Hrm Software Documentation

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,706
  • Pages: 30

Designed And Developed By Theodore J. Quist May 2007


This work is dedicated to Bill


APPRECIATION No one can embark upon a major project such as an HRM unaided. I wish to thank the many people who have supported me throughout the process of bringing this software suite to this stage. First, my thanks go to Almighty God for giving me the vision for this project and sustaining me throughout the feasibility study, analysis and design of this software. There were times when I almost gave up the system failed to deliver what I expected, but His assurances gave me courage and hope. I also wish to thank Mr. Noble Y. Adonoo, CEO of NOBADO, an Audit firm. This man is a good brain when it comes to taxation and auditing. He explained and guided me in the tax computations in the system, having worked with the Internal Revenue Service several years. Finally my thanks also go to the Personnel Department of FABI-BRM Wood Processing Company for helping with the information that pertains generally to Human Resource Management.


Table of Content DEDICATION................................................................................................................... .....................2 APPRECIATION......................................................................................................... ..........................3 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... ...............6 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT...................................................................................................................................6 PROGRAM FEATURES.......................................................................................................................................6 WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE PROGRAM...........................................................................................................7 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................... ..............8 SOURCE DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................................................8 APPLICATION FORM.........................................................................................................................................8 LOAN APPLICATION FORM................................................................................................................................8 EMPLOYEE CLOCK SHEETS...............................................................................................................................8 WELFARE CONTRIBUTION LIST..........................................................................................................................8 EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND REPORTS.................................................................................. ..........9 SCREEN OUTPUTS..........................................................................................................................................9 PRINTER OUTPUTS.........................................................................................................................................9 HOW TO USE THE SOFTWARE.................................................................................... ..................10 LOGGING INTO THE SYSTEM..........................................................................................................................10 SETTING UP THE DATABASE.......................................................................................... ...............12 BANKS .......................................................................................................................................................12 COST CENTRES............................................................................................................................................12 DEPARTMENTS..............................................................................................................................................13 INSURANCE..................................................................................................................................................13 DATA ENTRY..................................................................................................................................... ..14 NEW RECRUITMENT ENTRY..........................................................................................................................14 LOAN AND REPAYMENT.................................................................................................................................17 SALARY INPUT.............................................................................................................................................17 LOG OF EMPLOYEE EVENTS..........................................................................................................................19 ABSENTEEISM...............................................................................................................................................19 ANNUAL LEAVE............................................................................................................................................19 EDUCATION..................................................................................................................................................19 FAMILY........................................................................................................................................................19 INCIDENT......................................................................................................................................................19 LETTERS......................................................................................................................................................20


MEDICAL ....................................................................................................................................................20 PROMOTIONS.................................................................................................................................................20 QUERYING THE DATABASE............................................................................................ ...............21 PAY SLIP ....................................................................................................................................................21 EMPLOYEE STANDING...................................................................................................................................22 BANK ADVICE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................23 LIST OF ALL EMPLOYEES.............................................................................................................................23 EMPLOYEE BASIC DETAIL.............................................................................................................................23 PERMANENT EMPLOYEES..............................................................................................................................23 UPDATES AND MODIFICATIONS.................................................................................................. .24 SALARY ARCHIVING.....................................................................................................................................24 MARKING AN EMPLOYEE AS DISMISSED.........................................................................................................24 DISCIPLINARY CORRESPONDENCE..................................................................................................................25 REPORTS FOR PRINTING............................................................................................ ...................26 LIST OF BANKS............................................................................................................................................26 EMPLOYEE REPORTS....................................................................................................................................26 MONTHLY DEDUCTIONS................................................................................................................................26 LIST OF DEPARTMENTS.................................................................................................................................27 BANK ADVICE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................27 SALARY SUMMARY SHEETS...........................................................................................................................27 SALARIES, SSNIT AND IRS.........................................................................................................................29 TROUBLESHOOTING PAYROLL PROBLEMS............................................................................ .30 PAY SLIP MISSING.........................................................................................................................................30 INSURANCE FIGURE MISSING...........................................................................................................................30 TAX RELIEF MISSING....................................................................................................................................30 LOAN NOT DEDUCTED...................................................................................................................................30


INTRODUCTION System Requirement For complete database security it is recommended that the software is installed on a network server running Windows 2003 server operating system. This can be provided at extra cost. However, for a standalone PC, the program conveniently runs on a Pentium III or higher system, with a disk space of not less than 1GB, and memory of 256MB or above. The operating system should be Windows 2000 or higher and must have Microsoft Access XP or higher version installed. A Scanner or Digital Camera is necessary for the insertion of photographs into records. The software that comes with the scanner or camera should enable saving in bitmap format. A

laser or colour printer is needed for the printing of various reports.

