How To Convert To Islam And Become A Muslim

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How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim Description: The steps a person needs to take to accept Islam as his/her religion, enter its fold, and become a Muslim. By - Published on 27 Feb 2006 - Last modified on 28 Apr 2007 Viewed: 253860 - Rating: 3.4 from 5 - Rated by: 1072 Printed: 3824 - Emailed: 779 - Commented on: 87 Category: Articles > How to Convert to Islam > How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The word �Muslim� means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process that requires no pre-requisites. One may convert alone in privacy, or he/she may do so in the presence of others. If anyone has a real desire to be a Muslim and has full conviction and strong belief that Islam is the true religion of God, then, all one needs to do is pronounce the �Shahada�, the testimony of faith, without further delay. The �Shahada� is the first and most important of the five pillars of Islam. With the pronunciation of this testimony, or �Shahada�, with sincere belief and conviction, one enters the fold of Islam. Upon entering the fold of Islam purely for the Pleasure of God, all of one�s previous sins are forgiven, and one starts a new life of piety and righteousness. The Prophet said to a person who had placed the condition upon the Prophet in accepting Islam that God would forgive his sins: �Do you not know that accepting Islam destroys all sins which come before it?� (Saheeh Muslim) When one accepts Islam, they in essence repent from the ways and beliefs of their previous life. One need not be overburdened by sins committed before their acceptance, but if the sin involved usurping a right of another human, such as stealing, then they should strive their utmost to return what was wrongly taken. The person�s record is clean, and it is as if he was just born from his mother�s womb. One should try as much as possible to keep his records clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible. The Holy Quran and Hadeeth both stress the importance of following Islam. God states: �The only religion in the sight of God is Islam.� (Quran 3:19) In another verse of the Holy Quran, God states: �If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the Hellfire).� (Quran 3:85) In another saying, Muhammad, the Prophet of God, said: �Whoever testifies that there in none worthy of being worshipped but God, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and Prophet, and that Jesus is the Slave of God, His Prophet, and His word[1] which He bestowed in Mary and a spirit created from Him; and that Paradise (Heaven) is true, and that the Hellfire is

true, God will eventually admit him into Paradise, according to his deeds.� (Saheeh Al-Bukhari) The Prophet of God, may God praise him, also reported �Indeed God has forbidden to reside eternally in Hell the person who says: �I testify that none has the right to worship except Allah (God),� seeking thereby the Face of God.� (Saheeh Al-Bukhari) The Declaration of the Testimony (Shahada) The testimony can be declared by saying the following statement with conviction and understanding its meaning: I testify �La ilah illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.� [to hear it click here or click on �Live Help� above for assistance by chat.] The translation of which is: �I testify that there is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.� The first part of the testimony consists of the most important truth that God revealed to mankind: that there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Almighty God. God states in the Holy Quran: �We did not send the Messenger before you without revealing to him: �none has the right to be worshipped except I, therefore worship Me.�� (Quran 21:25) This conveys that all forms of worship, whether it be praying, fasting, invoking, seeking refuge in, and offering an animal as sacrifice, must be directed to God and to God alone. Directing any form of worship to other than God (whether it be an angel, a messenger, Jesus, Muhammad, a saint, an idol, the sun, the moon, a tree) is seen as a contradiction to the fundamental message of Islam, and it is an unforgivable sin unless it is repented from before one dies. All forms of worship must be directed to God only. Worship means the performance of deeds and sayings that please God, things which He commanded or encouraged to be performed, either by direct textual proof or by analogy. Thus, worship is not restricted to the implementation of the five pillars of Islam, but also includes every aspect of life. Providing food for one�s family, and saying something pleasant to cheer a person up are also considered acts of worship, if such is done with the intention of pleasing God. This means that, to be accepted, all acts of worship must be carried out sincerely for the Sake of God alone. The second part of the testimony means that Prophet Muhammad is the servant and chosen messenger of God. This implies that one obeys and follows the commands of the Prophet. One must believe in what he has said, practice his teachings and avoid what he has forbidden. One must therefore worship God only according to his teaching alone, for all the teachings of the Prophet were in fact revelations and inspirations conveyed to him by God. One must try to mold their lives and character and emulate the Prophet, as he was a living example for humans to follow. God says: �And indeed you are upon a high standard of moral character.� (Quran 68:4) God also said:

