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  • Words: 2,877
  • Pages: 30
ProSimulator CS3000 Operator Station User Guide

Version 2.0 Feb 2016

Sim Infosystems Private Limited, Chennai.

Document Change Log









First Issue














Training Mode window is added






ProSimulator Table of Contents 1 Introduction to Operator Station ................................................................................... 1 2 Name Input Window ........................................................................................................ 2 3 Training Mode ................................................................................................................. 3 4 Overview Window ........................................................................................................... 7 5 Control Window .............................................................................................................. 7 5.1 Changing the Set Value ........................................................................................... 9 5.2 Changing The Mode Of Controller ......................................................................... 11 5.3 Changing The MV Of The Controller...................................................................... 11 5.4 Changing MV High And Low Limits........................................................................ 11 5.5 Sixteen Faceplate Window ..................................................................................... 13 6 Tuning Window ............................................................................................................. 14 7 Graphics Window .......................................................................................................... 15 7.1 Invoking Other Pages ............................................................................................. 16 8 Trend Window ............................................................................................................... 17 9 Event Log ....................................................................................................................... 18 10 Invoking Faceplate And Trend Point ...................................................................... 19 10.1 Pen Assignment ..................................................................................................... 19 10.2 Horizontal Time Scrolling ....................................................................................... 20 10.3 Vertical Values Scrolling ........................................................................................ 21 11 Process Alarm Window ............................................................................................ 22 11.1 Alarms Acknowledgement ...................................................................................... 22 11.2 Priority alarms ........................................................................................................ 22 11.3 Current value .......................................................................................................... 23 11.4 Delay ...................................................................................................................... 23 11.5 Filtered alarms........................................................................................................ 23 11.6 To invoke Faceplate ............................................................................................... 24 11.7 List of Five Recent Alarms ..................................................................................... 24 12 Tool Button................................................................................................................ 25 13 Key Board .................................................................................................................. 27

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Introduction to Operator Station

The Operator Station is the heart of any simulation system. It is the window through which an operator or an engineer monitors, controls and manages the process plant. ProSimulator provides emulation for several standard DCS interfaces including Yokogawa’s Centum XL, CS 3000, Honeywell’s TDC 3000 and Foxboro I/A system. All functions and features that are essential for training are included in this station. With ProSimulator, operators learn dynamic process interactions with the same in depth understanding of the process, as with fully functioning operator training stations. ProSimulator contains many standard features of real DCS console. Using either PC keyboard or simulated keyboard (on the screen keyboard) or ProSimulator emulated keyboard and touch screen/mouse the trainee can operate the simulated plant. The emulated Centum CS1000/CS3000 operator station software helps the trainee to monitor, tune and operate the simulated plant. The important Centum CS1000/CS3000 Windows that are provided are:  Training Mode  Overview Window  Control Group Window  Tuning Window  Graphic Window  Trend Group Window  Trend Point Window


Process Alarm Summary Window

In this section we shall discuss the procedures to invoke the various Windows, how to effectively utilize them in monitoring the simulated plant. As soon as the instructor station & the operator station are invoked, the operator station appears as below

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Name Input Window

From all the available Windows in the operator station it is possible to move to any page or any particular desired tag. This can be done, by keying in the tag name or page name of the Window in the input window name. This input window name can be invoked by clicking the name icon present in the toolbox. The page names for various Windows are as follows: GR01 CG01 TR01

– Graphics Window – Group Window – Trend Window

Here 01 represents the page numbers for the corresponding Windows. Windows the tag name shall be followed by TUN (eg) DLC11 TUN

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Training Mode The training mode window displays two mode of training namely.

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 

Normal Training Mode Group Training Mode

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ProSimulator 1. Normal Training Mode In the normal mode the operator is connected to the instructor automatically through the socket connection. 2. Group Training Mode In the group training mode the operator need to provide the input as to which instructor it should connect and the IP address of the specific Instructor station PC. Example: Instructor: INS 1 or INS 2 or INS 3 IP: IP address of the instructor PC, either you can enter in the edit box or you can select it from the list

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Overview Window

From the over view Window navigation to various Windows like trend Window, group Window, graphics Window and tuning Window is possible. The overview Window has to be invoked from the popup box present in the windows switching icon. The overview Window appears as follows.