Program features The software is ideally for the management of Human Resource of any organization. It features the IRS tax system and Social Security policies peculiar to Ghana. It functions perfectly in a networked environment – where various departments require access to some of the functions of the program. It allows multiple users. The following are the main features: 1.

Employee Management: a.

The program captures recruitment details of all employees of the institution or organization according to the various classifications.

b. It also updates personnel records as and when necessary. c.

Captures the photograph of employee and displays as part of the employee’s details.

d. Keeps track of employee status (Probation or confirmation status) and allows changes when due. e.

Keeps track of all employees and prints reports alphabetically arranged in order of Department


Keeps records of HRM correspondence with employees (i.e. Query, Warning and Dismissal).

2. Loan Management a.

At a glance the HR Department can see how loans are repaid. The system automatically calculates how much should be deducted per payment period based on the terms agreed both by Management and Employee.


b. Total payments are matched against the loan until it diminishes to zero. Once the loan is fully paid, the system allows discontinuation of loan deductions. c.

About two different loans can be contracted.

3. Salary Management

a. Captures each month’s salary variants b. Automatically generates Pay slips for each employee with all the details in a neatly designed form for printing c.

An individual’s pay slip can also be printed

d. Automatically generates Bank Advice for each bank that employees save with e.

Automatically extracts and generates IRS tax deductions for each salary period


Automatically extracts and generates SSF deduction for SSNIT


Archives each month’s pay master for future reference.

h. Classifies each cost centre for salary analysis.

i. Automatically extracts and generates Salary Summary report for management. Here management knows exactly how much to part with for the month in respect of Salaries, Tax deductions and SSF contributions.

What to expect from the Program The HR Management software is very easy to install and use. It has a very friendly outlook and is devoid of jargon or loose ends. Anyone who knows to read and write and a little knowledge of payroll accounting should be familiar with the program within a few hours of use.

1. The Main Menu which helps the user throughout has a consistent outlook. It provides access to all the features of the system.

2. There is always an Exit option that takes the user out of a menu, and a Close button that closes any form used. 3. The menus and forms are well designed and make viewing interesting and provide a convenient work environment.


GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HR Management Software was designed using Ms-Access. It mainly uses buttons for menus and commands. The fonts are clear and easy to read. HR Managers will find this software very helpful. The program is made up of input and output Forms, pop-up dialogues which pose simple questions and relay information or cautions, and beautifully designed Report templates. The HR Management system is ready for the revaluation of the cedi. The programmer is aware that not all salary paying companies and organizations have the same monetary conditions of service and so has made room for modification to suit any organization.

Source Documents The forms that are used to capture data into the system are the source documents. These must be filled out completely. The forms are as follow:

Application Form This form is filled by a successful job applicant and is filed at the HR office. It contains the applicant’s personal data, Contact Details, Educational Details, Family details and Financial details.

Loan Application Form This form is used to apply for loan.

Employee Clock Sheets They contain the daily reporting schedule for employees including overtime and night hours. This is needed for the salary input.

Welfare Contribution List In organizations that employees contribute welfare funds, this sheet is used to enter the details of the monthly salary input.


EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND REPORTS In addition to screen outputs there are also formatted reports that can be conveniently printed out.

Screen Outputs •

Pay Slips

Dismissed Employees

Staff on Probation

List of All Employees

Individual Details of any Employee

List of Confirmed (Permanent) Employees

Retrieval of Previous Salaries

Printer Outputs •

List of contract based Employees (Pensioners)

List of Permanent Employees

List of Dismissed Staff

HR Master List

Staff on Probation

Loans Deducted for the month

Salary Summary Sheets

Bank Advice

Master List of Salaries (for departmental distribution)

Individual Pay Slip

IRS Tax Returns report

SSF Contribution Report

All Pay Slips (Batch/Bulk)


HOW TO USE THE SOFTWARE To use the HR Management software, it must first be installed on a hard drive. To use it in a server based network environment, the software must be installed on the server and referenced by the authorized workstations. Each user must have a password and is limited to their functions only.

Logging into the System

To activate the program, double-click its icon and expect the following screen which performs log on operations. You must supply the user name and password assigned to you before the system will allow you to use the program. If the software is not legally acquired the system will not grant permission to use it.

Or if you enter either a wrong User Name or password, the following error information will popup. In this case

A successful login will present the main menu:


At the top is displayed “Main Menu.” This is the main menu that leads to all the other functions of the system.


SETTING UP THE DATABASE In order to smoothly run the program you need to capture some important data. These are displayed in the menu

You will need the foregoing information during data entry.

