How To Draw Manga Chibi Stil

  • May 2020
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How to draw Manga Chibi Stil Das ist meine Art der Manga-Zeichnung. Ich habe versucht, um zu malen, wie chibi.and Schattierungen. Tutorial Kategorie: Manga Tutorial Art: Schritt-für-Schritt Eingereicht von: Kasumi Tools verwendet werden: Paint Tool Sai oder Malprogramm TUTORIAL KATEGORIEN Tutorial Home

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RateMyDrawings Demos (23) Portrait drawing tutorials (17) Landschaft drawing tutorials (11) Still-life drawing tutorials (7) Animal drawing tutorials (17) Manga-Zeichnung Tutorials (46) Cartoon drawing tutorials (7) SUBMIT A TUTORIAL> Schritt 1First, Verwendung Stift-Werkzeug, ziehen Sie eine raugh Skizze. Dies ist chibi Zeichnung, Kopf größer ist als die anderen Teile. Die Augen sind groß, und rund. Schritt 2Verwendung Kurve Tool (sorry, ich falsche Schreibweise auf das Bild) ziehen clren Linie. nach Zeichnung, löschen Sie den raugh Skizze Schicht.

Schritt 3Paint Basis Farben.

Care to work on another book?.. After the success of "The Art of Drawing Manga", I was asked by Arcturus if I wanted to illustrate "Step-by-Step Manga"- a 60 page book, aimed at a slightly younger market for the company "Scholastic". Although less pages needed filling up, the deadline was tighter and there was a higher "pics per page" ratio, which meant more drawings were needed. The book was to focus on drawing manga style characters, rather than general tips so there was more planning at the start to get the characters right and to decide what would be needed for each character section. It was another good opportunity to work in a different way to my previous title and to gain extra book making experience points. What was required?.. My first task was to design the characters. The American market is quite sensitive to sex and violence despite these themes running through most manga genres- this determined the style and theme of the 6 characters: JC, Heather, Kimi, D-Boy, Kit-Kit and Striker. Heather, originally a very sexy, feminine design in particular underwent 6 design changes before she was suitable. Striker was originally a more bulky "Shirow" style Landmate mecha, but considered too scary and violent looking! Each character needed a normal standing pose, a more typical action pose, head, hand, feet and accessories illustrations- all showing a step-by-step process to drawing them. Two group pictures and other drawings were also requested. I decided to go for a more typical anime look- using flat tone style colouring to appeal to the Yugioh, Dragon Ball and BeyBlade fans out there! The results... After supplying the material, it was the book designer's job to lay it out on the pages and design the cover:

Verteilen Sie eine Schicht jedes Teil und Farbe mit einer Farbe.

how to draw Grimmjow how to draw grimmjow my way Tutorial category: manga Tutorial type: Step-by-step Submitted by: stripeddragon Tools used: RMD simple tool


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Step 1 for the backround i used a blue color with R:0 G:167 B:213 for the clouds i used white with transparancy set on 15 with the airbrush on 5

Step 2 begin to draw the face and body in the guide, note: this is a rough sketch

Step 3 continue to flesh out your guide, observe characteristics and features that make your character unique, in grimmjow youll see things like:

a hollow hole in his abdomen, a jaw with 14 teeth on the right side of his face, blue hair blue marks on the sides of his eyes, and notice you rarely see grimmjow smiling (unless its a sadistic smile) most of the time he looks serious

Step 4 continue to flesh out your guide, observe characteristics and features that make your character unique, in grimmjow youll see things like: a hollow hole in his abdomen, a jaw with 14 teeth on the right side of his face, blue hair blue marks on the sides of his eyes, and notice you rarely see grimmjow smiling (unless its a sadistic smile) most of the time he looks serious

Step 5 add the hair and facial features, note dont worry if they dont look 100% right now cuz we'll fix that later, (note: i added a colar on his cuz he is my lil evil kitty) i was going to put a dort of frown on him but it turned more into a sexy smirk o///o

Step 6

start coloring the skin using the fill tool, note you dont have to be exactly on the lines i used the color on R:240 G:191 B:159 remember to save the color so you can use it again later

Step 7 it should look something like this when you turn off your guide -turn your guide back on

Step 8 select the fill tool and select the color R:210 G:161 B:132 and set transparancy to 40 begin darkening some areas -such as under the chin, between the fingers, his colarbone, under his eyebrows,shadows of his hair and by his nose, some areas like under his chin you can go over a few times

Step 9 switch to the airbrush and increase transparacy to 50 with pen thickness on to and soften out some edges, turn off the guide now and then since the colors look softer with the guide on, darken any areas that look like they need to be

Step 10

be sure to save every color you use now setting the transpacacy back to 35 select the color R:255 G:229 B:214 and airbrush some highlights

Step 11 now using the fill tool fill in the color using the color R:80 G:126 B:194 then selecting the color on transparancy 45 R:36 G:83 B:154 darken areas of the colar with the fill tool then even them out with the airbrush and hilight using R:220 G:232 B:250 on tansparancy 45

Step 12 out line some areas using R:36 G:13 B:0 click the optimize lines and select pen thickness to 1 and transparancy on 100 zoom in for a precise line with the guide off it should look like this

Step 13 add grimmjow's jaw and shade it with light shades of grey

Step 14 when starting with the facial features observe things like the nose and eye shape grimmjow for instence has a sharp nose

ourline the nose and mouth in the outlining color used earlier and add a offwhite color in the mouth