�And in deed you have a good and upright example in the Messenger of God, for those who hope in the meeting of God and the Hereafter, and mentions God much.� (Quran 33:21) He was sent in order to practically implement the Quran, in his saying, deeds, legislation as well as all other facets of life. Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, when asked about the character of the Prophet, replied: �His character was that of the Quran.� (As-Suyooti) To truly adhere to the second part of the Shahada is to follow his example in all walks of life. God says: �Say (O Muhammad to mankind): �If you (really) love God, then follow me.�� (Quran 3:31) It also means that Muhammad is the Final Prophet and Messenger of God, and that no (true) Prophet can come after him. �Muhammad is not the father of any man among you but he is the Messenger of God and the last (end) of the Prophets and God is Ever All-Aware of everything.� (Quran 33:40) All who claim to be prophets or receive revelation after Muhammad are imposters, and to acknowledge them would be tantamount to disbelief. We welcome you to Islam, congratulate you for your decision, and will try to help you in any way we can. User Comments Name: Zaheer Alvi Country: Canada E-mail: Private Date: 06 Nov 2006 Comment: Excellent for information. Suitable as begining introduction for those who wish have some knowledge about Islam, then to progress. JazakAllah Name: shamim Country: United Arab Emirates E-mail: Private Date: 15 Nov 2006 Comment: Very good site . May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Jazak Allah. Name: shaikh Nooruddin Country: Saudi Arabia E-mail: Private Date: 20 Nov 2006 Comment: Alhamdu lillah, Salam wa Rahmah, on thos who established this site, try to spread this site to as many as possible non muslim, this is the right use of this site, and keep it update with latest information and technique, Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin Name: Muhammad Saqib Khan Country: Pakistan E-mail: Private Date: 21 Nov 2006 Comment: Maasha Allah, a great effort to inform people which is the duty of every true muslim, to erdicate the misconceptions and to show the true picture that how

pure and simple is Islam and the real satisfaction that a muslim receives after prayers. Keep it up Allah will reward you. Name: akingbade Country: Nigeria E-mail: Private Date: 21 Nov 2006 Comment: i love you for prayer style sincerety. Name: Nolan A. Kingston Country: United States E-mail: Private Date: 26 Nov 2006 Comment: I just used this link, and boy what a WONDERFUL experience it was! Moeed and I had a wonderful chat after I learned about the option of registering at a nearby mosque, and the information and links in this site are of tremendous value! I am so grateful that I found. Thank you so very much. Al-hamdu li-llah. On a scale of 0 (poor) to 4 (excellent), my experience this morning was a 6. Name: Ceci Country: Romania E-mail: Private Date: 27 Nov 2006 Comment: i want to become muslim online, i hope to be helpped, to have all near me, to sustain me. Alhamdu lillah this site its the best. I founded here what i need, i hope to declare Shahaada front of my muslim brothers as soon possible. Ceci Name: william harrell Country: United States E-mail: Private Date: 02 Dec 2006 Comment: thanks be to God for your work in educating persons such as myself as to the true teachings of Islam that persons, like myself, might come to understand and follow the teachings reveled to the Prophet,may God's blessing be upon him. You have helped me to begin to understand what I have felt for a long time reagrding belief in God, how so many paths have been and have become twisted and which path is the corect path. May God bless you and reward you with eternal life. Name: Seeker of Truth Country: Saudi Arabia E-mail: Private Date: 04 Dec 2006 Comment: Much effort is here on this website. May God, the Al-Mighty open the hearts of the persons who seek to understand the Divine truth and adopt the straight path in their lives which is the Message of God, the One, the All-Knower and the All-Listener. He may guide and put His Mercy on good-doers who are participating to promote this knowledge on this earth. Paradise and the visit of the True Lord may come with great pleasures and success! Name: Mustafa .S. Country: Qatar E-mail: Unknown Date: 21 Dec 2006 Comment: Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, May Allah help u all and support for the benefit of all Human Kind believers and disbelievers, and as we all know is that introducing Islam is the duty of each and every muslim. so Jazakom Allah and wish u all the best,hope to read new things as soon. Name: Abuzar bin shahnawaz Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 23 Dec 2006

Comment: May Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site.This is my prayer to Allah that this site will demolish all other non muslim sites. Name: eka Country: Indonesia E-mail: Private Date: 31 Dec 2006 Comment: you have learn about islam . Name: bahi Country: Algeria E-mail: Private Date: 01 Jan 2007 Comment: may God bless u ... here is an other website that i have just found ... it's wonderful Name: wadiyo Country: Indonesia E-mail: Private Date: 03 Jan 2007 Comment: very good, i take good information. ( sorry if my english bad ) wadiyo... Name: William Harrell Country: United States E-mail: Private Date: 05 Jan 2007 Comment: A few months ago, I began reading the Holy Qu'ran and trying to learn about Islam so that I might better understand what is being shown through the American media regarding the Middle East and Islam in particular. All of my life long past study of the Torah, the Psalms, the prophetic writtings of the Books of the Old Covenant, the study of the cannon of "accepted" Gospels, etc., had only led to more confusion than to answers. It seemed I was reading "histories" aimed at proving a particular agenda or personal bias rather than hearing the Word of God and how to live according to those Words. Praise be to Allah, as the Holy Qu'ran cleared up all of my confusion, answered all of my questions and clearly showed me the Truth. Praise be to Allah for your website which also helped me to learn about the basic beliefs and practices of Islam. After having read the Holy Qu'ran and studying at your website, I located a mosque and made my profession of faith in the Oneness of Allah and in His messenger, the prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart as I feel that Allah guided me to your site for my slavation. May Allah continue to bless you for all of your good work. Thank you, William Harrell Name: Paul J Country: United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] Date: 07 Jan 2007 Comment: Thankyou so much to all the people of this site, I have finally recited the testimony of shadahaada(I can't spell) after a month of realizing that Islam was the true religion. At first I fealt nervous to declare, because in my country, muslims are so hated because of the wars in missle east and several terrorist attacks; but I was approuched by another muslim and they told me that I am actually in one of the best situations to become a muslim. They told me that the Qu'ran says that those who were willing to suffer for God will mae god love him or her even more so, and that if I was truely willing to give all for god and suffer for him, then I would be rewarded in heaven for my trueness to him. I thanked her, and declared the next day, which was today. the 7th day of the 7th year of this millenium, that made me laugh. I thank you too for the guidence you have given me. In less than a year I will be able to get a job of my own and leave home. Then I will be able to save up enough money to go on required pilgrims. When I declared my faith, I felt happy, I don't know why, but perhaps it was the feeling of