Banks The Bank option records all the banks that employees operate accounts with. This is where their salaries will be paid to. When the Banks button is clicked a dialogue will pop-up where only the bank name is entered:

Cost Centres This option is entered if the accounts department would want to classify costs. When the Cost Centres button is clicked a dialogue will pop-up where only the Cost Centre name is entered:


Departments Where there is more than one department in the organization, this option can be used to classify human resource into departments for easy management. When the Departments button is clicked a dialogue will pop-up where only the bank name is entered:

Insurance Some employees may have insurance policy with insurance companies. This option allows creation of the insurance companies in the system.



The components of Data Entry in the diagram above are the three major data capturing points for the system. Here data is entered once and the system uses it for further data processing. Let us take a closer look at the New Recruitment entry form.

New Recruitment Entry

It is divided into seven sections namely: •

Personal Detail


Contact Detail

Job Detail

Financial Detail

Employment History

Educational History and


These are all included in the Job Application Form. If it is not properly filled, data capture may be difficult or the system may reject the record altogether. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the right information is keyed in to the system for accurate and valid data processing.

Inserting an employee’s photograph First of all scan all the photographs and save them in .bmp format. Save all the photographs in a folder you can easily locate.

Right – click the photograph box in the recruitment form. In the shortcut menu that pops up, click Insert Object… as in the diagram below:

This option takes you to the following dialogue:

Click Create from File. The dialogue changes to the diagram displayed below. Click the Browse… button to locate the photograph folder and files.


Select the photograph file and click OK

This will send you back to the previous dialogue. Now that you have selected the picture, click ok to return to the recruitment form. The photograph appears on the form now. You have successfully inserted the photograph.

The recruitment form with the inserted photograph.


Loan and Repayment

It is important to note that before each employee’s pay slip can be viewed or printed out, a loan file must be opened for every employee. Even if the employee has not taken any loan just fill the fields with zeros. Every month you must enter zero as loan repaid. Without this you cannot get the pay slip of the employee. You cannot make any entry in the Loan Summary portion of the Loan form. The system automatically fills it when you make entries in the appropriate fields, especially the loan amount, the payment term, the month, year and amount paid.

Salary Input You need to have the Employee ID at hand in order to locate the record you want to input. Use the Search ID combo box to locate the employee’s record. As you type the ID the system suggests the rest of the ID. If suggested ID is what you want, pressing the return (enter) key will invoke the record. All the fields in grebe portion of the form are displayed for identification of employee so cannot be changed. Go on to the Work Details section below and complete the required fields as they appear on the source documents.


The Salary input form.

The Update Loan button has been provided to enable you go directly to the Loan Update of the employee whose salary variants you are inputting. Ensure to update the loan repayment for the month. At this stage you can verify if you have successfully entered the variables that make up the payroll by going back to the main menu and selecting E for Enquiry or clicking its button. Next, click the pay slip button or type “s” to retrieve the pay record.


Log of Employee Events This option presents a form with a sub form of 8 tabs as in the diagram below:

Absenteeism •

Records instances of absenteeism on the part of the employee. If any reason is given for the act, it must be written against the date absenteeism was committed.

Annual Leave •

Each year, an employee is entitled to a leave. This form can be used to manage employees’ annual leave. However if the employee did not proceed on leave the checkmark blank to indicate it.

Education •

This form can be used to keep record of employees’ further training and education

Family •

This can be used to modify the size of employees’ dependants

Incident •

Any incident involving an employee can be recorded here


Letters •

Here any correspondence given to an employee can be recorded. These are the categories of letters sent to employees: Query, Suspension, Warning, Dismissal, General and Special. However a brief detail of the contents of the letter must be written against each entry to explain the reason for the letter.

Medical •

This is useful when there is the need to track employees who frequently fall sick and also to record the amounts refunded as medical bills each time they visit medical facilities.

Promotions •

Here promotions can be recorded for each employee who is considered for a rank raise. However any salary increment should be entered using the Updates and Modification menu



The Enquiry menu allows you to check the entries that have been entered previously. Though a printout of results of queries can be printed from here, it is not recommended. In the Reports for Printing menu the same details can be found, which are conveniently formatted for printouts. Also note that you cannot make any changes to the displays. You can only view them.

Pay Slip •

In order to get the pay slip details you will have to enter the month of the pay slip and the year in these dialog boxes as they appear one after the other:

In this case Apr is entered for the month of April. Also 2007 is entered for the year. All the entries that were successful will appear. But you have to use the search button to locate the employee’s record.


Click the button with the inscription Click to find a Pay slip and enter the Employee ID in the following dialog box:

In the Find What combo box type the Employee ID and click Find Next. The program quickly locates the record and displays it in the background, or return an error to show that the record does not exist. Close the dialog in either case.

