:•

Front End

Back End


Front End remains on client side. Front end is made for end user who uses our application. Basically in front end, our input-output forms reside which takes the input from the client and gives output back to client. Backend remains on server side and has two components viz. •

Server side programs

Data Base

Database is the most important thing in this universe as database gives identity to a thing. It provides us with a repository where we can store ample amount of data, at one place. Without a database, existence of a thing is impossible. While working on a project first step is to design a database. What is a database? Data Base is a collection of tables and table is a collection of records in a tabular form i.e. in row and columns format. A database is a storage place for data. The user runs an application that accesses data from the database and presents it to the user in an understandable format. Data Base can be divided into two parts:•



We will be using RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) in our project i.e. oracle 10g Enterprise Edition.

ORACLE 10g: Oracle 10g Database is the first database designed for enterprise grid computing, the most flexible and cost effective way to manage information and applications. Enterprise grid computing creates large pools of industry-standard, modular storage and servers. With this architecture, each new system can be rapidly provisioned from the pool of components. There is no need for peak workloads, because capacity can be easily added or reallocated from the resource pools as needed.


Relational Database: There are different ways to organize data in a database but relational databases are one of the most effective. Relational database systems are an application of mathematical set theory to the problem of effectively organizing data. In a relational database, data is collected into tables (called relations in relational theory). Client/Server: In a client/server system, the server is a relatively large computer in a central location that manages a resource used by many people. When individuals need to use the resource, they connect over the network from their computers, clients, to the server. An Oracle database is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose of a database is to store and retrieve related information. A database server is the key to solving the problems of information management. In general, a server reliably manages a large amount of data in a multi-user Environment so that many users can concurrently access the same data. All this is accomplished while delivering high performance. A Database server also prevents unauthorized access and provides efficient solutions for failure recovery. The ORACLE database has logical structures and physical structures. Because the physical and logical structures are separate, the physical storage of data can be managed without affecting the access to logical storage structure Oracle 10g contains all the features of features. Oracle servers provide deficient & effective solution for the major features. 

Large Database & Space Management Control:-

Oracle supports the largest database potential of hundreds of Giga Bytes in size. To


efficient use of expensive devices, it allows full control of space usage. 

Many Concurrent Database Performances:-

It supports large no of concurrent users executing a variety of database applications operation on the same data. It minimizes data connection & guarantees data concurrency.

High Transaction Processing Performance:-

Oracle maintains the processing features with a high degree of overall system performance. Database users don’t suffer from slow processing performance.


 High Availability Oracle works 24 hours a day with no downtime or limited database throughput. Normal system operation such as database backup & partial system failure doesn’t interrupt database use. 

Controlled Availability

Oracle can selectively control the availability of data at the database level & sub database level. E.g. an administrator can disallow use of a specific application .Data can be reloaded without affecting other application.

Industry Accepted Standards

Oracle adheres to industry accepted standards for the data access language operating system, user interface & network communication protocols.

Manageable Security

To protect against unauthorized database aspects & users, Oracle provides failsafe security features to limit & monitor the data area. The system makes it easy to manage even the most completed designs for data assets.

Database Enforced Integrity

Oracle enforces data integrity “Business rules”, that dictate the standards for applicable data. As a result, the cost of coding & managing checks in many database applications is eliminated.  Distributed Database System For community environment that are connected via networks, Oracle combines the data physically located on different computers in one logical database that can be accessed by all the network users. Distributed systems have same degree of user transparency & data consistency as non-distributed systems, yet receive the advantages of local database management.


 Portability:-Oracle software is compatible to work under different operating


& same on all system. Applications developed on Oracle can be used on virtually any system with little or no more modification.  Compatibility:Oracle software is compatible with industry standards, including

most industry standard

operating systems. Applications developed on Oracle can be used on virtually any system with little or no modification.  Connectivity:-Oracle software allows different types of computers & operating


to share information in networks. NEW FEATURES OF ORACLE 10G  Improved Scalability:- The maximum size of an Oracle database has been increased to support hundreds of terabytes depending on the operating system on which it resides.  Improved Security Oracle 10g server now includes password management so that a password has a limited lifetime & must meet certain complexity such as minimum length. An account can be locked after a specified number of failed login attempts. 

Improved Performance via Partition

A table of index can be divided into smaller pieces called partitions, based on the value of one or more columns. A table partitions can be individually managed so that operation in one partition does not affect the availability of data on other partitions. Also insert, update, delete operations against a partitioned table can be processed partially. In other words, the Oracle 8 server can assign a portion of the work to execute a single DML statement to multiple processes, which may then be allocated to multiple processes by the server operating system. As a result, the parallel DML operations are completed more quickly. 

Enhanced Support for Database Replication

The performance & manageability of database replication has been significantly improved. 

New & Improved Data Types Some existing data types have been enhanced & new data types have been introduced.