Navigation to various objects in the overview Window can be done by using arrow keys. Once the required object is selected, double clicking or pressing “Enter” Key will invoke the corresponding Window


Control Window

The windows switching menu helps to move on to the various Windows listed in the popup box as shown on the next page. In this, currently the control Window is selected. The Control Group Window is an important display for an operator because most of the process control manipulations are performed here. The Control Group Window includes maximum eight tags. The tags may be any combination of Indicators, Controllers, Digital Switches and Manual Loading Stations like Globe Valves. For each tags, current values of PV, SV and MV and operation modes like AUTO, MANUAL and CASCADE are displayed. From this display, the operator can change the control mode, controller SV and MV and switch positions.

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To navigate to various pages of the control Window, page down and page up keys are used. To move between the tags left and right arrows keys are used.

In this page, the faceplate having the green filled arrow is selected and is ready for the possible changes. CS3000 User Manual

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Changing the Set Value

The Set Value for a controller can be changed if the controller is in Auto mode. This can be done in two ways namely 1) By clicking on SV, a data entry dialog box is displayed and the Set Value can be changed.


By clicking on the Set Value pointer (Red Arrow) on the faceplate, a data box appears and the value can be increased or decreased by pressing the corresponding red arrows buttons.

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Changing The Mode Of Controller

To change the mode of operation of the controllers, we have to click on the modes namely AUT, CAS, MAN mentioned in the selected faceplate. Then the required mode can be selected. A confirmation in the same window by pressing Yes or a cancellation by pressing No can be given.


Changing The MV Of The Controller

The output also known as Manipulated Value (MV) of a controller can be changed if the controller is in Manual mode. This can be done in a similar fashion how a SV was changed.


Changing MV High And Low Limits

To change the controller output high and low limits (OPHI & OPLO), the blue index on the left hand side of the controller bar is double clicked. A data entry box appears and the required low limit or high limit is entered.

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On clicking the Data Entry dialog box call button (Red color Diamond Button at the bottom of a controller bar), the Data Entry dialog box appears. On click of Item button, parameters like P, D, SV, MV, PH, PL, OPLO and OPHI can be changed. The faceplate window can be invoked by double clicking on the Comment display area or Status display area. All the possible operations in the group Window can also be performed in the faceplate window.

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Sixteen Faceplate Window

Primarily ,the sixteen faceplate need to be configured as follows

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Tuning Window

The tuning Window can be invoked by clicking on tuning in the popup box of the windows switching menu icon. In this Window, the various parameters like mode of operation, set point, MV, alarm limits and PID values of controllers are configurable. Here, various tags can be invoked one at a time by using page down and page up keys. In this Window, only those parameters which are associated with “=” are configurable. The tuning Window appears as follows:

Configuring A Parameter To configure a particular parameter, it has to be selected either in anyone of the two ways mentioned below. 1. By using arrow keys and make the green arrow pointing the parameter, then pressing enter. 2. By double clicking on the parameter, which has to be changed. The required value of the parameter has to be entered in the invoked dialog box

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Graphics Window

The graphics Window can be invoked by clicking on the graphics in the popup box of the windows switching menu. In the graphics Window, the pictorial representation of the process is shown with some possible internal representations. Using page up and page down keys we can navigate the various pages of the graphics Window. The faceplate of the tags can be invoked by double clicking on the corresponding tag name. All the possible functionalities in the faceplate can also be invoked from here. The graphic Window appears as follows:

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When any malfunction occurs in the plant like pump trips, change in valve position, failure of fans, change in switch position from the design condition etc, then those things appears in red color to attract the operator’s attention.


Invoking Other Pages

Other Windows can also be invoked from the graphics Window by double clicking on the eight configurable soft keys present at the bottom of the graphics Window.

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Trend Window

The Trend Group Window is used to select and display past values and trends of various process variables and instrument parameters. Each Trend Group Window contains 8 pens. It has to be invoked by clicking on the trend form the popup box in the windows switching menu. The trend Window appears as follows:

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Event Log

It displays the complete log of the work done by the operator in the separate list which can be used for the further verification

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Invoking Faceplate And Trend Point

Upon clicking on the process value box for a particular tag the faceplate of that tag gets invoked. All the functionalities available in the faceplate can be invoked from the trend Window also. Upon clicking on the tag name the trend point of that tag gets invoked as follows:


Pen Assignment

Online configuration of the eight pens in the trend Window can be done by invoking the pen assignment screen by clicking the pen assignment icon in the toolbox of the trend Window. Here either the value of PV, SV and MV for a particular tag can be selected and its display can be made either switch ON or OFF. The scale high and scale low values of the tags can also altered here.

