Hong Lim Park Turns Pink

  • May 2020
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Hong Lim Park turns pink Singapore

M ay 1 6 , 2 0 0 9 Saturday Updat ed 5.24 pm


Temasek sells BoA stake

Fiery start to Arts Festival


Temasek should clear the air

View Points

Private home sales str

Hom e > Bre ak ing Ne ws > Singapore > Story M ay 1 6 , 2 0 0 9

Hong Lim Park turns pink By Nur Dianah Suhaimi

Hong Lim Park turns pink 4 :2 8 email

S'pore lifts quarantine 1 2 :1 4


Amicable end likely


Silver Linings 6 :0 0

smaller discuss

6 :0 0 A M


Paedophile get s jail, caning 6 :0 0 A plat eful for Govt

THE greens at Hong Lim Park were awashed in pink on Saturday when nearly 500 people turned up to participate in Singapore's first ever outdoor gay protest. Pink Dot Sg, a gay interest group, organised the event.


6 :0 0 A M

Enrolment boom at SJI Int 'l

6 :0 0 A M

From SIA Girl t o SIA Cup 6 :0 0 Tho se who turne d up wore diffe re nt shade s o f pink , a co lour synonym ous with ga y pe o ple . --P HO TO : INTER NET



Temasek sells BoA st ake 6 :0 0 New line-up for 10 GPCs 6 :0 0 Counsellor has wit h cancer



6 :0 0 A M

Matilda Chua fined $ 20k 6 :0 0 Da Vinci - decoded 6 :0 0



No whale sharks at IR 6 :0 0


Private home sales st rong 6 :0 0


The group was lobbying for a 'more inclusive Singapore' as well as the freedom to love, regardless of sexual orientation. Those who turned up wore different shades of pink, a colour synonymous with gay people. Many held pink balloons and umbrellas and lounged around on pink picnic mats. At 5pm sharp, the group gathered to form a huge pink dot in the park. The gay protest was first initiated by Singaporean Mr Roy Tan, 50, who works in the health-care industry. The event was initially scheduled to take place in November last year. But the date was later postponed due to overwhelming response from the gay community, according to Mr Tan. Previous attempts at organising outdoor gay demonstrations had been disallowed by the authorities. Section 377A of the Penal Code criminalises gay sex. Last year, more than 2,000 people signed a petition to repeal Section 377A. The petition was submitted to Parliament and debated rigorously but the law eventually stayed in the statutes.

sto rie s com m e nte d e m aile d

stories 1 M'sia confirms 1st case 2 Phone stolen from pocket 3 Strong private home sales 4 Deaths a 'tragic accident' 5 Paedophile abused 3 girls 6 Woman confronted molester 7 Flirt yes, propose no 8 Sex predator preys on boys 9 Temasek sells BoA stake 10 Break-in at Toh Guan

commented 1

We want our child to grow up non-discriminat ive


Don't mix religion and polit ics


Get ting t o know A ware's new exco


3 NMP hopef uls draw f lak


STTA and it s president owe no apology

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Escape t o Johor


Diverse NMP hopef uls


Inst illing values a complex task


A ware has never had a 'gay agenda'

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10 Why schools must have sex educat ion

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emailed 1 Mas Selamat captured



Hong Lim Park turns pink Singapore

M ay 1 6 , 2 0 0 9 Saturday Updat ed 5.24 pm

me' before H1N1 surfaces here

Tales of a flu warrior

Da Vinci - decoded

No whale sharks at Sentosa IR

Bullet in head removed after 42 yea

Hom e > Bre ak ing Ne ws > Singapore > Story M ay 1 6 , 2 0 0 9

Hong Lim Park turns pink By Nur Dianah Suhaimi

Hong Lim Park turns pink 5 :0 0 email

S'pore lifts quarantine 1 2 :1 4


Amicable end likely

THE greens at Hong Lim Park were awashed in pink on Saturday when nearly 500 people turned up to participate in Singapore's first ever outdoor gay protest.


Silver Linings 6 :0 0

Pink Dot Sg, a gay interest group, organised the event.


The group was lobbying for a 'more inclusive Singapore' as well as the freedom to love, regardless of sexual orientation. Those who turned up wore different shades of pink, a colour synonymous with gay people. Many held pink balloons and umbrellas and lounged around on pink picnic mats. At 5pm sharp, the group gathered to form a huge pink dot in the park. The gay protest was first initiated by Singaporean Mr Roy Tan, 50, who works in the health-care industry. The event was initially scheduled to take place in November last year. But the date was later postponed due to overwhelming response from the gay community, according to Mr Tan.




6 :0 0 A M


Paedophile get s jail, caning 6 :0 0 A plat eful for Govt


6 :0 0 A M

Enrolment boom at SJI Int 'l

6 :0 0 A M

From SIA Girl t o SIA Cup 6 :0 0 Temasek sells BoA st ake 6 :0 0 New line-up for 10 GPCs 6 :0 0 Counsellor has wit h cancer



6 :0 0 A M

Matilda Chua fined $ 20k 6 :0 0 Da Vinci - decoded 6 :0 0



No whale sharks at IR 6 :0 0


Private home sales st rong 6 :0 0


Ads by Google Meet Singapore Singles Meet Local Singapore Singles Today. Don't Miss Your C hance. Join Free! www.SingaporeLoveLinks.com Used C ars from Singapore Great news for importers + dealers! Wide range of Singapore stocks. www.tradecarview.com Alain A Johns Partnership Multi Disciplinary Law Practice Singapore Law. C all 6324 0002 www.aajpLaw.com/Singapore+Law

sto rie s com m e nte d e m aile d

they removed the portion that they put in place a few minutes ago!!!

OMG!!! what were they doing?????? 1 M'sia confirms 1st case


2 Phone stolen from pocket 3 Strong private home sales 4 Deaths a 'tragic accident' 5 Paedophile abused 3 girls 6 Woman confronted molester 7 Flirt yes, propose no

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8 Sex predator preys on boys 9 Temasek sells BoA stake 10 Break-in at Toh Guan

commented 1

We want our child to grow up non-discriminat ive


Don't mix religion and polit ics


Get ting t o know A ware's new exco


3 NMP hopef uls draw f lak


STTA and it s president owe no apology


Escape t o Johor


Diverse NMP hopef uls


A ware has never had a 'gay agenda'


Inst illing values a complex task

10 Why schools must have sex educat ion




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