knowing I was going to be saved, or all my sins were forgiving. Or maybe it was the feeling that I might one day experience in the heavens forvever. Thankyou Paul Name: HASSAN SHABBAR KAZIA Country: United Arab Emirates E-mail: Private Date: 11 Jan 2007 Comment: Masaha allah you are doing noble task which is every muslim duty may allah reward you good health and sucess AMEEN Name: Hafiz Farooq Country: Unknown E-mail: Private Date: 15 Jan 2007 Comment: Mashallah it is very good effort for promoting Islam.we pray for you Name: elneuri Country: Sudan E-mail: Private Date: 18 Jan 2007 Comment: I think this website is very instructional and informative and especially for nonmulisms and aone wants to commuicate Islam Iw0uld most grateful if you could more infomtion especially about jesus Name: Fawzi Country: Mauritius E-mail: Private Date: 20 Jan 2007 Comment: Assalamoualaikoum. Alhamdoulillah, thanks to this organisation for this brave dawah we are appraising so much for this great task Insha Allah the organisation shall be rewarded in the Akhirat. Insha allah all unbelievered shall get faith to Allah. LAAILAAHAILLALAAH MOUHAMMADOURASSOULLAH. Thanks. Mohammad Fawzi Name: basheer Country: Nigeria E-mail: [email protected] Date: 22 Jan 2007 Comment: may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon those that own this site, and May Allah in his infinite mercy boost up his guidiance to the visitors of ths site, special gratitude goes to our humble brother, inperson of; MR. Pual J. may Allah guide and protect him. amen Name: Eslam Ahmad Muhammad Country: Egypt E-mail: Private Date: 23 Jan 2007 Comment: Masha'a Allah, so amazing effort am sure that Allah is proud of that work hope all the world become Muslims, ISLAM; is the religion of truth and every day that is proven by scientific facts and explorations in the modern life, those facts were proven by ISLAM over 1400 years ago " PROUD TO BE A MUSLIM " UR brother; Eslam Ahmad Muhammad Name: Ratno Dini Pitoyo Country: Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Date: 25 Jan 2007 Comment: Allahu Akbar, may His Guidance and bless bestow you all, brothers and sisters, for developing such great site :) I, personally, intend to spread this site to many friends of mine. Thank you, your brother Ratno Dini Pitoyo Name: Farah Country: United States E-mail: Private Date: 26 Jan 2007

Comment: It truly brought tears to my eyes while reading these comments. I was born a Muslim, but did not understand the substance until my own family members began to teach one another. May Allah bless those who write these articles with the intention of spreading the knowledge of Islam. May Allah also guide those who seek the correct path. Name: Tauqueer Ahmed Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 27 Jan 2007 Comment: This is Great site. proud to be a muslim Name: kabir ahmedn Country: Pakistan E-mail: Private Date: 28 Jan 2007 Comment: Maasha Allah, a great effort to inform people which is the duty of every true muslim, to erdicate the misconceptions and to show the true picture that how pure and simple is Islam and the real satisfaction that a muslim receives after prayers. Keep it up Allah will reward you. Name: ywr Country: Unknown E-mail: Private Date: 30 Jan 2007 Comment: barak allah feek....isA u will benefit from this and may you go to ferdous with the accompany of the ppl u have brought and enriched their faith of god back to them Name: Roshan G Country: Mauritius E-mail: Private Date: 30 Jan 2007 Comment: Alhamdolillah. The article is a good introduction. I suggest that we use and propagate the notion of "revert" to Islam because every human being is born as a Muslim. May Allah SWT guide us all along the Right Path. Ameen. Name: jimmy Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 31 Jan 2007 Comment: Really, such a great site i foiund. may Allah with all time. Aamin. Alla Hafiz. Name: Lindsey Country: United Kingdom E-mail: Private Date: 31 Jan 2007 Comment: I think this article is very good to helping people about converting to islam. I think the muslim religion is a unique religion to have i think its absolutely amazing and i would love more than anything in the world to convert to islam. Name: M.Musyafa Wiryanto Country: Indonesia E-mail: Private Date: 01 Feb 2007 Comment: I supossed this website become usefull for each people,especialy for moslems communities in the field of economics, finanace, technology & scientific and the most importance,we can help each other according for the justiced and holded with The Rope`s Allah. Best Regards, Musyafa Name: Bashir Achida Country: Nigeria E-mail: Unknown Date: 01 Feb 2007