 Grid computing (or the use of computational grids) is the application of several computers to a single problem at the same time — usually to a scientific or technical problem that requires a great number of computer processing cycles or access to large amounts of data.  One of the main grid computing strategies is to use software to divide and apportion pieces of a program among several computers, sometimes up to many thousands. Grid computing can also be thought of as distributed and large-scale cluster computing, as well as a form of network-distributed parallel processing . It can be small — confined to a network of computer workstations within a corporation, for example — or it can be a large, public collaboration across many companies or networks.  Grid computing enables multiple applications to share computing infrastructure, resulting in much greater flexibility, cost, power efficiency, performance, scalability and availability, all at the same time. Validation Checks Following type of checks/data validations are implemented in project:  Data type  Length  Constraints  Blank field  Format

Data type: have use String type for character, Int for numeric, and Date for date type. Characters can never be inputted in numeric field or in date field like phone no. Never accepts a character if any person inputs wrongly appropriate message is displayed. When this problem is removed then user can perform further operation.

Length: Maximum length is specified wherever necessary so it never accepts more data .for example in case of Pan Number the max length specified 10 and in case of


phone no length is 11. If user gives more character than required then appropriate error message is displayed. 

Constraints: In this range is defined for the data if data is less than then error message is displayed. For example password cannot be less than 6 characters.

Blank field: When users add data and some field is left blank then error message is displayed and working stops till the time error message is removed.

Format: The pre define standard formats are used in the project. For example format of Pan Numbers is 4 characters, then 4 numbers followed by 2 characters and in case of date the format is DD/MM/YYYY. If user inserts in any other format then error message is displayed.

Hardware & Software Requirements

Hardware requirement: Main Processor: Hard-disk Capacity: RAM: Clock Speed: Keyboard: Monitor:

Pentium IV 8 G.B 1GB 2.8 Hz 104 K V.G.A

Software Requirement: Operating System: Front-end tool: Backend tool: Validation Language Front end Language

Window XP Visual Studio 2005 Oracle 10g Java Script Asp .Net using C#




Feasibility Study Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing the process followed making this determination is called feasibility study. This of determines if a project can and should be taken. Once it has been determined that a project is feasible, the analyst can go ahead and prepare the project specification which finalizes project requirements. Generally, feasibility studies are undertaken within right time constraints and normally culminate in a written and oral feasibility report. The contents and recommendations of such a study will be used as a sound basis for deciding whether to proceed, postpone or cancel the project. Thus, since the feasibility study may lead to the commitment of large resources, it becomes necessary that it should be conducted competently and that no fundamental errors of judgment are made. There are following types of inter-related feasibility. 1. Technical feasibility 2. Operational feasibility 3. Economic feasibility 1. Technical feasibility: This is concerned with specifying equipment and software and hardware that will successfully satisfy the user requirement. The technical needs off the system may vary considerably, but might include: •

The facility to produce output in a given time.

Response time under certain conditions.

Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular speed. Facility to communicate data to distant location.


In examining technical feasibility, configuration of the system is given more importance than the actual make of hardware.

The configuration should give the complete picture about the system requirements. What Speeds of input and output should be achieved at particular quality of printing According to the definition of technical feasibility the compatibility between front-end and back-end is very Important. In our project the compatibility of both is very good. The degree of compatibility of and ORACLE 10g is very good. The speed of out put is very good when we enter the data and click button then the response time is very fast and give result very quickset. I never find difficulty when we use complex query or heavy transaction. The speed of transaction is always smooth and constant. This software provides facility to communicate data to distant location. We use as a front end due to following reason: •

Easy implementation of code.

Well define interface with database.

Well define hand shaking of ORACLE 10g.

Easy debugging.

At present scenario the no. of backend are available but we have selected ORACLE 10g because of the following number of reasons. •

Able to handle large data.


Robust RDBMS.

Backup & recovery.

With the help of above support we remove defect of existing software. In future we can easily switch over any plate form. To ensure that system does not halt in case of undesired situations 48

or events. Problem affected of any module does not affect any module of the system. A change of hardware does not produce problem. 2. Operational Feasibility It is mainly related to human organizational and political aspects. The points to be considered are: •

What changes will be brought with the system? •

What organization structures are disturbed?

What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time? At present stage all the work is done manually. So, throughput and response time is too much. Major problem is lack of security check that should have been applied. Finding out the details regarding customer’s transaction was very difficult, because data store was in different books and different places. In case of any problem, no one can solve the problem until the person responsible is not present. Current communication is entirely on telephonic conversation or personal meetings. Post computerization staff can interact, using internet. Now, we will explain the last point of operational feasibility i.e. handling and keeping of software, at every point of designing we will take care that menu options are not too complex and can be easily learned and required least amount of technical skills as operators are going to be from non-computers back ground. The system will be used if it is developed well then be resistance for users that undetermined No major training and new skills are required as it is based on DBMS model. •

It will help in the time saving and fast processing and dispersal of user request and applications.