If the system reports that the record does not exist, check if you have entered the loan for that record. Also check in the Employee data and make sure that even if they don’t subscribe to any insurance, the Insurance Amount is set to zero. Try checking the pay record again.

Employee Standing •

The Employee Standing itself is a menu:

Clicking any of the options will display the information it depicts


Bank Advice Summary •

This lists all the banks that checks will be sent to. This helps to know how much should be sent to each bank as per the employees who will receive their salaries from the bank.

List of All Employees •

Lists all the employees of the company.

Employee Basic Detail •

Displays the details of an employee as it was entered as at the recruitment stage, including any update to their records in the updates form. You must have the employee’s ID number in order to access his/her details.

Permanent Employees •

Displays all those whose appointments have been confirmed after the probation period.


UPDATES AND MODIFICATIONS This function allows the modification and update of any data captured into the system. The diagram shows all the options that provide forms to perform this task.

Salary Archiving The Salary Archiving form looks like the following diagram:

Clicking to archive pay slips for a period will present you with request for the month and the year of the payroll.

Marking an Employee as Dismissed


Here check the Staff Dismissed check box. Next, enter the date of dismissal and in the memo box provided, enter the specific reasons as detailed in the dismissal letter. To locate the employee to be dismissed, click the “Search with Staff ID.”

Disciplinary Correspondence In course of performing their duties, employees make some mistakes or take decisions that are questionable. Under normal circumstances the employee is queried by means of a letter demanding explanation of the employee’s action. If the explanation is not convincing a warning letter follows. Both of these correspondences are recorded in the Queries and Warnings form. It is an option in the Updates and Modifications menu as displayed below and followed by the input form.

In order to make an entry, first search for the employee using the ID. Enter the date of the query or warning letter and the content.



List of Banks •

This option prints out all the bank names entered at the Database Setup

Employee Reports •

This is a menu of the following detail:

All the options on this menu do not require further information. Clicking each one displays the list automatically.

Monthly Deductions


Since all the items are deducted monthly, to print them out you must specify the month and the year of the deduction. To print out the Insurance Contribution Report, in addition to the month and year you need to enter the insurance company.

List of Departments This displays the list of department names entered during the Database Setup.

Bank Advice Summary This creates a report of how much should be sent to each bank as salary advice. You will be required to enter the month and year of the payroll.

Salary Summary Sheets This option generates the summaries of all the pay details. . You will be required to enter the month and year of the payroll. The following are samples of the summary sheets:

Page 1 of the Salary Summary


Page 2 of the Salary Summary

Page 3 of the Salary Summary


Salaries, SSNIT and IRS The option displays the following menu:

Bank Advice o Is the list that is printed and distributed to the various banks for the payment of salaries. You will be required to enter the month and year of the payroll and the bank name. Master Pay Slips o Is automatically generated with this button. Once you are satisfied with the pay displays and are certain that all records exist, you can proceed with the printing of the pay slips. The pay slips of all the workers are generated here. You will be required to enter the month and year of the payroll. Salary Master List o Generates a list of all employees with their net salaries arranged departmentally. You will be required to enter the month and year of the payroll. Individual Pay Slips o Can be generated if for some reason an individual’s pay slip must be replaced. You will be required in addition to the month and year to enter the employee’s ID

Internal Revenue Service o Option automatically generates the IRS tax report list. You will be required to provide the month and date for this report.

SSNIT Contribution Reports o Option also requires the month and date to automatically generate the report listing all the Social Security contributions of staff on the scheme.


TROUBLESHOOTING PAYROLL PROBLEMS You may face some challenges while using the program, especially when it comes to the generation of pay slips. If you can’t find an employee’s pay slip then it means the overall totals in the salary summary sheets will also be wrong. Before printing the pay slips you must ensure that all the figures are correct. This will prevent the wasting of paper and printer cartridge.

Pay slip missing • • •

Check if you have entered the Month and Year in the Salary Input form Check if you have entered the Month and Year in the Loan Update form Check if the Daily Rate in the Staff Update form is not 0 or blank. Please ensure that it contains a figure since this is the principal figure that is used in all the computations.

Insurance figure missing •

This means that it has not been entered in the recruitment form. Use Staff Record Update to insert the figure. You can find this within the Financial Detail section of the form.

Tax Relief missing •

This means that it has not been entered in the recruitment form. Use Staff Record Update to insert the figure. You can find this within the Financial Detail section of the form.

Loan not deducted •

Check the entry in the Loan Repayment form to update it.

If after all these have been checked and there still are problems, then call Mr. Quist on 0244 661148 for emergency assistance.


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