Comment: You people ar doing a great job,may the almighty Allah (SWA) bless and reward you abudantly, with the best kind of reward of Aljantul firdausi. You should please try to include some articles written by some great scholars in your page. Name: nurulhalim Country: Malaysia E-mail: Private Date: 01 Feb 2007 Comment: alhamdulillah i m aMUSLIM. but when i read up this article , feel like want every body to explore this web site ,so that they can know about Islam better, especially my friends who are non muslim. . i try to sent some email from this web site to them .. Name: Paul AA J Country: United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] Date: 01 Feb 2007 Comment: I am only getting better through Islam, and I am glad to say that I have convinced many Christians and athiests to stop their slander of our faith. I love being a muslim! I have even adopted Arabic names into my own name, I chose Ahmed for it is a varient of Muhammad(peace be upon the prophet) and Abdullah because it means servant of God. I didn't even know when I chose those names that it was the same name as our glorious prophet, pbuh. I have given Da'wah, I think its called, aswell to many non-muslims and some have become interested in becoming muslims themselves so they came to sites like these :D. Thanks again, And to ^Lindsey^, if you want to become a muslim, speak to any good well knowing muslim about becoming one, Also, there are several very good articles which prove Islams truth. I wish you all at this site the best Name: Adimasputro Country: Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Date: 05 Feb 2007 Comment: Its good site. I ever read the book by Jerald F Dirk, which published in usa. He told about the difference between bible n quran in detail. Or Bible, Quran n modern science by Maurice Buccaille. I hope, this site inform us a good book. I need it. Thank u. Name: Munir Country: Nigeria E-mail: [email protected] Date: 13 Feb 2007 Comment: This site contain good information for muslims and non-muslims.please invite freinds to visit the site. Name: Ghazanar Hussain Country: Pakistan E-mail: Private Date: 14 Feb 2007 Comment: may God bless u . Thankyou so much to all the people of this site.Allah will reward you.This site give more information about islam .Thank u Allah hafiz Name: Khadijah Rivera Country: United States E-mail: Private Date: 19 Feb 2007 Comment: Assalamau alaikum I hope and pray that you will continue to spread the good news of Islam in many more languages. I found your site straighforward and interesting. LOVED it.. Now lets get it translated in as many languages as possible. Name: tehseen zara Country: Pakistan E-mail: Private

Date: 20 Feb 2007 Comment: It is an excellent site for muslims and non muslims both.It impressed me so much.I hope it will give a good change in me.May allah bless u for this good work. Name: Albashier J. Country: Philippines E-mail: Private Date: 20 Feb 2007 Comment: *ALLAHUAKBAR! im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! i would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all who made this site more accessible to all people who wished to learn and understand more about the true religion of ALLAH which is ISLAM. ALLAHUAKBAR! " mabuhay to all my Muslim brothers and sisters!." Name: Azad Mohamed Country: Mauritius E-mail: Unknown Date: 25 Feb 2007 Comment: Clear, concise and appealing Name: Azad Mohamed Country: Mauritius E-mail: Unknown Date: 25 Feb 2007 Comment: ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE. Name: Shamsul Country: Malaysia E-mail: Unknown Date: 01 Mar 2007 Comment: Praise to Allah for guiding our brothers and sisters in their effort towards the existance of this site. May Allah bless the outreach. Name: Rukayat Bakare Country: Nigeria E-mail: [email protected] Date: 08 Mar 2007 Comment: Sala Aliakum, May Allah(S.W.T) continue to guide and guard us along the path of FAITH, and let none of us stray from d straight path. Because, he said that whoever he guides, none can lead him astray; and whoever he misleads, none can lead him aright,so u see? I also pray to Allah to spare us from the pangs of hunger and poverty, and also, to save us from the torments of the grave and hell fire... Robbana Atina fiduniya hasanattan robi il akhirati hassana wa ki na asana! Amin! Ma Salam. Name: Shiv Sina Ali Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 09 Mar 2007 Comment: I conceive that over course of time after mere reflection islam is the true religion -a religion with a purpose sublime and great and really inspiring which is worth followng. I recently converted to islam after having ignorently wallowing in crass ignorance in the phisolophy of Hinduism which places much emphasis on animism. Finally I was worshipping stones, cows, snakes and all fetish and even rats. For the sake of my generation I have resolved upon the right course to redefine my life. islam is a simple religion which emphasises brotherhood without any racial discrimination and casteism. casteism in india has become a real scourge and I was considered to be in the lowest rung of the ladder. Islam with a different philosophy is spreading across the continents with such temerity and stupendous strength that I realise that islam is the best religion which will win the race with thousands of converts every month in India. A religion which is against alcohol, drugs and all social vices is always ranked first. God is one and is in the heart of the one who cherishes Him. I am proud of being a muslim after