New product will provide all the benefits of present system with better performance.

Improved information, better management and collection of the reports.

User support.


User involvement in the building of present system is sought to

keep in mind the user

specific requirement and needs. •

User will have control over there own information. Important information such as pay-slip can be generated at the click of a button.

Faster and systematic processing of user application approval, allocation of IDs, payments, etc. used had greater chances of error due to wrong information entered by mistake.

3. Econom ic Feasibility: Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness of a proposed system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis: the procedure is to determine the benefits and saving that are expected from a proposed system and compare them with cost. If benefits outweigh cost, a decision is taken to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or alternative in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. 4. Behavioral Feasibility People are inherent to change. In this type of feasibility check, we come to know if the newly developed system will be taken and accepted by the working force i.e. the people who will use it.


• • • • •





SYSTEM DESIGN Introduction System design provides the understandings and procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the system study. Emphasis is on the translating the performance requirements into design specifications. The design phase is a transition from a user-oriented document (System proposal) to a document oriented to the programmers or database personnel. System design goes through two phases of development: 1. Logical Design 2. Physical Design 1. Logical and Output Design: A data flow diagram shows the logical flow of the system. For a system it describes the input (source), output (destination), database (data stores) and procedures (data flows) all in a format that meets the user’s requirement. When analyses prepare the logical system design, they specify the user needs at a level of detail that virtually determines the information flow into an out of the system and the required data resources. The logical design also specifies input forms and screen layouts. The activities following logical design are the procedure followed in the physical design e.g., producing programs, software, file and a working system. Design specifications instruct the user about what the system should do The logical design of an information system is analogous to an engineering blue print of an automobile. It shows the major features and how they are related to one another. The detailed specification for the new system was drawn on the bases of user’s requirement data. The outputs inputs and databases are designed in this phase. Output design is one of the most important features of the information system. When the output is not of good quality the users will be averse to use the newly designed system and may not use the system. There are many types of output, all of which can be either highly useful or can be critical to the users, depending on the manner and degree to which they are used. Outputs from computer system are required primarily to communicate the results of processing to users; they are also used to


provide a permanent hard copy of these results for later consultation. Various types of outputs required can be listed as below: •

External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organization

Internal outputs, whose destination is with the organization

Operational outputs, whose use is purely with in the computer department e.g., programlisting etc.

Interactive outputs, which involve the user is communicating directly with


computer, It is particularly important to consider human factor when designing computer outputs. End user must find outputs easy to use and useful to their jobs, without quality output, user may find the entire system unnecessary and avoid using it. The term “Output” in any information system may apply to either printer or displayed information. During the designing the output for this system, it was taken into consideration, whether the information to be presented in the form of query of report or to create documents etc. Other important factors that were taken into consideration are: •

The actual usage of the planned information

The information that is necessary for presentation

When and how often output and their format is needed. While designing output for project based Attendance Compilation System, the following aspects of outputs designing were taken into consideration.

The outputs (i.e., well formatted table outputs in the screen itself) designed are simple to read and interpret.

Format of each output was another important point taken into consideration. Output media, for each output appropriate media is decided whether it will be displayed on screen or will be taken to printer or both.

Other output design related specifications, i.e., how frequently the outputs will be generated, how many pages or sheets approximately it will keep up, what is its planned use and output distribution to users are also taken into account.


These were a few major designing issues, which were taken into consideration, while deciding the output specifications for the system. As direct beneficiary of reports is the user community, they were consulted constantly at every level. Formats and screen design for various reports were identified, taking into account the user requirements. Before finalizing these were given to users for any improvement and suggestions. End users issues taken into consideration were Readability, Relevance and Acceptability. Once all the output reports to be generated by ACS system were identified, they were given to users for their acceptance. For prototyping various outputs, final outputs models were created with dummy data, before they were finalized. Output Sources: Output contents originate from these sources: •

Retrieval from a data source.

Transmission from a process or system activity.

Directly from an input source.

The information produced in an output can be presented as •

Tabular contents

Graphic format

Using Icons

Output Definition: The output should be defined in terms of: Types of outputs •

Content-headings, numeric, alphanumeric, etc.,

Format-hardcopy, screen, microfilm, etc.,

Location-local, remote, transmitted, etc.,

Frequency-daily, weekly, hourly, etc.,


Response-immediate with in a period, etc.,

Data items The name given to each data item should be recorded and its characteristics described clearly in a standard form: •

Whether alphanumeric or numeric

Legitimate and specific range of characteristics

Number of characters

Positions of decimal point, arithmetic design, etc.,

Input Design The input design is the link that ties the information system into the user’s world. Input specifications describe the manner in which data enters the system for processing. Input design features can ensure the reliability of the system and produce results from accurate data, or they can result in the production of erroneous information. Various data items were identified and wherever necessary were recorded. Input designs are aimed at reducing the chances of mistakes of errors. As the human beings are prone to errors there is always a possibility of occurrence of chance of errors. Adequate validation checks are incorporated to ensure error free data storage. Some of the data validation checks applied are as following: •

Redundancy of data is checked. It means the records of primary key do not occur twice.