Step 15 now outline the eyebrows and eyes note you can see how the eyes and eyebrows are different then others characters eye shapes

Step 16 add the whites in the eyes and on transparancy of 64 go over the irises with the backround color

Step 17 now using different shades of blue and black on a light transparancy detail the eyes

Step 18 using the color R:31 G:191 B:213 fill in the hair and eye markings then use darker shades and lighter shades of blue on a lighter transparancy to detail the hair using fill and airbrush

Step 19 add some more details, in this case i darkened some areas and added a leash on his colar ;D

Step 20 add more detail in places and your done =D now you have a smexy grimmjow

Schritt 4Paint Schattierungen. Ich glaube, besser anime Malerei wie Bild. Schritt 5AT letzten, Hintergrund und Farbe hervorgehoben. Das Gemälde ist Abschluss in diese

How to draw Manga (Clean

Style) (Im not so good at english but dont mind that ok?) I know there already is a tutorial about making a drawing clean style, but it is the only thing i can make a tutorial about, and i do it different than most people. Tutorial category: manga Tutorial type: Step-by-step Submitted by: Yessica Tools used: RMD Drawing Tool This tutorial is based on:

Air Gear (Bad Thumb) by Yessica TUTORIAL CATEGORIES

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Step 1 Well first take a picture you want to copy. (Most of the time i copy it but you can improvise if you want) This is someone from the anime air gear, i dont know his name. Just a printscreen from when i was watching the anime.

Step 2 First do the outlines. (with the line tool and pen thickness 1)It doesnt have to be exactly like the picture, and the hair doesnt have to be with smooth lines. That will come later. Also dont do the eyes, mouth or nose or the lines in the hair, because we'll color it first. (it is easier to not have to avoid those lines)

Step 3

Now comes the coloring of the face. Wich you should do with the fill tool. You dont have to follow the lines (I dont know how to say that right in english) That will come later too. On this picture i already fill some corners with each time lower pen thicknesses (i dont know if that's a word XD) See next step.

Step 4 As i said before, to fill the corners you should use the pen thickness. After you used the fill tool to fill the bigger part. Here i finished the coloring of the face ( apart from the shadow) And started with the coloring of the hair. Wich is exactly the same as add colors to the face. (with the fill tool en pen thickness) If the shadow is also a big part of the hair, you just draw lines for where the shadow should be and then color it with a darker color.

Step 5 Here i finished the coloring of the hair (with shadow) and his jacket (also with shadow) and the face (not with shadow :þ) Drawing the outlines again will also come later :þ well this was a not so useful step XD

Step 6

The following step is about the outlines of where the shadow should come. (In the face) .. Just.. draw them XD The part where the eye should be can you fill with shadow to, that is easier, i dont know why it just is XD. The shadow under the hair and that other eye come ALSO later :þ

Step 7 I forgot XD the shadow (Sorry for the many times i use the word shadow) On the hair wasn't finished. Now it is, you could do it when you are coloring the hair, but i just forgot. Wel the biggest part of the face is shadowed here, i also used those pen thickness for the corners the face makes with the hair. by the way, you also could have started with the shadow and then do the lighter color. I have a tip: Use transparacy to find a shadow-ish colour that matches the previous colour you already added. Put it on the other colour then you put the transparency on 100%, and select eyedropper. The get a normal pen and you can use that color. it's easier because you won't get a darker colour if you accidentely blend the colours I wasn't sure if you already knew this but i thought, it couldn't hurt.

Step 8 Here i add the outlines again. As you can see the drawing is not so clean, therefore you should use the zoomtool to see the details and then you can fix little mistakes such as color outside the lines. Add color where it is needed.

Step 9 Then you get this

Step 10 Here i added the light in his hair and some more lines to make look more like hair. Then it is not so flat any more :þ.

Step 11 Well This is the end drawing. Here i added the shadow under the hair. And ofcourse the eyes. I do them last because im very bad at drawing eyes and i postpone it as long as possible XD. Because without eyes the drawing is cool ^^. And with them its crap. Just like the drawings i made not so long before this one. (different styles where im not good at) Also i added the eyebrows and shadow for the left eye.

Those black thingys in the eyes ( i dont know what they're called in english) actually shouldnt be there but without them i felt like he is dead because he was looking at all or something. Well again, sorry if you dont understand what i was saying because the grammatics are wrong or i dont know.

Bye XD

How to draw sideways chibi

This drawing is going to be about how to draw chibi eyes, that are sideways . Im going to use all black ink. And some shading. it is fairly easy because it is chibi:D Tutorial category: manga Tutorial type: Step-by-step Submitted by: Muffelubagus Tools used: pencil, and fill tool


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Step 1 This is the picture that i am going off of.

Step 2 These are the eyes, they are really easy :DD ( i would do the eyebrows last. or do it however works for you ;D )

Step 3 now add the rounded face. I added some black shading around the front part of the face.

Step 4 i added facial things and shaded.

Step 5 I added hair ( which might not be exactly like the picture i drew on paper ) and i added shine marks. You don't have to add the same hair as i did though. :D

Step 6 Have fun drawing! ( I used this draw with a tablet. But I drew it on paper with a black prisma colored pencil. ) Black PrismaColor pencil number PC935.

m Schritt.

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