having led astray by my family who never sought the truth in virtues. I realise once when I was worshipping an icon in the temple and after a while it was reported that it has needed maintenance outside with more plastering and painting. After investigation, a hardcore criminal was maintaining it who was a refined scuptor and his service was mobilised for the purpose. I wonder how a criminal could be sprucing up our God and often he would a call of nature without washing his hands. Then the truth dawns upon me that we are on the wrong side of the lane with a philosophy which is defaulted and distorted and which is causing our miseries rather than serving its purpose. I am married with my wife also a convert and we are enlightened by the true religion of islam. I would motivate my friends to embrace the philosophy and assist to spread islam. Name: NABILLAH Country: Brunei E-mail: Private Date: 09 Mar 2007 Comment: CONGRATULATION FOR PROVIDING US THIS WEBSITE. I THINK IT WILL BE A GOOD TOOLS FOR NON-MUSLIMS AS WELL AS MUSLMS THEMSELVES. CONTINUE THE GOOD WORK AND CONTINUE TO SHOW US THE RIGHT PATH. BY THE WAY I CONGRATULATE BOTH BROTHER PAUL AND WILLIAM FOR CHOSING THE TRUE RELIGION AND MAY ALLAH BLESS THEM AND . YOU AND CONTINUE TO SHOW THEM THE TRUE PATH. CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF ISLAM.. IM MY COUNTRY EVERYDAYSOME LOCAL PEOPLE AS WELL AS EXPATRIATE ARE CONVERTING TO ISLAM.MASHAALLAH. IAM PROUDOF BEING A MUSLIM Name: GLORIA Country: Philippines E-mail: Private Date: 10 Mar 2007 Comment: Dear brother in islam. ASSALAMUAILAIKUM. i am a filipina from DAVAO. I recently converted to islam ... i study in debt the HOLY QURAN with the help of my muslim friends here in my native hometown. I learnt and learnt studied islam until late at night. I FINALLY convinced that islam is the true religion . I WAS LOOKING FOR TRUTH AND FINALLY SAW IT IN ISLAM ALONE.. I CAME ACROSS YOUR WEBSITE. I FOUND IT VERY INTERESTING ALSO.. i am proud to be a muslim and proud also to practice it unlike my previous beliefs which was full of nonsense. ISLAM IS PURE. islam is the true religion.THE MUSLIM RELIGION IS UNIQUE. islam will never died. I HAVE ISLAM IN MY HEARTS. i have to thank you also for your wonderful website, very accurate,clear and very informative. THANKS BROTHER. MAY ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU AND MUSLIM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Name: Shalini Rehman Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 11 Mar 2007 Comment: SALAM to all my bro and sis in islam. I am very happy to declare myself a muslim, ALLAH has bestowed on me His blessing. I am a pious muslim now.I think you should emphasise more on the life of the prophet(saw). we the convert are keen to know more about our holy prophet ,. keep up the good work. slowly but surely islam will be the dominant religion in the world. AMEEN. Name: anita arora Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 11 Mar 2007 Comment: Assalamualaikum to all my bro and sis in islam. First of all i am very happy to declare myself a muslim today. It is indeed the happiest day in my life. Allah has showed me and guided me the light and the true path. I THOROUGHLY studied islam , the holy quran and the hadiths. I have also studied the life of the holy prophet(SAW). a great man indeed. i think you should post more and emphasise more on the life of the prophet. I really admire him ,such a great man.indeed. Continue the good work. INSHA ALLAH ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD. AMEEN. I AM A GOOD MUSLIM.