Primary key field of any table must not be left blank.

Wherever items are coded, input code is checked for it’s validly with respect to several checks.

Utmost care has been taken to incorporate the validation at each stage of the system. E.g. when entering records into employee information table for employee, it is checked that whether the corresponding employee exists in the employee information table etc.,


SOFTWARE DESIGN The purpose of this phase is to plan a solution for the problem specified by the requirement document. This is first step in moving from the problem domain to solution domain. Designing activity is divided into two parts. 1. System Design It aims to identify the modules that should be in the system, the specification of these modules and how they interact with each other to produce the desired result 2. Detailed Design A database is a collection of inter-related data stored with a minimum of redundancy to serve many applications. It minimizes the artificiality embedded in using separate files. The primary objectives are fast response time to enquires, more information at low cost, control of redundancy, clarity and ease of use, accuracy and fast recovery. The organization of data in a database aims to achieve three major objectives, they are data integration, data integrity and data independence. During the design of the database at most care has been taken to keep up the objectives of the database design. 3. Code Design The process of code is to facilitate the identification and retrieve of items of information. The code should be simple and easy to understandable. The codes were designed in such a way that the features such as optimum human – oriented use and machine efficiency are unaffected for the code to be designed effectively; the following characteristics were also considered while designing the code. •







The code should be adequate for present and anticipated data processing for machine and human use. Care was taken to minimize the clerical effort and computer time required to continue operation.



DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Data Flow Diagramming is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, and data sources/destination. The data flow diagram is analogous to a road map. It is a network model of all possibilities with different detail shown on different hierarchical levels. This processes of representing different details level is called “leveling” or “partitioning” by some data flow diagram advocates. Like a road map, there is no starting point or stop point, no time or timing, or steps to get somewhere. We just know that the data path must exist because at some point it will be needed. A road map shows all existing or planned roads because the road is needed. Details that is not shown on the different levels of the data flow diagram such as volumes, timing, frequency, etc. is shown on supplementary diagrams or in the data dictionary. For example, data store contents may be shown in the data dictionary. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) uses a number of symbols to represent the systems. Data Flow Diagram also known as ‘Bubble Chart’ is used to clarify system requirements and identifying the major transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design phase that functionally decomposes the requirements specifications down to the level of details. Data Flow Diagramming is a means of representing a system at any level of detail with a graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores, data processes, and data sources/destination. Details that is not shown on the different levels of the data flow diagram such as volumes, timing, frequency, etc. is shown on supplementary diagrams or in the data dictionary. For example, data store contents may be shown in the data dictionary. Terms used in DFD Process

A process transforms data values. The lowest level processes are pure


without side effects. An entire data flow graphics high level process.

Graphical Representation:


Graphical representation:

Data flow

A data flow connects the output of an object or process to input of another object or process. It represents the intermediate data value within a computation. It is represented by an arrow and labeled with a description of data, usually its name or type. Graphical Representation:


An actor is active object that drives the data flow graph by producing or consuming values. •

Data store

A data store is a passive object with in a data flow diagram that stores data for later access. Graphical Representation: •

External Entity A rectangle represents an external entity such as a new applicant Graphical Representation:

Output Symbol This box represented data production during human computer interaction

Graphical Representation: 60




Automated System Field Information

Employee Personal Details S.No Particular 1. Emp Code 2. Full Name 3. Father’s Name 4. Date of Birth 5. Permanent Address 6. Corresponding Address 7. Contact No. 8. Date of Joining 9. Place of Joining 10. Joining Post 11. Joining Pay Scale 12. Present Post 13. Present Pay Scale 14. Present Cadre 15. Present Place 16. Category 17. Sub Category 18. GPF Acc. No. & Date 19 LIC/GIS Acc. No. & Date Remarks: -


Employee Educational Details S.No Education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remarks: -



Marks (%)



Employee Family/Dependent Details S.No Particular 1. Wife/Husband’s Name 2. No. Of Children (M/F) 3. Children’s Name 4. Children’s Date of Birth 5. Wife/Husband Education 6. Wife/Husband Occupation 7. Wife/Husband Post 8. Wife/Husband Pay Scale 9. Wife/Husband Department 10. Verified by 11. Department Address 12. Job Place 13. Address 14. Contact No. Remarks: -


Deputation Employee Details S.No Particulars 1. Reference No. 2. Order Date 3. Name 4. Date of Joining 5. Designation 6. Date of Releasing Remark:-


Employee Promotion Details S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date 3. Post 4. Pay scale Remark:-



Employee GPF Details S.No Particulars 1. Account No. 2. Opening Month 3. Deduction Month wise 4. Deduction Amount 5. Total Amount Remarks:-