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Selection of various pens in a trend Window can be done by using the arrow keys. When a particular tag is selected its scale limits are displayed on the right side of the trend portion.


Horizontal Time Scrolling

The default time limits for the view of process parameters is six minutes. The process values of the parameters, within a short or prolonged period of time can be viewed by clicking on the time reduce or time enlarge icons present in the trend Window tool box.

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ProSimulator 10.3

Vertical Values Scrolling

To view the trend in a magnified manner giving importance to small disturbances data reduced or data enlarged icons present in the trend Window tool box can be clicked and viewed. The values of the process parameters at a particular instant of time can be viewed by scrolling the time cursor to that position.

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Process Alarm Window

In the process alarm Window, the alarms like Deviation Alarms, MV Alarms and Process Alarms triggered are displayed. A maximum of 200 alarms can be viewed in the Window. The alarms appear in chronological order with associated details like date, time, tag no, tag description and nature of alarm. The MV alarms and the deviation alarms are shown in yellow color and the process alarms appear in red color. Once the tags return to the normal values, the alarm changes to green color.

The process alarm Window can be invoked in two ways namely: 1) By clicking on the process alarm icon present in the tool bar. 2) By selecting the process alarm in the popup box from the windows switching icon

The process alarm Window appears as follows:


Alarms Acknowledgement

The triggered alarms can be acknowledged by clicking the acknowledge button. Once the alarms are acknowledged, the blinking of the alarm stops. The normalized alarms will be deleted.


Priority alarms

The important alarms alone can be displayed by clicking on the priority icon. All alarms are displayed when button is released.

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Current value

By clicking the current value button , the present process variable of the analog data is displayed with the engineering unit symbol. When the button is released , these displays disappear.



The alarm message display is retained for 5 seconds without being updated. Click button again to restart display update.


Filtered alarms

On click of the filter button, alarms of particular equipment or individual tags can be viewed by filtering them from the rest of the triggered alarms. The range and type of selection in the filter window will be displayed in the status bar.

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To invoke Faceplate

On double click of the alarm-triggered tag, the faceplate of the tag can be invoked. A blue arrow points the tag whose faceplate has been recently invoked.


List of Five Recent Alarms

The five recent alarms can be viewed by clicking on the box in the system message window. The faceplate can also be invoked by selecting a tag in the recent alarm box.

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Tool Button

On click of Tool Button displayed in front of the system message window, tool box gets invoked. The toolbox is a window that contains the buttons for calling up various types of windows.

Specifies whether to display or hide the Toolbox. When the pin is active the Toolbox is always visible. The Toolbox does not close without closing operation. When the pin is not active, The Toolbox closes after a single button operation.

Calls up the System Status Overview window.

Calls up the Help dialog for the active operation and monitoring window.

Calls up the Process Alarm window.

Calls up the Operation Guide window. CS3000 User Manual

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Calls up the graphic window with Control attributes.

Calls up the Tuning window.

Calls up the Trend window.

Calls up the graphic window with Graphic attributes.

Calls up the Process report window.

Calls up the Historical message window.

Calls up the hierarchy window of the active window in ascending order and in the order specified in the hierarchy definition.

Calls up the upper windows of the active window.

Calls up the hierarchy window of the active window in descending order and in the order specified in the window hierarchy definition.

Calls up the graphic window that has the Process Overview attribute.

Saves the currently displayed operation and monitoring window group as a dynamic window set.An “M” follows the name of the operation and monitoring windows saves as a window set if it is a primary window and “S” follows if it is an auxillary window.

Deletes the currently set dynamic window set.

Calls up the Image window.

Switches the active window in sequence, when the multiple operation and monitoring windows are displayed.

Calls up the active operation and monitoring window in Large size window. CS3000 User Manual

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Calls up the active operation and monitoring window in a Medium size window.


Key Board

Virtual Key board gets invoked on pressing F11 in PC keyboard. Virtual key board is used to do invoke window and to change values.

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