Name: Afsheen Country: Pakistan E-mail: Private Date: 11 Mar 2007 Comment: Asalamu-alaikum! May Allah give you more for the brilliant work that you are doing. I came upon your site by chance, while surfing on the internet.This is the best site I have found on the internet. It not only educates but also spiritually enlightens. Jazakallah khair. Name: Nazleen Country: Mauritius E-mail: [email protected] Date: 12 Mar 2007 Comment: very interesting website indeed. I stumbled upon the website by chance. and found it very very interesting, very informative. Thank to you all. May Allah The Almighty bless you and reward you . Continue the good work. CONTINUE TO SPREAD ISLAM. THROUGH THIS SITE. I would like to congratulate our news sister and brothers. WELCOME TO ISLAM. THEY HAVE INDEED DISCOVER THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT AND HOPE ALLAH BLESS THEM ALL. I found out that more and more people are coing to islam despite of the false propaganta of some racist people on some website. many of my philippino, hindu indian converted to islam these few years. LONG LIVE ISLAM. . Name: yasmeen Country: South Africa E-mail: Private Date: 20 Mar 2007 Comment: Praise be to Allah SWT that has guided us and made us of the muslims. Who Allah guides none can can send astray, and those whom He does not guide, will never be guided. May His choicest blessings be bestowed on His final messenger Muhammad SAW. As a muslim I am always happy to see people calling to this religion of truth, spreading La ilaha ilAllah. As a convert I know that there are many misconceptions and false assumptions about Islam. I pray that those that are searching for answers, correct information find this site and others like it. May Allah SWT reward you for your efforts and through it eradicate much ignorance. May Allah SWT help us to do good righteous deeds that please Him. And may Allah SWT guide us and keep us on the straight path. Ameen Name: Abu Yusef Country: United States E-mail: [email protected] Date: 20 Mar 2007 Comment: My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatallah t'ala wa Barakatu Al-Hamdulillah Rabbial-Alamiin Alaihi Salatu wa Salaam an-Nabi. May Allah reward you all for your belief in Islam and your good deeds, including coming forward as Muslims. To those of you who have made Shahaddah, you are among the beloved of Allah, May Allah grant you Jenna (Paradise). May you become the generation to bring forth the glad tidings to this age and your lands. You are shining beacons. May Allah multilpy the good deeds of the authors of this site and grant them Jenna. My dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I love you all for the Sake of Allah Subhana wa T'Ala. May we be true to our Deen and to our Beloved, Muhammed, the Messenger of Allah, may he be showered with the Peace and Blessings of Allah, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Benevolent. Jazakum Allah Khairun Abu Yusef Wichita, Kansas, USA Name: SAFRAN IBN BISIRIYU OLUFOWOBI Country: Nigeria E-mail: Private Date: 21 Mar 2007 Comment: May the peace and blessings of Allah(SWT) be upon those that sat down and thought about this site, May Allah in his infinite mercy boost up his guidiance to the visitors of this site. Jazakum Allah khairan

Name: ?mer faruk ece Country: Turkey E-mail: Private Date: 22 Mar 2007 Comment: really wonderful, today i have thought to construct a web to inform the world at least who are using the net about the geniune islam.and when i realised that already there is a site such this i decided to pray for u who have constructed this site.thank u for all.. Name: Christina Tapar Country: Philippines E-mail: Private Date: 26 Mar 2007 Comment: Christina from Philippines.Im so glad while i read this website..i feel a spirit of Allah in my heart..while i read this site i cant explain my feeling i just said im so happy..coz..,all my question in my life will answer this site..thanks for this...i want to become a muslim..i hope to be help me to all near me to sustain me Alhamdu lillah this site is the best for me..coz.i found here all my question i need to declare SHAHAADA..I think this article is very good and best to helping people like me about converting to Islam and Muslim is the best and very unique religion for me..hope you hear my heart..i really want to be a Muslim.. Name: khusboo Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 27 Mar 2007 Comment: I was born and raised in the hindu tradition.. since childhood i studied ISLAM and found it the true and correct religion for me.I remembered the amazement I felt when reading the Holy Quran. I discovered so many new and beautiful truths. I took my shahada at the age of 18 at a local masjid. I can honstly say that there is no god besides Allah and Muhammad is His Messager. Now iam 22. I AM A PIOUS muslim now. I AM VERY HAPPY WITH MY LIFE AND CHOICE unlike my previous belief which was full of rubbish,and nonsense. Islam is pure and beautiful. My boyfriend also is interested to know more about islam. i am helping him Allahamdullillah. he is learning more and more about islam. he told me he will declare his shahada... I can't wait for this day. ALLAH GIVES US PATIENCE, LOVE, PEACE. AND I WOULD LIKE ALSO TO CONGRATULATE ALL THE NEW CONVERTS. WHO LIKE MYSELF HAD DISCOVERED SO MANY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL TRUTHS, AMEEM AND ASSALAMUALAIKUM TO ALL AND TO ALL BROTHERS WHO HAD HELPED US IN A WAY ABOUT THIS WEBSITE. Name: Mona Country: Egypt E-mail: [email protected] Date: 28 Mar 2007 Comment: Gazakom alla 7.ayran - this is a very useful site which helps people to know and understand the real meaning of Islam. Many people wanna convert to Islam, but don't know how. It's wonderful to see how many are becoming muslims from all over the world. Hope to see more sites of this kind. We all should tell everyone we know about such site. Name: Adnan Krakk Country: Denmark E-mail: Private Date: 02 Apr 2007 Comment: Mashallah. I hope your work will pay off in the end. Name: Imraan van Deventer Country: Unknown E-mail: Private Date: 03 Apr 2007 Comment: As a converted Muslim I find your work excellent. Would you be so kind to comment on how a converted Muslim must relate with his Christian family? It is