Employee GIS/LIC Details S.No Particulars 1. Account No. 2. Opening Month 3. Deduction Month wise 4. Deduction Amount 5. Total Amount Remarks:Employee Increment Details i) Regular Increment: S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date



8, 14 & 24 Year Increment: Particulars 1. Due Date 2. Order No. 3. Order Date 4. Month of Increment 5. Basic Pay (In Rs.) Remarks:ii)

Permanency: S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date 3. Pay Scale (In Rs.) 4. Post Remarks: -




Leave Details i) Medical Leave: S.No Particulars 1. Due 2. Taken From Date 3. Taken To Date 4. Balance Remarks: ii)




Earn Leave: S.No Particulars 1. Year 2. Due 3. Taken From Date 4. Taken To Date 5. Balance Remarks: Maternally Leave: S.No Particulars 1. Year 2. Due 3. Taken From Date 4. Taken To Date 5. Balance Remarks: Patently Leave: S.No Particulars 1. Year 2. Due 3. Taken From Date 4. Taken To Date 5. Balance Remarks: With Out Pay Leave: S.No Particulars 1. Year 2. Due 3. Taken From Date 4. Taken To Date 5. Balance Remarks: -







Vi] Other’s Leave:S.No Particulars


1. Taken From Date 2. Taken To Date Remarks: Transfer details S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date 3. Department (City) 4. Date of joining 5. Department Name (If Any) 6. Person name (Order by) Remarks:-


C R Entry: S.No Particulars 1. Year 2. Employee Comments 3. Remark of Report Officer 4. Remark of Reviewer Officer 5. Remark of Accepting Officer Comments: -



Disciplinary Action S.No Particulars 1. Date of Taking Action 2. Reason 3. Charge Sheet Date 4. Charge Sheet (Explain) 5. Date of Explanation Remarks: i)





Reply: S.No Particulars 1. Reply Date 2. Reply (Explain) 3. Action Comments: Adverse Entry: S.No Particulars 1. Date 2. Action Comments: Suspension: S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date 3. Date From 4. Date To 5. Department Comments: Revoke Action: S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date 3. Posting Dept. Comments: Adverse Entry Expunge: S.No Particulars 1. Year 2. Order No. 3. Order Date Remarks: -








Resignation: S.No Particulars 1. Date of Resigning 2. Reason 3. Date of Acceptance Comments: Committee Details S.No Particulars 1. Date of Creation 2. Committee Name 3. Motto 4. Member Name 5. Designation (in Committee) Comments: Enquiries i) Departmental: S.No Particulars 1. Order No. 2. Order Date 3. Officer’s Name & Post Remarks: ii)


Other’s: S.No Particulars 1. Department 2. Order No. 3. Order Date 4. Officer’s Name Remarks: Court case: S.No Particulars 1. Petition No 2. Petition Year 3. Court Name 4. Order Passed By Court 5. Dated 6. Implementation Order No. 7. Implementation Date Remarks: -







S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Petition No Petition Year Court Name Order Passed By Court Dated Implementation Order No.

Special Appeal/S.L.P.: Advance from Department i) House building loan: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: ii)



Welfare: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: Vehicle: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: C.P.F.: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Purpose 4. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: -






v)Other’s: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Purpose 4. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: -


Special Facility: i)


Facility Type: S.No Particulars 1. Facility Type ID 2. Facility Type Name Remarks: Facility Allotted: S.No Particulars 1. Type 2. Allotment Date 3. Allotted Emp. Name 4. Order No. 5. Person name (Ordered By) Remarks: -

Recovery Schedule & Position S.No Particulars 1. Head 2. Installment No. 3. Schedule Date/Month 4. Amount (In Rs.) 5. Expiry Date 6. Position Remarks: Medical Reimbursement S.No Particulars 1. Name of Patient 2. Relation 3. Treatment Date (From) 4. Treatment Date (To) 5. Payment order No. 6. Payment Order Date 7. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: -






Retirement S.No Particulars 1. Date of retirement 2. Post of Employee 3. Cadre of Employee 4. Dept. Name Remarks: -

Post-Retirement Benefits i) C.P.F.: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: ii)

Gratuity: S.No Particulars 1. Order No 2. Order Date 3. Amount (In Rs.) Remarks: -