obvious that Christians can not understand why I choose to except the Deen of Islam and they feel betrayed. To isolate you from them is not right especially if you were the head of the family. Name: Bumni Country: Australia E-mail: Private Date: 03 Apr 2007 Comment: This site is the best site i have been on for Muslim's Name: Mamona Talat Country: Pakistan E-mail: Unknown Date: 08 Apr 2007 Comment: I am Muslim and opened this website for information and found it very good specially for new comers to islam. its a good effort. Name: Rosman Country: Singapore E-mail: Private Date: 09 Apr 2007 Comment: alhamdullilah.finally ive went to the right site.never in my life i would bother reading knowledge about islam because my parents didnt educate me well in islam.i was lost and didnt care to learn as i had tried many times but it didnt work out due to bad companies i mix am born islam but ashame that i dont even know how to pray 5 times a day.after reading this site i feel like im near to god and that i will never go against him which is the one and only Allah ta' ala.will anyone help me for allah's sake?im desperate to refresh myself.thanks and assalamu'alaikum Name: ekram Country: Unknown E-mail: Private Date: 10 Apr 2007 Comment: Thanks God that we have such a site which leads people to the right path while there's a great war against islam and Muslims.It made people know Islam and search for it. This site shows that many people convert to islam every day and for ever in shaa Allah. MAY GOD PRESERVE YOU ALL AND HELP PEOPLE TO KNOW THE RIGHT PATH Name: parastu gomroki Country: Iran E-mail: Private Date: 11 Apr 2007 Comment: bravo!i am muslim.and i thank u for providing this site Name: SMIMRAN71 Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 17 Apr 2007 Comment: ASSALAM ALEKUM I LIKE YOUR WEB SITE Name: Allah is the Greatest! Country: Unknown E-mail: Unknown Date: 18 Apr 2007 Comment: I congratulate all of you have who have recently converted to Islam. May Allah Bless You (Ameen)! Name: narta Country: Algeria E-mail: Private Date: 19 Apr 2007 Comment: salamo alaikom thank u for this site . it halp me to be good muslim Name: floare_albastra5 Country: Romania

E-mail: [email protected] Date: 19 Apr 2007 Comment: I like your ideas, i respect your religion, congratulations for this site. I am christian, but i am sure you have good ideas and principals. Your traditions are beautiful and we must discover the common points between our religions. Name: Paula Country: Switzerland E-mail: Private Date: 21 Apr 2007 Comment: i will definately not leaving islam. i just convert a few days ago. while browsing the net, i found by chance this web. iam was overjoyed, being a new convert, it has help me a lot to learn more about islam. islam is a beautiful religion. i found peace, a sense to live after years of unhappiness, a cloudy and rocky life. thanks to you all. thank to ALLAH the almighty to guide me the true path and leading me to the right path. i am happy with my new life, iam also trying to spread islam in my hometown that is Basel in SWITZERLAND. MAY ALLAH GIDE US ALL TO HIS PATH Name: Converted2Islam Country: United Kingdom E-mail: Private Date: 21 Apr 2007 Comment: Praise Allah. You can find my conversion story here. Name: Hafez Country: Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Date: 22 Apr 2007 Comment: to Imraan van Deventer show them that islam have change you into a better person. then they will think: hey..since he became a muslim he gets better..maybe islam is not that bad" as simple as nicer to them Name: Annie Country: Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Date: 22 Apr 2007 Comment: I just find this web site. It's wonderful.... I am very proud a muslim. May Allah SWT guide us to the right path. Ameen. Name: anwar hashim Country: Pakistan E-mail: Private Date: 23 Apr 2007 Comment: I am very much impressed to read this article. Name: salihah Country: Philippines E-mail: Unknown Date: 28 Apr 2007 Comment: assalamualaykum warahmatullah, to all my brothers and sisters in islam, i was touched and fascinated when i read the stories of our revert brothers and sisters, islam will indeed prevail as promise by allah s.w.t. congratulations to my new muslim brothers and sisters for embracing islam, you made all the right choice, may allah guide you and make you steadfast in islam. similarly to all the brothers and sisters who were responsible for establishing this informative website, may allah reward you all for this noble task. Name: farid Country: Malaysia E-mail: Private Date: 28 Apr 2007 Comment: masya allah, amazing and full with good very excited to