Login Page


Home Page


Master List


Master Department


Master Designation


Master Assign List


Assign Designation to Department


Assign Pay-Scale to Designation


Master Benefit Types


Master Cadre Name


Master Category Name


Master Sub Category


Master Leave Type


Master Loan Type


Master Pay-Scale


Master Grade Type


Master Increment Type


Master Facility Type


Employee Training


Employee List


Deputation Employee Detail


Employee Create Account


Employee Record


Employee Disciplinary Action List


Employee disciplinary Action



Disciplinary Action Reply


Disciplinary Adverse Entry


Employee Disciplinary Expunge


Disciplinary Revoke


Employee CR Entry


Employee Leave List


Leave Detail


Employee Loan List


Loan Detail


Loan Recovery


Employee Service List


Employee Training


Employee Permanent


Employee Promotion


Employee Resignation


Employee Retirement Benefit


Employee Retirement


Employee Transfer Detail


Court Case


Medical Reimbursement


Salary List


Employee Grade Increment


Employee Increment


Committee List


Committee Name


Committee Designation


Committee Detail


Enquiry List


Department Enquiries


Recruitment Post


Recruitment Pay-Scale


Applicant Detail


Applicant Details Update Account


Applicant Education Detail


Applicant Experience Detail


Applicant Technical Qualification Detail


Applicant Interview







Here the System testing involved is the most widely used testing process consisting of five stages as shown in the figure. In general, the sequence of testing activities is component testing, integration testing, and then user testing. However, as defects are discovered at any one stage, they require program modifications to correct them and this may require other stages in the testing process to be repeated.

Unit testing Module testing Subsystem testing System testing

Acceptance testing

(Component testing)

(Integration testing)

(User testing)

Testing is the process of detecting errors. Testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of the software. The results of testing are used later on during maintenance also.


Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. In adequate testing or non-testing leads to errors that may not appear until months or even years later (Remember the New York three day power failures due to a misplaced ‘Break’ statement). This creates two problems: 1. The time lag between the cause and the appearance of the problem. 2. The time interval effect of the system errors on files and the records on the system. A small error can conceivably explode into a much larger problem. Effective testing early in the process translates directly into long term cost savings from a reduced number of errors. Another reason for system testing is it’s utility as a user oriented vehicle before implementation. The best program is worthless if it does not meet the user requirements. Unfortunately, the user’s demands are often compromised by efforts to facilitate program or design efficiency in terms of processing time or design efficiency. Thus in this phase we went to test the code we wrote. We needed to know if the code compiled with the design or not? Whether the code gave the desired outputs on given inputs? Whether it was ready to be installed on the user’s computer or some more modifications were needed? Through the web applications are characteristically different from there software counterparts but the basic approach for testing these web applications is quite similar. These basic steps of testing have been picked from software engineering practices. The following are the steps, we undertook: 1. The content of the Intranet site is reviewed to uncover Content Errors Content Errors covers the typographical errors, grammatical errors, errors in content consistency, graphical representation and cross referencing errors The design model of the web application is reviewed to uncover the navigation errors. Use cases, derived as a part of the analysis activity allows a web designer to Exercise each usage scenario against the architectural and navigational design. In essence these non-executable tests help to uncover the errors in navigation.


2. When web applications are considered the concept of unit changes. Each web page encapsulate content navigation links, content and processing elements(Forms, Scripts, Asp as in our case). It is not always possible to test each of these individually. Thus is the base of the web applications the unit to be considered is the web page. Unlike the testing of the algorithmic details of a module the data that flows across the module interface, page level testing for web applications is driven by content, processing and links encapsulating the web page. The Assembled web application is tested for overall functionality and content delivery. The various user cases are used that test the system for errors and mistakes. 3. The Web application is tested for a variety of environmental settings and is tested for various configurations and upon various platforms. The modules are integrated and integration test are conducted. 4. Thread based testing is done to monitor the regression tests so that the site does not become very slow is a lot of users are simultaneously logged on. 5. A controlled and monitored population of end users tests Intranet application, this all comprises of the User Acceptance Testing. Because web application evolves continuously, the testing process is an ongoing activity, conducted by web support staff in our case the Organization’s IS people who will finally update and manage the application.



TESTING OBJECTIVES: The main objective of testing is to uncover a host of errors, systematically and with minimum effort and time. Stating formally, we can say, •

Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error.

A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding error, if it exists.

The tests are inadequate to detect possibly present errors.

The software more or less confirms to the quality and reliable standards.

LEVELS OF TESTING In order to uncover the errors present in different phases, we have the concept of levels of testing. The basic levels of testing are

Client Needs

Acceptance Testing


System Testing


Integration Testing


Unit Testing


Unit testing Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software i.e. the module. Using the detailed design and the process specifications, testing is done to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. All modules must be successful in the unit test before the start of the integration testing begins. In this project each service can be thought of a module. There are so many modules like Login, HR Department, Interviewer Section, etc. Each module has been tested by giving different sets of inputs. When developing the module as well as finishing the development, the module works without any error. The inputs are validated when accepting them from the user. Integration Testing After unit testing, we have to perform integration testing. The goal here is to see if modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces between modules. This testing activity can be considered as testing the design and hence the emphasis on testing module interactions. In this project the main system is formed by integrating all the modules. When integrating all the modules I have checked whether the integration effects working of any of the services by giving different combinations of inputs with which the two services run perfectly before Integration. System Testing Here the entire software system is tested. The reference document for this process is the requirements document, and the goal is to see if software meets its requirements. Here entire ‘HRRP’ has been tested against requirements of project and it is checked whether all requirements of project have been satisfied or not.


Acceptance Testing Acceptance Testing is performed with realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily. Testing here is focused on external behavior of the system; the internal logic of program is not emphasized. Test cases should be selected so that the largest number of attributes of an equivalence class is exercised at once. The testing phase is an important part of software development. It is the process of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification to determine whether the objectives are met and the user requirements are satisfied. . TEST INFORMATION FLOW A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. Unit testing begins at the vortex of the spiral and, concentrates on each unit, component of the software as implemented in source code. Testing progresses moving outward along the spiral to integration testing, where the focus is on designed the construction of the software architecture. Taking another turn outward on spiral, we encounter validation testing, where requirements established as part of software requirements analysis are validated against the software that has been constructed. Finally, we arrive at system testing, where the software and other system elements are tested as a whole. To test computer software, we spiral out along stream lines that broaden the scope of testing with each turn. Considering the process from a procedural point of view, testing within the context of software engineering is actually a series of four steps that are implemented sequentially. The steps are shown in Figure. Initially, tests focus on each component individually, ensuring that it functions properly as unit. Hence, the name unit testing. Unit testing makes heavy use of white-box testing techniques, exercising specific paths in module’s control structure to ensure complete coverage and maximum error detection.



Software Configurat ion

Evaluat ion Test Results Error Rate Data

Testin g

Test Configuration

Expected Results



Reliabi lity Model

Predicated Reliability





SYSTEM SECURITY Introduction One might think that there is a little reason to be concerned about security in an intranet. After all, by definition an intranet is internal to ones’ organization; outsider can not access it. There are strong arguments for the position that an intranet should be completely open to its users, with little or no security. One might not have considered ones’ intranet on any other light. On the other hand, implementing some simple, built-in security measures in ones’ intranet can allow one to provide resources one might not have considered possible in such context. For example, one can give access to some Web Pages to some people without them available to owner entire customer base, with several kinds of authentication. Intranet security is, then, a multifaceted issue, with both opportunities and dangers, especially if ones’ network is part of the Intranet. There are basically two types of security associated with this system: 1.

Physical security:-

Damage due to natural causes like earth tremor, flooding, water logging, fire hazards, atmospheric or environmental conditions etc.For overcoming these difficulties the replica of the data are automatically stored at various networks and for environmental conditions Air conditioning environment is created. 2.

Data security:-

There are basically two problems associated with data security:•

Data not being available to the authorized person at the time of need.

Data becoming available to the unauthorized person.


To overcome these difficulties the following access facilities has been provided:•

Identification:Unique Ids for the different users have been provided.

Authentication:System checks the password under the particular user identification. The computer permits the various resources to the authorized person.

Authorization:The access control mechanism to prevent unauthorized logging to the system. 3. Need for Security

Many people view computer and network security in a negative light, thinking of it only in terms of restricting access to services. One major view of network security is “that which is not expressly permitted is denied.” Although this is a good way of thinking about how to connect other organization to the internet, one can, and possibly should, view intranet security from a more positive angle. Property set up, intranet security can be an enabler, enriching ones’ intranet with services and resources one would not otherwise be able to provide. Such an overall security policy might be described as “that which is not expressly denied is permitted.” 4. Firewalls It’s a fact of Internet life there are people out there who want to break into other people’s networks via the Internet. Reasons vary from innocent curiosity to malicious cracking to business and international espionage. At the same time, the value of Internet to organizations and businesses is as great that vendors are rushing to fill the need for Internet security with Internet firewalls. An Internet firewall is a device that sits between ones’ internal network and outside Internet. Its purpose is to limit access into and out of ones’ network based on ones’ organization’s access policy. A firewall can be anything from a set of filtering rules set up on the router between one and the Internet to an elaborate application gateway consisting of one or more specially configured computers that control access. Firewalls permit desired services coming from the outside, such as Internet e-mail, to pass. In addition, most firewalls now allow access to the World Wide Web from inside the protected networks.






IMPLEMENTATION Introduction System implementation is the stage when the user has thoroughly tested the system and approves all the features provided by the system. The various tests are performed and the system is approved only after all the requirements are met and the user is satisfied. The new system may be totally new; replacing an existing manual or automated system, or it may be a major modification to an existing system. In either case, proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet organizational requirements. Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the new system (that is a design question), but improper will prevent it. Implementation is the process of having systems personnel check out and put new equipment into use, train users, install the new application and construct any files of data needed to use it. This phase is less creative than system design. Depending on the size of the organization that will be involved in using the application and the risk involved in its use, systems developers may choose to test the operation in only one area of the firm with only one or two persons. Sometimes, they will run both old and new system in parallel way to com-pare the results. In still other situations, system developers stop using the old system one day and start using the new one the next. The implementation of the web based or LAN based networked project has some extra steps at the time of implementation. We need to configure the system according the requirement of the software. For the project we need to install and configure server 2003, database server, and the deployment directory for the project.  Aspects of Implementation The two aspects of implementation are: •