read it... keep on da'wah!! Name: Shaik Ansar Basha Country: India E-mail: Private Date: 01 May 2007 Comment: Wonderful site. May Allah Almighty bless you and help in your mission. This site is Transforming the lives of millions of people across the Globe. Allah Hafiz Name: Arshad Country: Mauritius E-mail: Private Date: 05 May 2007 Comment: i do appreciate your website. thank you for all the hard work and effort you put in making this website/ May Allah the most beneficient, the most merciful reward you for your work and may ALLAH bless all the muslims as well as our newly convert brothers and sisters, AMEEM Name: Aisha Country: Canada E-mail: Private Date: 06 May 2007 Comment: i do appreciate your web. Thank you for all your effort and hard work to make this website very informative and very successfull, based on the number of converts we got everyday. Prophet Muhammad ,peace be upon Him said"The last day will not come until ISLAM has entered into every home on earth" salaam and peace to all brothers and sisters. Name: SALAMUTH Country: Mauritius E-mail: Private Date: 06 May 2007 Comment: Islam is the fastest growing religion and is gaining momemtum with an exponential equation across the wide globe. It is a recent religion but very pragmatic and not a word in the Holy Quran can be gainsaid and all is for permanence and without adulteration and pure and sublime. The phiosophy is great which has inspired scientists, noble men doctors of religions and they have eventually queued up to embrace islam. The only religion which promises salvation and guidance to humanity and promises light in darkness and is recommended to everyone. Act now or never and embrace it with all your heart and you will save not only you but your offsrings and generation to come and they would surface up great in mind without being alcoholic. It is a pity to witness other philosophies which emphasise on alcohol where parents and children are trapped into an inferno with no exit of escape. Islam is the right door to knock on to save you and your family. Modern times are more challenging than the past with innovations in adaptability. Drugs are causing woes and miseries and are wreaking havoc on our generation and the choice is islam to save the world. Have faith in my words and this very night just muse over the evinced words of wisdom. Many of my brother friends have been dragged into the jaws of drugs and they have left behind not a single trace of their existence. Young and old have departed earlier than expected and the scourge of drugs and alcohol can be exterminated with islam. Islam is the solution to this scourge. Hurry up and prounounce the shahada and you are saved. Long live islam long live the philosophy of my prophet S.A.W. SAVE THE WORLD WITH ISLAM. Name: Hannah Country: Australia E-mail: Private Date: 07 May 2007 Comment: i am a convert to islam. i am very very happy when i came across this web. i read and read to refresh my mind and strenghten my experience with more and more knowledge about our religion.. this website make us (MUSLIMS) VERY CLOSE TO

ISLAM AND OUR HOLY PROPHET(SAW) Name: breska Country: United States E-mail: [email protected] Date: 10 May 2007 Comment: i love it and its true and i am a musilm why cant we all be mulims and act the right why lfe is a test that allah sees hears eveyhthing lets all woke up and be better muslim inshalah Name: nizam ali Country: Trinidad and Tobago E-mail: Private Date: 17 May 2007 Comment: Assalaamu Alaikum.Congratulations on your website. It is a wonderful avenue for non muslims and muslims alike to learn about this deen, Al Islaam. May Allah Almighty continue to reward your good works. Name: susan Country: Australia E-mail: Private Date: 19 May 2007 Comment: yes ISLAM is the fastest religion in the world and no-one can stop it.Every day people around the world are converting to islam . . Islam is the future , islam will by pass other religions for the title of the world,'s largest religion very shortly, I myself convert to islam . ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE. i read the quran and was fascinated with it. The quran has NO technical errors as claim by some evil people..ISLAM OFFERS ME SOMETHING I CANNOT FIND IN ANY OTHER FAITH. It teaches me hygience,it teaches me excellent manners it teaches me science it teaches me to do good and forbid evil, it teaches how to treat women. As there are lot of propaganda and lies against islam.My message to those ignorant people , learn quran then you makr your comments.. i pray AllahThe Almighty everyday to seek guidance and to make me feel a better muslim and a better person. ISLAM IS REALLY A BEAUTIFUL RELIGION AND THE RELIGION OF TRUTH. And to all convert i juuuust want to tell you you have chosen the best religion. May ALLAH give us guidance to righteous paths always.. ameen, and to those who had make a great effort to provide this web, i will never forget all of you in my prayers.May Allah bless you, reward you. This links is very useful to our great religon, Name: kumar Country: Fiji Islands E-mail: Private Date: 22 May 2007 Comment: excellent site, I myself a convert to islam.I found this site very informative, well prepared and well documented, To all of you who had made this web very fruitful a big thanks to you. Name: Hassen Country: Kenya E-mail: Private Date: 25 May 2007 Comment: it gives me real pleasure to read this web. this has really strengthen my faith and understand islam clearly. to all of you who has in a way help to build this web,i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. CONTINUE THE GOOD WORK AND PROMOTE ISLAM. Allah (swa) will reward you and seeing the number of converts , surely but slowly islam will win the race. ameem. salaam to all my new brothers in islam. you will all be remembered in my solat everyday. you have chosen the right path and the true religion. Name: Richard Country: Canada E-mail: Private Date: 01 Jun 2007 Comment: Today the fastest growing religion in the world is ISLAM spreading


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