Training Personnel

Conversion Procedures


Testing Even well designed and technically elegant systems can succeed or fail because of the way they are used. Therefore the quality of the training received by the personnel involved with the system in various ways helps or hinders, and may even prevent, the successful implementation of an information system. Since, Human Resource Recruitment Process is web-based and user friendly, not much effort was required in training process. Conversion: Conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new system. There are two methods of handling systems conversion: •

Parallel Run

Immediate cut-off

 Implementation Tools The project was implemented using Asp server pages; the implementation work was carried out in Windows XP server platform. 1 Asp .net 2 Server2003 3. Oracle 10g  Coding:This means program construction with procedural specifications has finished and the coding for the program begins: •

Once the design phase was over, coding commenced

Coding is natural consequence of design.

Coding step translate a detailed design representation of software into a programming language realization.

Main emphasis while coding was on style so that the end result was an optimized code.


The following points were kept into consideration while coding: 1. Coding Style The structured programming method was used in all the modules the project. It incorporated the following features •

The code has been written so that the definition and implementation of each function is contained in one file.

A group of related function was clubbed together in one file to include it when needed and save us from the labor of writing it again and again.

2. Naming Convention:•

As the project size grows, so does the complexity of recognizing the purpose of the variables. Thus the variables were given meaningful names which would help in understanding the context and the purpose of the variable.

The function names are also given meaningful names that can be easily understood by the user.

3. Indentation Judicious use of indentation can make the task of reading and understanding a program much simpler. Indentation is an essential part of a good program. If code id intended without thought it will seriously affect the readability of the program.

The higher-level statements like he definition of the variables, constants and the function are intended, with each nested block intended, stating their purpose in the code.

Blank line is also left between each function definition to make the code look neat.

Indentation for each source file stating his purpose of the file is also done.




MAINTENANCE Maintenance or enhancement can be classified as:  Corrective  Adaptive  Perfective. Corrective maintenance means repairing processing or performance failures or making changes because of previously uncorrected problems or false assumptions. Adaptive maintenance means changing the program function. Perfective maintenance means enhancing the performance or modifying the program(s) to respond to the user’s additional or changing needs. Maintenance is actually the implementation of the post implementation review plan. As important as it is, many programmers and analysts are reluctant to perform or identify themselves with the maintenance effort. There are psychological, personality and professional reasons for this. In any case, a first class effort must be made to ensure that software changes are made properly and in time to keep the system in tune with user specifications. Maintenance is costly. One way to reduce maintenance costs is through maintenance management and software modification audits. Software modification consists of program rewrites system level updates, and re-audits of low ranking programs to verify and correct the soft spots. The outcome should be more reliable software, a reduced maintenance backlog, and higher satisfaction and morale among the maintenance staff.





The evaluation phase ranks vendor proposals and determines the one best suited, Evaluation of the system is performed to identify its strengths and weaknesses. The actual evaluation can occur along any of the following dimensions:

 Operational Evaluation: Assessment of the manner in which the system functions, including case of use, response time, overall reliability and level of utilization.  Organizational Impact: Identification and measurement of benefits to the organization in such areas as financial concerns, operational efficiency and competitive impact.  User Manager Assessment Evaluation of the attitudes of senior and user manager within the organization, as well as end-users.  Development Performance: Evaluation of the development process in accordance with such yardsticks as overall development time and effort, conformance to budgets and standards and other project management criteria.




CONCLUSIONS As evidence of the success of this mission, there are millions of items listed each day in thousands of different categories. There are items for almost any interest that one could imagine, from sheet music to automobiles to hand tools to real estate. And the variety doesn’t stop there.

Need a computer? One may find it listed in the proper category, in any

configuration from very old and obsolete to the latest greatest machine available. What about antiques? One can find an antique quilt that is up for highest bid, or maybe an old violin, whose beautiful tones have enchanted many though its years. Tickets May be a ticket to the next concert of ones favorite artist or play production. One can even find that special bottle of wine, some aged, exotic cheese, and the perfect ‘mood’ music for that special occasion. In this instance it may be true that on eBay, they have something for everybody, whatever their tastes may be. Scope for Future Work Since this system has been generated by using Object Oriented programming, there are many chances of reusability of the codes in other environment even in different platforms. Also its present features can be enhanced by some simple modification in the codes so as to reuse it in the changing scenario. The site is made in all possible way to meet the user requirements using latest version of available software and hardware. But as user requirements and operating environment keep changing further extensions can be made on this. In future some more schemas can be added in the “HR Process” hence these schemas are to be included in the software developed. Limitations Since, every system has some limitations so our proposed system is also not untouchable in this regard. Although it includes every kind of features, but it can’t be used in a huge organization where number of networks are very large, because the database used in this system is an average one. Also it doesn’t have different kind of access feature for different users.







Professional C# 2005 (WROX PUBLICATION).





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